JULIA RAMIREZ GARCÍA Generado desde: Universidad de Zaragoza Date of document: 09/02/2015 cb50aca7084c824e76a4a7b47f781a82 Este fichero electrónico (PDF) contiene incrustada la tecnología CVN (CVN-XML). La tecnología CVN de este fichero permite exportar e importar los datos curriculares desde y hacia cualquier base de datos compatible. Listado de Bases de Datos adaptadas disponible en http://cv.normalizado.org/ cb50aca7084c824e76a4a7b47f781a82 JULIA RAMIREZ GARCÍA Surname(s): Name: Spanish ID number: Date of birth: Sex: Contact address: Postcode: Contact city: Contact country: Land line phone: Email address: Mobile phone: RAMIREZ GARCÍA JULIA 73007008V 18/12/1988 Woman Paseo María Agustín,73 3º Izqda 50004 Zaragoza Spain (034) 976754356 [email protected] (034) 661500282 Current professional situation only if working (not if unemployed) Department, Service,…: Campo de conocimiento de evaluación CNEAI: Macroárea desconocida Modality of the contract: Temporary employment contract 2 cb50aca7084c824e76a4a7b47f781a82 Training received University education Diplomas, degrees and engineering degrees 1 Name of qualification: Máster en Ingeniería Biomédica City of qualification: Zaragoza, Spain Entity issuing the qualification: Universidad de Zaragoza Date of qualification: 04/07/2013 2 Name of qualification: Ingeniero de Telecomunicación City of qualification: Zaragoza, Spain Entity issuing the qualification: Universidad de Zaragoza Date of qualification: 14/12/2011 Language skills Language English French Spanish Speech Reading Good Fair Good Good Good Good Writing Good Sufficient Good Experience in Science and Technology Participation in research, development or innovation groups / teams 1 Name (if applicable): BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL INTERPRETATION AND COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATION (BSICoS) Body the group belongs to: Universidad de Zaragoza Type of body: University 2 Name (if applicable): Pertenencia a instituto de investigación universitaria Body the group belongs to: INSTITUTO Type of body: University Research Institute INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA DE ARAGÓN (IIS) 3 cb50aca7084c824e76a4a7b47f781a82 Scientific or technological activity Participation in R&D&I projects funded in competitive tenders by public or private bodies 1 Name of the project: TIN2013-41998-R EL SISTEMA NERVIOSO AUTÓNOMO COMO MODULADOR DE LA FUNCIÓN CARDIACA: INVESTIGACIÓN INTEGRAL MEDIANTE PROCESADO DE SEÑAL Y MODELADO COMPUTACIONAL Project area: National Body where project took place: Escuela De Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Universidad de Zaragoza Head(s) researcher(s): Esther Pueyo Paules Number of participating researchers: 4 Funding body or bodies: MINECO. MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD Start date: 01/01/2014 Duration of the project: 3 years Total amount: 114.900 2 Name of the project: T96 BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL INTERPRETATION AND COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATION (BSICoS). Project area: Regional Body where project took place: Escuela De Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Universidad de Zaragoza Head(s) researcher(s): Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés Number of participating researchers: 15 Funding body or bodies: DIPUTACION GENERAL DE ARAGON Start date: 01/01/2014 Duration of the project: 1 year Total amount: 8.610 3 Name of the project: T30 GRUPO DE TECNOLOGÍAS DE LAS COMUNICACIONES (GTC) Project area: Regional Body where project took place: Escuela De Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Universidad de Zaragoza Head(s) researcher(s): Enrique José Masgrau Gómez Number of participating researchers: 61 Funding body or bodies: DIPUTACION GENERAL DE ARAGON Start date: 01/01/2013 Duration of the project: 1 year Total amount: 32.535 4 Name of the project: TEC2010-19410.INVESTIGACION COMPUTACIONAL DE ARRITMIAS CARDIACAS Y EFECTO DE FARMACOS:DE LOS CANALES IONICO AL ELECTROCARDIOGRAMA DE SUPERFICIE. Project area: National Body where project took place: Escuela De Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Universidad de Zaragoza Head(s) researcher(s): Esther Pueyo Paules Number of participating researchers: 14 Funding body or bodies: MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACION Start date: 01/01/2011 Duration of the project: 3 years Total amount: 119.100 5 Name of the project: GRUPO CONSOLIDADO 2011.T30 GRUPO DE TECNOLOGIAS DE LAS COMUNICACIONES Project area: Regional Body where project took place: Escuela De Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Universidad de Zaragoza 4 cb50aca7084c824e76a4a7b47f781a82 Head(s) researcher(s): Enrique José Masgrau Gómez Number of participating researchers: 78 Funding body or bodies: D.G.A. Start date: 01/01/2011 Duration of the project: 2 years Total amount: 126.082 Participation in R&D&I contracts, agreements or projects, not the result of competitive bidding, with companies (or internally in them) and/or governments Name of the project: Contrato de trabajo de duración determinada como Licenciado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones Body where project took place: CIBER-BBN Head researcher: Pablo Laguna Lasaosa; Esther Pueyo Paules Start date: 01/09/2013 Scientific Activities and General Techniques Scientific production Publications, Scientific and Technical Documents and any other publication Julia Ramírez; Pablo Laguna; Antonio Bayés De Luna; Marek Malik; Esther Pueyo. QT/RR and T-peak-to-end/RR curvatures and slopes in chronic heart failure: Relation to sudden cardiac death. JOURNAL OF ELECTROCARDIOLOGY. 