WALL OF KINDNESS Wall of Kindness appeared in an Iranian city to help the poor. “If you don’t need it, leave it. If you need it, take it.” For more information on the Wall of Kindness read article on back cover of this week’s bulletin. Page 2 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 3, 2016 My dear sisters and brothers, Mis queridas hermanas y hermanos, Happy, Holy, Healthy New Year! Shakespeare once said, “I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” This was a wonderful season of giving and receiving all because of you. It is not over, this birthing. There are always newer skies into which God can throw stars. When we begin to think that we can predict the movements of God, that we can box the Christ in a stable at Bethlehem, and put him away for another year, that’s just the time God will be revealed in a place we can’t imagine or won’t believe. Those who daily wait for God watch with their heart not their eyes. Let us focus this year on our language – the power of our words. Feliz, Santo, y saludable Año Nuevo! Shakespeare dijo una vez: "No puedo tener otra respuesta, sino que dar gracias, gracias, y siempre gracias." Esta ha sido una maravillosa temporada de dar y recibir y todo gracias a ti. Este no es el fin, --este nacimiento. Siempre hay nuevos cielos en los que Dios puede lanzar estrellas. Cuando empezamos a pensar que se puede predecir los movimientos de Dios, que podemos encajonar a Cristo en un establo en Belén, y ponerlo fuera de nosotros, por un año más, esto es sólo el tiempo en que Dios se revelará en algún lugar, que no podemos imaginar o creer. A aquellos que a diario esperan ver a Dios con el corazón y no sus ojos. Vamos a enfocarnos este año en nuestro idioma - el poder de nuestras palabras. It is not always easy to… Apologize Begin over Take advice Be unselfish Keep on trying Be considerate Think and then out Profit by mistakes Forgive Shoulder a blame There can be no healing of the earth, no reform of state or Church, no restoration of the unity and felicity of family, no beauty in the arts or entertainment industry, no reality in the media, no truly liberal education, no city civility, no mindful work, no renewal of humanity unless there is a radical renewal of language. The most corrupting influence in the world today – and the most tolerated – is verbal pollution, a pollution begun in childhood and fostered at home, on the streets, in school, in the marketplace, in Congress, in the White House, in churches, sports, and even between lovers. The most gruesomely grotesque feature of our cultural decline is the ugly shambles of our language. May our mouths proclaim the good things God has done for us, is doing with us, and will do through us. With my love and affection, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. No siempre es fácil… Pedir perdón Comenzar de nuevo Oír consejos Ser generoso Seguir intentando Ser considerado Pensar y luego actuar Aprender de los errores Perdonar Echarnos al hombro una culpa No puede haber una sanación de la Tierra, ninguna reforma del Estado o de la Iglesia, ni la restauración de la unidad y la felicidad de la familia, ni hay belleza en el arte o la industria del entretenimiento, ni la realidad en los medios de comunicación, ni hay educación verdaderamente liberal, ni la urbanidad de la ciudad, ni hay trabajo consciente, ni renovación de la humanidad a menos que haya una renovación radical del lenguaje. La influencia más corruptora en el mundo de hoy - y la mas tolerada - es la contaminación verbal, una contaminación que comenzó en la infancia y se fomenta en el hogar, en las calles, en la escuela, en el mercado, en el Congreso, en la Casa Blanca, en las iglesias, deportes, e incluso entre los que se aman. La característica más horriblemente grotesca de nuestra decadencia cultural es el caos horrible de nuestra lengua. Que nuestras bocas proclamen las buenas cosas que Dios ha hecho por nosotros, está haciendo en nosotros y lo que hará a través de nosotros. Con amor y cariño, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. January 3, 2016 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Page 3 HOLY SANTO NINO SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 Jackie Bristow 8:30 AM D 5:00 PM C Alice Layman, Angelita Soto, Dolores Baca, Int. Clare & Dan Eubanks SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 8:00 AM WM Pauline Morales, Mary Rose Moore, 10:00 AM C 12:30 PM 5:00 PM D D The Holy Name of Mary Feast of Santo Nino (Infant Jesus) will be celebrated at the 10 AM mass on January 17, 2016. Please bring your image of Santo Nino and join us at the courtyard at 9:30 AM. We will have a procession around the courtyard and then process in before Fr. Rich to the altar. We encourage you to wear your Filipiniana attire but any attire is welcome. All Parishioners are welcome to join us. There will be a reception at the Pavilion after mass. Encarnacion & Gregoria Sandoval, Int. Ron & Jan Martindale Salvatore Vasta, Anita Platania, Int. Saldana Family, Mass for peace for the world Salvador Velasco People of the Parish MONDAY, JANUARY 4 8:30 AM WM Int. Residents of Brookdale, Andre Laurent, Salvatore Vasta TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 Int. Jovencio Custodio 8:30 AM D WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 8:30 AM PD Michael Ornelas 6:30 PM D People of the Parish THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 8:30 AM PD People of the Parish FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 Int. Fr. Bill Moore 8:30 AM D SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 Alice Layman, Julio & MaryLou Escobedo, Lisa 5:00 PM D Odeh In Memoriam ERIC GUERREROg HELEN SCEGLIO g D ANNY M AZRAANI g Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 5:00—D, Sun. 8—D, 10—D, 12:30—VP, 5:00—WM Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy VP=Visiting Priest *Schedule subject to change PASTORAL OFFICE SCHEDULE Monday, Jan. 18th—CLOSED HORARIO PASTORAL DE OFICINA el lunes, 18 de enero—Cerradó Warm Hands and Warm Hearts Socks and Mitten Drive Beginning January 1st, we will be collecting NEW socks, mittens and underwear for the many men, women and children who are in need at this time. All sizes for all ages are needed. Thank you for your care and concern for others. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5 PM, and 1st Saturday 8:30 AM (English) Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM (English); Sunday 12:30 PM (Español) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Friday 8:30 AM (English) 1st Wednesday 6:30 PM (Español) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30 PM (English) 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM (Español) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Holy Name of Mary Parish is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please do not leave your purses or valuables unattended. Page 4 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM… Life is filled with all kinds of “epiphanies” – manifestations of God’s love in our lives. Epiphanies can take place over time and can occur when we least expect them. The challenge is to keep our gaze fixed on the right “stars” that lead us to finding Christ in our own Bethlehems and Jerusalems. In the new year before us, may we behold the many everyday epiphanies in which we rediscover the love of God in our midst. DE Colores!! Have you heard of Cursillo? Would you like to know more? We have a monthly meeting called Ultreya where you can find out. Ultreya is held every fourth (4th) Friday of the month. Please join us in the St. Frances Room (ff 201) in the Sacred Hearts Hall. We meet from 7:00 to 9:00pm. Hope to see you there. January 3, 2016 Please Pray for the sick and the suffering: Madalyn Gentile, Charles Uhl, Terri Jackson, Cookie Riniti, Mercy Bubalo, Marion Storti, Bob Charles, Ron Chalman, Nora Wang, Elena Wessel, Michael L. Cooper, Angelita Tesoro, Amelia Castillo, Raymond Ruiz, Helen Calderon, Jerry Sterewalt, Lauren Paine, Tony Quintero, Jim Guest, Kathy Stevens, Jarrett Jara, Violeta Hernandez, Melinda Zamora, Nina Landaverri, Joan Ingram, Joe Rosales, Carole & Bill Durban, Amelia Ventura, Louis Benavidas, Margie Sanchez, Rick Garrett, Raymond Ruiz, Damacio Marquez, Gloria Marquez, Berna Vigil, Terri Montez, Fr. Richard Hoynes, Ramela Clutario, Wendy Peterson, Laurie Tandenberger, Joanie Barone, Sonya de Hart, Miguel Perez, Carlos Lozano, Peter A. Morales, Laura Oulages, Harlen Campa, Inez Sarrail, Olga Bennett, Wendy Peterson Jennifer Caballero and Baby Grayson Ignacio. RESPECT LIFE ROSARY Friday, January 22nd, 2016 