PARISH STAFF Pastor Fr. Angelo Te, x11 [email protected] Sat 1/9: Parochial Vicar Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Sun 1/10: Veronica Aguilar, x13 [email protected] Business Manager Linda Royal, x12 [email protected] Care Ministry Melanie van der Veen, x14 Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano Mon 1/11: Maria Solis, Director, x17 [email protected] Tues 1/12: Maintenance Wed 1/13: Paulo Gomez, x20 Music Ministry Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18 [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sharon Grigar, x21 [email protected] Receptionist Thur 1/14: Fri 1/15 Kathy Jimenez (morning) Elizabeth (Ely) Guerrero (afternoon) Youth Ministry Sat 1/16: Kim Petros, x16 [email protected] EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 971-275-5256 - Only for emergencies requiring an anointing (for example is someone is near death and requires anointing of the sick.) OFFICE HOURS Closed Fridays 9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday St. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY HOURS Wednesdays 5pm-6:30pm & Thursdays 2pm-3:30pm (The entrance is located on 76th Ave.) IMPORTANT CRISIS NUMBERS Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611 Archdiocese Director of Child Protection (Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302 Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator (clergy abuse): (Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013 Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350 Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333 Pregnancy & Adoption Support: 503-238-5196 Post Abortion Healing: 800-249-8074 Sun 1/17: *8:30am Communion Service *8:30am Men’s Group *10:30am Bautizos en Español *5:00pm Mass *7:00pm Misa en Español *8:30am Mass *9:15am Sunday School *10:30am Youth Mass *11:00am Spanish Choir *11:45am High School Youth Group *11:45am RCIA *12:30pm Misa en Español *1:00pm RCIA for Teens *8:30am Communion Service *7:00pm JustFaith *7:00pm Grupo Carismatico *8:30am Communion Service *7:00pm RICA *7:00pm Clases de Catecismo *8:30am Mass *5:30pm Al-Anon *7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Mtg. *7:00pm Grupo de Parejas *7:00pm Grupo Carismatico *7:00pm Choir Rehearsal *12:00pm Mass *7:00pm Holy Hour Choir Practice *7:00pm Escuela San Andres Parish Office Closed *8:30am Mass *7:00pm Misa de Sanación *12:00pm 1st Reconciliation *5:00pm Mass *5:00pm Coro de jovenes en español *5:15pm Lay Missionaries from Mexico *7:00pm Misa en Español *8:30am Mass *9:15am Sunday School *10:30am Mass *11:00am Spanish Choir *11:30am Confirmation Youth Retreat *11:45am RCIA *11:45am Middle School Youth Group *12:30pm Misa en Español Offertory Collection Received: The fourth week of December 2015: $ 7,270.55 The fourth week of December 2014: $ 7,534.92 Christmas 2015: $ 5,854.38 Christmas 2014: $ 6,464.93 January 10th, 2016 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 or Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Reading II: Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 or Acts 10:34-38 Gospel: Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 Welcome to Ascension Parish! If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community, please visit the hospitality table on the third weekend of the month. We Invite You to Read Next Sunday’s Readings: January 17th, 2016 Reading I: Isaiah 62:1-5 Reading II: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Gospel: John 2:1-11 THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED on Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day There will be no communion service that morning. Support Ministry in Mexico and Buy a Book! Kathy and Phil Dahl-Bredine have served as lay missionaries in Oaxaca, Mexico for over 15 years. Their book not only includes recipes from that region, but also speaks about cultural values, sustainable farming, and the effects of globalization on migration. More importantly than selling their book, they will share their experiences as lay missioners. Kathy and Phil are bilingual, and all are welcome. Next weekend Saturday, January 16, 2016 6-7pm in the St. Clare Room. Another Potluck gathering will be held on Thursday, January 21st at 5:30 PM. Call 503-285-5827/ 971-998-2427 (Kris or Michael) for more information. EXPENSE REPORT FOR THE TABERNACLE AND THE “OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE GROTO” as of 1/6/16: Tabernacle Summary: Income: $5,229.98 Expenses: $7,652.94 Balance: ($2,422.96) Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto Summary Income: $17,810.70 Expenses: $16,977.38 Balance: ($833.32) Expense Report Summary: 6/17/15: Wired half the cost of statue: $4,756.22 9/30/15: Wired final cost of statute: $4,756.22 10/30/15: Materials payed to Big Quality Co.: $3,000.00 11/18/15: Wired Shipping Charges: $ 963.00 11/25/15: Reimbursement Fr. Moises-shipping: $ 461.99 12/10/15: Federal Express-residual Taxes: $ 39.95 12/17/15: Big Quality Co. Landscaping labor: $3,000.00 Total: $16.977.38 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CELBRATION EXPENSE REPORT Total spent on flowers: Total spent on Mariachi: Total spent on light: Total Expenses: $800.50 $1,200.00 $50.22 $2,050.72 2016 ANNUAL CRAB FEED SATURDAY, JANUARY 30TH, 2016 Tony Rinella Hall The cost of the ticket is $35.00 per person. Seating is limited. Doors open at 6:30pm. This annual fundraising dinner is to support the Ascension children and youth attending Catholic Schools. Please see school parents for tickets or call Nancy Ryan Smith at 503-349-7914. In order to make this a successful fundraising dinner to support Catholic School kids, we need your help. Even if you cannot attend, please consider donating one or more of the following items beginning this week: *Canned Soda Pop in 12 or 24 pack: Pepsi/Diet Pepsi, Coke/Diet Coke, Sprite/7-Up/Diet 7-Up Root Beer, Orange *Dinner Sized Paper Napkins *Paper Towels *Medium and Large Rubber Gloves *Gallon Size Zip Loc Bags *Stainless Steel Dinner Forks *Metal Crab Crackers Look for the container for drop off in the sub-vestibule marked “Crab Feed”. Thanks in advance for your generous contributions! In addition, raffle tickets are on sale for $1 per ticket, or $10 for 11 tickets. You don’t need to be present to win. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Ryan Smith at 503-349-7914. Inclement Weather Policy In case of severe weather: Please note that we follow the Portland Public School Cancellation Policy during the week. If Portland Public Schools are closed, our office will also be closed, and meetings will be canceled that evening. You may call individual office extensions for specific cancellation notices. Weekend Masses will be held as usual. Please use prudence before deciding to venture out in inclement weather. Contact Person: Melanie vanderVeen x14 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016! Begin the New Year with a resolution to serve people who are lonely, ill and homebound. Help is needed with Communion Services at retirement and care centers located in our church boundaries. Please consider this act of charity. The time commitment is one hour a month. Contact Melanie for more information. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Saturday, January 9th after the 5:30pm Mass. Sunday, January 10 after all Masses. CARE MINISTRY CALENDAR Wednesday, January 13 Communion Service at Marquis – 11:00am PLEASE PRAY FOR: Ill parishioners and family members: Janet Adolph, Barbara Beers, Ashley Breidenbach, Judy Dennsion, Ron Dove, Bob Douglas, Margaret Dupree, Dale Emmons, Phillis Farrelly, Tom Franz, Rodney Gabriel, Harry Gillgam, Mary Hein, Dan Heitzman, Mary Helling, Vicky Hutchinson, Bill Kemp, Dan Krause, Lynne Marino, Mario N. Rangel, Luis Rodriguez, Tim Smith and Ken Thero. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ILL LIST If you know of someone in our community in need of our presence or prayers, please call or email Melanie. Please help us keep our list current by letting us know when your loved one is better. Thank you! AYM Ascension Youth Ministry Happy New Year! Catholic Education As Catholics, we value Catholic education. We believe that parents are the primary educators of the faith for their children. And the Church serves families by providing Catholic Christian Education in parishes and in Catholic Schools. We have many children enrolled in both our Spanish and English Religious Education Program here at Ascension Parish. We also have a number of parishioners whose children attend Catholic School. We applaud all of these families for making a daily effort to live the Baptismal Promise and raise their children in the Catholic Christian Faith. As parishioners we also have made a promise to help support families in this important effort. Since Ascension Parish does not have a Catholic School on our premises, it is our obligation to pay a subsidy for each child who attends Catholic School. As Catholics, we are all called to encourage Catholic Faith