Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church La Iglesia Católica del Santísimo Sacramento PARISH STAFF Fr. Jack Vu, Pastor [email protected] Dc. Ramon Ramirez [email protected] School Principal [email protected] Sr. Elaine Willett, O.S.B. Hispanic Ministry [email protected] Sr. Mary Clare Bezner, O.S.B., Asst. Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries [email protected] Brandon Weisenfels, Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries [email protected] Scott Rennels, R.C.I.A. [email protected] Christopher J. Orr, Adult Choir Director [email protected] John Street, Business Manager [email protected] Nancy M. DePriest, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Parish Council Chair Carol Ward [email protected] Finance Council Chair Mary Merrill Tucker [email protected] OUR PARISH GIFT SHOP HAS Advent wreaths & calendars, Crucifixes, Bibles, rosaries, statues, etc... The Gift Shop is in the Ministry Building. Stop by after any weekend Mass or call 972-1986. PARISH INFORMATION Physical address: 614 South Church Street Mailing address: P. O. Box 1735 Jonesboro, AR 72403 Website address: Email address: [email protected] Tel: 870-932-2529 Fax: 870-935-4444 Office hours: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Children & Youth Ministries Pre-K — 12th Grades Tel: 870-932-2529 CYM website: Blessed Sacrament School Pre-K — 6th Grades 1105 East Highland Tel: 870-932-3684 Fax: 870-932-3613 Motherhood & St. Vincent de Paul Ministries Tel: 870-336-0392 Knights of Columbus Council 1702 1103 East Highland Robert Jones, Grand Knight 870-931-1134 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES In the event of a medical emergency and a priest is needed for anointing or if someone has died, please call the parish office at 932-2529. When the office is closed weekday evenings and weekends, please call 870-761-2114. EMERGENCIAS MEDICAS En caso de una emergencia médica y se necesita un sacerdote para los últimos ritos o si alguien ha fallecido, por favor llamen a la oficina de la iglesia parroquial 932-2529. Cuando la oficina está cerrada en las noches o fines de semana, por favor llame al 870-926-4205. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS Do This in Remembrance of Me Hagan esto en conmemoración de mía Monday/Lunes 7:00 a.m. November/Noviembre 24 ALL SOULS Tuesday/Martes November/Noviembre 25 9:00 a.m. ALL SOULS Knights of Columbus Hall 1103 East Highland Wednesday/Miércoles 5:30 p.m. November/Noviembre 26 ALL SOULS Thursday/Jueves 7:00 a.m. November/Noviembre 27 THANKSGIVING November/noviembre 23, 2014 Monday/Lunes November/Noviembre 24 St. Andrew Dung-Lac & Companions 5 p.m. Rosary, Church Tuesday/Martes November/Noviembre 25 St. Catherine of Alexandria 9 a.m. St. Vincent de Paul Outreach, Ministry Building 7 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal, Church Wednesday/Miércoles November/Noviembre 26 Motherhood Ministry will not be open. No Senior High C.Y.M. No Confirmation November/Noviembre 28 NO MASS Thursday/Jueves November/Noviembre 27 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! ¡FELIZ DIA DE GRACIAS! NO ADORATION No R.C.I.A. Parish offices are closed. Saturday/Sábado 5:30 p.m. November/Noviembre 29 Kathrine Brunner Friday/Viernes November/Noviembre 28 Parish offices are closed. Sunday/Domingo 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. November/Noviembre 30 Teresa Tatum Johanna M. Corvin Mass for Parishioners Saturday/Sábado Friday/ Viernes Confessions are Saturdays at 4:00 p.m., or by appointment. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo READINGS FOR THE WEEK November 23—30, 2014 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 Monday: Rev 14:1-3, 4b-5 Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rev 14:14-19 Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rev 15:1-4 Thursday: Ps 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 Mt 25:31-46 November/Noviembre 29 First Sunday in Advent “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.” Mark 13:33 Primer Domingo de Adviento “Velen y estén preparados, porque no saben cuándo llegará el momento.” Marcos 13:33 Sunday/Domingo November/Noviembre 30 No Children’s Ministry or EDGE 5 p.m. Estudio Biblico/Adultos, Parish Office The Adult Choir rehearses each Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in the Church Choir Loft. All voices are welcome! Please visit with Christopher Orr, choir director, after the Saturday 5:30 p.m. or the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass or call Chris (870) 834-4493. Join us in singing joyfully to the Lord! Lk 21:12-19 Rev 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a Lk 21:20-28 Friday: Rev 20:1-4, 11—21:2 Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rev 22:1-7 Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 Ps 80:2-3, 4, 15-16, 18-19 1 Cor 1:3-9 Mk 13:33-37 Lk 21:34-36 Please remember Blessed Sacrament School Endowment Fund when planning your giving. A contribution to the Endowment Fund is a lasting gift that works to assure that our school will not only serve the youth of today but tomorrow’s generation as well. Gifts can be given in honor or memory of a friend or loved one. Please contact the school office, 932-3684, for additional information. Give praise and thanks to God! Fr. Vu and the Parish Staff wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving ! The parish offices will be closed Wednesday, November 26th through Sunday, November 30th. CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 22 & 23 Working on the Margins The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants improve education, support economic development, and help communities provide housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend human dignity and aid those living on the margins of society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. ATTN: MARRIED COUPLES In this season of Thanksgiving when you count your blessings—think of how grateful you are for your spouse and show them that gratitude by signing up for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to be held Feb. 13-15, 2015 at Subiaco. Space IS limited—so don’t delay!! For more info or to apply, visit our website or call Steve & Elaine Lienhart at 501-312-1119 or email [email protected]. If you apply by Dec. 31st get 25% off the $100 application fee— mention ad or call for promo code when applying to receive discount). NORTH DELTA DEANERY ADVENT PENANCE SERVICES ¡Den alabanza y gracias a Dios! ¡El Padre Vu y el Personal de la Parroquia le desea a todos un Feliz Día de Gracias! Las oficinas parroquiales estarán cerradas desde noviembre 26 hasta el domingo de 30 de noviembre. CAMPAÑA CATOLICA PARA EL DESARROLLO HUMANO 22 Y 23 Noviembre Trabajando Desde la Periferia La Colecta para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) proporciona fondos para los grupos que efectúan cambios duraderos y mejoran la vida de los pobres en los Estados Unidos. Los donativos de CCHD mejoran la educación, apoyan el desarrollo económico y ayudan a las comunidades a ofrecer viviendas en vecindarios de bajos recursos. Ayúdenos a seguir defendiendo la dignidad humana y a socorrer a aquellos que viven al margen de la sociedad. Por favor, contribuya a la Colecta para CCHD. ¿PORQUE SE QUEDAN CONFORMES CON UN MATRIMONIO MAGNIFICO CUANDO PUEDEN TENER UN MATRIMONIO IDEAL? El Encuentro Matrimonial es un programa de 44 horas en donde las parejas pueden alejarse del trabajo, los niños, las tareas de la casa y el teléfono para enfocarse solo uno al otro. Si están buscando que su relación crezca, sea más profunda, y más enriquecida. Entonces les gustará la diferencia que puede hacer en ustedes un Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. El próximo Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial estará en Western Plaza Hotel, DeQueen, AR, Diciembre 5, 6, 7. Para más información o para registrarse, llama a Adrián y Reyna Álvarez (773) 213-9593, antes 28 de noviembre. SERVICIOS DE PENITENCIA DE ADVIENTO DEL DELTA DEL NORTE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 2, St. Paul, Pocahontas 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 3, Blessed Sacrament, Jonesboro 