November 23, 2014 • 23 de noviembre de 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo Saint John Neumann Catholic Church 801 Tom Smith Road Lilburn, Georgia 30047-2299 Ph: 770-923-6633 Pastor Fr. Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS [email protected] Parochial Vicar Father Abel Guerrero-Orta [email protected] Priest-in-Residence Fr. Thomas Zahuta [email protected] Permanent Deacons Rev. Mr. Michael Hayward [email protected] G ive Thanks Rev. Mr. Bill Marten [email protected] Rev. Mr. Greg Ollick [email protected] Mass Schedule Sunday 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (in Spanish) 5:00 pm (Life Teen) Monday - Friday 6:30 am 9:00 am 10:00 am Thanksgiving Day Saturday 9:00 am 5:00 pm Vigil Mass *Nursery is available at all weekend Masses. D ar Gracias Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays, 10:00 am-8:00 pm; 8:00 pm-9:00 pm (Holy Hour in Spanish) Rosary: Tuesday, 11:00 am in Spanish • Friday, 9:45 am in English 2 “Sunny” Thoughts Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Jesus is the fulfillment of the first reading today (Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17) in which God through Ezekiel promised to look after his people. Most of the Old Testament kings were cruel and did not really care about their people. So, God promised he would shepherd His people because their human shepherds, the kings, were not looking after them properly. Jesus is that Good Shepherd. Jesus submitted to his Father’s will by dying on the cross and was raised from the dead He now sits at the right hand of the Father and has put all enemies - including death - under his feet, as St. Paul says in the Second Reading today (1 Cor 15:20-26,28). That is why, in today’s Gospel, Jesus is portrayed as Judge sitting on his throne. What will Jesus judge in our lives? Jesus tells us he will judge us by our treatment of him in our fellow humans. Six of the seven corporal works of mercy are listed in the Gospel today. We add burying the dead to that list of merciful works. Just as Jesus received his place at the right hand of the Father in heaven by self-sacrifice, so also we will receive our place in the kingdom by feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, making strangers welcome, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, and visiting the imprisoned. “…as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40 Most of us are generous when it’s convenient for us. We are generous when we have the time or the money. But, generosity is the opposite of that. It means giving of one’s time, money, compassion, forgiveness, mercy when it’s not convenient; when it’s not on our schedule, but on the other person’s schedule. Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. The care we give to others is the care we give to Jesus, and this will be the wealth that we will take to the next life. When we sacrifice and practice the corporal works of mercy, we are accepting his kingship and his kingdom in our lives. Jesus tells us, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers/sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt 25:40). By our love and service to our neighbor, will the world be able to see in us the image of our Redeemer? With great hope, Father Sunny Pastor There are a few sponsorships for the Marian Chapel still available. If you are interested, please contact Deacon Bill Marten in the church office. If you haven’t pledged, yet please take some time today to do so; it will save us a phone call and you time on the phone. We ask that you be charitable to our campaign volunteers when they do phone you to ask for a pledge. As a reminder….. Father Sunny would like every family in the parish to have an engraved Legacy Paver. All campaign information may be found on the St. John Neumann website: Our Parish Week-at-a-Glance: Mon., Nov. 24 - Sun., Nov. 30, 2014 24 Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 9:30 am AL-ANON 11am WCBS Facilitator Mtg. 6pm Spec. Needs PSR 7pm Knights’ Memorial Mass; AEBS; RCIA 27 Thursday 28 Friday 29 Saturday 10am Mass Happy Thanksgiving! Parish Office Closed 30 Sunday 1st Sunday of Advent SVdP Angel Tree Program begins Parish Office Closed 10:30 am PSR; Catechism Café 7pm Finance Council SVdP Angel Tree Program begins 6 pm EDGE; LifeTeen 3 Pensamiento Padre Sunny Cristo el Rey Hoy celebramos la Solemnidad de Cristo Rey. Jesús es el cumplimiento de la primera