Jerome D. Mack Middle School Parent Information Newsletter %#(#'*&Veg&*$# *) 2 VOL 6 NO 2 October 2015 Principal’s Pen ANNIE JR. Families We at Mack believe in helping your students gain the knowledge they need to be successful in high school, college, military, or just even life. However, what your student knows isn’t always apparent based on regular assignments. Over the next few weeks and for the rest of the year, we will be teaching and assessing our students differently. The state requires our students master what are called “Standards” in every subject. If they don’t master them, they will not have the ability to be successful at the next level. Instead of being driven by “assignments,” our teachers will now be more concerned with ensuring your student has mastered the standards. The grade books on Infinite Campus might not look the same as before. Prior to this, teachers would put assignments in as the students completed them. Now, in many classes, the standards will already be in the grade book. You will be able to see how well your student is progressing on each standard. So, at the beginning of a quarter, your students might have straight 1’s across the board because they have not mastered any of the standards. However, as the weeks progress, once students show their teachers they have mastered a particular standard, you will see that mark change to a “4.” Hopefully, your students will end each grading period by having straight “4’s” across the board. This means they have learned what they need to learn. This new assessment will be about giving students the opportunity to practice their skills until they are good at them. Your student will have the opportunity to show mastery every day in class. Before leaving, they will demonstrate their knowledge to the teacher. If they show mastery, they are finished with that skill. If they don’t, they will have more opportunities to practice each night. Bottom line: if the students do well in class, they won’t have homework. So support your student’s attention in class. It will lead to greater growth and greater knowledge. S 4’ What’s Brewing? Have a question? An idea? A concern? We invite you to stop by and visit: What’s Brewing? Every Friday, family members can meet with the administration to discuss concerns, learn about the school and enjoy a cup of coffee! Beginning Friday, August 28th, family members are welcome to come into the library from 7:30 am until 8:30 am. Unless something crazy happens, we will be there every Friday morning when there is school for students. So come in and make yourself part of the team. We look forward to your contributions! Come in once a year or once a week: we are here for you. Sip service, not lip service. Roxanne Kelley Principal ONLINE REGISTRATION Have you registered your child for the new school year? If not, you must bring your ID to school to get your Infinite Campus Parent Portal access code if you do not already have this code. Go to or and find the link for Online Registration. You can do this from any computer for all of your children. If you need assistance, please come to any school for directions. You will still be required to turn in a copy of your proof of address and your child’s immunization records. Every time you move or change your phone number you can update your records through the Parent Portal. This year, Mack MS proudly presents our premiere musical production, ANNIE JR.! Support our students as they act, sing, and dance in what is sure to be the performance of a lifetime! Show times are November 18th at 2:30 pm and November 19th and 20th at 6:00 pm. How can you be a part of this special event? Tickets will be sold at the door and during lunch; $1 for Mack students with a current ID and $3 for friends and families. You don’t want to miss out! Come on out and enjoy an afternoon of musical theater put on by an all-star cast! CELLPHONES Students may bring personal cell phones to campus, and use them at their own risk. During the school day, students may only use them with the approval of the principal. Students may not use their digital devices to interfere or disrupt the classroom, access websites that aren't relevant to the curriculum and/or engage in commercial activities. MACK STUDENT COUNCIL GOES TO DISNEY SCHOOL! On October 2nd, 36 members of the Mack Student Council attended a class at the Disneyland Resort in California. “Leaving a Leadership Legacy” was a three-hour course designed to increase the leadership skills of our students. This class took place inside California Adventure theme park, and included several rides, as well as a challenge course that tested our students’ abilities to multitask. In addition to the three-hour class, our students toured Disneyland and California Adventure in small groups throughout the