LISTA COMPLETA DE PUBLICACIONES 1. Juan Alfredo Morales-Del-Rio, Melesio Gutiérrez-Lomelí, Miguel Angel Robles-García, Jose Antonio Aguilar, Eugenia Lugo-Cervantes, Pedro Javier Guerrero-Medina, Saul Ruiz-Cruz, Francisco J. Cinco-Moroyoqui, Francisco J. Wong-Corral, Carmen Lizette Del-ToroSánchez*. (2015). Anti-inflammatory activity and changes in antioxidant properties of leaf and stem extracts from Vitex mollis Kunth during in vitro digestión. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM). 2015. Doi: 10.1155/2015/349235. ISSN: 1741-427X. 2. Del-Toro-Sánchez C.L.*, Lugo-Cervantes E., Sánchez S. (2015) Identification of bioproducts generated enzymatically by cell-free extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from cells grown in the presence or absence of heteranthin. Food Biotechnology. 29(3):219-236. Doi 10.1080/08905436.2015.1059764. ISSN: 0890-5436 (Print), 1532-4249 (Online) 3. Marco A. López- Mata, Saul Ruiz-Cruz, Norma Silva, José de Jesús Ornelas-Paz, Victor Ocaño-Higuera, Francisco Rodriguez-Felix, Luis A. Cira- Chávez, Del-Toro-Sánchez Carmen Lizette, Keiko Shirai. (2015). Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Chitosan Films Incorporated with Cinnamon Oil. International Journal of Polymer Science. Doi: 10.1155/2015/974506. ISSN: 1687-9422 (Print) ISSN: 1687-9430 (Online). 4. Carmen Lizette Del-Toro-Sánchez*, Melesio Gutiérrez-Lomelí, Eugenia Lugo-Cervantes, Florentina Zurita, Miguel Angel Robles-García, Saul Ruiz-Cruz, Jose Antonio Aguilar, Juan Alfredo, Morales-Del-Río, Pedro Javier Guerrero-Medina. (2015). Storage effect on phenols and on the antioxidant activity of extracts from Anemopsis californica and inhibition of elastase enzyme. Journal of Chemistry. Doi:10.1155/2015/602136. ISSN: 2090-9063 (Print), ISSN: 2090-9071 (Online) 5. Márquez-Alvarez L.R., Ocano-Higuera V.M., Rodríguez-Felix F., Ruiz-Cruz S., Del-ToroSánchez C.L., Márquez-Rios E. (2015). Production and functional evaluation of a protein concentrate from giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) fins obtained by alkaline dissolution. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. Doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12466. ISSN 1745-4549. 6. Robles-García Miguel Angel, Rodríguez-Félix Francisco, Márquez-Ríos Enrique, BarreraRodríguez Arturo, Aguilar-Martínez Jacobo, Del-Toro-Sánchez Carmen Lizette*. (2014) Aplicaciones biomédicas, textiles y alimentarias de nanoestructuras elaboradas por electrohilado. Biotecnia. 16(2): 44-52. ISNN: 1665-1456. 7. Del-Toro-Sánchez Carmen Lizette, Bautista-Bautista Nereyda, Blasco-Cabal José Luis, Gonzalez-Ávila Marisela, Gutiérrez-Lomelí Melesio, Arriaga-Alba Myriam. (2014). Antimutagenicity of methanolic extracts from Anemopsis californica relationed with their antioxidant activity. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Doi: 10.1155/2014/273878. ISSN: 1741-427X. 8. Osvaldo Castellanos-Hernández, Gustavo J Acevedo-Hernández, Martha I Torres-Morán, Florentina Zurita, Melesio Gutiérrez-Lomelí, Carmen L Del Toro-Sánchez, Araceli Rodríguez-Sahagún. (2013). In vitro clonal propagation and regeneration of the commercially important plant Mexican orégano (Lippa graveolens). In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology- Plant. 49: 620-625. ISSN:1054-5476. 9. Del-Toro-Sánchez Carmen Lizette, Zurita Florentina, Gutiérrez-Lomelí Melesio, SolisSánchez Brenda, Wence-Chávez Laura, Vázquez-Armenta Gabriela, Rodríguez-Sahagún Araceli, Castellanos-Hernández Osvaldo A, Siller-López Fernando. (2013). Modulation of antioxidant defense system after long term arsenic exposure in Zantedeschia aethiopica and Anemopsis californica. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 94:67-72. ISSN: 01476513. 10. Pérez-Nájera Viridiana Candelaria, Lugo-Cervantes Eugenia del Carmen, Gutiérrez-Lomelí Melesio, Del-Toro-Sánchez Carmen Lizette*. (2013). Extraction of phenolic compounds from lime peel (Citrus limetta Risso) and antioxidant activity determination. Biotecnia. 15(3):18-22. ISNN: 1665-1456 11. Joel Hinojosa Dávalos, Melesio Gutiérrez Lomelí, Fernando Siller López, Araceli Rodríguez 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Sahagún, Juan Alfredo Morales Del Río, Pedro Javier Guerrero Medina, Carmen Lizette Del Toro Sánchez*. (2013). Phytochemycal screening and antiinflammatory capacity of leaves from Tithonia tubaeformis. Biotecnia. 15(2). 