Curriculum Vitae - Minnesota Population Center

Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
February 2015
Joan García-Román
Address: Minnesota Population Center. 50 Willey Hall. 225-19 Avenue South.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
E-mail: [email protected]
Research Associate. Minnesota Population Center. University of Minnesota.
September 2012: PhD in Demography. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
PhD dissertation: Time use in dual-earner couples (In Spanish: El uso del tiempo en las parejas de
doble ingreso)
Supervisors: PhD Anna Cabré; PhD Marc Ajenjo
September 2008-July 2009: European Doctoral School of Demography. Postgraduate program in
the Max Planck Institute of Rostock and INED in Paris that receives support 7 universities
(Amsterdam, Groningen, Lund, Roma, Rostock, Tallinn, Warsaw) and 5 research organisms
September 2006-2008 : Master in Population and Territorial Studies at the Autonomous University
of Barcelona
March-November 1999: Master of Demography. Center for Demographic Studies - CED
1995-98: Diploma in Statistics. Autonomous University of Barcelona.
UNESCO Code: 1209.03 (Data analysis) 5206.06 (Demographic Structure), 6309 (Women Status),
5207.04 (Population censuses and other data collection)
From July 2013: Research Associate at the Minnesota Population Center
May 2000-July 2013: Technical researcher at the Center for Demographic Studies - CED.
February 2000 to May 2000: Statistic analyst. Project “Instrumentos para el análisis y detección de
necesidades formativas para microempresas y PYMES en el ámbito de la logística” Funded by:
Fundación para la Formación Continua (Forcem).
Minnesota Population Center, Minneapolis, United States
From July 2013
Institut National d’Études Démographiques, Paris, France
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
October 2008 – July 2009
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany
September 2008 – October 2008
2013- Time Use Survey Data Access System (ATUS-X). National Institutes of Health and
Economic Research Service. Principal researcher: PhD Sarah Flood
2011-2013 Data without boundaries. European Comission. FP7-Infrastructures-2010-1 (Nº
262608). Principal researcher: Ph D Albert Esteve
2010-2013 Towards a Unified Analysis of World Population: Family Patterns in Multilevel
Perspective. European Research Council. Starting Grant (ERC-2009-StG-240978). Principal
researcher: Ph. D. Albert Esteve
2010-2012 El reparto del tiempo y el uso del espacio en las parejas biactivas. La situación
española en el contexto Europeo. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Plan Nacional de I+D+I
(CSO2009-08273). Principal researcher: Ph. D. Marc Ajenjo
2006-2008 Harmonizing the Integrated Census Microdata (HIECM). European Commission,
Infrastructures Action Research. 2006. Principal researcher: Ph. D. Albert Esteve
2005-2007 Disseminating the Integrated European Census Microdata (DIECM) . European
Comission, Infrastructures Action Research, FP6-515830. 2005-2006 Principal researcher: Ph. D.
Albert Esteve
2004-2005 Efectos poblacionales, supervivencia y características de los mayores en España.
Tendencias recientes y perspectivas hasta 2030 (II). Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
Principal researcher: Ph. D. Julio Pérez
 2004 L'infécondité volontaire en Europe, ses causes et conséquences prévisibles: une étude
comparative. European Comission. Labour and Social Affairs. Principal researcher: Ph.D. Daniel
2003-2004 Informe de la macroencuesta sobre Discapacidades, Deficiencias y estado de la Salud
de 1999. National Statistical Institute. Principal researcher: Ph.D. Julio Pérez
2002 Efectos poblacionales, supervivencia y características de los mayores en España.
Tendencias recientes y perspectivas hasta 2030. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.. Principal
researcher: Ph.D. Julio Pérez
2001-2002 Trabajo y residencia como factores de las migraciones internas: un estudio
comparativo europeo. European Comission. Labour and Social Affairs. VS/2001/0214. 2001-2002.
Principal researcher: Ph.D. Juan Antonio Módenes
2001-2002 Female Employment in National Institutionals Contexts (FENICS). European
Comission. Principal researcher: Ph.D. Daniel Devolder
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
AJENJO, M., GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (forthcoming) "La transmissió intergeneracional de rols de
gènere en la llar". Revista Catalana de Sociologia.
