St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church San Felipe de Jesús Chapel Third Sunday of Lent March 8, 2015 God’s boundaries (laws) empowers us to holiness and wholeness and lead us to freedom. † March 14 @ 8: 15 am —Bishop Vann will celebrated a bilingual Mass at St. Edward the Confessor Church to dedicate new altar: pages 3 & 4 † Mass Schedule Location Update: page 5 † Stations of the Cross: page 4 † Sarah Hart Concert on March 15: page 3 St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church 33926 Calle La Primavera Dana Point, California 92629 (949) 496-1307 Fax: (949) 496-1557 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 8 a.m.—7 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m.—2 p.m. San Felipe de Jesús Chapel 26010 Domingo Ave. Capistrano Beach, CA Rev. Brendan Manson Administrator (949) 429-2880 [email protected] Rev. Dave Gruver, Senior Priest (949) 542–4312 [email protected] Rev. Armando Virrey, Parochial Vicar (949) 429-2870 [email protected] Deacon Al Scaduto [email protected] Deacon Victor Samano [email protected] Faith Formation Parish Business Office Parish Ministries Parish School 496-6011 429-2874 542-4311 496-1241 Christian Service 949-496-1572 (Food Bank) -Hours open: Mon. & Wed. 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Third Sunday of Lent St. Edward the Confessor Mass Schedule during church renovation through March 13, 2015 Weekday Masses (Monday 3/9 through Friday 3/13 only): 8:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at San Felipe de Jesus Chapel Sunday Masses: at St. Edward the Confessor will be held in a heated tent in the parking lot. Saturday Sunday 5:30 p.m. (Vigil) 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m., 12:30 (Spanish) & 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Penance (Confession) in the Church Meeting Room Monday 6:00—7:30 p.m. Saturday 4:00—5:00 p.m. (You may also call a priest to schedule an appointment.) Sacrament of the Sick In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, contact the Parish office to arrange for Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist. In case of a medical emergency after office hours, call (949) 257-8017. Sacrament of Baptism Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each month following catechesis for parents and godparents. Parents of infants should contact the Faith Formation office (949) 496-6011 to enroll. Celebration of Christian Funerals At the time of death, a family member should contact the Parish office to arrange the date and time for the funeral liturgy. Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Faith Formation office at (949) 496-6011. Sacrament of Matrimony The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the part of one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. Please call the Parish office for more information. Eucharistic Adoration at San Felipe de Jesús Chapel First Friday Mar. 6 from 9 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Page 2 Faith Formation On-going Religious Education and Spiritual Growth for Everyone, ALL THE TIME! Connect with us 365 days, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week :; AND via our mobile app: (Free Download—just type into your phone) Mark your calendars now for our Parish Lenten Event: A Prayerful Evening with Musician Sarah Hart Sarah Hart is a famous Catholic singer/songwriter whose beautiful compositions will inspire and uplift your life. To preview, go to: Bring the whole family to hear her in concert: Sunday, March 15, 7:30 P.M. in the Church After the ashes, then what? PRAY—GIVE ALMS—FAST Make Lent more meaningful this year! Lenten Challenge: Six Minutes a Day Reflections Prayer Books available in the church for FREE Come to SOUL WALK A contemplative prayer walking experience ON THE BEACH WEDNESDAY MORNINGS 8:30—9:30 AM Meet in the Beach Road parking lot (south end of Doheny State Beach. Parish On-line Retreat for Every Day During Lent Delivered to your phone, Facebook page, email, or by simply down-loading the whole content: A beautiful, deeply reflective but “doable” spiritual exercise to keep us focused during this special time of year. Follow us on Instagram #stedwardchurch; #stedwardyouth And on facebook: Information about our adult, youth and children’s programs are all at your fingertips on our website: http://stedwardcom; or Or just call us: 949-496-6011 March 08, 2015 Page 3 Misa para la Dedicación del Altar "El rito de la dedicación de una iglesia y un altar es considerado con justicia uno de los servicios litúrgicos más solemnes. Una iglesia es el lugar donde la comunidad cristiana está reunidos para oír la palabra de Dios, para ofrecer intercesión y alabanza a él, y, sobre todo, para celebrar los santos misterios, y es el lugar donde el santo sacramento