Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Present profeessional posittion ncil for Scienttific Research Spanish Coun Department o of Environmeental Chemistrry Institute of E Environmentall Assessment and a Water Ressearch (IDÆA A) Jordi Giron na, 18; 08034 Barcelona, Spaain address: e-mail: belen [email protected] Profesional sstatus: Ramón y Cajjal Fellowship p Start datte: 01/01/2015 End date:: 31/12/2019 F Fellowship ho older F Full-time Field of study y (UNESCO codes): c 2502.05 5 Paleoclimato ology Present resea arch area (key words) Natural enviironment & hu uman activity y in the Meditterranean regiion ― clues from m past for futu ure sedimentary y organic mattter, stratigraph hy, climatic asssessment, pa alæoclimate, ouse gases, en nvironment, th hresholds Arctic, Mediiterranean, energy, greenho Fellowship Shackleton F Life Memberrship of Claree Hall College e Godwin Labo oratory for Paalæoclimate Re esearch; Depar artment of Eartth Sciences University off Cambridge Education Ph. D. Centre Doctor of Naatural Sciencees (Europeus) / Ciencias Doctora en C mención Eurropeus Universidad Politécnicca Calificación uña de Catalu Excelente Ma agna Cum lau ude, por unanimiidad Bachelorr Diploma of A Advanced Stu udies / Diploma en Estudios Avaanzados (D. E.. A.) en Tecnologíías del Medio o Ambiente Calificación Excelente B.Sc. in Agriicultural Engineering / Ingeniera Ag grónoma Especialidad en Ciencias del d Suelo y Gestión Am mbiental Puntuación m media del expeediente 2.25 Date 14/12/2007 Centre olitécnica Universidad Po dee Cataluña Date 29/09/2005 31 /10/ 2001 1 Universidad dee Lérida 1 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 n in research projects p (projeect title, finan ncial entity, prrincipal investtigator, particcipants, duratiion, etc) Participation P013 PAGES (PAST GLOBAL CHA ANGES) WORK KING GROUP ON N OCEAN 2K (O O2K), CORE PRO OJECT OF ATIONAL GEOSP PHERE-BIOSPH HERE PROGRAM MME (IGBP) THE INTERNA Bern, Switzerrland Mike Evans; Helen McGreegor; Hugues Goosse; G Guillaaume Leduc; Belen B Martrat;; Jessica Tierneey; Jason Add dison, Nerilie Abram m 15.000 US $ ations, and thee National Oceeanic and Atm mospheric Adm ministration U.S. and Swiss National Sccience Founda (NOAA) January 20122- December 20016 http://www w.pages-igbp.o org/workinggroups/ocean22k P012 PAST4FUTUREE (FP7-ENV-2009-1-243908) Climate chan nge, Learning from the past climate European Un nion, Seventh Framework Programme, P Coooperation Th heme 6, Enviro onment (includ c ding climate change), 6.647.909 EUR Dorthe Dahl--Jensen, Univeersity of Copenhagen, Denm mark January 20100 - December 2014 2 http://www w.past4future.eeu P011 PAGES (PAST GLOBAL CHA ANGES) WORK KING GROUP ON N PAST INTERG GLACIALS (PIG GS), CORE PROJECT OF TH HE INTERNATIO ONAL GEOSPHERE-BIOSPHER RE PROGRAMM ME (IGBP) Bern, Switzerrland P. Chronis Tzzedakis; Jerry McManus; Do ominique Ray ynaud U.S. and Swiss National Sccience Founda ations, and thee National Oceeanic and Atm mospheric Adm ministration (NOAA) January 20088- December 20013 http://www w.pages-igbp.o org/workinggroups/pigs P010 SD2007-00067) GRACCIE (CS Multidiscipliinary research h consortium on o gradual and d abrupt clima ate changes, and their impaacts on the env vironment Ministerio dee Ciencia e Inn novación, Plan n Nacional de Investigación n Científica, De esarrollo e Inn novación Tecn nológica, CONSOLIDE ER-INGENIO,, 6.353.257 EUR Joan O. Grim malt, CSIC, Insttituto de Diag gnóstico Ambiiental y Estudiios del Agua, Spain October 20077- September 2013 2 http://www P009 MEDECOS Decadal scalee Variability of o the Mediterrranean Ecosysstem (MedEco os) European Sciience Foundattion, MarinER RA, 512.901 EU UR Vassilis Zerv vakis, Universiity of the Aege ean, Mytilene,, Greece January 20099-January 20122 P008 SVAIS (POL22006-07390/CG GL) Desarrollo dee un sistema sedimentario s dominado d porr corrientes dee hielo: el marg gen continentaal meridional de las Islas Svalbard, Océano Ártico novación, Prog grama Nacion nal de Biodiversidad, ciencia as de la tierra y cambio glob bal, 272.250 Ministerio dee Ciencia e Inn EUR versity of Barccelona, Spain Angelo Cameerlenghi, Univ December 20006- Decemberr 2010 2 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 P007 HERMES (GO OCE-CT-2005-5511234) & HER RMIONE (FP7-E ENV-2008-226354) Hotspot ecossystem researcch on the marg gins of Europeean seas Hotspot ecossystem researcch and man's impact i on Eurropean seas European Un nion, Six Fram mework Progra amme, Sustain nable developm ment, global change c and ecoosystems & European Union, Seven nth Frameworrk Programme e, Cooperation n Theme 6, Env vironment (including climaate change), 15 5.560.000 EUR & 8.000.000 EUR mpton Oceano ography Centrre, United Kin ngdom Phil P. E. Weeaver; Southam April 2005-M March 2009 HERMES April 20 009- March 20112 HERMIONE http://www http://ww P006 CS (GOCE-CT T-2003-505540) EURO-LIMPAC Integrated prroject to evalu uate the impacts of global ch hange on Euro opean freshwa ater ecosystem ms European Un nion, Six Fram mework Progra amme, Sustain nable developm ment, global change c and ecoosystems, 12.6 650.000 EUR R Centr tre, University y College of Lo ondon, United d Kingdom Simon Patrick, Environmental Change Research February 20004-January 20009 http://www P005 EVR1-CT2001-00041) PROMESS-1 (E PROfiles acro oss Mediterran nean sedimen ntary systems European Un nion, Fifth Fraamework Prog gramme, Energ gy, environmeent and sustain nable develop pment, 1.548.7 773 EUR MER), France Serge Berne, Institut Franççaise de Recherche pour l'Exxploitation de la Mer (IFREM December 20002-Novemberr 2006 http://prom P004 PACLIVA (EV VR1-2002-0004113) Patterns of C Climate Variab bility in the north Atlantic European Un nion, Fifth Fraamework Prog gramme, Energ gy, environmeent and sustain nable develop pment, 1.800.000 EUR Eystein Janseen; Bjerknes Centre C for Clim mate Research & University of Bergen, No orway December 20002-Novemberr 2005 http://www p?id=1671&katt=47&pid=102 2&lang=2 P003 CESOP (EVR11-2001-40018) Coordinated European Surrface Ocean Palaeo-estimatiion Collaborattion Project European Un nion, Fifth Fraamework Prog gramme, Energ gy, environmeent and sustain nable develop pment. 1.060.000 EUR Eystein Janseen; Bjerknes Centre C for Clim mate Research & University of Bergen, No orway November 20001-October 2004 http://www p?id=1671&katt=47&pid=103 3&lang=2 P002 POP (EVK2-22000-00089) Pole Ocean P Pole Project, Global G stratigra aphy for millen ennial climate variability European Un nion, Fifth Fraamework Prog gramme, Energ gy, environmeent and sustain nable develop pment, 1.440.000 EUR Nicholas J. S Shackleton; Go odwin Institutte for Quatern nary Research, University off Cambridge, U United Kingdom December 20000-Novemberr 2004 http://www k/research/re esearch-group ps/pop P001 ENV4-CT97-01162) HOLOCENE (E Climate variaability: How unusual u is the Holocene European Un nion, Fourth Framework F Pro ogramme, Env vironment and d climate, 980 0.000 EUR Eystein Janseen; Bjerknes Centre C for Clim mate Research & University of Bergen, No orway February 19998- January 2001 3 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Publicationss (key B= fu ull book, CB.