KASHYAP, R.; ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2015) “ Potential (mis)match?: Marriage
Markets amidst Socio-Demographic Change in India 2005-2050”. Demography.
DOI 10.1007/s13524-014-0366-x
PERMANYER, I.; MCCAA, B.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; ESTEVE, A (2014) "Human Development
Index-like Small Area Estimates for Africa computed from IPUMS-International integrated census
microdata". Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. DOI:
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2014) "Cambios en el uso del tiempo de las parejas.
¿Estamos en el camino hacia una mayor igualdad?".Revista Internacional de Sociología, 72 (2):
453-476. doi: 10.3989/ris.2012.05.28
CAMARA, A.D.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2014) "Anthropometrics and development: cohort trends
and spatial patterns of height and robustness in 20 -century Spain". Population, Spaces and
Place. doi: 10.1002/psp.1850
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2013) "El tiempo con la familia en las parejas de doble ingreso. Un análisis
a partir de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo 2009-2010". Estadística Española, 55 (182): 259282.
PERMANYER, I.; ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2013) "The impact of educational
homogamy on isolated illiteracy levels". Demography 50 (60): 2209-2225.
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2012) "La incidencia de la crisis económica en las
desigualdades en el uso del tiempo de las parejas". REQUES, Pedro; De COS, Olga (Ed.). La
población en clave territorial. Procesos, estructuras y perspectivas de análisis. Actas del XIII
Congreso de la Población Española (12-14 de septiembre de 2012). Santander: Ministerio de
Economía y Competitividad; Gobierno de Cantabria; Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles;
Universidad de Cantabria, pp. 352-362.
ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; LESTHAGHE, R. (2012) "The family context of cohabitation
and single motherhood in Latin America ". Population and Development Review, 38 (4): 707-727.
ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; MCCAA, R. (2012) "Comparative Perspectives on Marriage
and International Migration, 1970-2000: Findings from IPUMS-International Census Microdata
Samples". In Doo-Sub, K. (ed) Cross Border Marriage: Global trends and diversity. Korea Institute
for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA): Seoul.
ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; PERMANYER, I. (2012) "The gender-gap reversal in education
and its impact on union formation: The end of hypergamy?". Population and Development Review,
38 (3): 535-546.
ESTEVE, A.; SPIJKER, J.; RIFFE, T.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2012) " Spousal and parental roles
among female student populations in 55 low- and middle-income countries ". Vienna Yearbook of
Population Research, 10: 77-94.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; AJENJO, M. (2012) "¿Son las parejas españolas menos igualitarias que las
europeas? Diferencias en el tiempo empleado en trabajo no remunerado entre España, Italia,
Francia, Alemania y Reino Unido". Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 58 (3): 397-416.
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
AJENJO, M., GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2011) "El tiempo productivo, reproductivo y de ocio en las
parejas de doble ingreso". Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 96 (3): 985-1006.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; LÓPEZ-GAY, A. (2010) "Los censos de población basados en registros:
una aproximación a las experiencias de los países nórdicos y a su aplicabilidad en España".
Papers de Demografia, 364. 1-24.
ESTEVE, A., GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J., McCAA, R (2010) "La enumeración de la soltería femenina en
los censos de población: sesgo y propuesta de corrección". Papeles de Población, 66: 9-40.
CÁMARA, A.D., GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2010) "Ciclos largos de nivel de vida en España (17501950): propuesta metodológica y evidencias locales". Investigaciones de Historia Económica 17:.
DOMINGO, A., LEÓN, P., GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2009) “El reagrupament familiar a la Província
de Barcelona, 2004-2006: trets demogràfics i distribució territorial”. Documents d’Anàlisi
Geogràfica, 54: 5-77.
ESTEVE, A., GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J., SPIJKER, J., McCAA, R. (2009), “Integrated European
Census Microdata (IECM) Samples: Enhancing the study of ageing with high precision oversamples of the oldest-old”. In: Work session on statistical data confidentiality, Manchester 17-19
Decembre 2007. Luxembourg: Eurostat, 407-416. ISBN: 978-92-79-12055-8.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J (2008) Fonts d’informació per als estudis sociodemogràfics a Catalunya.
1996-2007. Treball de recerca. Departament de Geografia. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de
CENTRE D'ESTUDIS DEMOGRÀFICS (2005) Encuesta sobre discapacidades, deficiencias y
estado de salud. Informe general. Madrid: INE; IMSERSO; ONCE.
