CARMEN SARASÚA December 2015 Department of Economics and Economic History Faculty of Economics and Business Studies UniversitatAutònoma de Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain [email protected] 34-935812316 (Office) 34-935812012 (fax) I. EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Contemporary History) June, 1982 Master of Arts New School for Social Research, New York (Labor Economics) 6/10/88 with Honors Doctor of Philosophy European University Institute, Florence (History) Ph. D. Thesis: The rise of the wage Worker. Peasant Families and the Organization of Work in Modern Spain.23/01/96 with Distinction II. CURRENT POSITION 1997 to present Aug. 2016 June 2017 Associate Professor, accredited as Full Professor, Department of Economics and Economic History, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford III. PREVIOUS POSITIONS 2010 Visiting Professor, Universidad de La República (Uruguay) 2009 Visiting Fellow, Industrial and Labor Relations School, Cornell University 2007 Visiting Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels 2006 Visiting Professor, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey-Campus Puebla (México) 1 2002 Visiting Fellow, Mario Einaudi Centre for International Studies, Cornell University 1996-1997 Teaching Assistant, Labor Relations School, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Teaching Assistant, Department of Economic History, U. Autònoma de Barcelona 1995-1996 Lecturer, Center for International Studies, Ortega y Gasset Foundation (Madrid) 1994 Research Assistant, European University Institute (Florence, Italy) 1989-1991 Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX), Research and Publications Department, Ministry of Finance IV. FINANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS 2015-2018 International Network ‘Producing Change: Gender and Work in Early Modern Europe’, financed by The Leverhulme Trust (IN-2015-021). Director: Alexandra Shepard, U. of Glasgow. 2014-2017 Wages, Women’s Participation and Living Standards, 1750-1950. Financed by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (HAR2013-47277-C2-1-P), Director. 2010-2012 Reconstructing the Female Activity Rate in Spain, 18th to 19th centuries. Financed by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2009-11709), Director. 2010 Reconstructing the Female Activity Rate in Western Europe, 18th and 19th centuries (Exploratory Workshop EW09-285–SCSS, Barcelona November 4-6). Financed by the European Science Foundation (Standing Committee for Social Sciences). Convenor: Carmen Sarasúa. Co-convenor: Jane Humphries (Oxford U.) 2010-2011 Reconstructing the Female Activity Rate in the territories of the Crown of Aragón, 1716-1816. Financed by Institut Català de les Dones (U-35/10), Director. 2009-2013 UHE. Economic Institutions, Living Standards, Environment. Research Group (SGR 962). Financed by AGAUR. Director. 2005-2010 Gender and Well-being: Interactions between Work, Family and Public Policies (COST-A34). Financed by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), directed by C. Borderías (UB). 2003-2005 Women’s work and union participation during Franco’s dictatorship (19401980). Financed by Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales. Director. 2001-2004 The socio-economic role of domestic service as a factor in European identity. Financed by the European Comission, directed by A. Fauve-Chamoux (EHESS, París). 2001-2003 Tensions of Europe: Technology and the making of 20th Century Europe. Financed by the European Science Foundation. Directed by Johan Schot 2 (Eindhoven University of Technology) 1993-1995 Gender and the construction of working time. Financed by the European Comission, DG VII, directed by Olwen Hufton and Yota Kravaritou (European University Institute) V. BOOKS AND EDITED COLLECTIONS 2005 Land, shops and kitchens. Technology and the food chain in twentieth-century Europe, Editor (with P. Scholliers and L. van Molle), CORN (Comparative Rural History of the North Sea Area) Publication Series, Brepols. 2003 ¿Privilegios o eficiencia? Mujeres y hombres en los mercados de trabajo, editor, Editor (with L. Gálvez), Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante. Introduction: pp. 9-33. 1994 Criados, nodrizas y amos. El servicio doméstico en la formación del mercado de trabajo madrileño, 1758-1868, Madrid, Siglo XXI. VI. JOURNAL ARTICLES (SELECTED) 2014 “La desigualdad de género en el consumo familiar. Diferencias de género en la España contemporánea (1850-1930)”, Áreas, 33, special issue devoted to ‘Gender inequalities in Contemporary Spain’, ed. by C. Borderías y L. Gálvez. Revised and expanded version of Borderías, Pérez-Fuentes and Sarasúa 2010. Also published as Working Paper # 1411 of the Spanish Association of Economic History. 