November 2, 2014 Page 1 Monday, November 3rd 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, November 4th 8:00 a.m. Magdalen Plominski Wednesday, November 5th 8:00 a.m. Gene Wright Thursday, November 6th 8:00 a.m. Marie Butcher Friday, November 7th 8:00 a.m. Anthony Luccaro Saturday, Novenber 8th 5:00 p.m. Giuseppe & Filomina Spinelli 7:00 p.m. All Saints Novena Sunday, November 9th 8:00 a.m. Valleverde Puzzolo 10:00 a.m. Joseph Gergyes 11:30 a.m. The Murphy Family On the Feast of All Souls we pray for those who have gone before us and stand in judgment before God. May we share with each other the treasure of love’s memory and console one another with the hope of resurrection. ʹǣ̈́ͷǡͶͷǤͻʹ ʹ ǣ̈́ͷͲͲǤͲͲ Prayers For the Sick Vicky Affrunti, Ryan Armstrong, Rose Bennett, Michele Bischoff, Baby: Darian James Bogin, John Bradley, Virginia Cantino, Raleigh Capozzi, Mary Cianca, Mary St. John Clark, Anne Keily-Cohen, Gary Dardia, Donald Dardi, Charlie Fertitta, Rae De Franco, Michael DiLeo, Robert Dishuc, Patrick Finnegan, Kathryn Giulitti, Kathleen Grace, Florence Gramarossa, Marie Hayes, Kevin Jaye, Michael Katz, Kathleen Lewis, Rita Marchese, Andy & Ronnie Mosby, Angela Mazzella, Norma Mazzeo, Katherine Mitchelle, Melba Molson, Don Mochwart, Charles Murphy, Jesse Nesbit, Brent Nelson, Bob O’Brien, Philip Occhipinte, George O’Krepkie, John Orr, Glenn Petersons, Gia Pometta, Harold Poole, Nancy Scialpi, Diana Schmeltzer, Justin Simeon, Jim Simonsen, Amy Smith, Eileen Smith, Joan Smith, Linda Crum Smith, Tess Smith, Angela Starchich, Francis St. John, Annie Tolentino, Carlos Torres, Marilyn Zahn-Veritzan, Mary Whol, Andrew Wykowski and all who are homebound or have special needs. Thank you for your generous sacrificial giving! Your faithful sacrificial giving each week helps Our Lady of Fatima to continue our Pastoral Ministries and care for our parish buildings. Thanks, Fr. Steve Mass Schedule November 8th & November 9th Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 PM ~ Fr. Steve 7:00 PM ~ Misa Español 8:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve 10:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve 11:30 AM ~ Fr. Steve November 2, 2014 Worship Readings for the Week Monday, November 3rd x Philippians 2:1-4 x Luke 14:12-14 Tuesday, November 4th x Philippians 2:5-11 x Luke 14:15-24 Wednesday, November 5th x Philippians 2:12-18 x Luke 14:25-33 Thursday, November 6th x Philippians 3:3-8a x Luke 15:1-10 Friday, November 7th x Philippians 3:17—4:1 x Luke 16:1-8 Saturday, November 8th x Philippians 4:10-19 x Luke 16:9-15 Sunday, November 9th, 2014 – The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica First Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 x The angel brings Ezekiel to the heavenly temple. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 x Saint Paul, today, reminds us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. Gospel: John 2:13-22 x In the Gospel today, the money changers desecrate the temple and Jesus confronts them. He turns the table on them, saying he will rebuild the “temple” in three days, alluding to his death and resurrection. The reflection question for this week is: Jesus promises an unending relationship with God when we die. WHAT CAN I DO TODAY TO THANK JESUS FOR THIS GIFT? Another question to ponder on this All Soul’s Day: IN THE PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION, WE PRAY FOR ALL GOD’S DEPARTED SERVANTS. FOR WHOM, ESPECIALLY, AM I PRAYING TODAY? Page 2 x The OLDER CONFIRMATION GROUP will meet on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, at 7:15 PM in the Parish Office. Any adult who had not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation and would like to do so is very welcome to join the group. Confirmation for those who are a part of this group will be celebrated on Pentecost (May 24th, 2015) x The LITURGY COMMITTEE will meet on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, at 7:30 PM in the sacristy. x CENTERING PRAYER will be prayed on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, at 3:00 PM in the CHURCH. All are welcome to this time of quiet prayer. x The SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK will be celebrated on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, at the 11:30 AM Mass. All are most welcome to celebrate this sacrament of healing and forgiveness. x INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING DAY PRAYER –Our Community INTER-FAITH THANKSGIVING PRAYER SERVICE will be celebrated on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, at 8:00 PM. This year OUR LADY OF FATIMA PARISH is the host faith community for the InterFaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service. All are welcome to this annual community Thanksgiving Prayer Service. Please bring a donation for the food pantries of the community. A free will offering will also be taken up during the Prayer Service. