PRESENTATION T TRAVEL GRANTS & YOUNG SCHOLARS he 5th Latin American Conference of the History of Economic Thought – ESHET Chile 2015, is locally organized by the School of Government and the Center for the Study of Political History (CEHIP) of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI). It will take place in Santiago de Chile at the UAI Peñalolén Campus and the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) during November 25-27. It has considered proposals on all topics related to the history, philosophy and methodology of economics, especially those connected to the main theme of the Conference: “Historical Approaches in Economics – from Continental Europe to the Americas”. COMMITTEES SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE josé luís cardoso (universidade de lisboa) annie l. cot (université paris 1 – panthéon sorbonne) josé edwards (universidad adolfo ibáñez) pedro garcia duarte (universidade de sao paulo) rebeca gómez betancourt (université lumière lyon 2) wade hands (university of puget sound) alexandre mendes cunha (universidade federal de minas gerais) TRAVEL GRANTS (BY ESHET) annie l. cot davide gualerzi erich pinzón fuchs pierre-hernan rojas YOUNG SCHOLAR GRANTS (BY YSI AND THE LOCAL ORGANIZATION) andré calixtre miguel ángel castillo felipe correa victor cruz e silva manuela fernandez monica hernandez sharmin khodaiji conrado krivochein clara mattei carolina miranda catalina murcia INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE nicole gardella (universidad adolfo ibáñez) josé edwards (universidad adolfo ibáñez) andrés estefane (universidad adolfo ibáñez) claudio robles (universidad adolfo ibáñez) francisca sierralta (universidad adolfo ibáñez) 02 eshet chile 2015 the local organization is grateful of the support provided by: universidad adolfo ibáñez 03 GENERAL PROGRAM wednesday, november 25 (eclac, sala celso furtado) friday, november 27 (uai, sala 305-c) 10:00 to 10:45 on-site registration 9:00 to 10:30 parallel sessions d (young scholar sessions) 10:45 to 11:00 welcome address 10:30 to 11:00 coffee break 11:00 to 12:15 opening session by alicia bárcena: economic thought at the eclac, past and present 11:00 to 12:30 parallel sessions e 12:15 to 13:30 lunch time 12:30 to 13:30 lunch time 13:30 to 15:00 parallel sessions a 13:30 to 15:00 parallel sessions f 15:00 to 15:30 coffee break 15:00 to 15:30 coffee break 15:30 to 17:00 keynote lecture by osvaldo sunkel: historical approaches in economics, a personal perspective three stages in osvaldo sunkel’s thinking on development by mauro boianovsky chair: claudio robles 15:30 to 17:00 plenary session by rolf lüders: economics and politics in chile: an analysis from the university of chicago experience discussant: mauro boianovsky chair: josé edwards 17:00 to 17:15 concluding remarks by josé luís cardoso and josé edwards from 20:30 dinner at “la copa feliz” 17:00 to 18:00 welcome cocktail thursday, november 26 (uai, sala 305-c) 04 9:00 to 10:00 business meeting 10:00 to 10:30 coffee break 10:30 to 12:00 parallel sessions b (young scholar sessions) 12:00 to 13:00 lunch time 13:00 to 15:00 parallel sessions c 15:00 to 15:30 coffee break 15:30 to 17:00 plenary session by josé cademártori: economics and politics in chile: an analysis from the “unidad popular” experience discussant: stephen meardon chair: josé luís cardoso eshet chile 2015 universidad adolfo ibáñez 05 CONFERENCE PROGRAM Business Cycles as the Foundation of Latin American Structuralism Natalia Bracarense and A. Reeves Johnson wednesday, november 25 (eclac, sala celso furtado) 10:00 to 10:45 on-site registration 10:45 to 11:00 welcome address 11:00 to 12:15 opening session by alicia bárcena: economic thought at the eclac, past and present 12:15 to 13:30 lunch time 13:30 to 15:00 parallel sessions a session a3 (z-407): 19th century: british colonialism, brazilian state press and progressive taxation in spain chair: annie l. cot British Economists and the Defence of the Colonial Empire (1870-1914) Alain Clément, University of Tours Discussant: Leonidas Montes Practical knowledge and economic reforms in Brazil: the role of an enlightened State Press (1799-1801) José Luís Cardoso, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon Discussant: Bruno Aidar session a1 (sala celso furtado): celso furtado, raúl prebisch and development economics chair: hans-michael trautwein Beyond capital fundamentalism: Harrod, Domar and the history of development economics Mauro Boianovsky, Universidade de Brasilia Discussant: Clara Mattei Cultural and technological dependence in Celso Furtado’s work: discussions on appropriate technology and consumption patterns Renata Bianconi, UNICAMP Discussant: Nicholas Blikstad Views on progressive taxation in Spanish economists in the 19th century Javier San Julian, University of Barcelona Discussant: Catalina Murcia 