2012 “Off the Record. Reconstructing Women’s Labor Force Participation in the European Past”, Feminist Economics, 18 (4): 39-67, with J. Humphries. 2008 “Technical innovations at the service of cheaper labour in pre-industrial Europe. The Enlightened agenda to transform the gender division of labour in silk manufacturing”, History and Technology, 24, 1: 23-39. 2005 “Criados y mozos en la organización histórica del trabajo agrario”, Introduction and edition of an special issue on Farm servants, Historia Agraria, 35. 2003 “El oficio más molesto, más duro: el trabajo de las lavanderas en la España de los siglos XVIII al XX”, Historia Social, 45: 53-77. Translated into English as “’The Hardest, Most Unpleasant Profession’: The Work of Laundresses in Eighteenth-, Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Spain”, in A SOCIAL HISTORY OF SPANISH LABOUR. NEW PERSPECTIVES ON CLASS, POLITICS AND GENDER, edited by J. A. Piqueras and V. Sanz Rozalén, Berghahn, 2008, pp. 6490. 2002 “Aprendiendo a ser mujeres: las escuelas de niñas en la España del siglo XIX”, Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 24: 281-297. 2000 “El análisis histórico del trabajo agrario: cuestiones recientes”, Historia Agraria, 22: 79-96. “¿De la vagancia al paro? Las raíces históricas de un concepto”, Revista de 3 Occidente, 235: 65-84. 1999 “La evolución reciente en nuestra comprensión del funcionamiento económico de las familias”, Introduction to Bina Agarwal “Negociación y relaciones de género: dentro y fuera de la unidad doméstica”, Historia Agraria, 17. 1998 “Understanding intra-family inequalities. The Montes de Pas, Spain, 1700- 1900”, The History of the Family, 3, 2: 173-197. 1997 “The role of the State in shaping women’s and men’s entrance into the labour market. Spain in the 18th and 19th centuries”, Continuity and Change, 12 (3): 347-371. 1995 “La industria del encaje en el Campo de Calatrava”, Arenal. Revista de Historia de las mujeres, 2 (2): 151-174. 1994 “Las emigraciones temporales en una economía de minifundio: los Montes de Pas, 1758-1888", Boletín de la Asociación de Demografía Histórica, XII-2/3: 163-179. VII. BOOK CHAPTERS forthcoming “The Economy of Work”, Ch. 1 of A Cultural History of Work in the Age of Enlightenment, vol. 4 of the Cultural History of Work Series, edited by Deborah Simonton and Anne Montenach, Bloomsbury Academic. 2013 2010 2008 “¿Activos desde cuándo? La edad de acceso al mercado de trabajo en la España del siglo XVIII”, in EL TRABAJO INFANTIL EN ESPAÑA (1700-1950), edited by J. M. Borrás, Icaria, pp. 63-88. (Also published as Working paper No. 1309 of the Spanish Association of Economic History). “Gender Inequalities in Family Consumption: Spain 1850-1930” (with C. Borderías and P. Pérez-Fuentes), in GENDER INEQUALITIES, HOUSEHOLDS AND THE PRODUCTION OF WELLBEING IN MODERN EUROPE, edited by T. Addabbo, M-P. Arrizabalaga, C. Borderías and A. Owens, Ashgate, pp. 179-195. “Trabajo y niveles de vida en el franquismo. Un estado de la cuestión desde una perspectiva de género” (with C. Molinero), in LA HISTORIA DE LAS MUJERES. PERSPECTIVAS ACTUALES, edited by C. Borderías, Icaria y AEIHM, pp. 309-354. 2006 “Trabajo y trabajadores en la España del siglo XIX”, Ch. 14 of HISTORIA ECONÓMICA DE ESPAÑA, SIGLOS XIX Y XX, edited by A. González Enciso and J. M. Matés, Ariel, pp. 413-433. 2005 “Were servants paid according to their productivity?”, in DOMESTIC SERVICE AND THE FORMATION OF EUROPEAN IDENTITY. UNDERSTANDING THE GLOBALIZATION OF DOMESTIC WORK, 16TH21ST CENTURIES, edited by A. Fauve-Chamoux, Peter Lang, pp. 517-541. 2005 “The rise of a food market in European history” (with P. Scholliers), Introduction to LAND, SHOPS AND KITCHENS. TECHNOLOGY AND THE FOOD CHAIN IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY EUROPE, edited by C. Sarasúa, P. Scholliers and L. van Molle, Comparative Rural History of the 4 North Sea Area (CORN) Publication Series, Brepols, pp.13- 29. 2004 “Una política de empleo antes de la Industrialización: paro, estructura de la ocupación y salarios en la obra de Campomanes”, in CAMPOMANES Y SU OBRA ECONÓMICA, edited by F. Comín and P. Martín Aceña, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, pp.171-191. 