lectura de hoy (Ezequiel 34: 11-12, 15-17) en el que Dios a través de Ezequiel prometió cuidar de su pueblo. La mayoría de los reyes del Antiguo Testamento eran crueles y realmente no se preocupan por su gente. Por lo tanto, Dios prometió que iba a pastorear a Su pueblo por su humanidad de pastores, los reyes, no estaban buscando de ellos correctamente. Jesús es que El Buen Pastor. Jesús se sometió a la voluntad de su Padre al morir en la cruz y resucitó de entre los muertos, ahora se sienta a la diestra del Padre y ha puesto a todos los enemigos - incluyendo la muerte - bajo sus pies, como dice San Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy (1 Corintios 15: 20-26,28). Por eso, en el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús es retratado como Juez, sentado en su trono. ¿Qué va a juzgar Jesús en nuestras vidas? Jesús nos dice que él nos juzgará por nuestro tratamiento de él en nuestros semejantes. Seis de las siete obras de misericordia corporales se enumeran en el Evangelio de hoy. Agregamos, enterrar a los muertos, a la lista de las obras de misericordia. Así como Jesús recibió su lugar a la diestra del Padre en el cielo por el auto-sacrificio, así también nos recibirá nuestro lugar en el reino de dar de comer al hambriento, dar de beber al sediento, acoger al extranjero, vestir al desnudo, visitar a los enfermos, y visitar la prisión. “…en cuanto lo hicieron a uno de estos hermanos míos, aun a los más pequeños a mi lo hicieron” (Mateo 25:40) La mayoría de nosotros somos generosos cuando nos es conveniente. Somos generosos cuando tenemos el tiempo o el dinero. Pero, la generosidad es todo lo contrario a esto. Significa dar nuestro tiempo, dinero, compasión, perdón, misericordia cuando no es conveniente, cuando no está en nuestros planes, sino que en los planes de otra persona. * Las personas solitarias. Que todos los que sufren la soledad puedan experimentar la cercanía de Dios y el apoyo de los demás. * Los mentores de los seminaristas, religiosos y religiosas. Que los jóvenes seminaristas y religiosos puedan tener entores sabios y bien formados. La atención que le damos a los demás es el cuidado que le damos a Jesús, y esta será la riqueza que nos llevará a la siguiente vida. Cuando sacrificamos y practicamos las obras de misericordia corporales, estamos aceptando su realeza y su reino en nuestras vidas. Jesús nos dice: "Todo lo que hicieron por uno de estos hermanos / hermanas míos, a mí lo hicisteis" (Mateo 25:40). Por nuestro amor y servicio al prójimo, ¿el mundo será capaz de ver en nosotros la imagen de nuestro Redentor? Con gran esperanza, Padre Sunny Párroco Aún hay disponibles algunos patrocinios para la Capilla Mariana. Si usted está interesado, por favor póngase en contacto con el diácono Bill Marten en la oficina parroquial. Sin embargo, si usted todavía no ha hecho la promesa, por favor tome un poco de su TIEMPO hoy para hacerlo, nos salvará de una llamada telefónica y de su tiempo en el teléfono. Le pedimos que sea caritativo con nuestros voluntarios de la campaña, cuando le llamen por teléfono, para pedir una promesa. Como recordatorio ... .. Padre Sunny le gustaría que todas las familias en la parroquia tenga un legado del ladrillo grabado. Toda la información de la campaña se puede encontrar en el sitio de internet de San Juan Neumann: Nuestra Parroquia Vistazo-de-la-Semana: Lun., 24 Nov. - Dom., 30 Nov., 2014 24 Lunes 25 Martes 26 Miércoles Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias 11am Rosario en Español 7pm Grupo de Oración 7pm CRSP-Mujeres 7:30 pm Devoción a la Divina Misericordia 27 Jueves OFICINA PARROQUIAL CERRADA 6:30 pm NO HABRA PSR, EDGE, LIFE TEEN 28 Viernes 29 Sábado 30 Domingo Primer Domingo de Adviento 10am CRSPHombres ; PSR 10:35 am ¿Por qué Catolico? OFICINA PARROQUIAL CERRADA 7:30 pm Grupo de Jóvenes “JUSAD”; Clases Coro Niños 6pm EDGE, LIFETEEN 4 Religious Education for Youth News from St. John Neumann Regional Catholic School If you were unable to visit us during our November Open House, please know that you are welcome to tour the school anytime during the school week. Please contact our Admissions Director, Susan Paccasassi, at 770-381-0557, or by email [email protected]. Our next Open House is scheduled for Sunday, January 25, from 3:00-5:00 pm. Visit our school website for more information – – or our Facebook page to see our students in action. We look forward to serving your family! Program Director: Marti McLeer, ext. 130 [email protected] Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 1:00 pm Looking for the great Christmas gift for your teen? Why not consider sending them to the It will be another Spirit-filled weekend at Covecrest! Forms are outside the LifeTeen Center and are due by 12-28-14. See you there! Coordinator: Adrienne Rybak, ext. 173 [email protected] Next Adult Meeting: Tuesday, December 4th at 7pm Theme: “Water and Fire” (The Creed) Next Community Meeting: December 10th - Advent Celebration Coordinator/Coordinador: Jesse Garcia, ext. 133 [email protected] Sunday Life Nights/ Domingos Vida Juvenil – 6:00-8:00 pm Wednesdays – Youth Nights/ Miércoles – Grupo Jóvenes 6:30 - 8:00 pm Sat./Sun., Nov. 22-23 FOOD SATURDAY/FOOD SUNDAY No LifeNight/No habrá Life Teen Sun., Nov. 30 /Dom., 30 Nov. Theme: “Fight Club “ Tema: “Club de Lucha” Coordinator/Coordinadora: Linda Mauge, ext. 120 [email protected] Sunday Nights/ Domingos EDGE 6:30-8:00 pm Wednesday (WEDGE) Bible Study/ Miércoles (WEDGE) – Estudio de Biblia 6:30 - 8:00 pm Sat./Sun., Nov. 22-23 FOOD SATURDAY/FOOD SUNDAY No EDGE Night/No habrá EDGE Sun., Nov 30/Dom., 30 Nov. Theme: “Looking for Guidance” Tema: “Buscando Orientación” Coordinator/Coordinadora: Cindy Westaway, ext. 117 [email protected] Sunday Classes/Clases Domingos 10:30 am No Classes/No Habrá Clases 23 Nov. Classes: Nov. 30, Dec. 7 & 14 No habrá clases el 21, 28 Wednesday Classes/Clases Miércoles 6:30 pm No Classes/ No habrá Clases 26 Nov. Dec. 3, 10, 17 No habrá Clases el 24, 31 5 Religious Education for Adults LITURGICAL MINISTERS OF THE PARISH… MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13th 9am (Mass) - Noon Welcome and Opening Thoughts by Father Sunny Keynote Speaker: Christine Heusinger “A Journey in Hospitality” Break-out Workshops for: Welcome Ministers, Ushers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Music Ministry Members, Sacristans, Altar Server Parents Planting Faith Sometimes ministry opportunities require us get our hands dirty. That is literally true with Jane Trentin, who oversees Grounds Beautification. Having responded in 2008 to Msgr. Talley’s call for gardeners, Jane has put her Master Gardener’s credentials to use in several plots surrounding the old and new churches. Over the years she has been joined by other parishioners who are either Master Gardeners or just enjoy working outdoors, enhancing the beauty of the JOIN DEACON GREG OLLICK FOR church grounds. Beyond this, Jane has felt blessed to A 2-Class Series: get to know her fellow gardeners while they work have gotten to see and hear about how The Jewish Roots of the Mass together.“I they practice their faith,” she says, “and it has been a Thursday evenings Dec 4 & 11 at 7:00 good example for me.” She enjoys chatting with and in rooms 1 & 2 offering assistance to church visitors who pass by These two sessions will bring you back to the Jewish while she’s working. But “mostly, I like to think I roots of our faith – Jesus is the New Exodus, the New am helping put back some of what God meant to Manna and the New Bread of the Presence. Learn have growing on this little piece of earth that our about the connections between the Synagogue Service parish has turned into its worship pace. and the Liturgy of the Word, the Passover Meal and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Understand the Mass as “Parishioners who like to play in the dirt are always a Sacrifice where everyone is involved in the welcome to join Jane and her team. “Bring your priesthood of all baptized persons. garden gloves and catch us in the act!” See the Mass in a whole new way, and Sunday mornings will never be the same! Dynamic Catholic Book Club Be Bold, Be Catholic! Come for coffee and study on Saturday mornings at 7:30 am in Rooms 1 & 2, reading The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults. This semester we are studying "Part I: The Creed - The Faith Professed". Upcoming Chapter Discussions: Nov. 29 - No Class Dec. 6 - Chapter 12: Mary, the Church’s First and Most Perfect Member Catechism Café - “Sunday School” for Adults! Join us Sundays at 10:30 am in room 8 (in the lower level of the Church) for one-hour teachings and discussions. Coffee will be provided; bring a sweet to share! Contact Mary Lou Schwaner at [email protected] for mor e information. Topic for Nov. 16th: (Catholicism Series) Episode 6: “A Body Both Suffering and Glorious: The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church” 6 SJN’s Special Needs Ministry Encounter God...December 4-7, 2014 Women's Advent Retreat Directed by Sr. Susan and Sr. Barbara The Retreat will begin on Dec. 4th at 6:15 pm with a Reception & Dinner and conclude after Mass and Lunch on the 7th. To Register: See the Registration link Women's Advent Retreat, or call 404.255.0503, or email to [email protected]. ($50 advance deposit is required.) Visit for more information on Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center offerings. SJN Christmas Concert December 2 at 7:30 pm Festive Music In our Sanctuary... Cello, Piano, Voice. Please join us! Spiritual Motherhood of Priests - El Cingulo Women of Atlanta, our priests need you! There is a new program in Atlanta called “El Cingulo,” or The Cincture. El Cingulo is a group of women who have agreed to spiritually adopt one priest each and become his spiritual mother. We offer up our daily prayers, works, sufferings, hours of adoration and Masses for his sanctification and well-being. One priest will become your spiritual son and you will wrap him in prayer each day and ask Our Lord, His Blessed Mother and St. Joseph to keep him holy. Those interested in hearing more about El Cingulo are asked to attend a meeting at the Archdiocesan Offices at 2401 Lake Park Drive, SE, in Smyrna, on December 10 at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested, please contact Diana Shertenlieb at [email protected] or 770-428-0793; or Marta Duran at [email protected] or 404-210-7216. Invites our middle school through adult friends with special needs to join us for our Christmas Celebration! December 13th, 2014, from 6:15 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. Parents, this is a respite opportunity for you to enjoy an evening to yourselves. Come and share a wonderful buffet of Prime Rib, Grilled Chicken Breasts, Baked Potatoes, Salad! Fresh Fruit and Christmas Cupcakes will be served for dessert. Hot Chocolate Beverages will be provided. (Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions when you RSVP.) Dinner will begin at 6:30 PM! After dinner we'll have arts and crafts, stories from the Bible, dancing, pictures with a special guest from up North and then we'll conclude the evening with a Christmas Carol Sing Along! So please, make plans now by sending an RSVP to Rebecca Valdez at [email protected] Call Scott Sowers at 404-452-0750 with any questions or concerns. For volunteer information, please contact us. Thank you for your support. Building Your Marriage Before It Starts is the one-day parishbased marriage preparation workshop developed by Grace and Growth Counseling Center and Holy Spirit Catholic Church. It will be Saturday, December 6, 2014 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 4465 Northside Drive NW. Registration is required by December 2, 2014. For more information or to register for Building Your Marriage Before it Starts, please contact Beth McEachern at 678-235-3910 or [email protected]. 7 7 Date Time Mass Intention Daily Scripture To those newly Baptized: Daniel Serge Mbunsu, Joseph Gadiel Ibarra, Elizabeth Barajas, Marilyn Olvera, Jessica Guadalupe Aguilar Quinceañera: Monday 6:30 am Nov. 24 9:00 am Priest intention. Richard W. Bennetti, Jr. (+) Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday 6:30 am Nov. 25 9:00 am Joseph (+) Cipriano Rojales (+) Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Priest intention. Alexander Cayemberg (s) Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 All the people of the parish. Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Communion Service Rojales (+) Rv 20:1-4, 11 -- 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33 Michael Walsh (+) Robert Lind, Jr. (+) Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36 Barbara Spera (+) Lois Murphy (+) Personas de la parroquia. People of the parish. Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 Wednesday 6:30 am Nov. 26 9:00 am Mackenzie Olvera Donald Hillman, Rodolfo Galvez, Jim Huey, John Restrepo, Lisa Marie Méndez, Mary Ann McCarthy, Gene and Linda Whitmeyer, Richard Ferris, Jill Maldonado, Grant Gossling, Jerry Torrence, Don Scott, Tommy Arthur, Stephen Jemiolo, Lois Urek, Alfredo Reyes Thanksgiving 10:00 am Thursday (only) Nov. 27 Friday 6:30 am Nov. 28 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am Nov. 29 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am Nov. 30 11:00 am en español 1:00 pm* 5:00 pm † Deceased (s) Special Intention Rosalina Del Valle, Mark Johnson, Cipriano Rojales, Harriet Jacobs, Ann Russell, Jack Krug, Charles Allred, Lois Murphy *Those stricken with the Ebola virus and those who care for them. *Those being martyred for their Christian faith by ISIS. *Our troops stationed in war-torn areas and all our Veterans. *Respect for all human life. *For the Sacramental Institution of Marriage. *en español ~Nursery at all weekend Masses.