marks the 43rd anniversary of the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision. The Knights of Columbus San Gabriel Valley Chapter will once again hold their annual Respect Life Rosary in front of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Building located at 125 S. Grand Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105. This peaceful one-hour event will begin at 12-noon and should conclude by 1 PM. All are invited to attend and pray the Rosary. Contact David Flores at (626) 422-3211 or [email protected], or Tim O’Donnell at (818) 731-4983 or [email protected] for further information. For more information, contact: Rita Austin at 909-593-9403. Dates: Friday, January 29th (12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) Saturday, Jan. 30th (8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) Where: Church Parking Lot 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road San Dimas, CA 91773 To schedule for a free pick-up of larger TVS & Appliances, call: (909) 518-7943. Make sure to mention it is for: HOLY NAME OF MARY!!! Electronic Items Accepted: Computer Monitors • PC Systems • UPS • Cell Phones Television sets • Laptops • Printers • Fax Machines Cameras • Copiers • LCD’s • Vacuums • Plasma TV’s Scanners • VCR’s • DVD’s • Appliances NO BATTERIES AND FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS Large Household Appliances are Welcome. PICK UP ONLY Brought to you by Holy Name of Mary School & Greenway Recycling (CEWID #106269) January 3, 2016 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Page 5 EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TRAINING Have you been thinking about serving as a Eucharistic Minister? The winter class is scheduled for Saturday, January 9 from 8:30 am-12:00 noon in Rooms 201 and 201 of the Faith Formation Building; and Monday, January 11 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm in the church. Please plan on attending both classes. We look forward to serving with you. Please RSVP to Joan Chung, 909-599-9707 or Jan Martindale 626-331-6073. To submit an article for the parish bulletin email it to [email protected] The article must be a word or publisher file. Due to holiday deadlines, please submit articles 2 weeks in advance. Adult Confirmation Adult Confirmation is beginning again soon! If you are an adult, 18 or older, and have not completed your sacraments, we invite you to join us to receive the sacrament of Confirmation! Adult Confirmation classes begin on Tuesday, January 20 from 7:15 to 8:45pm. Class fee is $50.00. Also, if you have completed your initiation process and would like to be a Sponsor to one of our candidates, please come and join us...we always need sponsors who are willing to share their faith and walk the journey with our Candidates who will be receiving this sacrament. To register, please call Charlie Martinez at (909) 599-1243 ext. 140. Clases de Confirmación para Adultos comienzan pronto! Si usted es un adulto, mayor de 18 años, y no ha completado sus sacramentos, le invitamos a unirse a nosotros para recibir el sacramento de la Confirmación! Clases de Confirmación para adultos comienzan el Jueves, 21 de enero 7:00-9:00pm. Favor de traer copias de sus certificados de bautismo y primera communion. Costo de la clase es de $50.00. Además, si usted ha completado su proceso de iniciación y quiere ser un padrino/madrina de uno de nuestros candidatos, por favor, venga a la primera clase ... siempre necesitamos padrinos/madrinas que están dispuestos a compartir su fe con nuestros candidatos. Para registrarse, por favor llame a Charlie Martinez (909) 599-1243 ext. 140. Winter Shelter February 1st through 15th 2016 This February 2016 Holy Name of Mary will be hosting a winter shelter for the homeless. Items we are collecting now: New or slightly used bath towels and new travel sized shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, women's personal hygiene items, shaving cream and disposable razors. All items can be brought to the parish office attention Winter Shelter. HNM MARRIAGE MINISTRY PRESENTS: DATES For Catholic Couples Caring for your marriage begins with making Ɵme for each other Have a date with your spouse. Cost: $15 per couple (includes book) Dates: Jan. 11, Feb. 22, Mar. 14, Apr.11 Time: 7-9pm Where: HNM Church, in