FALL / OTOÑO 2015 ProviderDirectory Directory Provider Directoriode deProveedores Proveedores Directorio CHIP We are ready to help! ¡Estamos listos para ayudar! Call / Llame al Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario 1-800-783-5386 Nueces service area / Área de servicio Nueces Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Calhoun, Goliad, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, and Victoria Counties 2100 South IH-35, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78704 1-800-783-5386 SuperiorHealthPlan.com NU87-C-0915 202205_CHIP_NUECES Cvr.indd 1 202205 202205 -- Superior Superior CHIP CHIP 8.5x11.indd 8.5x11.indd 8 8 SuperiorHealthPlan.com SHP-201272D 7/24/15 7/24/15 11:50 11:50 AM AM 202205 - Superior CHIP 8.5x11.indd 9 NU87-C-0915 7/24/15 11:55 AM 7/24/15 11:50 AM Welcome to Superior HealthPlan! Superior Members receive important benefits such as: Access to Superior’s nurse advice line. They can answer your health questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A Member newsletter with tips on keeping you and your family healthy. Access to a list of Providers and health plan information at www.SuperiorHealthPlan.com. Value added services for you/your child such as a $150 allowance for prescription eyewear, annual sports physicals and a diaper bag starter supply for pregnant members. A bilingual Member Services team to answer your questions and help you find a doctor. For more information, visit / para más información, visite SuperiorHealthPlan.com. ¡Bienvenido a Superior HealthPlan! Los Miembros de Superior reciben importantes beneficios tales como: Acceso a la línea de consejos de enfermeras de Superior. Pueden contestar sus preguntas de salud las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Un boletín informativo para Miembros con consejos para mantenerlo saludable a usted y su familia. Acceso a una lista de Proveedores y la información del plan de salud en www.SuperiorHealthPlan.com. Servicios de valor agregado para usted/su hijo, como por ejemplo: una provisión de 150 dólares para anteojos recetados, exámenes físicos anuales y un suministro de inicio de pañales para los afiliados que estén embarazadas. Personal bilingüe de Servicios para el Miembro para contestar sus preguntas y ayudarle a encontrar a un médico. CHIP SHP_2013332D 202205_CHIP_NUECES Cvr.indd 2 202205 - Superior CHIP 8.5x11.indd 12 7/24/15 11:50 AM 7/24/15 11:55 AM Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLA DE CONTENIDO Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Choosing Your Primary Care Provider (doctor) . . . . . . 2 When you need a Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Where to Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introducción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cómo escoger a su Proveedor de Cuidado Primario (doctor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cuándo debe ir a un especialista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A dónde debe llamar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Primary Care Providers (doctor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Family Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 General Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Internal Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Obstetrics/Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Proveedores de Cuidado Primario (doctor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Clínicas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Medicina familiar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Medicina general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Medicina interna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Obstetricia/Ginecologia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pediatría . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Listing of Specialist Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Lista de descripción de especialistas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Especialistas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Hospitales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Laboratorios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Radiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Radiología . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Other Healthcare Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Otras Proveedores de Servicios Médicos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Behavioral Health Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Servicios de salud mental y de abuso de substancias . . . . . 37 Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Visíon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Perinatal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Perinatal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Indices Participating Provider Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Hospital/Other Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Behavioral Health Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Perinatal Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Índice Índice de Proveedores Participantes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Índice de Hospitales/Otros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Índice de Servicios de salud mental y de abuso de substancias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Indice de Perinatal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 1 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 INTRODUCTION / INTRODUCCIÓN Welcome to Superior HealthPlan Superior HealthPlan provides health care for Medicaid and CHIP Members across Texas. Superior works with many doctors, clinics, and hospitals in your community to give you the medical care you need. This directory lists the Primary Care Providers (PCPs) that are on Superior’s list of primary care doctors and clinics. Superior wants you to pick the doctor or clinic that is best to take care of all of your basic health care needs. Superior Service for You and Your Family If you have any questions about Superior HealthPlan or about this directory, call Member Services at 1-800-783-5386. Choosing Your Primary Care Provider (Doctor) Choosing your own Primary Care Provider is easy with Superior. Just pick one for you and one for each eligible family member from the list in this book. Each Member can pick his or her own Primary Care Provider. If you are a woman, you may be able to choose an obstetrician (OB) or gynecologist (GYN) as your doctor. Once you have picked a doctor, call Member Services at 1-800-783-5386. If you need help or don’t see your doctor on this list, call Superior’s Member Services at 1-800-783-5386. Choosing an OB/GYN You may choose any OB/GYN doctor from the Superior Provider Network to take care of your female health care needs without a referral from your doctor. An OB/GYN can help you with your pregnancy care, yearly checkups and any female problems you may have. Call Superior’s Member Services at 1-800-783-5386 if you need help choosing an OB/GYN. *CHIP Perinatal If you are a CHIP Perinatal Member, you can only choose an OB/GYN doctor from the Perinatal Section, which starts on page 40. You will not be able to choose a doctor from any other section in this book. Behavioral Health Behavioral health refers to mental health and alcohol and drug abuse treatment. Superior’s behavioral health Provider, Cenpatico, has a group of specialists that can help you. Call Cenpatico at 1-888-471-4357, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You do not need a referral from your doctor for behavioral health services. Pharmacy Superior provides prescriptions for all its Members through US Script, Superior’s partner who provides your Superior pharmacy services for you. You can get your prescriptions filled at most drug stores in Texas, including CVS, HEB, Randall’s, Target, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, as well as many other pharmacies. If you need help finding a drug store, call Superior at 1-800-783-5386. A list is also available online at www.usscript.com/members-locator.php. Remember - always take your Superior I.D. card and your Texas Medicaid card with you to the drug store. 2 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 INTRODUCTION / INTRODUCCIÓN Bienvenidos al Superior HealthPlan Superior HealthPlan ofrece atención médica a Miembros de Medicaid y de CHIP en todo Tejas. Superior colabora con muchos médicos, clínicas y hospitales de su comunidad para ofrecerle la atención médica que necesita. Este directorio incluye los Proveedores de Cuidado Primario (PCP) que aparecen en la lista que mantiene Superior de los médicos y clínicas que ofrecen atención primaria. Superior quiere que usted escoja el médico o la clínica que sirva mejor para todas sus necesidades de atención médica. Servicio Superior para usted y su familia Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre Superior HealthPlan o sobre este directorio, llame a Servicios para Miembros al 1-800-783-5386. Cómo escoger su Proveedor de Cuidado Primario (Doctor) Escoger su propio Proveedor de Cuidado Primario es fácil con Superior. Simplemente seleccione uno de ellos para usted y para cada uno de los Miembros de su familia que califique, de la lista que aparece en este libro. Cada Miembro puede escoger su propio Proveedor de Cuidado Primario. Si usted es mujer, podría escoger a un obstetra (OB) o un ginecólogo (GYN) como su médico. Una vez que haya escogido su médico, llame a Servicios para Miembros al 1-800-783-5386. Si necesita ayuda o no encuentra a su médico en esta lista, llame a Servicios para Miembros de Superior al 1-800-783-5386. Cómo escoger un ginecoobstetra (OB/GYN) Puede escoger a cualquier médico ginecoobstetra (OB/GYN) de la Red de Proveedores de Superior para que se encargue de las necesidades de salud de la mujer sin un referido de su médico. El ginecoobstetra le puede ayudar con la atención de su embarazo, los exámenes anuales y cualquier problema de la mujer que pudiera tener. Llame a Servicios para Miembros de Superior al 1-800-783-5386 si necesita ayuda para escoger un ginecoobstetra. *CHIP Perinatal Si usted es Miembro de CHIP Perinatal, sólo puede escoger a los médicos ginecoobstetras de la lista en la Sección Perinatal, que empieza en la página 40. No podrá escoger a un médico de ninguna otra sección de este libro. Salud del comportamiento La salud del comportamiento se refiere a la salud mental y el tratamiento del abuso de alcohol y drogas. El Proveedor de salud del comportamiento de Superior, Cenpatico, cuenta con un grupo de especialistas que le pueden ayudar. Llame a Cenpatico al 1-888-471-4357, las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. No necesita un referido de su médico para recibir servicios de salud del comportamiento. Farmacia Superior ofrece recetas para todos sus Miembros por medio de US Script, el colaborador de Superior que se encarga de darle los servicios de farmacia que brinda Superior. Puede pedir que le dispensen sus recetas en casi todas las farmacias de Texas, tales como CVS, HEB, Randall's, Target, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, así como muchas otras farmacias. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar una farmacia, llame a Superior al 1-800-783-5386. También hay una lista en Internet en www.usscript.com/members-locator.php. Recuerde – lleve su tarjeta de identificación de Superior junto con su tarjeta de Medicaid de Texas siempre que vaya a la farmacia. 3 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PHYSICIAN LISTINGS DESCRIPTIONS/LA DESCRIPCIÓN Family Practice (General Family Medical Care) Medicina familiar (atención médica general para la familia) Obstetrics/Gynecology (Pregnancy, Women’s Health) Obstetricia/Ginecologia (embarazo, salud de la mujer) General Practice (General Medical Care) Medicina general (atención médica general) Pediatrician (Babies, Children) Pediatría (bebés, niños) Internal Medicine (General Medical Care) Medicina interna (atención médica general) 4 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Clinics / Clínicas After Hours Clinic/Clinicás Servicio Despues De Horas NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Calallen Minor Emergency Center PCP ID # 138765 11559 Leopard St Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 241-1116 M-F 9A-9P S 9A-6P SU 12P-6P The Doctors Center PCP ID # 138785 4637 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6824 M-F 8A-8P S 8A-5P éSpanish Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA PLEASANTON Atascosa Health Center Inc PCP ID # 105293 310 W Oaklawn Rd Ste C Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2527 MATHIS Community Action Health Center PCP ID # 193855 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 388-3515 Community Action Health Center PCP ID # 137232 213 S Duval St Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 PCP ID # 193872 SINTON PCP ID # 137232 1302 S Saint Marys St Ste A Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-9404 Community Action Health Center PCP ID # 137232 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS Physician Group ALICE Community Action Health Center PCP ID # 137232 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON KARNES CITY Karnes Community Health Center PCP ID # 158869 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P BEEVILLE KINGSVILLE First Fruits Medical Clinic PCP ID # 114933 1211 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-8982 Twin Ountains Primary Care Clinic Of PCP ID # 203056 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS FALFURRIAS Falfurrias Medical Group Llp PCP ID # 145448 1400 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN PORT LAVACA Port Lavaca Clinic Association PA Timberland Medical Group PCP ID # 116289 PCP ID # 156975 1200 N Virginia St 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (361) 552-6721 (830) 769-8271 éSpanish éSpanish KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG Note/Nota: lunes a viernes lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado domingo SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO FALFURRIAS BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE Community Action Health Center PCP ID # 137232 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5a Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 M-F: M: T: W: TH: F: S: SU: BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS PLEASANTON Pleasanton Family Medicine PLLC PCP ID # 157443 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 106 Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3553 >= 2 years/años BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE Community Action Health Center PCP ID # 137232 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 BEEVILLE Beeville Medical Associates Main PCP ID # 173530 1600 E Houston St Ste A Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 Amistad Community Health Center Inc PCP ID # 149891 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 884-2242 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 5 JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Jose Perez MD PCP ID # 166382 230 S Gulf St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 661-0388 >= 18 years/años LIVE OAK COUNTY / CONDADO DE LIVE OAK GEORGE WEST Beeville Medical Associates Main PCP ID # 173530 801 Houston St George West, TX 78022 (361) 358-9200 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Clinics / Clínicas NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Christus Medical Group PCP ID # 207196 2601 Hospital Blvd Ste 215 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 902-4789 5920 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 902-4789 SINTON Pediatric Clinic of South Texas PCP ID # 158519 9702 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78418 (361) 937-5311 <= 18 years/años South Padre Island Pediatric PCP ID # 106078 301 S San Patricio St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-3355 <= 21 years/años éSpanish South Padre Island Pediatric PCP ID # 106078 3845 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78415 (361) 854-4626 <= 21 years/años éSpanish VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA American Regional Health Center PCP ID # 143043 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 Coastal Childrens Clinic PCP ID # 137549 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 150 The Doctors Center PCP ID # 138785 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 4637 S Padre Island Dr (361) 241-9541 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 <= 21 years/años (361) 852-6824 éSpanish 5536 Saratoga Blvd 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78413 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 992-0227 (361) 855-7346 <= 21 years/años Vac-Westbrook éSpanish PCP ID # 122179 400 Mann St Ste 850 7121 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Ste 100 (361) 904-0616 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 985-1418 #VPA of TX San Antonio <= 21 years/años PCP ID # 158942 éSpanish 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 #Juan J Sygal MD PA (361) 980-1299 PCP ID # 150858 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 120 SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / Corpus Christi, TX 78410 CONDADO DE SAN (361) 767-8956 PATRICIO Kids Clinic PA INGLESIDE PCP ID # 108135 7017 S Staples St Ste 101 Pediatric Clinic of South Corpus Christi, TX 78413 Texas (361) 994-7255 PCP ID # 158519 M-F 8:45A-5P 2334 State Hwy 361 Ste <= 18 years/años 114 Ingleside, TX 78362 Maria Luisa Lira MD PA (361) 937-5311 PCP ID # 136217 M-W F 8A-5P TH 9A-12P 4613 S Staples St Ste C-D <= 18 years/años Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 851-0000 PORTLAND <= 21 years/años #Jerome Lee Sang MD PA Morgan Pediatric Center PCP ID # 137918 PCP ID # 159541 107 Cdr Dr 2418 Morgan Ave Portland, TX 78374 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 643-6623 (361) 883-3683 <= 18 years/años éSpanish #Orestes Romero MD PA PCP ID # 196587 601 E San Antonio St Ste 205w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1200 Regional Employee Assistance Program PCP ID # 106628 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 The Corner Clinic PCP ID # 168406 2806 N Navarro St Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 Victoria Pediatrics & Adolescents PCP ID # 181531 4304 Retama Cir Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-2134 Rural Health Clinic (RHC) ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ROCKPORT Coastal Medical Clinic PCP ID # 158148 1704 Jenkins St Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 790-9047 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 6 ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA PLEASANTON Jourdanton Family Health Clinic PCP ID # 128700 1540 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-6340 M-TH 7A-5P F 10:30A-3:30P BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE Beeville Family Practice PCP ID # 138416 302 S Hillside Dr Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9912 éSpanish Christus Spohn Womens Clinic PCP ID # 138434 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 4 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-6249 éSpanish #La Bahia Clinic PCP ID # 138471 1600 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0034 BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS FALFURRIAS Christus Spohn Family Health Center Falfur PCP ID # 138499 906 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-2511 CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN PORT LAVACA Coastal Medical Clinic PCP ID # 138486 701 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-8866 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Clinics / Clínicas GOLIAD COUNTY / CONDADO DE GOLIAD GOLIAD Goliad Family Practice PCP ID # 114338 139 W Franklin St Goliad, TX 77963 (361) 645-8235 JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Alice Pediatric Clinic PCP ID # 137581 305 E 3rd St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9353 <= 21 years/años éSpanish TAFT TIVOLI Taft Family Clinic PCP ID # 138623 1210 Gregory St Ste 2 Taft, TX 78390 (361) 528-2595 Austwell Tivoli Medical Clinic PCP ID # 133488 106 W Wilson Tivoli, TX 77990 (361) 286-0115 WOODSBORO Woodsboro Medical Clinic PCP ID # 138470 120 Wood Ave Woodsboro, TX 78393 (361) 543-5414 SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS South Padre Island Ped Aransas Pass PCP ID # 138833 160 S 13th St Ste E KENEDY Aransas Pass, TX 78336 (361) 758-1984 Kenedy Family Practice Clinic PCP ID # 116357 MATHIS 113 W Main St Kenedy, TX 78119 Hartman Community Clinic (830) 583-3711 PA PCP ID # 115851 LIVE OAK COUNTY / 103 S So St CONDADO DE LIVE OAK Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-3203 GEORGE WEST éSpanish George West Family Medical Mathis Medical Center Pa Clinic PCP ID # P10003586607 PCP ID # 163963 304 E San Patricio Ave 801 Houston St Mathis, TX 78368 George West, TX 78022 (361) 547-2203 (361) 449-3405 KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES ROBSTOWN Robstown Family Clinic PCP ID # 138625 327 W Ave J Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 387-9233 REFUGIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE REFUGIO REFUGIO Refugio Rural Health Clinic PCP ID # 131443 107 1/2 Swift St Refugio, TX 78377 (361) 526-5328 South Padre Island Pediatric Mathis PCP ID # 138832 220 E Saint Marys St Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-5700 SINTON South Padre Island Pediatric Sinton PCP ID # 138830 301 S San Patricio St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-3355 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 7 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Family Practice / Medicina Familiar Family Practice / Medicina Familiar ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS McNeill, John, DO PCP ID # 151302 2621 Hwy 35 N Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 729-3939 Chesshir, Walter, MD PCP ID # 121138 110 Preston St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-5552 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éSpanish Warren, Fred, MD PCP ID # 209779 1704 Jenkins St Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 790-9047 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P #Garcia, Enrique, MD PCP ID # 109252 130 Water St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-5030 éSpanish ROCKPORT ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON #Ellison, Ann, FNP PCP ID # 178090 1901 Hwy 97 E Ste 230 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3271 éSpanish Kurz, Michael PCP ID # 193168 1907 Hwy 97 E Ste 280 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-5912 Villarreal, Armando, MD PCP ID # 121602 1540 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-6340 M-TH 7A-5P F 8:30A-3:30P éSpanish Villarreal, Luis, MD PCP ID # 132501 1222 W Oaklawn Rd Ste B Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3206 Kurz, Michael PCP ID # 193168 1222 W Oaklawn Rd Ste B Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3206 POTEET Guel, Mario, MD PCP ID # 118909 8555 N State Hwy 16 Poteet, TX 78065 (830) 742-3637 éSpanish 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 121 Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-5552 Menager, Katherine, FNP PCP ID # 180590 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (361) 786-3618 éSpanish Zertuche, Benjamin, MD PCP ID # 109108 1905 Hwy 97 East Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3515 Limited to Females/Sólo Atiende A Mujeres éSpanish Pleasanton Family Medicine PLLC PCP ID # 157443 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 106 Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3553 >= 2 years/años Arienmughare, Maryanne, MD PCP ID # 211818 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2527 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish TX Medical Building Inc PCP ID # 146910 130 Water St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-5030 <= 18 years/años Hirschfield, Gail, MD PCP ID # 147981 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (361) 786-3618 éSpanish McFarland, Michael, MD PCP ID # 139738 1105 Oak St Ste A Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-2181 éSpanish PLEASANTON Salazar, Carlos, MD PCP ID # 120839 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish #Building Blocks Pediatrics PCP ID # 171365 109 N Smith St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 281-8367 éSpanish SOMERSET Allen, Sylvia, FNP PCP ID # 133620 7375 S Loop 604 Somerset, TX 78069 (210) 924-9254 éSpanish BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE #Beasley, Karole, MD PCP ID # 136098 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 éSpanish Ryan, John, MD PCP ID # 152179 220 W Goodwin St Ste A Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2118 Calica, Francisco, MD PCP ID # 121364 711 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-1000 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 8 Castro, Juan, MD PCP ID # 202452 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Chandler, James, MD PCP ID # 109815 1402 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-7870 éSpanish #Chin, Arthur, MD PCP ID # 136100 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 éSpanish Dunn, Avegiyel PCP ID # 192758 302 S Hillside Dr Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9912 Dunn, Michael PCP ID # 193929 302 S Hillside Dr Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9912 Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD PCP ID # 204850 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 Larakers, Joseph, MD PCP ID # 111644 302 S Hillside Dr Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9912 McNeill, John, DO PCP ID # 151302 1402 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-9711 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Family Practice / Medicina Familiar Reynolds, Oscar, MD PCP ID # 210625 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney PCP ID # 201752 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 Thompson, Anthony, DO PCP ID # 172928 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 éSpanish BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS FALFURRIAS Castro, Juan, MD PCP ID # 202452 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Garcia, Edmundo PCP ID # 176482 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD PCP ID # 204850 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 Lozano, Jose, MD PCP ID # 129099 107 E Adams St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-9291 éSpanish Kwi, Timu, MD PCP ID # 130026 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 éSpanish Momplaisir, Margarone PCP ID # 207448 107 S Gardner St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-2195 #Pardo, Robert, MD PCP ID # 185179 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 éSpanish Lincoln, Jewel PCP ID # 180610 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 McFarland, Timothy, MD PCP ID # 136223 701 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-8866 M-F 8:30A-4:30P éSpanish Powell, Shanti, MD PCP ID # 181298 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 Reynolds, Oscar, MD PCP ID # 210625 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 éSpanish Wright, John, MD PCP ID # 143072 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney PCP ID # 201752 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 GOLIAD COUNTY / CONDADO DE GOLIAD GOLIAD Thompson, Anthony, DO PCP ID # 172928 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 