October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer of St. Theresa 1883-2014 Lord Jesus Christ, You raised up St. Teresa of Avila to be a guide in the ways of prayer and contemplation. Pastor: Reverend G. Scott Shaffer Parochial Vicars: Reverend Carlos Aguirre Reverend Pierre -Michel Alabre Reverend Garry Koch Mass Schedule Weekdays: 7:00am & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon 5:00pm (Teen Music Ministry) 6:30pm (Mass in Spanish)—Misa en Espanol Deacon Romeo D. Aquino Deacon Francis J. Babuschak Deacon Robert M. Barnes Deacon Thomas A. Genovese Deacon Gerard Luongo Deacon Frank J. McKenna Deacon Patrick J. Stesner, Sr. Deacon Michael A. Taylor Devotions: Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Novenas: Tuesday 9:00am Holy Hour for Life:: 2nd Sunday 3:00pm Holy Hour for Priests: 4th Sunday 3:00pm Prayer in the Presence: 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Holy Days: Mass times to be announced Give me the grace to follow her example with fidelity and generosity. Lead me into the wine cellar of Your love where, refreshed by Your Spirit, I, too, may sing of Your mercies and be set aflame with the fire of Your love. Amen. Parish Office Hours: 9:00am - 3:30pm M-F 685 Hooper Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732-349-0018 ext. 2204 Fax: 732-286-7064 Email: [email protected] www.stjosephtomsriver.org St. Gertrude, Island Heights: (Summer Months) Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 9:00am Reconciliation/Confessions: Saturday: 4:00-4:45pm & 6:00-6:30pm Parish Schools: St. Joseph Grade School (SJGS) Michele Williams, Principal, 732-349-2355 Donovan Catholic Dr. Edward Gere, Principal, 732-349-8801 Please be seated Jesus tells perhaps none more masterful a parable than the one about a wedding feast. Parables compare something in a story to something outside the story. As a parable unfolds, the comparison becomes clear and listeners realize they are being challenged to change their behavior or outlook. The parable of the wedding feast has not one but two such moments. First, Jesus’ hearers realized he was pointing out how their rejection of him meant rejecting the Father and the prophets as well. The lucky new invitees to the feast, however, don’t have it much easier, as they find out that merely showing up isn’t enough. What gets you a seat at the table is not who you are or aren’t but whether you have faith and live it. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 2 MASS INTENTIONS FROM THE PASTOR ... My Dear Brothers and Sisters, What a beautiful weekend we had last week! As the Saturday morning clouds readied to unleash their buckets full of rain, over 100 of us gathered in Donovan Catholic's cafeteria for a truly wonderful presentation on Catholic evangelization. Author Allan Wright shared, humorously and poignantly, how each of us can spread the Good News by knowing our own stories of faith and being willing to share them with others. Look for his books in the Carpenter Shop coming soon. Three weddings and the St. Francis blessing of animals rounded out the suddenly beautiful sunny rest of the afternoon and weekend. Sunday afternoon's celebration of the Peruvian devotion, Our Lord of the Miracles (Nuestro Señor de Los Milagros) was hailed by a few hundred faithful giving God thanks and praise. Our Confirmation formation program gathered again at the Sunday 5pm Mass with another full house. These 7th and 8th grade boys and girls are enthusiastic about this new program. It really is exciting to see so many things happening around here, and, as in the Gospel today, know that the invitation is always extended to all our parishioners to get involved and be an active part of our dynamic faith community. One last thing. we have just rebuilt our parish website! Go to www.stjosephtomsriver.org and take a look!!! God bless you all. Fr. Scott MONDAY—October 13 7:00 John Rybkiewicz—Joan Tertis 9:00 Anthony Skyers—Kirwan Family TUESDAY—October 14 7:00 Barbara Ferrante—Julie Dacosta 9:00 Deceased Kelton & Lauten Families—Family WEDNESDAY— October 15 7:00 Anthony & Theresa Kosich—Family 9:00 Mary Andrews—Henderson Family THURSDAY—October 16 7:00 Ralph Iavrone—Joan Critelli 9:00 Stella Novak—Bob & Maureen Kalinowski FRIDAY— October 17 7:00 Michael Abbademarco—Monmouth Ocean Regional Parent Teachers 9:00 Columbus G. Aragon—Wife & Son SATURDAY—October 18 8:00 Dorothy Lannin— Kathleen & Edward O’Brien 5:00 Mary Cagney—Family Lee & Mike Allora—Angela & Jennie SUNDAY—October 19 7:30 James Fracassi—Family 9:00 Ford-Walsh Family—Family 10:30 Carr & Chesney Family—Doris & Richard Carr 12:00 Joseph, Dorothy, Joseph Jr. Botti—Family 5:00 Edward McCormick, Jr.