Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Kindle the Flame Includes 2014 Annual Report The congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in 1775 by a wealthy Irish woman, Nano Nagle, who redirected her fortune and life to meet the needs of the poor. Nano devoted her days to educating Irish children, risking imprisonment by founding schools at which children could receive a Catholic education. At night, she became known as the “lady with the lantern” for traversing the city of Cork to minister to the elderly, sick and imprisoned. At the time of Nano Nagle’s death, only four sisters remained to continue her work. Today, there are more than 2,500 Sisters of the Presentation in communities around the world. These women have dedicated their lives to bringing the Gospel to the poor and oppressed. In her spirit, the Sisters reach out to the people of God through prayer and ministry. Presentation communities were founded in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, and Newburgh, New York, in the late 1800’s to educate the children of poor immigrants. In the 1990’s the two congregations entered into a period of prayer and study to determine the possibility of uniting as one congregation and in 1997 these two congregations became one. This present congregation numbers 116 women who minister as educators, administrators, medical personnel, retreat directors, pastoral associates and social workers. They are motivated by the Gospel to bring hope, justice and human dignity to all they encounter. Mission Statement Background and History We, the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, inspired by our foundress, Nano Nagle, commit ourselves to the Gospel values of hope, justice, freedom and human dignity. In union with one another, we pledge ourselves to act for and with the oppressed of the world, and to care for the earth. The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015 Annual Appeal 1 April 2015 Dear Friends, It seems that almost every day we are confronted with another news report of outbreaks of violence and oppression occurring in one or more regions of our world or country. This news can evoke feelings of despair and raises questions such as, “Will anyone be able to restore peace? Will there ever be an end to terrorism? What is at the root of all this evil?” Our sisters ask these same questions. We dialogue with one another and with our associates and friends in wondering about the impact we can have in finding solutions. How can we, in our mission as Presentation Sisters, dispel the darkness that surrounds us? As Sisters of the Presentation, we ground ourselves in our times of prayer and contemplation and imagine a world without violence. We believe we can make a difference. With a conscious choice of hope in and through Christ, we believe that wherever we minister, we can bring the peace of Christ to any corner of the world in which we serve. We have this confidence because YOU are one with us. In the words of Sr. Nancy Schreck, OSF, “When a group of people is empowered, energized, open, creative, when the group shares a mission, the synergy that develops allows them to accomplish almost anything (1996).” We become this group of people with YOU. Together, with YOU, we are all empowered and energized to respond to the critical needs of our times and bring the Peace of Christ to all. In his letter to the Philippians 4:13, St. Paul says, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” As I review your names in the list of donors in this report, I humbly thank you on behalf of all our sisters for being through Christ our strength and hope so we may continue God’s mission in our world. May God bless each of you and your families. Please know that you are remembered in the daily prayers of all of our Sisters. Gratefully, Sr. Patricia Anastasio, PBVM President The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015 Annual Appeal 2 Sr. Anne Daly was honored to receive the “Lifetime Achievement Award” from Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties and Sr. Anne Ryan was also pleased to receive the “Volunteer of the Year Award.” Sr. Virginia Wilkinson, PBVM was honored to speak at the United Nations February 19, 2014 during the 52nd Session of the Commission for Social Development as it explored its priority theme, “promoting empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration, full employment and decent work for all.” Sr. Janet Brisky was inducted into the John S. Burke High School, located in Goshen, New York, Hall of Fame on May 3rd. Sr. Janet is a 1967 graduate and as an alumna remains involved in Burke Catholic activities to the present day. Also at John S. Burke, a scholarship was named in honor of Sr. Josephine Ortner and the school instituted a special segment of its academic program naming it the “Presentation School of Excellence.” It was bittersweet experience for the Sisters as the “Old Mount” - lower portion of the property - was officially sold on May 8, 2014. The Sisters bid farewell with many happy memories and looked forward with gratitude to the future on the “New Mount.” Sr. Mary T. Naccarato was pleased to receive St. Bernard’s High School “Employee of the Year” Award at the Fitchburg Rotary Awards Dinner on May 20, 2014. Sr. Mary serves as campus minister at the high school located in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Sister Gloria Perez who was honored in June by United Way of Passaic County with their Community Cornerstone Award, which is "given to an individual who demonstrates an exceptional commitment to community service." The Sisters held their 2nd “Friendraiser” on June 20th at the New Windsor Administration Center. It was a great success with many new faces present and old friends attending. The Sisters had a table for the first time at the “Great American Weekend” held on July 5th in Goshen, New York. It was a great opportunity to meet and greet! Sr. Kathryn Geisel was honored by Holy Rosary Parish in the Bronx on October 19th for 13 years of service to the school as Assistant Principal and Family Counselor. Rev. Dennis Williams presented the award. On the feast of the Presentation, November 21, the newly renovated chapel at St. Bernard’s High School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts was dedicated by Bishop McManus. Sr. Mary T. Naccarato, who was instrumental in redesigning the chapel, utilized many items from Camp Joy’s Chapel such as the lectern and credence table and from Holy Family Convent, the cross and tabernacle. Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL began on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. During this time, the Sisters have events planned to celebrate, educate and promote the charism of foundress, Nano Nagle, and the mission of the Sisters of the Presentation. The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015 Annual Appeal 3 The 2015 “Kindle the Flame” is a pledge appeal for your continued efforts to join with us to keep Nano Nagle’s lantern burning brightly. The “Kindle the Flame” annual fund supplements compensation earned by Sisters in active ministry in order to support all the expenses of the congregation. The fund assures sufficient resources to provide for: - retired and infirm Sisters the ongoing education of members support of Sisters who serve the poor without receiving any compensation maintenance of facilities in New Windsor, New York and Leominster, Massachusetts The Sisters of the Presentation’s annual appeal is a pledge program which may be paid with a down payment and ongoing payments arranged in a schedule that is convenient for the donor. Pledging enables our friends to give more generously in balance with other economic responsibilities. You may make a pledge using your credit card and have payments automatically made according to your payment schedule. Paying pledges is an easy way to give. Reminders will be mailed directly to you with a payment envelope. Outright gifts, of course, are always accepted and appreciated. Gifts to the 2015 “Kindle the Flame” annual appeal will be listed under their appropriate leadership level in the 2014 annual report. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Mission Advancement at 845-567-0204. Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to the 2015 “Kindle the Flame” Annual Appeal. With your help, we can reach our goal of $100,000! Nagle Society................................................. $5,000 and above Presentation Partner...................................... $2,500 to $4,999 Lantern Society.............................................. $1,500 to $2,499 Beacon.......................................................... $1,000 to $1,499 Millennium..................................................... $500 to $999 Patron............................................................ $250 to $499 Sponsor......................................................... $100 to $249 Friend............................................................ $1 to $99 The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015 Annual Appeal 4 New and Exciting The Sisters are excited to offer the following new programs: If I Could be of Service - Year Long Service Program which begins mid August and ends in June, Young Adult/College Week 2015 from May 31st to June 6th, Serving with the Sisters – Summer Service Week 2015 from July 6thJuly 10th and Family Service Saturday, October 10th, 2015. These programs offer an opportunity to "spend yourself for the poor" in the Spirit of our foundress Nano Nagle and the sisters that have followed in her footsteps for many centuries. Also offered is a weeklong service project for women age 18 and above at our collaborative Presentation Ministry in New Orleans. We welcome volunteers on an ongoing basis to join us for a long weekend, for an alternative winter or spring break, summer vacation or for one to three months of extended service or high schools and parish youth groups for one day and short-term day service and outreach experiences. For more information: See the tab “Service Programs” on our website On Facebook - Presentation Sisters Service and Outreach Programs The congregation also now has a Facebook page: Presentation Sisters Northeast Login and keep up with the latest news and updates from the Sisters. The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015 Annual Appeal 5 A donor may make a gift to the Sisters of the Presentation effective during this lifetime or after death. A donor may direct the benefit of the gift to one or more of the Sisters’ ministries. Some donors prefer their gifts be used at the discretion of the Sisters, thereby providing support for the greatest needs within the congregation. After you have considered the needs of your family, you may want to consider a bequest in your will to the Sisters of the Presentation. The satisfaction of knowing that your support of our Sisters can continue in perpetuity can be easily accomplished. Listed below are four popular ways of making such a bequest. Residue refers to whatever is left after other bequests have been granted. To leave such a bequest simply state “The residue of my estate, including real and personal property, I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of New Windsor, New York.” To leave a percentage of your estate, state, “I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of