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the Prayer Service in the Parish Center x Our ANNUAL BILINGUAL THANKSGIVING DAY MASS will be held on THURSDAY, NOVEMEBR 27th, at 10:30 AM. All are most welcome to join in the celebration of the Eucharist on Thanksgiving Day morning. Please bring along a donation of non perishable food for Our Lady Fatima Food Pantry. Don’t forget that you are invited to write a prayer of Thanksgiving on one of the cutouT leaves in the back of the church and place it in the basket on the weekend. It will be a part of our Thanksgiving Day celebration. November 2, 2014 ADMINISTRATION x FAITH DIRECT: Why not make a change this Fall in the way you support Our Lady of Fatima Parish? Sign up with eGiving through FAITH DIRECT, which is the most convenient and secure way for you to make your weekly offering to Our Lady of Fatima Parish. Making either a one time or automatic contributions through Faith Direct will also save valuable time for both you and the parish staff. To enroll please visit Faith Direct’s website at, and use our parish code NY303. You can also fill out and mail a Faith Direct enrollment form from the parish office. x STEWARDSHIP – We remember all those who have gone before us in faith, believing with joy as they shared their gifts! We reflect upon our own giftedness and on how future generations will look at our joy filled response. Last week you received in the mail the TAKE-A-STEP PLANNING GUIDE AND COMMITMENT CARD. You are asked to prayerfully reflect on how you may make or renew your commitment to sharing your financial gifts with our parish and others. What return will you make to the Lord for all you have received? Please bring this Commitment Card to Mass next weekend. x Please remember that this TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, is Election Day. x The COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE will meet on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, at 7:00 PM in the PARISH OFFICE. x VETERANS DAY. Next TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, , is VETERANS DAY. The PARISH OFFICE will be closed on VETERANS DAY. x The PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, at 7:30 PM in the RECTORY. x The PARISH LEADERSHIP COMMUNITY will meet on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMEBR 19th, at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center. Page 3 x SECOND COLLECTION . On the weekend of NOVEMBEER 23rd, there will be a second collection for the CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOME MISSIONS. Please be a generous as possible. x The STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE will meet on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, at 7:30 PM in the SACRISTY. x The PARISH OFFICE will be closed at Noon on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, for THANKSGIVING DAY. The PARISH OFFICE will be closed on NOVEMEBER 27th, Thanksgiving Day and on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. The PARISH OFFIICE will be open on Saturday, November 29th from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM and on Sunday, November 30th from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. Community Life Dear Friends, This weekend we celebrate the Feast of All Souls. Today this feast is officially known as The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. Today we remember and celebrate the lives of those who have gone before us, “that great crowd of witnesses who surround us” (Hebrews 12:1) and support us with their prayers. One of the scripture commentators writes; “Of course there is sadness when a friend or family member dies, but, in the end, it is faith that enables us to surrender our mourning and be joyful in our memories.” It takes time to heal from the death of a loved one. I remember reading at one time that the healing process