OCTOBER 12, 2014 12 de Octubre de 2014 Pastor/Párroco Reverend Ken Ramón-Landry Parochial Vicar Reverend Ignacio Jiménez Morales Deacons/Diáconos Randy Duke Warren Goff Director of Religious Activities (English) Alejandro Barquero Parish Secretary/Secretaria Monique Rowell Youth/Juventud Alejandro Barquero Kyle Melancon Angela Vanderbrook Music Brandon Ring Webmaster Melanie Boolos Call for contacts at Parish Office or visit website www.sacredhearthattiesburg.com or email [email protected] Please reserve for emergencies only/ Teléfono para emergencias solamente: 601-964-0911 Ministerio Hispano/Hispanic Ministry Educación Religiosa/Religous Education Elizabeth Trejo Música/Music Giovanny Castillo MISSION STATEMENT Make Disciples. That’s It! MISIÓN DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Hagan Discipulos. Eso is Todo!. C AT H O L I C C H U R C H IGLESIA DEL SAGRADO CORAZÓN 313 WALNUT STREET • HATTIESBURG, MS 39401 Parish Office: Tel. 601-583-9404 • Fax: 601-583-9486 MASS SCHEDULE/MISAS DOMINICALES Saturday Vigil/Vigilia .................................................................................... 4:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo ........................................ (English) 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. ........................................................................................ (En Español) 1:30 de la tarde Weekday Masses/Misas Días Laborales Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs., in the St. John Paul II Chapel ...................... 8:15 a.m. Every other Thurs. in the high school chapel during the school year ............. 9:30 a.m. Holy Days/Días Festivos Please consult bulletin for the week of the holy day. Por favor, consulte el boletín. PENANCE/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sunday (English) ............................................................ 3:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m. Domingo (Español) ............................................................................... 1:00–1:30 p.m. Or by appointment/haga una cita SACRED HEART SCHOOLS Escuelas del Sagrado Corazón www.shshattiesburg.com Fax: 601-583-8684 Principal: Brian McCrory Assistant Principals: Vicki Flanagan & Kenneth Dixon Elementary/Primaria 608 Southern Avenue 601-583-8683 High School/Secundaria 510 W. Pine Street 601-450-5736 Readings/Lecturas Monday / Lunes: Tuesday / Martes: Wednesday / Miércoles: Thursday / Jueves: Friday / Vienes : Saturday / Sábado: Next Sunday / Domingo: Columbus Day/ Día del descubrimiento de América Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/ Lk 11:29-32 St. Callistus I/San Calixto I Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 St. Teresa of Jesus/ Santa Teresa de Jesús Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque/ Santa Eduvigis; Santa Margarita María Alacoque Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 St. Ignatius of Antioch/ San Ignacio de Antioquía Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 St. Luke/San Lucas 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/ Mt 22:15-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. This Week at the Heart 10/13 Columbus Day / No School 6 p.m. Jr. High Football @ Dexter 10/14 8th Grade Campus Ministry Retreat 10/15 PSAT (10th & 11th Grades) 10/16 8:15 a.m. Elementary Mass (PK, K, 5th & 6th) 9th Grade Trip to Natchez 1:10 p.m. MSU visits Seniors (HS Chapel) 10/17 7 p.m. Varsity Football at Mt. Olive 10/18 Volleyball play-off TBD Swim South State @ Biloxi Natatorium Contacts/Contactos Adoration Stephanie Land 601-408-9190 Adult Choir Brandon Ring 601-583-9404 Altar Servers/Monaguillos Alejandro Barquero 601-583-9404 Altar Society Marilee Rouyer 601-582-9640 Baptisms Phyllis Lee 601-325-3690/ 601-583-4192 Becoming Catholic (RCIA) Deacon Warren Goff 601-447-3227 Counseling Sandy Kinnan, 601-583-9404 MSN, FPMH-CS Camille Bondurant, 601-583-9404 MS, LPC Knights of Columbus