New Windsor, New York, ______% of my estate.” To leave a specific dollar amount, state, “I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of New Windsor, New York, $____________________. To leave a particular piece of property, state, “I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of New Windsor, New York, (DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY), located at (EXACT LOCATION).” If you would like to have the Presentation Sisters join you in prayer for a special occasion, birthday, anniversary, a sick friend or relative, or in a time of grief, you can do so through our PBVM Prayer Association. The kind donations received through this program help support our retired Sisters. Please call Sr. Hannah Marie Cox, manager of the program, 845-567-0204 Ext. 122 or e-mail us at [email protected]. When you enroll a loved one in the PBVM Prayer Association, they will be remembered in two Masses each month and in the prayers, sacrifices and good works of the Presentation Sisters for a year. Samples of the cards can be seen on our website:, Tab: Prayer Request, Click on links at bottom of page. Requested donation per request: $5.00 Photo: Sr. Mary André Murphy and Sr. Hannah Marie Cox hold the Prayer Book of intentions. The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015 Annual Appeal 6 Commitment to the Gospel makes it imperative to use justly the goods and resources at our disposal. Following is an account of our stewardship, including all our sources of income and our expenditures over the last fiscal year, September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014. Your generous donations, for which we are extremely grateful, are included as part of our resources. We have made every effort to present this in a clear and complete manner, but welcome any questions you may have. Congregation - Sources of Income Congregation - Sources of Income Earnings & Benefits 4 Development Gifts 3 Rental Income 2 Other 1 68% 13% Ser 4% 15% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Congregation - Sources Expenses Congregation - Sources of ofExpenses 100% 80% 1 Missions & Ministry 60% 2 Retirement 44% 40% 3 Capital Series1 Expenses 33% 22% 20% 1% 4 Education, Formation & Vocation 0% 1 2 3 4 Development Income Development Office Income Annual Fund 5 26% Planned Giving 4 7% Special Events 3 22% Christmas Appeal 2 Serie 31% Other 1 14% 0% 20% The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 40% 60% 80% 2014 Annual Report 100% 7 The Sisters thank those who have contributed to our appeals and events through the year, “walking one” with us as we strive to fulfill the commitments we have made in the name of the Gospel and after the example of Nano Nagle. We have listed below those who have given $50 or more through the Development Office during the 2014 calendar year. While space does not allow us to recognize all contributions received, each donation is appreciated. Those who opted not to be recognized here, and all who contributed in any way are not forgotten in the Sisters’ prayers. We apologize to supporters we may have inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed. ($5,000 and above) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bray Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cronin Ms. Margaret McKenna Mrs. Mary Ann Michaelian Miss Carol Pfaff Mrs. Virginia Ryan The Theresa & Edward O’Toole Foundation, New York, NY ($2,500 to $4,999) Dr. Donaldo Batiste Most Rev. Robert Brucato Ms. Patricia Faherty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Harrington, III Intel Corporation Charitable Match Trust, Reston, VA Miss Elinor Josenhans Rev. George LaGrutta Mrs. Claire McMahon Ocean State Job Lot Charitable Foundation, North Kingston, RI Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ryan Ms. Geraldine Schaedler Mr. & Mrs. Howard Shaffer ($1,000 to $1,499) Mr. Anthony Avanzato Mr. John Cerullo, Jr. Mr. Kevin Cullen Mr. Thomas DiRusso Ms. Mildred Feudtner Mr. & Mrs. William Jeff Mr. Paul Kuhn Mr. Earl Labatt Ms. Joan Lange Dr. & Mrs. Romeo Mateo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nagle Ms. Mary Jane Person Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Redmond Mr. Robert Sautter, Sr. Rev. Francis Shannon Most Rev. John Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Mr. John Warner ($500 to $999) ($1,500 to $2,499) Mrs. Eileen Croghan Rev. Joseph Daly, CM Mr. & Mrs. Francis Finneron Mrs. Irene Kenney Mr. John Lillis Mr. Tomie Magee Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Richard O'Brien Mrs. Jeanne Poli Mrs. Lynn Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bencivenga Mr. Louis Capozi Mrs. Rita Cassidy Church of St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus, Bronx, NY Mrs. Abigail Conti Ms. Phyllis Digristina Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Donovan Mrs. Julia Dye The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mr. & Mrs. John Fantozzi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foley, III Fred Alger Management, Inc. New York, NY Ms. Frances Fremgen-Biancardi Mr. Richard Gerlich Mr. & Mrs. Guy Giuffre Ms. Elizabeth Heffernan Ms. Kathleen Henighan Mr. & Mrs. George Heyrich Ms. Johanna Jankowski Mrs. Mary Lacombe Mrs. Elizabeth Lalor Mrs. Margaret Martin Mr. Robert Mason Ms. Linda McGarvey Mr. & Mrs. John Morley Mrs. Marge Nagle Miss Barbara Neus Mr. & Mrs. Michael Norton Most Rev. Edwin O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O'Donnell Mrs. Janice O'Malley Mrs. Mae Ormsby Rev. Msgr. Joseph Pfeiffer Col. & Mrs. Russell Quirici Rev. Msgr. Robert T. Ritchie Mr. Daniel Ryan Ms. Margaret Savarese Ms. Barbara Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. John