takes a few years. It’s not something that we just move on from in a few weeks or a few months. Grieving is an important process and it does take time. In a culture that moves so quickly from one moment to the next it can be hard to give ourselves the time we need to grieve the death of a loved one. St. Ambrose many centuries ago wrote this; “We loved them so much in life, we must never forget them, not even in death.” We believe that our loved ones who have died are a part of our life. They continue to be with us even as they share in the gift of eternal life. Nove November 2, 2014 When we celebrate the Mass of Christian Burial we surround ourselves with symbols of faith: holy water as a reminder of the life giving water poured upon us on the day of our baptism; the white funeral pall placed on the casket, a reminder of our baptism garments; the Easter candle, a reminder that the Lord Jesus has risen from the dead and that we also share in his Resurrection; the incense, a sign of the sacredness of the gift of life. All the symbols are meant to help us look beyond our grief and find strength and consolation in our faith that proclaims that God’s infinite love conquers the mystery of death and fills us with the mystery of eternity. It doesn’t ease our sorrow, but it invites us to look beyond our grief and look to the Resurrection that we all share in. There is a story that I share many times with those who are mourning the death of a loved one, either at the Vigil Prayers or at the Mass of Christian Burial. I love to swim in the ocean and some years ago I was in Montauk with two of my friends for about a week. I was sitting on the beach and it was a perfect summer day. It was warm and clear, not a cloud in the sky. The waves were perfect. There was a group of young boys in the ocean riding the waves in for hours. Every time they rode a wave into the beach their faces would light up in a smile from ear to ear. I was fascinated just watching them, and then it came to me. At the end of life, when the waves of God’s infinite love wash over us and we come to see our God face to face and experience the fullness of God’s love we will be delighted. We will smile as those young teenagers did on that perfect summer day in Montauk. Death is an incredibly profound mystery. It can leave us incredibly empty and speechless. But the power of God’s love is truly more powerful. It transforms the sorrow that fills us into something else. I don’t say that it is joy, because it isn’t. It is more like peace, for we know that our loved ones are with our God and that they remain a part of our lives in a most profound way. As we gather today we remember all of our loves ones who have died. We thank God for the gift of their life and their love that has touched us in such a profound way. We ask that our loving God will continue to console us with the gift of our faith that proclaims that life is never ended, but life is changed. Paul proclaims: “Death is swallowed up in victory! O death where is your victory, where is your sting? For the power of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Page 4 The final prayers at the graveside on the day of the Mass of Christian Burial conclude with these beautiful words: Eternal rest grant unto all of our loved ones, O God. May your gracious light always shine upon them. May they always rest in your loving and never ending peace. May the love of God and the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ bless us and console us and gently wipe away every tear from our eyes! Let us go forth in peace. Peace, Fr. Steve x DVD FOR OUR 65th ANNIVERSARY. Please remember that if you ordered a DVD for our 65th ANNIVERSARY YEAR that you may pick up your copy in the Parish Office. x Our next HOSPITALITY SUNDAY will be on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, following the celebration of Sunday Mass. Please come over to the Parish Center following Mass for some great desserts and fellowship. All are always welcome! x Our ANNUAL ADVENT WREATH MAKING EVENT is scheduled for FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. All are most welcome! The First Sunday of Advent will be on November 30th. x LOOKING AHEAD: Each year Our Lady of Fatima Parish sets aside a few days to prepare for the coming seasons of Advent and Christmas. Last year Fr. Jim Di Luzio, CSP, led us through three evenings centered on the gospel of