CENTRE D’ESTUDIS DEMOGRÀFICS (2005) Proyección de población de la Comunidad de
Madrid, 2002-2017 (Tomo 2: Hogares). Madrid: Comunidad de Madrid.
DEVOLDER, D.; DOMINGO, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (2003) "Fecundidad diferencial y potencial
de reagrupación familiar de la población extranjera de la Comunidad de Madrid a partir del Padrón
continuo a 1/1/1999". Papers de Demografia, 224. Bellaterra: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics.
“Second Demographic Transition” Features in Latin America: the 2010 Update".
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; CORTINA, C. (under review) “Family Time and Gender Arrangements of
Couples with Children”.
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. (under review) “Gender inequality in the life course. The effect
of parenthood in the division of unpaid work”. See Minnesota Population Center Working Paper No
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
Recent trends in gender inequality in the allocation of time. A comparison of USA and Spain
Trends in Spouse’s Shared Time in the United States, 1965-2012. With Katie Genadek and Sarah
Spouses’ shared time in a cross-national context: A comparison of the US, Spain and France. With
Katie Genadek and Sarah Flood
Demographic change and the end of universal marriage in India. With Albert Esteve and Ridhi
Polarization through assortative mating: is social closure among the college educated increasing?.
With Inaki Permanyer and Albert Esteve.
Are current spatial patterns of excess weight related to the geography of deprivation in the past? A
generational approach to the nutritional status of Spanish regions over the 20 century. With
Antonio D. Camara.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; GENADEK, K.; FLOOD, S. “Spouses’ shared time in a cross-national
context: A comparison of the US, Spain and France”. Population Association of America. San
Diego, April 29 -May 2nd 2015
PERMANYER, I.; ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. “Polarization through assortative mating: is
social closure among the college educated increasing?”. Population Association of America. San
Diego, April 29 -May 2nd 2015
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J., AJENJO, M. “Gender inequality in the life course. The effect of parenthood
in the division of unpaid work”. 36th IATUR Conference. Turku, July 30th-August 1st 2014.
GENADEK, K.; FLOOD, S.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. “Trends in spouse’s shared time in the United
States, 1965‐2012”. . 36th IATUR Conference. Turku, July 30th-August 1st 2014.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; FLOOD, S. “American Time Use Survey Extract Builder (ATUS‐X)”. 36th
IATUR Conference. Turku, July 30th-August 1st 2014.
KASHYAP, R.; ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. “Potential (mis)match?: Marriage Markets
amidst Socio-Demographic Change in India 2005-2050”. European Population Conference.
Budapest June 25-28 2014.
PERMANYER, I.; MCCAA, B.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; ESTEVE, A. "Human Development Indexlike Small Area Estimates for Africa computed from IPUMS-International integrated census
microdata". European Population Conference. Budapest June 25-28 2014.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J., AJENJO, M., GARCIA, N. “Gender inequality in the life course. The effect of
parenthood in the division of unpaid work”. European Population Conference. Budapest June 2528 2014.
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
GENADEK, K.; FLOOD, S.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. “Trends in spouse’s shared time in the United
States, 1965‐2012”. . Perspectives on time Use in the US. Washington, June 23rd-24th 2014.
KASHYAP, R.; ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. “Potential (mis)match?: Marriage Markets
amidst Socio-Demographic Change in India 2005-2050”. Population Association of America.
Boston, May 1-3 2014.
GENADEK, K.; FLOOD, S.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. “Trends in Spouse’s Shared Time in the United
States, 1965-2012”. Population Association of America. Boston, May 1-3 2014.
ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; LESTHAGHE, R. "The family context of cohabitation and
single motherhood in Latin America". XXVII International Population Conference. Busan (Korea),
August 26 -31 2013.
LESTHAGHE, R.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; "Living Arrangements of Cohabiting Couples and Single
Mothers in Latin America". Population Association of America. New Orleans, April 10th-13th 2013.
ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; LESTHAGHE, R. "Changing Patterns of Family Formation in
Latin America". V Congreso de ALAP. Montevideo, October 23rd-26th 2012.
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "Cambios del uso del tiempo en las parejas de doble ingreso:
Del crecimiento económico a la crisis". XIII Congreso de la Población Española. Santander,
September 12th-14th 2012.
