P P ROoVIEN E ! ;ÿ .... Copyright- Released Photo Personalized Double Personalized° "- Funpack School Pocket ,lÿ )urchase of a package and a bonus. I .... . " on a uSB ) ..... Includes a printable image with (16- lÿ x2ÿinch) ....... one style of your choice ire a free• digital Image ad directly to your phone. www.provinepictures.com Personalized .... Friendship Wallets Take Keepsake -'eÿ Folder"v ÿnl ÿl," "v" "V'{si'c t,s at'c - PR VINE .... 1, Friday, October 10 b 'IP viernes, 10 de .......... octubre .......... -- 0 r ................................. To Pre-Pay with your credit/debit card, visit Para pager con tarjeta de credito/debite, visitar SCHOOL PICTURES www.provinepictures, com. a Parents & Students, Please review the choices and return the completed, detached envelope with exact payment to the photographer on picture day. All students will be photographed. Remember, riffs is a Print your online payment receipt, place it in the envelope and send this envelope to school on picture day. Be sure to fill out the envelope completely including fundraiser for your school. Per favor reviser las opciones y escoger. EnO'egar en el so bre con el page exaeto al fotografo el die de la sesion de fotos. Los fotografos no llevan dinero pare devolver cambio. Todos los estudiantes seran fotografiados. Recuerden que / esto es una colaboracion pare la escuela. Packages Paquetes student info, package, bonus, and style. % g Package A s35 B s30 C s25 D E s15 2- 8x10 1 - 8x10 2 - 5x7 2 - 3x5 4 - 2x3 2 - 5x7 2 - 3x5 4 - 2x3 1 - 8x10 1 - 5x7 4 - 2x3 16-1¾x2½ 16-1¾x2½ 16-1¾x2½ ....... s60 4 "8x1011 of each : :; 5;% :: :- '1 :+ÿ :ÿ: *!:-' 4- 5x7 ÿ style 8-1¾x2½ ;!iÿ;;ÿ) ÿL:Iÿ ÿ ÿ_ÿ ÿ Bonuses Bonos for $60 4 - 3x5 .I L ..... 8 - 2x3 of each Style Magnetic Dry Erase Board (of original style only) 1 - 5x7 1 - 5x7 2 - 3x5 4 - 2x3 8 - 2x3 8 - 1¾ x 2 ½ _: i:-::: ÿBoffuses:availabiebnlyÿwiththÿ :ÿ ..... ÿ.ÿ:LÿpUrCfiase:bfavicture'package iÿ ::" ;2-;ÿ::%;ÿ Bones seran disponibles solo en ÿ $11o value Copyright released CD (of all styles) /la compra de un paquete de fotos Sÿ H s15 )!!(-L $16 )( (2 H.4 ÿ]ÿ W s14 F SlO 1:/ Personalized // Personalized /ÿ/ Personalizea l! Metallic Upgrade [ 'L Double I BottleCap J, Take )LMagnetic Dry EraseJ..; Soft side Kooziei ! Keepsake Highest, brightest ! . Sheet ; . L i Necklace FREE ......._f quality&willlast i; ..... [ I $,41t ÿ ÿ-. :Remembertoputthe :ÿ ÿ $,4ÿ I longer than ordinary $15 ngerthanordinar ;-('-ÿ' I /U / ÿnamefor-personalization_'i Jÿ (1)8x10/ÿ X hotographic papei photographic paper. Keychains i| Personalized 1 ÿÿ of these b6nuses in ÿ i I I [ / School Pocket / ÿi; ÿ; ÿsection'4 below. !:-ÿi ÿ I i} Folder % JL; ............ ' ÿ : ÿ =15) I S 15 I-u-sB Flash Drive !L. 16-1ÿx2'/= .,):; I w/copyright released ) ÿ ' , i , enhances teeth and nhancesteethan,skintone. ÿ iÿf O $18 ÿ! [ - Does not remove glass glare, braces, or moles. -- V Y / Metal Christmas l I $13 $'/'ÿ; (8) 2x3 xT. 5x7 Calendar Combo w/(4) 2x3 magnets w/ S16ÿmage* ÿ Funpack *No refund ron the flash d ive, il Persona zed /ÿ1 replacement only. Receive an image of your child's portrait uploaded to your cell phone when you purchase both a package and a bonus. ,=),x, G slO ÿ1ÿ'ÿÿÿ -- !/ Personalized l::l Photo Retouching ,hotoRetouch,n., IKK ÿ3ÿ30 ÿ;lFriendshipwallets ..../'1 U Removes facial facial blemishes and Image Upload 2 - Acrylic $ = Z s12 2 bag tags Only the image, style, and/or Lÿ Ornament .)i I bookmark, 2 brace,ets background purchased will 1 9 keychain tags, (2) 4x5" Photo Magnets appear on the flash drive. CHECK ACCEPTANCE POLICY, By paying for your purchase with your check, you are accepting our check acceptance policy. In the unlikely event your check is returned unpaid, you understand and agree that your check may be electronically redeposited or if necessary redeposited by paper draft. You understand and agree that we may collect a return cheek processing charge of $25.00 or any amount allowable by state law by the same means. If you have any . questions regarding our check acceptance policy, please call 318-442-8988 or e-mail us.capital [email protected]. Our data processing center will be happy to answer your questions. Easy steps for ordering fall portraits. Fill out all information completely and enclose exact change. Pasos faciles para ordenar sus fotografias de Otono. Llenar la informacion completa e incluir el dinero exacto. Hacer los cheques pagables a: Provine School Picture :t .PACKAGE Paquete-indicate the desi'i'ed quantity]n the box(es). ! :" i:- :];STYLE; Estÿ/O : Checknext to your desired style, i :il ii.!-ÿ I -: i:: [---7 2iÿBiack Vignette';: ::'1ÿ14; Pels6nN zed ::;/:; ! ;.: :. ' : . z - :l---! 1 [ 1 1I 1[ 11 ]I !' : F $10 ÿ- G $10 1-15!5 ',,_ $10i. K $30 _L_$16j. M $_15_i:: O $_18::Q $14_!ÿ : 4:PERSONALIZATION,I Pÿnt ÿrs;:: nanÿe :as ,tÿ !!i!! ;:ÿ -ÿhould appear for BONUSES H, IlL; M, O, & Oana STYLÿ- Z- ÿ?:;._. ]I 1[ 11 t I1 1I l I :R$15 'S$15_! U_$15j:_V_$16" W__$14':X$_15:rX$!31 Z$12;: :' 5004 2 14 FM2E: McMeans Jr. High School: Teacher: maestro: escuela: Student Name: nombre: Remember! This is a fundraiser for your school SECTION t Totals: $ Grade: Homeroom: SECTION 2 + $ Amount Enclosed: I=[$ grado: ] Cash Check -> L_ÿ Money Order L.-] Online (enclose receipt) Make Checks Payable to: Provine School Pictures Please include Phone number, Address and School Name on check.
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