éSpanish Zengerle, Claire, DO PCP ID # 125194 139 W Franklin St Goliad, TX 77963 (361) 645-8235 éSpanish 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 éSpanish JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN Castro, Juan, MD PCP ID # 202452 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 M-F 8A-6P éSpanish PORT LAVACA Crowley, William, DO PCP ID # 136222 815 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-0325 éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Fillingane, Charles PCP ID # 202778 815 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-0325 Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 9 2520 E Main St Ste 206 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4500 >= 2 years/años éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD PCP ID # 204850 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 #Lopez, Alejandro, MD PCP ID # 136451 201 Mariposa Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-8811 M-F 9A-5P Meiser, William, DO PCP ID # 139123 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 Ou, Paul, MD PCP ID # 118107 2500 E Main St Alice, TX 78332 (800) 355-3818 Reynolds, Oscar, MD PCP ID # 210625 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 éSpanish South Texas Family Medical Center PCP ID # 156172 201 Mariposa Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-8811 Stacy, Whitney PCP ID # 201752 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Family Practice / Medicina Familiar 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 Thompson, Anthony, DO PCP ID # 172928 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 éSpanish KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KARNES CITY Benson, Sue, FNP PCP ID # 163792 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 Clark, Pamela, FNP PCP ID # 158867 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M W-F 8A-5P T 8A-8P éSpanish #De Sequera, Gerardo, MD PCP ID # 136462 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 éSpanish Karnes Community Health Center PCP ID # 158869 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P Menager, Katherine, FNP PCP ID # 180590 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P éSpanish Salazar, Carlos, MD PCP ID # 120839 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD PCP ID # 204850 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 KENEDY Dugi Jr, Daniel, MD PCP ID # 104884 113 W Main St Kenedy, TX 78119 (361) 275-2381 éSpanish Morales, Robert, MD PCP ID # 145736 1305 S 14th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 595-1986 éSpanish Mitchell, Rayford, MD PCP ID # 142341 3349 S Hwy 181 Ste 3 Kenedy, TX 78119 (830) 583-3900 Reynolds, Oscar, MD PCP ID # 210625 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 éSpanish Ramirez, Roberto, MD PCP ID # 115526 3349 S Hwy 181 Ste 4 Kenedy, TX 78119 (830) 583-2579 éSpanish #Rodriguez II, Octavio, MD PCP ID # 142440 1021 Senator Carlos Truan Blvd Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 595-5556 M-W F 8A-5P TH 8A-12P Saldana, Joel, MD PCP ID # 137922 3349 S Hwy 181 Ste 2 Kenedy, TX 78119 (830) 583-2569 éSpanish Sosa, Gilberto, MD PCP ID # 116613 1311 General Cavazos Blvd Ste I Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-8531 éSpanish KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG KINGSVILLE Castro, Juan, MD PCP ID # 202452 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Stacy, Whitney PCP ID # 201752 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 Garcia, Jessica, FNP PCP ID # 181904 2511 E Corral Ave Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 516-0097 >= 17 years/años Thompson, Anthony, DO PCP ID # 172928 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Ugarte, Jose, MD PCP ID # 139529 1311 General Cavazos Blvd Ste L Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-5101 M-TH 8:30A-5:30P éSpanish Hemmert, Jerome, MD PCP ID # 110678 227 W Kleberg Ave Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-6451 M-F 7A-7P S 7A-5P éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 10 LIVE OAK COUNTY / CONDADO DE LIVE OAK GEORGE WEST Dunn, Avegiyel PCP ID # 192758 801 Houston St George West, TX 78022 (361) 449-3405 Dunn, Michael PCP ID # 193929 801 Houston St George West, TX 78022 (361) 449-3405 THREE RIVERS Benson, Sue, FNP PCP ID # 163792 105 E Thornton St Three Rivers, TX 78071 (361) 786-3618 Hirschfield, Gail, MD PCP ID # 147981 105 E Thornton St Three Rivers, TX 78071 (361) 786-3618 éSpanish Menager, Katherine, FNP PCP ID # 180590 105 E Thornton St Three Rivers, TX 78071 (361) 786-3618 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P éSpanish NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI #Avalos, Sergio, MD PCP ID # 142661 2601 Hospital Blvd Ste 105 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 884-2904 M-W F 9A-5P éSpanish #Ayala, Cynthia, MD PCP ID # 180316 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 980-1299 #Bowen, Ronald, DO PCP ID # 212315 5525 S Staples St Ste B1 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 985-9503 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Family Practice / Medicina Familiar Calallen Minor Emergency Center PCP ID # 138765 11559 Leopard St Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 241-1116 M-F 8A-8P S 8A-5P SU 12P-6P #Carlisle, Robert PCP ID # 114092 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 980-1299 Castro, Juan, MD PCP ID # 202452 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 884-2242 éSpanish Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD PCP ID # 114841 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 420 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 887-7339 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éArabic Le, Tri, MD PCP ID # 141695 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-1603 éSpanish #Comprehensive Medical Care PCP ID # 165004 527 Gordon St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 850-8300 McLemore, Kerrie, MD PCP ID # 188535 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 475 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 654-2064 #Flores, Michael PCP ID # 205080 2601 Hospital Blvd Ste 112 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 902-4789 #Guido, Hugo, MD PCP ID # 149454 4801 Everhart Rd Ste 6666 Corpus Christi, TX 78466 (361) 929-5063 #Hartman, Walter, MD PCP ID # 114715 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 230 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 387-1624 M T TH 8:30A-5P W F 8:30A-12P éSpanish Ramirez, Guillermo, MD PCP ID # 130730 1101 S 19th St Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 884-0811 Johnson, Peggy, DO PCP ID # 160072 3502 Knickerbocker Rd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (325) 942-8611 Colon Gonzalez, Maria PCP ID # P10003357011 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-5311 Cortes, Edgar, MD PCP ID # 105929 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-7346 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 21 years/años Puente, Bruna, MD PCP ID # 106087 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Jacob, Cindy, MD PCP ID # 161619 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-4700 <= 18 years/años #Schulze, John, MD PCP ID # 142689 3234 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-1751 M-F 9A-5P éSpanish PCP ID # 142690 3234 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-1751 M-F 9A-5P Sifuentes, Roger, MD PCP ID # 104282 13701 Northw Blvd Ste A Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 387-9496 éSpanish Naqvi, Ali, MD PCP ID # 188523 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-5311 #Smith, Micah PCP ID # 183026 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 Ou, Paul, MD PCP ID # 118107 13725 Northw Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 241-4243 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 694-1517 Pilli, Suja, MD PCP ID # 186519 1521 S Staples St Ste 605 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883-5419 #South Texas Adult Medical Associates PCP ID # 143201 6200 Saratoga Blvd Ste 5 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 225-2255 Port Medical Center PCP ID # 162147 4818 Holly Rd Ste A Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 993-1747 #Tidroski, Christophe, DO PCP ID # 162765 3315 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 882-3198 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 11 Ugwuibe, Maurice, MD PCP ID # 141504 1531 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 888-4745 >= 18 years/años éSpanish Whitham, John, DO PCP ID # 137240 2606 Hospital Blvd 4th And 6th Fl Ste 6 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 902-4773 éSpanish Yarritu, Rolando, MD PCP ID # 124802 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-5311 éSpanish REFUGIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE REFUGIO REFUGIO #Gutierrez, Louis, MD PCP ID # 162946 107 Swift St Refugio, TX 78377 (210) 699-8000 SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS Edwardson, Delbert, MD PCP ID # 137241 1731 W Wheeler Ave Aransas Pass, TX 78336 (361) 758-5326 M-W F 8A-5P TH 8A-12P éSpanish MATHIS Castro, Juan, MD PCP ID # 202452 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 >= 2 years/años éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Family Practice / Medicina Familiar Herrera, Maximilian, MD PCP ID # 204850 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD PCP ID # 114841 304 E San Patricio Ave Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-2203 éArabic Reynolds, Oscar, MD PCP ID # 210625 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney PCP ID # 201752 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 Thompson, Anthony, DO PCP ID # 172928 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 éSpanish PORTLAND Barker, Bruce, DO PCP ID # 122026 1702 Us Hwy 181 Portland, TX 78374 (361) 761-2273 #Gregory, Charles, DO PCP ID # 136934 311 Buddy Ganem Ste B Portland, TX 78374 (361) 643-9800 Mobley, James, MD PCP ID # 136802 2413 Memorial Pkwy Portland, TX 78374 (361) 643-4546 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éSpanish Ven Huizen, Vanessa, DO PCP ID # 151952 107 Cdr Dr Portland, TX 78374 (361) 643-6623 >= 55 years/años éSpanish Anderson, Conde, MD PCP ID # 176206 1302 N Depot St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-6371 SINTON Castro, Juan, MD PCP ID # 202452 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Barker, Melody PCP ID # 212143 4206 Retama Cir Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Bouthillette, Michael, MD PCP ID # 126630 155 Medical Dr Ste 201a Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 582-0620 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 Herrera, Maximilian, MD PCP ID # 204850 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 Chand, Kishan, MD PCP ID # 176617 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 301 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-5180 Reynolds, Oscar, MD PCP ID # 210625 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 éSpanish Craig, Grant PCP ID # 199080 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Stacy, Whitney PCP ID # 201752 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 Deleon, Jesse, MD PCP ID # 113310 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0004 éSpanish Thompson, Anthony, DO PCP ID # 172928 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 éSpanish Denton, William Kevin, DO PCP ID # 151145 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 éSpanish TAFT Main, Ellis, DO PCP ID # 121682 1210 Gregory St Ste 2 Taft, TX 78390 (361) 528-2595 éSpanish Espinosa, Fabian, MD PCP ID # 143346 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 200 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 >= 18 years/años VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA #Fragile, Mary Lou, DO PCP ID # 160643 115 Medical Dr Ste 208 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 894-6420 M 6A-10P T-F 6P-10P S SU 1P-6P VICTORIA Adu, Ayo, MD PCP ID # 195104 9410 Ne Zac Lentz Pkwy Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 582-7900 2806 N Navarro St Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 M-F 6P-11P S SU 2P-6P Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 12 Garrett, Rima Diane, FNP PCP ID # 180765 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 605 E San Antonio St Ste 508e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 Garza, Pablo, MD PCP ID # 127317 2806 N Navarro St Ste D Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-2108 éSpanish Ghazy, Khalid PCP ID # P10003473804 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 Gilley, Judith, FNP PCP ID # 140368 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 #Gisler Pllc, Jean, NP PCP ID # 157461 606 E Nueces St Null Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-4100 #Gisler, Jean, FNP PCP ID # 112537 606 E Nueces St Null Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-4100 Guel-Valdivia, Veronica, MD PCP ID # 127269 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (888) 314-3156 M-F 6A-11A S SU 2P-6P <= 18 years/años éSpanish 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 <= 18 years/años éSpanish 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 <= 18 years/años éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Family Practice / Medicina Familiar #Heard, Richard, MD PCP ID # 108669 8410 Fm 236 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 582-5740 8610 Fm 236 Victoria, TX 77905 (361) 582-5740 M-TH 7:30A-4:30P F 7:30A-2:30P Heckrodt, Stanly, MD PCP ID # 112138 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (888) 314-3156 Henry, Grant, MD PCP ID # 132664 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (888) 314-3156 éSpanish 202 James Coleman Dr Ste A & C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 573-4000 éSpanish Ho, Hoang, MD PCP ID # 178353 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Howard, Joyce, FNP PCP ID # 143696 1302 N Depot St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-6371 Jacob, Cindy, MD PCP ID # 161619 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 <= 18 years/años Johnson, Annelle, MD PCP ID # 174776 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Klawitter, Angela PCP ID # 202238 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 Nwanegbo, Edward PCP ID # 188827 601 E San Antonio St Ste 304w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 éFrench Knight, Pollyanne, MD PCP ID # 122684 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 éSpanish Konopacki, Michael, MD PCP ID # 185146 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 605 E San Antonio St Ste 102w & 310 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-0228 éFrench Ontai, Sidney, MD PCP ID # 113981 601 E San Antonio St Ste 102 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4164 éSpanish Laing, Jennifer, MD PCP ID # 129415 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Le, Tri, MD PCP ID # 141695 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 579-0315 éSpanish #Orestes Romero MD PA PCP ID # 196587 601 E San Antonio St Ste 205w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1200 Leggett, Richard, DO PCP ID # 119623 2806 N Navarro Ste J Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1371 Parma, Frank, MD PCP ID # 143347 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 202 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 574-1563 Lin, Nicholas, MD PCP ID # 171047 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 101 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 574-1858 #Romero, Orestes, MD PCP ID # 111222 601 E San Antonio St Ste 205w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1200 éSpanish 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 108 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1319 McNeill, John, DO PCP ID # 151302 3002 Sam Houston Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5730 Sandigo, Gustavo, MD PCP ID # 112137 202 James Coleman Dr Ste A & C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 573-4000 éSpanish Millmann, Paul PCP ID # 198238 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 #Sheffel, John, FNP PCP ID # 139076 1403 Victoria Sta Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 M-F 8:30A-5P #Moore, Rama, NP PCP ID # 139893 2806 N Navarro St Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 2806 N Navarro St Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 13 Smith, Kyra PCP ID # 207098 601 E San Antonio St Ste 304w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 605 E San Antonio St Ste 508e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 Steiner, Kathleen, MD PCP ID # 121777 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 éSpanish Stevens, Mark, MD PCP ID # 195790 601 E San Antonio St Ste 102w & 402w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4164 #Stines, Lawrence, FNP PCP ID # 139289 606 E Nueces St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-4100 Van Metre, John Edward PCP ID # P10000645671 4504 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9999 Velasco, Maria, MD PCP ID # 195085 601 E San Antonio St Ste 503 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-3775 #Verma, Omesh, MD PCP ID # 122810 4502 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 580-1111 >= 21 years/años éSpanish Westmoreland, Paul, MD PCP ID # 133815 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO General Practice / Medicina General General Practice / Medicina General ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA PLEASANTON Salazar, Carlos, MD PCP ID # 120839 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish TX Medical Building Inc PCP ID # 146910 130 Water St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-5030 <= 18 years/años VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Ho, Hoang, MD PCP ID # 178353 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Sandigo, Gustavo, MD PCP ID # 112137 202 James Coleman Dr Ste A & C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 573-4000 éSpanish KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KARNES CITY Salazar, Carlos, MD PCP ID # 120839 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P éSpanish NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI #Hartman, Walter, MD PCP ID # 114715 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 230 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 387-1624 M T TH 8:30A-5P W F 8:30A-12P éSpanish O'Dell, David, MD PCP ID # 179009 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Ste 100 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-2242 éSpanish Ugwuibe, Maurice, MD PCP ID # 141504 1531 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 888-4745 >= 18 years/años éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 14 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ROCKPORT McNeill, John, DO PCP ID # 151302 2621 Hwy 35 N Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 729-3939 ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON Montemayor, Ricardo, MD PCP ID # 106243 1905 Hwy 97 E Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3515 PLEASANTON Banjo, Abimbola, MD PCP ID # 141893 220 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2440 M T TH F 8A-5P W 9A-1P >= 8 years/años éSpanish Montemayor, Ricardo, MD PCP ID # 106243 1222 W Oaklawn Rd Ste B Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3206 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2527 BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD PCP ID # 164439 100 W Huntington Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 239-2851 Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Bunnell, Don Paul, MD PCP ID # 116737 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 éSpanish McNeill, John, DO PCP ID # 151302 1402 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-9711 Okpalo, Christian, MD PCP ID # 112369 1211 E Houston St Ste 9 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-8982 M-F 9A-5P éSpanish Falcon, Leigh Anne, MD PCP ID # 163346 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 #Perez, Jose, MD PCP ID # 139142 230 S Gulf St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 661-0388 éSpanish KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG KINGSVILLE Bruschetta, Humberto, MD PCP ID # 147958 Lin, Mau Shong, MD 2511 E Corral Ave Ste A PCP ID # 135984 Kingsville, TX 78363 1706 N Virginia St (361) 516-0097 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 >= 15 years/años (361) 552-2906 éSpanish M-W F 8A-5P TH S 8A-12P >= 2 years/años Geddes, James, MD éTaiwanese Spanish PCP ID # 141986 Chinese 1311 General Cavazos Blvd Ste F JIM WELLS COUNTY / Kingsville, TX 78363 CONDADO DE JIM WELLS (361) 592-5284 ALICE Guajardo, Richard, MD #Diaz, Roberto, MD PCP ID # 141139 PCP ID # 141824 415 S 6th St 2510 E Main St Ste 102 Kingsville, TX 78363 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 592-3237 (361) 664-4445 >= 2 years/años éSpanish éSpanish 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 9 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-8982 éSpanish BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS FALFURRIAS Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Hammo-Barazi, Mahmoud, MD PCP ID # 183221 107 S Gardner St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-2195 >= 18 years/años éSpanish Elizondo, Andres, MD PCP ID # 136464 1044 E Front St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0202 >= 21 years/años éSpanish #Pardo, Robert, MD PCP ID # 185179 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 141139 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Vela, Carlos, MD PCP ID # 127028 1400 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 >= 5 years/años éSpanish 2520 E Main St Ste 206 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4500 >= 2 years/años éSpanish CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 >= 2 years/años éSpanish PORT LAVACA Arroyo Diaz, Richard, MD PCP ID # 116739 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 15 #Murphy, Robert, MD PCP ID # 141183 510 E Caesar Ave Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-8588 éSpanish NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Aririguzo, Jude, MD PCP ID # 121066 2421 Morgan Ave Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 888-8893 >= 18 years/años éFrench Spanish Garcia, Fernando, MD PCP ID # 121386 1521 S Staples St Ste 605 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883-5419 éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna #Guzman, Antonio, MD PCP ID # 138557 3240 Ft Worth St Ste 120 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 985-1115 éSpanish #Sandoval, Jaime, MD PCP ID # 135926 1301 Santa Fe St Ste B Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 881-9300 éSpanish Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD PCP ID # 114841 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 420 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 887-7339 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éArabic Zafar, Usman, MD PCP ID # 178305 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 425 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 994-4880 VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Anjum, Amina, MD PCP ID # 184730 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Bauknight, Bruce, MD PCP ID # 137936 1908 N Laurent St Ste 550 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO #Juan J Sygal MD PA PCP ID # 150858 MATHIS 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 120 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 Guajardo, Richard, MD (361) 767-8956 PCP ID # 141139 502 E San Patricio Nan, Bicheng, MD Mathis, TX 78368 PCP ID # 154755 (361) 547-4121 202 Fortune Dr >= 2 years/años Corpus Christi, TX 78405 éSpanish (361) 289-0889 Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD 5950 Saratoga Blvd PCP ID # 114841 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 304 E San Patricio Ave (361) 883-4800 Mathis, TX 78368 600 Elizabeth St Ste 3c (361) 547-2203 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 éArabic (361) 883-4800 PORTLAND 614 Furman Ave #Lee Sang, Jerome, MD Corpus Christi, TX 78404 PCP ID # 137919 (361) 882-9278 107 Cdr Dr M-F 8:30A-5P Portland, TX 78374 6226 Saratoga Blvd (361) 643-6623 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 M-F 7:30A-8P S 9A-1P (361) 883-4800 #Soler, Laura, MD Pendleton, Michael, MD PCP ID # 176378 PCP ID # 141918 107 Cdr Dr 4210 Weber Rd Ste 2 Portland, TX 78374 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 643-6623 (361) 225-0719 M-F 7:30A-8P S 9A-1P M-F 8:30A-5P Ven Huizen, Vanessa, DO >= 18 years/años PCP ID # 151952 éSpanish 107 Cdr Dr #Rahman, Abul, MD Portland, TX 78374 PCP ID # 209633 (361) 643-6623 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 >= 55 years/años Corpus Christi, TX 78411 éSpanish (361) 980-1299 SINTON Rodriguez, Jairo, MD Guajardo, Richard, MD PCP ID # 120008 PCP ID # 141139 1521 S Staples St Ste 605 621 E Sinton St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 883-5419 (361) 364-4486 éSpanish >= 2 years/años éSpanish 6123 Country Club Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-1430 Bhatia, Sanjeev, MD PCP ID # 122715 4504 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9999 >= 21 years/años éSpanish Delgado, Ana, MD PCP ID # 136408 3412 N Main St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-9173 Divyatish Primary Care Health Servic PCP ID # 183253 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0004 Espinosa, Fabian, MD PCP ID # 143346 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 200 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 >= 18 years/años Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD PCP ID # 164439 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 605 E San Antonio St Ste 430e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0011 #Fabian E Espinosa MD PA PCP ID # 202708 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 200 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 16 Hohlt, Russell, MD PCP ID # 164201 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-0228 Jain, Arun Kumar, MD PCP ID # 153688 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 605 E San Antonio St Ste 304w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 757-8585 #Klein, Adi, MD PCP ID # 167421 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 McNeill, John, DO PCP ID # 151302 3002 Sam Houston Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5730 Nguyen, Peter Minh V, MD PCP ID # 133317 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 108 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1319 Osuchukwu, George, MD PCP ID # 178181 605 E San Antonio St Ste 430e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0011 Qureshi, Irfan, MD PCP ID # 195812 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 102 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 574-1775 Rahat, Uzma, MD PCP ID # 166962 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-0228 Riedel, Larry, MD PCP ID # 147735 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna #Shay, William, MD PCP ID # 195099 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 102 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 582-5789 Vasavada, Rasendu, MD PCP ID # 113673 601 E San Antonio St Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 485-9424 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P #Verma, Omesh, MD PCP ID # 122810 4502 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 580-1111 >= 21 years/años éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 17 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Obstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología Obstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON Zertuche, Benjamin, MD PCP ID # 109108 1905 Hwy 97 East Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3515 éSpanish PLEASANTON Nayar, Scheel, DO PCP ID # 103567 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (210) 921-2229 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Barnes, Jeff, DO PCP ID # 129309 2520 E Main St Ste 206 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4500 NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Alagoz, Aysun, MD PCP ID # 109961 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Ste 100 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-2242 éTurkish Canterbury, Christine, MD PCP ID # 101102 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años éSpanish Gonzalez, Dana, MD PCP ID # 138511 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-2013 Glazener, Leighanne, MD PCP ID # 103597 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 éSpanish 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Inman, Danielle PCP ID # 196459 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años Hicks, Robert, MD PCP ID # 125372 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-2013 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Nowitzky, Theressa, MD PCP ID # 143761 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años Whitehouse, Henry, MD PCP ID # 109390 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 Wilson, Melissa, MD PCP ID # 144074 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 Zamora, Gus, MD PCP ID # 178971 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 McDowell, Anthony, MD PCP ID # 109388 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Pena, Jaime, MD PCP ID # 109052 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años #Moore, Rama, NP PCP ID # 139893 2806 N Navarro St Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 Seiler, Tanya, MD PCP ID # 110840 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-2013 Supnet, Benjamin, MD PCP ID # 114160 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Wilder, Thomas, MD PCP ID # 108090 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 Suarez, Philip, MD PCP ID # 109389 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 VICTORIA Brumm, Ashley, MD PCP ID # 202644 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Torres, Maria PCP ID # 203617 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 Gilley, Judith, FNP PCP ID # 140368 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 Westford, Yvette, MD PCP ID # 136401 115 Medical Dr Ste 208 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 894-6420 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 18 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Pediatrics / Pediatria Pediatrics / Pediatria ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ROCKPORT Apostol, Melecio, MD PCP ID # 113434 2106 W Market St Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 729-8686 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8:30A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON Alejandra Moreno MD PA PCP ID # 156756 1901 Hwy 97 E Ste 120 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-1045 <= 10 years/años Moreno, Martha, MD PCP ID # 156719 1901 Hwy 97 E Ste 120 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-1045 M-F 8:30A-4:30P <= 14 years/años éSpanish PLEASANTON Valavalkar, Sushil, MD PCP ID # 171829 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 107 & 121 Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-8162 éSpanish #Ware, Leigh, NP PCP ID # 109265 109 N Smith St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 281-8367 T-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE Almouie, Muhamad, MD PCP ID # 106054 603 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9355 BEEVILLE Hassan, Mohamad, MD PCP ID # 149154 1500 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 354-2000 <= 21 years/años Hassan, Mohamad, MD PCP ID # 149154 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 <= 21 years/años 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 <= 21 years/años 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 <= 21 years/años Okpalo, Christian, MD PCP ID # 112369 1211 E Houston St Ste 9 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-8982 M-F 9A-5P éSpanish Mathew, Sonia, MD PCP ID # 191837 603 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9355 <= 21 years/años éSpanish 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 9 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-8982 éSpanish Mbadugha, Ifeanyi, MD PCP ID # 192425 603 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9355 <= 21 years/años BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS FALFURRIAS Nisimblat, Erik, MD PCP ID # 129366 305 E 3rd St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9353 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-11A <= 21 years/años éSpanish Hassan, Mohamad, MD PCP ID # 149154 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 <= 21 years/años CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN Nisimblat, William, MD PCP ID # 137584 305 E 3rd St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9353 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-11A <= 21 years/años éSpanish PORT LAVACA Griffin, Jeannine, MD PCP ID # 116735 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Patel, Nirupama, MD PCP ID # 125376 415 E 4th St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-8945 éSpanish Hindi JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Puyol, Franz, MD PCP ID # 137585 305 E 3rd St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9353 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-11A <= 21 years/años éSpanish Almouie Pediatrics PCP ID # 137144 603 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-9355 <= 21 years/años Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 19 KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG KINGSVILLE Andaya, Alfredo, MD PCP ID # 136768 1311 General Cavazos Blvd Ste 301 Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 595-5526 <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Cho, Unam, MD PCP ID # 136767 1311 General Cavazos Blvd Ste A Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 595-4441 M-F 9:30A-5:30P éSpanish Korean Hassan, Mohamad, MD PCP ID # 149154 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 <= 21 years/años Patel, Anil, MD PCP ID # 132772 1018 S 14th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-0223 M-F 9A-5P <= 21 years/años éSpanish NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI ABC Pediatrics PCP ID # 137479 3533 S Alameda Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P <= 21 years/años 5945 Saratoga Blvd Ste C Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 853-3222 <= 21 years/años Acevedo Gracia, Jessica, MD PCP ID # 137488 5801 Patton St Ste 100 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 992-9383 M T TH F 8:30A-4:30P W 8:30A-6:30P <= 21 years/años « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Pediatrics / Pediatria Almouie Pediatrics PCP ID # 137144 14041 Northw Blvd Ste 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 767-9963 <= 21 years/años 5802 Saratoga Blvd Ste 120 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 991-5437 <= 21 years/años Almouie, Muhamad, MD PCP ID # 106054 14041 Northw Blvd Ste 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 767-9963 5802 Saratoga Blvd Ste 120 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 991-5437 Anderson, Lori, MD PCP ID # 179068 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Ste 100 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-2242 Baber, Elena, MD PCP ID # 109215 13725 Nw Regional Blvd Ste 150 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 767-8286 éSpanish 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-8201 éSpanish Baggerman, Eric PCP ID # P10003029043 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Ste 100 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-2242 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Barganski, Natalie, CPNP PCP ID # 166703 3533 S Alameda St 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-4700 Berenguer, Alejandro, MD PCP ID # 113756 13725 Nw Regional Blvd Ste 150 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 767-8286 <= 18 years/años éSpanish 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-7346 <= 21 years/años éSpanish 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 100 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 985-1418 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Borchard, Edward, MD PCP ID # 107498 6434 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 991-1885 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Cornelius, Beatriz, MD PCP ID # 185265 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 992-6458 <= 18 years/años #Canales, Lynae, MD PCP ID # 137482 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P éSpanish Corpus Christi Tots and Teens PCP ID # 141777 6434 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 991-1885 <= 21 years/años Candas, Ali, MD PCP ID # 107539 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Cortes, Edgar, MD PCP ID # 105929 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-7346 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 21 years/años 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 694-1517 M-F 8:30A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish PCP ID # 112384 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-8201 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 21 years/años éSpanish Chua, Eireen, MD PCP ID # 188152 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 9A-5P éTagalog Davis, Jennifer, MD PCP ID # 106697 3130 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883-9999 M-F 12P-9P éSpanish 5945 Saratoga Blvd Ste C Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 853-3222 éTagalog 3533 S Alameda Sloan Bldg 5th Fl Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 985-1221 éSpanish Coastal Childrens Clinic PCP ID # 137549 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 150 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 241-9541 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 20 Dirksen, William, MD PCP ID # 107533 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 21 years/años Dohi, David, DO PCP ID # 144064 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-8266 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Espiritu, Teofilo, MD PCP ID # 107537 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-7346 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 694-1517 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Etuknwa, Uduak, MD PCP ID # 106567 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-7346 M-F 8A-5P S 9A-12P SU 8:30A-12P Fader, William, MD PCP ID # 108180 7017 S Staples St Ste 101 Corpus Christi, TX 78413 (361) 994-7255 M-F 8:45A-5P <= 16 years/años éSpanish Flood, George, MD PCP ID # 114624 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-4700 <= 17 years/años éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Pediatrics / Pediatria Fuentes, Dorothy, MD PCP ID # 114005 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Spanish Hensley, Katherine, MD PCP ID # 176938 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (512) 855-7346 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish 5945 Saratoga Blvd Ste C Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 853-3222 <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Spanish 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 694-1517 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Garcia, Toribio, MD PCP ID # 133573 3302 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 851-0333 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Hinojosa, Lizze, MD PCP ID # 137399 13310 Leopard St Ste 27 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 242-3355 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P <= 18 years/años 4707 Everhart Ste 104 B Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 851-0333 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Holland, Scott, MD PCP ID # 133789 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-8266 Guthrie, Gregory, MD PCP ID # 137484 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P Horn, Josephine, MD PCP ID # 167187 6110 Pkwy Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-1330 <= 21 years/años Hassan, Mohamad, MD PCP ID # 149154 2120 Baldwin Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (915) 203-8840 <= 21 years/años 2606 Hospital Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 902-4000 <= 21 years/años 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (915) 203-8840 <= 21 years/años 5950 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-5000 <= 21 years/años 7101 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 761-1200 <= 21 years/años Lira, Ernesto, MD PCP ID # 136218 4613 S Staples St Ste C-D Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 851-0000 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Lira, Maria, MD PCP ID # 124808 4613 S Staples St Ste C-D Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 851-0000 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Maria Luisa Lira MD PA PCP ID # 136217 4613 S Staples St Ste C-D Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 851-0000 <= 21 years/años Martin, Kimberly, MD PCP ID # 166528 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 853-3222 Mascher Denen, Marcella, MD PCP ID # 153369 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-6232 Jakubowski, Wieslaw, MD PCP ID # 105502 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 340 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-2111 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Mathew, Sonia, MD PCP ID # 191837 14041 Northw Blvd Ste 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 767-9963 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Kids Clinic PA PCP ID # 108135 7017 S Staples St Ste 101 Corpus Christi, TX 78413 (361) 994-7255 M-F 8:45A-5P <= 18 years/años 5802 Saratoga Blvd Ste 120 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 991-5437 <= 21 years/años éSpanish #Leshin, Harold, MD PCP ID # 106640 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P éSpanish Mbadugha, Ifeanyi, MD PCP ID # 192425 14041 Northw Blvd Ste 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 767-9963 <= 21 years/años 5945 Saratoga Blvd Ste C Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 853-3222 éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 21 5802 Saratoga Blvd Ste 120 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 991-5437 <= 21 years/años McNeil, Tom, MD PCP ID # 111405 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish #Medina, Ma Lucia C, MD PCP ID # 107543 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P éSpanish 5945 Saratoga Blvd Ste C Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 992-6458 éSpanish Narcise, Maria, MD PCP ID # 205077 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-1517 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éPhilippino 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 694-1517 <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Oshman, Steven, MD PCP ID # 107531 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-5P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Parekh, Minaxi, MD PCP ID # 113303 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-4700 éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Pediatrics / Pediatria Patel, Ashvinkumar, MD PCP ID # 116782 3435 S Alameda St Ste D Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 9A-5P <= 21 years/años éSpanish Hindi Patel, Girish, MD PCP ID # 107862 3435 S Alameda St Ste D Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-9494 M-F 9A-5P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Pediatric Clinic of South Texas PCP ID # 158519 9702 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78418 (361) 937-5311 <= 18 years/años Purcell, Debra, MD PCP ID # 110150 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 150 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 241-9541 <= 18 years/años éSpanish 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 855-7346 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Regueira, Felix, MD PCP ID # 121568 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-4700 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Perez, Tessa, MD PCP ID # 113178 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P éSpanish #Reyes-Acuna, Celia, MD PCP ID # 115371 4444 S Staples St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 991-4040 M T TH F 9A-5P W 9A-12P éSpanish 3945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78415 (361) 853-3222 éSpanish Rigonan, Alma, MD PCP ID # 184406 2418 Morgan Ave Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 883-3683 M T TH F 8A-4:30P W 8A-1:30P <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Spanish Tagalog 5945 Saratoga Blvd Ste C Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 853-3222 éSpanish Puente, Bruna, MD PCP ID # 106087 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Torres, Josefina, MD PCP ID # 116120 6110 Pkwy Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-1330 M-F 9A-5P <= 18 years/años éSpanish #Sandoval, Jaime, MD PCP ID # 135926 1301 Santa Fe St Ste B Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 881-9300 éSpanish Vijjeswarapu, Daniel, MD PCP ID # 106282 3240 Ft Worth St Ste 111 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 814-8453 M T TH F 9A-5P W 9A-1P <= 21 years/años éSpanish Santiago, Walter, MD PCP ID # 107542 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 M-F 8A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Ramakrishna, Mulukutla, MD PCP ID # 107547 3845 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78415 (361) 854-4361 <= 21 years/años éIndian Spanish Perez-Jonson, Maria, DO PCP ID # 154933 3845 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78415 (361) 854-4361 <= 21 years/años Rodriguez, Jorge, MD PCP ID # 107536 3845 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78415 (361) 854-4361 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P <= 21 years/años éSpanish 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 694-1517 M-F 8:30A-5P S 8:30A-12P SU 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Schulze, Susan, MD PCP ID # 137486 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P éSpanish #Sherron, Serena, DO PCP ID # 106851 3533 S Alameda St Ste 303 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 853-3222 M-F 8A-5P S 8A-12P SU 8:30A-12P South Padre Island Pediatric PCP ID # 106078 3845 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78415 (361) 854-4626 <= 21 years/años éSpanish 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 992-6458 <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Spanish Tagalog Rivera, Christine, MD PCP ID # 158151 9702 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78418 (361) 937-5311 <= 18 years/años Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 22 Wiraszka, Adam, MD PCP ID # 109217 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 460 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 980-0353 <= 21 years/años éPolish German Withycombe, Sarah PCP ID # P10003384938 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 992-6458 Zafra, Mildred, MD PCP ID # 115125 2420 Morgan Ave Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 881-8228 M-F 9A-4:30P <= 17 years/años éPhilippino ROBSTOWN Almouie Pediatrics PCP ID # 137144 819 E Main Ave Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 387-1200 <= 21 years/años Almouie, Muhamad, MD PCP ID # 106054 819 E Main Ave Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 387-1200 Corpus Christi Tots and Teens PCP ID # 141777 500 E Ave J Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 767-9955 <= 21 years/años « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Pediatrics / Pediatria Mathew, Sonia, MD PCP ID # 191837 819 E Main Ave Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 387-1200 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Mbadugha, Ifeanyi, MD PCP ID # 192425 819 E Main Ave Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 387-1200 <= 21 years/años SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS Ramakrishna, Mulukutla, MD PCP ID # 107547 160 S 13th St Ste E Aransas Pass, TX 78336 (361) 758-1984 <= 21 years/años éIndian Spanish INGLESIDE Pediatric Clinic of South Texas PCP ID # 158519 2334 State Hwy 361 Ste 114 Ingleside, TX 78362 (361) 937-5311 M-W F 8A-5P TH 9A-12P <= 18 years/años Pizarro, Fe, MD PCP ID # 114291 2334 State Hwy 361 Ste 114 Ingleside, TX 78362 (361) 776-9374 M-W F 8A-5P TH 9A-12P <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Spanish MATHIS Hassan, Mohamad, MD PCP ID # 149154 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 <= 21 years/años Ramakrishna, Mulukutla, MD PCP ID # 107547 220 E Saint Marys St Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-5700 <= 21 years/años éIndian Spanish Ramakrishna, Mulukutla, MD PCP ID # 107547 301 S San Patricio St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-3355 <= 21 years/años éIndian Spanish Rodriguez, Jorge, MD PCP ID # 107536 220 E Saint Marys St Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-5700 M-F 8:30A-5:30P <= 21 years/años éSpanish Rodriguez, Jorge, MD PCP ID # 107536 301 S San Patricio St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-3355 M-F 8:30A-5:30P <= 21 years/años éSpanish South Padre Island Pediatric PCP ID # 106078 301 S San Patricio St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-3355 <= 21 years/años éSpanish PORTLAND Almouie Pediatrics PCP ID # 137144 1700 Wildcat Dr Portland, TX 78374 (361) 777-3900 <= 21 years/años VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA Almouie, Muhamad, MD PCP ID # 106054 1700 Wildcat Dr Ste B Portland, TX 78374 (361) 777-3900 VICTORIA Arquisola, Arnel, MD PCP ID # 108066 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 204 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 574-1880 <= 1 year/año éSpanish Mathew, Sonia, MD PCP ID # 191837 1700 Wildcat Dr Portland, TX 78374 (361) 777-3900 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Caring Hands Pediatrics PCP ID # 160422 2108 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-3604 <= 14 years/años Mbadugha, Ifeanyi, MD PCP ID # 192425 1700 Wildcat Dr Portland, TX 78374 (361) 777-3900 <= 21 years/años Childrens Center of Victoria PCP ID # 148053 4304 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-4313 <= 21 years/años Narcise, Maria, MD PCP ID # 205077 1029 Us Hwy 181 Null Portland, TX 78374 (512) 855-7346 <= 18 years/años éPhilippino Coffey, Tamarah PCP ID # 207747 2806 N Navarro Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1371 SINTON Hassan, Mohamad, MD PCP ID # 149154 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 <= 21 years/años #Dentler, Stephen, DO PCP ID # 124847 9410 Ne Zac Lentz Pkwy Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 579-1333 éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 23 Dhingra, Yogesh, MD PCP ID # 106139 4304 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-4313 <= 16 years/años éSpanish Eezzuduemhoi, Deborah, MD PCP ID # 176595 107 James Coleman Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-0234 M-F 6P-10P S SU 2P-6P 115 Medical Dr Ste 101 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 572-1045 M-F 6P-10P S SU 1P-6P Griffin, Jeannine, MD PCP ID # 116735 115 Medical Dr Ste 101 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 572-1045 <= 21 years/años éSpanish Griffin, Kaylene, MD PCP ID # 124253 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 éSpanish Guel-Valdivia, Veronica, MD PCP ID # 127269 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (888) 314-3156 M-F 6A-11A S SU 2P-6P <= 18 years/años éSpanish 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 <= 18 years/años éSpanish 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Hilbert, William, MD PCP ID # 119040 101 Medical Dr Ste 103 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 572-0033 <= 21 years/años « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIO Pediatrics / Pediatria 110 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 572-0033 <= 21 years/años Lischka, Troy, PA PCP ID # 153891 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 Montemayor, Ignacio, MD PCP ID # 115157 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 207 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1302 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Nunley, Sandra PCP ID # 207766 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 <= 18 years/años Ontai, Sidney, MD PCP ID # 113981 601 E San Antonio St Ste 102 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4164 éSpanish Parekh, Minaxi, MD PCP ID # 113303 110 Medical Dr Ste 104 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 572-9400 éSpanish #Resendez, Adelaida, MD PCP ID # 111949 110 Medical Dr Ste 103c Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 572-0033 éSpanish Sachdev, Manju, MD PCP ID # 108609 2108 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-3604 307 Woodlands Ln Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 571-9126 716 Northgate Rd Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-3680 #Sarabosing, Luciano, MD PCP ID # 115143 2108 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-3604 M-F 8:30A-5P éSpanish Vo, Anne, DO PCP ID # 201761 110 Medical Dr Ste 103 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 572-0033 Pathikonda, Maya, MD PCP ID # 111542 601 E Airline Rd Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8500 éSpanish Pathikonda, Suresh, MD PCP ID # 111533 601 E Airline Rd Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8500 éSpanish Regueira, Felix, MD PCP ID # 121568 4304 Retama Cir Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-2134 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 24 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 LISTING DESCRIPTIONS / LA DESCRIPCIÓN Specialist Listings Descriptions / La Descripción Allergist (Allergies) Alergista (alergias) Oncology (Cancer) Oncología (cáncer) Cardiology, Cardiovascular (Heart, Blood Vessels) Cardiología, cardiovascular (corazón, vasos sanguíneos) Ophthalmology (Eyes) Oftalmología (ojos) Dermatology (Skin ) Dermatología (piel) Orthopedics (Bones and Joints) Ortopedia (huesos y articulaciones) ENT (Ears, Nose, Throat) Otorrinolaringología (oídos, nariz y garganta) Pain Management Control del dolor Endocrinology (Glands) Endocrinología (glándulas) Pediatric Subspecialties Subespecialidades pediátricas Gastroenterology (Stomach, Digestion) Gastroenterología (estómago, digestión) Plastic Surgery (Corrective Surgery) Cirugía plástica (cirugía correctiva) Genetics (Inherited Diseases, Birth Defects) Genética (enfermedades hereditarias, defectos congénitos) Pulmonology (Lungs, Breathing) Pulmonología (pulmones, respiración) Gynecology (Women's Health) Ginecología (salud de la mujer) Podiatry (Feet, Toe Nails) Podiatría (pies y uñas de los pies) Hematology (Blood) Hematología (sangre) Rheumatologist (Joints, Muscles, Tendons) Reumatología (articulaciones, músculos, tendones) Hyperbaric Medicine (Oxygen