~ This week’s altar flowers were donated In loving memory of Clara Rivers, mother of Patsy Shontz, on behalf of the SJN 9am choir. Contact Mary Marder to donate altar flowers on behalf of a deceased loved one or a family celebration, at: 678-549-0188. Offertory 11-16-2014 Current Collection $23,031.25 YTD BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: To submit any news for the parish bulletin, please send your e-mail to: [email protected]. All articles must be received by Friday at NOON the week prior to printing. Please include the duration that you would like your item to appear. Bulletin Staff reserves the right to edit contributions for space, content and spelling. Thank you! $489,744.74 2013-2014 Income $25,853.86 $486,531.76 over (under) ($2,822.61) $3,212.98 SJN e-News Would you like to receive our weekly e-newsletter? Send an e-mail to: [email protected] with your first and last name, and we’ll sign you up! 8 FORMACION DE ADULTOS EN LA FE ¡Por Qué Católico! CONOCE, AMA, VIVE Y DEFIENDE TU FE Miércoles, 26 de noviembre (No habrá clases) 3 de diciembre 6:30 - 7:35 pm Salón 1 y 2 Tema: Adviento ¿Cómo prepararnos? Fortunate Families, a ministry to welcome families with LGBT members into full communion with the Catholic Church, host the “It’s All About Love” Retreat at Ignatius House on Sunday, November 23, 12:30-7:00pm. Archbishop Wilton Gregory will celebrate the opening Mass at 1:00pm and engage in discussion with retreat participants immediately thereafter. Additional speakers and group discussions will examine how to make LGBT family members feel welcome in the Catholic Church. Check-in begins at 12:30pm. Dinner is at 6:00pm. Due to limited space, please register early by contacting Michele McMahan at [email protected] for information. Registration deadline is November 13. Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center, 6700 Riverside Drive, NW, Atlanta 30328. Te esperamos... St. Vincent de Paul's Food Sunday & Angel Tree Holiday Programs Today is Food Sunday! We will be collecting food items after all Masses today and are in need of volunteers to deliver turkeys and food boxes to 100 local families. If you would like to make a delivery please stop downstairs after the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses. Members of St. Vincent de Paul will provide you with instructions, directions to the home and our Life Teens will load your car with the food. This is a wonderful way to bring the charity of Christ to our neighbors. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is sponsoring its annual Angel Tree Program. Please consider sponsoring a family this Christmas and bring the Light of Christ to those less fortunate in the Lilburn area. The Angel Tree will be available after all Masses the weekends of November 29th- November 30th and December 6th – 7th. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be available in the lower level of the Church after all Masses to answer your questions and provide instructions about the programs. Programas de Domingo de Alimentos y el Árbol del Angel de San Vicente de Paúl Hoy es domingo de Alimentos! Estaremos recogiendo alimentos después de todas las misas de hoy y están en necesidad de voluntarios para entregar pavos y cajas de alimentos a 100 familias de la zona. Si usted quisiera hacer una entrega, por favor bajar a la planta baja después de las Misas de 9:00 am y 11:00 am. Los miembros de San Vicente de Paúl les proporcionará instrucciones, indicaciones para llegar a la casa y nuestros adolescentes de “Life Teen” les cargará la comida a su coche. Esta es una manera maravillosa de traer la caridad de Cristo a nuestros vecinos. La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl está patrocinando su Programa anual el Árbol del Angel. Por favor, considere patrocinar una familia en esta Navidad y llevar la luz de Cristo a los menos afortunados en el área de Lilburn. El Árbol del Ángel