2002 “El acceso de niños y niñas a los recursos educativos en la España rural del siglo XIX”, in EL NIVEL DE VIDA EN LA ESPAÑA RURAL, SIGLOS XVIII-XX, edited by J. M. Martínez Carrión, Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, pp. 549-609. Translated into French as "Les familles rurales et la scolarisation de leurs enfants au XIXe siècle en Espagne”, in F. Boudjaaba (ed.), LE TRAVAIL ET LA FAMILLE EN MILIEU RURAL, XVIe-XXIe SIÈCLE, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014, pp. 129-150. “Leaving Home to help the family? Male and female temporary migrants in 18th and 19th century Spain”, in WOMEN, GENDER AND LABOUR MIGRATION. HISTORICAL AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES, edited by Pamela Sharpe, Routledge, pp. 29-59. 2001 “Upholding status: the diet of a noble family in early 19th century La Mancha”, in FOOD, DRINK AND IDENTITY. COOKING, EATING AND DRINKING IN EUROPE SINCE THE MIDDLE AGES, edited by P. Scholliers, Oxford, Berg, pp. 37-61. 2000 “Migrazioni femminile nella Spagna dei secoli XVIII-XIX: serve, balie ed altre lavoratrice”, in LA MONTAGNA MEDITERRANEA: UNA FABBRICA D’ UOMINI? Mobilità e migrazioni in una prospettiva comparata (secoli XV-XX), edited by D. Albera and P. Corti, Gribaudo, pp. 193-209. VIII. BOOK REVIEWS 2014 Céline Schoeni, Travail féminin: Retour à l’ordre! L’offensive contre le travail des femmes durant la crise économique des années 1930, Feminist Economics. 2011 Margarita Vilar Rodríguez, Los salarios del miedo. Mercado de trabajo y crecimiento económico en España durante el franquismo, Revista de Historia Industrial, 47: 217-221. 2003 M. E. Turner, J. V. Beckett, B. Afton, Farm Production in England, 1700-1914, Historia Agraria, 31: 217-221. 2002 Gérard Béaur, Histoire agraire de la France au XVIIIe siècle. Inerties et changements dans les campagnes françaises entre 1715 et 1815, Historia Agraria, 28: 265-270. 2001 Carlos Arenas Posadas, Empresa, mercados, mina y mineros. Río Tinto, 18731936, Revista de Historia Económica, 2: 459-465. Agustín González Enciso y Rafael Torres (eds.), Tabaco y economía en el siglo XVIII, Hispania, LXI/3, 209: 1143-1147. 1999 Montserrat Carbonell, Sobreviure a Barcelona. Dones, pobresa i assistència al segle XVIII, Recerques, 39: 212-215. 1997 Adelina García Muñoz, Los que no pueden vivir de lo suyo. Trabajo y cultura en 5 el Campo de Calatrava, Noticiario de Historia Agraria, 13: 263-266. Catherine Omnès, Ouvrières parisiennes. Marchés du travail et trajectoires professionalles au 20e siècle, Revista de Historia Industrial, 12: 265-269. 1993 Nelson Lourenço, Família rural e indústria. Mudança social na regiâo de Leiria, Revista de Historia Económica, XI (1): 234-238. 1992 Ramón Lanza, Población y familia campesina en el Antiguo Régimen. Liébana, siglos XVI-XIX, Revista de Historia Económica, X (2): 326-328. 1990 Andrés Barrera, Casa, herencia y familia en la Cataluña rural, Revista de Historia Económica, VIII (3): 689-692. IX. SELECTED GRANTS 2011 ARCS-DGR 2011 Grant for the organization of Conferences of special scientific interest: 2012 Conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics, Barcelona (June 27-29) 2010 AGAUR Post-doctorate Research scholarship (2010-BE1-00097), Seminario de Historia Social de la Población, U. of Castilla-La Mancha (September to October, 2010) 2007 European Union Erasmus Program for the mobility of EU faculty members, Visiting Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels 2007 ARCS-DGR 2007 (00083) Grant for the organization of Conferences of special scientific interest: Gender and Wellbeing. Social statistics and public policies (COST Project) 2002 ARCS-DGR 2002 (00267) Grant for the organization of Conferences of special scientific interest: 2002 Conference on Agriculture and Food. Technology and the making of Europe in the 20th century (Tensions of Europe Research Project) 2002 Spanish Ministry of Education, Mobility Program for University professors, Visiting Fellow, Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Cornell University 1990-1994 Salvador de Madariaga scholarship, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European University Institute, Florence 1987-1988 Fulbright Scholarship, Economics Department, New School for Social Research, NYC X. EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARDS 2009 to present Associate Editor, Feminist Economics. 2008-2009 Editorial Board member 2008 to present Editorial Board member, Continuity and Change 6 2013 to present Advisory Board member, Historia Agraria. 2006 to 2010 Editor, 2003 to 2005 Co-Editor. 2005 to present Advisory Board member, History of Work Book Series, published by the Work and Gender Group (TIG), University of Barcelona and Icaria Editorial 2004 to present Advisory Board member, University of Cordoba Social History Book Series XI. BOARDS OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS 2009 to 2015 Board member, International Association of Feminist Economics 2011 to 2015 Vice-president, Spanish Association of Economic History. 