de la Eucaristía es guardado. Por lo tanto, se presenta como un tipo especial de imagen de la misma Iglesia, que es el templo de Dios construido a partir de piedras vivas. Y el altar de una iglesia, en torno al cual el pueblo santo de Dios se reúnen para participar en el sacrificio del Señor y se actualicen en la comida celestial, se erige como un signo de Cristo mismo, que es el sacerdote, víctima y altar de su propio sacrificio "(Sagrada Congregación para los Sacramentos y el Culto Divino). Usted está invitado a participar en la Misa solemne dedicación del altar en San Eduardo el Confesor, el sábado 14 de Marzo a las 8:15 am. La dedicación Misa será celebrada por el obispo Vann e incluirá los ritos de unción, incensación, que cubre, y la iluminación del altar. Además, las reliquias del ocho santos serán depositados en la base del nuevo altar. Es importante que veamos más allá de los signos exteriores y símbolos que utilizamos en la iglesia y en nuestras liturgias y entrar en las realidades espirituales más profundas que se comunican y hacen presente. Desde diciembre, una guía renovación veintiocho página ha sido publicada en el sitio web de la parroquia no sólo como una guía práctica, sino también para nuestra renovación espiritual. Invito a toda la comunidad a prepararse espiritualmente para la Misa de Dedicación al orar y meditar en la Oración de dedicación a continuación. Nuestra preparación espiritual ahora, y antes de cada Misa, es importante porque somos los templos vivos y los altares de Dios. Oremos para que la iglesia reformada y el nuevo altar serán una fuente de unidad y amistad, donde el pueblo de Dios pueden reunir uno para compartir el espíritu del amor recíproco (cf. Dedicación Oración) de Dios. Oración de dedicación Padre, Te alabamos y te damos gracias, porque has establecido el sacramento de la verdadera adoración al traer a la perfección en Cristo el misterio del único y verdadero altar prefigurado en los muchos altares de edad. Noé, el segundo padre de la raza humana, una vez que las aguas bajaron y las montañas cubiertas de nuevo, construyó un altar en su nombre. Tú, Señor, ¿estaba apaciguado por su ofrenda fragante y su arco iris fue testigo de un pacto refundada en el amor. Abraham, nuestro padre en la fe, aceptó de todo corazón su palabra y construyó un altar en el que matar a Isaac, su único hijo. Pero tú, Señor, se quedó a su lado, y proveyó un carnero para la ofrenda suya. Moisés, mediador de la antigua ley, construyó un altar en el cual estaba echado la sangre de un cordero: lo que prefigura el altar de la cruz. Todo esto Cristo ha cumplido en el misterio pascual: como sacerdote y víctima montó libremente el árbol de la cruz y se entregó a ti, Padre, como la oblación perfecta. En su sacrificio se sella la nueva alianza, se engulle en su pecado sangre. Señor, por lo tanto, frente a ustedes en la oración. Bendice a este altar edificado en la casa de la Iglesia que nunca puede ser reservado para el sacrificio de Cristo, y permanece para siempre como la Mesa del Señor, donde sus personas encontrarán alimento y fuerza. Hacer este altar un signo de Cristo de cuyo costado traspasado fluyó sangre y agua, lo que marcó el comienzo de los sacramentos de la Iglesia. Que sea una mesa de alegría, donde los amigos de Cristo pueden apresurarse a lanzar sobre ti sus cargas y cuidados y asumir su viaje restaurado. Que sea un lugar de comunión y de paz, para que aquellos que comparten el cuerpo y la sangre de tu Hijo y llenos de su Espíritu y crecer en su vida de amor. Que sea una fuente de unidad y amistad, donde sus habitantes pueden reunirse como uno para compartir su espíritu de amor mutuo. Que sea el centro de nuestra alabanza y acción de gracias, hasta llegar al tabernáculo eterno, donde, junto con Cristo, sumo sacerdote y altar viviente, nosotros le ofrecerá un sacrificio eterno de alabanza. Te lo pedimos por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Third Sunday of Lent Page 4 Dedication Mass “The rite for the dedication of a church and an altar is rightly considered among the most solemn liturgical services. A church is the place where the Christian community is gath ered to hear the word of God, to offer intercession and praise to him, and above all to celebrate the holy mysteries, and it is the place where the holy sacrament of the Eucharist is kept. Thus it stands as a special kind of image of the Church itself, which is God’s temple built from living stones. And the altar of a church, around which the holy people of God gather to take part in the Lord’s sacrifice and to be refreshed at the heavenly meal, stands as a sign of Christ himself, who is the priest, the victim, and the altar of his own sacrifice” (Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship). You are invited to participate in the solemn