Chamber Therapy) Medicina hiperbárica (Terapia compartamiento del oxigeno) Surgery (Operations) Cirugía (operaciones) Infectious Diseases (Viral/Bacterial Infections) Enfermedades infecciosas (infecciones por virus o bacteria) Surgery, Colon (Surgery of the Large Intestine) Cirugía proctología (Cirugía de el intestino grueso) Physical Medicine (Rehabilitation) Medicina física (rehabilitación) Surgery, Hand (Surgery of the hand) Cirugía de la mano (Cirugía de la mano) Internal Medicine (General Medical Care ) Medicina interna (atencion medica general) Surgery, Oral (Surgery of the Mouth) Cirugía oral (Cirugía de la boca) Neonatology (Fetus and Newborns) Neonatologia (feto y recién nacido) Surgery, Transplant Cirugía trasplante Nephrology (Kidney) Nefrología (riñones) Thoracic Surgery (Chest Surgery) Cirugía torácica (cirugía del pecho) Neurology (Brain, Nervous System) Neurología (cerebro, sistema nervioso) Urology (Urinary Tract) Urología (tracto urinario) Obstetrics & Gynecology (Pregnancy & Women's Health) Obstetricia y ginecología (embrazo y salud de la mujer) Vascular Surgery (Heart and Blood Vessel Surgery ) Cirugía vascular (cirugia de vasos sanguíneos y el corazon ) 25 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Specialists / Especialistas ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA FULTON JOURDANTON Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Cardiology/ Cardiología South Texas Sports Medicine Inc ROCKPORT Audiologist/ Audiólogo Boyer, William, HIS Schoenborn, Ryan, HIS Cardiology/ Cardiología Ball, Robert, MD Cardiology Assoc of Corpus Christi Coutin, Rafael, MD McKinstry, Scott, MD Ormand, Jackson, MD Quinonez, Carlos, MD Chiropractor, Licensed/ Quiropractica Back in Motion Hawkins, Brad, DC Family Planning/ Planificación Familiar South TX Family Planning Rockport Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Fairchild, Gary, OTRL Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico Banse, Richard, PT Burkholder, John, PT Chapman, Kristi Chavez, Maria, PT Cocke, Tara, PT Hanks, Russell Hesseltine, Mandy, PT Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Humpal, Scott, PT Klare, Kenneth, PT McNally, Jed, PT Nelson, Andrew, PT Oliver, Donald, PT Ramirez, Yvonne, PT Wilson, Elizabeth Anne Podiatry/ Podiatría Abrams, Jamelia, DPM Blackmon, Ashley Dempsey, Michael, DPM Leykum, Brian Murray-Clark, Michelle Renee Paschal, Jossy Briseno, David, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Espinoza, Jude, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Font-Cordoba, Jose, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Garcia, Manuel, MD Gonzales, Michael, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Muse, Roger, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Osorio, Hector, MD Tan, Chun, MD Pulmonary Disease/ Pulmonología Ferreira, Gustavo, MD LYTLE Nephrology/ Nefrología Gear, Christine, MD Nutrition/ Nutrición Alvarez, Meredith, LD Collymore, Christine Guerra, Kathryn, RD Guizar, Lorie Casanova, OT Nestor-Alcanta, Eva, RDLD Reyes, Jacqueline, RD Wooten, Rayna, LD Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Degg, Rebecca Edwards, Chelsea Mehra, Sanjeev Zertuche, Benjamin, MD Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Alcaraz, Sarah, OT Duron, Larry, OT Gerber, Joan, OT Guizar, Lorie Casanova, OT Harr, Barbara, OTR Jaloway, Nora Gastroenterology/ Gastroenterología Digestive Diseases Center of South TX Ganeshappa, Ravi, MD Goyal, Amit, MD Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico General Surgery/ Cirugía Fowler, Kirby, PT Kutac Repka, Alexi, PT Professional Therapy Services LP Saenz, Tiffany, PT Schaefer, Janice, PT West, Kara Nicole, PT Zafar, Naveed, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Garcia, Jaime, MD Montemayor, Ricardo, MD Muse, Roger, MD PLEASANTON Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Allergy/ Immunology/ Alergias/ Immunología Blackmon, Edward, MD Rodriguez, Juliana, MD Hatch, Mark, MD Audiologist/ Audiólogo Orthopaedic Surgery/ Cirugía Ortopedia Harris, Elizabeth, AUD Lindstrom, Keith, AUD Anderson, Edward, MD Benavides, German, MD Burns, Travis, MD Charlton, Michael, MD Koo Cho, Mickey Seong, MD Reyes Jr, Guy Tuder, Dmitry, MD Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar #Hickman, Anny, PA Zertuche, Benjamin, MD General Surgery/ Cirugía Vasquez, Isela, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Garcia, Jaime, MD Montemayor, Ricardo, MD Nephrology/ Nefrología #Kobert, John, DO Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Nayar, Scheel, DO Tarkenton, Tim, MD Orthopaedic Surgery/ Cirugía Ortopedia Beltran, Michael, MD Reyes Jr, Guy South Central Bone & Joint Center PA Otolaryngology/ Otolaringología Hatch, Mark, MD Herr, Timothy, MD Pediatrics/ Pediatría Mumoz III, Manuel Valavalkar, Sushil, MD Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Krampetz, Donald, DO Podiatry/ Podiatría #D J Silverster DPM PA Rheumatology/ Reumatología Baddour, Violeta, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Urology/ Urología Tecuanhuey Jr, Leopoldo, MD Cardiology/ Cardiología #Frierson, John, MD Tan, Chun, MD Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 26 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Specialists / Especialistas BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE Allergy/ Immunology/ Alergias/ Immunología Victoria Allergy and Asthma Clinic Cardiology/ Cardiología Ball, Robert, MD Beato, Milton, MD Cardiology Assoc of Corpus Christi McKinstry, Scott, MD Ormand, Jackson, MD Quinonez, Carlos, MD Zamora, Jose, MD Family Planning/ Planificación Familiar South TX Family Planning Beeville Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Kamat, Vandana, MD Mehra, Sanjeev General Surgery/ Cirugía Beeville Surgical Associates Schorlemmer, Rodney, MD Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología Pollard, Ester, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Urbaez Duran, Esther, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD Khan, Faisal, MBBS Nephrology/ Nefrología Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Khan, Behram, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Khan, Faisal, MBBS Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia #Buban Navarro, Marites Sanchez, Vicente, MD Torres, Elva Pediatrics/ Pediatría Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional O Ryan, Julio, MD Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva Staples, Lauri, OT Pediatrics/ Pediatría Thompson, Anthony, DO O Ryan, Julio, MD CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física PORT LAVACA Comm Action Corp of S TX Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico #Smith, Thomas, MD Tran, Hung Quoc Martin, Darryl, PT Saenz, Tiffany, PT General Surgery/ Cirugía Podiatry/ Podiatría Dwyer, Michael, MD Jaso, Rene, MD Ford, Kris, DPM Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva Danielson, Maia, MD William, George Antone, MD Thompson, Anthony, DO BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS Otolaryngology/ Otolaringología FALFURRIAS Cummins, Michelle, MD Allergy/ Immunology/ Alergias/ Immunología Pediatrics/ Pediatría Rupley, Marcelina, MD Kavosh, Eric, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Gulf Coast Rehabilitation Podiatry/ Podiatría Kamat, Vandana, MD Powell, Shanti, MD Uzowulu, Obinna, MD Steinberg, Richard, DPM GOLIAD COUNTY / CONDADO DE GOLIAD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna GOLIAD Halat, Anthony, MD Hounshell, Whitney, MD Kelley, Crystal, MD Vela, Carlos, MD Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Gulf Coast Rehabilitation Nephrology/ Nefrología JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS Levine, Andrew, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna ALICE Qureshi, Usman, MD Zamora, Jose, MD Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Castillo Canal, Ofelia Kamat, Vandana, MD #Rochester, Dixie, RN Skoruppa, Deborah Susan General Practice/ Práctica General #Rochester, Dixie, RN General Surgery/ Cirugía Subnani, Raj, MD Teixeira, Mauricio, MD Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología Pollard, Ester, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Urbaez Duran, Esther, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Ahmad, Shahab, MD Nephrology/ Nefrología Vasquez, Jorge, MD Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Alice OB GYN Specialty Clinic The Womens Health Center of Alice Torres, Elva Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Cantu, Sarah Lyn Fairchild, Gary, OTRL Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Kidz Rehab Center Inc Robertson, Michael, OT Silva-Cantu, Sylvia, OTRL Otolaryngology/ Otolaringología Cesar, Carlos, MD Cardiology/ Cardiología Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Alice Heart Center Guerra, Maricela Kamat, Suraj, MD Torres, Elva Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 27 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Specialists / Especialistas Pediatric Subspecialties/ Subespecialidades Pediatricas CARDIOLOGY/ CARDIOLOGÍA Salamat, Mehrdad, MD Pediatrics/ Pediatría O Ryan, Julio, MD Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Little Lighthouse Childrens Rehab Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico Banse, Richard, PT Burkholder, John, PT Chavez, Maria, PT Cocke, Tara, PT Hanks, Russell Hesseltine, Mandy, PT Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Humpal, Scott, PT McNally, Jed, PT Nelson, Andrew, PT Oaferina, Aleth, PT Oliver, Donald, PT Ramirez, Yvonne, PT Salas, Jennifer Ann Wilson, Elizabeth Anne Podiatry/ Podiatría Volling, Dwight, DPM Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva Thompson, Anthony, DO Pulmonary Disease/ Pulmonología Jose Perez MD KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KENEDY Cardiology/ Cardiología Seaworth, John, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Podiatry/ Podiatría Cheleuitte, Elias, DPM KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico KINGSVILLE McDowell, Pamela Oliver, Donald, PT Cardiology/ Cardiología Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva Ball, Robert, MD Beato, Milton, MD Cardiology Assoc of Corpus Christi McKinstry, Scott, MD Ormand, Jackson, MD Pappas, John, MD Quinonez, Carlos, MD Rodriguez, Mike, MD Szalai, Gabor, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Toth, Zoltan, MD Upmanyu, Sant, MD Zamora, Jose, MD Thompson, Anthony, DO NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Allergy/ Immunology/ Alergias/ Immunología Tinana, Adrienne, MD Audiologist/ Audiólogo Advanced Hearing Solutions of S TX Andrews, Seth Corrigan, Judy, MCD Dickson Hearing Center Gold, Cheryll Anne, AUD Hearing Assocates of Texas LLC Lopez, Anna, AUD Orona, Jesse, HIS Family Planning/ Planificación Familiar Family Planning Assoc of San Antonio South TX Family Planning Kingsville Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Cardiology/ Cardiología Kamat, Vandana, MD Alexander, Thomas, MD Alfayoumi, Fadi, MD Ball, Robert, MD Beato, Milton, MD Berio-Muniz, Rafael, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Brenner, Lawrence, MD Cardiology Assoc of Corpus Christi #Cervera, Aurelio, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Charles H Moore MD PA Chekuri, Kasi, MD Corpus Christi Heart Clinic Vascular Coutin, Rafael, MD Damaraju, Srikanth, MD De Maio, Samuel, MD Diaz, Jose Andres, MD Fordtran, Robert, MD Goya, Garbine, MD Graf, Raymond, MD Madry, Robert, MD Mawji, Shamim, MD #Morsy, Mohamed, MD Ormand, Jackson, MD Quinonez, Carlos, MD Rios, Billy, MD Rodriguez, Mike, MD Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología Pollard, Ester, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Urbaez Duran, Esther, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Bruschetta, Humberto, MD Martinez, Roberto, MD Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Perdue, Judy, NP Torres, Elva Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Kidz Rehab Center Inc Robertson, Michael, OT Pediatrics/ Pediatría O Ryan, Julio, MD Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 28 Sanchez, Julian, MD Schechter, Charles, MD Silverman, Gregg, MD South Texas Pediatric Cardiology Stern, Herbert, MD Szalai, Gabor, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Turner, Stephen, MD Upmanyu, Sant, MD Valdez, Marcos, MD Zamora, Jose, MD Chiropractor, Licensed/ Quiropractica Durbin, Misty Landavazo, Imogene, DC Posey, James, DC Clinic/ Clinica Beeville Internists Childrens Physician Services of South TX Coastal Cardiology Association Corpus Christi Trauma & General Surgery Corpus Christi Urology Corpus Nephrology Network Driscoll Maternal and Fetal Physicians Group Dugan Eye Institute Jose De Jesus Trevino Pain Management Kidney Specialists of South Texas PA Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Neonatology Consult of Corpus Christi Pathology Assoc of Corpus Christi Raymond Lewandowski MD PA Wilson L Velasquez Ma PA Dermatology/ Dematología Becker, Emily, MD Endocrinology/ Endocrinología Amaral-Ramos, Jennifer, MD Brusco, Osvaldo, MD Cohn, Jacqueline, MD Family Planning/ Planificación Familiar S TX Family Planning and Health Corp « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Specialists / Especialistas Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Acebo, Jose Alaniz III, Andres, MD Bayardo, Rodolfo, NP Chi, Casiano Hernandez, Edgar, MD Huynh, Phuong Moy, Misty Nowotny, Steven, DO Parekh, Minaxi, MD Rasheed, Nida Robinson, Carolyn, NP Villarreal, Cecilia Gastroenterology/ Gastroenterología Affiliates in Digestive and Liver Corpus Christi Gastroenterology Duran, Jose, MD Gastroenterology and Advanced Endoscopy Kim, Jae, MD Mitchell, Robert, MD Vanfrank, Timothy, MD General Practice/ Práctica General Sherman, Paul General Surgery/ Cirugía Alonso, Javier, MD Dimas, Vanessa Dajda, MD Dye, James Mitchell, MD Emran, Mohammad, MD Ficenec, Matthew, MD Garcia, Octavio Javier, MD Griffin, Glenn, DO Johnson, David, MD Kerek, David, DO Kingdon, Kenneth Lin, Yu-Hsis Martin, Dan, MD May, Robert, MD Ortiz, Victor, MD Osbert Blow MD Phd PA Owsley, Jimie, MD Pearce, David, MD Rolong, Alvaro, MD Smith, Raleigh, MD Stegemann, Lloyd, MD Surgical Associates LLP Townsend, Thomas, MD Vela, Steven, MD Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología Aponte, Emmalind, MD Clarke, Patricia Bay Area Kidney Disease Physicians Cortese, Jack, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Gharaybeh, Salam, MD Hinojosa, Richard, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Islam, Shah, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Jifi-Bahlool, Samer, MD Kaldas, Abeer Khan, Behram, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Lee, Benjamin Nan, Bicheng, MD Nooruddin, Karim, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Ogbu, Chijioke Ramirez, Robert, MD Reddy, Geeta, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Rutherford, Clyde, MD Saleem, Zakaria, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Salloum, Cynthia, MD Shaffer, William, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Vasquez, Jorge, MD Zarinetchi, Fariba, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Coastal Bend Cancer Center Esquilin, Jose, MD Johnson, Maria, MD Mahmood, Aftab, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Pollard, Ester, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Salloum, Emile, MD Sehgal, Ajay, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Urbaez Duran, Esther, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Villamil, Alfonso, MD Infectious Disease/ Enfermedades Infecciosas Fergie, Jaime, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Abreu, Pedro, MD Ahmad, Shahab, MD Armstrong, Luis, MD Asistido, Anthony, MD Chen, Defeng, MD Chronister, Justin David, DO Chronister, Stacy, DO Din, Sabeed, MD Garcia, Fernando, MD Gupta, Sunil, MD Hinojosa, Richard, MD Ibanez, Marc, MD Johnson, Maria, MD Knight, Robin, DO Krynski, Gregory, MD Malik, Mohammad, MD Mendez, Oscar, MD Middleton, Ellen, MD Montgomery, Michael #Moody, Adriana, MD Muro, Daniel, MD Nan, Bicheng, MD Nash, Michael, MD Owusu Boakye, Cyril, MD Ozigbo, Obinna, MD Palumbo, Ralph, MD Rogoff, Eric, MD Tejeda, Heriberto, MD Neurology/ Neurología Ambulatory Adult Neurology PA Bobele, Gary, MD Fergie, Jaime, MD McFarling, David, MD South TX Brain and Spine Center Valdez, Marcos, MD Neurosurgery/ Cirugía Neurología Alexander, Mathew, MD Burke, Michael, MD Gleason, Patrick, MD Neurosurgery Institute of South Smith, Howard Lamoyne, MD Medical Oncology/ Oncología Médica Aponte, Emmalind, MD Manalo, Yvonne, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Nutrition/ Nutrición Nephrology/ Nefrología Gonzalez, Karen Leann, DT Griffiths, Laura, DT Allen, William, MD Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 29 Owens, Aaron, DT Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Corrada, Romulo Gaspar, MD De La Guardia, Alberto, MD Diaz, Pedro, MD Doucet, Roxanna, MD Eftimescu, Dina, MD Espada, Roberto Gonsoulin, Whitney, MD Gonzalez, Anna Bertha, MD Johnson, Cherie, MD Khimani, Sultana, MD Kirkham, Charles, MD Lira, Noe, MD Lochner, Denise, MD Loftin, Ryan, MD Noriega, Sandra Ivonne, MD Ommani, Sophia Pathikonda, Meena, MD Perdue, Judy, NP Perez-Montes, Maria, MD Pizarro, Maria, MD Rodriguez, Leo, MD Shoemaker, Edward Stanton, MD Strain, Shawn, MD Vega, Rolando, MD Villarreal, Juan, MD Visintine, John, MD Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Aldana, Marisol, OTR Aleman, Heather, SLP Dulin, Rebecca, OTR Fairchild, Gary, OTRL Hand Therapy Service Heflin, Sheila, OT Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Jarrell, Cynthia, OTRL Jones, Jennifer Spreen, Anita, OTRL Zamora, Lydia, OTR Orthopaedic Surgery/ Cirugía Ortopedia Borkowski, John, MD Breckenridge, Charles, MD Carlson, Richard, MD Childrens Orthopaedic Assoc of S TX Comstock, Christopher, MD Griffin, Glenn, DO Grosser, Dawn, MD Klimisch, Justin Masciale, John, MD Orthopedic Assoc of Corpus Christi Seger, Bernard, MD « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Specialists / Especialistas Thomas, Ryan, MD Timperlake, Roger, MD Otolaryngology/ Otolaringología AAA ENT Associates Balbosa, Aiysha, DO Creamean, Troy, DO Fisher, George, MD Fordham, Morgan Taylor Gulf Coast ENT and Allergy Loeffler, Paul, MD McLelland, Claude, MD Mintz, Michael, MD Motes, James Merrill, MD Oshman, Robert, MD Steehler, Matthew Zane, Randall, MD NEPHROLOGY/ NEFROLOGÍA Deline, Carol, MD PULMONARY DISEASE/ PULMONOLOGÍA Nolan, Paul, MD Roberts, Jon, MD UROLOGY/ UROLOGÍA ALLERGY/ IMMUNOLOGY/ ALERGIAS/ IMMUNOLOGÍA Allen, William, MD Alter, Nejemie, MD Amaral-Ramos, Jennifer, MD Belyeu, Danielle Clarke, Patricia Emran, Mohammad, MD Fergie, Jaime, MD Geddie, Steven, MD Geller, Amalia, MD Gharaybeh, Salam, MD Gonzales, Laura Harper, Nancy, MD Holland, Scott, MD Honrubia, Dynio, MD Johnson, Maria, MD Jonatchick, Jim, CPNP Lastrache, Jacobo, MD Milano, Emil L, MD Moreno, Laura Ann, APRN Narcise, Maria, MD Ojadi, Vallier, MD Park, Myung, MD Prado, Alfonso, MD Rafael, Marita, MD Ramos, Leilany Reed, William, MD Reevas, Aaron, MD Regueira, Felix, MD Salina, Miguel, MD Shah, Mahendra, MD Stafford, Thuy-Van, MD Stratton, Robert, MD Swarup, Jyothi, MD Timperlake, Roger, MD Adebo, Dilachew, MD Bartakian, Sergio, MD Brownlee, John, MD Dhar, Pradip, MD Park, Myung, MD Patel, Jatin, DO Phillips, Brandon, MD Quinones, Jose, MD ENDOCRINOLOGY/ ENDOCRINOLOGÍA Flores, Mauricio, MD Mokhashi, Moinuddin, MD GASTROENTEROLOGY/ GASTROENTEROLOGÍA Jain, Ashok, MD Shah, Mahendra, MD GENERAL SURGERY/ CIRUGÍA Hernandez, Ambrosio, MD GENETICS/ GENÉTICA Stratton, Robert, MD HEMATOLOGY/ ONCOLOGY/ HEMATOLOGÍA/ ONCOLOGÍA Alter, Nejemie, MD Mba, Nkechi, MD Abe, Keitaro, PT Chavarria, Jose Chavez, Maria, PT Cocke, Tara, PT Cronkhite, Phillip, PT Davis Physical Therapy Inc Fisher, John Glover, Lee, PT Hand Therapy Service Hanks, Russell Hesseltine, Mandy, PT Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Humpal, Scott, PT McDowell, Pamela McNally, Jed, PT Nelson, Andrew, PT Oliver, Donald, PT #Palmisano, Tiffany, PT Patel, Nikita Pizana, Paula, PT Pulda, Miroslav, PT Ramirez, Yvonne, PT Rodriguez, Starrla, PT Ross, Karen, PT Ruiz, Stephanie, PT Schauster, Lynn, PT Shea Physical Therapy Shull Physical Therapy Center Sullivan, Kelly, PT Villegas, Cristian, PT Wilson, Elizabeth Anne Wymer, Richard, PT NEUROLOGY/ NEUROLOGÍA Cruz Diaz, Manuel CARDIOLOGY/ CARDIOLOGÍA Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico Al Akash, Samhar, MD Becker, Amy, MD Roberts, Jon, MD Pediatric Subspecialties/ Subespecialidades Pediatricas Caplin, James, MD Zhu, Ningxi, MD South Texas Sports Medicine Inc Regueira, Oswald, MD Pediatrics/ Pediatría Plastic Surgery/ Cirugía Plástica AAA ENT Associates Balbosa, Aiysha, DO Bindingnavele, Vijay, MD Dimas, Vanessa Dajda, MD Fernandez, Robert, MD Hopkins, Kevin, MD #Hubli, Eric, MD Podiatry/ Podiatría Corum, Bryan, DPM Laroche, Robert, DPM #Lee, Serei, DPM Schiop, Michael, DPM Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Colon & Rectal Assoc of South Texas Hahn, Tara, MD Varin, Carmen, MD Pulmonary Disease/ Pulmonología Geneser, Mark, MD Halloum, Ammar, MD Khan, Alamgir, MD Madappa, Tarun #Middleton, Ellen, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Narang, Rajeev, MD Rodriguez, Jairo, MD South TX Pulmonary & Critical Care Sy, Stanley, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Rheumatology/ Reumatología Mizesko, Melissa, MD Thoracic Therapy/ Terapia Toracica Bielefeld, Mark, MD Charles H Moore MD PA Swain, Timothy, MD Tavares, Sergio, MD Urology/ Urología Bayside Urology Donald, David, MD Naismith, Robert, MD Phillips, Timothy, MD Smith-Harrison, Leon, MD Vascular Surgery/ Cirugía Vascular Alonso, Javier, MD ROBSTOWN Chiropractor, Licensed/ Quiropractica Filla, James, DC REFUGIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE REFUGIO REFUGIO General Surgery/ Cirugía Holder Haynes, Juliet Georgia, MD Aid Specialist, Texas Hearing Depoliti Tower, Susan, MD Raymond, Thomas Martin, MD Proctology/ Proctología Brackett, Fred, MD Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 30 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Specialists / Especialistas SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS Gastroenterology/ Gastroenterología Verma, Dharmendra, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna General Surgery/ Cirugía Smith, Raleigh, MD Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología Pollard, Ester, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Urbaez Duran, Esther, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Fairchild, Gary, OTRL Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico Burkholder, John, PT Chavez, Maria, PT Cocke, Tara, PT Hanks, Russell Hesseltine, Mandy, PT Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers McNally, Jed, PT Nelson, Andrew, PT Oliver, Donald, PT Ramirez, Yvonne, PT Wilson, Elizabeth Anne Urology/ Urología Bayside Urology O Ryan, Julio, MD Torres, Elva Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva Chiropractor, Licensed/ Quiropractica Thompson, Anthony, DO TAFT Fletcher, Walker, DC Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Kamat, Vandana, MD Mehra, Sanjeev Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Comm Action Corp of S TX Fairchild, Gary, OTRL Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Pediatrics/ Pediatría Narcise, Maria, MD Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico Burkholder, John, PT Chavez, Maria, PT Cocke, Tara, PT Hanks, Russell Hesseltine, Mandy, PT Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers Humpal, Scott, PT McNally, Jed, PT Nelson, Andrew, PT Oliver, Donald, PT Ramirez, Yvonne, PT Wilson, Elizabeth Anne Cardiology/ Cardiología Campbell, William, MD Chandna, Harish, MD Davis, David, MD Engleman, David, MD Feng, Samuel, MD Gaalla, Ajay, MD Grumman, James, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Joshi, Nikhil, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Junor, Chelif, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Krueger, Kurtis, MD Oakley, Robert, MD Parikh, Daksheshkumar, MD Sierra Hoffman, Miguel, MD Kamat, Vandana, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Ahmad, Shahab, MD Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 31 Clinic/ Clinica Childrens Physician Services of South TX Crossroads Health Center South Texas Eye Center Dermatology/ Dematología Cox, Gary, MD Choudhry, Muhammad, MD Niegos, Frederick, MD Flyger, Dean Huynh, Christy, AUD Tristan, Carol Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Duggan Jr, John Patrick, MD Feher, Richard, DC Holcomb, Tim, DC #Tillotson, Dennis, DC VICTORIA Audiologist/ Audiólogo South TX Family Planning Sinton Chiropractor, Licensed/ Quiropractica Endocrinology/ Endocrinología Haliburton, Beverly, FNP Harvey, Robert, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Rao, Gullapal, MD Victoria Allergy and Asthma Clinic South Texas Sports Medicine Inc Tillman, Tywaun, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Tocatjian, Alain, M.D. Valdez, Marcos, MD VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA Allergy/ Immunology/ Alergias/ Immunología Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Family Planning/ Planificación Familiar Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia O Ryan, Julio, MD PORTLAND Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Ahmad, Shahab, MD Pediatrics/ Pediatría Thompson, Anthony, DO SINTON Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Torres, Elva Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva MATHIS Kamat, Vandana, MD Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Pediatrics/ Pediatría Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar Adesanya, Ismail Olayink Aguinaga, Maria Akahara, Obidike, MD Bhatti, Kamran, MD Campbell, Cheryl Cocuzzi, John, MD Fragile, Mary Lou, DO Gonzales, Josefina, NP Heard, Richard, MD Kincaid, Richard, NP Parekh, Minaxi, MD Zaiontz, Theresa Gastroenterology/ Gastroenterología Clarke, Jermaine, DO Verma, Dharmendra, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna General Surgery/ Cirugía Barber, John, MD Belew, Michael, MD Bennett, Robert, MD Buckingham, Charles, MD Chang, Craig, MD Clemmons, Andrew, DO #Hamilton, Sean, MD Hashmi, Shahid, MD Hougen, Stephen, MD Janzow, Matthew, MD Jones, Phillip, MD McDaniel, Brian, DO « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Specialists / Especialistas Milan, Stacey, MD Rojas, Peter, MD Schrank, Kenton, MD Wagner, William, MD Yahagi, Yusuke, MD Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología Abdulla, Nihal, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Gorouhi, Fariborz, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Ahmed, Mohammed Ajibade, Temitope Arety, Prasanthi Bernard, Jack, MD Campbell, William, MD Cano, Daniel, MD Curwen, Boris Durham, Dennis, MD Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD Heymann, William A Idem, Ifiok Jilani, Shaiquel Khan, Faisal, MBBS Klein, Adi, MD Kolli, Sunil, MD Kumar, Haresh, MD Lal, Yasir Mowla, Mohammed Muro, Daniel, MD Palacio, Carlos, MD Rao, Bhaskar Scroggins Jr, John William, MD Sierra Hoffman, Miguel, MD #Vu, Khiem, DO Wheeler, Bruce, MD Wynn, Andrew, MD Medical Oncology/ Oncología Médica Abdulla, Nihal, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Nephrology/ Nefrología Athar, Umair Du, Yong, MD Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Khan, Faisal, MBBS Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Kumar, Haresh, MD Malik, Azhar, MD Wagner, Anne, MD Pediatric Subspecialties/ Subespecialidades Pediatricas Neurology/ Neurología Sawyers, Richard, MD Valdez, Marcos, MD CARDIOLOGY/ CARDIOLOGÍA Neurosurgery/ Cirugía