CSP Today Sevilla 2011 29th November / 29 de noviembre FROM 08:50 TO 09:10 PLENARY SESSION / SESIÓN PLENARIA COMPANY / EMPRESA Welcome speech / Discurso se apertura Andalucía: the CSP hub / La apuesta por Andalucía en I+D Termosolar SPEAKER / PONENTE CSP Today Belén Gallego, Founder & Director Protermosolar / CTAER Valeriano Ruiz Hernandez, President Protermosolar / ESTELA Torresol Energy Abengoa Solar Albatros Moderator: Luis Crespo, Secretary-General/ President Ignacio Grimaldi Antonio Esteban Manuel de Novales INICIO FIN 08:50 09:10 09:50 10:45 10:45 11:30 12:00 12:15 12:15 13:05 NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVOLUTION & SUSTAINABLE GROWTH / OPORTUNIDADES DE EVOLUCIÓN Y CRECIMIENTO SOSTENIBLE 09:50 10:45 10:45 Forging the CSP future & beyond feed-in tariffs / Forjando el futuro termosolar Fred Morse, Senior Advisor - US Operations Siemens STE Avi Brenmiller, CEO Abengoa Solar Michael Geyer, Director for International Business Development Eliasol Energy Gilbert Cohen, President COFFEE BREAK The PV Industry: Status & prospects / Prospectiva de la 12:15 13:05 Addressing the PV competition / la competición fotovoltaica 13:05 13:20 13:20 15:00 16:40 16:40 17:25 ASIF (Asociación de la Industria Protermosolar/ESTELA Abengoa Solar SCHOTT Solar The CSP risk game / El juego del riesgo en la termosolar Acciona 19:00 19:00 Eduardo Collado, Director Técnico Moderator: Luis Crespo, Secretary-General/ President Michael Geyer, Director for International Business Development Nikolaus Benz, Managing Director Jose Manuel Nieto, Director Thermoelectrical Business Development *Technical Workshop by Albatros: Efficient mirror cleaning for greater reflectivity and performance / *Taller Técnico presentado por Albatros: Gestión eficiente de la limpieza Protermosolar/ESTELA Innovation in technology – From the lab to the field: Feedback from the field / Un viaje a través de las mejoras tecnológicas: lo último en campo ACS Cobra (Cobra Energy) Novatec SkyFuel Vinci Energía Archimede Solar Energy COFFEE BREAK Universidad de Sevilla 17:25 Antonio Lucio-Villegas, Director Rainer Aringhoff, Principal 13:05 13:20 13:20 15:00 Manuel de Novales, CTO 14:35 15:00 Moderator: Luis Crespo, Secretary-General/ President Francisco González Hierro, Promotion and Business Development Director Martin Selig, Market & Product Development Founder, Novatec Kelly Beninga, Chief Commercial Officer Ignacio González, Director Paolo Martini, Business Develompent Director 15:00 16:40 16:40 17:25 17:25 19:00 LUNCH / ALMUERZO 15:00 15:00 Red Eléctrica de España (REE) BigSolar Strategic Consulting NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMPETITIVENESS / OPORTUNIDADES DE COMPETITIVIDAD 12:15 14:35 Moderator: Luis Crespo, Secretary-General/ President Abengoa Solar 11:30 Towards the Eurotricity / La Eurotricidad 12:00 Protermosolar/ESTELA Innovation in technology – From the lab to the field: The CIEMAT – PSA CENER latest from the lab / Un viaje a través de las mejoras DLR tecnológicas: tendencias en I+D+i Enel Green Power Dow Chemical Moderator: Manuel Silva Eduardo Zarza, Head - Solar Concentrating Systems Manuel J. Blanco, Director - Departamento Solar Thermal Energy Christoph Richter, Project Manager Fabrizio Bizzarri, Head- Solar Centre of Excellence Christoph Lang, Research & Development - Heat Transfer Fluids NETWORKING RECEPTION / FIESTA DE NETWORKING 19:00 CSP Today Sevilla 2011 30th November / 30 de noviembre FROM TO PLENARY SESSION / SESIÓN PLENARIA COMPANY / EMPRESA SPEAKER / PONENTE INICIO FIN 08:30 11:00 11:00 11:45 11:45 12:05 12:05 12:25 12:25 12:45 12:45 13:05 13:05 14:45 14:20 14:45 Maria Sánchez Llorente, Dto. Centro de Control Eléctrico (CECOEL) 14:45 15:05 Mauricio Rojas, Head of Business Development Phil Hale, Development Direc tor David Morell, Energy & Environment Martin Shchlecht, Managing Director 15:05 17:00 NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR MARKETS / OPORTUNIDADES DE MERCADOS 08:30 11:00 The Global CSP Village / El universo termosolar Abengoa Solar US DoE SASTELA BigSolar Strategic Consulting ESTELA Cargo Power & Infrastructure FAST (Forum for the Advancement of Solar Thermal) AREVA Fred Morse, Senior Advisor - US Operations Patrick Thomas, DOE Loan Guarantee Program Pancho Ndebele, Interim Chairman Rainer Aringhoff, Principal Nikolaus Benz, Vice President Dhruv Batra, CEO Anil Lakhina, Chairman Sunita Kumar, Country Manager COFFEE BREAK 11:00 11:45 11:45 12:05 CASE STUDY / EXPERIENCIA REAL: Gemasolar 12:05 12:25 CASE STUDY / EXPERIENCIA REAL: Ivanpah Torresol Energy Brightsource Energy Juan Ignacio Burgaleta, Technology Director Joseph Desmond, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs and Communications NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMPETITIVENESS / OPORTUNIDADES DE COMPETITIVIDAD 12:25 12:45 12:45 13:05 13:05 14:45 14:20 Optimisation for power tower / Optimización para una nueva tecnología Optimisation through plant automatisation / Optimización por automatización Torresol Energy Ingeteam Ibon Beñat Salbidegoitia, Technology Department Iñigo Vicario, Technical Director LUNCH / ALMUERZO *Technical Workshop by Albatros: Efficient mirror cleaning for greater reflectivity and performance / *Taller Técnico presentado por Albatros: Gestión eficiente de la limpieza 14:45 Manuel de Novales, CTO ROOM A /SALA A NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISPATCHABILITY / OPORTUNIDADES DE GESTIONABILIDAD 14:45 15:05 15:05 17:00 The value of dispatchability: the operator´s perspective / El valor de la gestionabilidad: perspectiva del operador Storage or… hybridisation? / ¿Almacenamiento o hibridación? Red Eléctrica (REE) Solar Power Group Solar Reserve Abantia Suntrace ROOM B / SALA B NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN FINANCING / OPORTUNIDADES DE FINANCIACIÓN 14:45 15:05 15:05 15:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 17:30 The EU Commission´s perspective / Perspectiva de la Comisión Europea EU Commission - DG Research & Innovation A new entrant´s perspective / Perspectiva de un nuevo actor Solar Tower Systems The bank´s perspective / La perspectiva de los bancos Bankia Santander Garriguez Piero de Bonis, CSP Research Program Offic er 14:45 15:05 Joachim Maass, CEO José Luis Cortijo, Senior Project Manager -Energy & Environment, Project Finance Javier Ximénez Rodrigo Verástegui 15:05 15:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 17:30 COFFEE BREAK & END OF CONFERENCE / FIN DE LA CONFERENCIA
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