Luke. This year Jim Ryan will be with us on NOVEMBER 17th and NOVEMBER 18th to prepare us for the Advent and Christmas season. Each evening will begin at 7:30 PM .The theme of the evenings is SIMPLE HAPPINESS. On Monday Evening, Jim will focus on the EIGHT MARKS OF HAPPY PEOPLE. On Tuesday evening, Jim’s theme will be MANAGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND BEGIN TO LIVE HEAVEN ON EARTH. All are welcome. A free will offering will be taken up each evening. November 2, 2014 Page 5 Faith formation x The READING GROUP will meet on SUNDAY,, NOVEMBER 23rd, at 3:00 PM in the SACRISTY. The book for November is: THE BULLY PULPIT; THEODORE ROOSEVELT, HOWARD TAFT, AND THE GOLDEN AGE OF JOURNALISM by Doris Kearns Goodwin. x Please remember to pray for all those who are preparing to celebrate the sacrament of confirmation in the coming spring and who celebrated their Confirmation Commitment Ceremony last weekend. Please also remember the youngsters who are preparing to celebrate their First Eucharist in the coming spring and who celebrated their Rite of Enrollment at Mass this weekend. Please remember to pray also for their families, their catechists and their faith partners throughout these coming months. Outreach Parish Social Ministry FOOD PANTRY – Thank you to all those who have donated to Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry. Please remember to check the expiration dates on all your donated items. -Toiletries are always welcome! - CaringHands Corner PRAYER- THE WORLD’S GREATEST WIRELESS CONNECTION Over two years ago we had a young father of four added to our prayer list in the Fatima Focus. He was diagnosed with a severe brain tumor. The doctors were not very optimistic of the outcome of this very difficult surgery. As weeks turned into months, our prayers continued and cards were sent to him as we tried to ease the family’s pain. Our cards helped to brightened his day as well as knowledge that our parish really cared about their family during this challenging time in their life. We have now received information that our young dad has fully recovered and has been able to resume his duties back at work. He is currently coaching his son’s football team and living his life. These stories are wonderful to hear but do we need to be rewarded for the things we do in life? Do we need the accolades? In the scripture readings this week, Jesus makes it very clear the importance of caring for people who will not be able to pay us back whether it be with their stories or another way. What selfless act can I do today? How about prayers for our sick and homebound? Become a CaringHands prayer warrior NOW……. Call Marge Walsh 516- 767-2936 or email: [email protected] Alicia McCarvill 516- 883-9073 “When on a sick bed you cared for my needs. When I was weary you helped me find rest. Whatsoever you do to the least of my people that you do unto me.” November 2, 2014 Page 6 Looking Ahead to Christmas so you can plan – Our Christmas Tree will go up Thanksgiving weekend. On the tree will be the ornaments that have on them the families who need assistance this year. The Christmas Gift Collection will be the weekend of December 13th & 14th, when we will be asking you to return the stars from the tree with your gift certificates. If you are not going to be around the weekend of the Gift Collection you can drop the ornament with the gift certificate at the rectory anytime before the collection. It is very important that we have all the gift certificates on or before, the Sunday of the Gift Collection because that afternoon (Dec. 14th) the certificates are given to the families. Please understand that if we do not have your gift certificate on time the family will go without their gift certificate. Alcoholic Anonymous Meet for a closed step meeting every Sunday starting at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. “Welcome to a New Life Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who express their discipleship by praying daily for the repose of all the faithful departed. AUTUMN IS HERE! Any young girl or boy who has received their First Holy Communion is invited to become an altar server at our Saturday and Sunday Masses. If you are interested in becoming an important part of our Mass and in serving Jesus or if you have any questions, please call Deacon Art or Jane at 516-883- 8032. The email is [email protected]. So...before you head out