Neurología Adebo, Dilachew, MD GENERAL SURGERY/ CIRUGÍA Chaput, Christophe, MD Dasilva, Mark Viktor, MD Gilner, Leon, MD Spencer, Timothy, DO Almond, Patrick, MD Pediatrics/ Pediatría Nutrition/ Nutrición #Arquisola, Arnel, MD Carson, James Lischka, Troy, PA Nunley, Sandra Regueira, Felix, MD Sachdev, Manju, MD #Sarabosing, Luciano, MD Drysdale, Toni Swize, Sharon, RD Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Abrantes, Anthony, MD Community Mother & Child Health Center Cook, Kelle, FNP Gilley, Judith, FNP Jaynes, Charles, MD Rockhill, Teresa, MD Suarez, Philip, MD Victoria Womens Clinic Westford, Yvette, MD Physical Medicine/ Medicina Física Gulf Coast Rehabilitation Healthforce Pediatric Rehab Rheumatology/ Reumatología Olvera, Noe, MD Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Stein, Scott, DO Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna Urology/ Urología Hilz, Michael, MD Kopecky, Alfred, MD Manatt, Christopher, MD New, Aaron Robert, MD White, John Henry, MD Wiener, Marshall, MD Vascular Surgery/ Cirugía Vascular Bennett, Robert, MD #Hamilton, Sean, MD Sigtenhorst, Georg, MD Yahagi, Yusuke, MD Physical Therapist/ Terapeuta Físico Chesak, Laura, PT Ryan, Bruce, PT Schoener Spong, Theresa, PT Shamma, Laurie, PT Yearwood, Chisa, PT Occupational Therapist/ Medicina Opupacional Kacir, Marjorie, OT Kocian, Jennifer, OT Seals, Beverly, OT Starr, Carolyn, OT Plastic Surgery/ Cirugía Plástica Branfman, Gary, MD Burns, Brian, MD Dart, Kimi, DO Mondolfi, Paul, MD Orthopaedic Surgery/ Cirugía Ortopedia Allred, Robert, MD Breech, Donald, MD Compton, Cora, NP Daniel, Charles, MD Duggan Jr, John Patrick, MD Followwill, Jerry, MD Matey, Douglas, DO Osterman, David, MD Roberts, Stephen, MD Urbanczyk, Jeremy Podiatry/ Podiatría Caldwell, Maureen, DPM Campbell, Neil, DPM Henry, Frank, DPM Hunt, Andrea, DPM Lisch, Mark, DPM Young, Andrew, DPM Preventive Medicine/ Medicina Preventiva Otolaryngology/ Otolaringología Reynolds, Rolland, MD Bickford, Elmer Daryl, MD Dart, Kimi, DO E Daryl Bickford MD PA Hoang, Joseph, MD Joseph T Hoang MD PA Leong, Herman, MD Victoria ENT Associates LLP Pulmonary Disease/ Pulmonología Adams, Robin, MD Sierra Hoffman, Miguel, MD Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 32 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 HOSPITALS / HOSPITALES Hospitals ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON South Texas Regional Medical Center BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE Christus Spohn Hospital Beeville Christus Spohn Memorial CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN PORT LAVACA Memorial Medical Center JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS South Texas Surgical Hospital The Heart Hospital REFUGIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE REFUGIO REFUGIO Refugio County Memorial SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS North Bay Hospital VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Citizens Medical Center Detar Hospital Jackson County Hospital Warm Springs Specialty Hospital ALICE Christus Spohn Hospital Alice Christus Spohn Memorial KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KENEDY Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG KINGSVILLE Christus Spohn Kleberg Memorial Hospital NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Bay Area Medical Center Christus Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi Christus Spohn Hospital-Shoreline Christus Spohn Hospital-South Christus Spohn Memorial Corpus Christi Medical Doctors Regional Medical Center Driscoll Childrens Hospital Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 33 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 LABORATORIES / LABORATORIOS Laboratories Bio-Reference Laboratory Bios 4 D Imaging Clinical Pathology Lab Corpus Christi Sleep Center Labcorp of America Millennium Laboratories Inc Quest Diagnostics Dallas Quest Diagnostics Houston Quest Diagnostics Inc South TX Clinical Lab Ltd Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 34 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 RADIOLOGY / RADIOLOGÍA Radiology Coastal Bend Pet Scan Ltd Corpus Christi Radiology Center Crossroads MRI Lp Expert Cancer Physicians PLLC Orthopedic Associates of Corpus Christi Premier Sleep Disorder Center Radiology Associates Radiology Unlimited Radiology/Imaging of S TX Llp Torr Respiratory Services Sleep Center True Medical Imaging Victoria Cardiology Imaging LP Victoria Upright MRI X Ray On Wheels Inc Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 35 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 OTHER SERVICES / OTRAS PROVEEDORES DE SERVICIOS MÉDICOS Best Choice Medical Equipment Other Services Calallen Medical and Safety Supply Ambulance Services/Servicios Castle Hills Pharmacy de Ambulancia Central TX Med Christian Care Medical Advance EMS Ltd Equipment Bay Area Care Services Coastal Bend DME Driscoll Childrens Hospital Coastal Bend Rural Medical Evening Star Ambulance Equipment Service Corpus Christi Prosthetics ITC Medical Transport Crossroads Home Health Company Davila Pharmacy Inc Sensible Care Ems Economy Medical Rental Ambulance Edge Medical Supply LLC TAC Med Inc Freds Pharmacy Healthcare Unlimited Ambulatory Surgical Century Medical Services/Ambulatorios de Homcare Medical Equipment Cirugía Homecare Dimensions Inc Christus Spohn Hope Medical Supply Hospital-Shoreline Inmon Respiratory Services Christus Spohn Jalopy Shoppe Inc Hospital-South Jerrys Pharmacy Christus Spohn Kleberg Lincare Inc TX - Corpus Memorial Hospital Christi Coastal Bend Ambulatory Lincare Inc TX - Victoria Surgical Center Matisons Orthotics Corpus Christi Medical Bay Prosthetics Area Maximum Mobility Inc Corpus Christi Medical Med Mart Doctors Hospital Medco Medical Supply Corpus Christi Medical Heart Medical Express PSI Hospital Medical Rehab Supply Corpus Christi Outpatient Moores Pharmacy Vital Care Surgery Nurses On Wheels Inc Detar Hospital Ocean View Durable Medical Refugio County Memorial Equipment South Texas Eye SurgiCenter Orthopedic Associates of Inc Corpus Christi South Texas Regional Pediatric Pharmacy Medical Center PraxAir Healthcare Services Surgicare of Corpus Christi Premier Medical Supply The Surgery Center Providence Rx Care Inc PSI Premier Specialties Inc Dialysis Center/Centro de QHR Medical Supplies and Diálisis Equipment Liberty Dialysis Victoria Rogers Home Medical USRC Atascosa County Russell Medical Inc Dialysis LLC Serenity Medical Equipment USRC SA Tri County LLC Simmons Wellness Products Steele Home Medical Durable Medical Equipment Equipment/Equipamiento Steele Home Medical Médico Durable Equpment Inc Ultima Medical Supply A&D Medical Supply Vital Care of Coastal Texas AAA Medical & Oxygen Walgreens Home Care Inc Supply Wheel Chairs Stuff Access Mobility American Homepatient Apria Victoria Home Health/Salud Casera Sacred Heart Home Health Inc Sacred Heart Specialty Home Care Saenz Home Health Services Inc Saint Benedicts Home Health Inc Saldivar Primary Home Care Save Home Health Care Sea Crest Home Health Shoreline Home Health Care South Texas Home Health Texas Home Health of America Uresti Senior Assistance Vasquez Flores Home Healthcare Virtue Home Health Inc Walgreens Home Care Inc American Medical Home Health Services Corpus Christi American Medical Home Health Services SA Amor Home Health Inc Angel Bright Home Health Angelitos Health Care Inc APC Home Health Services Bayou Homecare Bayside Home Health Christus HH Spohn Christus Spohn Hospice Corpus Christi Home Care Crossroads Home Health Del Cielo Home Care Disability Services of The SW Dor Ans Home Health Services Orthotics/Prosthetics/Aparatos Epic Medstaff Home Health Ortopédicos y Prótesis Care Excel Complete Home Carol A Aselage DME Healthcare Inc Corpus Christi Prosthetics Exclusive Home Health and Matisons Orthotics Hospice Prosthetics First Home Healthcare LLC Victoria Prosthetics & Health Force Home Health Orthotics Inc Care Skilled Nursing Healthcare Unlimited Facility/Facilidad Experta del Century Medical Oficio de Enfermera Healthy Horizons Homecare & Hospice Retama Manor Nursing Interim Healthcare Corpus Center Christi Retama Manor Nursing Jordan Health Services Center Pleasant Kaiser Home Health Services Retama Manor Nursing Lifespan Home Health Center Pleasanton Maxim Healthcare Services Retama Manor Nursing Med Team Inc Center Robstown Mi Casa Home Health Agency National Nursing and Rehab Inc Nurses On The Go Rehab Oasis Home Healthcare Orion Health Care Services Inc Padre Home Health Inc Pediatric Services of America Prime Care Home Health PT Home Services of San Antonio Regional Home Health Agency Rehmet Holdings LLC Restorative Health Care of South Tex Restorative Health Services LLC Rising Star Home Care Services Inc Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 36 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD MENTAL For Behavioral Health Care call Cenpatico at 1-888-471-4357 ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS GOLIAD COUNTY / CONDADO DE GOLIAD FULTON GOLIAD George, Jennifer, APRN Heffernan, Michael, PHD Spencer, Mary, LPC REFUGIO Spencer, Mary, LPC ROCKPORT Gause, Hazel, LPC Hopper, John, MD Johnson, Mary, LPC Keith, Thomas, LPC Lee, Linda, LPC Spencer, Mary, LPC ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA LYTLE Granato, Donna, LPC PLEASANTON Chauvin, Tamera, PSY D Guerrero, Frances, LPC Koehler, Kathleen, LPC Meier, Melanie, LPC BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE ARANSAS PASS Martin, Alyce, LPC BEEVILLE Bond, Brenda, LPC Capitaine, Raul, MD #Dubois, Keith, PHD Garcia, Kathryn, LPC Latcham, Lisa, LPC Martin, Alyce, LPC Morales, Petra, LPC #Myers, Patricia, LPC Sublett, Debra, LPC Tupa, Christi, MD Whitfield, Joseph, PA CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN PORT LAVACA Ward, Linda, LPC Whitfield, Brenda, LPC JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Flores-Tunchez, Joanne, LPC Garcia, Lisa, LPC Martinez, Sylvia, LPC Maruvada, Umamaheswara, MD Perez, Kristina, LPC Thurman, Judy, NP Tupa, Christi, MD Viveros, Veronica, LPC Whitfield, Joseph, PA KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KENEDY Hensley, David, PHD KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG KINGSVILLE Bru, Tracy, LPC Chisolm, Delcia, LPC Matthews, Robert, LPC Smith, Maria, LPC LIVE OAK COUNTY / CONDADO DE LIVE OAK GEORGE WEST Bird, Trudy, LPC NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES ALICE Capitaine, Raul, MD CORPUS CHRISTI Adler, Vicky, LMFT Alford, Richard, LPC Alvarez, Doris, LCSW Armstrong, Cathy, LPC Badea-Mic, Daniela, MD Baker, Linda, LPC Beckham, Barbara, PHD Belanger, Barbara, LPC Berlin, Robert, LPC A referral from the doctor is not needed for behavioral health providers/ Una referencia de su doctor no es requerida para uso de proveedores de Salud mental Contact Integrated Mental Health Services for questions at 1-888-471-4357 (CHIP) / Por favor comuníquese con nuestra agencia de Integrated Mental Health Services para mayor información al numero 1-888-471-4357 (CHIP) Biberstein, Billy, LPC Boswell, Bruce, LPC Bowers-Yilmazer, Amy, LCSW Bradley, Frances, LPC Braswell, Peggy, LPC Brennan, Sara, LPC Buckley, Elizabeth, LPC Capitaine, Raul, MD Castillo, Yvonne, LPC Cramer, Robert, PSY D Curry, Thomas, LPC Diaz, San Juanita, LPC Dolan, Erica, LPC #Dubois, Keith, PHD Dyckman, Lydia, LPC #Estrada, Carlos, MD Fisher-Kittay, Lynn, PHD Garwood, John, LPC Garza, Kristopher, LPC Gonzalez, Helica, LPC Graciano, Maria, LPC #Graf, Thomas, PHD Grover, David, LPC Guerra, Sally, LPC #Haddock, Dennis, LCSW Hamilton, Patricia, LPC Hammond, Deborah, LPC #Hernandez, Michael, MD Horton, Alison, LCSW Houston, Carol, ED D Huddleston, Michael, LPC Jensen, Marilyn, LPC Jones-Trebatoski, Kathleen, LPC Jordan, Traci, PSY D Ketchum, Christina, LCSW Kittay, Burton, PHD Kizerian, Gerald, LPC Lamb, Kathleen, LPC #Lopez-Lira, Thelma, MD Lopez, Laura, LPC Lusins, John, MD Luther, Margaret, LPC Magana, Vicky, LCSW Maldonado, Gilbert, MD Mangipudi, Murthy, MD Matosky, Janice, LPC McCallister, Larry, LPC McDaniel, Jeffrey, LPC Mersing, Paula, LPC Mickey, Danea, LPC Montez, Anthony, LPC Morgan, Ronald, LPC Morrice-McBride, Amanda, PSY D Ortiz, Aurora, LCSW Pagan, Jose, MD Parsons, Pamela, LCSW Pfeiffer, James, LCSW Phillips, Kristi, LMFT Pichardo, Claudia, LCSW Plichta-Wilson, Jessica, NP Ramos, Dennis, LPC Reynolds, Kristie, LPC Rhyne, Aaron, LPC Richards, Mary, LPC Robertson, Tamara, LPC Rosenstein, Paula, LCSW Schroll, David, LPC Shake, Linda, LPC Sharron, Sonya, LPC Snyder, Tina, LPC Soles, Sandra, LPC Steward, John, LPC Tate, Timothy, LPC Thigpen, Julie, LPC Thurman, Judy, NP Tupa, Christi, MD Vandever, Chari, LPC Viveros, Veronica, LPC Ward, Richard, LPC West, Deborah, LPC Whitfield, Joseph, PA Williams, Carroll, LPC SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS Bayardo, Rodolfo, ARNP Bell, Eva, ARNP #Praderio, Nestor, MD Prater, Rodney, APNP Smith, Heather, PSY D Whitfield, Joseph, PA Wilson, Erma, ARNP INGLESIDE Licona, Patti, LCSW PORTLAND Cantrell, Amy, LPC Eger, Scott, LPC Gansle, Mary Ann, PHD Morales, Laura, LPC SINTON Johnson, Mary, LPC Morgan, Gwenneth, LPC VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Alexander, Justin, LPC Black, Scarlett, LPC Braune, David, LPC Breech, Sandra, LPC ' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over the phone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales 37 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD MENTAL For Behavioral Health Care call Cenpatico at 1-888-471-4357 Capitaine, Raul, MD Chavez, Michelle, LPC Coltman, Debra, LPC Corn, Ginger, LPC Fender-Sadler, Lexey, LPC #Green, Cheryl, LCSW Guevara, Vidal, LPC Harrison, Danna, LPC Hensley, David, PHD Holder, Lucy, LPC Jamar, Gregory, LPC Kelly, Linda, LPC O'Neill, Jill, LPC Orsak, Wendy, LPC Redus, Karan, PHD Rodriguez, Daniel, LPC Satava, Susan, LPC Schoener, Cleva, LPC Schrimsher, Joanne, LPC Serrano, Sara, LPC #Silva-Brophy, Annabel, LCSW Spurgeon, Gailane, LPC Stanfield, Kimberly, LPC Tupa, Christi, MD Ward, Linda, LPC Whitfield, Joseph, PA #Whitley, Sharon, LCSW Wilgus, Kimberly, LPC #Zaplac, Trudi, PHD Behavioral Health Facilities ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ROCKPORT Council On Alcohol & Drug Abuse Coastal Bend ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON 'Camino Real Community MHMR Center JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Christus Spohn Hospital Alice KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KARNES CITY Atascosa Health Center Inc KENEDY 'Camino Real Community MHMR Center NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Charlie's Place Recovery Center Christus Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi Christus Spohn Hospital Memorial Council On Alcohol & Drug Abuse Coastal Bend Gulf Coast Rehabilitative Services Padre Behavioral Hospital Pathways Youth & Family Services/Crp Christi South Texas Substancestance Abusee Recovery Svc SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS North Bay Hospital TAFT Shoreline Inc LYTLE 'Camino Real Community MHMR Center PLEASANTON Atascosa Health Center Inc A referral from the doctor is not needed for behavioral health providers/ Una referencia de su doctor no es requerida para uso de proveedores de Salud mental Contact Integrated Mental Health Services for questions at 1-888-471-4357 (CHIP) / Por favor comuníquese con nuestra agencia de Integrated Mental Health Services para mayor información al numero 1-888-471-4357 (CHIP) ' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over the phone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales 38 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Vision / Vision ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON Sra, Sharon, MD LYTLE Ortiz, Rick (Richard), OD PLEASANTON Mixon, Ron, OD Prough, Stephen, OD BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE Campbell, Charles, MD Finke, Phillip, OD Mistry, Kavita, OD Radaneata, Richard, OD BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS FALFURRIAS Guerrero III, Lauro, OD Reed, Ida, OD Santiago, Victor, MD Wingard, Rogelio, OD JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Garza, Raymund, OD Prescott, Jason, OD Roof, Bryan, OD KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KENEDY Sanford, Donald, MD KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG KINGSVILLE Campbell, Charles, MD Gonzalez, Jose, OD Prukop, Frank, OD Radaneata, Cristian, OD Radaneata, Richard, OD NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Bhakta, Samir, OD Bishop, John, MD 1-800-360-8768. You can also call Superior for help at: 1-800-783-5386. Bouldoukian-Choucair, Joelle, OD Chan, Joyce, OD Craft, Mary, OD Eyemart Express #17 Eyemart Express 93 Hermsen, Vernon, MD Krishnan, Ravindera, MD Kuffel, Ronald, MD Layton Optical Lazarte, Richard, OD Masters Eyewear Optical Moore, Jacob, MD #Nelson, Steven, OD Optics Town & Country Pro Optical Inc Radaneata, Cristian, OD Radaneata, Richard, OD Sahadi, Richard, OD Spengler, Adam, MD #Villarreal, Arnoldo, MD Walz, Timothy, OD Witt, Vaughn, OD Zaltsberg, Hal, OD Para información actualizada sobre proveedores de servicios de la vista, o si necesita ayuda con estos servicios, por favor, llame a TVHP al 1-800-360-8768. También puede llamar a Superior al 1-800-783-5386. SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO ARANSAS PASS Radaneata, Richard, OD PORTLAND #Barton, Robert, OD #Johnson, Alton, OD Nguyen, Hai, OD VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Baker, Valerie, OD Blaschke, Jennifer, OD Dang, Thuyhong, OD Eyemart Express #57 Schneider, Terry, OD Tran-Nguyen, Emily, OD Wakham, Sheila, OD _____________________ For an update on vision providers, or if you need help with vision services, please call TVHP at Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 39 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women Clinic/ Clinica ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ROCKPORT Coastal Medical Clinic 1704 Jenkins St Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 790-9047 ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG FALFURRIAS KINGSVILLE Community Action Health Center 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 388-3515 Community Action Health Center 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 1302 S Saint Marys St Ste A Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-9404 LIVE OAK COUNTY / CONDADO DE LIVE OAK GEORGE WEST Beeville Medical Associates Main 801 Houston St George West, TX 78022 (361) 358-9200 CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN Timberland Medical Group PORT LAVACA 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 Coastal Medical Clinic (830) 769-8271 701 N Virginia St éSpanish Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-8866 PLEASANTON Atascosa Health Center Inc 310 W Oaklawn Rd Ste C Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2527 Jourdanton Family Health Clinic 1540 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-6340 M-TH 7A-5P F 10:30A-3:30P BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE Beeville Medical Associates Main 1600 E Houston St Ste A Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 Community Action Health Center 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5a Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 Twin Ountains Primary Care Clinic Of 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 George West Family Medical Clinic 801 Houston St George West, TX 78022 (361) 449-3405 GOLIAD COUNTY / CONDADO DE GOLIAD NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES GOLIAD Goliad Family Practice 139 W Franklin St Goliad, TX 77963 (361) 645-8235 CORPUS CHRISTI Amistad Community Health Center Inc 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 884-2242 JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Christus Medical Group 2601 Hospital Blvd Ste 215 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 902-4789 Community Action Health Center 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 5920 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 902-4789 The Womens Health Center of Alice 2520 E Main St Ste 206 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4500 Limited to Females/Sólo Atiende A Mujeres #VPA of TX San Antonio 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 980-1299 ROBSTOWN KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES Robstown Family Clinic 327 W Ave J Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 387-9233 KARNES CITY Karnes Community Health Center 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO MATHIS Community Action Health Center 213 S Duval St Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 Mathis Medical Center Pa 304 E San Patricio Ave Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-2203 SINTON Community Action Health Center 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA American Regional Health Center 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 #Orestes Romero MD PA 601 E San Antonio St Ste 205w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1200 Regional Employee Assistance Program 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 Family Practice/ Medicina Familiar ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ROCKPORT McNeill, John, DO 2621 Hwy 35 N Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 729-3939 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 40 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women Warren, Fred, MD 1704 Jenkins St Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 790-9047 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON #Ellison, Ann, FNP 1901 Hwy 97 E Ste 230 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3271 éSpanish Kurz, Michael 1907 Hwy 97 E Ste 280 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-5912 Zertuche, Benjamin, MD 1905 Hwy 97 East Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3515 éSpanish PLEASANTON Arienmughare, Maryanne, MD 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2527 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish Menager, Katherine, FNP 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (361) 786-3618 éSpanish #Chin, Arthur, MD 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 éSpanish Salazar, Carlos, MD 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Villarreal, Armando, MD 1540 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-6340 M-TH 7A-5P F 8:30A-3:30P éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 Villarreal, Luis, MD 1222 W Oaklawn Rd Ste B Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3206 Larakers, Joseph, MD 302 S Hillside Dr Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9912 POTEET Guel, Mario, MD 8555 N State Hwy 16 Poteet, TX 78065 (830) 742-3637 éSpanish Gallegos, Gloria, CNS 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2527 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish Allen, Sylvia, FNP 7375 S Loop 604 Somerset, TX 78069 (210) 924-9254 éSpanish Kurz, Michael 1222 W Oaklawn Rd Ste B Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3206 Chandler, James, MD 1402 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-7870 éSpanish Ryan, John, MD 220 W Goodwin St Ste A Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2118 Chesshir, Walter, MD 110 Preston St Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-5552 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éSpanish #Hirschfield, Gail, MD 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (361) 786-3618 éSpanish Castro, Juan, MD 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 121 Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-5552 McNeill, John, DO 1402 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-9711 SOMERSET Reynolds, Oscar, MD 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE #Beasley, Karole, MD 1602 E Houston St Ste C Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-9200 éSpanish Thompson, Anthony, DO 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 41 BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS FALFURRIAS Castro, Juan, MD 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 Lozano, Jose, MD 107 E Adams St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-9291 éSpanish #Pardo, Robert, MD 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 éSpanish Powell, Shanti, MD 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 Reynolds, Oscar, MD 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 Thompson, Anthony, DO 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 éSpanish 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN PORT LAVACA Crowley, William, DO 815 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-0325 éSpanish Fillingane, Charles 815 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-0325 Lincoln, Jewel 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 McFarland, Timothy, MD 701 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-8866 M-F 8:30A-4:30P éSpanish Shaffer, Craig, MD 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 éSpanish Wright, John, MD 1200 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6721 éSpanish GOLIAD COUNTY / CONDADO DE GOLIAD GOLIAD Zengerle, Claire, DO 139 W Franklin St Goliad, TX 77963 (361) 645-8235 éSpanish JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Castro, Juan, MD 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 M-F 8A-6P éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 Thompson, Anthony, DO 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 >= 2 years/años éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 éSpanish 2520 E Main St Ste 206 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4500 >= 2 years/años éSpanish KARNES COUNTY / CONDADO DE KARNES KARNES CITY 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Benson, Sue, FNP 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 Clark, Pamela, FNP 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M W-F 8A-5P T 8A-8P éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 #De Sequera, Gerardo, MD 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 éSpanish Meiser, William, DO 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 Menager, Katherine, FNP 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P éSpanish Ou, Paul, MD 2500 E Main St Alice, TX 78332 (800) 355-3818 Reynolds, Oscar, MD 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 éSpanish Salazar, Carlos, MD 302 N Butler St Karnes City, TX 78118 (830) 780-3100 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P éSpanish 700 Flournoy Rd Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 éSpanish KENEDY Dugi Jr, Daniel, MD 113 W Main St Kenedy, TX 78119 (361) 275-2381 éSpanish South Texas Family Medical Center 201 Mariposa Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-8811 KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG KINGSVILLE Castro, Juan, MD 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Garcia, Jessica, FNP 2511 E Corral Ave Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 516-0097 >= 17 years/años Guajardo, Richard, MD 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 Morales, Robert, MD 1305 S 14th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 595-1986 éSpanish Reynolds, Oscar, MD 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 éSpanish Sosa, Gilberto, MD 1311 General Cavazos Blvd Ste I Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-8531 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 Thompson, Anthony, DO 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 42 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women LIVE OAK COUNTY / CONDADO DE LIVE OAK THREE RIVERS