Formation, whether it is through our own parish program or through a Catholic School. We want and need families here at Ascension Parish. The Crab Feed is our annual fundraiser that helps Ascension Parish raise money to pay the required Catholic School Subsidy for each child. Please be generous and volunteer, donate items and/or come to the CRAB FEED and have a great time! And, as always, keep our families in your prayers. ASCENSION MIDDLE SCHOOL GROUP Our next Ascension Middle School Group will be on Sunday, January 17 from 11:45 to 1pm. Come for fun, friendship and a conversation about what Mass means to us, and how the Gospel speaks to us every day. YOUTH CONFIRMATION Our Confirmation Retreat is the weekend of January 15-17 at Camp Angelo’s in Corbett, Oregon. Please be on the lookout for a letter in the mail about specific details. Also, the Youth Confirmation Mass will be on Wednesday, June 1st at 7pm at Ascension. Youth Confirmation rehearsal will be on Tuesday, May 31 at 7pm. Please pray for our 50+ candidates as they continue their journey towards the Sacrament of Confirmation. Baptism Preparation Class Our next class will be Sunday, January 24 at 11:45am in the St. Clare Rm. Please register in advance by contacting Sharon Grigar at the Parish Office. Baptisms will be celebrated on Sunday, February 7 at the 10:30am Mass. Sunday January 10, 2016 Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy - Day 301 Both the courage and trust of those who decide to place their babies for adoption and the enthusiasm of those who adopt them are overwhelmingly vindicated by the tens of thousands of successful adoptions that take place in this country every year. Jubilee Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016 How is this Jubilee different from other Jubilee years? The Jubilee of Mercy that Pope Francis has called is an Extraordinary Jubilee. This designation as an "Extraordinary Jubilee" sets it apart from the ordinary cycle of jubilees, or holy years, which are called every 25 years in the Catholic Church. By calling for a holy year outside of the normal cycle, a particular event or theme is emphasized. For example, Pope Francis called this particular Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy to direct our attention and actions "on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father's actions in our lives . . . a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective" Social Concerns Ministry Our mission is to inspire and support our parish in living out our baptismal call, integrating Catholic Social Teaching in our community and promoting the dignity of life. The Traveling Crib Let’s continue to support the “Traveling Crib”. Pregnancy Support Services is a program of Catholic Charities which provides pregnant women with free professional counseling, baby and maternity supplies, priority placement in a residential maternity home, a match with a “Mom’s Helping Moms” mentor, and “Between Us” healthy relationship workshops, all funded completely through donations. Sat. Jan. 9 Sun. Jan. 10 Mon. Jan. 11 Tues. Jan. 12 Wed. Jan. 13 Thurs. Jan. 14 Fri. Jan. 15 Sat. Jan. 16 Sun. Jan. 17 All Parishioners +Octaviano Garcia All Parishioners All Parishioners +Irma Pacheco Communion Service Communion Service All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners +Pedro Muñoz All Parishioners All Parishioners Todos los feligreses de la parroquia 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 12:00pm 8:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Next week, our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through television, radio, social media, podcasts, and print media. Half of the proceeds remain in our archdiocese and support local needs. Please be generous in this collection. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Prayer Circle: Did you know Ascension Parish has a prayer circle? As names are given to the parish to pray for, members of the prayer circle devote time in prayer for these requests. Would you like to be part of this prayer circle? Do you have a prayer request? If so, contact Sharon Grigar or Melanie van der Veen. Rosary: Did you know a group of parishioners gather on Tuesday mornings after the 8:30am Mass to pray the rosary together? You are invited to pray too! Book of Intentions: What is that red book that is presented at the altar at Mass along with communion to our homebound? It is our Book of Intentions. It is kept near the candles in the vestibule during the week, and you are