trick or treating...give us a call. You'll be glad you did...and so will Jesus. Our training will be Thursday, November 6th, at 7:00 PM in the church. November 2, 2014 UN MENSAJE DE NUESTRO PARROCO Queridos amigos, Este fin de semana se celebra la Fiesta de Todos los Difuntos. Hoy en día esta fiesta se conoce oficialmente como la Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles Difuntos. Hoy recordamos y celebramos las vidas de aquellos que nos han precedido, "la gran multitud de testigos que nos rodean" (Hebreos 12: 1) y nos apoyan con sus oraciones. Una de los comentaristas de las Escrituras escribe; "Por supuesto hay tristeza cuando un amigo o miembro de la familia muere, pero, al final, es la fe que nos permite ceder nuestro luto y alegrarnos en nuestros recuerdos." Se necesita tiempo para recuperarse de la muerte de un querido. Recuerdo que leí en algún momento que el proceso de curación dura algunos años. No es algo que podemos dejar después de unas semanas o unos meses. El duelo es un proceso importante y lleva tiempo. En una cultura que se mueve tan rápidamente de un momento a otro puede ser difícil darnos el tiempo que necesitamos para llorar la muerte de un querido. Hace muchos siglos San Ambrosio escribió esto; "Les amamos tanto en la vida, no debemos olvidarlos nunca, ni siquiera en la muerte." Creemos que nuestros queridos que han muerto son una parte de nuestra vida, que permanecen con nosotros, aún cuando ya comparten el don de la vida eterna. Cuando celebramos la Misa de Sepelio Cristiano nos rodeamos con símbolos de la fe: agua bendita para recordarnos del agua vivificante derramada sobre nosotros el día de nuestro bautismo; el paño fúnebre blanco colocado en el ataúd, recuerdo de nuestros vestidos bautismales; la vela pascual, recordatorio de que el Señor Jesús ha resucitado de entre los muertos y que nosotros también participamos de su resurrección; el incienso, signo de la santidad del don de la vida. Todos los Page 7 símbolos quieren ayudarnos a mirar más allá de nuestro dolor para encontrar fuerza y consuelo en nuestra fe que proclama que el amor infinito de Dios vence el misterio de la muerte y nos llena con el misterio de la eternidad. No alivia nuestro dolor, sino nos invita a ver más allá de nuestro dolor y mirar la resurrección que todos compartimos. Hay una historia que comparto muchas veces con los que están de luto por la muerte de un querido, ya sea en la Oración Vigilia o en la Misa de Sepelio Cristiano. Me encanta nadar en el océano y hace unos años yo estaba en Montauk con dos amigos míos por una semana. Yo estaba sentado en la playa un día de verano perfecto. Era un día cálido y claro, sin una nube en el cielo. Las olas eran perfectas. Hubo un grupo de chicos jóvenes en el océano montando las olas por horas. Cada vez que montaron una ola hasta la playa sus rostros se iluminaban con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja. Me fascinaba simplemente observándolos y pues llegó algo a mi mente. Al final de la vida, cuando las olas del amor infinito de Dios nos cubren y llegamos a ver nuestro Dios cara a cara y experimentar la plenitud del amor de Dios, seremos encantados, vamos a sonreír como hicieron esos adolescentes en ese día del verano perfecto en Montauk. La muerte es un misterio increíblemente profundo. Puede dejarnos increíblemente vacíos y sin palabras. Pero el poder del amor de Dios es verdaderamente más potente. Transforma la tristeza que nos llena en otra cosa. No digo que es alegría, porque no lo es. Se parece más a la paz, porque sabemos que nuestros seres queridos están con nuestro Dios y que ellos permanecen partes de nuestras vidas de una manera muy profunda. Al reunirnos hoy recordamos todos nuestros queridos que han muerto. Damos gracias a Dios por el don de sus vidas y por su amor que nos ha tocado de una manera tan profunda. Pedimos que nuestro Dios amoroso siga consolándonos con el don de nuestra fe que proclama que la vida nunca se November 2, 2014 termina, sino que la vida se cambia. Pablo proclama: “¡Qué victoria tan grande! La muerte ha sido devorada. ¿Dónde está, oh muerte, tu victoria? ¿Dónde está, oh muerte, tu aguijón? El aguijón de la muerte es el pecado, y la Ley lo hacía más poderoso. Pero demos gracias a Dios que nos da la victoria por medio de Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor.” Las oraciones finales al lado de la tumba en el día de la Misa de Sepelio