Benson, Sue, FNP 105 E Thornton St Three Rivers, TX 78071 (361) 786-3618 #Hirschfield, Gail, MD 105 E Thornton St Three Rivers, TX 78071 (361) 786-3618 éSpanish Menager, Katherine, FNP 105 E Thornton St Three Rivers, TX 78071 (361) 786-3618 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-8P éSpanish NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI #Ayala, Cynthia, MD 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 980-1299 #Bowen, Ronald, DO 5525 S Staples St Ste B1 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 985-9503 #Carlisle, Robert 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 980-1299 Castro, Juan, MD 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 884-2242 éSpanish Jacob, Cindy, MD 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-4700 #Tidroski, Christophe, DO 3315 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 882-3198 Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 420 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 887-7339 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éArabic Ugwuibe, Maurice, MD 1531 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 888-4745 >= 18 years/años éSpanish Johnson, Peggy, DO 3502 Knickerbocker Rd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (325) 942-8611 Yarritu, Rolando, MD 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-5311 éSpanish Le, Tri, MD 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-1603 éSpanish REFUGIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE REFUGIO REFUGIO #Gutierrez, Louis, MD 107 Swift St Refugio, TX 78377 (210) 699-8000 McLemore, Kerrie, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 475 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 654-2064 TIVOLI Naqvi, Ali, MD 3533 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 694-5311 Simmons, Donald, MD 106 W Wilson Tivoli, TX 77990 (361) 286-0115 éSpanish Ou, Paul, MD 13725 Northw Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 241-4243 SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO Pilli, Suja, MD 1521 S Staples St Ste 605 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883-5419 MATHIS Castro, Juan, MD 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Ramirez, Guillermo, MD 1101 S 19th St Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 884-0811 #Comprehensive Medical Care 527 Gordon St Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 850-8300 Sifuentes, Roger, MD 13701 Northw Blvd Ste A Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 387-9496 éSpanish #Flores, Michael 2601 Hospital Blvd Ste 112 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 902-4789 #Smith, Micah 3435 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 852-6996 #Guido, Hugo, MD 4801 Everhart Rd Ste 6666 Corpus Christi, TX 78466 (361) 929-5063 5945 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 694-1517 Guajardo, Richard, MD 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD 304 E San Patricio Ave Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-2203 éArabic Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 43 Reynolds, Oscar, MD 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 Thompson, Anthony, DO 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 éSpanish PORTLAND Barker, Bruce, DO 1702 Us Hwy 181 Portland, TX 78374 (361) 761-2273 SINTON Castro, Juan, MD 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Herrera, Maximilian, MD 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 Reynolds, Oscar, MD 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 éSpanish Stacy, Whitney 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 Thompson, Anthony, DO 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Adu, Ayo, MD 9410 Ne Zac Lentz Pkwy Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 582-7900 Anderson, Conde, MD 1302 N Depot St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-6371 Barker, Melody 4206 Retama Cir Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Bouthillette, Michael, MD 155 Medical Dr Ste 201a Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 582-0620 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 Chand, Kishan, MD 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 301 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-5180 Craig, Grant 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Deleon, Jesse, MD 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0004 éSpanish Espinosa, Fabian, MD 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 200 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 >= 18 years/años #Fragile, Mary Lou, DO 115 Medical Dr Ste 208 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 894-6420 M 6A-10P T-F 6P-10P S SU 1P-6P 2806 N Navarro St Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 M-F 6P-11P S SU 2P-6P Henry, Grant, MD 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (888) 314-3156 éSpanish Garrett, Rima Diane, FNP 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 605 E San Antonio St Ste 508e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 202 James Coleman Dr Ste A & C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 573-4000 éSpanish Garza, Pablo, MD 2806 N Navarro St Ste D Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-2108 éSpanish Ho, Hoang, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Ghazy, Khalid 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 Howard, Joyce, FNP 1302 N Depot St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-6371 Gilley, Judith, FNP 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 Jacob, Cindy, MD 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 #Gisler Pllc, Jean, NP 606 E Nueces St Null Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-4100 Johnson, Annelle, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Guel-Valdivia, Veronica, MD 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (888) 314-3156 M-F 6A-11A S SU 2P-6P <= 18 years/años éSpanish Klawitter, Angela 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 Knight, Pollyanne, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 éSpanish 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Konopacki, Michael, MD 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Laing, Jennifer, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 #Heard, Richard, MD 8410 Fm 236 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 582-5740 Le, Tri, MD 101 Medical Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 579-0315 éSpanish 8610 Fm 236 Victoria, TX 77905 (361) 582-5740 M-TH 7:30A-4:30P F 7:30A-2:30P Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 44 Leggett, Richard, DO 2806 N Navarro Ste J Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1371 Lin, Nicholas, MD 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 101 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 574-1858 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 108 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1319 McNeill, John, DO 3002 Sam Houston Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5730 Millmann, Paul 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Nwanegbo, Edward 601 E San Antonio St Ste 304w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 éFrench 605 E San Antonio St Ste 102w & 310 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-0228 éFrench Ontai, Sidney, MD 601 E San Antonio St Ste 102 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4164 éSpanish #Orestes Romero MD PA 601 E San Antonio St Ste 205w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1200 Perez, Raoul, MD 2403 No Lauent Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-0315 >= 5 years/años éSpanish Sandigo, Gustavo, MD 202 James Coleman Dr Ste A & C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 573-4000 éSpanish « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women #Sheffel, John, FNP 1403 Victoria Sta Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 M-F 8:30A-5P 2806 N Navarro St Ste B Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4100 Smith, Kyra 601 E San Antonio St Ste 304w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 605 E San Antonio St Ste 508e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 Steiner, Kathleen, MD 202 James Coleman Dr Ste C Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 576-2222 éSpanish Stevens, Mark, MD 601 E San Antonio St Ste 102w & 402w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-4164 #Stines, Lawrence, FNP 606 E Nueces St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-4100 Van Metre, John Edward 4504 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9999 Velasco, Maria, MD 601 E San Antonio St Ste 503 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-3775 Westmoreland, Paul, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 éSpanish Internal Medicine/ Medicina Interna ARANSAS COUNTY / CONDADO DE ARANSAS ROCKPORT McNeill, John, DO 2621 Hwy 35 N Rockport, TX 78382 (361) 729-3939 ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON Montemayor, Ricardo, MD 1905 Hwy 97 E Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3515 BROOKS COUNTY / CONDADO DE BROOKS KLEBERG COUNTY / CONDADO DE KLEBERG FALFURRIAS KINGSVILLE Guajardo, Richard, MD 1302 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (325) 372-5163 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD 415 S 6th St Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-3237 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Hammo-Barazi, Mahmoud, MD 107 S Gardner St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-2195 >= 18 years/años éSpanish #Murphy, Robert, MD 510 E Caesar Ave Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 592-8588 éSpanish #Pardo, Robert, MD 1400 S Saint Marys St Null Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 éSpanish PLEASANTON Montemayor, Ricardo, MD 1222 W Oaklawn Rd Ste B Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-3206 Vela, Carlos, MD 1400 S Saint Marys St Falfurrias, TX 78355 (361) 325-1910 >= 5 years/años éSpanish 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-2527 JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE ALICE BEEVILLE #Diaz, Roberto, MD 2510 E Main St Ste 102 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4445 éSpanish Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD 100 W Huntington Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 239-2851 Guajardo, Richard, MD 204 E 1st St Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-0145 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Guajardo, Richard, MD 301 S Hillside Dr Ste 5, 6 & 15 Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-0307 >= 2 years/años éSpanish 2520 E Main St Ste 206 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4500 >= 2 years/años éSpanish McNeill, John, DO 1402 E Houston St Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 362-9711 700 Flournoy Rd Ste 2a Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-1417 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 45 NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Aririguzo, Jude, MD 2421 Morgan Ave Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 888-8893 >= 18 years/años éFrench Spanish Garcia, Fernando, MD 1521 S Staples St Ste 605 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883-5419 <= 18 years/años éSpanish Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 420 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 887-7339 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P éArabic Nan, Bicheng, MD 202 Fortune Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78405 (361) 289-0889 5950 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 883-4800 600 Elizabeth St Ste 3c Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883-4800 614 Furman Ave Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-9278 M-F 8:30A-5P 6226 Saratoga Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 883-4800 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women #Rahman, Abul, MD 5402 S Staples St Ste 103 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 980-1299 Rodriguez, Jairo, MD 1521 S Staples St Ste 605 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883-5419 éSpanish #Sandoval, Jaime, MD 1301 Santa Fe St Ste B Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 881-9300 éSpanish SAN PATRICIO COUNTY / CONDADO DE SAN PATRICIO MATHIS Guajardo, Richard, MD 502 E San Patricio Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-4121 >= 2 years/años éSpanish Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD 304 E San Patricio Ave Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-2203 éArabic PORTLAND #Soler, Laura, MD 107 Cdr Dr Portland, TX 78374 (361) 643-6623 M-F 7:30A-8P S 9A-1P SINTON Guajardo, Richard, MD 621 E Sinton St Sinton, TX 78387 (361) 364-4486 >= 2 years/años éSpanish VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Anjum, Amina, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Bauknight, Bruce, MD 1908 N Laurent St Ste 550 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 6123 Country Club Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-1430 #Klein, Adi, MD 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 Bhatia, Sanjeev, MD 4504 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9999 éSpanish McNeill, John, DO 3002 Sam Houston Dr Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5730 Nguyen, Peter Minh V, MD 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 108 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 579-1319 #Diaz, Jorge Armando, MD 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 306 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 582-5737 éSpanish Osuchukwu, George, MD 605 E San Antonio St Ste 430e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0011 Divyatish Primary Care Health Servic 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0004 Qureshi, Irfan, MD 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 102 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 574-1775 Espinosa, Fabian, MD 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 200 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 >= 18 years/años Rahat, Uzma, MD 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-0228 Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD 2701 Hospital Dr Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 573-9181 Riedel, Larry, MD 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-3021 605 E San Antonio St Ste 430e Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 576-0011 #Fabian E Espinosa MD PA 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 200 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 #Shay, William, MD 2710 Hospital Dr Ste 102 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 582-5789 #Feng, Samuel, MD 2700 Hospital Dr Null Victoria, TX 77901 (903) 856-4242 Vasavada, Rasendu, MD 601 E San Antonio St Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 485-9424 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P Hohlt, Russell, MD 605 E San Antonio St Ste 310 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-0228 Ob/ Gyn/ Obstetricia/ Ginecoligia Jain, Arun Kumar, MD 601 E San Antonio St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 575-8585 ATASCOSA COUNTY / CONDADO DE ATASCOSA JOURDANTON 605 E San Antonio St Ste 304w Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 757-8585 Blackmon, Edward, MD 1901 Hwy 97 E Ste 230 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3271 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 46 Rodriguez, Juliana, MD 1907 Hwy 97 E Ste 220 Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-5916 >= 12 years/años éSpanish Zertuche, Benjamin, MD 1905 Hwy 97 East Jourdanton, TX 78026 (830) 769-3515 éSpanish PLEASANTON Nayar, Scheel, DO 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 (210) 921-2229 M T TH F 8A-5P W 8A-7P éSpanish Tarkenton, Tim, MD 1222 W Oaklawn Rd Ste A Pleasanton, TX 78064 (830) 569-1907 éSpanish BEE COUNTY / CONDADO DE BEE BEEVILLE Sanchez, Vicente, MD 301 S Hillside Dr Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 358-3535 CALHOUN COUNTY / CONDADO DE CALHOUN PORT LAVACA Danielson, Maia, MD 815 N Virginia St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-6713 William, George Antone, MD 1211 W Austin St Ste A Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-8000 éSpanish Arabic JIM WELLS COUNTY / CONDADO DE JIM WELLS ALICE Barnes, Jeff, DO 2520 E Main St Ste 206 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 664-4500 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women Bradford, Jason, MD 2510 E Main St Ste 106 Alice, TX 78332 (361) 661-8370 NUECES COUNTY / CONDADO DE NUECES CORPUS CHRISTI Alagoz, Aysun, MD 1533 S Brownlee Blvd Ste 100 Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 882-2242 éTurkish Bradford, Jason, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 395 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-2700 Canterbury, Christine, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años éSpanish Corrada, Romulo Gaspar, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish De La Guardia, Alberto, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 480 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 882-6868 éSpanish Diaz, Pedro, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 480 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 992-2300 Doucet, Roxanna, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish Eftimescu, Dina, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 360 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 500-4151 >= 12 years/años éRomanian Espada, Roberto 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 160 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-8884 éSpanish Lira, Noe, MD 4525 S Staples St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 991-7900 éSpanish Rodriguez, Leo, MD 3240 Ft Worth Ste 104 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 (361) 882-6080 éSpanish Glazener, Leighanne, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 éSpanish Lochner, Denise, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish Loftin, Ryan, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 118 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 980-1244 éSpanish Shoemaker, Edward Stanton, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish Gonsoulin, Whitney, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 118 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 980-1244 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P Noriega, Sandra Ivonne, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish Gonzalez, Anna Bertha, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 118 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 980-1244 éSpanish Nowitzky, Theressa, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años Inman, Danielle 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años Pathikonda, Meena, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 570 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-8100 M-F 8A-5:30P >= 15 years/años éHindi Johnson, Cherie, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 540 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 883-6030 éSpanish 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 118 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 980-1244 éSpanish Pena, Jaime, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años Khimani, Sultana, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd Ste 570 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 (361) 985-8100 M-F 8A-5:30P >= 15 years/años Perez-Montes, Maria, MD 7120 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 851-5000 >= 12 years/años éSpanish Italian French Kirkham, Charles, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 >= 12 years/años Pizarro, Maria, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 47 Strain, Shawn, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish Supnet, Benjamin, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 Vega, Rolando, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 200 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 993-6000 éSpanish Villarreal, Juan, MD 13725 Northw Blvd Ste 110 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 387-7177 Visintine, John, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 118 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 980-1244 M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P Wilder, Thomas, MD 7121 S Padre Island Dr Ste 302 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (210) 692-0831 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Perinatal All providers listed on this page provide prenatal care to CHIP Perinatal Pregnant Women VICTORIA COUNTY / CONDADO DE VICTORIA VICTORIA Abrantes, Anthony, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 4206 Retama Cir Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Brumm, Ashley, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Community Mother & Child Health Center 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 788-6771 Cook, Kelle, FNP 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 Gilley, Judith, FNP 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 Gonzalez, Dana, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-2013 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Hicks, Robert, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-2013 Seiler, Tanya, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-2013 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Suarez, Philip, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 510 E Rio Grande St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 570-1082 Torres, Maria 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 Victoria Womens Clinic 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 Westford, Yvette, MD 115 Medical Dr Ste 208 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 894-6420 Whitehouse, Henry, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 Wilson, Melissa, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 Zamora, Gus, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Jaynes, Charles, MD 110 Medical Dr Ste 100 Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 578-5233 McDowell, Anthony, MD 2705 Hospital Dr Ste 300 Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 578-5233 Rockhill, Teresa, MD 1908 N Laurent St Victoria, TX 77901 (361) 572-0333 Office Hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated / Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, amenos que se den otras horas 48 « Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además del inglés # Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Participating Provider Index / Indice De Proveedores Participantes AAA ENT Associates ........30 AAA ENT Associates ........30 ABC Pediatrics ..................19 Abdulla, Nihal, MD ..........32 Abe, Keitaro, PT ...............30 Abrams, Jamelia, DPM .....26 Abrantes, Anthony, MD....32 Abreu, Pedro, MD.............29 Acebo, Jose .......................29 Acevedo Gracia, Jessica, MD ..................................19 Adams, Robin, MD...........32 Adebo, Dilachew, MD .30,32 Adesanya, Ismail Olayink..31 Adu, Ayo, MD ..................12 Advanced Hearing Solutions of S TX ................................28 Affiliates in Digestive and Liver ................................29 Aguinaga, Maria ...............31 Ahmad, Shahab, MD 27,29,31 Ahmed, Mohammed .........32 Aid Specialist, Texas Hearing............................30 Ajibade, Temitope.............32 Akahara, Obidike, MD .....31 Al Akash, Samhar, MD .....30 Alagoz, Aysun, MD...........18 Alaniz III, Andres, MD......29 Alcaraz, Sarah, OT............26 Aldana, Marisol, OTR ......29 Alejandra Moreno MD PA19 Aleman, Heather, SLP .......29 Alexander, Mathew, MD ..29 Alexander, Thomas, MD...28 Alfayoumi, Fadi, MD ........28 Alice Heart Center ............27 Alice OB GYN Specialty Clinic ...............................27 Alice Pediatric Clinic ...........7 Allen, Sylvia, FNP ...............8 Allen, William, MD......29,30 Allred, Robert, MD...........32 Almond, Patrick, MD........32 Almouie Pediatrics 19,20,22,23 Almouie, Muhamad, MD 19,20,22,23 Alonso, Javier, MD ......29,30 Alter, Nejemie, MD...........30 Alvarez, Meredith, LD ......26 Amaral-Ramos, Jennifer, MD 28,30 Ambulatory Adult Neurology PA....................................29 American Regional Health Center ................................6 Amistad Community Health Center Inc ..........................5 Andaya, Alfredo, MD .......19 Anderson, Conde, MD ......12 Anderson, Edward, MD ....26 Anderson, Lori, MD..........20 Andrews, Seth ...................28 Anjum, Amina, MD ..........16 Aponte, Emmalind, MD....29 Apostol, Melecio, MD.......19 Arety, Prasanthi ................32 Arienmughare, Maryanne, MD ....................................8 Aririguzo, Jude, MD .........15 Armstrong, Luis, MD........29 Arquisola, Arnel, MD .......23 Arquisola, Arnel, MD .......32 Arroyo Diaz, Richard, MD15 Asistido, Anthony, MD .....29 Atascosa Health Center Inc......................................5 Athar, Umair.....................32 Austwell Tivoli Medical Clinic .................................7 Avalos, Sergio, MD ...........10 Ayala, Cynthia, MD..........10 Baber, Elena, MD .............20 Back in Motion .................26 Baddour, Violeta, MD.......26 Baggerman, Eric................20 Balbosa, Aiysha, DO .........30 Ball, Robert, MD ....26,27,28 Banjo, Abimbola, MD.......15 Banse, Richard, PT.......26,28 Barber, John, MD .............31 Barganski, Natalie, CPNP .20 Barker, Bruce, DO ............12 Barker, Melody .................12 Barnes, Jeff, DO................18 Bartakian, Sergio, MD ......30 Bauknight, Bruce, MD ......16 Bay Area Kidney Disease Physicians ........................29 Bayardo, Rodolfo, NP.......29 Bayside Urology ...........30,31 Beasley, Karole, MD ...........8 Beato, Milton, MD.......27,28 Becker, Amy, MD .............30 Becker, Emily, MD............28 Beeville Family Practice.......6 Beeville Internists ..............28 Beeville Medical Associates Main .................5 Beeville Surgical Associates ........................27 Belew, Michael, MD .........31 Beltran, Michael, MD .......26 Belyeu, Danielle.................30 Benavides, German, MD ...26 Bennett, Robert, MD....31,32 Benson, Sue, FNP..............10 Berenguer, Alejandro, MD 20 Berio-Muniz, Rafael, MD..28 Bernard, Jack, MD ............32 Bhatia, Sanjeev, MD .........16 Bhatti, Kamran, MD .........31 Bickford, Elmer Daryl, MD 32 Bielefeld, Mark, MD .........30 Bindingnavele, Vijay, MD .30 Blackmon, Ashley..............26 Blackmon, Edward, MD ...26 Bobele, Gary, MD .............29 Borchard, Edward, MD ....20 Borkowski, John, MD .......29 Bouthillette, Michael, MD ..................................12 Bowen, Ronald, DO..........10 Boyer, William, HIS ..........26 Brackett, Fred, MD ...........30 Branfman, Gary, MD ........32 Breckenridge, Charles, MD29 Breech, Donald, MD .........32 Brenner, Lawrence, MD ....28 Briseno, David, MD ..........26 Brownlee, John, MD .........30 Brumm, Ashley, MD .........18 Bruschetta, Humberto, MD 15 Bruschetta, Humberto, MD 28 Brusco, Osvaldo, MD........28 Buban Navarro, Marites ...27 Buckingham, Charles, MD 31 Building Blocks Pediatrics ...........................8 Bunnell, Don Paul, MD.....15 Burke, Michael, MD .........29 Burkholder, John, PT 26,28,31 Burns, Brian, MD..............32 Burns, Travis, MD ............26 Calallen Minor Emergency Center ...........................5,11 Caldwell, Maureen, DPM .32 Calica, Francisco, MD.........8 Campbell, Cheryl ..............31 