In Partnership with Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) Children’s Learning Center Presents… Are You Ready? The Power of Relationships ______________________________________________ ¿Están Listos? El Poder de las Relaciones 2015 Annual Conference 2015 Conferencia Anual Saturday, September 26, 2015 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Suffolk County Community College Grant Campus Brentwood, New York The Long Island Infant Toddler Resource Center (LIITRC) is a collaborative project of the Child Care Councils of Nassau and Suffolk funded by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Our mission is to support those caring for infants and toddlers by providing resources, assistance on the telephone or at your program, and professional development opportunities. Conference Schedule 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Keynote Speaker – Jeff Johnson (Training certificate for 1 hour will be awarded) 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Workshops Session A (Training certificate for 1.5 hours will be awarded) 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided 12:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Workshops Session B (Training certificate for 1.5 hours will be awarded) 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Workshops Session C (Training certificate for 1.5 hours will be awarded) During each workshop session an option to tour Suffolk County Community College Children’s Learning Center is available (Training Certificates are not offered for the tour) Space limited - a maximum of 40 people per tour DRIVING DIRECTIONS: Suffolk County Community College • Crooked Hill Road • Brentwood, NY 11717-1092 • (631) 851-6700 The Grant Campus, Brentwood: From the east or west take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 53. Follow signs to Wicks Road. Go south ½ mile on Wicks Road to campus entrance on right-hand side. Take right onto to campus. At stop sign, turn left. The Health, Sports & Education Center is the first building on your right. Park in front parking lot inside white lines. Are You Ready? The Power of Relationships This conference is specifically designed to offer child care providers, early care educators and families with the opportunity to learn more about factors that influence infant and toddler development such as physical environments, attachment and bonding, appropriate discipline strategies, literacy and communication, building trusting relationships with families, assisting the child with their individual strengths and challenges, as well as child care providers and families who are knowledgeable about resources and services available throughout their communities. OCFS training topics will be covered as well as CDA topic areas. Keynote Speaker Jeff A. Johnson Jeff A. Johnson opened Explorations Early Learning, a family child care program, in 2003 with wife, Tasha, after spending 16 years directing a child care center and community center for a large non-profit agency. Their program focused on emergent learning in a play-based and child-centered environment. According to Jeff, “The best thing about our program is that our days are full of laughs, conversation, play, exploration, discoveries and fun. We enjoyed creating an environment conducive to “light bulb moments’ – those moments were kids grasp new ideas.” Jeff and Tasha kept their program small to accommodate Jeff’s writing and speaking schedule. His audience, as a writer and speaker, is the hardworking caregivers dedicated to doing right by children: early care and education professionals, teachers and parents. On August 14, 2013, they closed their family child care program and retired to pursue their hobbies; writing books, speaking at early learning events, making toys, recording podcasts and advocating for child-led play and caregiver selfcare. Jeff presents at early learning conferences all over the United States and Canada and has even keynoted an international conference in Cork, Ireland. Are You Ready? The Power of Relationships Presentation Details 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.: Keynote – Jeff A. Johnson, Early Childhood Consultant & Author Baby Steps – Making Mindful Change Change--in your work life or home life--is hard and stressful. Lots of early learning folks leave trainings intending to try new things and make changes, but all too often life gets busy and the changes never happen. Let’s look at mindful ways to make change. 