Cristiano concluyen con estas hermosas palabras: Dale, Señor, eterno descanso a todos nuestros queridos, O Dios. Que tu luz graciosa brille siempre sobre ellos. Que siempre descansen en tu paz amorosa y eterna. Que el amor de Dios y la paz del Señor Jesucristo nos bendiga y nos consuele y limpie suavemente toda lágrima de nuestros ojos. Salgamos en paz. Paz, Padre Steve ASISTENCIA PARROQUIAL SEMANALES – Por favor continúen ayudándonos y hagan un esfuerzo de traer al menos una lata de comida cuando vengan a la Misa. Harían una gran diferencia para nuestra despensa. Necesitamos tuna, salsa para espagueti, cereal, aceite, frijoles, lentejas, garbanzos, macarrón con queso, frutas y vegetales enlatados, arroz, mantequilla de maní, jugo. Mil gracias por su apoyo tan grande x VOLUNTARIOS: Nuestra Iglesia está en necesidad de voluntarios para hacer Lector, Ministro de Eucaristía, Acomodadores, y Monaguillos(as). También tenemos oportunidades para que sea miembro del Consejo Hispano. Por favor, llamar a José al 883-6910 para más información o puede pasar por la Rectoría de la Parroquia y hablar con el Padre Steve. Page 8 APOSTOLADO HISPANO Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima Declaración de Misión Parroquial Arraigados firmemente en nuestra tradición católica romana, nosotros, la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, somos una comunidad de creyentes que acoge a todos, cuida de todos e incluye a todos. Intentamos dar evidencia del amor de Cristo para todos en nuestras vidas, en nuestra comunidad y en todo nuestro mundo. Nos esforzamos en continuar la misión de Jesús por medio del culto y por medio de nuestros programas de educación, espiritualidad y justicia social y en nuestro compromiso de corresponsabilidad de la vida parroquial. Somos una parroquia colaboradora, diversa y multicultural, dedicada a extenderse a todo el pueblo de, especialmente a los más necesitados. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a esta parroquia! x Nuestra MISA BILINGÜE ANUAL para el DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS se celebrará el Jueves, 27 de NOVIEMBRE, comenzando a las 10:30 AM. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Por favor traiga al menos una donación para nuestra despensa de alimentos. No se olvide de anotar en una hoja de papel una breve oración en acción de gracias. Por favor, devuelva las hojas durante la colecta de las misas durante el mes de Noviembre. Las oraciones serán parte de nuestra celebración para el Día de Acción de Gracias y la Misa. DVD. Si usted está interesada en obtener una copia del DVD de la Parroquia de Fátima, por favor vengan a la Oficina de la Parroquia. El costo por cada copia del DVD es de $20 dólares. November 2nd, 2014 Page |9 . All Saints Tabor Retreat Center, 60 Anchor Ave, Oceanside, NY 11572 Tel. (516) 536-3004 CIRCLE OF LIFE The Hearts Journey Through the Seasons November 7-8, 2014 Friday 7:30pm - Saturday 7:30pm This retreat focuses on the autumn section of the book, "The Circle of Life" by Joyce Rupp and Macrina Wiederkehr. We take time to reflect on the lessons of this season as we explore the surrender, transformation, and thanksgiving called for in our lives. Together we find joy and celebrate each of these lessons as part of the natural rhythm of growing and being. "Sitting in autumn's quiet sunlight can be a sonnet without words." Join us! Presenter: Sr. Anne Rodgers, OP has been a Dominican Sister of Amityville for over 58 years. She has served in schools and parishes primarily on Long Island and Louisiana in the ministries of teaching, religious education, spirituality and retreat work. "My goal is to have fun and to allow God's presence to embrace me in every situation of my life. I am deeply grateful for the astonishing ways that I have been cared for by a most loving and gracious God!" Donation: Overnight $145. (room & meals) Commuter $110. (lunch & dinner) Since the fourth century various Eastern churches have commemorated a feast of all martyrs. By the sixth century this commemoration was celebrated at Rome. November 1 as the date for the celebration in the West seems to have originated in Ireland and/or Britain where it was seen as “harvest feast” at the close of the liturgical year. In 844, Pope Gregory IV established this date for all the Roman church. Joined to the day was the commemoration of the dedication of the Pantheon as the church of