= chapter off book, A= arrticle, R= rev view, E= edittor) authors (in ( order of authorship), title, journal//book title, vo olume, first & last page, da ate of publica ation, impact ffactor & tota al number of times cited (w when applicab ble/available) P Publications A028 n, Assunta Florrenzano, Alex xandra Adam Izdebsski, Karin Hollmgren, Erika Weiberg, Sharron R. Stockerr, Ulf Büntgen Gogou, Suzan nne A.G. Lero oy, Jürg Luterb bacher, Belen Martrat, Alesssia Masi, Anna Maria Mercu uri, Paolo Montagna, Laura Sadorii, Adam Schneeider, Marie-A Alexandrine Siicre, Maria Triiantaphyllou, Elena Xoplakii Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo, under review A027 oan O. Grimaltt, Gatsby E. Otalvaro, O Jose A. A Flores, Fran ncisco Sierro. Oscar Rama--Corredor; Bellen Martrat; Jo Parallelisms b between sea surface s temperrature changess in the Westeern Tropical Atlantic A (Guian na basin) and high h latitude climaate signals oveer the last 140,000 years. Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo, under review A026 o, Henry Hoo oghiemstra, Osscar Rama-Corrredor; Belen Martrat; Joan O. Grimalt, L Lonnie Thompson & Data Dunia Urrego contributors. Millennial-sccale vegetation n changes in th he tropical An ndes Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo, under review A025 Helen McGreegor; Michael Evans; Hugue es Goosse; Gu uillaume Ledu uc; Belen Martrrat and Ocean n2k LR Workin ng Group. Robust globaal ocean coolin ng trend for th he pre-industriial Common Era. E Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo, under review A024 ndrine Sicre; Belen B Martrat;; Bassem Jalalii; Ioanna Bouloubassi; Maria-Angela Basssetti; Nejib Ka allell; Marie-Alexan Ullah Ezat; O Ocean 2k Work king Group. Sea surface tem mperature variiability in the North Westerrn Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lion ns) over the paast 2000 years. Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo, under review A023 Alessandro In ncarbona*; Beelen Martrat*; P. Graham Moortyn*; Mario Sprovieri*; Pa atrizia Ziveri*;; Alexandra Gogou; G Gabriel Jordaa; Elena Xoplaaki, Enrico Di Stefano; S Joan O O. Grimalt; Leeonardo Langone; Gianlucaa Marino; Laurra Rodríguez-Saanz; Giorgio Tranchida; T Rod dolfo Sprovierri; Salvatore Mazzola. M Easte ern Mediterran nean Transien nt-type events over tthe last five centuries Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo, under review A022 n; Jose Abel Flores; Francisco Javier Sierroo; Isabel Cacho o; Ivan Hernan ndez-Almeidaa; Belen Martrrat; Joan O. Blanca Ausin Grimalt,. Atm mospheric pattterns driving Holocene pro oductivity in th he Alboran Sea (Western Me Mediterranean): A multiproxy aapproach. THE E HOLOCENE E, 1-13, DOI: 110.1177/09596 683614565952 Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo Ranking: 6 ults: Relevant resu A021 n; Jose Abel Flores; Francisco Javier Sierroo; M. Angeles Barcena; Ivan n Hernandez-A Almeida; Guillermo Blanca Ausin Frances; Esth her Gutierrez-A Arnillas; Belen n Martrat; Joan n O. Grimalt, Isabel Cacho. Coccolithoph hore productiv vity and surface waterr dynamics in n the Alboran Sea S during thee last 25 kyr. PALAEOGEOG P GRAPHY, PA ALAEOCLIMA ATOLOGY, PALAEOECO OLOGY, 418, 126-140, 2015.. Type of prod duction: Artícu ulo Ranking: 8 ults: JCR® Cattegory Quartille in Category y GEOSCIENC CES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Y, 34/165, Q1 Relevant resu PALEONTOL LOGY, 3/48, Q1 Q SJR (SCIm mago Journal R Rankings) 2013 3 : 1.547 SNIP (Source Norm malized Impact per Paper) 2013 : 1.300 55-Year Impactt Factor: 3.035 Publisher: Ellsevier. Publication type: Jou urnals. ISSN: 000310182 Coverage: 19652014 H Index x: 94 4 Belen Martrat, MARCH 2015 A020 Belen Martrat, P. Chronis Tzedakis, Vasiliki Margari, Luke C. Skinner; David A. Hodell, Joan O. Grimalt;. Multidecadal scale climatic changes in the Iberian Margin over the last two deglaciations and interglacials and their connection with the poles. PAST GLOBAL CHANGES, 23(1), 10 Type of production: Article Ranking: 1 A019 Pepijn Bakker; Valérie Masson-Delmotte; Belen Martrat; Sylvie Charbit; Hans Renssen; Matthias Gröger; Uta Krebs-Kanzow; Gerrit Lohman; Dan J. Lunt; Madlene Pfeiffer; Steven J. Phipps; Matthias Prange; Stefan Ritz; Michael Schulz; Barbara Stenni; Emma J. Stone; Vidya Varma. Temperature trends during the Present and Last interglacial periods _ A multi-model-data comparison. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS. 99, pp. 224-243. doi:, 2014. Type of production: Article Ranking: 3 Relevant results: JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL, 2/45, Q1 GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 6/160, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.656 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.607 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.040 Publisher: Elsevier Limited. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 02773791 Coverage: 1982-2013 H Index: 103 A018 Belen Martrat; Patricia Jimenez-Amat; Rainer Zahn; Joan O. Grimalt. Similarities and dissimilarities between the last two deglaciations and interglaciations in the North Atlantic region. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS. 99, pp. 122-134, doi:, 2014. Collection: Type of production: Article Ranking: 1 Relevant results: JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL, 2/45, Q1 GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 6/160, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.656 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.607 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.040 Publisher: Elsevier Limited. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 02773791 Coverage: 1982-2013 H Index: 103 A017 Vasiliki Margari; Luke C. Skinner; David A. Hodell; Belen Martrat; Samuel Toucanne; Joan O. Grimalt; Philip L. Gibbard; Juha Pekka Lunkka; P. Chronis Tzedakis. Land-ocean changes on orbital and millennial time scales and the penultimate glaciation. GEOLOGY. doi:10.1130/g35070.1, 2014. Available online at: <>. Collection: Type of production: Article Ranking: 4 Relevant results: JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOLOGY Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.699 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.628 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.660 Publisher: Geological Society of America. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 00917613 Coverage: 1973-2013 H Index: 123 A016 Blanca Ausin; Jose Abel Flores; Francisco Javier Sierro; Isabel Cacho; Ivan Hernandez-Almeida; Belen Martrat; Joan O. Grimalt. Atmospheric patterns driving Holocene productivity in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean): a multiproxy approach. The HOLOCENE, HOL-14-0136, 2014. Type of production: Artículo, in press Ranking: 6 Relevant results: JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 8/165, Q1 OCEANOGRAPHY, 3/59, Q1 PALEONTOLOGY, 1/48, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.160 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.066 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.031 Publisher: American Geophysical Union. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 08838305 Coverage: 1986-2012 H Index: 82 A015 Melisa Menendez*; Belen Martrat*; Inigo J. Losada; Fernando J. Mendez; Miquel Canals; Joan O. Grimalt. Earth’s orbital and rotational influence on the rate of occurrence and amplitude of abrupt climate changes. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY. 2012PA002377, 2014. Type of production: Artículo, under review Ranking: 1 Relevant results: * these authors contributed equally to this work JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 8/165, Q1 OCEANOGRAPHY, 3/59, Q1 PALEONTOLOGY, 1/48, 5 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Q1 SJR (SCIm mago Journal Rankings) R 201 12 : 2.160 SNIP P (Source Norm malized Impacct per Paper) 22012 : 1.066 5-Year Impacct Factor: 4.0311 Publisher: American A Geop physical Union n. Publication n type: Journalls. ISSN: 08838 8305 Coverage: 19986-2012 H Ind dex: 82 A014 ourens; Dorrik k A. V. Stow; JJavier Hernand dez-Molina; Carlos C A. Alvaarez-Zarikian; David A. Hodell; Lucas Lo Shackleton Sitte" (IODP Sitee U1385) on the Iberian Marggin. SCIENTIF FIC Shackleton Siite Project Meembers*. The "S DRILLING. d doi:10.5194/sd d-16-13 - 16, pp. 13 - 19. 20133. Available online o at: <http p://>. Collection: htttp://4dweb.p dcgi/pages/en n/Detail_Persson?martratb.p p35339 Type of prod duction: Article Relevant resu ults: (Shackletton Site Project Members*) F F. Abrantes, G. G D. Acton, A. Bahr, B. Balesstra, E. Llave Barranco, G. Carrara, S. Crrowhurst, E. Ducassou, D R. D D. Flood, J.-A. Flores, S. Furo ota, J. Grimalt,t, P. Grunert, F. F J. Jimenez-Espeejo, J. Kyoung g Kim, T. Konijjnendijk, L. A . Krissek, J. Ku uroda, B. Li, J.. Lofi, V. Marggari, Belen Ma artrat, M. D. Miller, F. Nanayamaa, N. Nishida, C. Richter, T. Rodrigues, F. J. Rodríguez--Tovar, A. C. FFreixo Roque, M. F. ni, F. J. Sierro Sánchez, S A. D.. Singh, L. Skin nner, C. R. Slo oss, Y. Takashiimizu, R. Tjalllingii, A. Tzan nova, Sanchez Gon C. Tzedakis, A. Voelker, C. C Xuan, and T. Williams; Sciientific Drillin ng (SD) is publlished by the C Copernicus GmbH (Copernicus Publications) on behalf of th he German Reesearch Centree for Geoscien nces (GFZ). SD D ISSN 1816-89 957 et eISSN 1816-33459 http://w A013 Ocean 2k Pro oject Memberss*. Ocean 2k: Placing P historiical marine conditions in the e context of the past 20000 years. CLIVA AR EXCHANG GES. 58 (17) - 11, pp. 15 - 17. 2012. Available online at: < uk/336794/1/NOC_Clivar__Exchanges_N No_58.pdf>. dcgi/pages/en n/Detail_Persson?martratb.p p35339 Collection: htttp://4dweb.p Type of prod duction: Article Relevant resu ults: (Ocean 2k k Project Mem mbers*) Mike E Evans; Helen McGregor; M Bellen Martrat; G Guillaume Leduc; Delia Oppo; Huguees Goosse; Cyrril Giry; Jessicca Tierney; Heenry Wu; CLIV VAR is an inteernational rese earch programme d dealing with climate c variability and pred dictability on tiime-sales from m months to ceenturies; CLIV VAR is a component o of the World Climate C Researrch Programm me (WCRP). WCRP W is sponso ored by the W World Meteoro ological Organization n, the Internatiional Council for Science an nd the Intergovernmental Oceanographic O c Commission of UNESCO A012 V Nieto--Moreno; Marrta Rodrigo-Gá ámiz; Belen M Martrat; Penélo ope Ana Moreno;; Ana Pérez; Jaaime Frigola; Vanesa González-Sam mpériz; Mario o Morellón; Ce elia Martín-Pu uertas; Juan Pa ablo Corella; Ánchel Á Belmon nte; Carlos Sancho; Isabeel Cacho; Gem mma Herrera; Miquel M Canalss; Joan O. Grim malt; Francisco Jiménez-Esp pejo; Francisca a Martínez-Ruiiz; Teresa Veg gas-Vilarrúbia; Blas L. Valerro-Garcés. Thee Medieval Cliimate Anomally in the Iberia an Peninsula recconstructed frrom marine an nd lake record ds. QUATERN NARY SCIENC CE REVIEWS. 443, pp. 16 - 32 2. 2012. Availab ble online at: <http://www < S02773791120001485>. Collection: htttp://doi.pan 594/PANGAE EA.780420 Type of prod duction: Article Ranking: 6 ults: Times cited: 15 (isi, from m All Databasses), 18 (scopu us) Cites per year: 18 JCR® C Category Relevant resu Quartile in C Category GEOG GRAPHY, PH HYSICAL, 2/455, Q1 GEOSCIIENCES, MUL LTIDISCIPLIN NARY, 6/160, Q1 SJR (SCIm mago Journal Rankings) R 201 12 : 2.656 SNIP P (Source Norm malized Impacct per Paper) 22012 : 1.607 5-Year Impacct Factor: 5.0400 Publisher: Elsevier Limiteed. Publication n type: Journalls. ISSN: 027733791 Coverage e: 1982-2013 H Index: 103 Publicationss co-funded by y the ESF A011 Carme Hugu uet; Belen Marrtrat; Joan O. Grimalt; G Jaap SS. Sinninghe Damste; D Stefan n Schouten. Cooherent millennial-sccale patterns in n Uk'37; and TEX86H T tempeerature record ds during the penultimate p in nterglacial-to-glacial cycle in the w western Meditterranean. PAL LEOCEANOG GRAPHY. 26 - PA2218, pp. doi:10.1029/20 d 010PA002048.. 2011. Availab ble online at: < < 048>. Collection: htttp://doi.pan 594/PANGAE EA.819805 Type of prod duction: Article Ranking: 1 Relevant resu ults: Times cited: 10 (isi), 9 (scopus) ( Cites per year: 10 JCR® Category y Quartile in C Category GEOSCIENC CES, MULTIDIISCIPLINARY Y, 8/165, Q1 O OCEANOGRA APHY, 3/59, Q1 Q PALEONTO OLOGY, 1/48 8, 6 Belen Martrat, MARCH 2015 Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.160 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.066 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.031 Publisher: American Geophysical Union. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 08838305 Coverage: 1986-2012 H Index: 82 A010 Joan O. Grimalt, Belen Martrat, Isabel Cacho, Miquel Canals, Rapid deep water changes during abrupt climate transitions in glacial and interglacial periods Publicación GEO-TEMAS, 11: 57-58 Año (2010) A009 Alessandro Incarbona; Belen Martrat; Enrico Di Stefano; Joan O. Grimalt; Nicola Pelosi; Bernardo Patti; Giorgio Tranchida. Primary productivity variability on the Atlantic Iberian margin over the last 70,000 years: evidence from coccolithophores and fossil organic compounds. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY. 25 - PA2218, pp. doi:10.1029/2008PA001709. 2010. Available online at: <>. Type of production: Article Ranking: 2 Relevant results: Times cited: 12 (isi), 13 (scopus) Cites per year: 6.5 JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 8/165, Q1 OCEANOGRAPHY, 3/59, Q1 PALEONTOLOGY, 1/48, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.160 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.066 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.031 Publisher: American Geophysical Union. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 08838305 Coverage: 1986-2012 H Index: 82 A008 Joan O. Grimalt; Belen Martrat. The bipolar seesaw on the Iberian margin stretching over the past 420,000 years. PAST GLOBAL CHANGES. 16( 1), 25. 2008. Available online at: < newsletters/2008-1/Special%20Section/Science%20Highlights/Grimalt_2008-1(25-27).pdf>. Type of production: Article Ranking: 2 B007 Belen Martrat. Studies of sedimentary organic matter to infer rapid climatic changes at the Barents and Iberian continental margins on centennial time resolution over the past four climate cycles of the Quaternary (ca. 420,000 years). THESIS DISSERTATION. 2007. Collection: Type of production: Book Ranking: 1 A006 Belen Martrat; Joan O. Grimalt; Nicholas J. Shackleton; Lucia de Abreu; Manuel A. Hutterli; Thomas F. Stocker. Four climate cycles of recurring deep and surface water destabilizations on the Iberian margin. SCIENCE. 317, pp. 502 - 507. 2007. Available online at: <>. Collection: Type of production: Article Ranking: 1 Relevant results: Nota de prensa CSIC, Impacto mediático Times cited: 133 (isi), 134 (scopus) Cites per year: 26.8 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, 2/48, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 10.618 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 8.060 5-Year Impact Factor: 31.027 Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 00368075 Coverage: 1880-1881, 1883-2013 H Index: 739 A005 Joan O. Grimalt; Belen Martrat. Climate change: is it real?. FORESTA. 