October 9, 2015 THE HOFFMAN HUM A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER MONDAY TUESDAY 12 WEDNESDAY 13 14 THURSDAY FRIDAY 15 16 Board of Education Meeting 7:00pm Teacher Conference Day HO PICTURE RETAKE DAY 19 NO SCHOOL 20 21 22 23 SMILE ILLINOIS AT HO HE/HO Principal Coffee @ HO 1:002:00pm 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 Institute Day NO SCHOOL HOFFMAN SCHOOL 2000 HARRISON STREET ! GLENVIEW ! 847-998-5040 http://ho.glen view34.org CHARACTER COUNTS WEEK OCTOBER 19-23 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK……. Dear Hoffman Family, When a parent meets with the principal and teachers, s/he must feel comfortable asking questions, sharing observations and even making recommendations. Both parents and school professionals hold valuable information and insight into a youngster’s performance at school. To unlock the full potential of each student, all must share what they observe and know in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Family circumstances vary greatly. Just as each child is unique, so too is every parent and family. Because all parent conferences may look alike does not mean they will be alike. Principals and teachers need to hear specific parent needs, concerns and recommendations. This can only happen through two-way dialog. But how and where to begin? While there are no universal questions and recommendations that should be brought up at every conference, here are some helpful suggestions involving common ground for both parent and teacher. For a Parent To Ask: - How do you organize your class? What are the classroom routines? - How often is homework assigned? What are the consequences if it is not done? How is my youngster’s homework? - Does my youngster come to class prepared? Is s/he meeting your expectations? - How is my child’s attitude at school and toward school? Does he seem well adjusted? Is he cooperative, respective and responsible? - Is my youngster well behaved both in class and around school? - Does my youngster participate in class discussions and class activities? Does he interact positively with peers and adults? - How does my youngster handle criticism, suggestions, mistakes, direction and correction? - What are my child’s academic strengths and weaknesses? What are his special skills and interests? - How do you arrive at a student’s grade? What are the key factors and how does my child measure up to them? - What are the extra-curricular activities, athletics, etc. - What is expected at the next grade/level and how well prepared is my child to move on? - How can we (student, parent, school) work more closely together? For a Parent To Share: - What your youngster enjoys about school – academics, special programs, activities, athletics, friends, lunch, etc. - Special interests, hobbies, etc. that your youngster enjoys outside of school - At home study habits, routines, etc. - Your youngster’s strengths and weaknesses. - Any circumstances which might be impacting your youngster’s performance at school. Whether a conference involves a routine meeting or solving a specific problem, prior to the meeting you may want to jot down some of the above suggestions. During the meeting don’t be afraid to refer to your “notes”. Remember, teachers want and need to hear what you have to say if true two-way communication is to take place. Sincerely, Mark Walther, Principal PREPARING FOR CONFERENCES QUESTION: What should I do to get the most benefit from the parent teacher conference? ANSWER: Preparation is the key for a successful parent/teacher conference. Both the teacher and parent should be fully prepared with information, questions, and concerns to insure a productive conference. Approach the conference with a positive attitude and a desire to create a plan of action to benefit your child. Some specific suggestions in preparing for and attending a conference include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Talk with your child before the conference. Ask if there are any questions or concerns he/she may have. Decide prior to the conference what questions you would like to ask. Make a list of these questions to take with you. Make an appointment and be on time. The teacher may be on a a pre-set schedule and have many conferences planned. Approach the conference with an open mind. Both teacher and parents are striving for the same results. Take notes during the conference. Following the conference you can refer back to the notes concerning suggestions and future plans. Use the conference time to exchange information about your child. Share any specific information which may help the teacher meet the educational needs of your child. Ask questions about your child and school. If you are unsure of the terms, methods, or ideas being presented, ask for an explanation. Be willing to discuss your concerns regarding your child's progress. Your expectations and those of the teacher may differ. Learn to listen. Information that the teacher is sharing is designed to help meet the needs of your child. Deal with facts rather than rumors. Ask the teacher for suggestions on meeting your child's needs at home. How can you as a parent help in your