encouraged to write a name or brief intention in this book, so that our community may pray for the person or intention. Pray for Alissa McCrann Our parishioner, Alissa has been missing since Saturday, December 19. Please continue to pray for her return. Alissa has served as a Catechist for many years, sharing her faith with our children as well as a volunteer in other areas. OPPORTUNITIES ELSEWHERE... "We are very short of volunteers to teach for the adult literacy classes that Programa Hispano conducts in downtown Gresham, and are hoping that some Ascension parishioners could help us in this effort. The classes teach reading, in Spanish, for adults from Latin America who have not had the opportunity to attend school as children. Volunteers do not need to be professional teachers, as materials and training are provided. Please join us making this wonderful program possible for those who are bravely learning to read as adults! Contact: Cheryl Bela 503-680-3284 or Laura Hernandez 503-492-6726 x248. You and your community are invited to join us for a special evening with Bill Bradbury, former Oregon Secretary of State, as he speaks on the impacts of climate change in Oregon. This is a free public event. It will be held at Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont, on January 12th, at 7pm. Bradbury is a former Oregon legislator (both house and Senate), served as President of the Senate, and was the elected Secretary of State for nine years. Currently he serves on the Northwest Power and Conservation Council as one of two Oregon representatives. His presentation includes images depicting already occurring impacts of climate change in Oregon. He will also discuss Oregon's current plan to reduce our carbon footprint, and important state initiatives addressing energy needs in the Northwest. Additionally, both 350PDX and Renew Oregon will present information about upcoming legislation to make Oregon more sustainable. The event is cosponsored by 350PDX & Renew Oregon and hosted by 58th Avenue Resilient. For more information contact: [email protected] This event may fill quickly. Preregistration strongly recommended: 10 de enero del 2016 El Bautismo del Señor CELEBRACIÓN DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Reporte de Gastos Misa en Español Sábado - 7:00pm Domingo - 12:30pm Horario de Oficina Costo de las Flores: Costo del Mariachi: Costo de luz: Gastos Totales: $800.50 $1,200.00 $50.22 $2,050.72 De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm (503) 256 3897 Confesiones: Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita Al-Anon: Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm Grupo de Parejas: Miércoles - 7pm Escuela San Andrés-: Jueves - 7pm. Hora Santa: Primer viernes del mes- 7pm. Misa de Sanación: Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm. Asamblea de Oración: Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm. LOS PRIMEROS 1000 DÍAS Una Cultura Católica de la Iniciativa De Vida Los 1000 días desde la concepción hasta el segundo cumpleaños son los más cruciales para el desarrollo de un niño. Estos 1000 días son nuestra mejor oportunidad para dar forma a un bebe más sano, y darle un futuro más próspero a un niño. ¡A todos los niños! 10 de enero. Donde todos son acogidos y amados por la misericordia - día 301 El valor y la confianza de las personas que deciden poner a sus bebes en adopción y el entusiasmo de las personas que los adoptan son abrumadoramente vindicados por las miles de adopciones de éxito que toman lugar en este país cada año. Comparación de la Colecta Recibida: Cuarta semana del mes de diciembre del 2015: $ 7,270.55 Cuarta semana del mes de diciembre del 2014: $ 7,534.92 Navidad 2015: $ 5,854.38 Navidad 2014: $ 6,464.93 CLASES DE CATECISMO -Recordatorio Se les comunica que si está nevando o hay hielo en las calles de nuestra ciudad, las clases se cancelaran siguiendo al horario de las escuelas públicas del estado de Oregón. Por favor les pedimos seguir las noticias locales, si las escuelas si tienen clases nosotros también tendremos clases. Si las escuelas públicas cancelan clases, también nosotros lo haremos. Gracias por su cooperación. GASTOS TOTALES DEL TABERNACULO Y DE LA GRUTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE hasta el día 1/6/16: Resumen de Gastos del Tabernáculo: Ingresos: $5,229.98 Gastos: $7,652.94 Balance: ($2,422.96) Resumen de Gastos de la Gruta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Ingresos: $17,810.70 Gastos: $16,977.38 Balance: ($833.32) Resumen