Seymour Mrs. Rosemary Shea Ms. Josephine Smith Mr. Raymond Sobota, Esq. St. Paul's Prayer Group Yonkers, NY Mrs. Margaret Steidle Rev. Msgr. William Stober Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Torres Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Walsh Mrs. Patricia Ann Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Washington Mr. & Mrs. Al Weir 2014 Annual Report 8 ($250 to $499) Mrs. Patricia Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Donald Anastasio Mrs. Margaret Armellino Ms. Theresa Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bilancia Mr. Michael Borrelli Ms. Marybeth Boudreau Dr. Kevin Brown Ms. Joanne Burns Ms. Joan Burns Mrs. Marie Chirchirillo Christopher & Regan Insurance, Inc. North Kingston, RI Ms. Ann Conlon Ms. Mary Considine Ms. Veronica Cook Mr. & Mrs. William Cormier Mr. Christopher Coughlan Mr. & Mrs. John Cox Ms. Ann Cronin Mr. Gerald Curtin Mrs. Betty Doran Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dorchak Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dull Mr. & Mrs. David Earls Mrs. Kathleen Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fierro Ms. Denise Fogerty Ms. Catherine Frechette Mrs. Alice Garvey Mrs. Helen Gorman Mrs. Michelle Hall Mr. & Mrs. James Hays Mr. Kevin Healy Mr. & Mrs. George Jones Rev. Msgr. Patrick Keenan Mr. & Mrs. John Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kruppenbacher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lagana Mr. & Mrs. William Lillis Ms. Vincenza Luciano Mr. Arthur Luledjian Ms. Gloria Lutz Potenza Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Makofske Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marchetti Mrs. Ann McBride Ms. Mary McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McEnerney Mr. & Mrs. James McGuinness Miss Irene McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Francis McNerney Mrs. Tonia Moran Mrs. Eileen Nero Ms. Patricia Norton Ms. Joanne O'Brien Ms. Ann O'Brien O'Briens Pub, Newport, RI Mr. & Mrs. James O'Loughlin Ms. Gabrielle Palmiotto Mrs. Elizabeth Peloso Mrs. Carol Phillips Mrs. Petronella Pittner Mrs. Susan Plaxe Mrs. Lillian Porco Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan Mrs. Mary Reimer Dr. Ann Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ryan Ms. Rachele Sannino Ms. Dorothea Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schwalbenberg Ms. Sheila Staples Mr. & Mrs. John Travers Mrs. Helen Walters Mrs. Catherine Wheeler Ms. Alice Zappile ($100 to $249) Ms. Paula Acuti Mr. & Mrs. Philip Addario Mr. & Mrs. Byron Ahlemeyer Ms. Juliana Aiken Ms. Kathy Albertson Mr. Mario Alonzo Mr. & Mrs. John Anastasio Mr. Arthur Arrieri Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ashman B&K Excavation, Inc. Pleasant Valley, NY Mr. & Mrs. David Ballantine Ms. Theresa Ballantine Mr. & Mrs. David Barry Mrs. Marie Bartnick Ms. Jane Beck Ms. Sharon Bell Ms. Josephine Belli Ms. Rae Ella Bennardo Mrs. Beverly Benoit Ms. Doris Benoit Ms. Joan Betts Ms. Mary Ann Bianchini Ms. Ann Bissonnette Mr. Michael Blake Mr. & Mrs. Frank Blanchard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Bonsall The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mr. Michael Boraczek Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bradley Mr. Frank Brantman Ms. Earnestine Braxton Mrs. Mary Breen Mr. & Mrs. Claude Brischoux Mrs. Irene Brower Mr. & Mrs. Louis Brusco Mr. Joseph Burke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burns Mrs. Rosemary Burns Ms. Maureen Burns Mr. & Mrs. Mark Byrne Ms. Margaret Calamari Ms. Mary Campbell Mrs. Eileen Canovatchel Dr. Louis Cappa Ms. Blanche Carney Ms. Collen Carney Mr. & Mrs. William Carroll Dr. & Mrs. John Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carty Mr. Thomas Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cassidy Ms. Marilyn Ceasarone Ms. Allison Charny Mrs. Dolores Chingas Mr. & Mrs. John Chrysler Ms. Mary Ann Clark Mr. Brendan Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coen Mrs. Mary Cofone Ms. Dorothy Collins Ms. Ellen Marie Colopy Mrs. Johanna Connor Mr. Robert Connors Mrs. Tracy Conroy Mr. Robert Cooney Miss Dolores Corio Mrs. Arthur Corr Mrs. Anna May Coster Rev. Msgr. James Cox Mr. John Cox Mr. Thomas Cox Mr. & Mrs. Steven Crea Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cronin Mr. Daniel Crowley Mr. & Mrs. James Cusack Ms. Monica Dagher Mr. & Mrs. Denis Davey Ms. Helen Davis Mr. William De Lange Mrs. Jeanne Dealy Mr. & Mrs. Roy DeFranco Mr. Robert DeJulio Mr. & Mrs. John DeRiso Ms. Susanne Dermigny Ms. Elvira DeVarney Mrs. Marianne Devitt Ms. Margaret Devlin Kerrigan Mr. Ben Diaz Mr. Patrick Dibs Mr. & Mrs. James DiGeronimo 2014 Annual Report 9 Ms. Jane DiNezza Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie DiSilvio Ms. Tessie DiTuri Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Doiron Mrs. Barbara Donelan Mr. & Mrs. John Dower Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle Mr. Leo Dulacki Mr. Peter Durning Mrs. Rosemary Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer Mrs. Kathleen Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer Mr. Donald Dye Ms. Mary Earley DeSimone Ms. Barbara Egitto Mr. & Mrs. Brian Elliott Mrs. Maria Elrose Dr. Apolonia Estilo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fabiszewski Ms. Catherine Fallon Mr. Thomas Fallon Mrs. Jean Farragher Mrs. Patricia Farrell Mr. Mike Faughnan Mr. Roger Fay Ms. Margaret Fehling Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ferguson Mrs. Lena Fiori Mr. Warren Fiori, Jr. Rev. Alfred Fiorino, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzgibbon Mrs. Lucille Flagello Mr. & Mrs. John Flannagan Mrs. Santina Fogliano Ms. Marilee Folcik