Campbell, Neil, DPM........32 Campbell, William, MD 31,32 Canales, Lynae, MD..........20 Candas, Ali, MD ...............20 Cano, Daniel, MD.............32 Canterbury, Christine, MD ..................................18 Cantu, Sarah Lyn ..............27 Caplin, James, MD............30 Cardiology Assoc of Corpus Christi....................26,27,28 Caring Hands Pediatrics....23 Carlisle, Robert .................11 Carlson, Richard, MD.......29 Carson, James ...................32 Castillo Canal, Ofelia........27 Castro, Juan, MD 8,9,10,11,12 Cervera, Aurelio, MD .......28 Cesar, Carlos, MD ............27 Chand, Kishan, MD ..........12 Primary Care Providers shown in bold Chandler, James, MD..........8 Chandna, Harish, MD ......31 Chang, Craig, MD ............31 Chapman, Kristi................26 Chaput, Christophe, MD ..32 Charles H Moore MD PA 28,30 Charlton, Michael, MD.....26 Chavarria, Jose..................30 Chavez, Maria, PT 26,28,30,31 Chekuri, Kasi, MD............28 Cheleuitte, Elias, DPM ......28 Chen, Defeng, MD ............29 Chesak, Laura, PT.............32 Chesshir, Walter, MD .........8 Chi, Casiano .....................29 Childrens Center of Victoria............................23 Childrens Orthopaedic Assoc of S TX ................................29 Childrens Physician Services of South TX ................28,31 Chin, Arthur, MD ...............8 Cho, Unam, MD ...............19 Choudhry, Muhammad, MD 31 Christus Medical Group......6 Christus Spohn Family Health Center Falfur ..........6 Christus Spohn Womens Clinic .................................6 Chronister, Justin David, DO...................................29 Chronister, Stacy, DO .......29 Chua, Eireen, MD .............20 Clark, Pamela, FNP...........10 Clarke, Jermaine, DO........31 Clarke, Patricia ............29,30 Clemmons, Andrew, DO...31 Coastal Bend Cancer Center 29 Coastal Cardiology Association ......................28 Coastal Childrens Clinic.6,20 Coastal Medical Clinic ........6 Cocke, Tara, PT .26,28,30,31 Cocuzzi, John, MD ...........31 Coffey, Tamarah...............23 Cohn, Jacqueline, MD.......28 Collymore, Christine .........26 Colon & Rectal Assoc of South Texas ...............................30 Colon Gonzalez, Maria .....11 Comm Action Corp of S TX 27,31 Community Action Health Center ................................5 Community Mother & Child Health Center ..................32 Proveedores de Cuidado Primario see mirar en negrita 49 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Participating Provider Index / Indice De Proveedores Participantes Comprehensive Medical Care .................................11 Compton, Cora, NP ..........32 Comstock, Christopher, MD 29 Cook, Kelle, FNP ..............32 Cornelius, Beatriz, MD .....20 Corpus Christi Gastroenterology .............29 Corpus Christi Heart Clinic Vascular...........................28 Corpus Christi Tots and Teens ..........................20,22 Corpus Christi Trauma & General Surgery ...............28 Corpus Christi Urology .....28 Corpus Nephrology Network 28 Corrada, Romulo Gaspar, MD ..................................29 Corrigan, Judy, MCD .......28 Cortes, Edgar, MD.......11,20 Cortese, Jack, MD.............29 Corum, Bryan, DPM .........30 Coutin, Rafael, MD .....26,28 Cox, Gary, MD.................31 Craig, Grant......................12 Creamean, Troy, DO ........30 Cronkhite, Phillip, PT .......30 Crossroads Health Center .31 Crowley, William, DO ........9 Cruz Diaz, Manuel............30 Cummins, Michelle, MD...27 Curwen, Boris ...................32 D J Silverster DPM PA ......26 Damaraju, Srikanth, MD ..28 Daniel, Charles, MD .........32 Danielson, Maia, MD .......27 Dart, Kimi, DO .................32 Dasilva, Mark Viktor, MD32 Davis Physical Therapy Inc30 Davis, David, MD .............31 Davis, Jennifer, MD ..........20 De La Guardia, Alberto, MD 29 De Maio, Samuel, MD ......28 De Sequera, Gerardo, MD.10 Degg, Rebecca...................26 Deleon, Jesse, MD.............12 Delgado, Ana, MD............16 Deline, Carol, MD ............30 Dempsey, Michael, DPM ..26 Dentler, Stephen, DO ........23 Denton, William Kevin, DO...................................12 Depoliti Tower, Susan, MD 30 Dhar, Pradip, MD .............30 Dhingra, Yogesh, MD .......23 Diaz, Jose Andres, MD......28 Diaz, Pedro, MD ...............29 Diaz, Roberto, MD ...........15 Dickson Hearing Center....28 Digestive Diseases Center of South TX .........................26 Dimas, Vanessa Dajda, MD 29,30 Din, Sabeed, MD...............29 Dirksen, William, MD.......20 Divyatish Primary Care Health Servic....................16 Dohi, David, DO...............20 Donald, David, MD ..........30 Doucet, Roxanna, MD......29 Driscoll Maternal and Fetal Physicians Group .............28 Drysdale, Toni ..................32 Du, Yong, MD ..................32 Dugan Eye Institute...........28 Duggan Jr, John Patrick, MD 31,32 Dugi Jr, Daniel, MD..........10 Dulin, Rebecca, OTR ........29 Dunn, Avegiyel...............8,10 Dunn, Michael ...............8,10 Duran, Jose, MD...............29 Durbin, Misty ...................28 Durham, Dennis, MD .......32 Duron, Larry, OT .............26 Dwyer, Michael, MD ........27 Dye, James Mitchell, MD..29 E Daryl Bickford MD PA ..32 Edwards, Chelsea ..............26 Edwardson, Delbert, MD ..11 Eezzuduemhoi, Deborah, MD ..................................23 Eftimescu, Dina, MD ........29 Elizondo, Andres, MD ......15 Ellison, Ann, FNP ...............8 Emran, Mohammad, MD 29,30 Engleman, David, MD ......31 Espada, Roberto................29 Espinosa, Fabian, MD..12,16 Espinoza, Jude, MD ..........26 Espiritu, Teofilo, MD........20 Esquilin, Jose, MD ............29 Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD .............................15,16 Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD 27,32 Etuknwa, Uduak, MD.......20 Fabian E Espinosa MD PA 16 Fader, William, MD ..........20 Fairchild, Gary, OTRL 26,27,29,31 Falcon, Leigh Anne, MD ...15 Falfurrias Medical Group Llp .....................................5 Family Planning Assoc of San Antonio............................28 Feher, Richard, DC ...........31 Feng, Samuel, MD.............31 Fergie, Jaime, MD ........29,30 Fernandez, Robert, MD ....30 Ferreira, Gustavo, MD ......26 Ficenec, Matthew, MD......29 Filla, James, DC ................30 Fillingane, Charles...............9 First Fruits Medical Clinic .................................5 Fisher, George, MD...........30 Fisher, John.......................30 Fletcher, Walker, DC ........31 Flood, George, MD ...........20 Flores, Mauricio, MD .......30 Flores, Michael..................11 Flyger, Dean......................31 Followwill, Jerry, MD .......32 Font-Cordoba, Jose, MD...26 Ford, Kris, DPM ...............27 Fordham, Morgan Taylor .30 Fordtran, Robert, MD.......28 Fowler, Kirby, PT..............26 Fragile, Mary Lou, DO .....12 Fragile, Mary Lou, DO .....31 Frierson, John, MD ...........26 Fuentes, Dorothy, MD ......21 Gaalla, Ajay, MD..............31 Ganeshappa, Ravi, MD.....26 Garcia, Edmundo ................9 Garcia, Enrique, MD...........8 Garcia, Fernando, MD ......15 Garcia, Fernando, MD ......29 Garcia, Jaime, MD ............26 Garcia, Jessica, FNP ..........10 Garcia, Manuel, MD.........26 Garcia, Octavio Javier, MD 29 Garcia, Toribio, MD.........21 Garrett, Rima Diane, FNP.12 Garza, Pablo, MD .............12 Gastroenterology and Advanced Endoscopy .......................29 Gear, Christine, MD .........26 Geddes, James, MD...........15 Geddie, Steven, MD ..........30 Geller, Amalia, MD...........30 Geneser, Mark, MD ..........30 George West Family Medical Clinic .................................7 Gerber, Joan, OT ..............26 Gharaybeh, Salam, MD29,30 Ghazy, Khalid ...................12 Gilley, Judith, FNP.......12,18 Gilley, Judith, FNP............32 Gilner, Leon, MD..............32 Gisler Pllc, Jean, NP ..........12 Gisler, Jean, FNP...............12 Glazener, Leighanne, MD .18 Gleason, Patrick, MD........29 Glover, Lee, PT .................30 Gold, Cheryll Anne, AUD .28 Goliad Family Practice ........7 Gonsoulin, Whitney, MD..29 Gonzales, Josefina, NP ......31 Gonzales, Laura ................30 Gonzales, Michael, MD ....26 Primary Care Providers shown in bold Gonzalez, Anna Bertha, MD 29 Gonzalez, Dana, MD ........18 Gonzalez, Karen Leann, DT 29 Gorouhi, Fariborz, MD.....32 Goya, Garbine, MD ..........28 Goyal, Amit, MD ..............26 Graf, Raymond, MD.........28 Gregory, Charles, DO .......12 Griffin, Glenn, DO............29 Griffin, Jeannine, MD ..19,23 Griffin, Kaylene, MD ........23 Griffiths, Laura, DT ..........29 Grosser, Dawn, MD..........29 Grumman, James, MD ......31 Guajardo, Richard, MD 8,9,10,11,12,15,16 Guel-Valdivia, Veronica, MD .............................12,23 Guel, Mario, MD ................8 Guerra, Kathryn, RD ........26 Guerra, Maricela...............27 Guido, Hugo, MD.............11 Guizar, Lorie Casanova, OT 26 Gulf Coast ENT and Allergy 30 Gulf Coast Rehabilitation 27,32 Gupta, Sunil, MD..............29 Guthrie, Gregory, MD ......21 Gutierrez, Louis, MD ........11 Guzman, Antonio, MD .....16 Hahn, Tara, MD ...............30 Halat, Anthony, MD.........27 Haliburton, Beverly, FNP..31 Halloum, Ammar, MD......30 Hamilton, Sean, MD ....31,32 Hammo-Barazi, Mahmoud, MD ..................................15 Hand Therapy Service ..29,30 Hanks, Russell ...26,28,30,31 Harper, Nancy, MD..........30 Harr, Barbara, OTR..........26 Harris, Elizabeth, AUD .....26 Hartman Community Clinic PA......................................7 Hartman, Walter, MD .11,14 Harvey, Robert, MD .........31 Hashmi, Shahid, MD ........31 Hassan, Mohamad, MD 19,21,23 Hatch, Mark, MD.............26 Hawkins, Brad, DC...........26 Healthforce Pediatric Rehab 32 Heard, Richard, MD .........13 Heard, Richard, MD .........31 Hearing Assocates of Texas LLC .................................28 Heckrodt, Stanly, MD.......13 Heflin, Sheila, OT .............29 Proveedores de Cuidado Primario see mirar en negrita 50 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Participating Provider Index / Indice De Proveedores Participantes Hemmert, Jerome, MD .....10 Henry, Frank, DPM ..........32 Henry, Grant, MD ............13 Hensley, Katherine, MD....21 Hernandez, Ambrosio, MD 30 Hernandez, Edgar, MD .....29 Herr, Timothy, MD ..........26 Herrera, Maximilian, MD 8,9,10,12 Hesseltine, Mandy, PT 26,28,30,31 Heymann, William A ........32 Hickman, Anny, PA ..........26 Hicks, Robert, MD ...........18 Hilbert, William, MD...23,24 Hilz, Michael, MD ............32 Hinojosa, Lizze, MD .........21 Hinojosa, Richard, MD.....29 Hirschfield, Gail, MD ....8,10 Ho, Hoang, MD...........13,14 Hoang, Joseph, MD ..........32 Hohlt, Russell, MD ...........16 Holcomb, Tim, DC ...........31 Holder Haynes, Juliet Georgia, MD ..................................30 Holland, Scott, MD...........21 Holland, Scott, MD...........30 Honrubia, Dynio, MD ......30 Hopkins, Kevin, MD.........30 Horn, Josephine, MD........21 Hougen, Stephen, MD.......31 Hounshell, Whitney, MD ..27 Howard, Joyce, FNP .........13 Hubli, Eric, MD ................30 Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers 26,27,28,29,30,31 Humpal, Scott, PT 26,28,30,31 Hunt, Andrea, DPM..........32 Huynh, Christy, AUD .......31 Huynh, Phuong .................29 Ibanez, Marc, MD.............29 Idem, Ifiok ........................32 Inman, Danielle.................18 Islam, Shah, MD ...............29 Jacob, Cindy, MD ........11,13 Jain, Arun Kumar, MD .....16 Jain, Ashok, MD ...............30 Jakubowski, Wieslaw, MD21 Jaloway, Nora...................26 Janzow, Matthew, MD .....31 Jarrell, Cynthia, OTRL .....29 Jaso, Rene, MD.................27 Jaynes, Charles, MD .........32 Jerome Lee Sang MD PA.....6 Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD ........................11,12,16 Jifi-Bahlool, Samer, MD....29 Jilani, Shaiquel ..................32 Johnson, Annelle, MD.......13 Johnson, Cherie, MD ........29 Johnson, David, MD .........29 Johnson, Maria, MD....29,30 Johnson, Peggy, DO ..........11 Jonatchick, Jim, CPNP ......30 Jones, Jennifer ...................29 Jones, Phillip, MD.............31 Jose De Jesus Trevino Pain Management ....................28 Jose Perez MD.....................5 Jose Perez MD...................28 Joseph T Hoang MD PA ...32 Joshi, Nikhil, MD .............31 Jourdanton Family Health Clinic .................................6 Juan J Sygal MD PA.......6,16 Junor, Chelif, MD .............31 Kacir, Marjorie, OT ..........32 Kaldas, Abeer....................29 Kamat, Suraj, MD.............27 Kamat, Vandana, MD 27,28,31 Karnes Community Health Center ...........................5,10 Kavosh, Eric, MD .............27 Kelley, Crystal, MD ..........27 Kenedy Family Practice Clinic .................................7 Kerek, David, DO .............29 Khan, Alamgir, MD ..........30 Khan, Behram, MD......27,29 Khan, Faisal, MBBS .....27,32 Khimani, Sultana, MD ......29 Kidney Specialists of South Texas PA..........................28 Kids Clinic PA................6,21 Kidz Rehab Center Inc .27,28 Kim, Jae, MD....................29 Kincaid, Richard, NP ........31 Kingdon, Kenneth .............29 Kirkham, Charles, MD......29 Klare, Kenneth, PT............26 Klawitter, Angela ..............13 Klein, Adi, MD .................16 Klein, Adi, MD .................32 Klimisch, Justin .................29 Knight, Pollyanne, MD .....13 Knight, Robin, DO............29 Kobert, John, DO..............26 Kocian, Jennifer, OT .........32 Kolli, Sunil, MD................32 Konopacki, Michael, MD..13 Koo Cho, Mickey Seong, MD 26 Kopecky, Alfred, MD........32 Krampetz, Donald, DO .....26 Krueger, Kurtis, MD .........31 Krynski, Gregory, MD ......29 Kumar, Haresh, MD .........32 Kurz, Michael .....................8 Kutac Repka, Alexi, PT.....26 Kwi, Timu, MD ..................9 La Bahia Clinic ...................6 Laing, Jennifer, MD ..........13 Lal, Yasir ..........................32 Landavazo, Imogene, DC ..28 Larakers, Joseph, MD .........8 Laroche, Robert, DPM......30 Lastrache, Jacobo, MD .....30 Le, Tri, MD .................11,13 Lee Sang, Jerome, MD ......16 Lee, Benjamin....................29 Lee, Serei, DPM ................30 Leggett, Richard, DO ........13 Leong, Herman, MD.........32 Leshin, Harold, MD..........21 Levine, Andrew, MD.........27 Leykum, Brian...................26 Lin, Mau Shong, MD ........15 Lin, Nicholas, MD ............13 Lin, Yu-Hsis......................29 Lincoln, Jewel .....................9 Lindstrom, Keith, AUD .....26 Lira, Ernesto, MD .............21 Lira, Maria, MD ...............21 Lira, Noe, MD ..................29 Lisch, Mark, DPM ............32 Lischka, Troy, PA .............24 Lischka, Troy, PA .............32 Little Lighthouse Childrens Rehab ..............................28 Lochner, Denise, MD ........29 Loeffler, Paul, MD ............30 Loftin, Ryan, MD .............29 Lopez, Alejandro, MD ........9 Lopez, Anna, AUD............28 Lozano, Jose, MD ...............9 Madappa, Tarun ...............30 Madry, Robert, MD..........28 Mahmood, Aftab, MD ......29 Main, Ellis, DO.................12 Malik, Azhar, MD ............32 Malik, Mohammad, MD...29 Manalo, Yvonne, MD .......29 Manatt, Christopher, MD .32 Maria Luisa Lira MD PA6,21 Martin, Dan, MD..............29 Martin, Darryl, PT ............27 Martin, Kimberly, MD......21 Martinez, Roberto, MD ....28 Mascher Denen, Marcella, MD ..................................21 Masciale, John, MD ..........29 Matey, Douglas, DO .........32 Mathew, Sonia, MD19,21,23 Mathis Medical Center Pa...7 Mawji, Shamim, MD ........28 May, Robert, MD .............29 Mba, Nkechi, MD.............30 Mbadugha, Ifeanyi, MD 19,21,23 McDaniel, Brian, DO ........31 McDowell, Anthony, MD .18 McDowell, Pamela .......28,30 McFarland, Michael, MD ...8 McFarland, Timothy, MD ..9 Primary Care Providers shown in bold McFarling, David, MD......29 McKinstry, Scott, MD 26,27,28 McLelland, Claude, MD ...30 McLemore, Kerrie, MD.....11 McNally, Jed, PT26,28,30,31 McNeil, Tom, MD............21 McNeill, John, DO 8,13,15,16 Medina, Ma Lucia C, MD.21 Mehra, Sanjeev........26,27,31 Meiser, William, DO...........9 Menager, Katherine, FNP 8,10 Mendez, Oscar, MD..........29 Middleton, Ellen, MD ..29,30 Milan, Stacey, MD ............32 Milano, Emil L, MD .........30 Millmann, Paul .................13 Mintz, Michael, MD .........30 Mitchell, Rayford, MD .....10 Mitchell, Robert, MD .......29 Mizesko, Melissa, MD ......30 Mobley, James, MD ..........12 Mokhashi, Moinuddin, MD 30 Momplaisir, Margarone ......9 Mondolfi, Paul, MD..........32 Montemayor, Ignacio, MD24 Montemayor, Ricardo, MD 15 Montemayor, Ricardo, MD 26 Montgomery, Michael.......29 Moody, Adriana, MD .......29 Moore, Rama, NP........13,18 Morales, Robert, MD........10 Moreno, Laura Ann, APRN 30 Moreno, Martha, MD.......19 Morgan Pediatric Center .....6 Morsy, Mohamed, MD .....28 Motes, James Merrill, MD 30 Mowla, Mohammed .........32 Moy, Misty .......................29 Mumoz III, Manuel...........26 Muro, Daniel, MD .......29,32 Murphy, Robert, MD........15 Murray-Clark, Michelle Renee ...............................26 Muse, Roger, MD .............26 Naismith, Robert, MD ......30 Nan, Bicheng, MD ............16 Nan, Bicheng, MD ............29 Naqvi, Ali, MD .................11 Narang, Rajeev, MD .........30 Narcise, Maria, MD.....21,23 Narcise, Maria, MD.....30,31 Nash, Michael, MD ..........29 Nayar, Scheel, DO ............18 Nayar, Scheel, DO ............26 Nelson, Andrew, PT 26,28,30,31 Proveedores de Cuidado Primario see mirar en negrita 51 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Participating Provider Index / Indice De Proveedores Participantes Neonatology Consult of Corpus Christi..............................28 Nestor-Alcanta, Eva, RDLD 26 Neurosurgery Institute of South ...............................29 New, Aaron Robert, MD ..32 Nguyen, Peter Minh V, MD 16 Niegos, Frederick, MD......31 Nisimblat, Erik, MD .........19 Nisimblat, William, MD ...19 Nolan, Paul, MD...............30 Nooruddin, Karim, MD ....29 Noriega, Sandra Ivonne, MD 29 Nowitzky, Theressa, MD ..18 Nowotny, Steven, DO .......29 Nunley, Sandra .................24 Nunley, Sandra .................32 Nwanegbo, Edward ..........13 O Ryan, Julio, MD..27,28,31 O'Dell, David, MD ...........14 Oaferina, Aleth, PT ...........28 Oakley, Robert, MD .........31 Ogbu, Chijioke..................29 Ojadi, Vallier, MD ............30 Okpalo, Christian, MD 15,19 Oliver, Donald, PT 26,28,30,31 Olvera, Noe, MD ..............32 Ommani, Sophia ...............29 Ontai, Sidney, MD .......13,24 Orestes Romero MD PA 6,13 Ormand, Jackson, MD 26,27,28 Orona, Jesse, HIS ..............28 Orthopedic Assoc of Corpus Christi..............................29 Ortiz, Victor, MD .............29 Osbert Blow MD Phd PA ..29 Oshman, Robert, MD .......30 Oshman, Steven, MD ........21 Osorio, Hector, MD..........26 Osterman, David, MD ......32 Osuchukwu, George, MD .16 Ou, Paul, MD ................9,11 Owens, Aaron, DT............29 Owsley, Jimie, MD............29 Owusu Boakye, Cyril, MD29 Ozigbo, Obinna, MD ........29 Palacio, Carlos, MD..........32 Palmisano, Tiffany, PT......30 Palumbo, Ralph, MD ........29 Pappas, John, MD.............28 Pardo, Robert, MD ........9,15 Parekh, Minaxi, MD ....21,24 Parekh, Minaxi, MD ....29,31 Parikh, Daksheshkumar, MD 31 Park, Myung, MD.............30 Parma, Frank, MD ............13 Paschal, Jossy ....................26 Patel, Anil, MD .................19 Patel, Ashvinkumar, MD...22 Patel, Girish, MD ..............22 Patel, Jatin, DO.................30 Patel, Nikita ......................30 Patel, Nirupama, MD........19 Pathikonda, Maya, MD ....24 Pathikonda, Meena, MD...29 Pathikonda, Suresh, MD ...24 Pathology Assoc of Corpus Christi..............................28 Pearce, David, MD............29 Pediatric Clinic of South Texas .......................6,22,23 Pena, Jaime, MD ...............18 Pendleton, Michael, MD ...16 Perdue, Judy, NP..........28,29 Perez-Jonson, Maria, DO ..22 Perez-Montes, Maria, MD 29 Perez, Jose, MD.................15 Perez, Tessa, MD ..............22 Phillips, Brandon, MD ......30 Phillips, Timothy, MD ......30 Pilli, Suja, MD...................11 Pizana, Paula, PT ..............30 Pizarro, Fe, MD ................23 Pizarro, Maria, MD ..........29 Pleasanton Family Medicine PLLC ..............................5,8 Pollard, Ester, MD 27,28,29,31 Port Lavaca Clinic Association PA...................5 Port Medical Center ..........11 Posey, James, DC ..............28 Powell, Shanti, MD .............9 Powell, Shanti, MD ...........27 Prado, Alfonso, MD..........30 Professional Therapy Services LP ....................................26 Puente, Bruna, MD ......11,22 Pulda, Miroslav, PT ..........30 Purcell, Debra, MD ...........22 Puyol, Franz, MD..............19 Quinones, Jose, MD..........30 Quinonez, Carlos, MD 26,27,28 Qureshi, Irfan, MD ...........16 Qureshi, Usman, MD ........27 Rafael, Marita, MD ..........30 Rahat, Uzma, MD.............16 Rahman, Abul, MD ..........16 Ramakrishna, Mulukutla, MD .............................22,23 Ramirez, Guillermo, MD ..11 Ramirez, Robert, MD .......29 Ramirez, Roberto, MD .....10 Ramirez, Yvonne, PT 26,28,30,31 Ramos, Leilany .................30 Rao, Bhaskar.....................32 Rao, Gullapal, MD ...........31 Rasheed, Nida...................29 Raymond Lewandowski MD PA....................................28 Raymond, Thomas Martin, MD ..................................30 Reddy, Geeta, MD ............29 Reed, William, MD ...........30 Reevas, Aaron, MD...........30 Refugio Rural Health Clinic .................................7 Regional Employee Assistance Program ............6 Regueira, Felix, MD.....22,24 Regueira, Felix, MD.....30,32 Regueira, Oswald, MD .....30 Resendez, Adelaida, MD ...24 Reyes Jr, Guy ....................26 Reyes-Acuna, Celia, MD ...22 Reyes, Jacqueline, RD .......26 Reynolds, Oscar, MD9,10,12 Reynolds, Rolland, MD ....32 Riedel, Larry, MD.............16 Rigonan, Alma, MD..........22 Rios, Billy, MD .................28 Rivera, Christine, MD.......22 Roberts, Jon, MD..............30 Roberts, Stephen, MD.......32 Robertson, Michael, OT 27,28 Robinson, Carolyn, NP .....29 Robstown Family Clinic......7 Rochester, Dixie, RN ........27 Rockhill, Teresa, MD........32 Rodriguez II, Octavio, MD ..................................10 Rodriguez, Jairo, MD........16 Rodriguez, Jairo, MD........30 Rodriguez, Jorge, MD ..22,23 Rodriguez, Juliana, MD ....26 Rodriguez, Leo, MD .........29 Rodriguez, Mike, MD .......28 Rodriguez, Starrla, PT.......30 Rogoff, Eric, MD ..............29 Rojas, Peter, MD...............32 Rolong, Alvaro, MD .........29 Romero, Orestes, MD .......13 Ross, Karen, PT ................30 Ruiz, Stephanie, PT ...........30 Rupley, Marcelina, MD ....27 Rutherford, Clyde, MD.....29 Ryan, Bruce, PT ................32 Ryan, John, MD..................8 S TX Family Planning and Health Corp.....................28 Sachdev, Manju, MD ........24 Sachdev, Manju, MD ........32 Saenz, Tiffany, PT ........26,27 Salamat, Mehrdad, MD ....28 Salas, Jennifer Ann ............28 Salazar, Carlos, MD..8,10,14 Saldana, Joel, MD .............10 Saleem, Zakaria, MD ........29 Salina, Miguel, MD...........30 Primary Care Providers shown in bold Salloum, Cynthia, MD ......29 Salloum, Emile, MD..........29 Sanchez, Julian, MD..........28 Sanchez, Vicente, MD .......27 Sandigo, Gustavo, MD.13,14 Sandoval, Jaime, MD ...16,22 Santiago, Walter, MD .......22 Sarabosing, Luciano, MD..24 Sarabosing, Luciano, MD..32 Sawyers, Richard, MD ......32 Schaefer, Janice, PT...........26 Schauster, Lynn, PT ..........30 Schechter, Charles, MD.....28 Schiop, Michael, DPM ......30 Schoenborn, Ryan, HIS .....26 Schoener Spong, Theresa, PT 32 Schorlemmer, Rodney, MD27 Schrank, Kenton, MD .......32 Schulze, John, MD ............11 Schulze, Susan, MD...........22 Scroggins Jr, John William, MD ..................................32 Seals, Beverly, OT .............32 Seaworth, John, MD .........28 Seger, Bernard, MD...........29 Sehgal, Ajay, MD ..............29 Seiler, Tanya, MD.............18 Shaffer, William, MD........29 Shah, Mahendra, MD .......30 Shamma, Laurie, PT..........32 Shay, William, MD ...........17 Shea Physical Therapy.......30 Sheffel, John, FNP.............13 Sherman, Paul ...................29 Sherron, Serena, DO .........22 Shoemaker, Edward Stanton, MD ..................................29 Shull Physical Therapy Center ..............................30 Sierra Hoffman, Miguel, MD 31,32 Sifuentes, Roger, MD ........11 Sigtenhorst, Georg, MD ....32 Silva-Cantu, Sylvia, OTRL 27 Silverman, Gregg, MD ......28 Skoruppa, Deborah Susan .27 Smith-Harrison, Leon, MD30 Smith, Howard Lamoyne, MD ..................................29 Smith, Kyra .......................13 Smith, Micah.....................11 Smith, Raleigh, MD .....29,31 Smith, Thomas, MD..........27 Soler, Laura, MD ..............16 Sosa, Gilberto, MD ...........10 South Central Bone & Joint Center PA ........................26 South Padre Island Ped Aransas Pass ......................7 South Padre Island Pediatric...................6,22,23 Proveedores de Cuidado Primario see mirar en negrita 52 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Participating Provider Index / Indice De Proveedores Participantes South Padre Island Pediatric Mathis.................7 South Padre Island Pediatric Sinton..................7 South Texas Adult Medical Associates ........................11 South Texas Eye Center ....31 South Texas Family Medical Center ................................9 South Texas Pediatric Cardiology .......................28 South Texas Sports Medicine Inc..........................26,30,31 South TX Brain and Spine Center ..............................29 South TX Family Planning Beeville.............................27 South TX Family Planning Kingsville .........................28 South TX Family Planning Rockport..........................26 South TX Family Planning Sinton ..............................31 South TX Pulmonary & Critical Care .................................30 Spencer, Timothy, DO ......32 Spreen, Anita, OTRL ........29 Stacy, Whitney ..........9,10,12 Stafford, Thuy-Van, MD...30 Staples, Lauri, OT .............27 Starr, Carolyn, OT ............32 Steehler, Matthew .............30 Stegemann, Lloyd, MD .....29 Stein, Scott, DO ................32 Steinberg, Richard, DPM ..27 Steiner, Kathleen, MD.......13 Stern, Herbert, MD ...........28 Stevens, Mark, MD ...........13 Stines, Lawrence, FNP.......13 Strain, Shawn, MD............29 Stratton, Robert, MD........30 Suarez, Philip, MD ............18 Suarez, Philip, MD ............32 Subnani, Raj, MD .............27 Sullivan, Kelly, PT.............30 Supnet, Benjamin, MD......18 Surgical Associates LLP.....29 Swain, Timothy, MD ........30 Swarup, Jyothi, MD ..........30 Swize, Sharon, RD ............32 Sy, Stanley, MD ................30 Szalai, Gabor, MD ............28 Taft Family Clinic ...............7 Tan, Chun, MD ................26 Tarkenton, Tim, MD ........26 Tavares, Sergio, MD .........30 Tecuanhuey Jr, Leopoldo, MD ..................................26 Teixeira, Mauricio, MD ....27 Tejeda, Heriberto, MD......29 The Corner Clinic ...............6 The Doctors Center..........5,6 The Womens Health Center of Alice.................................27 Thomas, Ryan, MD ..........30 Thompson, Anthony, DO 9,10,12 Thompson, Anthony, DO 27,28,31 Tidroski, Christophe, DO .11 Tillman, Tywaun, MD ......31 Tillotson, Dennis, DC .......31 Timberland Medical Group 5 Timperlake, Roger, MD ....30 Tinana, Adrienne, MD ......28 Tocatjian, Alain, M.D. ......31 Torres, Elva.............27,28,31 Torres, Josefina, MD ........22 Torres, Maria....................18 Toth, Zoltan, MD .............28 