2009 to 2011 Board member, 2015 General Secretary elect. 1998-2002 Secretary and Treasurer, Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria 2009-2011 Board member, Asociación Española de Investigación en Historia de las Mujeres (AEIHM) 1999 to present Board member, European Graduate School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research (ESTER) U. of Groningen and N. W. Posthumus Institute XII. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2015 Member of reviewer panel of Figuerola Institute of History and Social Sciences, Carlos III University (Oct.) ‘Women’s work and structural change. Manufactures in 18th-century rural Spain’, paper presented at The Occupational Structure of Britain 1379-1911 Research Group, Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, University of Cambridge (Jan. 19), and at All Souls College (Jan.18). 2014 Réseaux, Carrières, Consommation: les femmes dans l’économie (Espagne, XVIIIeXXIe siècles), Keynote speaker, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (Oct. 9-10). 'Women's work across time and place: establishing the foundations for comparisons in pre-census Europe', Workshop at University of Glasgow (Sept. 11 and 12). ‘Industry before Industrialization. The organization of manufacturing work in preindustrial Spain’, panel co-organized at XI Conference of the Spanish Association of Economic History (Madrid, Sept. 4-5). Member, Working Group on Social Economics at UAB (GEDEF d'Economia i Empresa). ‘Feminist Economics’ Round Table, Workshop on Social and Solidarity Economics, Fundació Autònoma Solidària (Barcelona April 9-11) 2013 ‘El peso de las manufacturas en la estructura del empleo española del siglo XVIII’, 7 paper and Panel co-organizer ‘Industry before Industrialization. The organization of manufacturing work in pre-industrial Spain’, preparatory session for XI Conference of the Spanish Association of Economic History (UAM, Madrid, Dec. 13) ‘Reconstructing the economic activity in 18th century Spain is possible: the Memoriales of the Ensenada Cadaster’, Workshop: ‘Interrogar al territorio. La encuesta, el catastro y la cartografía como fenómeno y como fuente histórica’, CSIC (Madrid, Dec. 2) Guest lecturer, Series on ‘Historical Crises. The roots of the current economic crisis’, Instituto Jerónimo de Uztáriz (Pamplona, Nov. 12) Keynote speaker, ‘Female servants in the Spanish literature of the 18th and 19th centuries. Work, savings, and consumption’, Workshop organized by the Association of Spanish Literature, Universidad de Córdoba (Oct. 2-4) Guest lecturer, Fundación Baltasar Garzón (Torres, Jaén, July 22). ‘¿Activos desde cuándo? La edad de acceso al mercado de trabajo de niñas y niños en la España del siglo XVIII’, paper delivered at X Conference of the Asociación de Demografía Histórica (ADEH) (Albacete, June 18-20) Appointed Reference researcher, Universitary Institute “The Court in Europe” (IULCE), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. ‘Women and Men in Economic History: Privilege or Efficiency?’ IX Workshop Economy and Society, Department of Economic Theory and History, University of Málaga (April 9). Guest lecture at ‘From Sección femenina to the feminist movement. Women, Francoism and Political Transition in Spain’, Department of Contemporary History, UAB (Barcelona, March 8). Keynote speaker, ‘Rural manufactures in 18th century Spain: lace’, ‘Els tallers de brodats a Sant Llorenç des Cardassar. Dones, treball i manufactura’, Sant Llorenç des Cardassar (Mallorca, March 4) 2012 IV Course on Gender and Public Policies: “From 1812 to 2012. Two centuries of changes in the legal, social and economic situation of Spanish women”, Universidad Internacional del Mar and U. of Murcia, Cehegín (July 17 and 18) Member of the local organizer committee, 2012 Annual Conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), Barcelona (June 27-29) Guest speaker, ‘Towards an Economic History that acknowledges women’s work’, Gender and Work in Early Modern Europe, Conference organized by the Gender & Work project, directed by Maria Agren, The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (Stockholm, May 10-11) ‘¿Activos desde cuándo? La edad de acceso al mercado de trabajo de niñas y niños en la España del siglo XVIII’, paper delivered at the XII Workshop on the History of Work. ‘Child Work and Gender’, organized by TIG-UB (Barcelona, May 3-4) ‘The future of Economics: supply and demand of care’, Spring Economic History