estará disponible, después de todas las misas, los fines de semana del 29-30 de noviembre y el 6-7 de diciembre. Los miembros de San Vicente de Paúl estarán disponibles, en los bajos de la Iglesia, después de todas las misas para responder a sus preguntas y proveer instrucciones acerca de los programas. Soldier’s Connection Support Ministry The Soldier’s Connection needs our help! They provides gift boxes of surprises, hope and love to our Military men and women serving in Afghanistan. The SJN Soldiers' Connection Soldier’s Connection Update! Our Christmas packing is Monday, November 24th, when we will send 400 boxes to Afghanistan.If you are interested in helping to pack boxes, please contact Mickie Ferrante: (770) 598-8986. DONATIONS NEEDED! We need "goodies" (baked goods, candy, brownies, cookies, peanuts, crackers, etc… leftover Halloween candy is awesome!) to pack in the “Christmas Cheer” boxes. Also, Christmas cards and notes thanking our military for their service would be appreciated (no personal contact information please!). All donations can be left in the camo-box in the lower level of the Church. Thanks for your generosity to our Soldiers! 9 The Cathedral of Christ the King Monday Evening Bible Study invites all parishioners in the archdiocese to join us for “Preparing for Christ – An Advent Series” at 7pm in the Hyland Center Assembly Room on Mondays, November 17, 24, December 1 & 8. This DVD series with Fr. Mitch Pacwa will help us prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ. Registration fee is $16.00 (workbook included); after Nov. 7, $20.00. Register online at For more info: [email protected] or 404-267-3671. Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA, 30305. Join us as Fr. Maurice leads our Prince of Peace community for three nights in a “Joyful, Energetic, Bible-fed and Spirit-led” Advent Renewal Sunday, November 30 @ 7:00pm Monday, December 1 @ 7:00pm Tuesday, December 2 @ 7:00pm A free will offering will be taken up and Nursery will be provided all 3 nights 6439 Spout Springs Rd • Flowery Branch • Ga • 30542 • Shamrock Landscaping Services, Inc. DESIGN * INSTALLATION * MAINTENANCE * CONSULTATION PAUL V. KELLEY OWNER CELL: 678-429-5350 Jan Carlson, REALTOR® Parishioner VOL REPAIR II, INC. Cell: 678.596.6363 1788 Lawrenceville Hwy. Email: [email protected] Web: Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePlease Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Decatur, GA 30033 404-320-9705 An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC To help put your faith in clearer focus... Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Read books that offer fresh insights into the basic questions of life and faith. Join the no-obligation (members are not obliged to buy any books) reading plan that offers substantial savings on the broadest spectrum of outstanding Catholic writing. For full information, write: Robert Carroll, Thomas More Book Club, 225 W. Huron, Chicago, IL 60601. “I Can Help You Hear Better” Dr. Laura Dennison, Doctor of Audiology Call 770-717-5711 Lilburn - 4145 Lawrenceville Hwy., Ste. 10A (Kroger Shopping Center) WHY IS IT Jesus A to Z A man wakes up after sleeping A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. on an ADVERTISED mattress 770 979-2211 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS under an ADVERTISED blanket Service • Replacement Systems GA. REG. CN-208407 and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . SERVICE refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. IS OUR SPECIALTY QUALITY IS OUR RULE >> ASK ABOUT CLUB MAINTENANCE TO SAVE $$ << 770-736-5207 LOCAL PARISHIONER $79 PRECISION TUNE-UP SERVICING GWINNETT CO. AND SURROUNDING AREA WHY IS IT? Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 507233 St John Neumann Church (C) 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 JAMES W. MCKENZIE, JR. MCKENZIE LAW ASSOCIATES, P.C. We Transform Lives SJN Parishioner since 1985 • Disaster Response - Expert on Insurance Claims • Water Damage - Hail Damage • Mold Remediation • Content cleaning and Inventory Control Management • Reconstruction/Remodeling - Residential, Commercial & Institutional LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR Parishioner since 1998 Se habla Español Phone: (770) 985-1727 • Fax (770) 985-2057 • email:[email protected] SPECIALIZED ROOFING SERVICE BUSINESS LITIGATION GENERAL CORPORATE WILLS • ESTATE PLANNING • PROBATE