Voces® Spanish Novice Digital Courseware Chapter Alignment to ACTFL’s World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages Voces® Spanish Novice Digital Courseware is an award-winning, highly effective Spanish program for novice-level learners. Voces® Spanish Novice will take your high school students through two years of novice-level Spanish instruction and prepare them for intermediate-level classes. The standards-based, 100%-online program integrates communication, grammar, and culture in a cohesive, all-in-one format accessible to students and teachers from any device. Please explore how Voces® Novice aligns chapter-by-chapter to ACTFL’s World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages by reading the documentation below. If you have any questions, call 1-877-832-4311 or email [email protected]. Chapter 1: Mexico Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives Section/Type ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos Anuncio de mermelada (Listening) Anuncio de un sándwich ¡Gol! Materiales auténticos (Reading) Animal Express Atractivos turísticos en la ciudad Videos Guanajuato Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Interviews Daniel ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 1: El abecedario Actividad 10: Los números de teléfono Presentations Interviews Videos 2.2 Products to Title/Location Presentation Sweet 15 Celebration Day of the Dead Miguel Octavio El Día de los Muertos Sweet 15 Celebration Las posadas: Christmas in Mexico Mexican Food Perspectives 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture Panorama Interviews Taxco Paulina Rebeca Reader Videos Stereotypes & Prejudices El Día de los Muertos Quintana Roo Alphabet Punctuation Videos Language Sounds Greetings Videos 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 2: Guatemala Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Anuncio de materiales escolares De vuelta a la escuela Regreso a clases El primer día de clases Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) Masteries 1.3 Presentational Consonants Vowels Formal vs. Informal Greetings Greetings Vocabulary Chiapas Mexico City Interviews ¡Vamos a charlar! Verónica Presentational #1 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 3: El Salvador Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive Actividades Actividad 5: Materiales escolares Actividad 8: Necesito 2 Actividad 14: ¿Qué hay en tu salón de clase? Interviews Matilde Abac Sara Wendy Day of the Dead: Guatemala Chichicastenango Videos Panorama Videos Chichicastenango Tourism Board Social Issue Videos Guatemalan Forced Evictions & The “Greater Good” Deforestation Gender & Nouns Masculine vs. Feminine Presentation Gender & Nouns Gender of Nouns Cultural Note: Languages Spoken in Guatemala Community-run Tourism Videos En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Familias Soy ¿El sundae o la McDouble? Yo creo que es… Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) Lectura Masteries 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines Interviews ¡Vamos a charlar! Actividades Interviews Panorama Videos 3.2 Diverse Perspectives Telling Time Presentations Videos Social Issue 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language Presentations Videos 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Videos En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Quito 21K Mitad del mundo Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Cassandra Presentational #1 Actividad 11: ¿Cuántos años tiene(s)? Actividad 13: Querida familia salvadoreña Actividad 18: La hora Geoff Maryam Las ruinas de Tazumal Coffee Telling Time Quack! Telling Time El Salvador and “The Ring of Fire” Subject Pronouns Ser and Estar Grammar Ser and Estar Culture Grammar - Estar Grammar - Interrogatives Grammar - Possessive Adjectives Grammar - Ser Grammar - Subject Pronouns Grammar - Tener Family Vocabulary Chapter 4: Honduras Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos (Listening) ¡Vamos de compras! Regresa a clases Compra aceite de motor Materiales auténticos (Reading) Lectura Masteries Los jóvenes ¡Vamos a charlar! Actividades 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives Interviews 2.2 Products to Perspectives Videos Panorama Videos Interviews Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Presentational #1 Actividad 1: Catálogo de moda Actividad 3: ¿Qué llevo? Priscila Linda Roatán Tourism El Cristo del Picacho The Hidden Side Cristiana 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives Social Issue Honduras and the Peace Corps 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language Videos Grammar -AR Verbs Grammar - Colors Clothing Vocabulary -AR Verbs Demonstratives Shopping in Markets Presentations 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Cultural Note En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 5: Nicaragua Standard Section/Type 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal ¡Vamos a charlar! 