the new Hall For inquiries: Carlos and Agnes Salazar (951)313-7458 Dave and Giselle Smith (909)229-0889 Page 6 THE HOLY FAMILY, MARY, JOSEPH AND JESUS Wise women also came. The fire burned in their wombs long before they saw the flaming star in the sky. They walked in shadows, trusting the path would open under the light of the moon. Wise women also came, seeking no directions, no permission from any king. They came by their own authority, their own desire, their own longing. They came in quiet, spreading no rumors, sparking no fears to lead to innocents’ slaughter, to their sister Rachel’s inconsolable lamentations. Wise women also came, and they brought useful gifts: Water for labor’s washing, fire for warm illumination, a blanket for swaddling. Wise women also came, at least three of them, holding Mary in the labor, crying out with her in the birth pangs, breathing ancient blessings into her ears. Wise women also came, and they went, as wise women always do, home a different way. During the month of November, we celebrated our Mass of Remembrance for our loved ones. If you brought a picture in to display during the month, you may pick it up in the Pastoral Office. God bless you and thank you so much for sharing these photos with us. December 27, 2015 For the 2016 year Holy Name of Mary has created a parish calendar. If you would like to have a HNM calendar we are asking for a $5 donation per calendar to off-set the printing cost. Please stop by the Parish Office today to get your There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline YOU ARE NOT ALONE.1-800-273-TALK (8255) The Shield Men’s group wants a few good men! Wait, what am I saying! Shield wants a whole bunch of good men! Young or (ahem!) mature. Come find good friends, Catholic fellowship and an increased spirituality. Any Tuesday evening, 7PM in the Day Chapel. No cost or obligation. Just a great welcome! Preparing and Sharing the Sunday Readings Online Reading next Sunday's readings during the week ahead prepares us to absorb the Word of God into our lives. There are no meetings because we prepare and share online via email. You will receive the readings on Monday and you can share your responses to the reflection questions with the rest of the group. This is a wonderful way to pray with the scriptures. January 3, 2016 THE EIPHANY OF THE LORD Did you miss last year’s OneLife LA? You won’t want to miss this year! On January 23, 2016, join Archbishop Gomez and tens of thousands in downtown Los Angeles for the second annual OneLife LA, an event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Beginning at 12:00pm at La Placita/ Olvera St., we will walk to Grand Park for a family-friendly day of inspiring speakers, live music, entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from community organizations serving those in need. The Requiem Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral will follow at 5pm. ¿Se perdió el evento UnaVida LA el año pasado? ¡No puede perdérselo este año! El 23 de enero 2016, únete al Arzobispo Gómez y decenas de miles de personas en el centro de Los Ángeles para el segundo evento anual UnaVida LA, un evento que celebra la belleza y la dignidad de cada ser humano desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Comenzando al mediodía en La Placita/Olvera St., caminaremos hacia Grand Park para un día familiar donde habrán conferencistas, música en vivo, entretenimiento, camiones de comida, y puestos de organizaciones comunitarias que sirven a personas necesitadas. Concluiremos con la Misa de “Réquiem para los No Nacidos” en la catedral a las 5PM. Please email Ministry if you wish to attend event. The ministry would like to reserve a bus for a group of individuals. [email protected] Limited seating and a fee of approximately $20.00 for each rider Queen of Peace Rosary Group You are invited to join us on Thursday evening Dec 10, 2015 Fr. Bill Moore, SS.CC. Adoration, prayers & worship We meet in the Sacred Hearts Hall Room 206 – 207 Starts at 6:45 pm . Celebrate Every Body! Jackie Bristow Memorial 5K Run/Walk and Munchkin Mile Saturday, January 9, 2016 San Dimas Civic Center Start time 8am for Munchkin Mile, 8:30am for 5K More info and online registration at www.jackiememorial.org Jackie Bristow grew up in San Dimas and attended Holy Name of