child's academic progress? Follow-up on the conference. Make specific plans, set goals, and establish a method to monitor your child's progress. HOFFMAN SCHOOL HALLOWEEN PLANS Dear Hoffman Family, As the autumn leaves begin to fall and the air becomes more crisp, we know that the Halloween Holiday will soon be upon us. At Hoffman School we will be celebrating Halloween on Friday, October 30, 2015. In order to help our students enjoy this holiday in a safe manner, we will be using the following guidelines for our celebration at school. In helping your child choose an appropriate costume, doing a little research on historical or storybook characters and modeling the costumes after this would be an excellent choice. Specifically, children are strongly encouraged to dress as literary characters from a favorite book (Examples: Harry Potter, Charlotte, the spider, from Charlotte’s Web, Viola Swamp, Harriet the Spy, Johnny Appleseed, Willie Wonka, Pippi Longstockings, and other characters with positively redeeming qualities) or patriotic figures (Examples: Uncle Sam, George Washington, Statue of Liberty). Students who come in costume as an appropriate literary or patriotic character, will have their name placed in a lottery drawing where five costume names will be selected to receive gift certificates to purchase books from a local book store. * Carrying weapons or wearing roller blades WILL NOT be allowed. * Costumes with blood, or promoting a violent theme are inappropriate. * Masks of any kind are strongly discouraged unless they relate to an appropriate storybook character, historical figure, or animal. “Scream” masks are inappropriate. * Students will be given time to put on their costumes after lunch. Please do not send your child with makeup on his/her face to school in the morning. * Your child is allowed to go home for lunch on this day. We will need a written permission slip from you. Children leaving for lunch will need to sign-out in their homeroom. We politely request that if your child is going home for lunch on this day he/she goes home ONLY during his/her regular scheduled lunch hour/recess period. Students going home are also politely urged to go with their parents, however, we recognize that some of our parents’ work schedules may interfere with this schedule and you may make arrangements with a friend or neighbor. For your child’s safety, you are requested to let us know of your plans on the attached permission slip. Children going home for lunch will be dismissed through the FRONT DOOR ONLY. Fifth grade students only may choose to be dismissed through the doors by Johns Park. We will begin our annual Halloween parade at 1:15 pm. We will march throughout the school and parents may view the parade in the gymnasium. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. During the parade, our room parents will have time to prepare for the classroom celebrations while the students are on parade. Getting into the spirit of this celebration, let’s hope for a Boo-ti-ful day! Sincerely, Mark Walther, Principal PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY Friday, OCTOBER 23, 2015 To Hoffman School My child ___________________________________________________ ___ will go home with me during his/her regular lunchtime will go home with a friend/neighbor during his/her regular lunchtime (please provide name and phone number of person) ___ _____________________________________________________________ will not go home but will remain in school ___ ______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Teacher 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Lunch 11:00-11:25 am 11:30 -11:55 am 12:00 -12:25 pm Recess 11:30-11:50 am 12:00-12:20 pm 12:30-12:50 pm HOFFMAN SCHOOL HALLOWEEN PLANS Queridos Padres de Familia: Tal como empieza el otoño, cayéndose las hojas y con vientos más fuertes, sabemos que la fiesta de Halloween llega muy pronto. En la escuela Hoffman nosotros vamos a celebrar el Halloween el viernes, 30 de octubre 2015. Para ayudar a los estudiantes a tener un día de Halloween con suficiente seguridad, vamos a seguir las siguientes reglas para nuestra celebración de la escuela. Sería una idea excelente de ayudar a su niño(a) a que escoja un disfraz apropiado, le sugerimos investigar un poco acerca de personajes históricos o de libros de fantasía y disfrazarse en uno de estos personajes. Específicamente estamos animando a los niños a vestirse como personajes literarios, culturales o históricos con características positivas y apropiadas. Por ejemplo: LITERARIO; Roxie of the Hooligans, Gooney Bird Greene, Tía Lola, Gylfie of the Guardians of G’Hoole, Percy Jackson o CULTURALES/HISTORICAS: Rosa Park, Jorge Washington, César Chavez, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Moon Goddess de Goguryeo y Kazimierzi Pulaski. Los estudiantes que vengan disfrazados apropiadamente de un personaje literario o patriótico van a tener la oportunidad de entrar a una rifa en donde cinco nombres de alumnos serán seleccionados y recibir un certificado de regalo para comprar libros en una librería local. ! Llevando armas o patines NO ES PERMITIDO. ! Disfraces con sangre o temas violentos son inapropiados ! Máscaras están prohibidas a menos que estén vestidos como un personaje literario, histórico o un animal. Máscaras de “Grito” son inapropiadas. ! Los estudiantes van a tener tiempo después del almuerzo para ponerse su disfraz. Favor de no mandar al niño a la escuela con maquillaje en la cara por la mañana . ! A su niño(a) se le permitirá ir a su casa para almorzar ese día. Van a necesitar firmar el permiso y devolverlo a su maestro(a) de antemano. Los niños que van a salir ese día firmarán la salida en su salón. Queremos pedirles que si su niño se va a su casa para almorzar este día que vaya SOLO durante su hora de almuerzo y recreo. Los estudiantes que van a su casa también están recomendados a ir con sus padres, aunque sabemos que puede ser difícil para los padres que trabajan y que quieren hacer planes con un amigo o vecino. Para la seguridad de su hijo(a) , le pedimos que firmen el permiso adjunto. Los niños que van a su casa para almorzar van a salir por la PUERTA DE LA OFICINA solamente. Solo los estudiantes en quinto grado pueden salir por las puertas cerca de Johns Park. Nuestro Desfile de Halloween comenzará a la 1:15 pm. Desfilaremos a través de la escuela, los padres pueden ver el Desfile cuando pasemos por el gimnasio. Si Ud. tiene alguna pregunta favor de llamarme cuando le sea conveniente. Durante el desfile, las mamás o papás del salón tendrán tiempo de preparar el salón para la fiesta. ¡Al sentir el espíritu de esta celebración, esperamos tener un bonito día! Sinceramente, Mark Walther, Director de la Escuela Hoffman POR FAVOR DE DEVOLVER ESTA FORMA A MAS TARDAR EL VIERNES 23 DE OCTUBRE, 2015 A LA ESCUELA HOFFMAN HALLOWEEN Mi hijo/a____________________________________________________: Irá a casa en la hora de su almuerzo. Irá a casa con mi vecino o amigo, durante la hora de el almuerzo. ( por favor escriba el nombre y el teléfono de la persona:) Permanecerá en la escuela, no saldrá de la escuela. Firma del padre o del guardián. Maestra/o El Horario de Almuerzo: 3 r grado 11:00 –11:25 am 4° grado 11:30-11:55 am 5° grado 12:00-12:25 pm El Horario de Recreo: 11:25-11:50 am 11:55-12:20 pm 12:30-12:50 pm http://henkinghoffmanpta.org/School-House-Rock http://henkinghoffmanpta.org/ http://tinyurl.com/HEMonsterBookFair http://henkinghoffmanpta.org/Book-Fair-Volunteer http://henkinghoffmanpta.org/Pizza-Dinner http://henkinghoffmanpta.org/PTA-Shop http://henkinghoffmanpta.org/Schoola-Clothing-Drive http://henkinghoffmanpta.org/eventsschedule CHARACTER COUNTS! in Glenview Kids Care Food Drive to benefit local food pantries October 19-23, 2015 The students of District 34, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and District 30 are coming together in conjunction with Character Counts week, to collect food items to be donated to the Northfield Township Food Pantry. Items of great need are: pancake mix and syrup, pasta sauce, juice/juice boxes, coffee, tea, kid’s snacks/snack packs, cookies, crackers, macaroni & cheese, instant mashed potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, paper products, cereal, oatmeal, canned spaghetti, ravioli, chili, and corned beef hash. (Please check expiration dates.) Drop boxes will be located in each school. Daily collection tallies will be listed by grade level. To find out how your grade is doing visit: http://he.glenview34.org/cans For more information call: Cathy Freidinger (Dist.34) at 847/657-0271, Karen Booker (Dist. 30) at 847/644-7855, Beth Engels (OLPH) at 847/502-2261, Mark Walther (Dist. 34) at 847/998-5042 Show that your grade cares! Dear Hoffman Family, The Glenview Education Foundation (GEF) is an all-volunteer, parent-run fundraising organization that believes incremental private funding is essential to a high-performing public school district. GEF will be running its Annual Fund Drive 10/12 - 11/6, and I am writing you to encourage your participation. Last year, $253,000 was donated back to District 34 schools in the form of advanced technology and educational programming. The following is a list of grants that received funding from GEF during the 2014-15 school year (a complete description of each grant can be found at the GEF website at www.gef34.org): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Middle School Makers: A STEM PILOT Financial Literacy: Grades 6-‐8 Financial Literacy: Grades 3-‐5 Northwestern University Engineering and Local Manufacturer Field Trip 10th Annual GEF Recital Night Springman Band and Orchestra Update The Use of Stability Balls in the Classroom Universidad de Baile / Dance University Second Step Resource IXL Language Program Outdoor Learning Environment Lyon School LRC Redesign Buildout Science Olympiad Henking Family Literacy Program. We are extremely grateful for the support GEF provides; however, GEF is only able to continue to make these investments in our schools as a result of your financial support. Your contribution can help GEF provide the highest quality public school education to all children in District 34. Please consider donating during the Foundation’s Annual Fund Drive. Donations can be made by visiting the GEF website at www.gef34.org. Thank you, Mark Walther Principal, Hoffman OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 4 donate at www.gef34.org THE ANNUAL GLENVIEW EDUCATION FOUNDATION FUND DRIVE KICKS OFF THIS WEEK! The Glenview Education Foundation’s (GEF) Annual Fund Drive officially kicks off this week, and will run through early November with a parent Phone-a-Thon on Wednesday, November 4. Last year GEF raised over $213,000 to help cover the gap between the District’s budget and educators’ great ideas. This year the Foundation’s goal is $150,000. GEF’s Annual Fund Drive is a key component of the Foundation’s Reach for the STARs campaign, which focuses on four key areas of funding (distributed via educator grants) known as the "STAR Initiatives:" Science Enrichment – Engage students with hands-on learning and new technology. Teacher Investment – Help teachers to innovate and share strategies for success. At-Risk Support – Bolster efforts to help academically at-risks students to ensure all students learn to their potential. Readiness Skills – Improve executive function skills (organization, communication, etc.). Could You or Your Company Be a Blue Ribbon Donor? If you, your company – or you in combination with your company’s matching funds program – are able to make a donation of $500 or more to GEF, there are extra benefits. Blue Ribbon donors receive special recognition. They are kept up to date on donors' investment in District 34. Blue Ribbon Business Donors also receive additional recognition throughout the year, including a presence in GEF e-newsletters, on the GEF Web site and at GEFsponsored events. Your donation to GEF matters! State funding for education is down, educational programming costs are up, and the challenge of If you would like more information preparing our children for an information-intense world continues to about becoming an individual or grow. GEF needs your financial support in order to add to the list of business Blue Ribbon Donor, successful developmental initiatives listed below: please send an email to *Middle School Makers: a STEM Pilot [email protected]. or visit the GEF *Financial Literacy grades 3-8 *GEF Recital Night Web site at *Lyon School LRC ReDesign gef34.org/business_support.htm. *Springman Band and Orchestra Update Does My Donation Really Matter? *The Use of Stability Balls in the Classroom *Science Olympiad *Every Child Can Ride *Universidad de Baile / Dance University *Second Step Resource *IXL Language Program *Outdoor Learning Environment at Westbrook *Henking Family Literacy Program Please take the time to donate today, and avoid the call…. If you donate now, it’s a win-win – you won’t receive a phone call from one of our parent volunteers during the November 4 Phone-A-Thon and our volunteers will have one less call to make! Donate online at www.gef34.org - click DONATE NOW. All major credit cards accepted. _______________________________________________________ _ _ Yes, I will Reach for the STARs with GEF. (Please make checks payable to Glenview Education Foundation, P.O. Box 373, Glenview IL 60025.) Name: _____________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Contribution level: ____$500 Address: _________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________ ____$250 ____$100 ____$50 Other $_______________ ____ Enclosed is my signed Employer Matching Gift Form GEF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Hoffman Conference Times Fall 2015 If you have questions or wish to set a time for a conference, please contact the specific teacher from this list. Teaching Position Teacher Name Dates and Times Available Technology Facilitator Jackie Kemper 10/12-10/15 7:00-7:45 am Speech-Language Pathologist Nicole Lewis 10/9 2:30-3:30, 10/12-10/13 2:30-5:00 p.m. LRC Director Paula Smeltekop 10/12-10/16 7:00-8:00 Band Director Sue Dobias 10/12-10/14 7:00-8:00, 10/15 2:30-3:30 Art Linda Schober 10/12 (7:00-8:30 am), 10/13 (2:45-4:15), 10/15 (2:453:45) Orchestra Tracie Tatz 10/15 (2:30 - 5:30) General Music Amy Banas 10/13-10/15 (7:00-8:00) Physical Education Lauren Pagone 10/12-10/15 (7:15-8:00 a.m.) & 10/15 (2:30-3:15 p.m.) PE Drew Russell 10/12-10/15 (7:00-8:00) PE Andrew Mayer 10/13-10/15 (7:00-8:00) Drama Kristen Cone 10/12-10/13 (7:00-8:00 a.m) 10/14-10/15 (2:45-3:45 p.m.) Resource Teacher Lisa Hild Walsh 10/12 ~ 2:30 - 4:00 10/13 ~ 2:30 - 3:30 10/15 ~ 2:30 - 5:00 Resource Teacher Marissa Prodanovic 10/12 (7:00-8:00 a.m.) 10/13 (2:30-6 p.m.) 10/15 (2:30-4:45 p.m.) Orchestra HO Andrew Babcock 10/14 (7:10-7:55 & 2:30-3:00) 10/15 (7:10-7:55 & 2:30-3:00) 10/16 (7:25-7:55) Parent/Principal Coffee You’re Invited Please plan on attending a highly informative and engaging Parent/Principal Coffee on Tuesday, October 20 from 9:15-10:15 am at Hoffman School! Our Principals, Mark Walther (Hoffman) and Irene Villa (Henking) will be leading a fun discussion of the book entitled, How To Raise an Adult-Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success by Julie Lythcott-Haims (2015). All participants are strongly encouraged to purchase and read this helpful book offering practical strategies that underline the importance of allowing children to make their own mistakes and develop the resilience, resourcefulness, and inner