CÁMARA, A.D.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "Anthropometrics and development in twentieth-century
Spain: cohort trends and spatial patterns of height and robustness". III Encuentro Anual de la
AEHE. Barcelona, September 7th 2012.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; PERMANYER, I.; ESTEVE, A. "The impact of educational homogamy on
literacy levels". European Population Conference 2012. Stockholm, June 13th-16th 2012.
Worldwide Test of the Role Incompatibility Hypothesis among Adolescents and Young Adults".
European Population Conference 2012. Stockholm, June 13th-16th 2012.
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "The effect of dual-earner couples' generalization on family
time in Spain". European Population Conference 2012. Stockholm, June 13th-16th 2012.
CHAGER, S.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; LÓPEZ-GAY, A.; ESTEVE, A. "Educational expansion and
early marriage in Ibdia: Time and regional trends". European Population Conference 2012.
Stockholm, June 13th-16th 2012. Poster
CÁMARA, A.D.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "Height, robustness and living conditions: Spatial patterns
and cohort dynamics in 20th-century Spain" European Population Conference 2012. Stockholm,
June 13th-16th 2012. Poster
RIFFE, T.; ESTEVE, A.; SPIJKER, J.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "Student, Spouse, Parent? A
Worldwide Test of the Role Incompatibility Hypothesis among Adolescents and Young Adults".
Population Association of America, Annual Meeting 2012. San Francisco, May 3rd-5th 2012
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
Participation to the I European Data Access Forum. Organized by Data Without Boundaries
Project. Luxembourg, March 27th-28th 2012.
ESTEVE, A., SPIJKER, J., RIFFE, T., GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J., 'Student, spouse, parent? A
worldwide test of the role incompatibility hypothesis among adolescents and young adults',
International Conference on Education and the Global Fertility Transition, Vienna, Austria,
November 30th - December 1st 2011.
ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; MCCAA, R. "Comparative perspectives on marriage and
international migration, 1970-2000: findings from IPUMS-International census microdata samples".
Seminar on Global Perspectives on Marriage and International Migration. Organized by the IUSSP
Scientific Panel on Global Perspectives on Marriage and International Migration and Statistics
Korea. Seoul, October 20th-21th 2011
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "Assessing the transmission of the gender roles using time use
surveys". 33 rd Conference of the International Association for the Time Use Research. Oxford,
August 1st-3rd 2011
ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; PERMANYER, I "Union Formation Implications of the Gender
Gap Reversal in Education: The End of Hypergamy". Population Association of America, Annual
Meeting 2011. Washington, March 31th- April 2nd 2011
MCCAA, R.; ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "La complementariedad de censos y encuestas en
la estimación de indicadores de soltería". IV Congreso ALAP. La Habana, November 16th-19th
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA,-ROMÁN, J. "The use of time during the daily life in the dual-earner
couples. Productive time and reproductive time in the countries of the south of Europe from a
gender perspective". European Population Conference. Vienna, September 1st-4th 2010. Poster
awarded with the prizes to the best poster of the first Session
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. ESTEVE, A., AJENJO, M. "The reversal of the gender gap in education and
its impact on union formation: an end to hypergamy?". European Population Conference. Vienna,
September 1st-4th 2010.
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. " The use of time during the daily life in the dual-earner
couples. Productive time and reproductive time in the countries of the south of Europe from a
gender perspective". 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Time Use ResearchIATUR. Time-budgets and beyond. The timing of daily life. Paris, July 7th-10th 2010
AJENJO, M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. " Tiempo productivo y reproductivo en las parejas biactivas.
Diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en los países del sur de Europa". X Congreso Español de
sociología. Sociología y sociedad en España. Hace trenta años, dentro de trenta años. Pamplona,
July 1st-3rd 2010.
CAMARA A.D.; CABRÉ A.; SPIJKER J.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. "Robustness and BMI in 20thcentury Spain. Cultural and Socioeconomic Determinants". 8th European Social Science History
Conference 2010 (ESSHC 2010). Session FAM09: Obesity in Historical Context. Gant, April 13th16th 2010
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
CHAGER S.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; LÓPEZ GAY A.; ESTEVE A. "Marriage Prevalence among
Young-Adults in India: Social, Time and Regional Trends" (Research poster). Population
Association of America. Dallas, April 15th-17th 2010.