day. This trip was funded entirely through the efforts of our Student Council to raise money over the past year. Students participated in a variety of fundraising efforts including Halloween Grams and a coupon book fundraiser. Through this long-range planning process, students were very goal-oriented, and are already planning a return trip to Disneyland to do a different class! CLOSED CAMPUS Mack Middle School is a closed campus. Students are not permitted to leave campus during the school day unless they have been issued a passport from the attendance, deans’, or nurse’s office. Students who choose to leave campus without a passport will be classified as truant. Students are not allowed in the parking lot during instructional time or during lunch times. Food delivery to students is not permitted. Students may be searched for health and safety reasons. Students who use their digital devices to cyber-bully other students, send inappropriate messages such as "sexting" and plagiarize or violate intellectual property laws will be disciplined according to State of Nevada and CCSD policy. The school assumes no responsibility for the loss or theft of confiscated items or valuables left in lockers. ROAD CONSTRUCTION NEAR MACK MS The Las Vegas Valley Water District will be installing new water pipeline near Mack Middle School this year which will interrupt travel lanes. Lanes will be reduced in the construction zone on Lamb Blvd. from Vegas Valley Drive to the intersection of Wyoming Avenue. Work is expected to begin in August 2015, and be completed in May 2016. Work hours will be 7:00 am – 6:00 pm daily. Students should be reminded to avoid construction areas for safety. JEROME MACK MS 2015-2016 FEE LIST Art Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 Guitar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 Orchestra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 PE Uniform Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Shorts Only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 Shirt Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.50 School Binder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 School Binder includes: Dividers t Pencil Pouch t Ruler Cash or Money Order Only No Checks Accepted Breakfast After the Bell FREE BREAKFAST! As a result of the passage of Senate Bill 503 this past summer, all students at Mack Middle School have the opportunity to eat breakfast everyday of the school year for free. This bill is intended to increase access to breakfasts so that students start the day well-nourished and ready to learn. Starting at 7:30 am, students may go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Encourage your student to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. ATTENTION STUDENTS In an effort to keep the Mack “Family” safe, Jerome Mack Middle School has adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for: ÝÛ CAMPUS DISRUPTION/DISTURBANCE ÝÛ GANG ACTIVITY ÝÛ ALL FORMS OF BULLYING/HARASSMENT/INTIMIDATION/THREATS ÝÛ VANDALISM ÝÛ POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ÝÛ POSSESSION OF WEAPONS “ZERO TOLERANCE” means if you are guilty of committing any of the above infractions, you face possible arrest, referral to a behavioral program, and/or expulsion. Please help keep our “Family” safe. We care about you! Reg. #5141.1 Motto: Mavericks Acquiring College Knowledge COUNSELING & GUIDANCE SCHEDULE CHANGE POLICY Students are expected to remain in courses for the entire school year. Due to the State of Nevada Department of Education Guidelines, no student may change a class or receive credit after the third week of the semester. Requests for schedule changes are considered only for the following reasons: Procure tener una selección de alimentos saludables a mano que le brinden a su hijo la energía que necesita para trabajar y jugar. ÝÛ - Need to balance class size - Academic placement with parent conference - Incomplete or inaccurate schedules - Successful completion of summer school course work It is the expectation of Mack Middle School that students pass all of their classes every semester. However, the minimum for promotion are as follows: ÝÛ Fomente la organización. Para que el estudio sea productivo, se debe hacer primero una lista de control. Los estudiantes de los grados más avanzados de la primaria deberían hacer una lista todos los días. ÝÛ Preste atención. La hora de la tarea es una oportunidad para aprender sobre su hijo. ¿Tiene muy buenas destrezas de lectura? ¿Tiene dificultades para deletrear? ¿Necesita ayuda con las multiplicaciones? ÝÛ Apoye a su hijo. Nunca haga la tarea por su hijo. Pero, quédese cerca para supervisarlo. Está bien responder preguntas y guiar a su hijo si tiene algún problema. Sin embargo, si necesita mucha ayuda, hable con el maestro. PROMOTION/RETENTION POLICY According to Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 389.445 and CCSD Policy and Regulation 5123, students must complete and pass required courses for promotion to the next grade level or be retained in the current grade level. 