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 9, St. Mary, Batesville 10:00 a.m. Saturday, December 13, Immaculate Conception, Blytheville 5:30 p.m. Monday, December 15, St. Peter, Wynne 6:00 pm martes, 2 de diciembre, San Pablo, Pocahontas 5:30 pm miércoles, 4 de diciembre, Santísimo Sacramento, Jonesboro 6:00 pm martes, 9 de diciembre, San Maria, Batesville 10:00 am sábado, 13 de diciembre, Inmaculada Concepción, Blytheville 5:30 pm lunes, 17 de diciembre, San Pedro, Wynne Prayer Line Linea de Oración en español For prayer requests call Rosemary Seymour, 870932-3344 or the parish office, 870-932-2529. Favor de comunícarse con Carlos Iván Guzman al: 870-275-3808. Life is in your hands Medical Rationing—Part 1 Since it was first debated in Congress, National Right to Life’s Powell Center for Medical Ethics has argued that key provisions of Obamacare would limit what Americans could spend—out of their own funds—to access life-saving medical treatment. As the Center’s new report concludes, Americans will see a significant shift in how they are able to access health care, and just what types of treatment they will be able to obtain. That we will defend God’s gift of life, from conception to natural death, we pray. Have you prayed the Rosary today? PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT If you have any questions concerning the following information, please call: John Street, 870-932-2529 or stop by the parish office. STEWARDSHIP Fiscal Monthly Year to Date Monthly Budget $ 53,958.34 $ 269,791.70 October 2014 $ 50,083.47 $ 232,546.11 Over/(Under) Budget ($ 3,874.87) ($ 37,245.59) Offertory October 2013: $ 50,216.46 Thank you! $ 234,183.56 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE Total Loan Amount $2,213,781.84 Monthly Required Payment $ Total Payments on Loan to Date $ 534,029.76 Interest Paid $ 223,082.83 Remaining Balance $1,886,661.19 16,182.72 Total Outstanding Pledges Pledges or building contributions received in October 2014 $ 2,908.00 Cash on hand in Building Fund October 31, 2014 $ 56,453.33 Investments Account $ 76,932.53 Total deficit $1,753,275.33 La vida esté en sus manos Ración Médica-Parte 1 Desde que fue debatido por primera vez en el Congreso, el Centro Nacional Powell del Derecho a la Vida para Eticas Médicas argumenta que las proviciones claves de Obamacare pondrán límites en lo que los Americanos puedan gastar-de sus propios fondos- para tener acceso a tratamientos médicos para salvar vidas. A lo que el Nuevo reporte concluye, los Americanos verán un cambio significante en cómo ellos puedan obtener acceso a cuidado médico, y a cual tipo de tratamiento puedan obtener. Que defendemos el don de Dios de la vida, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural, oremos. Ha rezado usted el Rosarío hoy? REPORTE DE LAS FINANZAS DE LA PARROQUIA Si tiene preguntas sobre la siguiente información, por favor llame a: John Street, 870-2529 o acuda a la oficina parroquial. ADMINISTRACION Fiscal Mensual Año hasta la Fecha Presupuesto Mensual $ 53,958.34 $ 269,791.70 Octubre 2014 $ 50,083.47 $ 232,546.11 Mas/(Menos) del Presupuesto ($ 3,874.87) ($ 37,245.59) Oferta de Octubre 2013: $ 50,216.46 $ 234, 183.56 ¡Gracias! CAMPAÑA DE CAPITAL HASTA HOY Cantidad Total de Préstamo $2,213,781.84 Pago Mensual Requeride $ 16,182.72 Total de Pagos hasta Hoy $ 534,029.76 Intereses Pagados Balance Restante Total de Promesas Pendientes $ 223,082.83 $1,886,661.19 Contribuciones de promesas o construcción recibidas en Octubre 2014 $ 2,908.00 Dinero Contante en construcción en 31de Octubre, 2014 $ Las Inversiones Cuenta Déficit Total $ 76,932.53 $ 1,753,275.33 56,453.33 Blessed Sacrament Children & Youth Ministries 2014-2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Ministry Program Sundays 5:00 - 6:50 p.m. Church Children, 4 years old through 5th grade, and Catechists meet in the church at 5:00 p.m. Santísimo Sacramento Los Ministerios de los Niños y de la Juventud 2014-2015 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Programa del Ministerio de los Niños Domingos 5:00 - 6:50 p.m. Iglesia Niños de 4 años de edad hasta el