10:15 - 11:45 a.m.: Workshops - Session A 1A. Building Brains with Hands-On Play Young children learn best through hands-on, up-close-and-personal, in-your-face interactions with the world. The problem many adult caregivers have with such learning is that it is often messy. Kids who interact closely with their worlds often end up with their world all over their hands, face, and clothes. This session looks at why messy play is an important part of early learning, messy play ideas, and tools and tips to help caregivers make messy okay. NYS OCFS Topic: 3 CDA Topic Area: Creative, Cognitive Presenter: Jeff A. Johnson, Early Childhood Consultant & Author 2A. What Would Magda Gerber Do? Supporting Infant and Toddler Development Using the Educarer Approach During this workshop we will look at the philosophy of Magda Gerber, early childhood educator and advocate for infants, toddlers and parents. We will also discuss how to implement the Educarer Approach in your classroom and how to “see babies with new eyes”. NYS OCFS Topics: 1 & 3 CDA Training Topic: Learning Environment Presenter: Camille Lacher-Lofaro, MA ECE, President of Suffolk AEYC 3A. The Pediatrician’s Speak Childhood Immunization Update and Debunking Vaccine Myths, Detecting Autism and Developmental Delays in the Childcare Setting and Optimizing Nutrition and Physical Activity in Early Childhood. There is great potential for a robust partnership between pediatricians and early childcare professionals. This workshop provides expertise and resources around improving your capacity as child care providers to promote immediate and lifelong health in the children we care for. NYS OCFS Topic: 2 CDA Topic Area: Health Presenters: David Fagan, MD, Jack Levine, MD, Renee Bargman, MD, FAAP 4A. La Importancia de Tener las Rutinas para los Niños Jóvenes Las rutinas son las acciones y eventos que se repiten a los intervalos regulares. Ellos son una manera conveniente de organizar a nosotros y los niños que nosotros queremos. Las rutinas pueden mantener estructura, consuelo y seguridad para que niños pueden estar experimentando su primer tiempo fuera de casa o sus padres cuando ellos entran en su facilidad de cuidado de niño. En este taller nosotros exploraremos muchos beneficios de tener las rutinas para los niños jóvenes y por qué ellos son tan importantes. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 1 Meta de CDA: Social La Presentadora: Dinah Torres Castro, Bilingual Family Well Being Educator, Family Health and Wellness Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County 5A. ¡Vamos a Jugar! Ideas para Bebés y Niños Pequeños Ven a explorar todos los aspectos del juego. Hablaremos de la importancia y función de juego para niños desde el nacimiento a tres años. Vamos a mirar el desarrollo de habilidades del juego y sincronizarlos con actividades apropiadas. También, vamos a discutir el papel de los cuidadores y la calidad del juego. ¡El juego nos rodea en actividades cotidianas! NYS OCFS Tópicas: 1 Meta de CDA: Ambiente de Aprendizaje La Presentadora: Sonia Puertas-Galletta, M.S, Variety Child Learning Center 12:45p.m. - 2:15p.m.: Workshops - Session B 1B. Babies in the Rain Like it or not, since everything infants and toddlers encounter is new, exciting, and a chance to learn, caregivers are Professional Role Models. Sadly, too many small children are spending valuable learning time confined to swings, bouncy seats, and cribs or exposed to developmentally inappropriate practices and materials because their caregivers are pressured, misguided, or uninformed. This session looks at these issues and ways caregivers can be more thoughtful, intentional, and tuned-in to the dance of early learning. NYS OCFS Topic: 1 & 3 CDA Topic Area: Self, Communication & Social Presenters: Jeff A. Johnson, Early Childhood Consultant & Author 2B. Classroom Music Centers: Supporting Exploration, Play and Creativity through Music Effective music centers can be challenging to build and sustain since the process of making music is not as concrete as a building block, costume or paintbrush. This workshop will help participants design a music center for their particular classroom space that gives the children tools as well as models for being independent music makers. Ideas and activities that facilitate music exploration and music play will be taught. Information about selecting instruments and creating the music space will be shared. Finally, participants will experience and