Mrs. Mary-Lee Ford Mrs. Josephine Ford Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Forget Ms. Arleen Forlini-Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Frank Franzini Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freiss Mr. & Mrs. John Friel Mr. Rudolph Gado Ms. Jean Gagliardi Mrs. Patricia Galfano Mr. James Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. William Game Ms. Mildred Garrison Mrs. Mary Pat Garrity Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garvey Mrs. Anita Gettings Mr. William Gilberg Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gillen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Gilsenan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Giuffra Mr. Steven Giusto Mrs. Barbara Gleason Mr. James Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Victor Goguen Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gomoka Ms. Maureen Goonan Mr. John Greene Mr. Stephen Gregory Mrs. Elizabeth Haber-Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hafemann Mr. Brendan Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Hawk Mrs. Norma Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hayes Mr. & Mrs. William Heather Mr. & Mrs. David Heintz Mr. Philippus Herkata Mr. & Mrs. William Higgins Mrs. Anne Hofelich Mr. Roger Hogan Mrs. Eleanor Holder Mr. David Horton Mr. George Hotter Mrs. Marjorie Huk Dr. Aida Jocson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnston Ms. Maureen Kane Mrs. Irene Kane Mr. & Mrs. Julian Karvoski Ms. Constance Kash Ms. Rita Kavanagh Mr. James Keaney Mr. Daniel Kearns Ms. Mildred Kilimet Mr. & Mrs. John Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kirschmeier Ms. Kathleen Kissel Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Klice Ms. Maxine Kline Mr. Richard Kopro Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kreitsch Mr. & Mrs. John Kuhn Mr. Edward Lacombe Ms. Cynthia Lacombe Mrs. Anna Laffond Mrs. Anna LaMagna Mr. Thomas Lane Ms. Patricia Lanza Mrs. Stephanie Layton Ms. Caridad Lazo Mr. & Mrs. Robert LeBlanc Mr. Samuel Leghorn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lennon Mrs. Anne Leonard Mr. & Mrs. William Lessa Miss Rosalie Librizzi Mr. Kevin Lillis Mr. Thomas Lillis Mrs. Enelida Llovet Mr. Nicholas Longo Mr. William Lord Miss Margaret Lynch Mr. James Lynch Mrs. Frances MacDonald Mr. Nasreen Madhany Mrs. Mary Maguire Mrs. Patricia Mahon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mahoney Miss Molly Malone Mr. & Mrs. Markes Marangi Mr. Anthony Martelli Mr. John Masciarelli Ms. Joan Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Tom McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McCarthy Mrs. Maureen McCarthy Ms. Bernadette McDougall Ms. Marianne McKenna Mrs. Pauline McKenny Ms. Loretta McKeown Ms. Susan McLaughlin Rev. Michael McLoughlin Mr. James Means Ms. Dorothy Merritt Ms. Nora Miceli Ms. Marcella Mikos Mrs. Joan Miller Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mitchell Mrs. B.J. Moore Mrs. Nora Moore Mrs. Margaret Moraldo Mr. Robert Morgan Mr. Sylvester Morris Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Morrow Ms. Monica Morrow Mr. Joseph Moscatelli Mr. & Mrs. William Mueller Miss Ellen Mulcahy Mr. & Mrs. William Mulcahy Mr. & Mrs. David Mullaney Ms. Theresa Murphy Mses. Veronica & Kathleen Murphy Ms. Patricia Murphy Newburgh Toyota, Newburgh, NY Ms. Mary Jane Newman Ms. Evelyn Nieders Mrs. Jean Nolin Rev. Dennis O'Brien Mrs. Dolores O'Callaghan Rev. Paul O'Connell Ms. Anne O'Connor Mr. Barry O'Connor Rev. Msgr. Edward O'Donnell Mr. Daniel O'Leary Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O'Leary Mrs. Helen Oliva Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Neill Ms. Cheryl Orgeldinger Mr. Thomas O'Rourke Mrs. Helen Orr Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Shea Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ostrowski Ms. Brigid O'Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ottomanelli Mrs. Kathleen Owens Mrs. Patricia Packard Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palagonia Mr. & Mrs. John J. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. John A. Palmer Ms. Carol Pananos The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mr. Joseph Pfahler Mr. & Mrs. Herb Phelan Mr. Bryan Phillipson Mr. William Pickett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piesla Ms. Alice Poltorick Mrs. Patricia Pontillo Ms. Madeline Porpiglia Mr. Dennis Price Ms. Rosie Price Mr. Martin Puchalski Ms. Marie Quigley Mr. & Mrs. William Quinlan Mrs. Beverly Raher Ms. Joan Rando Mr. Andrew Regan Mrs. Theresa Regan-Gordon Ms. Helen Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Roland Richard Mr. Peter Rigelhaupt Mrs. Rose Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Murle Robinet Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roddy, Jr. Mr. Louis Romano, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Rossi Mrs. Helen Rourke Ms. Marianne Ruch Ms. Helen Rueckert Mr. Kevin Russo, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Russo Ms. Marian Russo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. Gerald Ryan Ms. Anna Sabourin Ms. Joan Saehloff Mr. Anthony Sama Dr. Ruth Sanchez-Way Mr. Carlo Saturnelli Dr. Diane Savarese Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scanio Ms. Alice Scanlan Rev. Msgr. Thomas Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. William Scesny Mrs. Mary Jane Schneider Ms. Mary Schwagerl Ms. Mary Seader Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Selfridge Mrs. Mary Shannon Ms. Marilyn Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Roger Shields Ms. Helen Shubik Mses. Teresa & Anne Sonnick Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sorgenti