SIS 2015 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME (May 2015) THURSDAY 28th MAY 8:30 REGISTRATION EF26 9:00 9:15-‐ 10:00 10:00-‐ 10:30 Room EF26 WELCOME AND OPENING Bernadette O’Rourke (Chair of COST Action) and Nuria Lorenzo-‐Dus (President of SiS) Plenary -‐ Jaine Beswick (Chair Bernadette O’Rourke) The ‘new’ language speaker of the twenty first century; irreverent borders and impudent teenagers in the Iberian context Coffee break 10:30-‐ 11:00 Hispanic Immigrant Parents’ Evolución del discurso en las attitudes towards propuestas multimodales de la maintenance of Spanish as prestación de servicio al turista a heritage language in la visita guiada y el audio-‐guía Pretoria, South Africa Olivier Méric Ana María García Jerez Spanish language English and Spanish internet maintenance and shift memes and their viral among the Chilean translations community in Auckland, Jane Lugea New Zealand Sarah Elsie Lee Micropoliticas lingüísticas Towards a contrastive study of individuales de resistencia Spanish and English jocular papel de los padres mockery in Facebook neohablantes en Galicia Carmen Maiz Arévalo Anik Nandi LUNCH EF26 Executive Committee Meeting (13:00 – 14:00) MBG14 11:30-‐ 12:00 12:00-‐ 12:30 12:30-‐ 14:00 Room MBG14 SESSION 1 Chair Pedro Castillo Room MB125a SESSION 2 Chair Pablo La Porte Room MB147 Room MB162 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 Chair Ryan de Jonghe Chair Adriana Patiño Santos The GENTEXT Project Doing corpus-‐ based research on gender and social inequalities in written media Part I aims and methods Sergio Maruenda-‐Bataller, José Santaemilia-‐Ruiz & Nuria Lorenzo-‐Dus The GENTEXT Project Doing corpus-‐ based research on gender and social inequalities in written media Part II outputs and future directions Sergio Maruenda-‐Bataller, José Santaemilia-‐Ruiz & Nuria Lorenzo-‐Dus Aspiración de /s/ en español andino en situación de contacto dialectal: innovación, acomodación lingüística y/o marca de indexicalidad Santiago Sánchez Moreano Double new speakers? Language ideologies of immigrant students in Galicia Nicola Bermingham Navigating Valencian identities in San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante) Elizabeth Burgess Migration and speech community Founding immigrants and newcomers in Miami. Gabriela G. Alfaraz Room MBG14 Room MB125a Room MB147 Room MB162 SESSION 5 Chair David Atkinson SESSION 6 Chair Iris Bachmann SESSION 7 Chair Anik Nandi SESSION 8 Chair Pablo La Porte 14:00-‐ 14:30 14:30-‐ 15:00 15:00-‐ 15:30 15:30-‐ 16:00 16:00-‐ 18:15 20:00 «Estamos dialogando»: A comparative analysis of real time data of estar + V-‐ndo constructions in Puerto Rican Spanish Mayra Cortés-‐Torres Nuevos espacios de representación del teatro breve en España Raquel García-‐Pascual Daniel Michaud Maturan The Present Perfect in Andean Spanish Uses, Contexts and Meanings Carlos Soler Montes Justice for All? Issues faced by linguistic minorities and border patrol agents during interpreted arraignment interviews Claudia V. Angelelli COFFEE BREAK EF26 Semántica cognitivo-‐funcional del verbo sentir modalidad, cognición y subjetividad Jorge Fernández Jaén La expresión del pasado en el español de Uruguay el caso del pretérito perfecto compuesto Maria Kouti Cambio social y contacto Spanglish reflexiones lingüístico. Aproximación sobre un espacio perceptiva al vocalismo de semiótico transicional y neofalantes y paleofalantes en sus dimensiones gallego Carlos Hernández Alba Aguete Cajiao Sacristán Hablantes gallegos frente a Spanish-‐English Language sonidos italianos percepción y Contact in the Border producción de oposiciones Community of Otay Mesa, vocálicas y consonánticas California Manuela Frontera Ryan De Jonghe La fluidez en la producción escrita Construcción de en L3 Español: Los efectos de la identidades discursivas en edad y la proficiencia la esfera pública digital el Laura Sánchez caso de los blogs políticos Barbara De Cock & Cristian González Arias Room EF26 -‐ COST New Speakers Panel -‐ Chair Adriana Patiño Santos Ana Maria Relaño Pastor Language Racialization among Mexican communities in Southern California Emotional Performance, Contestation