learn about stages of music play that correlate to Parten’s Six Stages of Play. NYS OCFS Topic: 3 CDA Topic Areas: Creative, Learning Environment Presenter: Elizabeth Schwartz, LCAT MT-BC, Licensed Creative Arts Therapist Board-Certified Music Therapist 3B. The Freedom of Movement Investigate the benefits of maximum gross motor development in helping an infant to become self-confident, secure, and happy. Plan how to design care spaces to implement freedom of movement. Examine the newly established freedom of movement checklists and learn how to become a Freedom of Movement Certified program. NYS OCFS Topic: 3 CDA Topic Area: Learning Environment Presenters: Sarah Gould-Houde, M.S.Ed 4B. Como Ser Intencionales en la Preparación del Ambiente de Aprendizaje El entorno nos envía mensajes que influyen las decisiones que tomamos. Estas decisiones generan nuestra base de conocimiento que llamamos la educación. Por lo tanto aprendemos de acuerdo a los mensajes que recibimos de nuestro entorno. El proceso de generar un ambiente de aprendizaje reflexivo donde se apoya el desarrollo humano, requiere del proveedor la habilidad de ser intencional en la preparación del entorno de acuerdo a las necesidades socio-emocionales, físicas e cognitivas del niño durante la primera infancia. Este taller de capacitación ofrecerá estrategias básicas que apoyan al adulto en reconocer los mensajes que recibe el niño del entorno y como ser intencionales en planificar actividades que apoyan el desarrollo socio-emocional de acuerdo a las destrezas pro-sociales con aplicaciones practicas y sencillas relacionadas con las rutinas diarias. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 3 Meta de CDA: Ambiente de Aprendizaje – La Presentadora: E. Bala Soto, MEd, Especialista al Mejoramiento de Calidad de QUALITYstarsNY 5B. Buena comunicación entre los padres y proveedor(ora) es importante! Maneras para que el padre se involucre en desarrollo socioemocional des sus hijo/a que incluye la experiencia del niño/a, su expresión y cómo tratar sus emociones, para reanimar la comunicación y relación con los padres, los proveedor(ora) recibirán estrategias. NYS OCFS Topicas: 4 Meta de CDA: Familias La Presentadora: Milagros Dueno, LCSW-R 2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m.: Workshops - Session C 1C. Finding Your Smile Again Many caregivers spend so much time focusing on the needs of others that they fail to take care of themselves, which often leads to stress and burnout. This session looks at how burnout impacts caregivers and ways to deal with that impact. NYS OCFS Topic: 5 CDA Training Topic: Self Presenter: Jeff A. Johnson, Early Childhood Consultant & Author 2C. Hands on Museum – A Make and Take It Extravaganza Play with tutus, light tables and numerous other home made infant and toddler toys. Examine the roles of play on inquiry and thought development. Make a sock baby to take to your program Monday morning. NYS OCFS Topic: 3 CDA Topic Area: Learning Environment Presenters: Sarah Gould-Houde, M.S.Ed 3C. The Importance of Nature in Early Childhood During this workshop we will explore the benefits of connecting the young children in your care with nature and explore stimulating activities that can take place inside your home daycare as well as your backyard. NYS OCFS Topics: 3 CDA Training Topic: Learning Environment Presenters: Amanda Pendzick & Deborah Hempe, Youth Services Librarians @ Middle County Library 4C. Debe Haber Tiempo para Las Relaciones Tempranas del Desarrollo que se Establezca Debe haber tiempo para cuidadores para aprender y practicar las diferentes formas en que necesitarán para relacionarse con los niños en los primeros cinco años de vida, siendo muy disponible en los primeros meses, y luego ayudar a los niños a "encontrar su desarrollo cognitivo, social / emocional y físico habilidades "como avanza el desarrollo. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 4 Meta de CDA: Familias La Presentadora: Milagros Dueno, LCSW-R 5C. Las Relaciones Positivas Para el Desarrollo Socio-Emocional Saludable Durante la Primera Infancia El proceso mediante el cual el niño de primera infancia aprende las aptitudes socio-emocionales, aportan las bases para las relaciones importantes durante toda su vida. En colaboración con los padres, el proveedor de cuido tiene la responsabilidad de iniciar a los niños al mundo de las relaciones humanas y al proceso de aprendizaje a través del amor durante los primeros años de su vida. Este taller de capacitación ofrecerá estrategias básicas para asistir al niño a entablar relaciones estrechas y seguras en un ambiente de aprendizaje que le permita explorar, experimentar, expresar y regular sus sentimientos dentro de un contexto social. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 1 Meta de CDA: Social La Presentadora: E. Bala Soto, MEd, Especialista al Mejoramiento de Calidad de QUALITYstarsNY SCCC Children’s Learning Center Tour SCCC Visite el Centro de Guarderia Here is your chance to see campus children’s center right in your community! Join the fun as we tour the onsite early childhood center located within walking distance to the conference location. Guided tours will be offered throughout the day. See registration sheet for detailed information. Space is limited; sign up to secure your place. ¡Aquí esta su oportunidad de ver el campus de cuidado de niños en su propia comunidad! Afíliese a la diversión cuando recorremos el centro de infancia localizado dentro de poca distancia cerca del local de conferencia. La visitas con guía serán ofrecidas durante el DIA. Lea la hoja de registración para información para detallada. El espacio es limitado; inscríbanse para asegurar su lugar. NAEYC accredited campus children’s center, licensed by NYS Office of Children & Family Services from ages 6 weeks – 5 years old and a Quality Stars NY participating center. Enrollment is for students, staff & faculty of Suffolk County Community College. The Center is utilized as a student internship site from the Early Childhood Education Department. NAEYC Centro de Cuido Infantil acreditado y licenciado por la Oficina de Servicio de Niños y Familia del Estado de Nueva York, sirve de las edades de 8 semanas a 5 años de edad. La inscripción es para los estudiantes, el personal y la facultad de Suffolk County Community College. El centro se utiliza como un sitio de prácticas para estudiantes de la Primera Infancia del Departamento de Educación. Reminder If you are selecting to tour SCCC Children’s Learning Center during a workshop session please indicate this as one of your options for that session period. Space is limited to 40 people per tour. Please note training certificates will not be given to tour the child care center. Recordatorio Si elige visitar el centro de Guardería de SCCC durante una sesión de taller indicar por favor esto como una de sus opciones por ese periodo de la sesión. El espacio es limitado a 40 personas por visita. Por favor note que certificados de entrenamiento no serán dado por visitar el centró de Guardería. September 26, 2015 Conference Registration Form Conference Fee: $50/Member $65/Non-Member Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Please use one form per registrant. This form may be duplicated. Type or print clearly. Registrations must be received by September 14, 2015. Don’t Be Left Out. Space is limited. Register Today! Name: ________________________________________________ Program/Center: ___________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________Town:_____________________Zip: ___________________ Phone: (____) ___________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ PLEASE SELECT COURSES YOU WISH TO ATTEND KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: JEFF JOHNSON – 9:00AM – 10:00AM Session A Workshops from 10:15a.m. to 11:45a.m. Please rate your preference by writing (1), (2), and (3) below. ___ 1A – Building Brains Hands-On Play ___ 2A - What Would Magda Gerber Do? ___ 3A – Pediatrician’s Speak ___ 4A - La Importancia de Tener las Rutinas para los Niños Jóvenes ___ 5A -¡Vamos a Jugar! Ideas para Bebés y Niños Pequeños ___ 6A – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Session B Workshops from 12:45p.m. to 2:15p.m. Please rate your preference by writing (1), (2), and (3) below. ___ 1B – Babies in the Rain ___ 2B – Classroom Music Centers ___ 3B - Freedom of Movement ___ 4B - Como Ser Intencionales en la Preparación del Ambiente de Aprendizaje ___ 5B - ¡Buena comunicación entres los padres y proveedor(ora) es importante! ___ 6B – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Session C Workshop from 2:30p.m. to 4:00p.m. Please rate your preference by writing (1), (2), and (3) below. ___ 1C – Finding Your Smile Again ___ 4C - Debe haber tiempo para las relaciones tempranas del desarrollo que se establezca ___ 2C - Hands on Museum : A Make and Take It Extravaganza ___ 5C – Las Relaciones Positivas Para el Desarrollo Socio-Emocional