Mrs. Carmen Sosa Ms. Marianne Spamer Ms. Nancy Specht Mr. & Mrs. Francis St. John Mr. Joseph Stabach Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevens Ms. Joan Stewart Mr. & Mrs. John Stroh 2014 Annual Report 10 Ms. Mary Sullivan Mr. Richard Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan Mr. Patrick Sullivan Ms. Rita Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Taveras Mr. Hervery Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William Temple Ms. Theresa Thorsen Rev. Conan Timoney Mr. James Toner, Sr. Ms. Colleen Trainor Mrs. Pamela Trainque Mr. & Mrs. Peter Urban Ms. Rose Van Heest Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vander Berg Mrs. Florette Vassall Venerini Sisters, Worcester, MA Mr. Gene Vetrano Ms. Elaine Vigilante Mrs. Donna Villaggi Mr. & Mrs. James Vreeland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ward Ms. Jill Warner Ms. Elizabeth Waters Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wells Mr. John Wendlocher Mrs. Virginia Wetmore Mr. John Wicks Mr. John Williams Mr. James Williamson Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Dieter Wingen Mrs. Anita Winters Mrs. Judith Wisnewski Mrs. Helen Wizemann Mr. & Mrs. James Young Mr. Henry Zapata ($50 to $99) Ms. Patricia Ahern Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alcaro Mrs. Cynthia Alexander Ms. Patricia Antoniotti Ms. Dolores Aponte Mrs. Kathryn Appelbergh Mrs. Patricia Archer-Campbell Mr. John Ardito Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Arianna Ms. Rose Marie Armetta Ms. Joan Armstrong Mrs. Geraldine Arrowsmith Mr. Raymond Aucoin Ms. Mary Lou Aungst Dr. Francis Babineau Ms. Diane Barnaby Ms. Mary Ann Bas Mr. Kenneth Basile Ms. Patricia Basteri Ms. Mary Jo Bates Mr. Gary Batungbacal Ms. Helen Bay Mr. Roger Beatty Rev. Peter Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. Al Beck Beck, Gogolski, Poska & Co., Inc. Honesdale, PA Ms. Cindy Becker Ms. Barbara Beehler Mrs. Alicia Behn Ms. Marilyn Belle Mr. William Berardi Mr. Charles Berkman Ms. Diane Bigg Mr. Simone Blake Ms. Beatriz Block Mr. Richard Bollati Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Bombara Mrs. Janice Bouchard Ms. Claire Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bourque Mr. Linda Bourque Mrs. Maryann Boylan Mrs. Eleanor Braban Rev. James Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brazier Ms. Joan Broughton Mr. Maurice Brown Ms. Clare Browne Ms. Kathleen Bryant Mr. William Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Budd Mr. James Burgoyne Mr. William Burt Sr. Vera Butler Mr. Brian Camara Ms. Grace Cameron Ms. Joyce Candela Capuchin Friars - St. Felix Friary Wilmington, DE Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenella Mrs. Eileen Carroll Ms. Anne Carter Mr. Daniel Castagna Mr. Anthony Catalanotto Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Catalanotto Ms. Rose Mary Cella Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Cercone Mrs. Rosalie Ceriale Ms. Maureen Cestare Ms. Maureen Charleston Ms. Margaret Chesser Mr. Michael Chiodo Church of the Holy Family New Rochelle, NY Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ciarimboli Mr. Michael Ciferri Ms. Frances Cifuni Ms. Donna Cirillo Ms. Annette Clark Mrs. Arline Claxton Mr. Joseph Coburn, Esq. Mr. Christopher Lee Coleman Ms. Madeline Colleary Ms. Lucille Collette Ms. Carole Collopy Mr. Ken Collopy Mr. John Colombo Ms. Geraldine Compasso Ms. Judith Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connors Mr. Luke Conry Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Cortes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. William Cosh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cote, Sr. Mr. Richard Cox Mr. James Cox Mr. & Mrs. Peter Croce Ms. Dorothea Cronin Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Crosson Ms. Jacqueline Cuddy Mr. Celso Cuellar, Jr. Mr. Dennis Cummins, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Cunningham Ms. Carolyn Curran Ms. Patricia Dakis Ms. Maryann Dalton Mrs. Rita Daly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Danisiewicz Mr. Robert Davolio Mrs. Kathryn Daynes Mr. Christopher DeLuzio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeRuvo Mrs. Lorraine DeBonis Mrs. Denise DeCarolis Ms. Catherine Dempsey Mrs. Jean Dempsey Ms. Geraldine Dennis Mrs. Mary Lou DeVivo Ms. Lucia DiJusto Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. G. Dickhaut Mrs. Ellen Diconza Ms. Barbara Didonna Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dietz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dillenbeck Ms. Emila DiMeo Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiNezza Mr. Michael Dolan Ms. Consuelo Donado Ms. Nora Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Frank Donlon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doolan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dougherty Ms. Catherine Doxey Ms. Barbara Drake Mrs. Joanne Drake Mrs. Patricia Drozdowski Mr. Alfred Drumm Mr. & Mrs. Tim Duffy The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mrs. Catherine Dugan Ms. Vivian Dumais Mrs. Barbara Dunn Mrs. Diane Durkin Mrs. Katherine Elicks Ms. Arlene English Ms. Margaret Ennis Mr. P. Esposito Ms. Patricia Estigoy Mr. Floyd Farbent Mr. James Farragher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farragher Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Feeley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ferguson Mr. Fred Ferrazza Ms. Kathleen Finnigan Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzpatrick Mr. John Fitzsimons Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Foley Mr. Kermit Francis Mr. & Mrs. John Fraser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Fredricks