St. Mary and All Martyrs. Saint Andrew, Bible Missal All Souls ***************** Let us turn to Christ Jesus with confidence and faith in the power of his cross and resurrection. Risen Lord, pattern of our life forever: Lord, have mercy. Promise and image of what we shall be: Lord, have mercy. Son of God who came to destroy sin and death: Lord, have mercy. Word of God who delivered us from the fear of death: Lord, have mercy. Crucified Lord, forsake in death, raised in glory: Lord, have mercy. Lord Jesus, gentle Shepherd who bring rest to our souls, give peace to our community for ever: Lord, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you bless those who mourn and are in pain. Bless Our family Community and friends who gather around us today. Lord, have mercy. Stewardship News ~ Reflection Weekend~ “And here the first word that I wish to say to you: joy! Do not be men and women of sadness: a Christian can never be sad! Never give way to discouragement! Ours is not a joy born of having many possessions, but of having encountered a Person: Jesus, in our midst.” Pope Francis: Palm Sunday Homily: March 24, 2013 We reflect on those stewards who have gone before us. reflection noun \ri-ƍflek-shԥn\ : a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation : consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose Adapted from Webster’s Dictionary Today, we remember. All Soul’s Day invites us to remember all those who have gone before us in faith. the present generation have received and cared for the gifts that have been left to us. We reflect upon what we are doing to build up our parish and further the mission of Christ so as to gift it to the generations yet to come. Each one of us has a unique contribution to make in the Church’s journey of faith. There is no one - past, present, or future who is meant to make the contribution that we are meant to make. During this time, we remember family, friends and all the faithful departed. We remember these and all of the members of the Communion of Saints who shared their gifts so that we might have the world in which we live today. Each person who has gone before us This joy is a contributed to this state of present world in some being...of way. being in As responsible stewards, we strive to discover each day what that contribution is and we seek to fulfill it. Each successful step we make on the journey brings us closer to God and we are blessed with joy. As stewards of our relationship faith, we reflect on the with a God example given to us by who loves us those who have come more than we before us. We remember can imagine! their acts of kindness in caring for the sick, feeding the hungry and This joy is present sheltering the homeless; their whether we are experiencing promotion of justice and peace; happiness or sadness. This joy is their financial sacrifices for the a state of being...of being in poor and for the parishes they relationship with a God who loves built up; their protection of all life; us more than we can imagine! and, entrusting all of this to the Let us learn from and next generation. For many, they remember the example of those served with gladness and a joy who came before us. May we, too that can only be realized as a true know the joy that comes from follower of Christ. living as stewards, and may our Today, we remember. good works serve as witness to Christ for those around us now, At this time and as responsible and for those who are still to stewards ourselves, we also take come. the time to reflect upon how we, Today, we remember and pray... Loving God, help us to be ever conscious of the sacrifices and good works of those who went before us. May we honor their contributions by being responsible and accountable for what we have received. May we, too, make sacrifices and perform good works in the name of our faith so as to leave our Church strong and vibrant for those who are still to come. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. We are Invited to Reflect and Remember those who: ♦ Fought for religious freedom so we may worship in safety. ♦ Sacrificed to secure the land and build the buildings in which we gather, learn and strengthen our faith. ♦ Shared their gifts in order to establish, care for and build up this parish community. ♦ First introduced us to Jesus Christ and those who fostered the relationship.
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