The Catholic Community of St. Joseph PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Jerome “Jerry” Ochetti, Pastor E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Timothy Do, Parochial Vicar E-mail: [email protected] 877 N. Campus Ave. Upland, CA 91786 Deacon Octavio Echeverria Deacon Mark Lopez Office (909) 981-8110 Fax (909) 982-8991 Emergency Number (909) 972-2132 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: St. Joseph School (909) 920-5185 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm Vigil, 7:00 pm (Español) Vigila Sunday/Domingo 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00am , 1:00 pm (Español), 5:30 pm Daily Masses Monday thru Thursday 7:30 am Friday 8:30 am Misa en Español Cada Miércoles 7:00 pm Holy Days of Obligation As Announced Confessions/Confesiones Saturday: 3:30 pm (English & Spanish) or by appointment Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours a day / 7 Days a Week Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 OFFICE HOURS Monday 8:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.) Tuesday thru Thursday 8:30 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. — 5:30 p.m.) Friday 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I will lead the people to brooks of water, on a level road, so that none shall stumble (Jeremiah 31:7-9). Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126). Second Reading — It was not Christ who glorified himself, but rather the one who said to him: You are my son: this day I have begotten you (Hebrews 5:1-6). Gospel — Immediately the blind man received his sight and followed Jesus on the way (Mark 10:46-52). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. TRUE BLINDNESS Bartimaeus caused a stir. Normally he sat by the side of the road being a “good blind beggar.” But one day Jesus passed nearby. Bartimaeus jumped up and called out to Jesus. We can imagine him turning toward the direction of the commotion and noise. Bartimaeus probably had his arms outstretched as he shouted out to the son of David. The people who knew him were embarrassed by his outburst. They tried to hush him up and get him to sit back down by the roadside. Their actions spoke volumes: “Bartimaeus, you’re not fit for Jesus.” But it was okay for them and other “sighted” people to follow Jesus. In today’s readings, we learn that true blindness is not a condition of our eyes but of our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — ¡Vitoreen con alegría! Yavé ha salvado a su pueblo, al resto de Israel. He llegado a ser un padre para Israel (Jeremías 31:7-9). Salmo — Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor (Salmo 126 [125]). Segunda lectura — Cristo no se atribuyó la dignidad de sumo sacerdote, sino que se la otorgó aquel que dice: “Tú eres mi Hijo, te he dado vida hoy mismo” (Hebreos 5:1-6). Evangelio — Jesús le concede la vista a Bartimeo cuando con gran fe le suplica: “Maestro, que vea” (Marcos 10:46-52). 2 VERDADERA CEGUERA Bartimeo causó tremenda conmoción. Por lo regular él estaba sentado al borde del camino siendo un “buen mendigo ciego”. Pero un buen día pasó Jesús cerca de ahí. Bartimeo se puso de pie en un salto y le gritó a Jesús. Nos podemos imaginar como se daba vuelta en dirección al ruido y la conmoción. Probablemente tenía los brazos extendidos al gritarle al hijo de David. Los que lo conocían se sentían azorados de sus gritos. Trataron de hacerle callar y que se volviera a sentar al borde del camino. Sus acciones decían mucho: “Bartimeo, tú no eres digno de Jesús”. Pero sí estaba bien que ellos y otras personas “con vista” siguieran a Jesús. En las lecturas de hoy, aprendemos que la verdadera ceguera no es una condición de los ojos sino del corazón. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. From September 23 through November 1, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days of Life — 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the Pomona Planned Parenthood located at 1550 N. Garey Avenue, Pomona, CA 91767, and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: Steve Perez at [email protected] or visit October 25, 2015 Mass Intentions Monday, October 26, 2015 7:30 am Joyce Boyd Tuesday, October 27, 2015 7:30 am Ints of Anne Daye Wednesday, October 28, 2015 7:30 am Ints of Noreen Mc Grath 7:00 pm Emilia Garcia Thursday, October 29, 2015 7:30 am Ramona Zabala Friday, October 30, 2015 8:30 am Carrie Piscioneri Saturday, October 31, 2015 5:00 pm Joey Trujillo Jr. 7:00 pm Pro Populo Sunday, November 1, 2015 7:00 am Lynda Leyva 9:00 am Margarita Navarro 11:00 am Ints of Brianna Montano 1:00 pm Zoila Quionones 5:30 pm Leonardo Prodigalidad = Deceased Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of Anita Perez Mildred Sobieski Carmen Galaz May they and all the faithful departed rest in peace. SAINT OF THE DAY Catholic saints are holy people and human people who lived extraordinary lives. Each saint the Church honors responded to God's invitation to use his or her unique gifts. God calls each one of us to be a saint. St. Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão (1739-1822) - October 25 God’s plan in a person’s life often takes unexpected turns which become life-giving through cooperation with God’s grace. Born in Guarantingueta near São Paulo (Brazil), Antônio attended the Jesuit seminary in Belem but later decided to become a Franciscan friar. Invested in 1760, he made final profession the following year and was ordained in 1762. In São Paulo, he served as preacher, confessor and porter. Within a few years he was appointed confessor to the Recollects of St. Teresa, a group of nuns in that city. He and Sister Helena Maria of the Holy Spirit founded a new community of sisters under the patronage of Our Lady of the Conception of Divine Providence. Sister Helena Maria’s premature death the next year left Father Antônio responsible for the new congregation, especially for building a convent and church adequate for their growing numbers. He served as novice master for the friars in Macacu and as guardian of St. Francis Friary in São Paulo. He founded St. Clare Friary in Sorocaba. With the permission of his provincial and the bishop, he spent his last days at the Recolhimento de Nossa Senhora da Luz, the convent of the sisters’ congregation he had helped establish. He was beatified in Rome on October 25, 1998, and canonized in 2007. Prayer Requests... Brian Stempson Judy Shepard Eric Noise Henry Meza Josephine Vidal Bea Payton Rose Marie Fidler Flora Magnon Enriqueta Mata Frida Dunn James Hamm Theo Frear Patricia Higgins Dat & Natalie Do Matthew Ryan Diana Delaware Christine Valverde Arnoldo Pedrego Catherine L. Gin Menchie Rodriguez Julia Rose Carter Ann Arthishon Christopher & Stephen Islas Mark Pursetti Irene Guevara Gina Settig Cynthia Ramirez Guadalupe Lepe Albina Serrano Joshua Weston Beverly Brennan Larry Fontain Lourdes Gallegos Sean Dunn Antonio Gutierrez Sr. Robert Retes Jimmy Hughes Victoria Lucero Dora Morales Rena Mac Neil Emilia Garcia Beatrice Fuchs Omar Zarate Tom De Gala Dominic Newman Stephanie Aud Dominguez Family Blake Pederson Lucito Tiandgo Kurt Walker Rosemary Soltero Dolores Belmont Martha Jaramillo Joy Fontaine Donna Blythe Howard Wyman Theo Frear Jason Dunn Eugenia Funes Myrna Wright John Behr Jennifer Webster Daniel Castillo Yadira Salazar Gilbert Rivera Jr. Terry Aud Sergio Rodriguez Karen Thanh Evan Artishon Isela Erwin Woody Phelps Bob Blythe This Week At St. Joseph Parish MONDAY, October 26 7:00 pm 7:00 pm NA Circle of Love 10:00 am 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm TUESDAY, October 27 Talleres St. Ambrose Bingo Hall Mary’s Lamb Sacred Heart Hand Bell Choir St. Cecilia Ovejas de Cristo Church Divorce Ministry St. Francis RCIA OLG 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm OLG Sacred Heart WEDNESDAY, October 28 Women’s Bible Study St. Ambrose Spanish Bible Study St. Francis Spanish Rosary Church Spanish Mass Church Jovenes Para Cristo OLG Encuentro Matrimonio St. Joseph Witness Choir Sacred Heart Circle of Friends St. Cecilia YAM St. Francis Theatre Ministry Hall THURSDAY, October 29 11:00 am Bible Study St. Ambrose 7:00 pm Spanish Choirs St. Cecilia 7:00 pm RICA OLG 7:00 pm Tongan Choir Sacred HEart FRIDAY, October 30 5:30 pm Pumpkin Bash Hall 9:00 am 3:30 pm SATURDAY, October 31 Bible Study with Tom Davis OLG Confessions Church SUNDAY, November 1 11:00 am Religious Ed Sacred Heart 11:00 am Sunday School Hall Go to for more info! 4 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Rom 8:12-17; Sal 68 (67):2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lc 13:10-17 Martes: Rom 8:18-25; Sal 126 (125):1b-6; Lc 13:18-21 Miércoles: Ef 2:19-22; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 6:12-16 Jueves: Rom 8:31b-39; Sal 109 (108):21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lc 13:31-35 Viernes: Rom 9:1-5; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Lc 14:1-6 Sábado: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Sal 94 (93): 12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lc 14:1, 7-11 Domingo: Apo 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a School News St. Joseph School Non-Discrimination Statement for STUDENTS The schools of the Diocese of San Bernardino admit students of any sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the respective school. The schools do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of their educational policies, admission policies, financial assistance and athletic and other school administered programs. Annual Senior Citizen’s Thanksgiving Dinner