Mr. Chris Friedrichs Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Froehlich Ms. Phyllis Gagnon Mr. David Gahlinger Mr. & Mrs. Charles Galanaugh Mr. Brian Gallagher Rev. William Gallagher Ms. Jeanette Gallup Mr. James Galvin Ms. Maureen Game Ms. Alice Gannon Ms. Michelle Garcia-Rybkin Mr. Joseph Gargiulo, Jr. Ms. Denise Garvey Mr. & Mrs. John Garvey Mr. & Mrs. Donald Geer Mr. & Mrs. William Geisel Mr. Jerry Gengler Ms. Maureen Gerardi Ms. Anne Gevlin Mrs. Janice Giannini Mrs. Margaret Gibbons Ms. Betty Gigioli Ms. Paula Gillisslee Ms. Allison Gingras Mr. Mario Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giumarra Ms. Dorothy Glinkin Mr. Joe Gondola Ms. Joi Gooding Ms. Geraldine Goslar Mr. Richard Gosselen Mr. Robert Gowen Ms. Mary Virginia Gray Rev. & Mrs. Edward Grosso Mr. Matthew Gryta Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Guerino Dr. & Mrs. Louis Guida Rev. George Hafemann Mr. Ray Hafenecker 2014 Annual Report 11 Mr. Gerard Hahn Dr. & Mrs. John Halliday Mr. & Mrs. Brian Harpur Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington, Jr. Mr. Peter Harrington Mr. Gerald Harris Mrs. Irene Harrison Ms. Sheila Heavey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heedles Ms. Maryann Helmer Ms. Barbara Helmick Mrs. Sandra Henault Ms. Judith Herdman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hickey Mr. & Mrs. James Hitzges Ms. Letty Hockler Dr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffman Mrs. Margaret Holden Ms. Eileen Holland Ms. Barbara Holloway Ms. Marlene Holzli Ms. Martha Host Ms. Gertrude Hunt Dr. Charles Hyde Mrs. Winifred Infante Mr. & Mrs. Singwala Ireifej Mrs. Patricia Irvine Mr. John Jangl Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jeffries Ms. Linda Jelicks Ms. Sarah Jerro JGW Properties Scarsdale, NY Mr. & Mrs. Martin Johnson Ms. Nora Johnson Ms. Jodi Johnson Mrs. Jean Jones Ms. Maureen Jones Mr. Francis Joseph Mr. & Mrs. John Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Peter Joyce Ms. Anne Kaune Ms. Hildi Keary Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kelleher Ms. Mary Ann Kellen Ms. Kathleen Kelley Mr. Alfred Kelly Mrs. Dorothy Kelton Mrs. Maureen Keltos Ms. Martha Kennedy Mr. Russell Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennelly Mr. & Mrs. John Kerins Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ketchell Ms. Mary Kilcoyne Ms. Kathy Kimball Dr. Mary King Ms. Joyce Klar Mrs. Sue Klein Ms. Mary Klikier Mrs. Barbara Knoerzer Mrs. Liz Knott Miss Pat Kohler Ms. Gloria Kooiman Ms. Josephine Koumbis Ms. Gertrude Kovach Ms. Patricia Krasnausky Mr. Henry Krawczyk Ms. Cathy Lacombe Ms. Katherine Lacombe-Benezra Mr. Michael Lanava Mr. Dennis Lane Dr. Paul Lanza Ms. Rosemary Laverdiere Ms. Barbara Leavitt Mr. & Mrs. George Lee Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Leff Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Leger Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lener Mrs. Alice Letherbarrow Mr. & Mrs. Hank Leyen Rev. Gabriel Liegey, Jr. Ms. Aileen Ligotti Mrs. Diane Loehle Sr. Constanza Lopez Mr. Alejandro Lopez Ms. Betty Ann LoPinto Ms. Mary Loughlin Ms. Shirley Luke Mrs. Ann Lupo Mrs. Kitty MacNeal Ms. Coleen Magasic Mr. & Mrs. Roland Magnan Ms. Patricia Maguire Dr. Gabriel Makhlouf Mr. & Mrs. David Maksomski Ms. Joan Maloney Ms. Maureen Manente Mrs. Barbara Mann Mr. Frank Marciniak Ms. Joan Marks Mr. & Mrs. Charles Marvin Mr. Marty Mashe Ms. Julia Maughan Mrs. Rosemarie McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCabe Mr. Timothy McClurg Ms. Mary McCrorey Mrs. Justina McDermott Ms. Mary McGann Mr. & Mrs. David McHugh Ms. Kathleen McInerney Ms. Lorraine McKenna Mrs. Karen McKeon Ms. Helen McLaughlin Ms. Patricia McLoughlin Mr. & Mrs. Charles McManus Mr. John McNally Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara Mr. & Mrs. William Medeiros Mrs. Maureen Meenaghan Mr. Alfredo Mercado Mrs. Patricia Messemer Ms. Anita Mikush Mr. Anthony Milazzo Mrs. Maureen Miller Mrs. Mary Miller Ms. Audrey Miller Ms. Carol Moloney Mr. Michael Montuori Mr. Salvatore Moraldo Mr. & Mrs. Philip Moraldo Mr. Thomas Moran Mr. William Morgan Mr. Brendan Moroney Mr. John Moroney Mr. & Mrs. Waymon Morris Ms. Jean Morrison Mrs. Marianne Morris-Velez Mr. Guy Moschetti Mrs. Peggy Moser Mrs. Judith Moynihan Mrs. Rosemarie Mulroy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy Mrs. Nancy Murphy Ms. Maria Murphy Ms. Louise Murphy Mr. Edward Murphy Mr. James Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murtagh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mussolini Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mutarelli Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nagle Ms. Diane Neshi Mr. Chau Ngo Mr. Bradley Nicholson Ms. Dolores Nordstrom Mrs. Margaret Normandin Ms. Lisa Odom Mrs. Mary O'Donnell Ms. Mary O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. George O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Francis Olert Mrs. Mary Olivier Ms. Claire O'Malley Mrs. Mary O'Malley Mr. & Mrs. Charles O'Mara Mr. John O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. William Paccone Mr. Lawrence Paggi, PE, PC Mr. Ronald Palladino Mrs. Margaret Pappas Mrs. Judith Pazmino Ms. Rose Ann Pecorella Ms. Johnna Pelczar Ms. Pat Pelella Ms. Katherine Pellerin Ms. Mary Pellino Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Percoco Mr. John Perez Mrs. Martha Perez Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Perilli Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pesce Ms. Maria Petrollese The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ms. Alice Pfeffer Mrs. Diane Philbin Ms. Dona Piasecki Ms. Cleola Piderit Ms. Rose Marie Pigott