de Gastos: 6/17/15: Envío de la mitad del costo de la estatua: $4,756.22 9/30/15: Envío el restante del costo de la estatua: $4,756.22 10/30/15: Materiales pagados a Big Quality Co.: $3,000.00 11/18/15: Gastos de Envío y Manejo: $963.00 11/25/15: Restante de gastos de Envío y Manejo: $461.99 12/10/15: Impuestos pagados a Federal Express: $39.95 12/17/15: Big Quality Co., Costo de Mano de Obra: $3,000.00 Total: $16.977.38 DURANTE EL MAL CLIMA En caso de malas condiciones climáticas: Ascensión sigue las reglas de cancelación del distrito escolar de Portland. Si las escuelas públicas de Portland se declaran cerradas o retrasadas entonces lo mismo sucederá en la parroquia, cancelando o retrasando nuestro horario de oficina y juntas programada para ese día. Por favor utiliza tu sentido común y no pongas en riesgo tu vida ni la de tu familia al exponernos al peligro. Cena Anual de Cangrejo. Sábado, 30 de enero del 2016, Salón “Tony Rinella Hall”. El costo del boleto es $35.00 (todo lo que pueda comer). Cupo limitado. Puertas abren a partir de las 6:30pm. Este banquete es para ayudar a la recaudación de fondos apoyando a los niños y jóvenes de nuestra parroquia que asisten a escuelas Católicas. Los boletos están a la venta después de misa en el vestíbulo de la iglesia, para más información comunicarse con Nancy Smith al 503-349-7914. ¡Para que este evento sea exitoso, necesitamos de tu ayuda!!! Si no puedes asistir a la cena, nos puedes apoyar donando los siguientes artículos: * Paquetes de 12 o 24 de cualquier refresco incluyendo: Pepsi/Diet Pepsi Coke/Diet Coke Sprite/7-Up/Diet 7-Up Root Beer Orange soda/juice * Servilletas grandes de mesa * Servilletas grandes de cocina para limpieza * Guantes de plástico de tamaño grande o mediano * Bolsas de plastico tip Zip Loc de un 1 galón) * Tenedores de Metal * Pinzas especiales para romper el cangrejo Deposita tus donaciones en el vestíbulo. ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Los boletos para la rifa están de venta por solo $1 cada boleto, o $10 por 11 boletos. ¡No se requiere estar presente para ganar!!! Por más información, por favor de contactar a Nancy Smith a; 503-349-7914. AYM Ascension Ministerio de Jovenes Kim Petros x16 ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! ¡Bienvenidos! Enero 15-17: Retiro del Grupo de Confirmaciones en Camp Angelos en Corbett, Oregon. 17 de enero: Grupo de Jóvenes en Middle School-11:45am 24 de enero: Clase de Confirmacion-11:45am 31 de enero: Grupo de Jóvenes en Middle School-11:45am REVISA TU PRESION ARTERIAL Domingo, 10 de enero Después de la misa de las 12:30pm En el Salón San Francisco Apoya un Ministerio en México y Compra un Libro Sábado, 16 de enero, de las 6pm a las 7pm. (Entre las misas de las 5pm y 7pm) Kathy y Phil Dahl-Bredine han ayudado como misionarios laicos en Oaxaca, México por más de 15 años. Su libro incluye recetas de esa región y también habla de los valores culturales, agricultura orgánica, y los efectos de la globalización en la migración. Más importante que el vender su libro Kathy y Phil, quienes también son bilingües están ansiosos de compartir su experiencia como misioneros. Todos están invitados a pasar a conocerlos. Ministerio de Preocupaciones Sociales La Cuna Viajera estará aquí en nuestra parroquia durante el mes de enero. Podrás depositar tus donaciones de artículos para bebe y de maternidad dentro de la cuna. Este es un programa del Departamento de Maternidad de Caridades Católicas. Al donar estas ayudando a futuras mamás enfrentando embarazos no deseados que han decidido decir si a la bendición de ser madres y a dar a luz a una nueva vida. OPORTUNIDADES FUERA DE LA PARROQUIA… ¡URGENTE! Necesitamos voluntarios que puedan enseñar a leer y escribir en español a latinos en nuestra región. No se necesita experiencia. El Programa Hispano te dará el entrenamiento y todos los materiales necesarios. Estas clases se llevan a cabo en el centro de Gresham, y en verdad deseamos que muchos miembros de esta comunidad de la Ascensión nos puedan ayudar. Las clases enseñan a leer en español a adultos provenientes de Latinoamérica quienes de niños no tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir a la escuela. Los voluntarios no necesitan ser maestros de profesión. Por favor únete a nuestro esfuerzo de ayudar a estas valientes personas que aprenderán a leer a su madura edad. Comunícate con Cheryl Bela al 503-680-3284 o con Laura Hernández al 503-492-6726 x248. ¡Gracias!
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