You are invited to the St. Joseph School Annual Senior Citizen’s Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 12 Noon in the Parish Hall Hosted by the St. Joseph School 7th Grade Class Please RSVP to (909) 920-5185 October 25, 2015 Deacon Octavio Echeverria Deacon Mark Lopez Offerings October 18, 2015 Plate Envelopes Misc. Total $ 4,157.00 $ 8,831.00 $ 465.00 $ 13,453.00 WE THANK YOU for all your prayers and generous support. SUNDAY CATHOLIC TV MASS For The Homebound 9:00 am on KDOC Channel 56 (also on Cable-TV) Share the word. Tell a shut-in relative, friend or neighbor. P OSSIBILITIES All things are possible for one who believes, more to one who hopes, even more to one who loves. —St. Lawrence [email protected] Ext. 11 Ext. 33 Jesus Maldonado, Director of Liturgy & Ministry [email protected] Ext. 19 Christina Berry, Office Administrator [email protected] Ext. 18 Joanne Garay, Bookkeeper [email protected] Ext. 14 Belinda Valencia, Receptionist [email protected] Ext. 10 Debbie Aud, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Ext. 29 Nellie Davison, Director of Parish Life [email protected] Ext. 16 Jose Valencia, Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] Ext. 26 Michelle Moralez, Young Adult Minister [email protected] Ext. 36 Carolyn Hite, Director of His Hands [email protected] Ext. 20 RCIA Ext. 12 Marlene Gonzalez, Altar Servers Coordinator (310) 429-2443 Daniela Perez, Altar Servers Coordinator (909) 975-1390 Maria Hermosillo, Quinceañera Coordinator Ext. 34 Vern Garcia, Wedding Coordinator (English) Ext. 23 Maria Hermosillo, Coordinación de Matrimonios Ext. 37 Sr. Sheila Reen, Ministry to the Sick (909) 949-9924 Prayer Tree (909) 949-7006 SICK CALLS If you need to contact a priest for the Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office (909-981-8110) during our office hours. Any sick calls outside these hours should go directly the emergency number (909-972-2132). If a family member is sick or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call Sr. Sheila at 909-949-9924 or call the parish office. Si necesita ponerse en contacto con un sacerdote para la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al (909-981-8110) durante nuestras horas de oficina. Si usted necesita la Unción de los Enfermos después de las horas de oficina debe marcar nuestro número de emergencia directamente al (909-972-2132). Si un familiar está enfermó o incapacitado y le gustaría recibir la Santa Comunión, por favor de llamar al 909-949-9924 y preguntar por Sr. Sheila o llamar a nuestra oficina parroquial. Praying Hands: How can you be a Minister to the Sick without ever leaving your own home? It’s easy! Every week our bulletin has a list of people who have requested our prayers for healing, for hope, for courage and for strength. They need our prayers and they believe that our prayers are powerful. So, may I suggest that every day we pray for one person from that list. We can name that person as we bring our prayers to the heart of God and ask our loving God to lay His healing hands on them. In that way, these people will no longer be names on a list, they will be people who are special to us and we can be prayer warriors in our own homes. Try it! Sr. Sheila Tootsie Roll Drive An evening with Fr. Tim “Family, the cradle of God’s Grace” Save the Date Friday, November 20th An evening of Praise and Worship The Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 16293 would like to thank St. Joseph Catholic Community for their generous donations to the Pomona Valley Workshop (PVW), Montclair, this past weekend. We also would like to thank Sharon Paredes for her help in making this Fundraiser a success. If you would like further information about the this great organization you can google Thank you for your support, Sal Chabolla Grand Knight and talks given by our own Fr. Tim. It’s Box Top Contest Time! The Box Top for Education program has helped America’s schools earn over $400 million since 1996. Invitation to say the Rosary 1. Our Mother Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, has given us the rosary for peace and unity. So, if you have 30 minutes to spare, we are inviting you, our parishioners to join us in reciting the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy after each daily Mass: Mondays through Thursdays and at 7:45 am on Friday mornings. 2. Mary’s Lamb Rosary and Prayer group is also extending an invitation to you to join us on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., to say the four mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Let us not wait for disaster or life’s heavy cross before calling on the Lord for His guidance, protection and mercy. 3. St. Joseph, Upland is scheduled to host the sixth novena of the Divine Mercy on March 20, 2016 (Easter Wednesday). If you are interested in helping, please contact the Parish Office at (909) 981-8110. 