—Family 6:30 Parishioners — Mass in Spanish Please note the 7pm Saturday Mass Intentions will be included with the 5pm Saturday Mass Intentions for the remainder of the year 2014. The Parish Office will be closed, Monday, October 13 for the Columbus Day Holiday. PRIEST/CELEBRANT Subject to Change Oct 18/19 Fr. Pierre Fr. Carlos Fr. Pierre Fr. Scott Fr. Scott Fr. Garry Fr. Carlos 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm 6:30pm Oct 25/26 Fr. Carlos Fr. Scott Fr. Scott Fr. Garry Fr. Pierre Fr. Garry Fr. Carlos ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 3 MARRIAGES IN MEMORIAM Couples wishing to marry in the Church, please call to make arrangements one year prior to marriage date at 732349-0018 ext. 2202. Are you planning a destination wedding? Call us first to discuss your options. Please remember in your prayers those who have died: And for all the deceased members of our parish, the souls in purgatory and those who died in the service of our country. May God grant them eternal rest. Amen. BANNS OF MARRIAGE I II III III III III Jayme Mulligan and Marrissa Ostrander Anthony Liszewski and Laure Marano Kyle Kleme and Clare West Carl Horrocks and Molly Kempton Christian Carbone and Alexis Torres Richard Poulillo and Karen Mueller We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bliszcz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Austin who were recently married here at St. Joseph’s Church. READINGS FOR MASSES THIS WEEK Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-6/Phil 4:12-14,19-20/Mt 22:1-14 BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30pm BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS for Parents is held on the First Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Church. Parents please call the parish office to register ext. 2202. We welcome the newest members of our parish family who were baptized here at St. Joseph’s Church. Diego Adam Mendoza Sherlyn Candia Eraclio Monday: Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31—5:1/Ps 113:1b-5a,6-7/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Ps 119:41,43-45,47-48/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Ps 1:1-4,6/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Ps 98:1-6/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Ps 33:1-2,4-5.12-13/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2Tm 4:10-17b/Ps 145:10-13,17-18/Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1,4-6/Ps 96:1,3-5,7-10/1Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Next Sunday, October 19 is World Mission Sunday. The second collection will be for this intention. The parish that has a strong relationship with the Society of the Propagation of the Faith through this World Mission Sunday celebration connects with the loving work of the missionaries. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you. Is God Calling You? Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. These groups are designed to explore a priestly vocation with other like-minded men through prayer and sharing vocation stories and experiences. The group meetings are not meant to convince anyone that the priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to assist you in discovering if the priesthood is your true vocation and build your relationship with Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month’s discernment meeting October 26 from 4pm to 6pm at St. Gregory the Great Parish, 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, NJ. Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or call 609-406-7449. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 4 FAITH FORMATION Sunday 8th Grade Parent Meeting A meeting for the parents of the 8th grade students in our Sunday night program will be On Sunday October 19, 2014 at 6pm in the gym of Donovan Catholic. Please plan to attend this meeting; important information about Confirmation will be discussed. Tuesday 8th Grade Parent Meeting A meeting for the parents of the 8th grade students in our Tuesday night program will be On Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 5:30pm in the 8th grade classroom. Please plan to attend this meeting; important information about Confirmation will be discussed. Sunday 7th and 8th Grade Session The 7th and 8th grade students in our Sunday night program will be meeting on Sunday October 19, 2014. We will be meeting after 5pm Mass in the high school. 7th grade students will be in the Cafeteria 8th grade students will be in the Lecture Hall Please call Nancy at extension 2225 or Lillian at extension 2226 with any questions! Veritas Men’s Faith Sharing Group welcomes all men age 18 and over to attend their meetings. The next meeting is Monday, October 20 from 7pm to 9pm at 16 Lafayette Ave. (behind the church). The topic is “Devotion to Angels”. Fellowship and refreshments to follow the meeting. Please join us and bring a friend. Tuesday, October 14 Prayer in the Presence Holy Hour 7:30pm in the Church. ADORATION CHAPEL ADORERS ARE NEEDED FOR THESE HOURS: Mon 8:00pm—9:00pm Tues 11:00am—12:00noon Wed 3:00am—4:00am Wed 9:00am—10:00am Sat 1:00am—2:00am Sat 6:00pm—7:00pm Call John & Peggy 732-581-9463 or Ann 732-473-9727 ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 5 FROM FROM FROM DONOVAN MSGR. DONOVAN CATHOLIC... HIGH SCHOOL ... Service to Others The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. FROM SAINT JOSEPH SAINT GRADE JOSEPH’S SCHOOL... GRADE SCHOOL... Grade 3 will host their Grandparents on Thursday, October 16 at 9:30 AM in the School Gymnasium. Ghandi The Girls Volleyball Team raised money for the Side-Out Foundation for Breast Cancer Awareness in partnership with the Brick Memorial Mustang Girls team * The Donovan Boys Soccer Team hosted Jackson Liberty in the Annual Evelyn Gere Memorial Soccer Game to benefit The Robert Fine Pancreatic Research Fund Spartan 5K next Weekend October 18 4th Annual Spartan Classic Fun Run( 1 Mile): 9:30AM 5K Race: 10:00AM Donovan Catholic Track All runners and walkers welcome! * Donovan Students will participate in the “Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk” “Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk” Ocean County” Help Stop Hunger” Walk th Attention 8 Graders! LOOKING for a POSITIVE HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE with GREAT TEACHERS, COACHES, and STUDENTS? Visit Ocean County’s ONLY Catholic High School during OPEN HOUSE Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7 p.m. ComevisitonShadowTuesdays –all month Call the Admissions Office at 732-349-8801 x 2426 for more information or go to www.donovancatholic.org 711 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, NJ 08753 PreRegistration and Race Bag Pick up: Friday, October 17: 3:00-7:30PM Grade School Gym Saturday, October 18: 8:00AM Donovan Catholic Track For more information or to register contact Jenn Manning: [email protected] December 6 4th Annual SJGS PTA Christmas Bazaar Vendors wanted Contact Cindy D'Arcy at [email protected] for more information and to reserve your space. Find Us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 6 PARISH NEWS ……. The Flame of Love Prayer Group will not meet Monday, October 13 because of Columbus Day Holiday. Do you like to read? Join our Book Discussion. Here is what we will be reading this fall. October 14, The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht; November 11, Elizabeth Street by Laurie Fabiano. We meet 7pm at 16 Lafayette Avenue. All are welcome to come and share. The Annual Spartan Classic 5k and Fun Run will be Saturday, October 18 contact Jenn Manning: [email protected] for more details. Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:00pm at St. Luke Church, Old Freehold Road, Toms River a White Mass will be celebrated for all in the Health and Healing Arts. Refreshments will be served immediately after Mass. Plan to participate in this year’s CROP Hunger Walk, Sunday, October 19 around the Presbyterian Church on Hooper Avenue. Our own Teen Music Ministry will be providing the music. Interfaith Hospitality Network of Ocean County realizes 25% of the proceeds from the walk. For more information contact Alan Reifenheiser @[email protected] or call 732-349-0665. Blood Drive 3pm to 7pm Thursday, October 23, 2014 at Donovan Catholic. Please call 732-349-8801 ext. 2409 for additional information. A new Separated and Divorced support group is starting Tuesday, October 28, 2014. You are invited to join us if you are currently going through a separation or divorce. Our format is confidential, informal and relaxed. Space is limited. Pre-registration is necessary. Please call 732-3490018 ext. 2223 for more information. Social Concerns will be sponsoring a Fall and Winter Clothing Drive November 15, 2014. Donations of gently used Fall and Winter clothing will be accepted on Friday, November 14 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm and on Saturday, November 15 from 8:00am to 10:00am. The doors will open for the clothing Give away for those in need on Saturday, November 15 10:00am to 2:00pm. AROUND TOWN St. Aloysius Altar Rosary Society will host a Gift Auction in the school gym, 935 Bennetts Mills Road, Jackson Saturday, October 18, 2014. Doors open 6:30pm callings begin 8:00pm. Tickets are $10 per person. Call Joanne 732-928-8308 or Jean 732-928-1351 for more information ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 7 HORARIO DE MISAS MENSAJE DEL PASTOR … Queridos Hermanos, Que Hermoso fin de semana el que tuvimos la semana pasada! El sábado en la mañana a medida que las nubes se preparaban para dar rienda suelta a sus cubos llenos de lluvia, más de 100 personas nos reuníamos en la cafetería de Donovan Catholic para una presentación verdaderamente maravillosa acerca de la evangelización católica. Con humor y de una manera conmovedora el autor Allan Wright nos enseñó como cada uno de nosotros podemos difundir la buena nueva conociendo nuestras propias historias de fe y estando dispuestos a compartir con otros. Muy pronto en la tienda de la Parroquia podrán encontrar su libro. Tres bodas y la bendición de San Francisco para los animales completaron el resto del fin de semana. También el domingo en la tarde celebramos junto a la Comunidad Peruana la fiesta del Señor de los Milagros, la cual fue acompañada por una gran cantidad de feligreses que oraban y daban gracias a Dios. El grupo de jóvenes que se está preparando para la confirmación se reunió durante la misa de 5pm nuevamente. Estos jóvenes de séptimo y octavo grado están muy entusiasmados acerca de este programa catequético. Es muy emocionante ver todas las cosas que están sucediendo en nuestra Parroquia y como el evangelio de hoy lo dice todos estamos invitados a tomar parte activamente de toda la dinámica de nuestra comunidad de fe. Por ultimo quiero informarles que hemos renovado nuestra página web, la cual pueden visitar en la siguiente dirección electrónica: www.stjosephtomsriver.org. Dios los Bendiga a Todos. Fr. Scott En la Semana: 7:00 am & 9:00 am. Todos los días de la semana ( inglés). Sábado: 8:00 am, 5:00 & 7:00 pm ( inglés) Domingo: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm ( ingles) Domingo: 6:30 pm español SACRAMENTOS Bautizos (en español): El Sacramento del Bautismo se celebra el 1ro, 2do y 4to domingo del mes, en la Misa de 6:30 pm. Para mayor información, llamar a la oficina Hispana. Unción de los Enfermos: Comunicarse con la oficina parroquial. Reconciliación/Confesión: De lunes a Jueves 10:00am-3:00 pm. Por Favor pedir cita 732-3490018 ext.. 2213. Matrimonios: Las parejas que piensen contraer matrimonio deben solicitar primero una cita con el Padre Carlos. Para mayor información comuníquese con la oficina Hispana. Registro parroquial: Todos los feligreses deben registrarse