32, pp. 9 - 11. Asociación y Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Forestales, 2006. Available online at: <>. Type of production: Article Ranking: 2 A004 Natalia Garcia-Reyero; Benjamin Piña; Joan O. Grimalt; Pilar Fernandez; Roger Fonts; Oliva Polvillo; Belen Martrat. Estrogenic activity in sediments from European mountain lakes. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 39, pp. 1427 - 1435. 2005. Available online at: <>. Type of production: Article 7 Belen Martrat, MARCH 2015 Ranking: 7 Relevant results: Times cited: 18 (isi), 19 (scopus) Cites per year: 2.7 JCR® Category Quartile in Category ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL, 9/180, Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 3/42, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.665 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 2.003 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.438 Publisher: American Chemical Society. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 0013936X, 15205851 Coverage: 1958, 1967-2013 H Index: 208 A003 Belen Martrat; Joan O. Grimalt; Constancia Lopez-Martinez; Isabel Cacho; Francisco J. Sierro; Jose Abel Flores; Rainer Zahn; Miquel Canals; Jason H. Curtis; David A. Hodell. Abrupt temperature changes in the western Mediterranean over the past 250,000 years. SCIENCE. 306, pp. 1762 - 1765. 2004. Available online at: <>. Collection: Type of production: Article Ranking: 1 Relevant results: Nota de prensa CSIC, Impacto mediático Times cited: 156 (isi), 164 (scopus) Cites per year: 20.7 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, 2/48, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 10.618 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 8.060 5-Year Impact Factor: 31.027 Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 00368075 Coverage: 1880-1881, 1883-2013 H Index: 739 A002 Belen Martrat; Joan O. Grimalt; Joan Villanueva; Shirley A. van Kreveld; Michael Sarnthein. Climatic dependence of the organic matter contributions in the northeastern Norwegian sea over the last 15,000 years. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY. 34, pp. 1057 - 1070. 2003. Available online at: <>. Collection: Type of production: Article Ranking: 1 Relevant results: Times cited: 9 (isi), 10 (scopus) Cites per year: 1.1 JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS, 2/20, Q2 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 1.298 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.183 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.787 Publisher: Elsevier Limited. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 01466380 Coverage: 1977-2013 H Index: 77 A001 Olivier Marchal; Isabel Cacho; Thomas F. Stocker; Joan O. Grimalt; Eva Calvo; Belen Martrat; Nicholas J. Shackleton; Maryline J. Vautravers; Elsa Cortijo; Shirley A. van Kreveld; Carin Andersson; Nalan Koç-Karpuz; Mark Chapman; Laura Sbaffi; Jean Claude Duplessy; Michael Sarnthein; Jean Louis Turon; Josette Duprat; Eystein Jansen. Apparent long-term cooling of the sea surface in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean during the Holocene. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS. 21, pp. 455 - 483. 2002. Available online at: <>. Type of production: Article Ranking: 6 Relevant results: Times cited: 122 (isi, from All Databases), 124 (scopus) Cites per year: 12.4 JCR® Category Quartile in Category GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL, 2/45, Q1 GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 6/160, Q1 SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) 2012 : 2.656 SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2012 : 1.607 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.040 Publisher: Elsevier Limited. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 02773791 Coverage: 1982-2013 H Index: 103 Presentations in Congresses (author, title, congress, publication, type of presentation, meeting place, year) C067 Title: Consistent land-ocean pre-industrial cooling trend in the Europe/Mediterranean region, but differing amplitude for post-industrial warming Name of the conference: CLIMATE-ES 2015 City: Tortosa, Spain Date: 11/03/2015 End date: 13/03/2015 PAGES/Ocean 2k LR Group_Europe/Mediterranean region contributors* *Corresponding author: Belen Martrat 8 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 C066 Title: Progresssion of Recen nt Warming Trrends Across tthe Continents and Oceans Name of the conference: American A Geossciences Union n, Fall Meeting g, PP33A-1211 1 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: San Fraancisco, United d States of Am merica Date: 15/12/ /2014 End date: 19/ /12/2014 PAGES/Oceaan 2k Working Group. C065 Title: Western n Mediterraneean ocean-atm mosphere evolu ution along th he last intergla acial ending Name of the conference: Climate C change e: the karst reccord, ‘KR7 Down under’ 7th Internationall conference Type of partiicipation: Postter City: Melbou urne, Australiaa Date: 29/09/ /2014 End date: 03/ /10/2014 Judit Torner, Isabel Cacho,, Ana Moreno, Heather Stolll, Anchel Belm monte, Francissco J. Sierro, Jaaime Frigola, Belen B Martrat, John n Hellstrom, R. R Lawrence Ed dwards, Hei C Cheng, Pedro Arnau C064 Title: Anomaalies during th he present inte erglaciation - a proxy compa arison Name of the conference: Holocene H Climate Change W Workshop Type of partiicipation: Upo on invitation City: Portland, Oregon, Un nited States off America /2014 Date: 13/10/ End date: 16/ /10/2014 Anuar El Ouahabi; Belen Martrat; M et al. C063 ope/Mediterrranean region,, but differing amplitude Title: Consisttent land-oceaan pre-industrial cooling treend in the Euro for post-indu ustrial warmin ng Name of the conference: Euro-Med2k workshop, w com mpilation and evaluation e of marine m and terrrestrial archives for Europe and tthe last 2k yeaars Type of partiicipation: Upo on invitation City: Soria, S Spain Date: 14/09/ /2014 End date: 17/ /09/2014 PAGES/Oceaan 2k LR Grou up_Europe/M Mediterranean n region contributors* *Corresponding author: Beelen Martrat C062 Title: The Ibeerian margin climate c during g Heinrich stad dials less static than previou usly apparent Name of the conference: 20014-06 INTIMATE Open W Workshop and COST C Action ES0907 Final E Event Type of partiicipation: Upo on invitation City: Zaragozza, Spain Date: 15/06/ /2014 End date: 21/ /06/2014 Belen Martraat. C061 U (Shackle eton site), Iberrian Margin Title: Glacial--interglacial liipid patterns, IODP Expedittion 339 Site U1385 Name of the conference: IO ODP Expeditio on 339 in the G Gulf of Cadiz and off West Iberia: I decodin ing the environmenttal significancee of the Meditterranean outfflow water and d its global inffluence Type of partiicipation: Upo on invitation City: Tarifa, S Spain Date: 01/06/ /2014 End date: 06/ /06/2014 Anuar El Ouahabi; Belen Martrat; M Jordi F. Lopez; Joan n O. Grimalt C060 ern Mediterran nean palæoarcchive Title: Trends and anomaliees in the weste Name of the conference: Mediterranean M Holocene Clim mate and Hum man Societies Type of partiicipation: Invited speaker 9 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 City: Messiniia, Greece Date: 24/04/ /2014 End date: 28/ /04/2014 Belen Martraat. C059 