and Identity in Narrative Josep Soler Carbonell Spanish-‐Estonian bilingual households in Tallinn New spaces and different profiles of new speakers Victor Corona Hip-‐Hop Latino en Barcelona: Hacia una reivindicación de las variedades latinoamericanas en un contexto urbano Eva Codó Catalan, mobility and identity in the 21st century A narrative approach to new speakerness Maria Sabaté i Dalmau Exploring newspeakersness among the undocumented Migrants’ linguistic practices and ideologies around Catalan in Spanish-‐speaking urban neighbourhoods Conference Dinner – Howies Victoria Street Friday 29th MAY 8:30 Room EF26 REGISTRATION 9:15-‐10:00 Room EF26 Plenary -‐ Joan Pujolar (Chair David Atkinson) New speakers and new language conflicts in the Iberian Peninsula Coffee break 10:00-‐ 10:30 Room MBG14 SESSION 1 Chair Darren Paffey Room MB125a SESSION 2 Chair Pablo La Porte 10:30-‐ 11:00 Socio-‐spatial representations in the city of Lima. The case of the “new limeños” Yvette Bürki Mitigation and indirectness in Puerto Rican, Dominican, Mexican Spanish Nydia Flores 11:30-‐ 12:00 Contacto-‐conflicto lingüístico en Argentina, entre la armonía y la tensión Corina Margarita Buzelin Haro Anti-‐politeness Mexican co-‐ construction of interpersonal affiliative relationships Gerrard Mugford 12:00-‐ 12:30 12:30-‐ Cultural mediators in Spanish Discussion healthcare settings: Contradictions regarding their role dimension Dolores Ruiz-‐Lozano LUNCH EF26 Room MB147 SESSION 3 Chair Anik Nandi Room MB162 SESSION 4 Chair Adriana Patiño Santos Expresiones estereotipadas y mecanismos cognitivos subyacentes en los sitios de publicidad del turismo mapuche Daniel Michaud Maturan When English is partially transparent –and used by Spanish-‐speaking suspects in interpreted police interviews in Scotland preliminary findings Eloísa Monteoliva García The acquisition of the tenses in The organisation of Spanish as L2 in different multilingual talk via live learning situations interpreting in Spanish Tim Diaubalick radio broadcasting the case of RTVE’s Radio 3 Pedro Jesús Castillo Ortiz Testing Spanish for academic Discussion purposes Challenges and opportunities Cristina Martínez Sanz, Susana Martín Leralta & Bega García Viúdez 13:30 Room MBG14 SESSION 5 Chair Anik Nandi Room MB125a SESSION 6 Chair Eloisa Monteoliva Room MB147 SESSION 7 Chair Ann McFall Bilingual conceptualizations of emotions Honoring the bilingual self in therapy Lisa Carroll-‐Davis & Stephanie Ellis La aspectualidad en los verbos procedentes de gentilicios Elisa Barrajón López Room MB162 SESSION 8 Chair Nicola Bermingham 1400-‐14:30 (Re)location, (re)location, Estudio semántico de verbos denominales neológicos aparecidos en la prensa española Ruth María Lavale Ortiz Catalonia The Politics of Language Changing language and Independence dominance, sounding David Atkinson native? An investigation of neofalantes’ speech perception and production Gisela Tomé Lourido & Bronwen G. Evans Grassroots political voices and El español como lengua de social media in the Chilean comunicación global educational conflict Cecilia Garrido Darren Paffey 14:30-‐ 15:00 Evaluación del componente pragmático Presentación del Protocolo Rápido de Evaluación Pragmática (PREP) Verónica Moreno Campos & Beatriz Gallardo Paúls “Por el grupo parlamentario popular, tiene la palabra la Sra. Sáenz de Santamaría…” Gestión lingüística y rol funcional en la dialéctica parlamentaria Joan G. Burguera Serra 13:30-‐ 14:00 15:00-‐ 16:00 16:30 18:00 (re)location. Stories of urban regeneration and displacement among the Spanish-‐speaking Latin American community of Elephant & Castle. Rosina Márquez Reiter & Adriana Patiño Santos New profiles of Spanish speakers in Italy Milin Bonomi /Laura Sanfelici CLIL in a Multilingual Setting Research into Language Attitudes Xabier San Isidro COFFEE BREAK EF26 EF26 “New speakers” in the community. Round table discussion involving policy makers, practitioners and researchers -‐ Speakers: Xabier San Isidro, Jorge Coronilla Naranjo, Harry Smith, Helena González Ruiz Vino de Honor -‐ Sponsored by the Consulate of Spain in Edinburgh
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