TRANSACTIONS • CIVIL LITIGATION • RE-ROOF • VALLEYS • REPAIR WORK • DORMERS Over 37 years in private practice; AV - highest peer review rating • GUTTERING • FULL ROOFS • COMMERCIAL • CHIMNEYS • METAL ROOFING • SKYLIGHTS (770) 476-9793 [email protected] • NEW CONSTRUCTION • VENTILATION CONTACT MCKENZIE LAW ASSOCIATES AND TAKE CHARGE TODAY! Chris Rozier (404) 273-9223 Cell [email protected] PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Family Owned & Operated 5324 five forks trickum rd. lilburn, ga. 30047 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Lilburn ~ Tucker Chapel 770-564-2726 Nancy J. Buchinski, D.V.M. 770-921-2965 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH SERVING ST. JOHN NEUMANN PARISH *** Since 1979 *** TOLL FREE: 6101 Lawrenceville Hwy. 1-877-801-8608 Tucker, Georgia *First Three Months } Loganville Chapel 670 Tom Brewer Rd. ~ Loganville, Ga. Walton Crematory Call: 770.466.1544 Lawrenceville Chapel 300 Simonton Rd. ~ Lawrenceville, Ga. Gwinnett Crematory Call: 770.962.3100 Snellville Chapel} 2246 Wisteria Drive ~ Sneville, Georgia Call: 770.979.5010 Monroe Chapel} 209 Hammond Drive ~ Monroe, Georgia Call: 770.267.2594 } 24 Hour Recorded Funeral Notice (770) 962-2002 RON MUELLER, C.P.A. TAXES ~ ACCOUNTING ~ BOOKKEEPING INDIVIDUALS ~ SMALL BUSINESSES 1770 INDIAN TRAIL ROAD • SUITE 370 • NORCROSS, GA 30093 PARISHIONER Auto Home Life Commercial Email: [email protected] (770) 952-2822 2169 Lawrenceville Hwy., Suite D 770-381-0208 770-923-2940 Javier Perez Leonel Villanueva SIRVIENDO A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA POR MAS DE 12 AÑOS NUESTRO PERSONAL BILINGÜE SE ENCARGA DEL ENTIERRO Y TRASLADOS AL PAÍS DE ORIGEN. Lawrenceville, GA 30044 507233 St John Neumann Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Kevin M. Lacour, DDS, PC Family Dentistry 5400 Lawrenceville Hwy., Lilburn, GA 30047 Call us today at Tom Hamberger Parishioner 770-921-6606 Multi-Million Dollar Producer Top 9% Nationwide We would like to be your dental health team! Parishioner Cell #: 770-616-6455 We offer a range of dental services for the entire family. Your dental health is important, and we are committed to doing our best to provide you with the information and treatment that you need to keep your smile healthy and beautiful! Arismel Macedo Exclusive Agent Allstate Insurance Company 1300 Indian Trail Rd. suite-113 Norcross, GA 30093 678-380-8968 [email protected] Parishioner A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” 24-Hour Customer Service Se Habla Español Now Op en and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers in Snellvil le Hablamos Español ADRIANA RODRIGUEZ Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Auto • Home • Renter’s • Motorcycles • Boats RVs • Commercial Auto • Insurance for Businesses General Liability • Workers Comp Mon-Sat 1195 Scenic Highway,Suite C-11 10am-7pm Lawrenceville,GA 30045 678-615-3387 LOW RATES! Patti & Brady Miller Parishioners ® .m REALTORS Atlanta Partners In Business For Good! 770-447-8778 Each Keller Williams Realty office is independently owned & operated. Houston Homes Inc. ✓ Remodeling ✓ Basements ✓ Additions ✓ Porches 28 Yrs. Experience ◆ State Licensed Kenneth Starling Jr DDS PC Orthodontics for A FAMILY COMPANY Tommie Ann Wages Johnson, Rick Johnson and Valerie J. Wages - Owners Children, Teens and Adults Board Certified Past President GAO Houston Feaster ~ Parishioner Call: 404-456-9678 Lawrenceville Chapel (770) 963-2411 Snellville Chapel (770) 979-3200 Peachtree Pet Crematory (770) 817-0410 131 Langley Dr. Suite A Lawrenceville, GA 30046 (770) 963-8085 LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL W. COTTER, P.C. Parishioner WILLS • SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY Past SJN Parent Parishioner NURSING HOME NEGLECT WRONGFUL DEATH • BUSINESS, FAMILY JOE AUGUSTINE, C.P.A. & TRAFFIC MATTERS OTHER MATTERS HANDLED CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION: Parishioner/PSR 404-377-5775 WWW.COTTERLAW.COM HOME VISIT IF NEEDED ABOGADOS QUE HABLAN ESPAÑOL Tax Planning & Preparation Accounting & Financial Statements Cash Flow Improvements Gross Margin & Profit Analysis Quickbooks™ Training 770.985.3095 507233 St John Neumann Church (A) Come Join Us! Kindergarten - Grade 8 ✢ Faith • Knowledge ✢ Family • Respect • Service 1994 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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