mparison of modeled m and observed o mariine surface clim mate variation n over the Title: Intercom pre-anthropo ogenic last milllennium: First-order resultss from the PA AGES/Ocean 2k 2 project Name of the conference: American A Geossciences Union n, Fall Meeting g, PP51A-1925 5 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: San Fraancisco, United d States of Am merica Date: 09/12/ /2013 End date: 13/ /12/2013 PAGES/Oceaan 2k Working Group. C058 highlights Title: El climaa del Mediterrráneo: del pasado a los imp actos del cambio climático (updates and h from the fifth h IPCC report)) Name of the conference: En ncuentros Cie entíficos del M Mediterráneo– homenaje a Jo osep Miquel V Vidal Type of partiicipation: Scien ntific committtee City: Mahon,, Menorca Date: 16/10/ /2013 End date: 18/ /10/2013 Belen Martraat. C057 ment-derived SSST records fo or the past two o millennia: Re Results from Title: A globaal synthesis off marine sedim the PAGES/O Ocean 2k project Name of the conference: 111th Internation nal Conferencce on Paleocea anography_P-2 251 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: Sitges, S Spain Date: 01/09/ /2013 End date: 06/ /09/2013 PAGES/Oceaan 2k Working Group. C056 he Present and d Last interglaccial periods – A proxy comp parison Title: Anomaalies during th Name of the conference: 111th Internation nal Conferencce on Paleocea anography_P-2 214 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: Sitges, S Spain Date: 01/09/ /2013 End date: 06/ /09/2013 Anuar El Ouahabi; Belen Martrat; M et al. C055 etation changees Title: Climatee evolution in Guiana region during last 4420,000 years:: SST and vege Name of the conference: 111th Internation nal Conferencce on Paleocea anography_P-2 255 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: Sitges, S Spain Date: 01/09/ /2013 End date: 06/ /09/2013 Oscar Rama--Corredor; Gattsby Lopez-Ottalvaro; Belen n Martrat; et al. C054 n Mediterraneaan Transient-ttype events ov ver the last fiv ve centuries Title: Eastern Name of the conference: 111th Internation nal Conferencce on Paleocea anography_P-2 227 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: Sitges, S Spain Date: 01/09/ /2013 End date: 06/ /09/2013 Alessandro In ncarbona; Belen Martrat; et al. C053 10 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Title: Paleoen nviromental cy yclicity and water w masses ch hanges during g MIS 31 at Sh hackleton site ((IODP U1385) Name of the conference: 111th Internation nal Conferencce on Paleocea anography_P-3 373 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: Sitges, S Spain Date: 01/09/ /2013 End date: 06/ /09/2013 Francisco Jim menez-Espejo; Patrick Grune ert; Belen Marrtrat; et al. C052 xt climate osciillation as infe erred from thee Mediterranea an palæo-arch hive in the globbal context Title: The nex Name of the conference: 111th Internation nal Conferencce on Paleocea anography_L-0 008 Type of partiicipation: Invited speaker City: Sitges, S Spain Date: 01/09/ /2013 End date: 06/ /09/2013 Belen Martraat. C051 Title: Anomaalies during th he Present and d Last interglaccial periods - A proxy comp parison Name of the conference: European Geossciences Union n General Assembly, European Geosciencces Union Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: Wien, A Austria Date: 07/04/ /2013 End date: 12/ /04/2013 Anuar El Ouahabi; Belen Martrat; M Jordi F. Lopez; Joan n O. Grimalt. 15 1 - EGU2013--13208-2, C050 Title: Characterising the Laast Interglacia al: High-resolu ution palaeocliimatic recordss from the Med diterranean Name of the conference: European Geossciences Union n General Assembly, European Geosciencces Union Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: Wien, A Austria Date: 07/04/ /2013 End date: 12/ /04/2013 Alice Milner;; Belen Martraat; Luke Skinn ner; Polychroni nis Tzedakis; Jo oan O. Grimallt. 15 - EGU20113-11499, C049 esent and Lastt interglacial periods p - A mu ulti-model-dat ata comparison n Title: Temperrature trends during the Pre Name of the conference: European Geossciences Union n General Assembly, European Geosciencces Union Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: Wien, A Austria Date: 07/04/ /2013 End date: 12/ /04/2013 Pepijn Bakkeer; Valérie Massson-Delmotte e; Belen Martrrat; Sylvie Cha arbit; Hans Renssen. 15 EGU2013-110026-3, C048 Title: The Lasst Interglacial climate as reccorded in polaar and sub-pollar regions Name of the conference: European Geossciences Union n General Assembly, European Geosciences U Union Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: Wien, A Austria Date: 07/04/ /2013 End date: 12/ /04/2013 Emilie Capro on; Aline Goviin; Belen Marttrat; Valérie M Masson-Delmo otte; Louise C. Sime; Emma JJ. Stone; Eric W. Wolff. 15 - EGU2013-4443, C047 t last 800 kaa Title: The intensity of interrglacials over the n General Assembly, European Geosciencces Union Name of the conference: European Geossciences Union Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: Wien, A Austria 11 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Date: 07/04/ /2013 End date: 12/ /04/2013 Eric W. Wolfff; Emilie Caprron; Katy Pol; Belen Martratt; Qiuzhen Yin n; Chronis Tze edakis; Jerry M McManus. 15 EGU2013-30665-1, C046 wo declaciatio ons and interg glacials in the North Atlantic region Title: Compaaring the last tw Name of the conference: European Geossciences Union n General Assembly, European Geosciencces Union Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: Wien, A Austria Date: 07/04/ /2013 End date: 12/ /04/2013 Belen Martraat; Patricia Jim menez-Amat; Rainer R Zahn; Jooan O. Grimallt. 15 - EGU2013-11406-3, C045 Title: Global synthesis of teemperature re ecords for the past two degllaciations and interglacials H Climate Change, T The Geologicall Society, Lond don Name of the conference: Holocene Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: London n, England Date: 04/04/ /2013 End date: 05/ /04/2013 Anuar El Ouahabi; Belen Martrat. M 15 - EGU2013-132088-2, C044 Title: Multi-d decadal-scale records r of Norrth Atlantic cllimate variabillity during the e last and pressent interglacials: Climate sensiitivity and the e AMOC Name of the conference: American A Geossciences Union n, Fall Meeting g, PP33A-2078 8 Type of partiicipation: Postter City: San Fraancisco, United d States of Am merica Date: 03/12/ /2012 End date: 07/ /12/2012 Patricia Jimen nez-Amat; Raainer Zahn; Bellen Martrat; Jooan O. Grimallt. C043 s ved SST recorrds for the passt 2 millennia: First-order reesults from the e Title: Synthessis of marine sediment-deri PAGES/Oceaan 2k project Name of the conference: American A Geossciences Union n, Fall Meeting g, PP11F-07 Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: San Fraancisco, United d States of Am merica Date: 03/12/ /2012 End date: 07/ /12/2012 PAGES/Oceaan 2k Working Group. C042 olocene in the context of pre evious interglaacials (the Iberian margin) Title: The Ho Name of the conference: MedCLIVAR M 2012 2 conferencce: The climatte of the Meditterranean regiion Type of partiicipation: Inv vited speaker City: Madrid d, Spain Date: 26/09/ /2012 End date: 29/ /12/2012 Belen Martraat. C041 nterglacials at the Alboran basin b (Iberian m margin). Iberiia is not Antarrctica Title: Nine in Name of the conference: Past interglacia als workshop ((PIGS) Type of partiicipation: Invited speaker City: Cambriidge, England Date: 02/07/ /2012 End date: 05/ /07/2012 Belen Martraat http://www w.pages-igbp.o org/science/p pigs/index.htm ml C040 12 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Title: Compaaring sea surfaace temperaturres between th he present inteerglacial (MIS 1) and the lasst interglacial complex (MIS S 5e-a) at the Iberian I region n: implicationss for hydrolog gical and sea le evel instabilitie ies Name of the conference: NSF N workshop ‘Sea Level Ch hanges into MIS M 5: from obsservations to p predictions’ Type of partiicipation: Speaaker City: Mallorcca, Spain Date: 10/04/ /2012 End date: 14/ /04/2012 Belen Martraat; Isabel Cach ho; Heather M.. Stoll; Ana Mooreno; Francissco J. Sierro; Jo oan O. Grimallt. Communicattions co-fundeed by the ESF C039 auler Mireia Farress, Belen Martrrat, Joan O. Grrimalt, Ben de Mol, Roma Ta Estudio quim miométrico de marcadores asociados a a meedidas de cam mbio climático en sedimentoos marinos de hasta 8,650,000 año os de antigued dad (IODP-U1318). Chemom metric worksh hop La Coruña, S Spain 28-29 Novem mber 2011 C038 Isabel Cacho,, Jaime Frigolaa, Belen Martrrat, Patri Poveea, Miquel Can nals, Joan Grim malt, Itxaso Ru uiz, Silvia Mollero, Merce Bermejo. Impact of passt rapid climate variability over o the Westtern Mediterra anean Sea for the t last 22 ka B BP Planet Underr Pressure; Staate of the Planet, Transformi ming our way of o living; How w has the planeet responded to t large climate chang ge pressures in the past? organisers: Eric Wolff, British h Antarctic Surrvey, UK; Hubbertus Fischerr, University of Bern, Swittzerland; Deniis Didier Roussseau, ENS CE ERES-ERTI and d LMD, France London, Eng gland 26-29 March h 2012 C037 Belen Martraat, Isabel Cach ho, Joan O. Griimalt, Miquel Canals. Glacial tempeeratures at Meediterranean latitudes. l INQUA, Abrrupt Climate Changes C and Environmenta E al Responses (A ACER) & INTegration of Icee, MArine and d TErrestrial records (INT TIMATE) work kshop Bordeaux, Frrance 02-06 Octobeer 2011 C036 malt, Belen Marrtrat, Constan ncia Lopez-Maartinez. Joan O. Grim Biomarker to ools for abruptt climate change description n in marine sediment cores. Regional Com mmittee on Mediterranean M Neogene N Strattigraphy (RCM MNS) & The Regional R Comm mittee on Neo ogene Atlantic Strattigraphy (RCA ANS) Interim Colloquium: C Climate Changes, Bioeventss and Geochroonology in the e Atlantic and Mediterrranean over th he last 23 Myr,, keynote lectture Salamanca, S Spain 21-23 Septem mber 2011 C035 O Grimalt, Oscar Rama--Corredor, Gattsby E. Lopez--Otalvaro, Bellen Martrat, Frrancisco J. Sierrro, Jose Abel Flores, Joan O. Records of teerrigenous bio omarkers over the past 420,0000 years in th he Guyana reg gion. Regional Committee on n Mediterraneaan Neogene Sttratigraphy (R RCMNS) & Th he Regional Co ommittee on Neogene N Atlan ntic Stratigraphy (RCANS) Intterim Colloquiium: Climate Changes, C Bioeevents and Geeochronology in i the Atlanticc and Mediterranean over the last 23 My yr Salamanca, S Spain 21-23 Septem mber 2011 C034 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, Miquel Canals, C Isabel Cacho, Jaimee Frigola, Francisco J. Sierro,, Jose Abel Flo ores, David A. Hodell, A Mediterraneaan palæo-perspective relevaant to potentia al environmen ntal changes in n the future XVIII INQUA A Congress, Geological G Sociiety of Americca Bern, Switzeerland 20-27 July 20011 13 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 C033 z-Otalvaro, Be len Martrat, Francisco F J. Sie erro, Jose Abell Flores, Joan O. O Grimalt, Oscar Rama--Corredor, Gaatsby E. Lopez Mangroves aand rain forestt of Guiana Re egion and Am mazonia over th he last 420.000 0 years. XVIII IINQUA Cong gress, Geological So ociety of Ameerica Bern, Switzeerland 20-27 July 20011 C032 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, Miquel Canals. C Climaate of relatively y stable warm m periods a Meediterranean palæop perspective. S Science Found dation-FWF, research conferrence. Mediterranean Clima ate: From Pastt to Future, Op pen MedCLIVAR R workshop; oral o presentatiion Lecce, Italy Travel Award 6-9 June 20111 C031 Belen Martraat. Interglacialss as seen by th he organic com mpounds Past interglaccials workshop (PIGS); oral presentation n New York, U United States of o America 20-22 Octobeer 2010 http://www w.pages-igbp.o org/science/p pigs/index.htm ml C030 malt, Luke C. Skinner, Daviid A. Hodell, I. I Nicholas MccCave. Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim Comparing th he present and the last interrglacials in thee Iberian and Greenland reg gions 10th Internattional Confereence on Paleocceanography, aabstract book San Diego, U United States of o America 29 August-3 September 20010 C029 O Grimalt. Oscar Rama--Corredor, Gattsby E. Lopez--Otalvaro, Bellen Martrat, Frrancisco J. Sierrro, Jose Abel Flores, Joan O. Biomarkers o over the last 4220,000 years in n the Guianas Region (Nortth-western Am mazon Basin) 10th Internattional Confereence on Paleocceanography, aabstract book San Diego, U United States of o America 29 August-3 September 20010 C028 Joan O. Grim malt, Belen Marrtrat, Isabel Cacho, Miquel Canals. Rapid d deep water changes c durin ng abrupt climate transitions in n glacial and in nterglacial perriods Deep waater circulation n: processes an nd products, ooral presentattion Baiona, Ponttevedra, Spain n 16-18 June 20010 C027 ores, Elena Coolmenero-Hidalgo, Francisco J. Sierro, M. Angeles Barccena, Renata Andres Rigual-Hernandezz, Jose Abel Flo o, Belen Martrrat, Angelo Ca amerlenghi, Jo oan O. Grimallt, A. de Verna al, New G. Lucchi, Geemma Herreraa, Isabel Cacho deglacial and d Holocene miicropaleontolo ogical and geoochemical reco ords from the southern marggin of the Sva albard Archipelago (Arctic Ocean n) American Geosciences G Un nion, The meeeting of the Am mericas Foz do Iguasssu, Brazil 8-13 August 2010 14 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 C026 Oscar Rama--Corredor, Maarta Casado, Bibiano Hortelaano, Jordi F. Lopez, L Belen Martrat, M Joan O O. Grimalt, Bio omarcadors paleoclimàticcs. First Worksshop on Adva anced Scientifiic Results from m IDÆA Blanes, Spain n 9-11 June 20110 C025 enero-Hidalgoo, Francisco J. Sierro, M. Angeles Barcena, a, Jose Abel Flo ores, Renata Andres Rigual-Hernandezz, Elena Colme o, Belen Martrrat, Angelo Ca amerlenghi, Jo oan O. Grimallt, A. de Verna al, New G. Lucchi, Geemma Herreraa, Isabel Cacho deglacial and d Holocene miicropaleontolo ogical and geoochemical reco ords from the southern marggin of the Sva albard Archipelago (Arctic Ocean n) European Geeosciences Uniion General Assembly, A Euroopean Geoscieences Union Wien, Austria 2-7 May 20100 C024 oan O. Grimaltt. Biomarkers over the last 420,000 4 years iin the Guianass Region Oscar Rama--Corredor, Bellen Martrat, Jo (North-westeern Amazon Basin) B Chemical Catalan Society, V Conference e Catalan Youn ng Scientist, abstract a book, 106, oral preseentation pain Valencia, Sp 1-2 February y 2010 C023 Oscar Rama--Corredor, Gattsby E. Lopez--Otalvaro, Bellen Martrat, Frrancisco J. Sierrro, Jose Abel Flores, Joan O. O Grimalt, Dependence between Venttilation and Climate as recoorded with Bio omarkers overr the last 420,0000 years in the Guianas Region (Nortth-western Am mazon Basin) American Geeosciences Uniion, Fall Meeting, PP13A-13368 San Franciscco, United Stattes of America a 14-18 Decem mber 2009 C022 Jordi F. Lopeez, Belen Martrrat, Joan O. Grrimalt. Optim