15:00 to 15:30 coffee break 15:30 to 17:00 keynote lecture by osvaldo sunkel: historical approaches in economics, a personal perspective three stages in osvaldo sunkel’s thinking on development by mauro boianovsky chair: claudio robles 17:00 to 18:00 welcome cocktail (eclac, hall 4to piso) Raúl Prebisch, the Economic Cycle and the Performance of the Central Bank of Argentina in its First Years (1935-1943) Florencia Sember, Universidad de Buenos Aires y CONICET Discussant: Pierre-Hernan Rojas session a2 (aula 2): kindleberger, perroux and prebisch and the seminal debates on international political economy general discussant: carlos eduardo suprinyak Charles Kindleberger and post-Soviet Hegemonic Stability Stephen Meardon, Bowdoin College François Perroux’s original perspectives on International Political Economy in the 1950s: L’Europe sans rivages and La coexistence pacifique Alexandre Mendes Cunha, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 06 eshet chile 2015 universidad adolfo ibáñez 07 thursday, november 26 (uai, sala 305-c) 9:00 to 10:00 business meeting 10:00 to 10:30 coffee break 10:30 to 12:00 parallel sessions b (young scholar sessions) session b3 (403-c): history and philosophy of science and economics chair: d. wade hands Learning from Ignorance: Agnotology’s Challenge to Philosophy of Science Manuela Fernández Pinto, Universidad de los Andes Discussant: Annie L. Cot The Political Economy of Scarcity Conrado Krivochein, Fluminense Federal University Discussant: Maria Pia Paganelli session b1 (305-c): banking, austerity and monetary order chair: josé luís cardoso The relationship between a post-colonial economy and the development of its financial system: the case of Brazil Daniela Freddo, University of Brasilia Discussant: Rebeca Gomez Betancourt The eye of the treasury view: Ralph Hawtrey and British austerity (1918-1928) Clara Mattei, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa Discussant: Hans-Michael Trautwein Reforming the International Monetary System in the 1930s: A Study of Harry Dexter White’s Monetary Thought Pierre-Hernan Rojas, Université Paris Dauphine Discussant: Florencia Sember session b2 (402-c): teaching economics in latin america (in spanish/portuguese) chair: jimena hurtado general discussant: alfredo félix blanco La enseñanza de la Economía desde la perspectiva de Jesús Antonio Bejarano Miguel Ángel Castillo, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Discussant: Andrés Álvarez To improve is to change: the recent evolution of the economics curricula in Chile Felipe Correa Mautz, CEPAL Discussant: Pedro Duarte Basic concepts and basic explanations: Proposal to address fundamental notions of the economics science using cartoons Catalina Murcia Alejo, Universidad de los Andes Discussant: Stephen Meardon The Nature of Critique in the Economic Science Carolina Miranda Cavalcante, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Discussant: Danilo Freitas Ramalho da Silva 12:00 to 13:00 lunch time 13:00 to 15:00 parallel sessions c session c1 (305-c): stagnation, cycles and money chair: natalia bracarense Prebisch and Neisser on the international propagation of cyclical fluctuations Hans-Michael Trautwein and Mauro Boianovsky Discussant:Emmanoel Boff Furtado and His Critics: The ‘Stagnation’ Model Mauricio Coutinho, UNICAMP Discussant: Davide Gualerzi Stagnation in a Historical Perspective Davide Gualerzi, University of Padua Discussant: Renata Bianconi Money, Credit and Reform in the Portuguese Imperial State: the writings of D. Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho, 1783-1800 Bruno Aidar, Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil Discussant: André Calixtre session c2 (402-c): growth, accumulation, development and banking in latin american economies (in spanish/portuguese) chair: alexandre mendes cunha Crisis in Venezuela, or the Bolivarian dilemma: to revolutionize or to perish? A Kaleckian interpretation Roberto Lampa, CONICET and IDAES-Unsam, Argentina Discussant: Matari Pierre Genealogía y crítica del concepto de superexplotación en Ruy Mauro Marini Matari Pierre, UACM México Discussant: Roberto Lampa 08 eshet chile 2015 universidad adolfo ibáñez 09 Peasantry partisans and peasantry opponents. An historic debate in the agrarian Colombian context Mauricio Ramírez Gómez, EAFIT Colombia Discussant: Thiago Gambi Bernardo Souza Franco’s views on regional and national banking in the Brazilian Empire (1845-1848) Thiago Gambi, Universidade Federal de Alfenas Discussant: Ramón García Fernandez session c3 (403-c): money and inflation in latin america chair: danilo freitas ramalho da silva En ausencia de Money Doctors hay que ser profeta en su tierra: ideas económicas y creación de un Banco Nacional en Colombia en el siglo XIX Andrés Álvarez, Universidad de los Andes Discussant: Miguel Ángel Castillo Guillermo