XL Congreso Nacional y XVI Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia PROGRAMME XL National Congress and XVI International of the Spanish Society for Sheep and Goat Production 16 September, WEDNESDAY. 15.30‐14.00: Registration and check‐in 16:00 a 19:30: Satellite conference: “Three keys to solving health problems in Small Ruminants from an international perspective” Sponsor by x x x Pseudotuberculosis in Small Ruminant. Dr. Peter Windsor. Veterinary Faculty. Sydney University. Australia. Parasites control. Dr. Neil Sargison. Veterinary Faculty. Edinburgh University. United Kingdom. Criptosporidiasis and Toxoplasmosis in Ovine. Dr. Ignacio Ferre Pérez. Veterinary Faculty. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Spain. 17 September, THURSDAY. 08:00‐09:00.‐ Registration and check‐in. 09:00‐10:30 Main Hall : “Haemoparasites in European countries: Challenges and clinical relevance”. Speaker: Dr. Snorre Stuen. Veterinary Faculty. Sandnes. Norway. Chairman: Dr. Jesse Barandika. Neiker. SEOC board. 10:30‐11:30.‐ Opening Ceremony. 11:30‐12:00.‐ Coffee break. 12:00‐14:00.‐ Main Hall: Round Table: “Practical issues in small ruminant management affecting animal welfare”. Speakers: Dr. Bernat Peris. Consellería de Presidencia y Agricultura, Pesca Alimentación y Agua. Gobierno Valenciano. Dr. George Stilwell. Veterinary Faculty. Lisbon University. Portugal. Dr. Peter Windsor. Veterinary Faculty. Sydney University. Australia. Chairman: Dr. José Miguel Mejías. Practitioner. SEOC board. Room 1: 12.00‐13.00: “How do contribute the clinical analysis in assessing the state of health and production of a herd? The validity of the metabolic profiles”. Speaker: Dra. Cristina Castillo. Veterinary Faculty. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Spain. Moderador: Dr. Ángel Ruiz Mantecón. Instituto de ganadería de Montaña. CSIC. Scientific Committee of SEOC. 13.00‐14.00: “Changes in the characteristics of meat and milk by feeding”. Speaker: Dra. Teresa Manso. ETS Ingenierías Agrarias. Universidad de Valladolid. Spain. Chairwoman: Dra. Begoña Panea. Centro de investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón. SEOC Scientific Committee. 14:00‐15:30.‐ Lunch time. 15:30‐16:00.‐ Presentation: Project M.I.L.K. (Management Improvement of Livestock in Kenya): Human development and improve of caprine production in Turkana, Kenia". D. Pablo Areitio and D. Santiago Vega. 16:00‐17:00.‐ 1st Session: Oral communications in three parallel rooms. x Medicine I (Main Hall): Chairman: Dr. Jesse Barandika. Neiker. SEOC Scientific Committee. + Communications: C49, C41, C42 y C46. x Nutrition (Room 1): Chairman: Dr. Angel Ruiz Mantecón. Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña. CSIC. SEOC Scientific Committee. + Communications: C66, C40, C71 y C67. x MIlk Quality (Room 2): Chairman: Dr. Luis Rodríguez. ITACyL. SEOC board + Communications: C8, C9, C7, C70 y C79. 17:00‐18.30.‐ Main Hall: Lecture: “Peste des petits ruminats emergence and its threat to Europe” Speaker: Dr. Satya Parida. Instituto Pirbright. United Kingdom. Chairwoman: Dra. Delia Lacasta. Veterinary Faculty. Universidad de Zaragoza. SEOC board. Room 1: “Results from MAGRAMA founded projects” Chairman: Manuel Laínez. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA). 18:30‐20:00.‐ SEOC ANNUAL ASSEMBLY. 18 September, FRIDAY. 09:00‐10:30.‐ Main Hall: Round table: “Blue tongue: current situation and perspectives for the future; is eradication possible in Spain?” Speakers: Dña. Ana Cristina Pérez de Diego. TRAGSATEC. Junta de Castilla‐La Mancha. Strategies for the eradication of bluetongue in Spain. Dr. George Fthenakis. Veterinary Faculty. Thessaly University. Greece. Experiences from the current (2014‐15) outbreak of bluetongue in Greece. Mr. Luis Romero. Subdirección General de Sanidad e Higiene Animal y Trazabilidad, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Current epidemiological situation of bluetongue in Spain. Chairman: Dr. Javier Lucientes. Veterinary Faculty. Universidad de Zaragoza. Spain. SEOC board. Room 1: 09.30‐10.30: “Milk without residues or contaminants: controls for responsible production and quality in small ruminants”. Speaker: Dra. Isabel Berruga. ETS Ingenieros Agrónomos y de Montes. University of Castilla‐La Mancha. Spain Chairman: Dr. Luis Rodríguez. Instituto Lactológico. ITACyL. SEOC board. 10:30‐11:00.‐ Coffee break 11:00‐13:00.