mization of a ga as isotope ratio mass spectroometrical metthod to measure 13C/ /12C in fossil n-alkanes n and alkenones froom marine sed diments at nan nogram scale IX Reunión C Científica de laa Sociedad Esp pañola de Croomatografía y Técnicas Afin nes San Sebastiáán, Spain 28-30 Octobeer 2009 C021 nce between historical h evolu ution and inteerglacial enviro onments chaootic, determiniistic or Belen Martraat. Is dependen neither? A M Mediterranean perspective Past interglaccials workshop (PIGS), oral presentation n Lesvos, Mytilene, Greece 24-27 Augusst 2009 http://www w.pages-igbp.o org/science/p pigs/index.htm ml C020 Belen Martraat, Montserrat Ferrer, Joan O. O Grimalt. Coomparison of abrupt a warmin ngs and coolin ngs in the last three interglacials rrecorded in hiigh and low la atitude marinee sediments. European E Scien nce Foundatioon-FWF, resea arch conference. M Mechanisms of Quaternary climate c chang ge: stability of warm phases in the past an nd in the futurre Innsbruck, A Austria 6-11 June 20009 C019 malt, Miquel Canals. C Iberian n margin sequ uence of eventts within the oocean-atmosph here-sea-ice Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim system, Euro opean Geoscien nces Union Ge eneral Assemb bly, European n Geosciences Union; abstraact book, 11, EG GU200911356 Wien, Austria 19-24 April 22009 C018 osada, Fernan ndo Mendez, Jooan Grimalt, Miquel M Canalss, Belen Martrrat. Frequency y and Melisa Meneendez, Iñigo Lo R-España: passt, present & future (Plan intensity of cclimate changees over the passt 250,000 yearrs: external forcing, CLIVAR D, MEC), Instittuto Nacional de Meteoroloogía, abstract book, b 33, oral presentation Nacional I+D 15 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Madrid, Spaain 11-13 Februaary 2009 C017 Belen Martraat, Oscar Ramaa, Joan O. Grim malt. Extractin ng, isolating an nd quantifying fossil organi nic molecules accumulated d in marine sed diments up to 8,650,000 yearrs old 12th Conferen nce on Instrum mental Analysiis (JAI) Barcelona, Sp pain 21-23 Octobeer 2008 C016 malt. Iberian warm w periodss provide cluess to place the Holocene H in itts proper context Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim Past interglaccials workshop (PIGS), oral presentation n Bernin, Gren noble, France 2-4 October 22008 http://www w.pages-igbp.o org/science/p pigs/index.htm ml C015 malt. Fossil ch hemical compoounds trace th he climate of th he Iberian pen ninsula over th he past Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim 420,000 yearss; Chemical Caatalan Society, V Conferencce Catalan You ung Scientist, abstract a book,, 106, oral pressentation Vic, Spain 28-29 Januarry 2008 Award / Interven nción ganadora deel ‘Premio a la meejor presentación Simposio Medio ambiente y calida ad de vida’ C014 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, The Med diterranean reegion as a real laboratory forr tracing interr-ocean paleocclimate changes through biomarkeers 9th Internatio onal Conferen nce on Paleoce eanography, ab bstract book, 161 1 Shanghai, Ch hina Travel Awarrd 3-7 Septemb ber 2007 C013 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt. Biomark kers at the Iberrian margin: rapid r climatic shifts over thee past 250,000 years Associaçao p portuguesa de Paleoceanogrrafia; Circum-IIberia paleoceeanography an nd paleoclimatte, what do we w know and what do we sstill need to study/verify? oral o presentati tion Peniche, Porrtugal Tra avel Award 15-18 Januarry 2007 C012 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, Franciscco J. Sierro, Josse Abel Flores,, Jaime Frigola a, Miquel Can nals, Jason H. Curtis, C David A. Hodell. The Iberiian margin ov ver the past 1155,500 years: su ubtropical verrsus polar latittudes American Geeosciences Uniion, Fall Meeting, 10886 San Franciscco, United Stattes of America a 11-15 Decem mber 2006 C011 Joan O. Grim malt, Belen Marrtrat, Montserrrat Esparza. U Unravelling th he last 1000 year record of seea surface tem mperatures in the westerrn Mediterraneean using alke enones. First MedCLIIVAR worksh hop on reconsttruction of passt Mediterraneean climate, orral presentatioon Carmona, Seevilla; Spain 9-11 Novemb ber 2006 C010 malt, Franciscco J. Sierro, Josse Abel Flores,, Miquel Cana als, Jason H. C Curtis, David A. A Hodell. Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim The next clim mate bifurcatio on as inferred from the Iberiian margin pa aleoarchive European Geeosciences Uniion General Assembly, A Euroopean Geoscieences Union, abstract a book, 8, 16077962/gra/EG GU06-A-099500, oral presenttation Wien, Austria 02-07 April 22006 16 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 C009 Carme Hugu uet, Belen Marrtrat, Joan O. Grimalt, G Jaap SS. Sinninghe Damsté, D Stefan n Schouten. Reeconstruction of sea surface temp perature variattions in the we estern Mediterrranean betweeen 145 and 25 50 kyr using th he Uk’37 and TEX T 86 organic proxiies European Geeosciences Uniion General Assembly, A Euroopean Geoscieences Union, abstract a book, 8, 16077962/gra/EG GU06-A-025244, oral presenttation Wien, Austria 02-07 April 22006 C008 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, Constan ncia Lopez-Maartinez, Isabel Cacho, Franciisco J. Sierro, JJose Abel Flores, Rainer Zahn, Miqueel Canals, Jason n H. Curtis, David D A. Hodeell. Abrupt tem mperature changes in the weestern Medite erranean over the pastt 250,000 yearss: a biomarkerr approach European Geeosciences Uniion General Assembly, A Euroopean Geoscieences Union, abstract a book, 7, 16077962/gra/EG GU05-A-097888 Wien, Austria 25-29 April 22005 C007 Joan O. Grim malt, Belen Marrtrat, Constan ncia Lopez-Maartinez. High resolution r clim matic changes in the north Atlantic A over the past 430 k ka as recorded d with biomarkers Seminario Accción Especiall CLIVAR-Esp paña (Plan Naccional I+D, MEC), M Instituto Nacional de M Meteorología, oral presentation n Madrid, Spaain 14-15 Februaary 2005 C006 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, Nicholass J. Shackleton n. Abrupt warrmings and coolings in the ssouthwest Iberrian margin over the last 190,000 years:: a biomarker approach onal Conferen nce on Paleoce eanography, ab bstract book, 182 1 8th Internatio Biarritz, Fran nce 5-10 Septemb ber 2004 C005 malt, Nicholass J. Shackleton n. High resolu ution changes in i sea surface temperature as a recorded Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim with C37 alkeenones in the southwest s Iberrian margin ov ver 430 to 110 0 thousand yea ars before the present European Geeosciences Uniion General Assembly, A Euroopean Geoscieences Union, abstract a book, 6, 16077962/gra/EG GU04-A-053977, oral presenttation Nice, Francee 26-30 April 22004 C004 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, Constan ncia Lopez-Maartinez, Isabel Cacho, Rainerr Zahn, Miqueel Canals, Jose e Abel Flores, Francisco J. Sierro. High H frequenccy variability of sea surface temperature (Uk’37-SST) in the Alboran Sea: S the last c two interglaccial-to-glacial cycles European Sciience Foundattion, research conference. A Achieving clim mate predictabiility using palleoclimate data Sant Feliu dee Guixols, Spaain 11-16 Octobeer 2003 C003 Joan O. Grim malt, Belen Marrtrat, Montserrrat Ferrer, Claaire Waelbroeeck, Constancia a Lopez-Martiinez, Isabel Ca acho, Jose Abel Flores, F Francisco J. Sierro, Laurent D. Labeyrie, N Nicholas J. Sha ackleton. Med