1.2 Interpretive Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos (Listening) Consejos al visitante de Madrid Gran Desfile El tiempo con Roberto Brasero Materiales auténticos (Reading) ¿Cómo es el tiempo? Masteries 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language ¡Vamos a charlar! Actividades 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Presentational #1 Actividad 5: Secuencias Actividad 8: Pósters del tiempo Actividad 13: ¿Qué haces tú? Interviews Stacy Panorama Interviews El parque central de Rivas Rolando Cultural Note Videos Seasons Clean Water Presentations -ER Verbs -IR Verbs -ER Verbs Grammar -IR Verbs Moo! Calendar Weather A Song Videos 4.2 Culture Title/Location Videos En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 6: Costa Rica Standard Section/Type 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal ¡Vamos a charlar! 1.2 Interpretive Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos Title/Location (Reading) Lectura Masteries 1.3 Presentational Interviews ¡Vamos a charlar! Actividades 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives Interviews Videos Panorama Interviews Videos 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines Videos 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language Social Issues Presentations Videos Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales A Preguntas personales B Anuncio de McDonald’s® Anuncio de Wendy’s® Menú de desayuno Mi súper ¿Dónde comer? Anuncio del restaurante Café Bellas Artes Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Bismarc Presentational #1 Actividad 3: Vocabulario Actividad 10: Preferencias Actividad 1: Mi receta favorita Actividad 12: Desayunos del mundo Michelle Ordering Food El volcán Irazú Amy Fruits and Veggies Kitchen Vocabulary Plants and Animals Sloth Sanctuary The Riches of Costa Rica The Verb Gustar Indirect Object Pronouns Me gusta Food Junk Food 4.2 Culture Cultural Note Interviews 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 7: Panama Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Anuncio de McDonald's® 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language Desserts in Costa Rica Elizabeth Sylvia Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) A elegir MiPlato Pirámide del bienestar digestivo Menú mensual: almuerzo A luchar contra la obesidad Recetas auténticas Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Actividades Actividad 12: Encuesta de comida insalubre ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 3: Definiciones Actividad 9: Comparaciones 2 Interviews Kadine Videos Panorama Interviews Panama Canal Bocas del Toro Barb Panama and the “Zonies” Social Issue Presentations Videos Superlatives Mil polleras 4.2 Culture Cultural Note 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 8: Colombia Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos Burger campeón (Listening) Feliz Navidad, hermana Materiales auténticos (Reading) 50 formas de relajarse 50 cosas 10 tips para bajar de peso Tiempo libre Interviews Daniela Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 9: Siempre y nunca Actividad 1: Entrenador profesional Actividad 14: Amistades 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives Cultural Note Videos Videos Panorama Interviews 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language Carimañolas, patacones, ojaldas… Social Issue Negative and Indefinite Words Paragliding in Colombia Bicicloween Artisan Cumbia Villa de Leyva Eve Is the Coca-Cola Company killing its workers in Colombia? 4.2 Culture Interviews Videos 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist 1.2 Interpretive 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons Sofía Colombia Overview Mairis' Story En la comunidad Chapter 9: Venezuela Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.3 Presentational Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Actividades Actividad 5: Busca a alguien que... Materiales auténticos King Kong ® (Listening) ¿Alliviax u Otrox? William Levy hablando a M&M® Materiales auténticos (Reading) Dolor de espalda Supercerebro Lectura Interviews Fernando Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 3: Las partes del cuerpo Actividad 10: La tarjeta de buenos deseos Interviews Videos Panorama Social Issue Cultural Note Guillermina Baseball El Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada Venezuela and Chávez Public vs. Private Medicine 4.1 Language Presentations Videos 4.2 Culture Interviews Videos 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 10: Ecuador Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections Stem-Changing Verbs Body Parts Vocab E to IE Stem-Changing Verbs O to UE Stem-Changing Verbs Luis Iraima Caracas En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Actividades Actividad 12: Preguntas Materiales auténticos ¡Despierta! (Listening) Cuida tu cabello Materiales auténticos (Reading) Mi semana Consejos para dormir Vida diaria de un adolescente Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 3: Mi rutina Actividad 9: Anuncios para productos Actividad 10: Reseñas de productos de baño y cuidado corporal Actividad 13: Gente famosa Interviews Panorama Sara Freddy La escuela primaria 3.1 Other Disciplines 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Videos Social Issues Oil Drilling Prejudice Presentations Videos Cultural Note Videos Reflexive Verbs Reflexive Verbs Ethnic Groups in Ecuador Ecuadorian Family En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 11: Peru Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales A Preguntas personales B Hablando por teléfono 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) Calendario ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Lectura Actividades Actividad 11: Oraciones ilustradas Actividad 12: ¿Quién lo hace? Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Interviews Daphinne ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 5: La casa de tus sueños Actividad 7: ¿Quién hace las tareas de la casa? Actividad 8: ¡Tú eres el jefe! Actividad 10: ¡Casa en venta! Actividad 16: Tu recámara 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives Videos Sights of Peru Videos Panorama Machu Picchu El megamercado Huamantanga Julio Interviews 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture Social Issue Artifacts of Machu Picchu and Yale University Presentations Videos Cultural Note Interviews Expressing Obligation My House Cooking in Peru José Verónica Are You Happy? Surfing Videos 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 12: Bolivia Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos De compras (Listening) ¿Dónde está…? Materiales auténticos (Reading) La lavandería Vamos a la farmacia Interviews Jimena Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 7: Un mapa de tu ciudad Actividad 4: ¿Dónde están? Interviews Videos Kevin Witches Market 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines Panorama Interviews 3.2 Diverse Perspectives Social Issues Videos Floating Islands El Salar de Uyuni Pat Natural Gas Reserves in Bolivia Bolivia and Child Miners Climate Migrants Diversity Cultural Note 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language Presentations Videos 4.2 Culture Cultural Note Interviews Videos 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning The Community Personal “a” Positional Prepositions My City Ask Directions Aboriginal Peoples in Bolivia Érika Caroline Dangerous Road En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 13: Chile Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales LAN Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) Vacaciones en Chile Actividades Actividad 6: Indicaciones 1 Actividad 9: Indicaciones 4 Lectura Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Interviews Mariajesús ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 3: Clasifica 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 14: Paraguay Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives Actividad 10: Un mapa Interviews María Interviews Panorama Mimi Valparaíso Videos Neruda Presentations Videos Cultural Note Formal Commands Direct Object Pronouns Transantiago in Santiago, Chile En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Momentos en la vida Interviews Alan Interviews Panorama Judith El Palacio de López Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) Beneficios de dormir bien Vivir con el estrés Interviews Anahí Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 8: Autoadhesivos para el coche Actividad 12: ¿Cómo te sientes? Actividad 13: Entrevista 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Videos Social Issues Pantanal Ancestral Land vs. Progress Presentations Videos Cultural Note Videos The Verb Tener Emotions Paraguayan Personalities Bottle Dance En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 15: Argentina Standard Section/Type 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal ¡Vamos a charlar! Actividades 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Title/Location Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Actividad 11: Una entrevista Todos al colegio Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) El primer día de clases El horario Colegio Isabel la Católica Los beneficios de viajar Lectura Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 2: Las clases y las carreras Actividad 3: Las carreras Actividad 4: Gente famosa Actividad 9: Profesiones Interviews Panorama Fernando Yanina El Cementerio de la Perspectives 3. Connections 3.1 Other Disciplines 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 16: Uruguay Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections Recoleta Buenos Aires Art Walk Videos Videos Social Issue Patagonia The Housing Crisis in Buenos Aires Presentations Videos Cultural Note Interviews Videos Saber vs. Conocer Professions La Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Julia Largest Barbeque En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos ¿Quieres conocer (Listening) Montevideo? Materiales auténticos (Reading) Viajar La mochila Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 1: Identificación Actividad 9: ¿Dónde...? Actividad 11: Anuncio publicitario Interviews Michael Interviews Panorama Mary-Laure El cerro San Antonio 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture Social Issue Videos Cultural Note Videos 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning School or Work? En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 17: Dominican Republic Standard Section/Type 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal ¡Vamos a charlar! Title/Location 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales La abuela Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) La maleta Lectura Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Interviews Marina ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 4: Completa Actividad 12: Vacaciones en la República Dominicana Actividad 13: La visita Interviews Videos Panorama Interviews 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Ir + a + Infinitive ¡La costa! President Mujica Social Issue Christina Dania Overview of Dominican Republic Sights and Sounds of Dominican Republic La Virgen de la Altagracia Joaquín William Baseball and Sugar Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Chapter 18: Cuba Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational Videos Cultural Note Videos En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Actividad 11: Preguntas El Pollito Pio Nayda Sugey Rock Climbing in Cuba Jim La Habana Street Music Actividades Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) Las mascotas Los animales de compañía Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 1: Categorías de animales Actividad 2: Mascotas Actividad 3: Historia animal Actividad 5: ¿Qué animal es? 