quinto grado, y las Catequistas se reunirán en la iglesia a las 5:00p.m. November 23rd — Class November 30th — No Class 23º de Noviembre — Clase 30º de Noviembre — No Clase ——————————————————————————————————————————————————– —————————————————————————————————————————————————— The EDGE Sundays 5:00—7:00 p.m. Parish Hall Youth, 6th through 8th grade, and Core Team November 23rd — Class November 30th — No Class —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Senior High CYM Wednesdays 6:00—7:30 p.m. Youth, 9th - 12th grades meet in the Parish Hall November 26th — No Class December 3rd — 5:30 p.m.Penance Service & Lifenight —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Confirmation Year 2 Wednesdays 7:30—8:30 p.m. Candidates meet in the Ministry Building (after Sr. C.Y.M..) November 26th –- No Class December 3rd — 5:30 p.m. Penance Service & Outward Signs The EDGE Domingos 5:00—7:00 p.m. en el Salón Parroquial Los jóvenes, del sexto al octavo grado, y el Core Team 23º de Noviembre — Clase 30º de Noviembre — No Clase —————————————————————————————————————————————————— CYM del Senior High Miércoles 6:00—7:30 p.m. Juventud, 9 º - 12 º grado se rúnen en el Salón Parroquial 26º de Noviembre — No Clase 3 de Diciembre — 5:30 pmServicio de Penitencia & Noche de Vida ————————————————————————————————————————————–————– Confirmación Año 2 Miércoles 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Los candidatos se reunen en el Edificio de Ministerios (después de C.Y.M.) 26º de Noviembre — No Clase 3º de Diciembre — Servicio de Penitencia & Signos Externos ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ FIRST COMMUNION & RECONCILIATION PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y RECONCILIACIÓN Wednesdays 6:00—7:30 p.m. Candidates meet in the Ministry Building November 26th — No Class December 3 — Class ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miércoles 6:00—7:30 p.m. Los candidatos se reúnen en el Edificio de Ministerios 26º Noviembre — No Clase 3º de Diciembre — Clase _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ For more information about the children & youth ministry programs, please contact Brandon Weisenfels, 870-919-8956 or 870-932-2529 or [email protected] or Para obtener más información acerca de los programas para los niños y la juventud por favor póngase en contacto con la Hermana María Clara, 870-926-4201 o 870-932-2529 o [email protected] o Pray for our Children! ¡Oremos por nuestro hijo! THANK YOU! ¡GRACIAS! Please show your appreciation for our Advertisers by patronizing their businesses. Por favor patrocinen estos negocios-estos anuncios pagan el costo de nuestro boletín semana. Wake Up the World to the Joy of Consecrated Life! A Women’s Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat will be held January 3-4, 2015 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207. Come see that Sisters are Real People! The retreat is for young women 16-35 years of age who want to learn and discern about Religious Life. Sponsored by the Diocesan Offices of Vocations, Youth & Campus Ministry & Minister for Religious, the retreat will include talks on Religious Life by Sisters from congregations serving in Arkansas; time for prayer & reflection; and opportunity to speak with the Sisters. The Retreat is free. Registration deadline is Dec. 19. For Registration Form & more info see womens-religious-discernmentretreat/or contact Sr. Joan Pytlik, Minister for Religious jpytlik, ext. 384. MOTHERHOOD OUTREACH MINISTRY Most of Motherhood’s budget goes toward the purchase of diapers, underwear, socks & formula. Currently we are in need of gently worn warm baby blankets, winter coats, gloves, hats for school age children and boy’s shirts & pants in sizes 8, 10, & 12! Your gifts are appreciated! A Night of Recollection Br. Patrick Boland, O.S.B., a seminarian who will be ordained in June 2015, will lead “A Night of Recollection” for the New Year’s Evening of Recollection at Coury House Retreat Center, Subiaco Abbey. The retreat begins with lunch on Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014, and will include two