Dedication Mass of the Altar at St. Edward the Confessor on Saturday, March 14th at 8:15am. The dedication Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Vann and will include the rites of anointing, incensing, covering, and lighting of the altar. In addition, the relics of eight saints will be deposited in the base of the new altar. It is important that we see beyond the exterior signs and symbols that we use in the church and in our liturgies and enter into the deeper spiritual realities that they communicate and make present. Since December, a twenty-eight page renovation guide has been published on the parish website not only as a practical guide, but also for our spiritual renewal. I invite the entire community to spiritually prepare for the Dedication Mass by praying and meditating upon the Prayer of Dedication below. Our spiritual preparation now, and before each Mass, is important because we are the living temples and altars of God. Let us pray that the renovated church and the new altar will be a source of unity and friendship, where God’s people may gather as one to share God’s spirit of mutual love (Cf. Dedication Prayer). Prayer of Dedication Father, We praise you and give you thanks, for you have established the sacrament of true worship by bringing to perfection in Christ the mystery of the one true altar prefigured in those many altars of old. Noah, the second father of the human race, once the waters fell and the mountains peaked again, built an altar in your name. You, Lord, were appeased by his fragrant offering and your rainbow bore witness to a covenant refounded in love. Abraham, our father in faith, wholeheartedly accepted your word and constructed an altar on which to slay Isaac, his only son. But you, Lord, stayed his hand and provided a ram for his offering. Moses, mediator of the old law, built an altar on which was cast the blood of a lamb: so prefiguring the altar of the cross. All this Christ has fulfilled in the paschal mystery: as priest and victim he freely mounted the tree of the cross and gave himself to you, Father, as the one perfect oblation. In his sacrifice the new covenant is sealed, in his blood sin is engulfed. Lord, we therefore stand before you in prayer. Bless this altar built in the house of the Church that it may ever be reserved for the sacrifice of Christ, and stand for ever as the Lord's Table, where your people will find nourishment and strength. Make this altar a sign of Christ from whose pierced side flowed blood and water, which ushered in the sacraments of the Church. Make it a table of joy, where the friends of Christ may hasten to cast upon you their burdens and cares and take up their journey restored. Make it a place of communion and peace, so that those who share the body and blood of your Son may be filled with his Spirit and grow in your life of love. Make it a source of unity and friendship, where your people may gather as one to share your spirit of mutual love. Make it the center of our praise and thanksgiving until we arrive at the eternal tabernacle, where, together with Christ, high priest and living altar, we will offer you an everlasting sacrifice of praise. March 08, 2015 Page 5 Lenten Stations of the Cross MORNINGS: Monday through Saturday (Feb 19— Mar 6) following 8:15 a.m. Mass in San Felipe de Jesús Chapel. Monday through Saturday (Mar-9—April 1) following 8:15 a.m. Mass at St. Edward EVENINGS: Fridays evenings March 13, 20 and 27 following 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Edward Fridays Where Stations of the Cross Sponsors March 13 St. Edward the Confessor Church Sponsored by: Our Lady’s Blue Army March 20 St. Edward the Confessor Church Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus March 27 St. Edward the Confessor Church The Living Stations of the Cross Sponsored by: St. Edward School/C. Malec March 08, 2015 Page 6 SAVE THE DATE!!! Join us for a Corazón House Building Project in Tijuana Saturday, April 11th. We are on for our third build in TJ! This is our first sponsored by St. Edward Parish and the Knights of Columbus. Join us for the unique experience of providing a worthy family with a new home in one day. We have space for 47 volunteers for this project on Saturday, April 11th. We’ll leave on a bus from St. Edward’s at 5:00 a.m TBD. and leave to return around 5:00 PM. No construction skills are required. Age: families with teenagers and older are welcome. You will need a U.S. passport to participate. Register (April 11th project) For information, please contact: Ralph Loconte (949)351-4266 [email protected] or Rob Wagner (949) 842-2277 or [email protected] For additional direct information about Corazón, please contact: Tom or Nancy McMillen (949) 443-5443 [email protected] Third Sunday of Lent Update to St. Edward Parish Mass