determination necessary for success! PLEASE COME! Everything You Need to Know About Parenting…..but might have been afraid to ask! Listed below is a very helpful website for all Moms and Dads with loads of research-based information and helpful advise to assist you in your efforts to be the best parent that you can be! Among the many topics covered are health/nutrition, friends, money, school success, sports, fitness, self-care, work and family. The core of advice and the approach to the positive parenting guidance supplied is built on the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets. Enjoy! Here’s the site: www.parentfurther.com Hoffman School Student Board … Elections and Activities to Get Underway Soon! We are excited to announce that our Hoffman School Student Board elections and related activities will be getting underway soon. Here is a brief overview and timeline of these upcoming Student Board events that will be very helpful for parents to read. What is the Hoffman School Student Board? The Hoffman School Student Board is an opportunity for all students to participate in our student government. The Student Board is comprised of two classroom representatives from every 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom. One boy and one girl are elected by the children in each classroom to serve as a classroom representative. One or two alternates may also be elected by the children in each classroom to serve in the event that a classroom representative is absent. The Student Board is also led by a President (5th grade student), Vice-President (4th grade student), Secretary (5th grade student), and Treasurer (3rd grade student). All students are eligible to run for any of these “Executive Board” positions according to their grade level designation. Interested students must fill out an application and have it signed by their parents and homeroom teacher before a posted deadline in order to be eligible to participate in a “grade level” Primary Election. Primary Election candidates are required to give a very brief introductory speech of 1-2 minutes providing their full name and a few reasons why they are interested in running for this position. This brief speech is given to grade level peers ONLY and is led by the teachers at each grade level. It is common for 20-40 students to run for each of the “Executive Board” positions. The grade level Primary Election serves to narrow the field of candidates to four candidates for each “Executive Board” position. Each of the candidates for the “Executive Board” positions must be in good academic standing, demonstrate strong character traits, and be willing to lead others as a good citizen. Each of the candidates will create six campaign posters and develop a speech that is given to the entire student body. Every speech is practiced and reviewed by our Faculty Advisors after school prior to their speech in an all-school assembly. A General Election follows where every registered student and faculty member votes for each of the “Executive Board” positions resulting in 1 President (5th grade student), 1 Vice-President (4th grade student), 1 Secretary (5th grade student), and 1 Treasurer (3rd grade student). The Hoffman School Student Board meets once a month beginning in December on Wednesday afternoons from 2:30-3:15 pm in the Learning Center. They are led by our Faculty Advisors: Ms. Kate Morgan – Grade 3 teacher Ms. Katie Mies – Grade 4 teacher Mrs. Mara Caplan Pierce – Grade 5 teacher Mr. Mark Walther – Principal Monthly meetings help our students learn to serve others in a democratic studentgovernment forum. The Student Board plans for and participates in a wide variety of opportunities focused on community-service projects, extra-curricular events, environmental initiatives, and school procedures. Please contact Mr. Walther should you have any questions or need further information. _________________________________________________________________ PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY AT HOFFMAN Picture re-take day has been scheduled for Monday, October 12 th . If your child was not in attendance on our original photo day, your child will be photographed on this day. To receive pictures you must turn in the Color Portraits order form with payment. If you are requesting a retake because you are unhappy with the photo taken, please have your child bring the entire package to the school office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to be added to the list. The photo package must be returned to the photographer. If you have any questions, please call the office. Thank you. ___________________________________________________________________________ Vision and Hearing Screening Completed Last Week at Hoffman School Please give a hearty round of applause and an EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS to the following parents who provided their time, care, enthusiasm, and service to our students and contributed to a highly successful vision/hearing screening for ALL of our students last week: Irene Sewell, Tim Sewell, Julie Lomer, Kathy Szoke, Jenna Otwell, Karen Callagan
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