Council 1908 Bill Jarrett 601-266-4551 Marriage/Matrimonio First contact the church 601-583-9404 Karen Guthrie 601-544-8052 MOMS Ministry of Mothers Sharing Call the Parish Office 601-583-9404 Membership Parish Office 601-583-9404 Pastoral Council Todd Vanderbrook 601-583-9404 [email protected] Parent Morning Out Patty Nowell 601-818-5044 Senior Luncheon & Social Coordinator Joan Brady 601-583-9404 St. Vincent de Paul Society Help Line 601-408-7392 e-mail svdpshattiesburg.org 4 Youth Ministry Team Team Leader Alejandro Barquero 601-583-9404 E-mail [email protected] (Sr. CYO) Kyle Melancon 601-583-9404 e-mail [email protected] (Jr. CYO) Angela Vanderbrook 601-319-7424 e-mail [email protected] Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Octavo Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario 12 de Octubre de 2014 October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time "He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come." Why? What made the king's invitation so distasteful to these guests? According to the parable, either the guests were too busy with their farms and their businesses, or else they were downright hostile to the entire idea: they "laid hold of his servants, mistreated them, and killed them." What could possibly explain this resistance? Perhaps we have a clue in the puzzling conclusion of today's Gospel. One of the second-string guests pulled in from the streets came to the feast "not dressed in a wedding garment." The man knew he was guilty, hence his silence. And the king's punishment suggests that the fellow ought to have known better. This "wedding garment" calls to mind the preparation of our souls necessary to join in the great "wedding feast of the Lamb" (Rv 19:9), that is, heaven. This man was apparently just too lazy to get ready. He presumed that having received an invitation to the banquet was enough, that nothing was required of him. Not so. He should have demonstrated his gratitude by dressing appropriately. And what of the first-string guests? Some were too busy to bother coming; others were furious that they had been invited at all. Now, where do we fit in? Are we more concerned with worldly work than with spiritual growth? Are we offended by the very suggestion that we might need to "dress up" our souls? Or are we the disinterested Christian, willing to feast but too lazy to foster his faith? Jesus gave his life to open the gates of heaven for us. Let's show our gratitude by preparing radiant, beautiful souls worthy of the heavenly wedding feast. ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc. Vigésimo Octavo Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas que nos presenta la liturgia este domingo, concretamente la primera y la del Evangelio, nos ofrecen la oportunidad de centrar nuestro enfoque en la Eucaristía. Ahondaremos en la comprensión de este sacramento como banquete. El Concilio Vaticano II nos redescubre la Eucaristía como banquete y esto no contrapone con el otro significado de sacrificio. Los dos rasgos se complementan. Pues, bien, el Papa Francisco en su homilía del 30 de mayo de 2013 nos anima con lo siguiente. "La Eucaristía es el sacramento de la Comunión, que nos hace salir del individualismo para vivir juntos el seguimiento, la fe en él. Entonces todos deberíamos preguntarnos ante el Señor: ¿cómo vivo yo la Eucaristía? ¿La vivo de modo anónimo o como momento de verdadera comunión con el Señor, pero también con todos los hermanos y las hermanas que comparten esta misma mesa?" Reflexionemos en algún momento del día o durante la semana qué le responderíamos al Papa Francisco ante sus preguntas. Por otra parte, Jesús nos da una cátedra en el Evangelio de cómo les respondió a los sacerdotes del Templo y a los ancianos del pueblo que le cuestionaban sobre su autoridad. A Dios lo que es de Dios y al César lo que le pertenece. Y lo que le pertenece a Dios en este caso es lo que cada domingo nos ofrece, la Eucaristía. Vayamos, pues, al