Schedule Weekday Masses Monday 3/9 through Friday, 3/13 at 8:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Masses at San Felipe de Jesus Chapel __________________________ Saturday, March 14 ~ 8:15 a.m. Bishop Vann will celebrate a bilingual Mass @St. Edward the Confessor Church to dedicate the new altar (No morning Mass 3/14 @ San Felipe) ———————————————— Weekend Masses In the Church Beginning with the vigil at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday March 14 weekend Masses will be held in St. Edward the Confessor Church (not the tent) Page 7 Parish Ministries Families of Nazareth Wednesdays @ 1:00 p.m. The Cure For Our Spiritual Diseases “Nothing compares to the purifying and healing action of the Eucharist. There is no other cure like it for our spiritual diseases.” S.C. Biela, Open Wide the Door to Christ, (Ft.Collins, CO: IAMF, 2005), 76. Join the Families of Nazareth at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Church Meeting Room. Grieving? Struggling with Illness or Divorce? Stephen Ministry offers confidential, Christ-centered care for adults who are going through difficult times in life, such as grief, divorce, illness, relocation, job loss and other issues. If you or someone you know is experiencing a difficult time, please call Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers who will meet with you one-to-one to listen, encourage, and pray with and for you. It's free and it’s confidential. Please email [email protected] or call Stephen Ministry at (949)496-1307 x 2503. “Christ Caring for People through People.” Stephen Ministry Greeter’s Ministry Help greet people arriving for Mass at the front entrance to our church. It's fun, it's an expression of your love, it's rewarding, it's unity, it's belonging, it's familiarity, and it requires very little of your time. You can choose any Mass convenient for you. Please contact Larry Parker: 800-799-1119 or [email protected] Moms In Prayer Wednesdays @ 8:00a.m. You are invited to join Moms in Prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 a.m. in the Church Meeting Room. For more information please call Nelda Gow (760) 594-4613. Third Sunday of Lent Catholic Social Justice Ministry Tuesday 3/10 @ 7:00—8:30 p.m. Come join us in working to support the needs of the poor and vulnerable in our community. The parish Catholic Social Justice Ministry will meet March 10, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., in the Church Meeting Room. For further details contact Nellie Alcalde-Wayne [email protected] Help Distribute Food to the Needy Sat. March 14 ~ 8—11 a.m. A volunteer group from St. Edward will help distribute food and resources to those in need at Family Assistance Ministries (FAM) headquarters in San Clemente. A great Christian service opportunity for families, groups and individuals – anyone over 9 years of age can take part. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Cindy Brauer [email protected] (949) 439-0809 (office) (949) 388-8219 (home) Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner will be having their annual Finale Brunch on Sunday, March 15th in Knight Hall following the 9:00 Mass. All participants should check with their liaison for more information. Signups for the coming year will take place following all the Masses on March 21-22. H.E.L.P. (HELP, EMPATHY, LOVE, & PRAYER) Monday March 16 @ 4 to 5:30 p.m. H.E.L.P. is a support group for those with chronic illness and/or caregivers. Please join us in the Church Meeting Room to pray together and discuss practical treatment and issues such as nutrition, exercise, rest, and stress relief. We meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays for the month in the Church Meeting Room. If you need information regarding referrals or home or hospital visits, please call Maggie Prendiville, RN, MS at 496-7312. Page 8 Spring Forward Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday CANCELLED 6 - 7:30 p.m. Confessions Chrism Mass NO 5:30 Mass @ ST. Edward 9—10 a.m. Confessions 31 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 6 p.m. Blue Army Rosary 7 p.m. Penance Service CANCELLED 6 - 7:30 p.m. Confessions (St. Timothy Penance service) 29 Palm Sunday 30 24 23 22 6 p.m. Blue Army Rosary 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 7 p.m. St.Vincent de Paul 4 -5:30 p.m. - H.E.L.P. support group 6:00 Serra Club 6 - 7:30 p.m. Confessions 24-hour Adoration St. Edward 17 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 7 p.m. Social Justice 6 - 7:30 p.m. Confessions 16 10 9 19 26 7 p.m. Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Women of Wisdom 1 p.m. Families of Nazareth 8:45 a.m. Tijuana Ministry 8 a.m. Moms in Prayer 9 a.m. Circle of Praise @ 11 a.m. Spanish lessons 7pm Parents’ Grief Group San Felipe Chapel 25 7:00 p.m. Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Women of Wisdom 1 p.m. Families of Nazareth 8 a.m. Moms in Prayer 8:45 a.m. Tijuana Ministry 9 a.m. Circle of Praise @ 11 a.m. Spanish lessons San Felipe Chapel 9 a.m. Binky Patrol 18 7:00 p.m. Bible Study 12 8 a.m. Moms in Prayer 8:45 a.m. Tijuana Ministry 9 a.m. Circle of Praise @ 11 a.m. Spanish lessons San Felipe Chapel 6 p.m. @ San Felipe Chapel Blue Army Rosary 9:30 a.m. Women of Wisdom 1 p.m. Families of Nazareth 7pm Parents’ Grief Group 11 Stations of the Cross 9 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 27 Stations of the Cross 9 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 20 Stations of the Cross @ San Felipe after 5 pm Mass 9 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 13 Monday March 9 through Friday March 13 —Weekday Masses at 8:15 am and 5:00 p.m. will be at San Felipe de Jesús Chapel instead of St. Edward the Confessor Church. Monday Concert 7:30 p.m. Sarah Hart 15 8 Sunday MARCH 9—10 a.m. Confessions 4 – 5 p.m. Confessions 28 4 – 5 p.m. Confessions 21 Knights’ St. Patty’s Day Dinner Knight Hall 4 – 5 p.m. Confessions 14 Saturday Please Pray for... The Sick Norman D. Ward Maureen Parent Mary Bank Maria Dominga Dick Peters Michael Card Pam Gardner Miguel Angel Estrada Fortune Guerra Dolores Escarcega Bernadette Whalley Nancy Raith Fleets Errasquin Alfonso Liborio Saundra Mulato John Kittlitz Maria Toscano Fine Chang Nancy Raith Robert Whelan In Memoriam Please remember our armed forces and their families in your prayers. Pray For Peace. Mass Intentions Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Mar 08 Mass for the People Mike Trout † Lawrence Whitman † Victoria Quiroz † Geraldine Harvey † Monday 8:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mar 09 Daniel Farrell † Marilyn Watson Mar. 8: Margery Ida Dea (1997), Mary Kay Angell (1997), Caroline Long (2013), Betty Klosterman (2013) Tuesday 8:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mar 10 Marianne & Tom Redgate † Terry Bergstrom † Mar. 9: Pauline Baur (1977), Hal Hylton (2003), Veronica Colette Foy (2006), Rose Schiffert (2006) Wednesday Mar 11 8:15 a.m. Helen McNamra † 5:00 p.m Brian O’Hare † Mar. 10: Patricia Jones (1983), Carl Di Iullo (1998), Marie Pelletier (2001) Thursday 8:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mar 12 Jack McNamra † Maria Lizotte Mar. 11: William Potmeer (1975), Francis McGowan (1981), Joseph Dowling (1988), Jerry Didia (2003), Susan Duram (2004), Donley Brady (2009), Alberto Prado (2012) Friday 8:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mar 13 Robert Westgate † Saundra Mulato Saturday 8:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mar 14 Lois Anderson † Dolly Karcher † Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Mar 15 Mass for the People Mike Trout † Christopher Whitman † Francisca Cruz † Ron Milfs † Bernice Solomchuk Marcia Feucht The Deceased Mar. 12: Albert Smith (1998), Ronald Redinbo (2003), Eugene Lachel, 2004), Charlotte Herron (2005), Thomas R. Falcetta (2007), Josephine Davis (2008) Mar. 13: John Zolak (1972), Betty Thomas (2005) Mar. 14: G. Stephen Gilbert (1993), Julie Grant (2003), Patrick Reeve (2007), Betty Stanley (2008), Mary Kathleen Brown (2009), Lloyd Malchow (2010), Nelda J. Landers (2012) March 08, 2015 Page 10 This Week’s Events Pastoral Services Appeal Next week Pledge cards mailed to all Registered parishioners. 2015 Fiscal Year to Date Sunday Donations Month ended January 2015 $1,220,217 Actual $1,292,400 Budget ($72,183) Please call the Business Office at 429-2874 Good Stewards All In the month of February 2014 St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus ministries provided: Baptisms 11 Individuals Weddings 0 Couples Quinceañeras 0 Young Women Bereavement: 4 Funerals Weekday Masses Monday 3/9 through Friday, 3/13 at 8:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Masses will be held at San Felipe de Jesus Chapel Monday March 9 4:00 p.m. HELP Support Group, Church Mtg Rm 6:00 -7:30 p.m. Confessions Tuesday March 10 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Social Justice, Church Mtg. Room Wednesday March 11 8:00 a.m. Moms in Prayer, Church Mtg. Room 9:00 a.m. Circle of Praise, San Felipe Chapel 9:30 a.m. Women of Wisdom 1:00 p.m. Families of Nazareth, Church Mtg. Rm 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Thursday March 12 8:45 a.m. Tijuana Ministry, San Felipe Chapel 11:00 a.m. Spanish Lessons 6:00 p.m. Blue Army Rosary, San Felipe Chapel 7:00 p.m. Parents’ Grief Group Friday March 13 9:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl, Church Mtg Room After 5pm Mass Stations of the Cross at San Felipe Saturday March 14 8:15 a.m. Christian Service Food Distribution * 51 Families (197 adults and 89 children) Services Provided 19 Referrals