Workshop, organized by the Cajamar and University of Almería chair, University of Almería (April 17) “The impact of corruption on economic activity”, 19th Conference of Students of Penal 8 Law, University of Barcelona (March 22) 2011 Panel discussant, ‘Travail en famille, travail non rémunéré. Économies familiales, normes et pratiques du travail productif non rémunéré en Europe du XVIe siècle à nos jours’, Journée d’études international organized by Laboratoire ICT, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 and GRHIS-IRIHS, U. de Rouen (Sept. 16) Organizer, panel ‘Female Labor Participation Rates in Spain, 18th and 19th centuries’, and paper “Economic activity when women’s work is taken into account: textile manufactures in 18th century Spain”, X International Conference of the Spanish Association of Economic History (AEHE), Universidad Pablo de Olavide, (Carmona, Sept. 8-10) IAFFE 2011 Annual Conference, Hangzhou (China) (June 24-26) ‘Peasant families and their children’ schooling in 19th century Spain’, paper delivered at Journées d’étude ‘Travail, solidarités familiales et mobilité sociale dans le monde rural’, co-organisées par le CERHIO et le GDR Sociétés rurales européennes, Université Rennes 2 (May 19-20) Guest lecture ‘Emplear mujeres para abaratar costes, El programa ilustrado para feminizar la manufactura sedera’, Workshop ‘Vivir en las Luces: las mujeres en el siglo XVIII’, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (El Ferrol, April 4-5) 2010 ‘Leaving home to help the family? Impact of female and male migrants on their families’ wellbeing, Spain 18th and 9th centuries’, Colloque ‘Le travail comme ressource. Parcours individuels, mobilité et stretégies économiques dans les villes d’Ancien régime’, Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CNRS-EHESS-ENS), financed by the European Union Marie Curie Project MigrantWorkEuroLab (Paris, April 8) (to present) Representative of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Observatory for Gender Equality, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. ‘Female Labor Force Participation in the European Past, c. 1600–1900’, paper delivered at 8th European Social Science History Conference (Ghent, April 13-16). Lecture ‘Caring for others. Introducing Feminist Economics’, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, University of León (March 8). 2009 “New vulnerabilities of women in the new world ‘order’”, lecture at India International Centre, New Delhi (July 25). ‘Working harder but still poor. The ‘industrious revolution’ in 18th century Spain’, paper delivered at session H4: Industrious women and children of the world? Jan de Vries’ ‘industrious revolution’ as a conceptual tool for researching women’s and children’s work in an international perspective, XVth World Economic History Congress (Utrecht, Aug. 3-7). Discussant, session ‘Engendering democracy and work’, COST Action A-34, Gender and Wellbeing: Work, Families and Public Policies, Fifth Symposium: ‘Social Movements and Well Being’, International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, March 4-7). Round table on ‘Equality in the labor market’. Fifth Workshop on Gender Equality. Diputación de Alicante (Feb. 27) 2008 “Women, Mena, and Technology in the Silk Industry, Spain 18th and 19th centuries”, paper delivered at Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) 9 Conference (Lisbon, Oct. 10-14) ‘Reconstruction of economic activity in Spain, 19th and 20th centuries’, paper delivered at IX Congress of the Asociación Española de Historia Económica (Murcia, Sept 9-12) Lecture “The new impoverishment of women and the urgent need for redistributive policies”, Women’s Worlds 2008, Universidad Complutense (Madrid, July 3-9). Chair, session ‘Care arrangements in Europe’, COST Action A-34 Gender and Wellbeing: Work, Families and Public Policies, Symposium: ‘Gender and Wellbeing: the role of institutions from past to present’, CSIC (Madrid, June 24-27) Discussant, Round Table ‘Female Labour Market Participation and Economic Growth’, and paper ‘Gender gap in agricultural wages, Spain 1750-1900’, panel ‘Gender Wage Gaps Revisited: Social, Institutional and Market Processes’, Seventh European Social Science History Conference (Lisbon, Feb. 26-28) (to present) Editorial Board member, Continuity & Change International Workshop ‘Reconstructing the Female Activity Rate’ (UAB, Barcelona). 