banquete dominical; seamos cristianos no solo de estar sentados en la banca, sino de obra. Y a vivir como Dios manda: ¡Como sus hijos e hijas! ©2014 Liturgical Publications The flowers for Mass were donated by Teresa & Jim Maloney In Memory of Their parents James & Emma Pepper and Tom & Willie Mae Maloney. Las flores para la Misa fueron donadas por Teresa & Jim Maloney en memoria de Emma & James Pepper and Willie Mae & Tom Maloney. Happy Birthday to all the October babies who were born this week: May God bless you with good health and happiness for many years to come. Especially in the month of November, the dead are remembered in prayer. This year, our Novena will begin on October 25th and end on November 2. If you would like to have your deceased loved ones remembered in this novena, please take one of the novena envelopes that are available in the vestibule of the church. Please print the name(s) clearly so that they can be recorded in the Book of the Dead which will be placed on the altar during the Novena. We ask that you return the envelope with your donation as soon as possible to allow sufficient time to record the names in the book. The suggested donation is $5.00 per name. Novena en honor de los Fieles Difuntos Durante el mes de noviembre recordamos de manera muy especial a nuestros difuntos y rogamos por su eterno descanso. Tendremos en su honor una Novena de Misas del 2 esta novena. Si desea usted que recordemos a sus queridos difuntos en esta novena, tome uno de los sobres que se encuentran en la entrada o vestíbulo de la iglesia, escriban claramente en el sobre el nombre de sus difuntos y pongan dentro su donación. Hagan esto tan pronto como puedan para que tengamos tiempo de inscribirlos en el Libro de Difuntos que será colocado sobre el altar durante la novena. Sugerimos una donación de $5.00 por persona o pareja. Muchas gracias. Sunday Pat Finnegan Maureen Martin Steve Nguyen Thursday Rodrigo Coronado Cheryl Eager Lauren Haines Shelby Palmeri Madeline Russell Hugh Thoms, Jr. Mallory Tyrone Monday Lois Grayson Rebecca Hensarling Stephanie Mena Thanh Nguyen Connie Worrel Friday Kathleen Este Wayne Kelly Margarita Matheus Christian McQueen, Sr. Mary Anne Mitchell Tuesday Ashley Bordelm Michele Ellis Kirk Jones Wednesday Janet Blouin Heather Davis Danny Dossett Ngoc Le Maria Ilda Perez Ortiz Shannon Smith Saturday Jerry Brown Andrew DeViney Charlie Finnegan Harry Hooks, Jr. Jennifer Morgan Paul Purvis Bruce Simmerman Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary! Happy Anniversary to Eugene J. Christen, Jr. and Jacqueline M. Christen on their 50th wedding anniversary which was celebrated on October 10th. Safe Environment Our Giving Safe Environment will be taught at SHCS the week of October 14th thru 17th. October 5, 2014 $ 18, 857.76 Building Fund $ 4, 102.00 Pregnant? Need Help? The deadline for the October 26th bulletin is Friday, October 17th @ 9:00 a.m. Call Birthright of Hattiesburg 601-336-5854 Senior Luncheon CALENDAR Winning Numbers for October 2014 Date Amount 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 9/10 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30 10/31 $150 $20 $20 $100 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $100 $2,000 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $100 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $100 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Calendar # 1460 1322 1744 1317 1017 2557 1652 2077 1702 1566 1163 1571 1208 1484 2239 1104 2150 1586 1771 2119 1352 1041 1914 1943 1087 2272 1620 1278 1397 2269 1333 Name Larry Grant Irwin Shirer Stephanie Land Sacred Heart Church Chris G. Johnson St. Vincent de Paul Todd Vanderbrook Jim Cox David & Mona Cobb Courtz Kittrett John M. Fairchild Lanthea Monquinn Glenn White Larry Grant Sacred Heart Church Cindy Hale Sacred Heart Church Christy Landry Judy Grant Amanda Winchester Jim Willis Leah Ferrill Blaine Rawls Dennis Warren Peter Sacred Heart