dium and low latitude alken none paleothemom metry records of submillenn nial scale variaability over thee last three climatic cycles. X XVI INQUA Congress, C Geological So ociety of Ameerica, 11-6, orall presentation n Reno, United d States of Am merica 21-25 July 20003 C002 hackleton, Luccia de Abreu, Petya Blumbaach, Heather Cheshire, C Mary yline Vautravvers, Joan O. Grimalt, G Nicholas J. Sh Belen Martraat, Nicholas Th houveny, Lucy y Thomas. Milllennial scale climate c variab bility, the repliicability of ma arine records. XVI INQUA Cong gress, Geological Society of America, 18-1 1, oral presenttation Reno, United d States of Am merica 21-25 July 20003 17 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 C001 Belen Martraat, Joan O. Grim malt, Constan ncia Lopez-Maartinez, Isabel Cacho, Jose Abel A Flores, Fraancisco J. Sierro, Nicholas J. Shackleton n. Progress in the t study of hiigh frequency y variability off sea surface te emperature (U Uk’37-SST) in th he Alboran sea: the last ttwo interglaciaal-to-glacial cy ycles European Geeosciences Uniion General Assembly, A Euroopean Geoscieences Union, abstract a book, 5, 16077962/gra/EG GU03-A-106300 Nice, Francee 7-11 April 20003 Manuscript rreview, editoriial tasks and evaluation off projects pean Geoscien nces Union ed ditorial supporrt ― Climate of tthe Past Europ Human–land d–sea interactiions in the Me editerranean B Basin: a Holoceene perspectiv ve October 20144 – May 2015 http://www w.climate-of-th ubmission/sch heduled_special_issues.html#16 ― Paleoceanoggraphy Americcan Geosciencces Union ediitorial supporrt January-Febrruary 2014 Planetary Science Letters, Wasshington Univ versity editorrial office ― Earth and P September-O October 2013 ws, Washingto on University y editorial offiice ― Quaternaryy Science Review May-June 20113 pean Geoscien nces Union ed ditorial supporrt ― Climate of tthe Past Europ http://www C455/2013/cpd d-9-C455-2013 3-print.pdf March 2013 ws, Washingto on University y editorial offiice ― Quaternaryy Science Review November-D December 20122 nge Washingto on University y editorial office ― Global and Planetary Chan December 20011 – January 2012 ― Science Am merican Association for the Advancemen nt of Science, "Triple A-S" (AAAS) ( January 20111 pman Conferen nce on Abrupt Climate C Changee ― AGU Geophhysical Monogrraph 2009 Chap American Geeosciences Un nion editorial support Junee-July 2010 A Geo osciences Unio on editorial su upport ― Geochemistry, Geophysics,, Geosystems American June-July 20009 pean Geoscien nces Union ed ditorial supporrt ― Climate of tthe Past Europ http://www pernicus/EGU U/cpd/4/S2166/cpd-4-S216_ _p.pdf April-May 22008 ― EJIP2006, P Paleontology June 2007 A Geo osciences Unio on editorial su upport ― Geochemistry, Geophysics,, Geosystems American April-May 22006 ndation; Deparrtment of projects managem ment ― BBVA Foun April-May 22005 ― Geochimica et Cosmochimiica Acta Wash hington Univeersity editorial office November-D December 20044 18 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 Science and ssociety S 16 Septemberr 2014, Soria, Spain Compilation n and evaluatiion of marine and terrestriaal archives forr Europe in th he last 2000 yeears. Jornada interrnacional de Paleoclima P & Micología Impacto med diático Ulf Bün ntgen (Swiss Federal F Institu ute for Forest, Snow and Lan ndscape Reseaarch), Fernand do Martinez-Peñ ña (CESEFOR)), Joanquin La atorre-Mingueell (CESEFOR)) Con repercussión en medio os de comunica ación como ‘L La Vanguardia a’, ‘El Mundo’,, ‘Diario de Sooria, etcétera Intervencionees en televisió ón nacional RTVE R 18 October 20013, Menorca,, Spain El clima del Mediterráneo o: del pasado a los impactoss del cambio climático (updates and higghlights from the fifth h IPCC report); Encuentross Científicos d del Mediterrá áneo– homena aje a Josep Miiquel Vidal Impacto med diático Damia Gomis, Belen n Martrat, Agu usti Jansa (Scie entific commiittee); Jornadass inauguradas por p la presidente y cooordinadora cieentífica del Instiitut Menorquí dd’Estudis (Con nsell Insular de Menorca) J. Saalord, con la paarticipación de la co-directoora del campo de d trabajo arqueeológico de Torrre d’en Galmés C. Lara 12 April 20100, Madrid, Spaain Impacto med diático Belen Martrat, M contribuyente a la presentación oficial del Informe de Evalu luación del Ca ambio Climático Reegional, 2010; Acto presidido por el Presiden nte de la Agenccia Estatal de Meteorología M (AE EMET), R. Ga arcíaHerrera, y la Secretaria de Estado E de Cambio Climático, T T. Ribera. Climate Variiability & Pre edictability World Climaate Research Programme P Clima en Esp paña: presente e, pasado y fu uturo 6 April 2008 Impacto med diático Prograama ‘Al filo de e lo imposiblee’, RTVE 2 El clima olv vidado Actividad Española E en el e Año Internaacional Polar (IPY) BIO Hesperrides, cruise SVAIS, 29 July – 18 August 20 007 24 August 20007 Impacto med diático Artícullo en SCITIZE EN describiend do el trabajo publicado p en SCIENCE S 317,, 502; ‘Surface and deep water processes werre closely relatted during abrrupt change in n the north Attlantic over the past an O. Grimalt & Belen Marttrat (2007)’ 420,000 years; by Joa _viewBlog.php??idTheme=13& &idContribution= =967 15 June 20077 Impacto med diático Nota de d prensa CSIC C Con repercussión en medio os de internet nacionales n e in nternacionaless: ‘La provin ncia: Diario de las Palmass’, ‘Comité Esp pañol de investigación’, ‘Lees Set Edats’, ‘La’, ‘InfoBalear.coom’, ‘Foro ese encia’, ‘Ice cap, frozen in n time’, ‘Alphaa Galileo’, ‘Ch hile y su medioo ambiente’, ‘F Forschung und Technik’, ettcétera. 23 Novembeer 2005, Madriid, Spain Impacto med diático Belen Martrat M Confe erencia inaugu ural ‘El homb bre y la Energíía’ en el VI Coongreso Nacional de Periodismo A Ambiental, org ganizado por la Asociación n de Periodista as de Informa ación Ambien ntal (APIA). Lema ‘La facctura de la Eneergía’ Acto inauguraal presidido porr la ministra de Medio Ambien nte C. Narbona a, el presidente del Consejo Suuperior de Invesstigaciones Científicas, C.. Martínez Alo onso, el secretaario general de la energía del Ministerio M de In ndustria Comerrcio y Turismo, A. Fernández Segura, el viceconsejero de Medio Ambiente dde la Comunidad de Madrid, J.. Trigueros, y el presidente dee APIA, L. Guijarro. 19 Belen M Martrat, MARC CH 2015 5-9 Septemb ber 2005, Sevillla, Spain Impacto med diático Belen Martrat M Confe erencia invitad da ‘Homo y cllima: los últim mos 420,000 añ ños’, Universidad Interrnacional de Andalucía A Cursso de verano ‘E Energía, vida y medio amb biente’ Hom menaje al Prof. M. Losada Con entrevista para la televisió ón Autonómicca de Andaluccía RTVA 15 April 20055 Impacto med diático Belen Martrat M Participación en la actividad rea alizada para más m de 100 niñ ños de entre 12 2 y 15 años provenientess diferentes cen ntros educativ vos de Barceloona, ‘Gimcana a: descubre el océano’, orgaanizada por la Sociedad Catalana de d Biología, In nstitut d’Estud dis Catalans 3 December 2004 Impacto med diático Nota de d prensa CSIC C Con repercussión en medio os de comunica ación como ‘A ABC’, ‘La Vang guardia’, ‘El Periódico’, P ‘El C Correo Españ ñol’, ‘La voz de Galicia’, ‘L La Tribuna dee Salamanca’, ‘Diario ‘ de Terruel’, ‘Diario de d Burgos’, etccétera Intervencionees en las telev visiones nacio onales RTVE 22, Tele 5 y Telle Madrid 20
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