47, pp. 842 - 848. 2014. ISSN 0022-0736 Type of production: Article Work presented in conferences at the national or international level 1 Title: Modulación Circadiana y de Género de las Relaciones QT/RR y T-pico-a-fin/RR en Pacientes con Insuficiencia Cardiaca Name of the conference: XXXII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB) Field of the conference: National Your role: Speaker City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain Date of the event: 26/11/2014 Pablo Laguna Lasaosa. 2 Title: Circadian Pattern and Sex Differences of QT/RR and T-peak-to-end/RR Curvatures and Slopes in Chronic Heart Failure Patients Name of the conference: Computing in Cardiology 2014 Field of the conference: Non EU International Your role: Speaker City of the publishing body: Boston, United States of America Date of the event: 07/09/2014 Pablo Laguna Lasaosa. 5 cb50aca7084c824e76a4a7b47f781a82 3 Title: Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death in Chronic Heart Failure Patients by Analysis of Restitution Dispersion Name of the conference: Computing in Cardiology 2013 Field of the conference: Non EU International Your role: Speaker City of the publishing body: Zaragoza, Spain Date of the event: 22/09/2013 Publication in conference minutes: Yes Julia Ramírez García; Ana Mincholé Lapuente; Juan Bolea Bolea; Pablo Laguna Lasaosa; Esther Pueyo Paules. "Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death in Chronic Heart Failure Patients by Analysis of Restitution Dispersion".En: Computing in Cardiology 2013. 40, pp. 1 - 4. 2013. ISBN 2325-8861 4 Title: Analysis of Repolarization Dispersion to Predict Sudden Cardiac Death Survival Name of the conference: PGBiomed Field of the conference: European Union Your role: Poster City of the publishing body: Guilford, London, United Kingdom Date of the event: 09/07/2013 Publication in conference minutes: Yes Julia Ramírez García; Ana Mincholé Lapuente; Pablo Laguna Lasaosa; Esther Pueyo Paules. "Conference Proceedings".En: Analysis of Repolarization Dispersion to Predict Sudden Cardiac Death Survival. pp. 0 29. 2013. ISBN 978-1-84469-0 5 Title: Caracterización de la Respuesta de la Repolarización a Cambios en el Ritmo Cardiaco Provocados por una Prueba de Name of the conference: XXX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB) Field of the conference: National Your role: Speaker City of the publishing body: San Sebastián, Spain Date of the event: 19/11/2012 Publication in conference minutes: Yes Julia Ramírez García; Ana Mincholé Lapuente; Pablo Laguna Lasaosa; Esther Pueyo Paules. "Caracterización de la Respuesta de la Repolarización a Cambios en el Ritmo Cardiaco Provocados por una Prueba de".30, pp. 0 - null. 2012. ISBN 84-616-2147-6 6 Title: Characterization of cardiac repolarization response to heart rate changes during a tilt test Name of the conference: Computing in Cardiology, 2012 Field of the conference: Non EU International Your role: Poster City of the publishing body: Cracovia, Poland Date of the event: 09/09/2012 Publication in conference minutes: Yes Julia Ramírez García; Ana Mincholé Lapuente; Pablo Laguna Lasaosa; Esther Pueyo Paules. "Characterization of cardiac repolarization response to heart rate changes during a tilt test".En: Computing in Cardiology. 39, pp. 673 - 676. 2012. ISBN 2325-8861 6 cb50aca7084c824e76a4a7b47f781a82 Experiences transferred Experience organising R&D activities Title: Computing in Cardiology 2013 Type of activity: Participación en la organización Area of the activity: Internacional del congreso internacional "Computing in Cardiology 2013" Your role: Organiser Number of attendees: 400 Start date: 22/09/2013 Duration: 4 days Other credits Residencies in R&D&I centres or companies in your own country or abroad Body where project took place: Zentrum für Klinische Forschung en UniversitätsSpital in Zürich City: Zürich, Switzerland Start date: 01/12/2012 Duration: 3 months Funding body: UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Klinik für Kardiologie Aim of the residency: Contracted Collection of other credits. 1 Description credits: STAFF Meeting Michael Ringborn Young Investigator Award Date of credit: 19/09/2014 2 Description credits: Computing in Cardiology 2013 Winner of the "Rosanna Degani Award" for the best oral and written presentation of the Young Investigators Competition at the 2013 International Conference on Computing in Cardiology. Date of credit: 23/09/2013 3 Description credits: Academic awards Gary and Bill Sanders award for the best poster presentation. XXXIXth Computing in Cardiology, Kracow, Poland, 2012. Date of credit: 12/09/2012 7
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