PTO Todd Vanderbrook Allen Rouyer Alleon Bucciantini Sacred Heart Church Claudette Landrum All Sacred Heart seniors are invited to the Senior Luncheon on Tuesday, October 21, at 12:00 noon in the Parish Life Center. Enjoy the gr eat food and fellowship! Call the Parish Office at 601-5839404 for reservations. Sacristan Ministry Many people have said yes to the new ministry of Sacristan at Sacred Heart and we are very thankful! We are also aware in the past, ministers have “filled in the gap” when other ministers have not shown. We ask you to please refrain from doing this in this Ministry. In this way, our Sacristans can exercise what they have learned. All of those who have helped in the past can sit back and enjoy the Eucharistic Celebration. Winter Clothing and Blanket Drive The Social Justice Ministry is sponsoring an annual Sacred Heart Winter Clothing and Blanket Drive for the Homeless and Those in Need’. The drive will begin the weekend of Oct. 18 & 19, and continue through the weekends of Oct. 25th and 26th and Nov. 1st and 2nd. Boxes will be provided in the vestibule of the Church for your donations, which will principally benefit those served by St. Vincent de Paul and Hope House. On behalf of the Social Justice Ministry, we sincerely thank you for your continuing generosity and faithfulness to our brothers and sisters in need. Save the Date! October 19th from 12:00-1:00 Family life and Sacred Heart Youth are holding the Silent Vigil for Life on Hardy Street. We are meeting at the old Elam Arms parking lot. Everyone is welcome. Www.sacredhearthattiesburg.com www.facebook.com/SacredHeartHattiesburg Prayers ….For Our Sick Oración…..Por los Enfermos Linda Arceneaux Bob Ballard Mary Beasely Jim Blue Charelle Bonds Alene Burkett Frank Caccaro Andrew Cross Frances D’Amdrosia John Dossett Perrin Duke Nora Goff Joe Guidry Eloise Gunn JoAnn Hartfield Theresa Heumphreus Victoria Knight Pamela Lee Carol Lopinto Sandy Mahar Comelia Mason Tobie Mercier Jimmy & Libby Moudy Janet Nagy Millie Noetzlman Louis Pellegrine Caroline & Teddy Reed Lewis D. Ross, III Por los en casa/ For the Homebound For those who are lonely, feel forgotten, are hospitalized, or are in nursing homes. Marta & Mark Russell Gary Shimp Patt Siddens Curtis Simon Glena Sumrall Dicky Taylor Kathy & Don Tilton Marlin de Villanueva Por nuestros Militares/ For our Brave Military For those who are serving in foreign lands, those who have been injured, those afflicted with mental anguish, those who have given their lives, and for their families here at home. Hazel Waites Joe Westerman MASS INTENTIONS/ÍNTENCÍONES DE MISA Mon., Oct. 13, 8:15 a.m… ...… .............................. + Bill Sellers RECE POR UN SACRDOTE CADA DÍA PRAY FOR A PRIEST EACH DAY IN October / Octubre Tues., Oct. 14, 8:15 a.m..………… David (Continued Healing) Monday, October 6 Fr. Michael O’Connor Fr. Pat O’Shaughnessy Thurs., Oct. 16, 8:15 a.m……………………... + Lewis Mikels Tuesday, October 7 Fr. Bernard Papania, Jr Sat., Oct. 18, 4:00 p.m……………….. + Mary Eileen Newman Wednesday, October 8 Fr. Thang John Pham Sun., Oct. 19, 8:00 a.m……............................... + John Bounds Thursday, October 9 Fr. Dominic Phan duc Dong Friday, October 10 Saturday, October 11 Fr. John Ralph Fr. Ken Ramon-Landry Fr. Mark A. Ropel Sunday, October 12 Fr. Gerald Rush O.F.M. Wed., Oct. 15, 8:15 a.m.................................... + Felice Leboffe Sun., Oct. 19, 10:30 a.m…….... Dave Martin (Happy Birthday) Sun., Oct. 19, 1:30 p.m…..….… Rocio Marino (Thanksgiving) Sun., Oct. 19, 4:00 p.m……..