53-60. ISNN: 1665-1456 Carmen Lizette Del-Toro-Sánchez, Daniel Rojas-Bravo, Florentina Zurita-Martínez, Osvaldo Adrián Castellanos-Hernández, Araceli Rodríguez-Sahagún, Martha Isabel TorresMorán, Samuel Villaseñor-Alvarado, Melesio Gutiérrez-Lomelí (2013). “Optimization of DNA isolation and PCR protocol for analysis and evaluation of genetic diversity of the medicinal plant Anemopsis californica using RAPD”.Acta Biologica hungarica 64(2). 184-195. ISNN (Print): 0236-5383 ISNN (Online): 1588-256X Florentina Zurita, Carmen L. Del Toro-Sánchez, Melesio Gutierrez-Lomelí, Araceli Rodriguez-Sahagún, Osvaldo A. Castellanos-Hernandez, Gerardo Ramírez-Martínez, John R. White (2012). Preliminary study on the potential of arsenic removal by subsurface flow constructed mesocosms. Ecological engineering. 47: 101-104. ISSN: 0925-8574. Medina-Juárez L.A., Molina-Quijada D.M.A., Del Toro-Sánchez C.L., González-Aguilar G.A., Gámez-Meza N. (2012). Antioxidant Activity of Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) Extracts and Characterization of their Phenolic Constituents. Interciencia. 37(8): 588-593. ISSN: 0378-1844. Araceli Rodríguez-Sahagún, Daniel Rojas-Bravo, Gustavo J Acevedo-Hernández, Martha I Torres-Morán, Florentina Zurita-Martínez, Melesio Gutiérrez-Lomelí, Carmen L Del Toro Sánchez, Osvaldo A Castellanos Hernández. (2012). “Efficient protocols for in vitro axillary bud proliferation and somatic embryogenesis of the medicinal plant Anemopsis californica”. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (JMPR). 6(22): 3859-3864. ISSN 1996-0875. Guerrero Medina P. J., Gutiérrez Lomelí M., Del Toro Sánchez C. L., Hernández Mejía R. El yogurt y los probióticos (2012). Revista Estudios de la Ciénega. ISSN: 1665-0646. 13(25):169-190. Guerrero Medina P. J., Gutiérrez Lomelí M., Del Toro Sánchez C. L., Hernández Mejía R. (2011). Bacterias lácticas probióticas y los productos lácteos fermentados. Estudios de la Ciénega. Transdisciplinary Journal of Development (ISSN: 1665-0646). 12(24):179-205. Del Toro-Sánchez C. L. , Ayala-Zavala •J. F, Machi L., Santacruz H., Villegas-Ochoa M. A., Alvarez-Parrilla E., González-Aguilar G. A. (2010). Controlled release of antifungal volatiles of thyme essential oil from b-cyclodextrin capsules. J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem. 67:431-441. ISSN: 0923-0750 (print version) IS S N: (electronic -1111 1573 version). FERNANDO AYALA-ZAVALA, GUSTAVO A. GONZÁLEZ-AGUILAR and L. DEL-TORO-SÁNCHEZ (2009) Enhancing Safety and Aroma Appealing of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables Using the Antimicrobial and Aromatic Power of Essential Oils. Journal of Food Science. 74 (7): R84R91. ISSN: 1750-3841 (Online). J Fernando Ayala-Zavala1, Lizette del Toro-Sánchez, Emilio Alvarez-Parrilla, Olga MartínBelloso, Saúl Ruiz Cruz, Gustavo A González-Aguilar, Herlinda Soto-Valdez, (2008). Natural antimicrobial agents incorporated in active packaging to preserve the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables. Stewart Postharvest Review. 4(3) 9:1-9. ISSN: 1745-9656 (Online). Emmanuel Aispuro-Hernandez, Karina D. Garcia-Orozco, Lizette Del-Toro-Sanchez, Adriana Muhlia-Almazan, Jesus Hernandez-Lopez, Gustavo Gonzalez-Aguilar, Gloria YepizPlascencia, Rogerio Sotelo-Mundo. (2008) Shrimp thioredoxin is a potent antioxidant protein. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 148(1): 94-99. ISSN: 1532-0456. Ayala-Zavala JF, Del-Toro-Sánchez L, Álvarez-Parrilla E, González-Aguilar GA. (2008) High relative humidity in-package of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables: Advantage or disadvantage considering microbiological problems and antimicrobial delivering systems?. Journal of Food Science. 73(4): 41-47. Ayala-Zavala, J.F. Del Toro-Sánchez C.L., Villegas-Ochoa, M.A., Álvarez-Parrilla, E.A, González-Aguilar, G.A. (2007) Aceites microencapsulados: una opción natural para conservar la calidad y frescura de las frutas. Industria Alimentaria. 29(5):12-20. Robles-Sánchez M, Del Toro-Sánchez CL, Castelo-Gutiérrez AA., González–Aguilar G. (2007) Potencial saludable de los Fitoquímicos en frutas y hortalizas. Industria Alimentaria. 29(6): 30-42. 25. Del Toro-Sánchez L, Sánchez S, Ortiz MA, Villanueva S, Lugo-Cervantes E. (2006). Generation of aroma compounds from Ditaxis heterantha by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 72: 155-162.
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