6th Grade: Students must pass 1 semester of English or Reading, 1 semester of math and 1 semester of science to be promoted to 7th grade. 7th Grade: Students must pass 1 semester of English or Reading, 1 semester of math, 1 semester of science and 1 semester of US/ Nevada History to be promoted to 8th grade. 8th Grade: Between 7th and 8th grades, students must pass 3 semesters of English and/or Reading, 3 semesters of math, 2 semesters of science and 2 semesters of social studies to be promoted to high school. Students not meeting promotion requirements will be retained in the current grade level. Summer School classes may be taken to earn promotion credits. Students in danger of being retained will receive a retention letter mailed home after each quarter. PROMOTE EFFECTIVE STUDY HABITS FOR A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL YEAR Helping your child strengthen his homework and study skills is one of the most important ways you can help him do better in school. And the start of a new school year is the perfect time to get started. Here’s how: ÝÛ Choose a regular time and place for homework. It should be a quiet, comfortable location free from distractions. Stock it with necessities such as paper, pencils and a dictionary. ÝÛ Allow for some free time first. Many kids need to blow off steam after school by exercising or talking about their days. Many also head straight for a snack. Keep healthy options available that will energize your child for work and play. ÝÛ Postpone screen time. Watching TV and playing video games are privileges that often take time away from priorities, including reading, homework and chores. Save all screen time for after homework and studying. ÝÛ Encourage organization. Productive studying starts with a to-do list. Older elementary school students should make one each day. ÝÛ Pay attention. Homework time is a chance for you to learn about your child. Does he excel at reading? Have trouble with spelling? Struggle with multiplication? ÝÛ Be supportive. Don’t ever do your child’s homework for him. But do stay nearby to supervise. It’s okay to answer questions and guide your child through problems. However, if he needs too much help, talk with his teacher. Reprinted with permission from the September 2015 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2015 The Parent Institute®, a division of NIS, Inc. PROMUEVA HÁBITOS DE ESTUDIO EFICACES PARA UN AÑO ESCOLAR EXITOSO Ayudar a su hijo a fortalecer sus habilidades para hacer la tarea y estudiar es una de las maneras más importantes en las que usted puede ayudarlo a rendir mejor en la escuela. Y el inicio de un nuevo año escolar es el momento perfecto para empezar. Aquí tiene cómo: ÝÛ Escoja un horario y un lugar fijo para hacer la tarea. Debe ser un lugar tranquilo, cómodo y libre de distracciones. Verifique que tenga materiales básicos, como papel, lápices y un diccionario. ÝÛ Permita un poco de tiempo libre primero. Muchos niños necesitan descargar un poco de energía después de la escuela haciendo ejercicio o hablando de su día . Muchos niños se dirigen al refrigerador para comer un bocadillo. 2 Postergue la hora frente a la pantalla. Mirar televisión y jugar videojuegos son privilegios que suelen quitarle tiempo a actividades más importantes, incluyendo la lectura, la tarea y los quehaceres domésticos. Guarde todo el tiempo frente a la pantalla para cuando su hijo haya terminado de hacer la tarea y estudiar. SCHOOL CALENDAR (ALSO AVAILABLE AT CCSD.NET) Friday, October 23 End of First Grading Period Friday, October 30 Nevada Day Observed (No School) Mon-Tues, November 2, 3 Staff Development Days (No School for Students) Wednesday, November 11 Veterans Day (No School) Thurs-Fri, November 26, 27 Thanksgiving Day and Family Day (No School) Friday, December 18 Winter Break Begins – End of Day No School December 21 – January 1 FYI . . . Reprinted with permission from the September 2015 issue of Los Padres ¡hacen la diferencia!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2015 The Parent Institute®, a division of NIS, Inc. GUIDANCE LESSONS: Counselors will be presenting guidance lessons in classrooms in the upcoming months. The topics are below. 