……… Sacred Heart Parishioners Fr. Thomas J. Pazheparambil Liturgical Ministers/ Ministros de Liturgia October 18-19, 2014/Octubre 18-19, 2014 October 18-19, 2014 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Lector Commentator Hospitality Ushers Altar Servers Sat. 4:00 p.m. Len Charleville Peggy McCarthy Donna Wilson Sun. 8:00 a.m. Allen Rouyer Marilee Rouyer Ben Lauer Regina Muli Jana Pace Gary Pace Sun. 10:30 a.m. Mary Smith Caterina Ventura Frank Baugh Jennifer Phillips Leslyn Tamberg Angela Vanderbrook Sun. 1:30 p.m. Sun. 4:00 p.m. Maria Diaz Juvenal Diaz Maria Martin Willy Grimaldo Lourdes Grimaldo Martha Russell Maria Leon Kyle Melancon Rebecca Revoir Rebekah Rayburn Rob Eddy Julie White Brett Montague Glenn White (sub req.) Aaron Brackett Nubia Capetillo Santos Taperia Rob Eddy Jim Gladden Eugene Christen Pam Strahan Andy Mercier Casey Mercier Chris Oleson Bridgett Oleson Jim Barron Larry Bellipanni Bud Browning Tommy Rauch Sergio Rodriguez Guillermo Grimaldo Ernesto Garcia Antonio Rubio Joey French Mallory Gilberson Seaton Hixon Stella Bondurant NOT FILLED Michael DeViney Andrew Le Landon Le Abigail Wiest Meredith Maksi Chloe Brackett Eduardo Villalobos Cesar Mejia Jose Emanuel Jesus Gomez Mary Catherine Lee Trent Gilbertson Hannah Raborn LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Air Conditioning Heating, Refrigertion and Electrical Contractor 315 E. 3rd St. HATTIESBURG, MS 39401 2IÀFH (601) 584-8403 Fax Auto Glass / City Glass 601-582-8773 Serving All Your Glass Needs for Over 44 Years 607 Adeline St. • 816 Emerald Lane 692 Weathersby Rd. 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Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1927 “Serving You With Forever in Mind” 4822 U.S. Hwy 11, Purvis, MS 39475 601-794-6215 800-280-3398 Lyn McCrory, Owner/Manager CORPORATE OFFICES 2018 Hardy St. • Suite B • Hattiesburg, MS 39401 800-523-9979 • 601-582-3300 • 601-544-4912 Fax 206 West Front St. Hattiesburg (601) 545-5677 Mon-Sat 11am-12am; Sun 11am-2pm www.206front.com Serving Brunch Sat & Sun 11am-2pm LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. 108 South 37th Ave. • Hattiesburg Petal, MS • 601-582-1899 Wiggins, MS • 601-928-4522 Purvis, MS • 601-794-8731 Hattiesburg, MS • 601-544-2141 Pro travel, inc. American Monument Co., Inc. 264-4900 PHYSICAL THERAPY Billy Cochran, PT, CSCS 52 98 Place Blvd. • Hattiesburg, MS 39402 601-296-0199 www.carephysicaltherapy.com 5289 Old Highway 11 • Oak Grove 268-0150 CHESTERFIELD RESTAURANTS 128 East Front St. • Hattiesburg (601) 450-1263 Sun-Thurs 11a-9p; Fri & Sat 11a-11p www.bianchispizzeria.com LAWN & GARDEN CENTER 4646 Hardy St. 601-336-7134 DAVID NOBLES MICHAEL GARNER 4404 Fourth St. • Hattiesburg, MS (601) 264-6534 Flowers by Mariam 819 Hardy St. Hattiesburg, MS 39401 400 West Pine Street • Hattiesburg, MS 39401 601-544-5361 or 1-800-922-5365 FAX: 601-545-3202 ZZZVWDQGDUGRIÀFHFRP WE ARE PROUD TO SUPPORT SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 601-255-5220 2901 ARLINGTON LOOP (39401) POST OFFICE BOX 15039 HATTIESBURG, MS 39404-5039 PH: 601 261 1385 FX: 601 261 1393 WWW.INGRAMLAWYERS.COM ATTORNEYS: JENNIFER INGRAM WILKINSON, OWNER CARROLL H. INGRAM, OF COUNSEL AJ ELKINS, ASSOCIATE Bill Horton 104 North 12th Ave. Hattiesburg, MS 39401 LABRATORIES, INCORPORATED Phone: 601-544-TEST (8378) Fax: 601-545-8378 Email: [email protected] UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (USES) Career Opportunities for Class A CDL w/airbrake & tank endorsements, & TWIC a must. Apply online at www.usesgroup.com and call 504-402-8726. Vacuum Truck Experience preferred We specialize in Bookkeeping, Payroll Services, and Tax Preparation 1403 Adeline Street Hattiesburg, MS 39401 601-543-2121 [email protected] www.jessicamccarthycpa.com P.O. Box 1687 205 Bay Street Hattiesburg, MS 39401 established 1910 “Go then, eat your bread in happiness and drink your wine with a cheerful heart” Ecclesiastes 9:7 408 HEMPHILL STREET • DOWNTOWN HATTIESBURG Phone 601-582-1571 601-336-5816 GENERAL CONTRACTORS FLATHAU’S FINE FOODS 601-545-2000 • Fax: 601-584-7444 CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 1116 Finlo Drive • P.O. Box 86 2-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ZZZÁDWKDXVÀQHIRRGVFRP 601-606-3899 www.4LPi.com ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0807/o
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