2007 Lecture ‘For an historical analysis of families as consumers’, International Congress on Families and social organization in Europe and America, 15th to 20th centuries, organized by Working group on Familia y Élite de Poder de la Universidad de Murcia and Working Group on Historia Social de la Población de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (December 12) Lecture “Technical innovations at the service of cheaper labour in pre-industrial Europe. The Enlightened agenda to transform the gender division of labour in silk manufacturing”, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) (México DF, Nov. 2). ‘The gender gap in family consumption, Spain 1850-1930’, paper delivered at panel ‘Workers and consumption in Spain and Latin America’, Third International Conference of the Mexican Association of Economic History (Cuernavaca, Oct, 2931) ‘The gender gap in consumption, Spain, 1850-1930’ (with C. Borderías and P. Pérez-Fuentes), COST Action A-34 Gender and Wellbeing: Work, Families and Public Policies, Third Symposium: ‘Production and Distribution of Well-Being into the Family: Strategies of Remunerated and Non-remunerated Labour and Consumption Patterns’, Universidad de Barcelona (June 25-27). Discussant, Workshop ‘Obstacles to economic growth in Latin America and Spain, 1790-1850’, Fundación Ramón Areces (Madrid, May 18-19) Discussant of panel ‘Wellbeing and Inheritance systems. Comparing life courses of heirs and non-heirs’, COST Action A-34, Gender and Wellbeing: Work, Families and Public Policies, Second Symposium: ‘The transmission of Well-Being: Marriage Strategies and Inheritance Systems in Europe (17th-20th centuries)’, University of Minho (Guimaraes, April, 25-28) 2006 (to 2010) Editor, Historia Agraria, Journal of the Spanish Association of Agrarian History (SEHA) Organizer, panel 14 ‘Technology, Gender and the Division of Labour’, XIV 10 International Economic History Congress (Helsinki, Aug. 21-25). Paper ‘Technical innovation at the service of cheaper labor in pre-industrial Europe. The Enlightened agenda to transform the gender division of labor in silk manufacturing’. Discussant, panel ‘Gender discrimination in the labor markets’, Workshop ‘Income inequality as an economic and political problem: Gender and Territory’, organized by Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas and Fundación BBVA, U. Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, March 31). Organizer, panel ‘Work and Living standards in Franco’s distatorship’, and paper ‘Female Labor Force Participation rates in the first decades of Franco’s dictatorship’, XII International Conference of the Spanish Association of Women’s History (AEIHM) (Barcelona, Oct. 19-21) 2005 (to 2010) National representative of Spain, COST Action A34 Management Committee: “Gender and Wellbeing: Interactions between Work, Family and Public Policies”, financed by European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) and the European Science Foundation. ‘Male and female wages in 19th century province of Barcelona’ (with C. Borderías), VIII Conference of the Spanish Association of Economic History (AEHE) (Santiago de Compostela, Sept. 13-16) Guest lecturer, ‘Rise and decline of rural industries in Majorca, 18th to 19th centuries’, U. de les Illes Balears, Majorca (November 25) Discussant, panel on ‘Economía alimentaria’, XI Conference of the Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria (SEHA) (Aguilar de Campóo, June 15-18). Member of organizing committee, Conference ‘Joan Scott and the feminist historiography in Spain’, Spanish Association of Women’s History (AEIHM) (Madrid, May 6-7). (to present) Member, General Board of ESTER, European Graduate School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research. 2004 Chair, session “Gendered Cultures of Invention”, 45 Meeting of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), Amsterdam (October 8-10) Lecture ‘Proto-Industrial textile manufactures in 18th and 19th centuries La Mancha. Sources and methodologies’, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y Seminario de Historia Social de la Población, Albacete (Oct. 28). Table ronde ‘Les acquis du Servant Project’, Bilans et perspectives du Servant Project. Les lendemains d’un réseau européen, European Network on the SocioEconomic role of Domestic Service as a factor of European Identity, EHESS (Paris, May 13-14) (to present) Board member, Social Agricultural History Series, University of Córdoba. 2003 ‘Measuring labour productivity in historical agriculture: a critical view’, paper delivered at Colloque ‘Production et productivité agricoles dans le monde occidental (XVIe-XXe siècles)’, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) (Paris, Dec. 18-20). ‘Were servants paid according to their productivity?’ paper delivered at Munich Conference ‘Models of Domestic Service’, European Network on the Socio- 11 Economic role of Domestic Service as a factor of European Identity organized by J. Komlos, U. of Munich (Sept. 11-13) Organizer (with P. Scholliers), ‘Agriculture and Food Workshop’, Project Tensions of Europe. Technology and the making of twentieth century Europe (Barcelona March 27-30). 2002 Visiting scholar, Cornell University, Einaudi Center for European Studies (September to December) Organizer, Workshop ‘Domestic Service and the Evolution of the Law’, European Network on the Socio-Economic role of Domestic Service as a factor of European Identity (Barcelona, Dec. 12-15) Discussant, IX Simposio de Historia Económica, UAB (Barcelona June 6-7). 2001 Organizer, panel ‘Women and Men in the labor markets. The historical evolution of entrance and internal mobility mechanisms’ (with L. Gálvez), VII Congress of the Spanish Association of Economic History (AEHE) (Zaragoza, Sept. 19-21). 1999 (to present) General Board of ESTER, European Graduate School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research. Discussant, Workshop Wage Systems and Industrialisation in Europe, 19th-20th centuries, Foundation Les Trailles (April 7-11). Discussant, panel ‘From agrarian and female underemployment to present day unemployment’, Workshop “Raíces históricas de los problemas de la economía actual. El legado del modelo castizo de desarrollo económico”, Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas (Madrid, April 8-9). 1998 ‘Migrazioni femminile nella Spagna dei secoli XVIII-XIX: serve, balie e altre lavoratrice’, Workshop La montagna mediterránea: una fabbrica d’uomini? Mobilità e migrazioni in una prospettiva comparata, secoli XV-XX (Cuneo, Oct. 8-10). ‘Leaving home to help the family? Temporary Migrants in 18th century Spain’, XII International Economic History Congress (Madrid, Aug.24-28). 1995 ‘Becoming wage workers. The role of the State in shaping men’s and women’s entrance into the labor market’, Panel ‘Family and Gender: Women’s Work and Family Careers in a comparative perspective’, Twentieth Anniversary Meeting of the Social Science History Association (Chicago, Nov. 16-19) . XIII. ASSESSMENTS RESEARCH PROJECTS: European Science Foundation, European Research Council, FONCYT (Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina), Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica de la Universidad de La República (Uruguay), Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Austria), Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de Proyectos (ANEP) del MICINN, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), Regional Government of Madrid, Agencia de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia). 12 ACADEMIC JOURNALS: The Journal of Economic History, Economic History Review, Historia Agraria, Historia Industrial, Revista de Historia Económica, European History Quarterly, The History of the Family, Continuity and Change, Estudios de Historia Social Agraria, Investigaciones de Historia Económica, Feminist Economics, Food & History, Recerques, Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, Ayer Revista de Historia Contemporánea, Revista de Demografía Histórica. XIV. POSITIONS SERVED AT EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS 2014-2016. European Research Council Starting Grants evaluation. Panel Member for the panel SH6–The Study of the Human Past (appointed June 2014) 2014-2015. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions "Individual fellowships" (IF). Reviewer in Scientific Panel ECO/SOC (appointed September 2014) Member of Pool of Reviewers, European Science Foundation (May 1, 2009 to 30 April 2012) Reviewer of Research Project The Real Competition? Professional Accomplishment of Women and Men in the 19th and 20th Centuries (EW08-275), European Science Foundation (2010) Member of Review College, 2010 EUROCORES Themes proposals Member of Review Panel, European Science Foundation EUROCORES Programme “Inventing Europe. Technology and the Making of Europe, 1850 to the Present” (June 2006 to September 2010) National Representative of Spain in the Management Committee of COST Action A34: “Gender and Wellbeing: Interaction between Work, Family and Public Policies” (EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH, COST, and European Science Foundation (2005 to 2010) XV. DIRECTION OF PhD THESES Lluís Virós: Empresa, treball i innovació tecnológica durant el franquisme. El districte industrial de Manresa. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Defended December 3, 2012 María Camou: Las instituciones del mercado de trabajo en dos ramas de la industria uruguaya, 1900-1960 (Co-director: Luis Bértola, U. de la República, Uruguay) Universidad de La República (Uruguay), Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Defended July 26, 2010 13 Luisa Muñoz: Los Mercados de trabajo en las industrias marítimas de Galicia. Una perspectiva histórica, 1870-1936 (Co-director: Joam Carmona, U. de Santiago) Universidad de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Defended January 15, 2003 Antoni Luchetti: Canvi Tecnològic i Treball Portuari. Els casos de Barcelona, Marsella i Genova (Co-director: Carles Sudrià, U. de Barcelona) Universidad de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Defended December 3, 2001 In progress: Lei Shi: The dream and the reality: the rural-urban immigration to Shanghai (19271937). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Cristian Paul Naranjo Navas: The Great Depression in Ecuador, 1927-1937. Wages and prices. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Elías Gaona: Salarios y organización del trabajo en la zona minera de Real del Monte y Pachuca (México) en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Margarita López Antón: La organización del trabajo en un núcleo industrial del siglo XIX: Tarrasa. Tasas de actividad y salarios. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Alberto Morán: La organización del trabajo en la Asturias del siglo XVIII. Familia y mercado. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. XVI. PRESS ARTICLES La culpa del paro es de los trabajadores (con L.Benería), El País, 24/11/2009 ¿A quién afecta el recorte del gasto? (con L.Benería), El País, 28/10/2010 Crímenes económicos contra la humanidad (con L. Benería), El País, 29/03/2011 XVII. MASTER AND DOCTORAL COURSES 2011 to present Coordinator of Doctoral Program on Economic History, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2008 to present “Transformation and changes in factor markets: the labor market”, Master Program in Economic History offered by UB-UAB-UZ 14 2010 Visiting professor, Themes in the History of Work, Master Program, Universidad de la República, Uruguay (July) 2009 Research Design Course, European Graduate School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research (ESTER) Master in Women’s Studies, Gender and Citizenship, UB-UAB Guest Lecturer, ‘Gender History and Economic History’, Lecture Series Grandes maestros y nuevos valores en Historia contemporánea, InterUniversitary Master in Contemporary History (UIMP, Santander, July 14) 1999-2008 Interuniversitary Doctoral Program UAB-UB in Economic History 2007 Erasmus Visiting professor, Doctoral Program, Vrije Unitersiteit Brussels (Belgium). 2006 Visiting profesor, MBA Program, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Puebla, México (September 18-23) Summer University, Women’s Studies Program, Universitat de les Illes Balears Programa de Doctorado Interuniversitario y Master en Historia Social y Política, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Baeza Marie Curie European Doctoral Program, Universidad Pablo de Olavide ‘Methdological problems in historical research of labor markets’, I Ciclo de Conferencias, Doctoral program ‘Europa, el Mundo Mediterráneo y su difusión atlántica. Teorías y métodos para la investigación’, U. Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, April 3) 2005 Summer Courses, Universidad de Cantabria 2004 Programa de Doctorado, Departamento de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela “Gender and Work in the Information society”, U. de Castilla la Mancha, Albacete. 2003 VII Universitat d’Estiu d’Estudis de Gènere, Universitat de les Illes Balears Programa de Doctorado de Calidad “Economía, Trabajo, producción: claves históricas y teóricas de la distribución mundial de la riqueza”, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla) (to 2005) Director, Doctoral Program, Department of Economic History, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2001-2005 Servicio de Formación del Profesorado de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid 2001 Universitat de Girona, Centre de Recerca d’Història Rural 2000 “Women and Society in Contemporary Jaén, 19th and 20th centuries”, Universidad de Jaén “Agrarian History in Contemporary Spain: new approaches in the 90s”, Universidad de Murcia and Universidad Internacional del Mar, Águilas 15 Summer Course Els Juliols, Universitat de Barcelona 1999 Research Design Course, ESTER Program, Posthumus Institute, Universiteit of Nijmegen 1998 XIV Curso Formación de Historiadores, Fundación Sánchez Albornoz, Ávila. 16
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