Townsend, Thomas, MD ..29 Tran, Hung Quoc..............27 Tristan, Carol....................31 Tuder, Dmitry, MD...........26 Turner, Stephen, MD ........28 Twin Ountains Primary Care Clinic Of ............................5 TX Medical Building Inc8,14 Ugarte, Jose, MD ..............10 Ugwuibe, Maurice, MD11,14 Upmanyu, Sant, MD .........28 Urbaez Duran, Esther, MD 27,28,29,31 Urbanczyk, Jeremy ............32 Uzowulu, Obinna, MD .....27 Vac-Westbrook ...................6 Valavalkar, Sushil, MD .....19 Valavalkar, Sushil, MD .....26 Valdez, Marcos, MD 28,29,31,32 Van Metre, John Edward ..13 Vanfrank, Timothy, MD ...29 Varin, Carmen, MD ..........30 Vasavada, Rasendu, MD...17 Vasquez, Isela, MD ...........26 Vasquez, Jorge, MD .....27,29 Vega, Rolando, MD ..........29 Vela, Carlos, MD ..............15 Vela, Carlos, MD ..............27 Vela, Steven, MD ..............29 Velasco, Maria, MD..........13 Ven Huizen, Vanessa, DO 12,16 Verma, Dharmendra, MD .31 Verma, Omesh, MD.....13,17 Victoria Allergy and Asthma Clinic ..........................27,31 Victoria ENT Associates LLP 32 Victoria Pediatrics & Adolescents ........................6 Victoria Womens Clinic ....32 Vijjeswarapu, Daniel, MD.22 Villamil, Alfonso, MD.......29 Villarreal, Armando, MD....8 Villarreal, Cecilia ..............29 Villarreal, Juan, MD .........29 Villarreal, Luis, MD ............8 Villegas, Cristian, PT.........30 Visintine, John, MD ..........29 Vo, Anne, DO ...................24 Volling, Dwight, DPM ......28 VPA of TX San Antonio .....6 Vu, Khiem, DO .................32 Wagner, Anne, MD...........32 Wagner, William, MD.......32 Ware, Leigh, NP................19 Warren, Fred, MD ..............8 West, Kara Nicole, PT.......26 Westford, Yvette, MD.......18 Westford, Yvette, MD.......32 Westmoreland, Paul, MD..13 Wheeler, Bruce, MD..........32 White, John Henry, MD....32 Whitehouse, Henry, MD ...18 Whitham, John, DO..........11 Wiener, Marshall, MD ......32 Wilder, Thomas, MD........18 William, George Antone, MD 27 Wilson L Velasquez Ma PA 28 Wilson, Elizabeth Anne 26,28,30,31 Wilson, Melissa, MD ........18 Wiraszka, Adam, MD .......22 Withycombe, Sarah ...........22 Woodsboro Medical Clinic .7 Wooten, Rayna, LD ..........26 Wright, John, MD...............9 Wymer, Richard, PT .........30 Wynn, Andrew, MD .........32 Yahagi, Yusuke, MD.........32 Yarritu, Rolando, MD ......11 Yearwood, Chisa, PT ........32 Young, Andrew, DPM ......32 Zafar, Naveed, MD...........26 Zafar, Usman, MD ...........16 Zafra, Mildred, MD..........22 Zaiontz, Theresa ...............31 Zamora, Gus, MD ............18 Zamora, Jose, MD .......27,28 Zamora, Lydia, OTR ........29 Zane, Randall, MD ...........30 Zarinetchi, Fariba, MD .....29 Zengerle, Claire, DO...........9 Zertuche, Benjamin, MD8,18 Zertuche, Benjamin, MD...26 Zhu, Ningxi, MD..............30 Primary Care Providers shown in bold Proveedores de Cuidado Primario see mirar en negrita 53 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Hospitals / Other Index / Índice De Hospitales / Otros Calallen Medical and Safety Supply..............................36 Hospitals Carol A Aselage DME.......36 Bay Area Medical Center ..33 Castle Hills Pharmacy .......36 Central TX Med................36 Christus Spohn Hospital Alice.................................33 Christian Care Medical Equipment .......................36 Christus Spohn Hospital Christus HH Spohn...........36 Beeville.............................33 Christus Spohn Hospice ....36 Christus Spohn Hospital Christus Spohn Corpus Christi..............................33 Hospital-Shoreline ...........36 Christus Spohn Christus Spohn Hospital-Shoreline ...........33 Hospital-South.................36 Christus Spohn Kleberg Christus Spohn Hospital-South.................33 Memorial Hospital...........36 Clinical Pathology Lab ......34 Christus Spohn Kleberg Memorial Hospital...........33 Coastal Bend Ambulatory Christus Spohn Memorial .33 Surgical Center.................36 Citizens Medical Center ....33 Coastal Bend DME ...........36 Corpus Christi Medical .....33 Coastal Bend Pet Scan Ltd.35 Detar Hospital ..................33 Coastal Bend Rural Medical Equipment .......................36 Doctors Regional Medical Center ..............................33 Corpus Christi Home Care36 Driscoll Childrens Hospital33 Corpus Christi Medical Bay Jackson County Hospital ..33 Area .................................36 Memorial Medical Center .33 Corpus Christi Medical North Bay Hospital...........33 Doctors Hospital ...........................36 Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital ...........................33 Corpus Christi Medical Heart Refugio County Memorial 33 Hospital ...........................36 Corpus Christi Outpatient South Texas Regional Surgery.............................36 Medical Center ..............................33 Corpus Christi Prosthetics.36 Corpus Christi Radiology South Texas Surgical Hospital ...........................33 Center ..............................35 The Heart Hospital ...........33 Corpus Christi Sleep Center 34 Warm Springs Specialty Crossroads Home Health ..36 Hospital ...........................33 Crossroads MRI Lp...........35 Davila Pharmacy Inc .........36 Other Services Del Cielo Home Care ........36 A&D Medical Supply........36 Detar Hospital ..................36 Disability Services of The AAA Medical & Oxygen Supply..............................36 SW ...................................36 Access Mobility.................36 Dor Ans Home Health Advance EMS Ltd .............36 Services ............................36 American Homepatient .....36 Driscoll Childrens Hospital36 Economy Medical Rental ..36 American Medical Home Edge Medical Supply LLC.36 Health Epic Medstaff Home Health Services Corpus Christi..............................36 Care .................................36 Evening Star Ambulance American Medical Home Service..............................36 Health Excel Complete Home Services SA.......................36 Amor Home Health Inc.....36 Healthcare Angel Bright Home Health36 Inc....................................36 Angelitos Health Care Inc .36 Exclusive Home Health and APC Home Health Services36 Hospice............................36 Apria Victoria ...................36 Expert Cancer Physicians Bay Area Care Services......36 PLLC ...............................35 Bayou Homecare...............36 First Home Healthcare LLC Bayside Home Health........36 36 Freds Pharmacy.................36 Best Choice Medical Equipment .......................36 Health Force Home Health Bio-Reference Laboratory .34 Care .................................36 Bios 4 D Imaging...............34 Healthcare Unlimited Century Medical............................36 Healthy Horizons Homecare & Hospice............................36 Homcare Medical Equipment 36 Homecare Dimensions Inc.36 Hope Medical Supply........36 Inmon Respiratory Services36 Interim Healthcare Corpus Christi..............................36 ITC Medical Transport Company .........................36 Jalopy Shoppe Inc .............36 Jerrys Pharmacy ................36 Jordan Health Services ......36 Kaiser Home Health Services 36 Labcorp of America ..........34 Liberty Dialysis Victoria....36 Lifespan Home Health ......36 Lincare Inc TX - Corpus Christi..............................36 Lincare Inc TX - Victoria ..36 Matisons Orthotics Prosthetics........................36 Maxim Healthcare Services36 Maximum Mobility Inc.....36 Med Mart .........................36 Med Team Inc...................36 Medco Medical Supply......36 Medical Express PSI ..........36 Medical Rehab Supply ......36 Mi Casa Home Health Agency .............................36 Millennium Laboratories Inc 34 Moores Pharmacy Vital Care 36 National Nursing and Rehab Inc....................................36 Nurses On The Go Rehab .36 Nurses On Wheels Inc.......36 Oasis Home Healthcare ....36 Ocean View Durable Medical Equipment .......................36 Orion Health Care Services Inc....................................36 Orthopedic Associates of Corpus Christi ............35,36 Padre Home Health Inc.....36 Pediatric Pharmacy............36 Pediatric Services of America ...........................36 PraxAir Healthcare Services 36 Premier Medical Supply ....36 Premier Sleep Disorder Center ..............................35 Prime Care Home Health ..36 Providence Rx Care Inc.....36 PSI Premier Specialties Inc.36 PT Home Services of San Antonio............................36 54 QHR Medical Supplies and Equipment .......................36 Quest Diagnostics Dallas...34 Quest Diagnostics Houston 34 Quest Diagnostics Inc........34 Radiology Associates.........35 Radiology Unlimited .........35 Radiology/Imaging of S TX Llp ...................................35 Refugio County Memorial 36 Regional Home Health Agency .............................36 Rehmet Holdings LLC ......36 Restorative Health Care of South Tex ........................36 Restorative Health Services LLC .................................36 Retama Manor Nursing Center ..............................36 Retama Manor Nursing Center Pleasant............................36 Retama Manor Nursing Center Pleasanton........................36 Retama Manor Nursing Center Robstown ........................36 Rising Star Home Care Services Inc....................................36 Rogers Home Medical.......36 Russell Medical Inc ...........36 Sacred Heart Home Health Inc....................................36 Sacred Heart Specialty Home Care .................................36 Saenz Home Health Services Inc....................................36 Saint Benedicts Home Health Inc....................................36 Saldivar Primary Home Care 36 Save Home Health Care ....36 Sea Crest Home Health .....36 Sensible Care Ems Ambulance.......................36 Serenity Medical Equipment 36 Shoreline Home Health Care 36 Simmons Wellness Products 36 South Texas Eye SurgiCenter Inc....................................36 South Texas Home Health 36 South Texas Regional Medical Center ..............................36 South TX Clinical Lab Ltd 34 Steele Home Medical Equipment .......................36 Steele Home Medical Equpment Inc....................................36 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Hospitals / Other Index / Índice De Hospitales / Otros Surgicare of Corpus Christi36 TAC Med Inc ....................36 Texas Home Health of America ...........................36 The Surgery Center ...........36 Torr Respiratory Services Sleep Center .....................35 True Medical Imaging .......35 Ultima Medical Supply......36 Uresti Senior Assistance.....36 USRC Atascosa County Dialysis LLC .................................36 USRC SA Tri County LLC 36 Vasquez Flores Home Healthcare .......................36 Victoria Cardiology Imaging LP ....................................35 Victoria Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc....................36 Victoria Upright MRI........35 Virtue Home Health Inc....36 Vital Care of Coastal Texas 36 Walgreens Home Care Inc.36 Wheel Chairs Stuff ............36 X Ray On Wheels Inc........35 55 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH / ÍNDICE DE PROVEEDORES DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD MENTAL For behavioral health care call Cenpatico at: 1-888-471-4357 Para servicios de salud mental llame a Cenpatico al: 1-888-471-4357 Behavioral Health Specialists Adler, Vicky, LMFT..........37 Alexander, Justin, LPC......37 Alford, Richard, LPC ........37 Alvarez, Doris, LCSW .......37 Armstrong, Cathy, LPC.....37 Badea-Mic, Daniela, MD ..37 Baker, Linda, LPC.............37 Bayardo, Rodolfo, ARNP..37 Beckham, Barbara, PHD ...37 Belanger, Barbara, LPC .....37 Bell, Eva, ARNP................37 Berlin, Robert, LPC...........37 Biberstein, Billy, LPC ........37 Bird, Trudy, LPC...............37 Black, Scarlett, LPC...........37 Bond, Brenda, LPC............37 Boswell, Bruce, LPC ..........37 Bowers-Yilmazer, Amy, LCSW ..............................37 Bradley, Frances, LPC .......37 Braswell, Peggy, LPC.........37 Braune, David, LPC ..........37 Breech, Sandra, LPC..........37 Brennan, Sara, LPC ...........37 Bru, Tracy, LPC ................37 Buckley, Elizabeth, LPC ....37 Cantrell, Amy, LPC...........37 Capitaine, Raul, MD....37,38 Castillo, Yvonne, LPC.......37 Chauvin, Tamera, PSY D ..37 Chavez, Michelle, LPC ......38 Chisolm, Delcia, LPC ........37 Coltman, Debra, LPC........38 Corn, Ginger, LPC ............38 Cramer, Robert, PSY D.....37 Curry, Thomas, LPC .........37 Diaz, San Juanita, LPC......37 Dolan, Erica, LPC .............37 Dubois, Keith, PHD ..........37 Dyckman, Lydia, LPC .......37 Eger, Scott, LPC ................37 Estrada, Carlos, MD .........37 Fender-Sadler, Lexey, LPC 38 Fisher-Kittay, Lynn, PHD..37 Flores-Tunchez, Joanne, LPC 37 Gansle, Mary Ann, PHD ...37 Garcia, Kathryn, LPC........37 Garcia, Lisa, LPC ..............37 Garwood, John, LPC.........37 Garza, Kristopher, LPC.....37 Gause, Hazel, LPC ............37 George, Jennifer, APRN ....37 Gonzalez, Helica, LPC ......37 Graciano, Maria, LPC.......37 Graf, Thomas, PHD ..........37 Granato, Donna, LPC .......37 Green, Cheryl, LCSW........38 Grover, David, LPC ..........37 Guerra, Sally, LPC ............37 Guerrero, Frances, LPC.....37 Guevara, Vidal, LPC .........38 Haddock, Dennis, LCSW ..37 Hamilton, Patricia, LPC ....37 Hammond, Deborah, LPC 37 Harrison, Danna, LPC ......38 Heffernan, Michael, PHD .37 Hensley, David, PHD ...37,38 Hernandez, Michael, MD..37 Holder, Lucy, LPC ............38 Hopper, John, MD............37 Horton, Alison, LCSW......37 Houston, Carol, ED D ......37 Huddleston, Michael, LPC 37 Jamar, Gregory, LPC.........38 Jensen, Marilyn, LPC ........37 Johnson, Mary, LPC .........37 Jones-Trebatoski, Kathleen, LPC..................................37 Jordan, Traci, PSY D.........37 Keith, Thomas, LPC..........37 Kelly, Linda, LPC..............38 Ketchum, Christina, LCSW37 Kittay, Burton, PHD .........37 Kizerian, Gerald, LPC .......37 Koehler, Kathleen, LPC.....37 Lamb, Kathleen, LPC ........37 Latcham, Lisa, LPC...........37 Lee, Linda, LPC ................37 Licona, Patti, LCSW..........37 Lopez-Lira, Thelma, MD ..37 Lopez, Laura, LPC ............37 Lusins, John, MD..............37 Luther, Margaret, LPC......37 Magana, Vicky, LCSW......37 Maldonado, Gilbert, MD ..37 Mangipudi, Murthy, MD ..37 Martin, Alyce, LPC ...........37 Martinez, Sylvia, LPC .......37 Maruvada, Umamaheswara, MD ..................................37 Matosky, Janice, LPC........37 Matthews, Robert, LPC ....37 McCallister, Larry, LPC ....37 McDaniel, Jeffrey, LPC .....37 Meier, Melanie, LPC .........37 Mersing, Paula, LPC .........37 Mickey, Danea, LPC .........37 Montez, Anthony, LPC .....37 Morales, Laura, LPC.........37 Morales, Petra, LPC ..........37 Morgan, Gwenneth, LPC ..37 Morgan, Ronald, LPC.......37 Morrice-McBride, Amanda, PSY D......................................37 Myers, Patricia, LPC .........37 O'Neill, Jill, LPC...............38 Orsak, Wendy, LPC ..........38 Ortiz, Aurora, LCSW ........37 Pagan, Jose, MD ...............37 Parsons, Pamela, LCSW ....37 Perez, Kristina, LPC ..........37 Pfeiffer, James, LCSW .......37 Phillips, Kristi, LMFT .......37 Pichardo, Claudia, LCSW .37 Plichta-Wilson, Jessica, NP37 Praderio, Nestor, MD .......37 Prater, Rodney, APNP.......37 Ramos, Dennis, LPC .........37 Redus, Karan, PHD...........38 Reynolds, Kristie, LPC ......37 Rhyne, Aaron, LPC ...........37 Richards, Mary, LPC ........37 Robertson, Tamara, LPC ..37 Rodriguez, Daniel, LPC.....38 Rosenstein, Paula, LCSW ..37 Satava, Susan, LPC............38 Schoener, Cleva, LPC ........38 Schrimsher, Joanne, LPC...38 Schroll, David, LPC...........37 Serrano, Sara, LPC ............38 Shake, Linda, LPC.............37 Sharron, Sonya, LPC .........37 Silva-Brophy, Annabel, LCSW ..............................38 Smith, Heather, PSY D......37 Smith, Maria, LPC ............37 Snyder, Tina, LPC .............37 Soles, Sandra, LPC ............37 Spencer, Mary, LPC ..........37 Spurgeon, Gailane, LPC ....38 Stanfield, Kimberly, LPC...38 Steward, John, LPC...........37 Sublett, Debra, LPC ..........37 Tate, Timothy, LPC ..........37 Thigpen, Julie, LPC ...........37 Thurman, Judy, NP...........37 Tupa, Christi, MD .......37,38 Vandever, Chari, LPC .......37 Viveros, Veronica, LPC .....37 Ward, Linda, LPC ........37,38 Ward, Richard, LPC..........37 West, Deborah, LPC .........37 Whitfield, Brenda, LPC .....37 Whitfield, Joseph, PA ...37,38 Whitley, Sharon, LCSW ....38 Wilgus, Kimberly, LPC......38 Williams, Carroll, LPC......37 Wilson, Erma, ARNP ........37 Zaplac, Trudi, PHD ..........38 Council On Alcohol & Drug Abuse Coastal Bend .........38 Gulf Coast Rehabilitative Services ............................38 North Bay Hospital...........38 Padre Behavioral Hospital.38 Pathways Youth & Family Services/Crp Christi..........38 Shoreline Inc .....................38 South Texas Substancestance Abusee Recovery Svc........38 Behavioral Health Facilities Atascosa Health Center Inc38 Camino Real Community MHMR Center ..............................38 Charlie's Place Recovery Center ..............................38 Christus Spohn Hospital Alice.................................38 Christus Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi..............................38 Christus Spohn Hospital Memorial .........................38 56 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 CHIP Perinatal Program Participating Provider Index Abrantes, Anthony, MD....48 Adu, Ayo, MD ..................44 Alagoz, Aysun, MD...........47 Allen, Sylvia, FNP .............41 American Regional Health Center ..............................40 Amistad Community Health Center Inc ........................40 Anderson, Conde, MD ......44 Anjum, Amina, MD ..........46 Arienmughare, Maryanne, MD ..................................41 Aririguzo, Jude, MD .........45 Atascosa Health Center Inc40 Ayala, Cynthia, MD..........43 Barker, Bruce, DO.............43 Barker, Melody .................44 Barnes, Jeff, DO ................46 Bauknight, Bruce, MD ......46 Beasley, Karole, MD .........41 Beeville Medical Associates Main ................................40 Benson, Sue, FNP .........42,43 Bhatia, Sanjeev, MD..........46 Blackmon, Edward, MD ...46 Bouthillette, Michael, MD.44 Bowen, Ronald, DO..........43 Bradford, Jason, MD.........47 Brumm, Ashley, MD .........48 Canterbury, Christine, MD47 Carlisle, Robert .................43 Castro, Juan, MD....41,42,43 Chand, Kishan, MD ..........44 Chandler, James, MD........41 Chesshir, Walter, MD .......41 Chin, Arthur, MD .............41 Christus Medical Group....40 Clark, Pamela, FNP...........42 Coastal Medical Clinic ......40 Community Action Health Center ..............................40 Community Mother & Child Health Center ..................48 Comprehensive Medical Care 43 Cook, Kelle, FNP ..............48 Corrada, Romulo Gaspar, MD ..................................47 Craig, Grant......................44 Crowley, William, DO ......42 Danielson, Maia, MD .......46 De La Guardia, Alberto, MD 47 De Sequera, Gerardo, MD.42 Deleon, Jesse, MD.............44 Diaz, Jorge Armando, MD 46 Diaz, Pedro, MD ...............47 Diaz, Roberto, MD ...........45 Divyatish Primary Care Health Servic ...............................46 Doucet, Roxanna, MD......47 Dugi Jr, Daniel, MD..........42 Eftimescu, Dina, MD ........47 Ellison, Ann, FNP .............41 Espada, Roberto................47 Espinosa, Fabian, MD..44,46 Esquivel, Oscar Iznaola, MD 45,46 Fabian E Espinosa MD PA 46 Feng, Samuel, MD.............46 Fillingane, Charles.............42 Flores, Michael..................43 Fragile, Mary Lou, DO .....44 Gallegos, Gloria, CNS.......41 Garcia, Fernando, MD ......45 Garcia, Jessica, FNP ..........42 Garrett, Rima Diane, FNP.44 Garza, Pablo, MD .............44 George West Family Medical Clinic ...............................40 Ghazy, Khalid ...................44 Gilley, Judith, FNP.......44,48 Gisler Pllc, Jean, NP ..........44 Glazener, Leighanne, MD .47 Goliad Family Practice ......40 Gonsoulin, Whitney, MD..47 Gonzalez, Anna Bertha, MD 47 Gonzalez, Dana, MD ........48 Guajardo, Richard, MD 41,42,43,45,46 Guel-Valdivia, Veronica, MD 44 Guel, Mario, MD ..............41 Guido, Hugo, MD.............43 Gutierrez, Louis, MD ........43 Hammo-Barazi, Mahmoud, MD ..................................45 Heard, Richard, MD .........44 Henry, Grant, MD ............44 Herrera, Maximilian, MD 41,42,43 Hicks, Robert, MD ...........48 Hirschfield, Gail, MD ..41,43 Ho, Hoang, MD................44 Hohlt, Russell, MD ...........46 Howard, Joyce, FNP .........44 Inman, Danielle.................47 Jacob, Cindy, MD ........43,44 Jain, Arun Kumar, MD .....46 Jaynes, Charles, MD .........48 Jifi-Bahlool, Haitham, MD 43,45,46 Johnson, Annelle, MD.......44 Johnson, Cherie, MD ........47 Johnson, Peggy, DO ..........43 Jourdanton Family Health Clinic ...............................40 Karnes Community Health Center ..............................40 Khimani, Sultana, MD ......47 Kirkham, Charles, MD......47 Klawitter, Angela ..............44 Klein, Adi, MD .................46 Knight, Pollyanne, MD .....44 Konopacki, Michael, MD..44 Kurz, Michael ...................41 Laing, Jennifer, MD ..........44 Larakers, Joseph, MD .......41 Le, Tri, MD..................43,44 Leggett, Richard, DO ........44 Lin, Nicholas, MD ............44 Lincoln, Jewel ...................42 Lira, Noe, MD ..................47 Lochner, Denise, MD ........47 Loftin, Ryan, MD .............47 Lozano, Jose, MD .............41 Mathis Medical Center Pa.40 McDowell, Anthony, MD .48 McFarland, Timothy, MD.42 McLemore, Kerrie, MD.....43 McNeill, John, DO 40,41,44,45,46 Meiser, William, DO.........42 Menager, Katherine, FNP 41,42,43 Millmann, Paul .................44 Montemayor, Ricardo, MD 45 Morales, Robert, MD........42 Murphy, Robert, MD........45 Nan, Bicheng, MD ............45 Naqvi, Ali, MD .................43 Nayar, Scheel, DO ............46 Nguyen, Peter Minh V, MD 46 Noriega, Sandra Ivonne, MD 47 Nowitzky, Theressa, MD ..47 Nwanegbo, Edward ..........44 Ontai, Sidney, MD ............44 Orestes Romero MD PA 40,44 Osuchukwu, George, MD .46 Ou, Paul, MD ..............42,43 Pardo, Robert, MD ......41,45 Pathikonda, Meena, MD...47 Pena, Jaime, MD ...............47 Perez-Montes, Maria, MD 47 Perez, Raoul, MD..............44 Pilli, Suja, MD...................43 Pizarro, Maria, MD ..........47 Powell, Shanti, MD ...........41 Qureshi, Irfan, MD ...........46 Rahat, Uzma, MD.............46 Rahman, Abul, MD ..........46 Ramirez, Guillermo, MD ..43 Regional Employee Assistance Program ...........................40 Reynolds, Oscar, MD 41,42,43 Riedel, Larry, MD.............46 Robstown Family Clinic....40 Rockhill, Teresa, MD........48 Rodriguez, Jairo, MD........46 Rodriguez, Juliana, MD ....46 Rodriguez, Leo, MD .........47 Ryan, John, MD................41 Salazar, Carlos, MD.....41,42 Sanchez, Vicente, MD .......46 Sandigo, Gustavo, MD......44 Sandoval, Jaime, MD ........46 Seiler, Tanya, MD .............48 Shaffer, Craig, MD............42 57 Shay, William, MD ...........46 Sheffel, John, FNP.............45 Shoemaker, Edward Stanton, MD ..................................47 Sifuentes, Roger, MD ........43 Simmons, Donald, MD .....43 Smith, Kyra .......................45 Smith, Micah.....................43 Soler, Laura, MD ..............46 Sosa, Gilberto, MD ...........42 South Texas Family Medical Center ..............................42 Stacy, Whitney ........41,42,43 Steiner, Kathleen, MD.......45 Stevens, Mark, MD ...........45 Stines, Lawrence, FNP.......45 Strain, Shawn, MD............47 Suarez, Philip, MD ............48 Supnet, Benjamin, MD ......47 Tarkenton, Tim, MD ........46 The Womens Health Center of Alice.................................40 Thompson, Anthony, DO 41,42,43 Tidroski, Christophe, DO .43 Timberland Medical Group 40 Torres, Maria....................48 Twin Ountains Primary Care Clinic Of ..........................40 Ugwuibe, Maurice, MD ....43 Van Metre, John Edward ..45 Vasavada, Rasendu, MD...46 Vega, Rolando, MD ..........47 Vela, Carlos, MD ..............45 Velasco, Maria, MD..........45 Victoria Womens Clinic ....48 Villarreal, Armando, MD..41 Villarreal, Juan, MD .........47 Villarreal, Luis, MD ..........41 Visintine, John, MD ..........47 VPA of TX San Antonio....40 Warren, Fred, MD ............41 Westford, Yvette, MD.......48 Westmoreland, Paul, MD..45 Whitehouse, Henry, MD ...48 Wilder, Thomas, MD ........47 William, George Antone, MD 46 Wilson, Melissa, MD ........48 Wright, John, MD.............42 Yarritu, Rolando, MD ......43 Zamora, Gus, MD ............48 Zengerle, Claire, DO.........42 Zertuche, Benjamin, MD 41,46 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Notes / Notas 58 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Notes / Notas 59 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Notes / Notas 60 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Notes / Notas 61 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Notes / Notas 62 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Notes / Notas 63 NU87-C-0915 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386 Superior HealthPlan, Fall/Otoño 2015 Notes / Notas 64 NU87-C-0915 Welcome to Superior HealthPlan! Superior Members receive important benefits such as: Access to Superior’s nurse advice line. They can answer your health questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A Member newsletter with tips on keeping you and your family healthy. Access to a list of Providers and health plan information at www.SuperiorHealthPlan.com. Value added services for you/your child such as a $150 allowance for prescription eyewear, annual sports physicals and a diaper bag starter supply for pregnant members. A bilingual Member Services team to answer your questions and help you find a doctor. For more information, visit / para más información, visite SuperiorHealthPlan.com. ¡Bienvenido a Superior HealthPlan! Los Miembros de Superior reciben importantes beneficios tales como: Acceso a la línea de consejos de enfermeras de Superior. Pueden contestar sus preguntas de salud las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Un boletín informativo para Miembros con consejos para mantenerlo saludable a usted y su familia. Acceso a una lista de Proveedores y la información del plan de salud en www.SuperiorHealthPlan.com. Servicios de valor agregado para usted/su hijo, como por ejemplo: una provisión de 150 dólares para anteojos recetados, exámenes físicos anuales y un suministro de inicio de pañales para los afiliados que estén embarazadas. Personal bilingüe de Servicios para el Miembro para contestar sus preguntas y ayudarle a encontrar a un médico. CHIP SHP_2013332D 202205_CHIP_NUECES Cvr.indd 2 202205 - Superior CHIP 8.5x11.indd 12 7/24/15 11:50 AM 7/24/15 11:55 AM FALL / OTOÑO 2015 ProviderDirectory Directory Provider Directoriode deProveedores Proveedores Directorio CHIP We are ready to help! ¡Estamos listos para ayudar! Call / Llame al Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario 1-800-783-5386 Nueces service area / Área de servicio Nueces Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Calhoun, Goliad, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, and Victoria Counties 2100 South IH-35, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78704 1-800-783-5386 SuperiorHealthPlan.com NU87-C-0915 202205_CHIP_NUECES Cvr.indd 1 202205 202205 -- Superior Superior CHIP CHIP 8.5x11.indd 8.5x11.indd 8 8 SuperiorHealthPlan.com SHP-201272D 7/24/15 7/24/15 11:50 11:50 AM AM 202205 - Superior CHIP 8.5x11.indd 9 NU87-C-0915 7/24/15 11:55 AM 7/24/15 11:50 AM
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