Subercaseaux’s historical approach to money and banking (1898-1952) Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Université Lyon II Discussant: Javier San Julian El Debate Ministerial: una Controversia sobre el Origen de la Inflación en México (1955) Ma. Eugenia Romero Sotelo, UNAM México Discussant: Claudia Pico Monetary policy in the economic liberalization of society in Mexico and Spain Juan Pablo Arroyo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma, México Discussant: Germán Scalzo friday, november 27 (uai, sala 305-c) 9:00 to 10:30 parallel sessions d (young scholar sessions) session d1 (305-c): jevons, klein and banking chair: stephen meardon Jevons’s Ideal Role for Labor Unions and the Role of Unions Substitutes in the U.S. Monica Hernandez, New School for Social Research Discussant: D. Wade Hands Reconciling Keynes and Tinbergen? Lawrence R. Klein and the Making of Macroceconometrics Erich Pinzón Fuchs, Université Paris 1 Discussant: José Luís Cardoso The institutional role of the Bank of England: Palmer Rule, Bank Act, 1844, and a critique of Thomas Tooke Nicholas Blikstad, UNICAMP Discussant: Alexandre Mendes Cunha session d2 (402-c): society and coordination: “cordial roots”, regulation, higher education and ideology chair: andrés álvarez 15:00 to 15:30 coffee break Sergio Buarque de Holanda and the Cordial Men: about a radical interpretation from a Brazilian perspective for the Latin American history André Calixtre, IPEA Brazil Discussant: Mauricio Coutinho 15:30 to 17:00 plenary session by josé cademártori: economics and politics in chile: an analysis from the “unidad popular” experience discussant: stephen meardon chair: josé luís cardoso Wont and historical processes in Colombian scientific communities in the early 21st Century: a review from the theoretical works of Thorstein Veblen Claudia Pico and Óscar Eduardo Pérez Discussant: Natalia Bracarense Regulatory problems in contemporary society: a theoretical approach (in Spanish) Ricardo Valenzuela, Robinson Lobos and Francisco Ojeda Discussant: Jimena Hurtado session d3 (403-c): chair: rebeca gomez betancourt Notes on the transmission of Keynes’s ideas into Brazil through Eugênio Gudin’s “Principles of Monetary Economics” Victor Cruz e Silva, Marco Cavalieri and Marcelo Curado Discussant: Alain Clement Bringing the Nation Back In: Conceptualising ‘Indian Economics’ in Colonial India Sharmin Khodaiji, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Discussant: Thomas Adams Suarez and modern economic theory (in Spanish) Germán Scalzo, Universidad Panamericana, México Discussant: Javier San Julián 10 eshet chile 2015 universidad adolfo ibáñez 11 10:30 to 11:00 coffee break 11:00 to 12:30 parallel sessions e session e1 (305-c): friedman, buchanan, chile chair: stephen meardon Friedman’s two visits to Chile in context Leonidas Montes, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Discussant: Mauricio Ramirez Friedman and Chile Edward McPhail, Dickinson College Discussant: Felipe Correa James M. Buchanan’s Two Trips to Chile Andrew Farrant, Dickinson College Discussant: Juan Pablo Arroyo session e2 (402-c): mises, luhmann and courcelle-seneuil chair: d. wade hands Tensions between Theory and History in Von Mises’s Critique of Socialism Emmanoel Boff, Universidade Federal Fluminense Discussant: José Díaz Through the looking glass. Albert O. Hirschman reader of Jean-Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil: the Chilean mirror Annie L. Cot, Université Paris 1 Discussant: Ignacio Briones Niklas Luhmann’s economic theory as a reflexive radicalization of classical liberalism Aldo Mascareño and Hugo Cadenas Discussant: José Edwards session e3 (403-c): the problems of “service”, “free market education” and “rational behavior” chair: pedro garcia duarte The Problem of Service in Anglo-American Economic and Social Thought Thomas Adams, University of Sydney Discussant: Mónica Hernandez Adam Smith on free market education José de la Cruz Garrido, CPP, Facultad de Gobierno, Universidad del Desarrollo Discussant: Eugenia Romero The evolution of homo economicus Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert, CICS, Facultad de Gobierno, Universidad del Desarrollo Discussant: Victor Cruz e Silva 12 eshet chile 2015 12:30 to 13:30 lunch time 13:30 to 15:00 parallel sessions f session f1 (305-c): adam smith chair: mauricio coutinho Adam Smith on sympathetic persuasion, propriety and self-command Leonidas Montes, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Discussant: Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert Recent Engagements with Adam Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment Maria Pia Paganelli, Trinity University Discussant: Manuela Fernandez Adam Smith and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Justice as an Attribute of Individuals and Institutions