Saludable Durante la Primera Infancia ___ 3C - The Importance of Nature ___ 6C – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Payment: ________ $50.00/Member (Choose one): Check _____ Cash _____ ________$65.00/Non-Member Money Order______ Charge________specify: Master Card_____ Visa______ Account No.: __________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ Name of Cardholder: __________________________________ Billing Address of Cardholder: ____________________________________________ Town: _______________________ St: _________ Zip: _______________________ (For Official Use: Authorization Code: ___________________ Date: _____________) PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR REGISTRATION FORM. Make checks payable to: CHILD CARE COUNCIL OF SUFFOLK, or fax this form with credit card payment information to 631-462-1617 Attn: Colleen Farrell PLEASE MAIL TO: Colleen Farrell, Child Care Council of Suffolk 60 Calvert Avenue, Commack, New York 11725 Any questions? Please contact Colleen Farrell at 631-462-0303 ext. 113, or via email at [email protected] 26 de septiembre de 2015 Formulario de Inscripción Precio de la Conferencia: $50/Miembros $65/Sin Membresía Registración and Desayuno Continental 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Utilice un formulario por participante. Este formulario puede ser duplicado. Escribe con letra clara. Las inscripciones deben ser recibidas el 14 de septiembre de 2015. No Se Quede Fuera. El espacio es limitado. ¡Regístrese Hoy! Nombre: ______________________________________________Programa/Centro: ___________________________________ Dirección: ___________________________________ Cuidad: ____________________Código Postal: ___________________ Numero de Teléfono: (____) _________________Correo Electrónico: _______________________________________________ Selecciona los Cursos que Desea Asistir PRESENTACIÓN DE APERTURA: JEFF JOHNSON – 9:00AM – 10:00AM Sesión A Talleres de 10:15a.m. - 11:45a.m. Califique su preferencia por #’s (1), (2), y (3) abajo. ___ 1A – Building Brains Hands-On Play ___ 2A - What Would Magda Gerber Do? ___ 3A – Pediatrician’s Speak ___ 4A - La Importancia de Tener las Rutinas para los Niños Jóvenes ___ 5A -¡Vamos a Jugar! Ideas para Bebés y Niños Pequeños ___ 6A – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Sesión B Talleres de 12:45p.m. - 2:15p.m. Califique su preferencia por #’s (1), (2), y (3) abajo. ___ 1B – Babies in the Rain ___ 2B – Classroom Music Centers ___ 3B - Freedom of Movement ___ 4B - Como Ser Intencionales en la Preparación del Ambiente de Aprendizaje ___ 5B - ¡Buena comunicación entres los padres y proveedor(ora) es importante! ___ 6B – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Sesión C Talleres de 2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m. Califique su preferencia por #’s (1), (2), y (3) abajo. ___ 1C – Finding Your Smile Again ___ 4C - Debe haber tiempo para las relaciones tempranas del desarrollo que se establezca ___ 2C - Hands on Museum : A Make and Take It Extravaganza ___ 5C – Las Relaciones Positivas Para el Desarrollo Socio-Emocional Saludable Durante la Primera Infancia ___ 3C - The Importance of Nature ___ 6C – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Pago: ________ $50.00/Miembros (Elija Uno): Cheque _____ ________$65.00/Sin Membresía Dinero en efectivo _____ Giro______ Tarjeta de Crédito: ________ Indica: Master Card_____ Visa______ Número de Cuenta.: __________________________ Fecha de Expiración: _____________ Nombre de Persona con Tarjeta: __________________________________ Dirección: ____________________________________________ Cuidad: _____________________ Estado: _________ Código Postal: ______________ (Para uso oficial: Código de Autorización: ________________Fecha: _____________) Pago Debe Acompañar Su Formulario de Inscripción. Haga los cheques a nombre de: CHILD CARE COUNCIL OF SUFFOLK, o manda este formulario por fax con la información de la tarjeta de crédito a 631-462-1617 a la atención de: Colleen Farrell Por Favor Envía por Correo: Colleen Farrell, Child Care Council of Suffolk 60 Calvert Avenue, Commack, New York 11725 ¿Preguntas? Por favor póngase en contacto con Emily Torres al 631-462-0303 ext. 120, o por correo electrónico a [email protected] Dated Material – OPEN Immediately! Abrir Inmediatamente LOW COST TRAINING! $50.00/$65.00 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 20 COMMACK, NY
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