Mary and St. Lucy’s High School. Here at Holy Name Parish, Jackie was an altar server and sang in the teen choir. While at St. Lucy’s, Jackie ran cross country for three years, and graduated at the top of her class in 2006. Jackie passed away on January 1, 2008 from complications related to an eating disorder. She was only 19 years old. Page 7 MARRIED COUPLES! THE PERFECT GIFT! Didn’t find that perfect gift under the tree? The gift that will be the best gift you have ever given to your spouse – The one that will forever bring a smile to each of your faces when you think of that gift? HOW ABOUT A WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND? Put a completed application form under the tree with a bow on top. The next weekend dates are Jan. 22-24, and March 11-13. For more information, please contact Cameron and Barbara Troxell at (909) 621-5724. Newlyweds — you’ve embarked on a journey that is at the heart of a civilization of love and life. Now is the time to grow and strengthen the beautiful gift of love that God has given you in the unity of marriage. If you’ve been married for up to 5 years, join us for Newlyweds 101: God Centric – a marriage enrichment program. Newlyweds 101: God Centric Series of 6 Monthly Friday Sessions from January 22 – June 24, 2016 For more information: archla.org/newlyweds101 or contact Candy Metoyer [email protected] | 213.637.7250 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773 Pastor Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Ext. 114 [email protected] Director of Pastoral Ministry Charlie Martinez Ext. 140 [email protected] Director of Administration Pat Joyce Ext. 112 [email protected] Grief Support Minister, Liturgy & Weddings Brenda Luna Ext. 137 [email protected] Director of Music Dolores Gomez Ext. 135 [email protected] Parish Secretary Deborah Lamborghini Ext. 110 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Michele Cote Ext. 199 [email protected] Communications Coordinator Gabby Ulloa Ext. 136 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Conf. Ext. 138 Phone: (909) 599–1243 • FAX: (909) 599–4230 Website: HNMparish.org • Email: Holy Name of Mary School 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 542–0449 • holynamemaryschool.org Principal, Holy Name of Mary School Deborah Marquez Ext. 226 [email protected] Deacons Marv Estey Ext. 177 Al & Rita Austin (RCIA) Ext. 110 Jose & Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Mario & Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Melanie Bailey Ext. 232 [email protected] Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Candice Brown Ext. 234 [email protected] Religious Education Administrative Assistant Serving Senior Living Communities: Brookdale, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement & Atria Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey This Week’s Events at Holy Name of Mary MONDAY, JANUARY 4 8:30 AM MASS 9:00 AM SS.CC. Assembly 5:45 PM Miracle Monday Rosary 6:30 PM Deacons Meeting 7:00 PM Hispanic Ministry 7:00 PM Alcoholic Anonymous TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 8:30 AM MASS 10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group 9:30 AM School Board Executive Board Mtg 6:00 PM Lectors Practice—Spanish 6:00 PM Men’s Shield Steering Committee 6:30 PM Teen EM Training 6:30 PM PTG Board Meeting 6:45 PM Life Teen Core Meeting 7:00 PM Men's Shield Weekly meeting 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Faith Formation 7:00 PM Lectors’ Monthly Meeting—Spanish 7:30 PM Choir Practice—Adult English WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 8:30 AM MASS 5:30 PM Adult Faith Formation—Spanish 6:30 PM MASS 7:00 PM Marriage Ministry—Spanish 7:00 PM School Dinner Dance Committee 7:00 PM R.C.I.A 7:00 PM Maravillas de Jesus 7:00 PM Centering Prayer CHURCH Hall LIB MC OLG Faculty Room CHURCH Chapel MC CHURCH MC Damien Room J5 FF 208 FF 206 & 207 FF 209 OLG CHURCH CHURCH Damien Room CHURCH FF 206 & 207 LIB Damien Room FF 205 Workroom For Wedding and Marriage Information please contact Brenda Luna at 909-599-1243 ext. 137. For Annulment Information please contact Charlie Martinez at 909-599-1243 ext. 140. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 8:30 AM Mass 5:00 PM Children’s Choir—Spanish 6:15 PM SS.CC. Secular Healing Mass 6:15 PM Spanish Bible Institute 7:00 PM Spanish Study Group 7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry—Spanish FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 8:30 AM Mass—Blessing of the Babies 7:00 PM Maravillas de Jesús SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 8:30 AM Communion Service 8:30 AM Eucharistic Ministers 10:00 AM Baptisms—English 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry 3:30 PM RECONCILIATION 5:00 PM MASS CHURCH Music Office CHURCH FF 208 & 209 FF 203 OLG MC CHURCH Chpel, FF203,204 CHURCH FF 201, 202 CHURCH MC CHURCH CHURCH PLEASE NOTE: Adoration: Monday—Saturday at 6am in the Church Please refer to your Scout’s Calendar for your meeting times & locations. Centering Prayer: Monday—Friday at 8am in the Chapel Please refer to your Faith Formation Calendar for class schedule. Rosary Group: Monday-Friday 9am Chapel Early Morning Adoration Weekday Mornings 6:00 AM— 8:30 AM Sign-up Sheet in the Narthex of the Church. Liturgy of the Hours Monday – Saturday after Adoration Exposition Iranians spontaneously create 'walls of kindness' to help the homeless Faced with cold weather and a troubled economic situation, Iranians are organizing spontaneous outdoor charity drives. But the "walls of kindness" appearing in major Iranian cities have also generated a debate online about efforts to help the poor. The idea seems to have started in the northeastern city of Mashhad, where someone installed a few hooks and hangers on a wall, next to the words: "If you don't need it, leave it. If you need it, take it." Donations of coats, trousers and other warm clothing started to appear. The person who initially set up what came to be known as the "wall of kindness" wishes to remain anonymous, according to a local newspaper. But the idea quickly spread to other cities, fueled by thousands of Iranians on social media. The drive increased in popularity as severe cold weather recently engulfed the country. Photos of walls across the country have been posted by several users, who are asking their fellow citizens not to "let any [homeless people] shiver in the cold this winter." "This is a great initiative. Hope it spreads across Iran," said one Facebook user. "Walls remind us of distance but in some streets in Shiraz they brought people closer to each other," said another, citing the southern city where the second such wall sprung up. However, some have taken this spontaneous show of charity as a sign that the government isn't living up to its pledges. "People are helping each other out in a country with so much wealth. Those in charge seem not to share similar concerns as that of the people," said one Facebook user. "If only we had wise and caring statesmen, we would not have a single needy person in this country with this amount wealth we have," another one complained. Despite promises of a better future by Iran's President Hassan Rouhani and the government's efforts to bring the country out of its international isolation following the landmark nuclear deal in July, Iran is still grappling with a recession, the effects of sanctions and sluggish employment. Many ordinary Iranians are badly affected by the situation and reports say that the number of the homeless in major cities has risen as a result. Official figures suggest that around 15,000 are homeless in Iran, although other reports say there's that many in the capital alone and that the total figure is much higher. Various official organizations are in charge of providing welfare to the homeless, who are described in Iran as "cardboard sleepers." But there are questions about how transparent and effective these initiatives are, which partially explains why people have decided to take the matter into their own hands. "We need to do it ourselves. Life is too short. Be kind as much as you can," one Instagram user said. One comment on Facebook read: "We, the people, are the media. By sharing [photos] of these kindness walls, we showed that we make the news, if we are resilient." The "wall of kindness" idea is similar to another citizen-driven initiative, called "Payan-e Kartonkhabi", ("ending homelessness"), where fridges have popped up on city streets so that people can leave food for the homeless. BBC December 20, 2015
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