Jimena Hurtado, Universidad de los Andes Discussant: Sharmin Khodaiji session f2 (402-c): philosophy and methodology of economics chair: annie l. cot The Road to Rationalization: A History of “Where the Empirical Lives (Or Has Lived)” in Modern Consumer Choice Theory D. Wade Hands, University of Puget Sound Discussant: Carolina Miranda Phronetic science: A Nietzschean Moment? Gonzalo Bustamante, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Discussant: Conrado Krivochein Volenti non fit iniuria: consentimiento, intercambio productivo y precio justo en Anarquía, Estado y utopía de Robert Nozick. Felipe Schwember, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Discussant: José de la Cruz Garrido session f3 (403-c): research policy in brazil and macroeconomic theory chair: matari pierre The First Keynesian Reactions to Lucas’s Macroeconomics of Equilibrium Danilo Freitas Ramalho da Silva, Universidade Federal do ABC Discussant: Erich Pinzón Fuchs A Path Through the Wilderness: Time Discounting in Growth Models Pedro Duarte, Universidade de Sao Paulo Discussant: Andrew Farrant Funding Policy Research under “Distasteful Regimes”: The Ford Foundation and the Social Sciences at the University of Brasília Carlos Suprinyak and Ramón García Fernández Discussant: Edward McPhail universidad adolfo ibáñez 13 15:00 to 15:30 coffee break 15:30 to 17:00 plenary session by rolf lüders: economics and politics in chile: an analysis from the university of chicago experience discussant: mauro boianovsky chair: josé edwards 17:00 to 17:15 concluding remarks by josé luís cardoso and josé edwards from 20:30 dinner at “la copa feliz” PRACTICAL INFORMATION planning in the event of an emergency Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez has designed an emergency plan in case of any event of this nature. This plan includes coordination with Carabineros de Chile (Police Force) and Bomberos (Fire Department). In addition, an evacuation plan will be duly signed in the premises. In the event of any emergency, please contact the room officer. In the event of an emergency at any of the hotels, passengers must contact the operator at each establishment, usually by dialing “0”. Other national emergency telephones; • Carabineros (Police Force): 133 • Policía de Investigaciones (Investigations Police): 134 • Bomberos (Fire Department): 132 • Ambulancia (Ambulance Service): 131 currency Local currency is the Chilean peso ($ or CLP). It is issued in $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $ 20,000 bills, and in $1, $5, $10; $50, $100 and $500 coins. International Exchange Rate: US$ 1 to CLP 693.49 (at November 06, 2015) € 1 to CLP 753.38 (at November 06, 2015) 14 eshet chile 2015 universidad adolfo ibáñez 15 PARTICIPANTS Currency can be freely exchanged in banks, money exchange agencies, hotels and/or airports. US dollars and Euros are not accepted in local stores. Credits cards are accepted in most commercial establishments. “Cirrus” or “Plus” are also autor institution email Adams, Thomas University of Sydney, Australia [email protected] Aidar, Bruno Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil [email protected] Alvarez, Andres Universidad de los Andes, Colombia [email protected] Arroyo, Juan Pablo Universidad Nacional Autónoma, México [email protected] Bianconi, Renata UNICAMP, Brazil [email protected] Blanco, Alfredo Félix Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina [email protected] Blikstad, Nicholas (YS) UNICAMP, Brazil [email protected] Boff, Emmanoel Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil [email protected] Boianovsky, Mauro Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil [email protected] Bracarense, Natalia North Central College (IL), USA [email protected] (between 46 and 79 degrees Farenheit) warmer during the day and cooler at night Briones, Ignacio Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] For further information, please visit Bustamante, Gonzalo Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Calixtre, André (YS) IPEA, Brazil [email protected] Cardoso, José Luís Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal [email protected] Electric voltage in Chile is 220 volts, 50 cycles (222v 50Mhz). Transformers are necessary Castillo, Miguel Ángel (YS) Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia [email protected] to operate 110v devices and equipment. However, most portable equipment – including Clement, Alain University of Tours, France [email protected] Cordero, Macarena Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Correa, Felipe (YS) CEPAL, Chile [email protected] Cot, Annie Université Paris 1, France [email protected] Coutinho, Mauricio UNICAMP, Brazil [email protected] Covarrubias, Francisco José Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Cruz e Silva, Victor (YS) Federal University of