6th Grade: NCIS, Jr. 7th Grade: Coping Skills and Goal Setting 8th Grade: Magnet Schools and Transition to high school High School Magnet programs will be at Mack Middle School on October 27th to share with 8th grade students all the varied programs they offer. Magnet school applications are completed online and must be completed by February 2, 2016. See Mrs. Miller, counselor, if you have questions. EATING AREAS Food or drinks are not allowed in the quad, corridors or classrooms of Mack Middle School and are restricted to designated areas only (cafeteria). All trash must be disposed of in trash cans provided in the cafeteria and courtyard areas. Students who do not clean up after themselves will help clean the cafeteria and the entire campus. Netbooks may only be used at the designated area in the cafeteria and away from all food. BICYCLE LOCKUP AREA PARENTING CLASSES PARENTS: Join us for a free program to address issues related to parenting your adolescent. Learn to: Stop arguing with your teenager Solve everyday parenting issues Improve your relationship with your teen Learn effective strategies for dealing with resistance, delay tactics, arguing, chores, peer influence, school behavior, curfew and whereabouts and other problem behaviors. There is a bicycle area located on the southeast side of campus. Students riding bicycles to school must use this area and all bicycles must be “street legal.” The school district can only provide limited supervision for the bicycle area. Neither Mack Middle School nor the Clark county School District will assume any responsibility for the security of bicycles. It is suggested that a student lock his/her bicycle. Locks are not provided by Mack Middle School. Location: Mack Middle School 4250 Karen Ave BUS TRANSPORTATION Las Vegas, NV 89121 Dates: Tuesdays: October 6 Session 1 10:00 am -12:00 pm October 13 Session 2 10:00 am -12:00 pm October 20 Session 3 10:00 am -12:00 pm October 27 Session 4 10:00 am -12:00 pm November 3 (TBD) Session 5 10:00 am -12:00 pm November 10 Session 6 10:00 am -12:00 pm November 17 Session 7 10:00 am -12:00 pm November 24 Session 8 10:00 am -12:00 pm Offered free of charge by Clark County Department of Family Services Parenting Project. For more information on this or other programs offered by the Parenting Project call 455-5295. Stay Informed: Facebook: Twitter: @JDMackMiddle STANDARD STUDENT ATTIRE (SSA) WILL CONTINUE As the weather gets cooler, hoodies must also be in SSA colors of navy blue, khaki and white. Outerwear jackets may be non-SSA colors but must be removed once the student enters the hallways. Bus service is provided for students who qualify, by the CCSD transportation department. Provisions for bus service are subject to change by the Clark County School District. Students must ride the designated bus for their area and behave in an orderly manner at all times. Students who do not cooperate with drivers will be issued citations and/or denied the privilege of riding the bus. CCSD will not allow any non-designated rider on the bus. Sign up on-line at www.ccsd. net/transportation. Only students who qualify and register may ride the school bus. SEARCHES Students are hereby informed that they will be subject to search when they enter campus after the beginning of the school day. This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized returns. This notice does not exclude personnel from searching a student at any time should there be reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. Por este medio se informa a los alumnus que serán sujetos a revisión en su persona y pertenencias al ingresar al campus una vez que haya inciado el día escolar. Esto incluye, pero no se limita a regresos no autorizados. Sin embargo, este aviso no impide que un miembro del personal pueda revisar a un alumno en cualquier momento si existe sopecha razonable de actos indebidos. BULLYING & CYBERBULLYING It Stops Here NEWS FROM THE CCSD POLICE DEPT. ÝÛI]na]oÛ;aklja[l¿kÛ9]`YnagjÛ>ma\]daf]k “Behavior Guidelines for Secondary Students” and “Behaving Positively at School – Elementary School.” These guidelines are made available to all District personnel and community members. ÝÛI]hgjlÛ@f[a\]flkÛ;gÛfglÛa_fgj]ÛYÛkalmYlagf Report incidents of bullying to a teacher, school counselor and/or administrator. Also, utilize the CCSD “Say No to Bullying” website that allows individuals to anonymously report unlawful activities at CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICE DEPARTMENT FIELD INITIATIVE TEAM ÝÛ:Yhlmj]\ÛG`glgkÛgjÛMa\]gkÛ Photos orvideo of an assault on-campus by student(s), on a bus or during a school activity should immediately be turned over to a teacher, school administrator or police. Said photo or video footage may be used as evidence against student(s) who commit the assault. CITABLE TRAFFIC OFFENSES AND DEFINITIONS ÝÛKYdcÛlgÛPgmjÛ:`ad\ Let your child know that being a ‘bystander’ is just as harmful to the ‘target’ as being the ‘bully.’ The following information is provided to assist drivers to clarify traffic violations that are typically enforced in and around schools in Clark County. The Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) included in this document are the most common we encounter. A brief explanation is included with the NRS In order to create a better understanding of the violations. To review the complete definitions for each statute, visit the Nevada Law Library website at ÝÛ;gÛEglÛ9][ge]Ûl`]Û9mddq If your child is bullied, do not encourage them to react by bullying back. Your child could get injured, suspended and/or expelled. Support your child in becoming an ‘upstander,’ who proactively reports the incident to school officials who will take the appropriate action(s). NRS 4848.450 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places. Your vehicle cannot be stopped, standing or parked in front of or within: five feet of a driveway; 15 feet of an intersection; 20 feet of a crosswalk; 30 feet of a stop sign or any area where a sign prohibits parking. WHAT IS BULLYING? 1. Under NRS 388.122, “bullying” means written, verbal or electronic expressions or physical acts or gestures, or any combination thereof, that are directed at a person or group of persons, or a single severe and willful act or expression that is directed at a person or group of persons, and: NRS 4848.440 Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence district. Stopping in the lane of travel, double parking, and or impeding traffic is prohibited. You are in violation if you are stopped, standing or parked and not safely out of the roadway so as not to obstruct traffic. Stopped, standing or parked means your vehicle isn’t moving forward and this is not due to other traffic or traffic control device. a. Have the effect of: (1) Physically harming a person or damaging the property of a person; or NRS 4848.297 Walking along and upon highways (2) Placing a person in reasonable fear of physical harm to the person or damage to the property of the person; or You cannot walk or stand in the roadway when there is a sidewalk. You must walk toward traffic, as far away from the travel lane as possible when there is no sidewalk, along the edge of the paved portion of the road. b. Interfere with the rights of a person by: (1) Creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment for the person; or NRS 4848.287 When crossing at crosswalk is required If you do not cross the street in a marked crosswalk or at an intersection, you are jaywalking. (2) Substantially interfering with the academic performance of a student or the ability of the person to participate in or benefit from services, activities or privileges provided by a school; or NRS 4848.283 Right-of-Way in crosswalk c. Are acts or conduct described above and are based upon the: You must stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk when they are on your side of the roadway or approaching the center from the other side of the roadway. Even if there are multiple lanes of travel and they have passed your lane, you cannot proceed until they have completely cleared your side of the roadway. You cannot pass a vehicle stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk. (1) Actual or perceived age, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental disability of a person, sex, or any other distinguishing characteristic or background of a person; or (2) Association of a person with another person having one or more of those actual or perceived characteristics. NRS 4848.363.3 Illegal U-turn in a School Zone It is unlawful for a driver to make a U-turn in a school zone or a school crossing zone when the speed limit is in effect. Even if there is no sign posted and there are partitions in the roadway or a center lane you cannot, make a U-turn in a school zone or school crossing zone. 2. The term includes, without limitation: a. Repeated or pervasive taunting, namecalling, belittling, mocking or use of putdowns or demeaning humor regarding the actual or perceived age, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental disability of a person, sex, or any other distinguishing characteristic or background of a person; NRS 4848.270-2b Driver’s duty of due care When overtaking or passing a bicycle proceeding in the same direction, vehicles must pass to the left at a safe distance, not less than three (3) feet of the bicycle rider. Give bicycles three feet, it’s the law. b. Behavior that is intended to harm another person by damaging or manipulating his or her relationships with others by conduct that includes, without limitation, spreading false rumors; NRS 4848.283-1 b Pedestrian Suddenly walk/run in path of vehicle so close vehicle unable to yield c. Repeated or pervasive nonverbal threats or intimidation such as the use of aggressive, menacing, or disrespectful gestures; A pedestrian shall not suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a