Participation to the European Population Conference 2008. Organized by ’European Association
for Population Studies (EAPS) and Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics. Barcelona, July 9 th-12th 2008.
 ESTEVE, A.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J.; SPIJKER, J.; LOPEZ, A.; MCCAA, B. “Integrated European
Census Microdata (IECM) Samples: Enhancing the study of ageing with high precision oversamples of the oldest-old” Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality. Manchester December
17th-19th 2007
integrating the European Census Microdata” 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute.
Lisboa August 22th-29th 2007
 GARCÍA-ROMÁN, J. “ presentació de la pàgina web del Centre d’Estudis
Demogràfics” II Jornades de població de Catalunya. La Població de Catalunya, Centre d’Estudis
Demogràfics, Bellaterra Februrary 9th-11th 2005.
 MsOffice: Word, Excel, Access
 Statistics programs: SPSS, SAS, STATA, R
 Webpage: Dreamweaver, Flash
Catalan: Fluency
Spanish: Fluency
English: Fluency. First Certificate in English. University of Cambridge, December 2002.
2014 ATUS-X Workshop. University of Maryland. Maryland, USA. 25th-27th June 2014.
 Computer Treatment of the demographical information. Excel. Part of the module Research
Techniques. (12 hours) Master of Population and Territorial Studies. Center for Demographic
Studies. Barcelona, Spain. 2012
 Computer Treatment of the demographical information. Excel. Optional course. (12 hours) Master
of Population and Territorial Studies. Center for Demographic Studies. Barcelona, Spain. 2010
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
 Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Optional course. (15 hours) Master of
Population and Territorial Studies. Center for Demographic Studies. Barcelona, Spain. 2006, 2007,
 Statistics II (15 hours) and Course of SPSS (15 hours) Master “Mètodes i tècniques per a l’estudi
de la població 16th Edition”, Center for Demographic Studies. Barcelona, Spain. 2005
 Statistics I (15 hours) and Course of SPSS (15 hours) Master “Mètodes i tècniques per a l’estudi de
la població 15th Edition”, Center for Demographic Studies. Barcelona, Spain. 2004
 Course of Excel II ( 20 hours) Master “Mètodes i tècniques per a l’estudi de la població 14th
Edition”, Center for Demographic Studies. Barcelona, Spain. 2003
 Course of Excel II (12 hours) and Course of Access (14 hours) Master “Mètodes i tècniques per a
l’estudi de la població 13th Edition”, Center for Demographic Studies. Barcelona, Spain. 2002
International Seminar "Uses of Census data in European a comparative perspective". Organized by
Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics; Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques, Université de Bordeaux;
Observatoire Démographique Européen. Barcelona, June 9th-10th 2011.
Introduction to JMP. Organized by Servei d'Estadística, UAB. November 10th 2010
Introduction to SAS System (Enterprise Guide-SAS system). Organized by Servei d'Estadística, UAB.
November 2nd-5th 2010
Workshop Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses. Geneva, Octubre 28 -30th 2009.
Workshop Spatial Statistics in Social Science. Organized by Grup de Recerca en Demografia Espacial
(GREDE) and Center for Demographic Studies (CED). Professor: Coro Chasco. Bellaterra February 14
th-15 2008
Workshop Integrating Global Census Microdata, organized by, Minnessota Population Center (MPC)
and National Science Foundation of the USA, Lisbon August 22th-25th 2007
Workshop Integrating European Census Microdata II, organized by Institut National d’Études
Démographiques (INED), Centre Population et Development (CEPED), Minnesota Population Center
(MPC) and Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED), Paris June 7th-10th 2006
SPSS Basic Statistics Models. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Statistical Department .
Design of webpage. Dreamweaver and Flash. 60 hours. Institut de formació empresarial ESEC
Statistics Techniques of Descriptive. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Statistical Department .
Curriculum Vitae
Joan García-Román
Course of Teaching in utilization of the European Community Household Panel – ECHP of
EUROSTAT. Organized by CED. Professor: Peter Elias University of Warwick.
Member of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR)
Member of the Population Association of America (PAA).
Member of the Societat Catalana d’Estadistica
Referee experience: Demographic Research and Revista Internacional de Sociologia.