Paraná, Brazil [email protected] Cunha, Alexandre Mendes Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil [email protected] da Silva, Danilo Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil [email protected] Diaz, José Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile [email protected] Drago, Mario Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Duarte, Pedro Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil [email protected] Edwards, José Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Estefane, Andrés Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Farrant, Andrew Dickinson College (PA), USA [email protected] Fernandez, Manuela (YS) Universidad de los Andes, Colombia [email protected] Freddo, Daniela (YS) Universidade de Brasília [email protected] accepted at ATM’s, which display bilingual menus. ATM’s are practically everywhere, especially in banking and money exchange agency areas, as well as in hotels, gas stations, pharmacies and supermarkets, although they may not be easily found in rural areas. communications Chile’s telephone area code is 56. Area code for Santiago is 2. National and international longdistance calls are handled by a number of carriers, offering different rates. Before making a long-distance call, please inquire about services and rates. weather Latitude, altitude and proximity to the ocean determine Chile’s climate variety. Rainfalls increase and temperatures drop as one moves down southwards. While visiting Santiago in November, expect temperatures between 8 and 26 degrees Celsius electric power personal computers – usually comes with an internal transformer that automatically sets to the voltage used in Chile. Checking power specifications for each particular electric device is recommended. 16 eshet chile 2015 universidad adolfo ibáñez 17 18 Gambi, Thiago Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Brazil [email protected] San Julian, Javier University of Barcelona, Spain [email protected] García Fernandez, Ramón Universidade Federal do ABC [email protected] Scalzo, Germán (YS) Universidad Panamericana, México [email protected] Garrido, José de la Cruz Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile [email protected] Schwember, Felipe Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Gomez Betancourt, Rebeca Université Lyon II - Triangle, France [email protected] Sember, Florencia Universidad de Buenos Aires y CONICET, Argentina [email protected] Gualerzi, Davide University of Padua, Italy [email protected] Suprinyak, Carlos Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil [email protected] Hands, Wade University of Puget Sound (WA), USA [email protected] Trautwein, Hans-Michael Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany [email protected] Hernandez, Monica (YS) New School for Social Research (NY), USA [email protected] Valdés, Nieves Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Hurtado, Jimena Universidad de los Andes, Colombia [email protected] Valenzuela, Ricardo (YS) Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Khodaiji, Sharmin (YS) Jawaharlal Nehru University, India [email protected] Krivochein, Conrado (YS) Fluminense Federal University, Brazil [email protected] Lampa, Roberto CONICET and IDAES-Unsam, Argentina [email protected] Lobos, Robinson (YS) Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Loewe, Daniel Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Martinovic, Héctor Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Mascareño, Aldo Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Mattei, Clara (YS) Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy [email protected] McPhail, Edward Dickinson College (PA), USA [email protected] Meardon, Stephen Bowdoin College (ME), USA [email protected] Miranda, Carolina (YS) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Montes, Leonidas Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Murcia, Catalina (YS) Universidad de los Andes, Colombia [email protected] Ojeda, Francisco (YS) Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Ossa, Juan Luis Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Paganelli , Maria Pia Trinity University (TX), USA [email protected] Pico, Claudia (YS) Universidad de La Salle, Colombia [email protected] Pierre, Matari UACM, México [email protected] Pinzón Fuchs, Erich (YS) Université Paris 1, France [email protected] Ramirez, Mauricio EAFIT, Colombia [email protected] Robles, Claudio Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile [email protected] Rodríguez-Sickert, Carlos Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile [email protected] Rojas, Pierre-Hernan (YS) Université Paris Dauphine, France [email protected] Romero, María Eugenia UNAM, México [email protected] eshet chile 2015 universidad adolfo ibáñez 19
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