Provided 15 * Food distribution is sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul and administered by St. Edward Christian Service ministry. Wedding Banns Julio Rodriguez & Michelle Allen ♥ March 14, 2015 Eric Silva & Veronica Oliver ♥ March 20, 2015 Edward Rumpeltin & Bridget Garrity ♥ March 21, 2015 Special Mass with Bishop Vann for Blessing the new Altar at St. Edward the Confessor Church 4:00-5:00 p.m. Confessions, Church Mtg. Rm 6:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus St. Patty’s Day Dinner in Knight Hall Scripture Readings Mar 08 - Mar 14 Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]; Ps 19:8-11; 1Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt. 18:21-35 Wed: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Third Sunday of Lent Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Page 11 Women's Silent Retreat at Mater Dolorosa April 17 –19 Magnificat Prayer Breakfast presents Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA, from Poland. This delightful priest served as the chaplain to the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw where St. Faustina began her religious life. He is considered an expert on Divine Mercy and the Holy Angels. Saturday, March 14, 2015, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Embassy Suites Anaheim – South, 11767 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92840 Registration by mail by March 7, 2015: $28 per person Registration at the door: $33 per person For registration information contact Dely Pili at 714- 670-7332 or [email protected] School Board Members Needed The Consultative School Board is looking for new members! The term is for 3 years beginning with the 2015-16 school year. We meet monthly on second Tuesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. during the school year. We are looking particularly for people with graphic design, communications and marketing backgrounds. If you are interested, please email Jackie Brady at [email protected] or call at (949) 291-6152. Applications will be accepted through March 13, 2015. St. Edward the Confessor’s SILENT RETREAT FOR MOMEN will be held at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center located in the San Gabriel foothills on the weekend of April 17th, 2015. Join your fellow parishioners for this weekend of spiritual enrichment and growth. Over 60 men in our parish attended this retreat in January and they said it was wonderful!! The Passionist retreat team offers inspirational talks on the theme, as well as time for quiet prayer, Mass, Reconciliation and Stations of the Cross. Our retreat begins Friday evening with a buffet supper and concludes Sunday at noon. Please contact your St. Edward Retreat Captain Liz Mojica at (949) 422-1241 or email her at [email protected] to make your reservation before March 31, 2015 or if you have any questions. April 17, 18 & 19, 2015 Requested donation: $215.00. $50.00 deposit completes registration No one is turned away due to inability to make this donation See for more information. Deanery Penance Services at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 Monday, March 23 Tuesday, March 24 Wednesday, March 25 Thursday, March 26 Tuesday, March 31 Corpus Christi St. Timothy St. Edward the Confessor Our Lady of Fatima Mission Basilica St. Catherine of Siena Pilgrimage with Fr. Brendan Manson to: Budapest, Prague, Vienna, Poland June 15-26, 2015 - Cost $4,799. For information, please contact Proximo Travel 855-842-8007 or March 08, 2015 Page 12 This lent we invite you to participate in 40 Days for Life In addition to 40 days of peaceful prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, we will pray outside of the Planned Parenthood facility located at 700 S. Tustin, Orange. Please join us and sign up to pray for an hour or more to save a life. All are welcome. More than 600,000 people worldwide have participated and many babies have been saved from abortion. For more information please contact: Alejandra Baker (949) 690-7315 [email protected] For more information visit Catholic Social Justice Ministry “We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace.” Pope Francis The second of the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Justices is a call to family, community, and participation: “The person is not only sacred but also social. How we organize our society—in economics and politics, in law and policy—directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community. … ” For more on this and the other six principles of justice, stop by the display case in church entry gathering space to see our poster. For your own copy of the seven themes and their descriptions, contact our ministry chair Nellie Alcalde-Wayne, [email protected]
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