Mses. Gail & Ethel Pizzuti Ms. Mary Pizzuto Dr. & Mrs. Barry Plummer Mr. & Mrs. Larry Polsky Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pomposelli Sr. Hilda Ponte, MPV Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Popolizio Ms. Patricia Porvaznik Lt. Cmdr. Leonard Previto, USN Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Puglia Mr. Joseph Quagliariello Mr. Carl Quick Ms. Arline Rabito Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rackers Mr. Michael Rafferty Mr. Joseph Raimon Ms. Michelle Randall Mr. Robert Raspallo Ms. Maryanne Raynor Mr. & Mrs. John Redmond Ms. Elinor Regan Mr. Joseph Reilly Mr. Chris Reineke Ms. Eileen Restivo Mrs. Andrea Rheault Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Riccio, Jr. Mrs. Tillie Richard Mr. & Mrs. Philip Richard Mrs. Moira Ricketts Mrs. Mary Riggi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roach Mrs. Margaret Roche Ms. June Rock Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rodia Mrs. Judith Roe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rogan Ms. Mary Beth Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rollins Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Romano R. Kevin Romano, CPA Mrs. Marge Rosina Ms. Nancy Roward Ms. Patricia Russell Ms. Marianne Russo Mr. Alphonse Russo, Jr. Mrs. Rosemary Russo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rutaquio Ms. Rose Marie Ruth Mr. Donald Ryan Mr. Terrence Ryan Ms. Patricia Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Neal Ryan Ms. Kathleen Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Abdo Saad Mr. Edwin Sagurton Mrs. Rita Salemi 2014 Annual Report 12 Mrs. Carmen Salgado Mr. William Sangirardi Mr. & Mrs. Robert Santini Ms. Rosemarie Sauerzopf Ms. Alison Schmitz Ms. Dorothy Schuster Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sciacca Ms. Mary Scott Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sculley Ms. Rita Scully Mrs. Martha Shadwell Ms. Alice Shanahan Mr. Gerard Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Shea Ms. Maureen Shea-Sullivan Mr. William Sheridan Mr. William Shields Mr. Richard Shields Mrs. Kathleen Silk Ms. Frances Skinner Ms. Irene Smith Mrs. Mildred Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith Rev. Joseph Solanto Dr. Doris Soldner Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sooley Ms. Eleanor Spagnola Mr. Leo St. Pierre St. Rose of Lima School Rockaway Beach, NY Mr. & Mrs. John Staines Mr. & Mrs. Bill Staun Mr. & Mrs. James Stefano Mrs. Grace Stegen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stiglianese Mr. Albert Stipak Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Storch, Jr. Mrs. Mary Storey Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stoyka Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan Ms. Lucille Sullivan Ms. Carol Swanwick Mr. & Mrs. James Swarthout Mr. Michael Sweeney Ms. Bonnie Sweetman Mr. Clifford Swisher Ms. Irene Szewczyk Mr. & Mrs. Robert Szlyk Mrs. Jennie Taranto Mr. Thomas Tarara Mr. & Mrs. John Taylor Mr. Alan Telecky Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Tenebruso Ms. Grace Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson, Jr. Messrs. Andrew & Kevin Tivnan Ms. Kerry Tobia Mr. Domenick Tomanelli , Sr. Mrs. Doris Toohill Ms. Nancy Torraco Ms. Herminia Torres Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Torrioni Ms. Louise Troisi Ms. Lynn Trottier Mr. George Trovato Ms. Ann Troy Mr. William Turner Ms. Mary Turner Mr. Paul Uhlik Mr. Blaise Vallese Mr. Henry Vanasse Mr. Joseph Verbert, Jr. Dr. Fedele Vero Ms. Jeanne Versweyveld Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Vesey Mrs. Jeffrey Vinson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vinson Mrs. Mary Kay Voll Ms. Judith Vopelak Mr. Thomas Walsh Mrs. Lynette Waterhouse Ms. Lona Wayman Ms. Carol Weber Ms. Joan Weeks Mrs. Maryann Weihn Ms. Marie Welborn Mrs. Marion Weldon Mr. Jordan Welles Ms. Clarris Di Francis Westenburger Mr. & Mrs. John Whalen Mr. James White Mr. & Mrs. Francis White Ms. Lindia White Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams Ms. Joanne Wolf Ms. Patricia Yannacci Ms. Juliana Yanushefski Ms. Dorothy Zelus Mr. Vincent Zema Miss Rosemarie Zerbo Mr. Louis Zuccarello Photos - front cover - top to bottom: Hands of PBVM Sisters Sr. Margaret Murphy, principal of St. Andrew’s School in Clifton, NJ Sr. Pauline LeBlanc, secretary at St. Bernard’s Elementary School in Fitchburg, MA Sr. Mary Sullivan at Presentation Learning Center, Los Angeles, CA Standing Sr. Margaret Boyle & Sr. Kathleen Harrington at the Dwelling Place in NYC Sr. Gloria Perez at Oasis - A Haven for Women and Children, Paterson, NJ The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2014 Annual Report 13 Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Office of Mission Advancement Mount St. Joseph 84 Presentation Way New Windsor, NY 12553 Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 99 Church St. Leominster, MA 01453 Presentation Sisters Northeast ~2014 Memorial Gifts~ We wish to acknowledge the following memorial gifts received during 2014: In memory of: Isabelle Avanzato George Blackwood Sr. Mary Beatrice Chisholm Mary Crowley Christine Cuomo Rev. Mark Diamond Mickey Finn Anthony Hamamciyan Thomas Harmon Joseph Henry Raymond & Odelia Gengler Cornelius F. “Neil” Lynch Edward McBride Sr. Mary Damian O’Malley Evelyn Otterstedt Oscar Anthony Poli Gregory Poli Edward Ryan Evelyn Spina We are blessed that the memory of loved ones, who kindled our spirits in some way by their love, their deeds or their commitment, remain with us after they are gone. Your loved ones will be remembered in the Sisters’ prayers.
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