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives Interviews 2.2 Products to Perspectives Videos Interviews Panorama Videos 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Transportation Nouns Tourism in the Dominican Republic Wedding in the Dominican Republic Social Issues What happened to Cuba? Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Interviews En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 19: Puerto Rico Standard Section/Type 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal ¡Vamos a charlar! 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives Title/Location Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Actividades Actividad 4: Adivina Materiales auténticos El nuevo iPhone (Listening) Anuncio de Walmart Materiales auténticos (Reading) Videojuegos Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Interviews Ana Teresa ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 2: Usos de la tecnología Actividad 3: Una carta Actividad 16: Un mensaje de texto Interviews Videos Panorama 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture Chris Social Issue Ana Áurea Exploring Puerto Rico Adventure in Puerto Rico San Germán The Future of Puerto Rico Videos Cultural Note Interviews Present Progressive Innovators, Inventors, and Places of Importance in Puerto Rico Janirah 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 20: Equatorial Guinea Standard Section/Type 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal ¡Vamos a charlar! 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Title/Location Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos ¿Cómo se contamina el (Listening) agua? Materiales auténticos (Reading) El reciclaje Medio de transporte alternativo Lectura Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 5: Clasificación Actividad 7: Los consejos Actividad 9: Salvar la Tierra Actividad 15: Póster Interviews Videos Panorama Vanessa Sara People of Equatorial Guinea La Estación de Biología Marina Dos Mosquises Social Issue Environmental Problems and Equatorial Guinea Cultural Note Ethnic Groups in Equatorial Guinea En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 21: Spain Standard 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal Section/Type Title/Location ¡Vamos a charlar! Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Preguntas personales Actividad 4: El futuro cercano (Ir + a + infinitivo) Premios de las TVyNovelas Actividades 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Perspectives 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives 4. Comparisons 4.1 Language 4.2 Culture Materiales auténticos (Listening) Materiales auténticos (Reading) Lo mejor del cine latinoamericano Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Interviews Gerard ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 1: Proyecto Actividad 3: Verbos reflexivos Actividad 21: Palabras negativas e indefinidas Actividad 23: Ponerse + adjetivo Actividad 27: Acciones recíprocas Actividad 30: Subjuntivo Actividad 32: Verbos como gustar Interviews Bárbara Panorama La plaza de toros Social Issue Videos Cultural Note Interviews Spain and Nationalism Action Verbs 1 Action Verbs 2 Spain: Where It All Began Almudena Andrew Videos 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist Chapter 22: United States of America Standard Section/Type 1. Communication 1.1 Interpersonal ¡Vamos a charlar! 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational 2. Culture 2.1 Practices to Perspectives 2.2 Products to Esther Tomatina Boquería Title/Location Interpersonal #1 Interpersonal #2 Interpersonal #3 Preguntas personales Materiales auténticos Claro Navidad (Listening) IKEA Materiales auténticos (Reading) Cinco de Mayo Día de la Madre Día Internacional de la Familia Propósitos Masteries Listening Mastery A Listening Mastery B Interviews Teodoro ¡Vamos a charlar! Presentational #1 Actividades Actividad 1: ¿Quién, qué, dónde, por qué, cuándo? Actividad 2: Billetes/Estampillas de festividades Actividad 3: Álbum de recortes Actividad 8: La tarjeta postal Actividad 11: Tradiciones Actividad 13: Una invitación Presentations Interviews Videos Panorama Cinco de Mayo Janie Cinco de Mayo El Día de los Muertos Perspectives 3. Connections 3.2 Diverse Perspectives Social Issue Videos 4. Comparisons 4.2 Culture 5. Communities 5.1 School and Global Communities 5.2 Lifelong Learning Cultural Note Interviews En la comunidad Can-Do Goals Can-Do Checklist The US and Illegal Immigration Undocumented Teen Volleyball over the Wall Spanish Speakers in the US Aileen Randy
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