moving vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. Before crossing the street in a crosswalk or at an intersection, ensure oncoming vehicles see you and stop. d. Threats of harm to a person, to his or her possessions, or to other persons, whether such threats are transmitted verbally, electronically, or in writing; DRIVE AS IF EVERY CHILD ON THE STREET WERE YOUR OWN. e. Blackmail, extortion, or demands for protection money or involuntary loans or donations; f. Blocking access to any property or facility of a school; g. Stalking; and h. Physically harmful contact with or injury to another person or his or her property. WHAT IS CYBERBULLYING? A. Under NRS 388.123, “cyberbullying” means bullying through the use of electronic communication. The term includes the use of electronic communication to transmit or distribute a sexual image of a minor. As used in this section, “sexual image” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 200.737 which is any visual depiction, including, without limitation, any photograph or video of a minor simulating or engaging in sexual conduct, or of a minor as the subject of a sexual portrayal. B. Under NRS 388.124, “electronic communication” means the communication of any written, verbal or pictorial information through the use of an electronic device, including, without limitation, a telephone, a cellular phone, a or any similar means of communication. WORKING WITH CCSD TO STOP BULLYING AND CYBERBULLYING It is the policy of the Clark County School District to encourage students who are subjected to witness, or overhear incidents of bullying and cyberbullying to report such incidents. Parents/ students should report any incident(s) of bullying or cyberbullying to a teacher, counselor, or a school administrator. Parents/students are encouraged to report knowledge of bullying and/or cyberbullying, via the CCSD “Say No to Bullying” website that allows individuals to anonymously report unlawful activities at: However, parents/students should be aware that the CCSD “Say No to Bullying website is not monitored after school hours, or during weekends or holidays. For Additional Information, Please Contact: Division/Department Contact Number Education Services Division (702) 855-9765 Instruction Unit (702) 799-5475 CCSD School Police (702) 799-7830 Constituents Services (702) 799-1016 Equity and Diversity Ed. Department (702) 799-8484 Guidance and Counseling (702) 799-8441 School-Community Partnership Department (702) 799-6560 School Threat Evaluation and Crisis Response Department (702) 799-7449 Wraparound Services Department (702) 799-7435 3 STUDENT SAFETY MESSAGE FROM CCSD Clubs and Activities The Clark County School District suggests the following precautionary measures for parents and their children. Parents are urged to have frank discussions with their children about the following: 1. Teach your children, regardless of age, their full name, your full name, their address, and phone number. Homework Lab TBD 2:30-3:30 Monday—Friday Ms. Aplin 2. Explain the dangers of being abducted and/or molested. Annie Jr. (Stage Crew) Theater 2:30-3:30 Wednesday/Thursday Ms. Krackhardt / team 3. Explain that private parts of their body should not be touched by anyone, and if that happens, to report it immediately. Archery Gym 2:30-3:30 Tuesday/Wednesday Ms. Engel / Mr. Nalbone 4. Band 221 2:15-3:30 Monday—Friday Ms. Lozito Police officers are to be trusted for help; explain that police can always be identified by their marked car or motorcycle and their uniform. Best Buddies 620 2:30-3:30 Tuesday Ms. Nelson / Mr. Nagy 5. Emphasize the importance of staying close to a parent, relative, or friend when away from home. Board Games Club 612 2:30-3:30 Tuesday Ms. Sparks / Mr. Cantu 6. Orchestra 218 2:15-3:30 Daily (Activity) Mr. Chan Basketball Intramurals Gym 2:30-3:30 Tuesday/Wednesday Ms. Wynne / Mr. Nalbone Girls/Boys Explain the importance of noticing and remembering identifying characteristics of strangers, such as their height, hair, eye color, voice quality, clothes, and unusual marks. Also stress the importance of remembering the vehicle description, such as color, size, and license plate number. Cheerleading Gym/Café 2:30-3:30 Mon./Tues./Wed./Fri. Ms. Unthank 7. Stress the importance of protesting and running away if a stranger tries to take your child/children somewhere. Chess (competition) 304 2:30-3:30 Wednesday Ms. Nelson 8. Never accept candy, money, or gifts from strangers. Never go into a garage, shed, or alley with a stranger. Computer Lab 720 2:30-3:30 Wednesday Ms. Daniels 9. Crochet Club 625 2:30-3:30 Monday Ms. Krackhardt Debate 728 2:30-3:30 Tuesday/Friday Ms. Sanchez 10. Never get into a car with a stranger. If a stranger asks for directions, be polite but do not go near the vehicle. If a stranger