en la Parroquia. Cualquier cambio en su dirección por favor notificarnos. Para mas información llamar al 732- 349-0018 ext. 2213. Clases de Educación Religiosa (CCD): Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial con Celine Fowler al 732-349-0018 ext. 2224 . Oficina Hispana: sitienes alguna duda o necesitas comunicarte conalguna oficina parroguial, comunícate con Juliana Moreno al 732-349-0018 ext. 2213 Rito De La Iniciación Cristiana De AdultosEs un proceso para adultos que deseen por primer vez recibir los sacramentos de iniciación en la fe católica o han sido bautizados en otra fe cristiana. También permite para las personas que han sido bautizados y les falta el Sacramento de Comunión y Confirmación. Este proceso también se hace disponible para los jóvenes de escuela secundaria (High School). Si usted está interesado o conoce alguien, por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Marge. Teléfono 732-349-0018 ext. 2236 . ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 8 ANUNCIOS DE VIDA COMUNITARIA . “Tener un lugar a donde ir se llama Hogar. Tener personas a quien amar, se llama Familia y tener ambas se llama Bendición. (SS Francisco) La comunidad de San José se llena de alegría y felicita a la pareja que contrajo Matrimonio durante el mes de septiembre. Sr. Francisco Castro y Sra. Fausta Castro La comunidad de San José se alegra con cada una de las familias de los niños que fueron bautizados durante el mes de septiembre. Que el Señor continúe bendiciendo cada uno de estos niños: Joseph Rodríguez Camila Aviles Jazmín Garista Carlos Aviles OFICINA HISPANA: Recuerda que la oficina hispana nos brinda la oportunidad de recibir todo tipo de información para bautizos, primeras comuniones, confirmaciones, quinceañeros, matrimonios, renovación de promesas matrimoniales o si necesitas una bendición a tu casa, visita, guía espiritual, etc. Además si deseas hacer peticiones especiales para la misa del domingo lo puedes hacer a través de la oficina, llamando de lunes a viernes de 9:30 a 3:00 pm. Si necesitas el SACRAMENTO DE LA CONFESIÓN puedes hacer una cita con el Padre Carlos a través de la oficina hispana, el esta disponible de lunes a jueves de 10:00 a 3:00 pm. RECUERDA NO HAY CONFESIONES LOS DOMINGOS ANTES NI DESPUÉS DE LA MISA. Te invitamos a que llames y participes. Puedes comunicarte con nuestra oficina a cargo de Juliana Moreno al 732-349-0018 ext.2213 o al correo electrónico [email protected] FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE: Como sabemos la fiesta de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es el 12 de diciembre del presente año, aunque todavía falten algunos meses tenemos que prepararnos para esta gran celebración. Este año los encargados de preparar y elaborar la fiesta será un comité al que TODOS están cordialmente invitados a participar. Si tú estas interesado en dar ideas, ayudar con la preparación, colaborar con los diferentes platos y trajes típicos, hacer una donación o simplemente quieres colaborar con lo que te pongan hacer, comuníquese con el Padre Carlos Aguirre al 732-349-0018 ext.2221; o con Juliana Moreno al 732-349-0018 ext.2213 o al correo electrónico [email protected] ¡De toda la comunidad depende el éxito de nuestra celebración! CORAL HISPANA: Las practicas para la formación del coro de la iglesia ya comenzaron, si sabes cantar o tocar algún instrumento musical o ya te inscribiste; te esperamos el próximo 18 y 25 de octubre en la 16 Lafayette, Toms River (la casa amarilla detrás de la iglesia). Si deseas mas información comunícate con Juliana Moreno al 732-349-0018 ext.2213. PARA NO OLVIDAR: Los domingos antes de la misa de 6:30 pm solo deben de estar en la sacristía y en la sala de preparación los Sacristanes, Ministros de la Eucaristía, Ministros Lectores, Monaguillos y Ujieres; recuerden que en ese momento nos estamos preparando para el banquete pascual en el que nuestras almas se llenaran de gracia. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 9 St. Joseph’s Parish Directory Main Tel: 732-349-0018 Reverend G. Scott Shaffer, Pastor, [email protected] Reverend Carlos Aguirre, Parochial Vicar, [email protected] Reverend Pierre Alabre , Parochial Vicar, [email protected] Reverend Garry Koch, Parochial Vicar, [email protected] Book Club: Mary 732-341-4332 Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM, September June, 16 Lafayette Ave. Cantors: Lead congregational singing at masses. For information call Tom ext. 2306 Caregivers: Aid to elderly and homebound 732-505-2273 Choir : Adult Choir: Meets every Thursday, 7:15 PM in the Church September - June. For information call Tom ext. 2306 Director Faith Formation, Marge Halloran ext. 2236 [email protected] Children’s Choir: Grades 2-6 Meets October to May. For information call Tom ext. 2306 Director Religious Ed.ucation, Celine Fowler ext.. 2224 [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: call Mary ext. 2223 Business Administrator: Jacqueline Mack ext. 2216 Flame of Love Prayer Group: Richard/ Doris, 732-349-6860. Prayer meeting every Monday at 7:30 PM, Room G, Church basement Carpenter Shop: (Religious Articles Store) Hours Sept. thru June Monday—Friday 9:30AM-3:00PM, Sun. 8:30AM-1:30PM July and August Tuesday & Thursday 9:30AM-3:00PM, Sun 8:30AM-1:30PM 732-914-2457 Church Manager: ext. 2307 Liturgical Music Director: Thomas E. Halpin, ext. 2306, [email protected] Office Manager: Elizabeth Hemberger, ext. 2202 [email protected] Spanish Ministry—Ministerio Hispano Juliana Moreno, ext. 2213 [email protected] St. Joseph Cemetery: 732-244-3008 Manager Debra Evans, www.stjosephcemeterytr.org Parish Ministries & Organizations Adoration Chapel: John/Peggy 732-581-9463; Ann 732-473-9727; or Deacon Romy 732-240-4387 Altar Servers: Deacon Tom Genovese, ext. 2255 Bereavement Support: Mary ext. 2223 Food Collection: First Sunday of each month. Parish van will be in front of Church to accept donations. Other donations may be brought to the Food Pantry 10am-12noon ext. 2207 Greeter Ministry: Eileen 732-914-2008 Pre-Cana: Bill & Lucy 732-473-0071 Prison Ministry: Call Pastoral Care Office ext. 2223 Readers: Deacon Tom Genovese ext. 2255 Teen readers call: Pat 732-341-9459 or Marge 732-349-6410 Respect Life: Mario 732-557-6689. Meets on 2nd Thursday of the month Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): For teens and adults seeking Baptism and/ or Communion and Confirmation. Additional information, call ext. 2236 or [email protected] RCIA for Children age 7 and older: seeking Baptism Call Marge ext. 2236 or mhalloran @stjosephtomsriver.org Rosary Altar Society: Lorraine Sausa 732279-3292 Meets 1st Sunday of the month, September - May, Donovan Catholic Dining Hall, at 10:00am after the 9:00am Rosary Mass Separated and Divorced: For information call Deacon Michael Taylor ext. 2254 Social Concerns: ext. 2227 or ext. 2233 Meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Sept. June, 4:00 PM Parish Office Hermandad Senor de los Milagros’: 1st Saturday 7:00PM, 16 Lafayette Avenue St. Vincent de Paul Society: ext. 2260 General meeting, 4th Thursday of every month. 7:00 PM, Parish Office Hispanic Prayer Group: 7:00PM every Friday, 16 Lafayette Avenue Teen Music Ministry: Deacon Gerry 732-473-9727, Grades 7-12 Interfaith Hospitality Network: Assist Parish in helping homeless families Kevin 732-286-1877 Totus Tuus: Women’s Faith Sharing Group Meets the 1st Thursday of each month at 7pm at 16 Lafayette Ave. Call Carrie Colonno 732-740-2024 Knights of Columbus, Council #4969 732-929-9811 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 8:00 PM At the council home www.KofC4969.org Lay Dominicans: meet 2nd Saturday of each month 8:30AM to 10:30AM call Kelly Murphy 732-914-0041 Pastoral Care Office: Mary ext. 2223 Prayer Shawl Ministry: Sept-June, 3rd Thurs., 3PM 16 Lafayette Ave., Jean 732288-0022 Usher Ministry: To volunteer or for additional info call ext. 2204 Veritas Men’s Faith Sharing Group: meets on the 3rd Monday of each month, 16 Lafayette Ave. Call Dave 732-608-0085 Youth Ministry: High School and Junior High activities all year. All students grades 7 - 12. To join/volunteer or for info, call Catherine at ext. 2229
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