conferences, a reconciliation service, Vespers with the monks, dinner, a champagne New Year’s celebration, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The retreat ends after Mass and lunch Thursday, Jan. 1, 2015. Cost is $110 each in a shared room and $140 for a private room. To reserve a space or for more information, call 479-934-4411 or e-mail [email protected]. MINISTERIO DE AYUDA A MATERNIDAD La mayor parte del presupuesto del Ministerio de Maternidad es para comprar pañales, ropa interior, calcetines & formula. Actualmente necesitamos sábanas usadas para bebés, abrigos, guantes, gorros para niños, y camisas y pantalones para niños tallas 8, 10, y 12. ¡ Apreciamos sus donaciones! Ministry Schedule for November 29th & 30th Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Lector: Russell Dixon Ashley Hofmann Scott Rennels Eucharistic Ministers: Sandra Steele Bobby Lowery Amy Clancy Sharon Smith Cindy Cole Bettye Speck K. C. Brown Joan Murray Jon DePriest Jeff Puryear Robert Monteforte Delbert Reynolds Tara Banks Brownie Brown Charlotte Hemphill Jennifer Benson Kevin Dunham Louis Schaaf Angela Black Rose Eastin Bobby Bennett Noah Harrison Nelson Catalina Roger DeRoeck Dennis Abell Patti Abell Mark McCord Jorge Vazquez Tess Jones Kate Jones Izzy Jones Ashley Robinson Ronnie Tindel Cody Black Reed Allen Caroline Bartels Ushers: Altar Servers: William Clements Franklin Springle Jim Horman Brandon Jones Alex Brinkley Graham Gazaway Quinn Thomas Braden Jones 30º de Noviembre, Domingo 12:00 pm Lectores: Jesus Flores Ministros/Eucharistía: Olga Vazquez Maria Guerra Alicia Saldana Acomodadores: Dario Aquino Jose Flores Leonel Guerra Luisa Aquino James Mata Mario Sanchez Lulu Sanchez VOLUNTEER FOR THE Community Thanksgiving Meal Thursday, November 27th 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. St. Bernard Auditorium 505 East Matthews For the hungry, the homeless and the lonely VOLUNTARIOS PARA Comida Comunitaria del Día de Gracias Jueves, 27 de noviembre 11 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. El Auditoro de San Bernardo 505 East Matthews Para los que tienen hambre, no tienen techo y los solos Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to the homebound and to serve dinner at the auditorium. Report no earlier than 8:30 a.m. on the 27th. Blessed Sacrament Parish provides hot dinner rolls each year and we are asked to donate 9 pies. If you would love to share your time and charity by providing a pie or help bake the rolls please contact Debbie Tate at 5300447... “I will pick the pie up and deliver it!” Thank you! Se necesitan voluntarios para llevar la comida a los confinados a casa y servir la comida en el auditorio el 27. Repórtese no antes de las 8:30 a.m. el 27. El Santísimo Sacramento provee los panecitos todos lo años. Se nos pide que llevemos 9 pasteles. Si desea donar su tiempo y caridad dando un pastel o hornear los panecitos, por favor llame a Debie Tate al 530-0447..."Yo recogeré el pastel y lo llevo al auditorio" ¡Gracias! WEEKEND EXTRAVAGANZA EXTRAVAGANZA DEL FIN DE SEMANA YOUTH, 9-12 GRADES January 17-18, 2015 Little Rock Sign up online: by Monday, December 17th LA SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAUL INFORME SEMANAL JOVENES, 9-1 17-18 de Enero, 2015 Little Rock Enlístece en la computadora: antes del lunes, 17 de diciembre St. Dymphna Society Martes, 18 de Noviembre de 2014 Asistencia en pagos de gas, agua, electricidad para 11 familias Asistencia en pagos de alquiler para 3 familias Se le da prioridad a los miembros de nuestra familia. Catholic Charities has initiated a support group for people with mental health challenges to know that they are valued and genuinely welcome. The group is called the St. Dymphna Society. Meetings are the last Tuesday of each month in Fletcher Hall, at St. John Center, after the Mass at 6:00 p.m. To learn more, contact: Rebecca Cargile, 501-6640340 No reservations are necessary, and all are welcome! SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL WEEKLY REPORT Many families are ill equipped to respond to the multiple challenges of a family member‘s diagnosis of mental illness. Behaviors can be misinterpreted, and finding effective resources and medical interventions may prove overwhelming. The strain on the family can be significant. The stigma that often accompanies this illness may cause families to be hesitant to share their need for support during this difficult time. How can our parish be of support to families with this need? Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Utility assistance for 11 families Rental assistance for 3 families Priority is given to members of our parish family. Please pray for: All parishioners who are homebound, Rosmary Fernandez, Brad Edgar, Mickey Bridger, Dustin Clouse, Jane Stepka, Doug Lattier, Michael Bridger, Hettye Sue Bridger, Chris Rose, Vanita Catalina, Bill Morgan, Dora Dungan, Dr. Joseph Chan, Bob Garcia, Charles Bunch, Hank Pfriemer, Richard Schmidt, Joann Nahas, Marge Rothgery, Kevin McMasters, Agnes Tipton, George DeRoeck, Tony Brodell, Michelle Veteto, Shelby Ward, Lloyd McCuiston, Tim Veteto, Daniel Cole, Mary Ferguson, Robert Leverett, Rita Vaught, Ginny Rothgery Norris, Elizabeth Randazza, Jean Rose, Margaret Bardsley, Delores Wilson, Susan Power, Robert Windle, Ann Garner, Ayde Davila, Bryan Davila, Angel Islas, Augustin Hernandez, Donita Nahas, Bruce Osowski, Kenneth Hemphill, Mary Jane Peace, Sharon Aleman, Juliet Caparas, Theresa Mangrum, Demp Croft, Joseph O’Neill, Marina Ruiz, Felipe Rivera, Todd Carr, Odette Dawood, Art Ray, Kimberly Byrd Shepherd, Kathy Shepherd Martin, Deb & Bill McCaughan, Jr., Margie Young, Jean McCallister, Shirley Simmons, Lindy Gschwend, John Barnett, Kathleen Trolinger, Ann Huss, Christian Bruce, Jackie Zipfel, Lois Martillo, Tammy House, Charles Hess, Marlene Battles, Dc. John Marschewski, Mary Sue Byrd, Jessica Nahas, Corey Davison, Ed Vickery, Rev. Billy Wilson When a name has been on this list for 3 months, please call the Prayer Line, 932-3344 or the Parish Office, 932-2529, and update the request. Housekeeping & Cleaning Services 870.802.2020 2917 Browns Lane Jonesboro 870.483.3937 870-275-3808 16 Yrs. Quality Experience Carlos & Vicky Guzman Dr. Lee A. St. Pierre 1.877.560.2020 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Your ad YOUR CONNECTION TO COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE could be in this space! Blessed Sacrament Parishioner Blessed Sacrament Parishioners Groceries • Medicines • Fresh Produce • Boots Belts • Buckles • Clothes • 1st Communion Dresses Gifts • Phone Cards • Wire Transfer • Bread DVD’s • Music • Candies • Piñatas (870) 931-9677 BARTELS LAW FIRM Anthony W. Bartels Jr. Michael J. Sherman Parishioner Ericson Bacsa Elizabeth Martinez & Benito Martinez Jonesboro, Arkansas SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY 30 Years Experience Tienda Mexicana San Juan 322 West Monroe, Ste. E and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 305 West Main Street Trumann Home Medical Equipment Rehab Equipment & Supplies Motorized Wheelchairs/Scooters Diabetic Shoes & Supplies Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 972-5000 I am patronizing your business 316 S. Church St. • Jonesboro because of it! James Horman Sales & Rentals 2711 S. Caraway Rd., Ste B Jonesboro, Arkansas Preplanning Consultant (870) 933-1993 Lunes a Jueves 9:30am – 9:00pm Viernes a Domingo 9:00am – 9:30pm Please call today. It will be my pleasure to help you. 1900 W. Washington Ave. • Jonesboro 870-932-3531 • Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA SPRINGLE ELECTRIC Air Conditioning Heat & Wiring (870) 935-4398 “We Want Your Service Work” STONE’S PHARMACY PHONE: 870-935-5538 VISA PAID MEDICAID PCS UNIQUE GIFTS & CARDS Hours: Weekdays 8:30 AM - 6 PM Saturdays 9:00 AM - NOON CITY WIDE DELIVERY 417 E. MATTHEWS JONESBORO, AR 72401 JUST A STONE’S THROW FROM ST. BERNARD’S HOSPITAL 117200 Blessed Sacrament Church Blessed Sacrament Parishioners Troy Bartels, D.D.S. Tony Bartels, D.D.S. (870) 935-8000 (8870) 802-1500 811 Windover Road Jonesboro, Arkansas For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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