May 7, 2015 Dear Ambassador, Re: 621 Civil Society Organizations Call on Member States to name the human right to water and sanitation in the political Declaration of the Post-2015 Development Agenda United Nations Member States have explicitly recognized water and sanitation as a human right.1 Yet the human right to water and sanitation remains unmet for hundreds of millions of people. According to a UNICEF and WHO study, at least 1.8 billion people drink fecally contaminated water. In addition, 2.5 billion remain without access to basic sanitation.2 Member States have committed to deliver a Post-2015 Development Agenda that is truly transformative, people-centered, and focused on the most marginalized. To make good on those commitments, safeguarding the human right to water and sanitation is essential. This crosscutting issue will affect the realization of a wide range of Sustainable Development Goals, from education to poverty eradication to empowerment of women and girls. We commend Member States for naming the human right to water in the Chapeau of the outcome document of the Open Working Group. Now, the human right to water and sanitation must be included in the Declaration of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. We renew the earlier call of nearly 300 organizations of the global water justice movement to ensure that the human right to water and sanitation be made explicit and realized in the SDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda. We request that you draw from the relevant agreed language: UNGA Resolution 64/292 The human right to water and sanitation “Recognizes the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights.” UNGA Resolution 66/288 The Future we Want3 “We reaffirm our commitments regarding the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, to be progressively realized for our populations with full respect for national sovereignty.”4 Placing the human right to water and sanitation in the Declaration gives it needed political recognition and prominence. It ensures that this human right will not be ignored or undermined in the critical Post-2015 Development Agenda. Your Excellency, on the Seventieth Anniversary of the United Nations Charter and the Fifth Anniversary of Resolution 64/292, we look to your delegation to take the lead at this historic 1 UNGA Resolution 64/292 The human right to water and sanitation, 28 July 2010 2 WHO/UNICEF (2014) Progress on drinking-water and sanitation – 2014 update. Geneva, World Health Organization 3 UNGA Resolution 66/288 The Future we Want, 27 July 2012 4 Paragraph 121 moment to name the human right to water and sanitation in the Declaration. The life and health of our planet demand nothing less. Sincerely, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Ação Franciscana de Ecologia e Solidariedade (AFES) Brazil de Saltillo (AUAS) Active Unemployed Austria Advocacy for Justice and Peace Committee of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia Adorers of the Blood of Christ Adrian Dominican Sisters AFIN African Faith and Justice Network Agere AGEREAGIR, Movimento de Defesa do Interesse Público na AGERE AGIR Água é de todos Asociación de Usuarios del Agua A.A.D.L ABES Bahia ABES-RS Alianza por el Buen Vivir, la Paz y la Sustentabilidad Alice Salomon University Alliance of Government Workers in the Water Sector Allianz der öffentlichen Wasserwirtschaft e.V. Alternare, A.C. AMAR Environment Defense Association Ambiente y Sociedad Ambiete & Salute American Baptist Home Mission Societies American Province of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame Amistrada Onlus Anglesey Centre of Mission Justice & Peace Group Anomena Ventures Anti-Poverty Forum Malta (APF Malta) Anésio CARDOSO APROMAC Environment Protection Association ARA Armenian Relief Society Articulação Baixo S. Fco Articulação da Bacia do Rio Santo Antônio Asociacion Catalana para el Agua y el Ambiente (ASCA) Asociación Ambientalista Mayu Sumaj Asociación de Mujeres de Negocios y Empresarias de la Provincia de Valencia (AMUNEP) 39. Asociación de Vecinos Puerta Graná 40. Asociación Nueva Vida Pro-- Niñez y Juventud 41. Asociación Regional Centroamericana para el Agua y el Ambiente Brazil Austria United States of America Bolivia United States of America Colombia Ireland Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Mexico Portugal Brazil Brazil El Salvador Germany Philippines Germany Mexico Brazil Colombia Italy United States of America United States of America Italy Wales Ghana Malta Portugal Brazil Costa Rica United States of America Brazil Brazil Spain Argentina Spain Spain El Salvador Costa Rica (ARCA) 42. Asociación SA Consultores & Servicios 43. Asociatia Nationala a Specialistilor in Resurse Umane (AUR) 44. Association pour la Taxation des Transactions Financieres pour l'Aide aux Citoyens (d'ATTAC Liege) 45. Association pour le Développement Global des Batwa au Rwanda (ADBR) ASBL 46. Associaçao Comunitaria Agua Limpa (ACAL) 47. Associação Comunitaria da Irmandade do Divino Espírito Santo 48. Associação de Ação Social e Preservação das Águas, Fauna e Flora da Chapada Norte (ASPAFF Chapada Norte) 49. Associação de Conservação Ambiental Orgânica (Acaó) 50. Associação do Patrimônio Histórico, Artístico e Ambiental de Belo Vale (APHAA-BV) 51. Associação Para Recuperação e Conservação Ambiental (ARCAAMASERRA) 52. Associação Regional das Organizações Socais do Semi-Árido Baiano (UMBUZEIRO) 53. Atelier Photo, de Linkebeek 54. Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera 55. Ayu-Sana 56. BaliFokus Foundation 57. Barefoot Academy of Governance 58. Barranquilla+20 59. Bart Staes, MEP Greens 60. Base Investigaciones Sociales 61. Bayview Maintenance, Inc. 62. Beacon Valley Water Justice 63. Berlin Projekt 64. Berlin Water Table 65. Beyond Beijing Committee 66. Bio Lógica Urbana 67. Blue Planet Project 68. BPW Yaounde 69. Brazilian Confederation of Private Nature Reserves 70. BuiArd 71. Central Autónoma de Trabajadores del Perú 72. Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research 73. Centre for Natural Resource Governance 74. Centro de Agricultura Alternativa do Norte de Minas 75. Centro de Mujeres, Ayamaras Candelaria 76. Centro de Promoción y Educación Profesional Vasco de Quiroga 77. Centro Franciscano de Defesa dos Direitos 78. CGT-- Citédia 79. Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America 80. Chile Sustentable 81. Chirapaq, Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú 82. Church World Service 83. CIP Americas Program 84. CIPSI 85. Clean Water for North Carolina Argentina Romania Belgium Rwanda Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Belgium United States of America Germany Indonesia India Colombia Belgium Paraguay United States of America South Africa Germany Germany Nepal Mexico International Cameroun Brazil Germany Peru Nigeria Zimbabwe Brazil Bolivia Mexico Brazil France United States of America Chile Peru International Regional (Americas) Italy United States of America 86. CMP Flora Tristan 87. CNCD-11.11.11 88. Coalición de Organizaciones Mexicanas por el Derecho al Agua 89. Coalition Eau 90. CODIMUJ 91. Colectivo Educación para la Paz y los Derechos Humanos A.C. 92. Colectivo Sumaj Kawsay 93. Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach 94. Columban Missionaries 95. Comboni Missionary Sisters 96. Comcausa 97. Comisión Nacional en Defensa del Agua y la Vida 98. Comisión de Cuenca de los ríos Amecameca y la Compañía 99. Comisión de la Costa de Oro y Pando 100. Comisión de Vida, Justicia y Paz de la Familia Franciscana de Colombia 101. Comisión Justicia y Paz, Conferencia Dominicana de Religiosos/as 102. Comissão da Água 103. Comité para la Defensa del Agua y el Páramo Santurbán 104. Comité Salvemos Temacapulín Acasico y Palamarejo 105. Communauté Religieuse 106. Community Leadership Team, Sisters of Mercy South Central Community 107. Confederación Europea de Municipios y Regiones 108. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) 109. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)-- Catalonia Peru Belgium Mexico France Mexico Mexico Argentina United States of America Ireland Italy Mexico Uruguay Mexico Uruguay Colombia Dominican Republic Brazil Colombia Mexico Canada United States of America Spain Spain Spain 110. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)-- Federación Agroalimentaria Spain 111. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)—FSC 112. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)—Illes Balears Spain 113. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)-- Industria 114. Confederación Sindical de COmisiones Obreras (CCOO)-- Industria 115. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)-- Industria Euskadi 116. Confederação Portuguesa das Colectividades de Cultura, Recreio e Desporto 117. Conference of Major Superiors of Men 118. Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT) 119. Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT) du CHNO des 15-20 120. Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT) Santé Sociaux 121. Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT) Santé Sociaux 17 122. Congegation Servents of the Holy Spirit 123. Congregación de las Hermanas de la Misericordia 124. Congregación Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor 125. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Spain Spain Spain Spain Portugal United States of America France France France France Austria Peru Regional (Americas) International 126. Congregation of Our Lady of Sion 127. Congregation of our Lady of Sion 128. Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes 129. Congregation of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ 130. Congregation of the Holy Spirit 131. Congregation of the Mission 132. Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy 133. Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland 134. Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace 135. Congregação de Nossa Senhora da Caridade do Bom Pastor 136. Congregação Nossa Senhora da Caridade do Bom Pastor 137. Congreso Ambiental de Santander (CASA AGUAYA) 138. Congrégation Notre Dame de charité du Bon Pasteur 139. Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias (CLAI) 140. Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA) 141. ControlaTuGobierno, A.C. 142. Cooperativa Nordestina de Saude Popular 143. Coordinadora de la Mujer 144. Corporación Aldeas 21 145. Corporación Ecológica y Cultural Penca de Sabila 146. Corporación Observatorio Socioambiental de la Provincia de los Nevados 147. Corporate Responsibility Office, Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order 148. Council of Canadians 149. CRDC 150. Curia Generalizia Agostiniana-- Augustinians International 151. Daughters of Charity 152. Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI) 153. Debt Watch Indonesia 154. DH Rayoactivo 155. Divine Word Missionaries Canada United States of America United States of America Italy Italy Italy Ireland Canada United States of America Angola Portugal Colombia and Latin America France Colombia Regional (Americas) Mexico Brazil Bolivia Colombia Colombia Colombia 156. Dominican Leadership Conference United States of America Canada Kenya International International Ireland Indonesia Mexico Australia United States of America and Italy 157. Don Bosco Network 158. Don Bosco Youth-Net 159. Dream India Network 160. Dublin Real 161. Earth Law Alliance 162. East Timor and Indonesia Action Network 163. Ecohermanas 164. Ecologistas en Acción Ribagorza 165. EcoV 166. EDiPA San Isidro 167. Edmund Rice International 168. El Puente SC 169. End Water Poverty Regional (Europe) Belgium India Ireland United Kingdom United States of America United States of America Spain Romania Argentina Ireland Mexico International 170. Environmental Justice Committee for the West Virginia Mountain Party United States of America 171. Escola Familia Agrícola de Veredinha Brazil 172. European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) Belgium 173. European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) Belgium 174. European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) Europe 175. European Transport Workers Federation Belgium 176. FABV Brazil 177. Federación española de Ingeniería sin Fronteras Spain 178. Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de Obras Sanitarias (FENATRAOS) Chile 179. Federal University of Bahia Brazil 180. Feminist Task Force International 181. FIAN Austria Austria 182. FIAN Germany Germany 183. FIAN International Germany 184. FIAN México Mexico 185. FIAN Nepal Nepal 186. FIAN Norway Norway 187. FIAN Switzerland for the Right to Adequate Food Switzerland 188. FIAN UK United Kingdom 189. Fisheries Justice Coalition/ KIARA Indonesia 190. Fivas - The Assocation for International Waterstudies Norway 191. FOCO-INPADE Argentina 192. Focsiv Italy 193. Focus on the Global South Regional (Asia) 194. Food & Water Europe Regional (Europe) 195. Food & Water Watch United States of America 196. Forum dos atingidos pela indústria do petróleo e petroquímica nas cercanias da Baía de Guanabara (FAPP-BG) Brazil 197. Forum for Child Rights India 198. Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace (FORUM) India 199. Foundation For Environmental Rights, Advocacy & Development (FENRAD) Nigeria 200. Franciscan Action Network United States of America 201. Franciscans International International 202. Franciscans International Bolivia Bolivia 203. Franciscans International Uruguay Uruguay 204. Franciscans for Justice United States of America 205. Freie Universität Berlin Germany 206. Freshwater Action Network Central America (FANCA) Costa Rica 207. Freshwater Action Network Mexico Mexico 208. Fundación Cantaro Azul Mexico 209. Fundación Chile Sustentable Chile 210. Fundación Franciscana Santo Tomas Moro Colombia 211. Fundación Levantate Mujer Bolivia 212. Fundación para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer-FEIM Argentina 213. Fundación para la Integracion y el Desarrollo de Comunidades, Salta (FID) Argentina 214. Fundación Solon Bolivia 215. Fundacón Franciscana Santo Tomas Moro 216. Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (GAMCOTRAP) 217. Gender Education, Research and Technologies (GERT) 218. German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) 219. Gestos HIV, Communication and Gender 220. Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP Nepal) 221. Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)/Action2015-- Senegal 222. Global Interfaith WASH Alliance 223. Global Water Institute 224. GMB 225. Good Shepherd Sisters-- Ireland 226. Good Shepherd Sisters-- Malta 227. Good Shepherd Sisters-- Myanmar 228. Good Shepherd Sisters-- Singapore-Malaysia 229. Good Shepherd Sisters-- United Kingdom 230. Gorom-Rennes-Gorom 231. Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS) 232. Gray Panthers 233. Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America 234. Grupo Ambientalista da Bahia 235. Grupo de Estudios Ambientales GEA AC 236. GRÜNE LIGA e.V. 237. Guanabraher Against Water Meters 238. Guerreros/as del Agua 239. Habi Center for Environmental Rights 240. Hawaii Institute for Human Rights 241. Health Poverty Action 242. Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation 243. Hermanas Franciscanas Elisabetinas 244. Hollaback! Bahamas 245. Holy Name Province 246. Horizon d'Echange et de Lutte contre la Pauvreté (H.E.L.P) 247. Huis van Dialoog 248. HuMa / Community and Ecological Based Society for Law Reform 249. Humanitaire Plus 250. IBON International 251. IFS 252. Indian Social Action Forum 253. Indigenous Peoples Links (PIPLinks) 254. Indigenous Peoples Task Force 255. Indigenous Rights Center 256. Indonesia for Global Justice 257. Indonesia Human Rights Committee for Social Justice 258. InnerChange 259. Insitute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) 260. Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya 261. Institut Perempuan 262. Institute for African studies 263. Institute for Policy Studies - Global Economy Project Colombia Gambia Bulgaria Germany Brazil Nepal and South Asia Senegal United Kingdom Belgium United Kingdom Ireland Malta Myanmar Singapore and Malaysia United Kingdom France India United States of America International Brazil Mexico Germany Ireland Bolivia Egypt United States of America United Kingdom Switzerland Panama The Bahamas United States of America Senegal Belgium Indonesia Togo International United States of America India United Kingdom United States of America United States of America Indonesia Indonesia Guatemala United States of America Spain Indonesia Slovenia United States of America 264. Institute of Our Lady of Mercy 265. Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea United Kingdom 266. Instituto AQUA XXI 267. Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo Comunitario, A.C. (IMDEC) 268. Integrated Regional Support Programme 269. Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center 270. International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW) 271. International Federation of Women in Legal Careers 272. International Federation of Women Lawyers 273. International Indian Treaty Council 274. International Presentation Association 275. International Public Policy Institute 276. International-Curricula Educators Association 277. International-Curricula Educators Association 278. International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) 279. International Presentation Association Network India 280. Irish Missionary Union and the Conference of Religious of Ireland 281. Irrigation Training and Economic Empowerment Organization (IRTECO) 282. Isla Urbana 283. Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice 284. Italian Committee for Word Water Contract (CICMA) 285. Jamaa Resource Initiatives 286. JATAM (Anti Mining Network) 287. Jeres sonsonate 288. Jesuitas Tirua 289. Jews for freedom 290. Jovenes y Desarollo 291. Junge Europäische Bewegung Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. 292. Jusitce, Ecology & Development Office, Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, WA 293. Justice and Peace Committee, Chicago Province, Society of the Divine Word 294. Justice Team of the Congregation of St. Joseph 295. Justice, Peace and Inegrity of Creation, (JPIC)-- Northern Argentina 296. Justice, Peace and Ingertiy of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- Argentina 297. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) CSSp-- Ghana 298. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) CSSp-- Ghana 299. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) MSHR-- Ghana 300. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) OFM-- El Salvador 301. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- Chile 302. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- Ecuador 303. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- Ghana 304. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- India 305. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- India 306. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- Misiones, Argentina 307. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- Spain Brazil Mexico Pakistan United States of America Australia and Papua New Guinea International International International International International International Regional (Africa) International Indonesia and International India Ireland Tanzania Mexico International Italy Kenya Indonesia El Salvador Chile Germany International Germany Australia United States of America United States of America Argentina Argentina Ghana Ghana Ghana El Salvador Chile Ecuador Ghana India India Argentina Spain 308. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- Spain and Portugal 309. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SSpS-- United States 310. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD, VIVAT International 311. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Asia 312. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Austria 313. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Central Brazil 314. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Central Brazil 315. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Chile 316. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Ghana 317. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Nicaragua 318. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Paraguay 319. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Ruteng, Indonesia 320. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Southern Argentina 321. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) SVD-- Spain 322. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC), Little Sisters of the Assumption 323. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Nature (JPIC) VIVAT International-Italy 324. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Nature (JPIC)-- Comboni Missionaries 325. Justicia, paz e integridad de la creación (JPIC)-- Conferencia de religiosos y religiosas de Honduras CONFEREH 326. Justicia, paz e integridad de la creación (JPIC)-- Franciscanos Honduras 327. Justicia, paz e integridad de la creación (JPIC)-- Provincia Franciscana de America Central 328. Kab Trier Eifel 329. Kenya County Government Workers Union 330. KEPKA - Consumers' Protection Centre 331. Knights of Columbus Ministry on Ecology 332. Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA) / Consortium for Agrarian Reform 333. KommTogogehweiter e.V. 334. Kommunal 335. KRuHA (People's Coalition for the Right to Water) 336. Kyrgys Alliance for Water and Sanitation 337. La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) 338. Laboratorio de Investigación en Desarrollo Comunitario y Sustentabilidad 339. Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Centre 340. LAMMP 341. Latin America/Caribbean Committee of the Loretto Community 342. Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) 343. Les Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption 344. Liga: Usuarios de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios (LigaUSPD) 345. Lismore Presentation Sisters 346. Lithuanian Trade Union of Health Care Employees 347. Livelihood Improvement Programme Of Uganda (LIPRO UGANDA) 348. Loretto Community Spain and Portugal United States of America International India and Asia Austria Brazil Brazil Chile Ghana Nicaragua Paraguay Indonesia Argentina Spain Ireland Italy United States of America Honduras Honduras Regional (Americas) Germany Kenya Greece Philippines Indonesia Germany Sweden Indonesia Kyrgyzstan Mexico Mexico Nigeria United Kingdom Regional (Americas) United States of America France Colombia Australia Lithuania Uganda United States of America 349. Loretto Earth Network 350. Loretto Women's Network 351. Lumina 352. Maama Water Africa Foundation 353. Marea Azul 354. Marea Azul del Sur 355. Marianists International 356. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns 357. Maryknoll Sisters 358. Medical Mission Sisters 359. Medical Mission Sisters 360. Medical Mission Sisters-- United Kingdom 361. Melanesian Institute 362. Mercy International - Global Action 363. Mercy Investment Services 364. Mercy Medical Mission 365. Mi Barrio Siembra 366. Missionari Comboniani 367. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 368. Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance 369. Movimento pela Preservação da Serra do Gandarela 370. Movimento pelas Serras e Águas de Minas (MovSAM) 371. Movimiento das Associacoes de Moradores de Belo Horizonte (MAMBH) 372. Movimiento Franciscano Justicia y Paz Bolivia 373. Movimiento Mesoamericano contra el Modelo extractivo Minero 374. Movimiento Pró-Saneamento e Meio Ambiente da Regiao do Parque Araruama-- Sao Joao de Meriti (MPS) 375. Mujer y Medio Ambiente, A.C. 376. Municipality Grude 377. Muslim Family Counselling Services 378. Nano Nagle Centre 379. National Council of Women USA 380. NDSC Congregation 381. Network for Peace through Dialogue 382. New Restoration Plan-- Malawi 383. Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand 384. NGO Federation of Nepal 385. NGO Mining Working Group 386. Nile Basin Discourse 387. Northeast Mercy Justice Council 388. Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment 389. Nouvelle Caraibe ASBL 390. Novia Salcedo Foundation 391. Nuestra Señora de la caridad del Buen Pastor 392. Obras Sanitarias del Estado Uruguayo 393. Observatorio Laboral y Ambiental de la Argentina 394. OCEANUS 395. Oficina para América Latina de la Coalición Internacional para el Hábitat (HIC-AL) United States of America United States of America Mexico Uganda Spain Spain International United States of America United States of America International Philippines United Kingdom Regional (Pacific) Ireland United States of America United States of America Mexico Italy United States of America Belgium Brazil Brazil Brazil Bolivia Regional (Americas) Brazil Mexico Bosnia and Herzegovina Ghana Ireland United States of America Canada United States of America Malawi New Zealand Nepal and South Asia International Regional (Africa) United States of America United States of America Belgium Spain Mexico International Argentina United States of America Regional (Americas) 396. Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition 397. Oikos Cooperação e Desenvolvimento 398. ONG Nova Cambuquira 399. ONG Sociedade em Comunhao Crista 400. Orden Franciscana Seglar 401. Order of Friars Minor (OFM) Christ the King Province 402. Organisation des Femmes Autochtones pour la Lutte contre la Violence (OFALV) ASBL 403. Organización Barrio Belén 404. Orienting 405. Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd 406. Pacte civique 407. Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum 408. Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association 409. Pan Pacific South East Women's Association 410. Partnership For Re-Entry Program (PREP) 411. Passionists International 412. Pastoral Indígena Espiritu Santo 413. Pastoral Social 414. Paulo Bastos 415. Peace and Justice Office La Grange Park Center, Congregation of St. Joseph 416. Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana 417. Permaculturando5 418. Plataforma Ciudadana "Apemsa no se vende" 419. Polaris Institute 420. Prefeitura Municipal de Maricá - Gabinete do Prefeito 421. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School 422. Presentation Justice Network 423. Presentation Peoples Justice Group Ballina 424. Presentation Provincialate 425. Presentation Secondary School 426. Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM)-- Canada 427. Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM)-- Philippines 428. Presentation Sisters of Western Australia 429. Presentation Sisters Queensland 430. Presentation Sisters Tasmania 431. Presentation Sisters-- Australia 432. Presentation Sisters-- Canada 433. Presentation Sisters-- India 434. Presentation Sisters-- New Zealand 435. Presentation Sisters--Zambia 436. Priego Agua y Desarrollo 437. PRIVE 438. Programa Frente al Pais 439. Programme on Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (PWESCR) 440. Protos 441. ProValle de Bravo A.C. 442. Public Services International United States of America Portugal Brazil Brazil Guatemala Canada Rwanda Colombia Germany South Africa France Pakistan United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Paraguay Guatemala Brazil United States of America Ghana Brazil Spain Canada Brazil India Ireland Australia India Ireland Canada Philippines Australia Australia Australia Australia Canada India New Zealand Zambia Spain Belgium Colombia India and South Asia Belgium Mexico France 443. Public Services International (PSI), County Government Workers Union-- Kenya 444. Public Services International, Costa Rica 445. Public Services International, France 446. Public Services International, Lebanon 447. RAIN 448. Rakhaing women union 449. RAZONATURA 450. Reacción Climática 451. Red de Agua Pública de Aragón 452. Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres America Latina y el Caribe (REPEM-LAC) 453. Red de Género y Medio Ambiente (RGEMA) 454. Red Vigilancia Interamericana por la Defensa y Derecho al Agua 455. Redes Chaco 456. Releigious of Sacred Heart of Mary 457. Religiosas do Sagrado Coracao de Maria 458. Religious Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion 459. Religious of the Assumption 460. Religious of the Good Shepherd 461. Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary 462. Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Western American Province 463. Reseau des ONGs et Associations de la Defense des Droits de l'Homme et de la Democratie (RODADDHD) 464. RhodanteA 465. Right to Water Campaign-Turkey (Su Hakkı Kampanyası) 466. Right to Water Forum in the Arab Region (RWFAR) 467. Right to Water-- Belgium 468. right2water 469. Rigpa 470. Rural Women's Network Nepal (RUWON Nepal) 471. Salesian Missions 472. Salesians of Don Bosco 473. San Diego Mission 474. Sarar Transformacion SC 475. Sathi All for Partnerships 476. Save the Earth Cambodia 477. Sawit Watch 478. Secretariado Internacional Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación. Hermanitas de la Asunción 479. Seniorenbeirat 480. Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado-- San Pablo Atlazalpan, A.C. (SAPASPA A.C.) 481. Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI) / Indonesia Peasant Union 482. Serikat Nelayan Indonesia (SNI) / Indonesia Fisherfolk Union 483. Servicios Ecumenicos 484. Serviço Inter-Franciscano de Justiça, Paz e Ecologia (SINFRAJUPE) 485. Siglo XXIII 486. SINDAE Kenya Costa Rica France Lebanon Netherlands Myanmar Mexico Bolivia Spain Regional (Americas) Mexico Regional (Americas) Regional (Americas) Regional (Europe) Brazil Italy United Kingdom Philippines International United States of America and Mexico Niger Netherlands Turkey Egypt Belgium Ireland Germany Nepal International International United States of America Mexico Regional (South Asia) Cambodia and Southeast Asia Indonesia France Germany Mexico Indonesia Indonesia United States of America Brazil El Salvador Brazil 487. Sindicato de Trabajadores de Acuavalle S.A. E.S.P. Sintra Acuavalle 488. Sindicator Único de Trabajadores del Gobierno del Distrito Federal 489. Sintrambiente Valle 490. Sisters of Mercy 491. Sisters of Bon Secours 492. Sisters of Charity Federation 493. Sisters of Charity Halifax 494. Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth 495. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Congregational Leadership 496. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Western Province Leadership 497. Sisters of Charity of New York 498. Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dubuque, IA 499. Sisters of Mercy 500. Sisters of Mercy (NGO) Mercy International Association: Global Action 501. Sisters of Mercy Earth Link 502. Sisters of Mercy New York, Pennsylvania, Pacific West Leadership Team 503. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Institute Leadership Team 504. Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Leadership Team 505. Sisters of Mercy, Northeast Leadership Team 506. Sisters of Notre Dame 507. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 508. Sisters of Saint Anne Social Justice Office 509. Sisters of St Joseph 510. Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia 511. Sisters of St. Mary of Namur 512. Sisters of the Good Shepherd 513. Sisters of the Good Shepherd 514. Sisters of the Holy Cross Colombia Mexico Colombia Kenya Ireland United States of America Canada United States of America International United States of America United States of America United States of America South Africa International Australia 523. Soeurs du Bon Pasteur 524. Solidaritas Perempuan/ Women in Solidarity for Human Rights 525. Solidarity Network Kenya 526. SOLWODI / VIVAT 527. SONIA for a Just New World 528. Soroptimist International 529. South Sudan Women's General Association 530. Southeast Indigenous Peoples' Center 531. Spiritan Missonary Congregation France Indonesia Kenya Germany Italy International South Sudan United States of America Ireland United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Canada International United States of America United States of America International United States of America United States of America United States of America 515. Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and Canada 516. Sisters of the Presentation United States of America 517. Sisters of the Presentation-- San Francisco, United States of America United States of America 518. SITRAGUA/Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Empresa Municipal del Agua de la Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala 519. Slaves No More Italy 520. Sociedad de Historia Natural Niparajá A.C. Mexico 521. Society of the Sacred Heart International Australia and Papua New 522. Society Presentation Sisters Australia and Papua New Guinea Guinea 532. St John's Regional College 533. St Patrick's College 534. St Rita's College 535. St. Bridget School-Buhi Good Shepherd Sisters 536. St. Camillus Church 537. St. George's Episcopal Church 538. Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN) 539. Surviviendo 540. Sustainable Harvest International (SHI Honduras) 541. SVD Philippine Central Province 542. Swarna Hansa Foundation 543. Syndicat du Personnel d’Electrogaz ubu yitwa Energy, Water and Santiation Trade Union Rwanda (SYPELGAZ) 544. Syracuse University 545. Tafelsig Residents Unite 546. Temple of Understanding 547. The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)-- Slovakia 548. The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)-- Belgium 549. The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)-- Estonia 550. The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)-- European Union 551. The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)-- Malta 552. The Friends of Lenamore 553. The Grail 554. The Tinker Institute on International Law and Organizations (T.I.I.L.O.) 555. The Tricontinental Centre (CETRI) 556. TOXISPHERA Environmental Health Association 557. Training and Education Centre on Ecology and Health for Peasants (CCESC) 558. Transnational Institute 559. Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment 560. Tribal Link Foundation 561. UMP-Institut für Umweltmessunf und Planung 562. UNANIMA International 563. Unidos por Conceição (UNICON) 564. Union Sindical Obrera (USO) 565. Union of Kenya Civil Servants 566. United Confederation of Taino People 567. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana 568. Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero 569. Universidad de Costa Rica 570. Universidad de Rosario, Docente de Salud Socioambiental 571. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (UJED) 572. Universidade Federal da Bahia 573. Universidade federal de Minas Gerais 574. University of Uyo 575. Université Paris Ouest La Défense 576. União das Associações Comunitárias de Congonhas (UNACCON-Entidade) Australia Australia Australia Philippines United States of America United States of America Uganda Colombia Honduras Philippines Sri Lanka Rwanda United States of America South Africa United States of America Slovakia Belgium Estonia Regional (Europe) Malta Ireland International International Belgium Brazil Mexico Netherlands United States of America International Germany United States of America Brazil Spain Kenya United States of America and the Caribbean Mexico Mexico Costa Rica Argentina Mexico Brazil Brazil Nigeria France Brazil 577. Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) 578. Unión Libre Ambiental 579. Ursuline Convent of the Sacred Heart 580. Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk 581. US-El Salvador Sister Cities 582. ver.di United Services Union 583. Viatores Christi 584. VIDES International 585. Village Education Resource Center (VERC) Spain Colombia United States of America Belgium United States of America Germany Ireland International Bangladesh and South Asia 586. VIVAT Internacional 587. VIVAT International 588. VIVAT International 589. VIVAT International India 590. VIVAT-SSpS 591. War on Want 592. WASH Link 593. Washington Ethical Society/Global Connections 594. WALHI (Friends of the Earth-Indonesia) 595. Wasser Allianz München 596. Wasser in Bürgerhand WIB 597. Water and Sanitation Regulatory Council (CRA) 598. WaterAid 599. WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network 600. WEA Women’s Branch Nottingham 601. WEARTH 602. Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota Coalition for Responsible Investment 603. Women Environmental Programme 604. Women for Peace and Ecology 605. Women for Change 606. Women for Water Partnership 607. Women for Water Partnership 608. Women for Water Partnership 609. Women in Politics Support Unit 610. Women Initiative For Peace And Good Governance (WIPGG) 611. Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church 612. Workers In State and Self-Government Institutions (ROTAL) 613. Working Group on Girls 614. World Council of Conservative/Masorti Synagogues Argentina Ireland Switzerland India Italy United Kingdom United States of America United States of America Indonesia Germany Germany Mozambique United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Germany United States of America Nigeria Germany South Africa Netherlands United States of America Kenya Zimbabwe Nigeria 615. Worldview Mission 616. Xochicalli 617. YLNM Latin America 618. Zielone Wiadomości 619. Zukunftskonvent 620. Κίνηση 136 (K136) 621. Обединение за Добруджа Netherlands Mexico Colombia Poland Germany Greece Bulgaria United States of America Estonia United States of America United States of America and Israel For further information and follow up, contact Representatives of the Post-2105/SDG Human Right to Water and Sanitation Global Campaign Meera Karunananthan [email protected] Áine O’Connor [email protected]
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