gets out of his/her vehicle, run away immediately. FBLA 725 2:30-3:30 Thursday Ms. Buono 11. Parents should occasionally accompany their child/children to school and monitor the area they are traveling. Fitness Fitness Room 2:30-3:30 Monday/Wednesday Mr. Migoni & Nike 12. Parents should know who their child/children normally walk to school with and the route they normally take. Game Club 806 2:30-3:30 Monday/Wednesday TBD Krypto Club 724 2:30-3:30 Wednesday Ms. Reese / Ms. Morris Japanese Language & Cultural Club 823 2:30-3:30 Monday/Wednesday Mr. Laich Junior Varsity Quiz 826 2:30-3:30 Friday Ms. Sanchez El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark sugiere las siguientes medidas de precaución para los padres y sus hijos. Se pide a los padres que tengan discusiones sinceras con sus hijos sobre lo siguiente: Leadership Club 825 7:00-7:50 Monday—Friday Ms. Buono 1. Enseñar a sus hijos, sin importar su edad, su nombre completo y el nombre completo de sus padres, su dirección y su Nat’l Jr. Honor Society 704 2:30-3:30 Tuesday Mr. Nagy 2. Explicar los peligros de ser secuestrado o acosado sexualmente. R/C Club 726 2:30-3:30 Wednesday TBD 3. Explicar que las partes privadas de su cuerpo no las debe tocar nadie, y si pasara, lo deben reportar inmediatamente. Robotics 814 2:30-3:30 Wednesday Mr. Kovalenko 4. S.A.V.E. 827 2:30-3:30 Tuesday Ms. Wolford / Ms. Rios Se debe confiar en los oficiales de policía para recibir ayuda; explicar que a los policías siempre se les puede identificar por sus vehículos y motocicletas marcadas y sus uniformes. Scholar Athlete Club (SAC) 816/Gym 2:30-3:30 Monday—Friday Ms. Wynne / Mr. Nalbone 5. Enfatizar la importancia de permanecer cerca de los padres, familiar o amigo cuando estén fuera del hogar. 6. Soccer Girls – Fall Field 2:30-3:30 Monday—Friday Ms. Mesa / Mr. Weiderhorn STUCO Club 725 2:30-3:30 Tuesday Ms. Buono Explicar la importancia de fijarse y recordar características que identifican a personas desconocidas como su altura, pelo, color de ojos, calidad de la voz, vestuario y marcas inusuales. También, hagan hincapié a la importancia de recordar una descripción del vehículo, como por ejemplo el color, tamaño y número de matrícula del vehículo. Wrestling (Fall) Cafeteria 2:30-3:30 TBD Mr. Cooper / Ms. Rios 7. Hagan hincapié de la importancia de protestar y salir corriendo si una persona desconocida les intenta llevar a cualquier lugar. 8. Nunca acepten caramelos, dinero o regalos de personas desconocidas. 9. Nunca vayan a un garaje, cobertizo o callejón con una persona desconocida. MENSAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA LOS ALUMNOS Boys - Spring (Late bus available to bus riders, Monday – Friday) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Main Number: 702-799-2005 FAX Number: 702-799-2412 MAVERICK GIRLS SOCCER TEAM SCHEDULE 2105 10/8 vs. O’Callaghan 3:15 Away 10/13 vs. Monaco 3:15 At Home 10/15 vs. Robison 3:15 Away 10/16 vs. White 4:15 At Home 10/20 vs. Bridger 3:15 Away 10/22 vs. Keller 3:15 At Home 10/27 vs. Harney 4:15 At Home 11/5 vs. Equipo 4:15 Away 11/10 vs. Martin 3:15 Away 11/12 vs. Fremont 3:15 At Home ADMINISTRATION 11. En ocasiones, los padres deben acompañar a su hijo o hijos a la escuela y supervisar el área por la que caminan. 12. Los padres deben conocer con quien camina a la escuela su hijo o hijos y la ruta que toman normalmente. Roxanne Kelley, Principal Rhonda Calvo, Assistant Principal JoAnn Strand, Dean of Students Theo Burgess, Dean of Students HELPFUL EXTENSIONS Principal’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 4100 Assistant Principal’s Office . . . . . . . 4200 Attendance Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 4300 Cafeteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4012 Counselor’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4035 Deans’ Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4500 The coaches are Mr. Weiderhorn and Ms. Mesa. Health Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4022 Good luck girls! Registrar’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 4065 GAC 5935.7 10. Nunca suban a un automóvil con una persona desconocida. Si una persona desconocida pide ayuda para llegar a una calle, sea educado pero no se acerque al vehículo. Si una persona desconocida baja de su vehículo, salgo corriendo inmediatamente. Mission Statement Jerome D. Mack Middle School is a safe and diverse learning environment that promotes a positive sense of self and empowers students to develop and attain academic proficiency and social skills necessary for success. Clark County School District Jerome D. Mack Middle School 4250 Karen Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121-1832 Phone: (702) 799-2005 FAX: (702) 799-2412
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