‐ Main Hall: “Feedlot lambs: housing, nutrition and health”. Sponsored by NANTA S.A. Speakers: Dr. Martín Rodríguez. ETS Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. SEOC Scientific Committee. “Feedlot lambs facilities” Dr. José María Bello. Nanta, S.A. “Nutrition for feedlot lambs” Mr. José María González Sanz. GTV. Zaragoza. SEOC Scientific Committee. “Production of feedlot lambs in Spain. Most relevant health aspects” Chairwoman: Dra. María Jesús Alcalde. ETSIA. University of Sevilla. SEOC board. Room 1: “Use of antibiotics with ONE HEALTH perspective” Sponsored by ZOETIS Speaker: Dra. Cristina Muñoz. Agencia Española de Medicamentos y productos Sanitarios. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e igualdad. Chairwoman: Dra. Isabel Vázquez. SEOC board. 13:00‐14:00.‐ 2nd Session: Oral Communications in three parallel rooms. x Medicine II (Main hall): Chairman: Dr. Jesse Barandika. Neiker. SEOC Scientific Committee. + Communications: C13, C15, C14 y C24. x MIlk Quality (Room 1): Chairman: Dr. L. Fernando de la Fuente. Universidad de León. SEOC Scientific Committee. + Communications: C53, C54, C56, C37,C36 y C43. x Meat Quality (Room 2): Chairman: Dra. Begoña Panea. CITA. SEOC Scientific Committee. + Communications: C4, C5, C10, C69 y C73. 14:00‐15:30.‐ Lunch time. 15:30‐ 17.00.‐ Main Hall: Closing keynote “A European vision for the sector of small ruminants. Promotion of consumption campaigns”. Speakers: Dr. Gabriel Trenzado. Cooperativas Agroalimentarias. Dr. Peter Hardwick. Head of Trade Development de EBLEX. U.K. Dr. Mateo Blay. Agr Food Marketing. Valencia. Chairman: Dr. Tomás Rodríguez‐INTEROVIC. Room 1: “Automatic systems as a tool for management in small ruminant farms”. Speaker: Dr. Manuel Alejandro Martínez. Delaval. Sweden. Chairman: Dr. Martín Rodríguez García. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. SEOC Scientific Committee. 17:00‐ 18:30.‐ 3rd Session: Oral communication in three parallel rooms. x Medicine III (Main Hall): Chairwoman: Dra. Delia Lacasta. Universidad de Zaragoza. SEOC board. + Communications: C60, C65, C57, C50, C48 y C58. x Caprine production systems (Room 1): Chairman: Dr. Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez. Universidad de Córdoba. SEOC Scientific Committee. + Communications: C16, C3, C77, C23, C51. x Miscellaneous ‐ Reproduction, Sheep production systems and Quality of meat‐ (Sala 2): Chairman: Dr. L. Fernando de la Fuente. Universidad de León. SEOC Scientific Committee + Communications: C76, C29, C30, C34, C20, C17, C18 y C19. 18:30‐ 20:00.‐ Annual General Meeting (AGM): European College of Small Ruminant health and management (ECSRHM). 21:30.‐ CLOSING CEREMONY AND CLOSING DINNER. 1‐ GENERAL INFORMATION Dates of the Congress: September 16, 17 and 18, 2015 Congress Destination: Castellón de la Plana (Spain) Venue: Auditorium and Congress Palace of Castellón. Av. Lledó, 50 ‐ 12003 Castellón Supporting company for the event: Viajes El Corte Inglés‐División Congresos Contacto: Dña Susana Morales [email protected] Scientific Committee Contact: [email protected] General Information: www.seoc.eu 2.‐ CONGRESS ORGANIZING COMMITTEE President: Dña. María Jesús Alcalde Aldea. Spanish Society for Sheep and Goat Production (SEOC). Vicepresidents: D. Ernesto A. Gómez Blasco Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA). D. Luis Miguel Gargallo Gargallo Veterinary College of Castellón de la Plana. Executive Secretary: Dña. Avelina Ribelles Villar Association of health protection for Sheep and Goat Dairy in Castellón. Organizing members: D. Vicente Navarro Marin‐Buck Territorial Director. Presidential and Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Water Department. Valencian Government D. Pedro Antonio Andrés Beltrán Presidential and Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Water Department. Valencian Government D. Bernat Peris Palau Animal Health and Production Department. Valencian Government D. Ion Perez Baena Polytechnic University of Valencia Dña. Delia Lacasta Lozano University of Zaragoza Dña Lledó Novo Renau Rural Development. Deputation of Castellón. 3.‐ CONGRESS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE President: Dr. Martín Rodríguez García Polytechnic University of Valencia Members: Dra. Isabel Vázquez González Nacional Institute of Agricultural and Food Research (Reproduction) Dra. Begoña Panea Doblado Research Center and Food Technology of Aragón (Meat Quality) Dr. Luis Fernando de la Fuente Crespo University of León (Genetics‐Ethnology and Welfare) Dr. Jesse Barandita Iza Neiker‐Tecnalia (Pathology). Dr. José María González Sainz Veterinary Technician Cabinet in Zaragoza (Sheep Production Systems) Dr. Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez Universidad de Córdoba (Goat Production Systems) Dr. Ángel Ruiz Mantecón Spanish National Research Council. (Animal feed) Dr. Luis Pardos Castillo University of Zaragoza (Economic Management)
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