6 What can you do to help St. Joseph School earn money? By simply clipping Box Top labels from participating products. St. Joseph School earns 10 cents for each Box Top submitted! Please submit Box Tops to St. Joseph School office. Thank you for your continued support. October 25, 2015 Please come & join us for free nutritional guidance hosted by a Registered Dietitian Topics Heart Disease: Managing hypertension & high cholesterol through diet When: Saturday, November 14th at 12:30 pm in the Sacred Heart Room Diabetes: Managing your blood sugar levels through diet When: TBA “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).” RCIA This week the RCIA ministry will be studying “Catholics & Prayer” and you are all welcome to come to the Our Lady of Guadalupe room at 7pm on Tuesday to enrich your faith. No reservation is needed, just come. Divorced or Separated? Find Help Here Divorce Care Support Group Meets Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the St. Francis Room Pumpkin Bash St. Joseph’s Children's Sunday School Program Has Begun!! Last week Was Amazing!! We ask that your Children (Ages 3 to 3rd grade in School that are not currently in Religious Education Classes) Join us to learn about Jesus and have lots of fun on their journey. We have great Teachers and your child will make new friends! Please arrive a few minutes before the 11:00 am and 1:00pm Masses to sign them in the Parish Hall!! Come join us for a night of fun, fellowship, and lots of Candy! Kids wear your favorite costume but don’t be too scary as there will be young children there! Where: St. Joseph Parish Hall When: Friday, October 30th Time: 5:30pm to 8:30pm La semana pasada fue increíble !! Le pedimos que sus hijos (de 3 a 3er grado en la escuela que no están actualmente en Clases de Educación Religiosa) vengan con nosotros para aprender acerca de Jesús y tener mucha diversión. Tenemos grandes maestros y su hijo a hacer nuevos amigos! Por favor llegue unos minutos antes de las 11:00 am y 1:00 pm Misas para registrar a sus hijos en el Salón Parroquial !! Bring a canned food item for His Hands Ministry and receive a ticket for a raffle prize! This year we will be having a Trunk or Treat! Everyone is welcomed to join us with your scary cars!! Please make sure you’re here by 4:30pm to set up!! 8 October 25, 2015 We ask your participation in our annual celebration of “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) St. Joseph Catholic Church’s Annual Christmas Craft Boutique Sunday November 8th, 2015 8:00am to 3:00pm in the Parish Hall This is a great opportunity to find that special gift for your love ones and support The Confirmation Program. You will find an assortment of Arts and Crafts like: Knit and Hand-Sewn Apparel Hand made candles & Jewelry Home cooked Christmas Cookies Wood crafts and much more! This Event is to help our Confirmation 1 Students on their Annual Retreat. They will be Selling Raffle tickets for the next few weeks. The Main Prize will be “4 DISNEYLAND TICKETS!” Tickets will be $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00 Thank you for your Generosity. A “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) altar is meant to honor the memory of someone who touched your life. It can be a family member or someone that had a positive impact on you and your family. A “Día de los Muertos” altar can be as simple or as elaborate as you want. The purpose of the altar is as a remembrance, with that in mind feel free to do what you think your honoree would have enjoyed. This year we once again are asking anyone wishing to place an altar in one of the eight alcoves of the church to call the office for information and if needed, help in getting one built. Solicitamos su ayuda en la celebración del “Día de los Muertos” Un altar del “Día de los Muertos” significa un memorial a un ser querido. Sea un pariente, o, simple una persona quien nos afecto en nuestra vida, de día en día. El altar del “Día de los Muertos” puede ser tan sencillo, o, elaborado según su deseo. Cuyo propósito es un altar de dar honor, por eso les recordamos de hacer lo que celebra la vida del difunto. Solo hay ocho alcobas en la iglesia en donde poner los altares, por eso quienes desean participar este año favor de comunicarse con la oficina parroquial. BEE’Z AUTO CARE COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE OFFICIAL SMOG STATION ASC CERTIFIED SINCE 1990 909 982-4321 231 E. ARROW HWY. • UPLAND, CA Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months ASE Certified SUKY AUTO REPAIR Se Habla Español Tune Up • Engine Diagnosis • Brakes • Clutches Electric • A/C • Timing Belts • Radiators Water Pumps • 30/60/90 K Mile Maint. • Tires SMOG Check Star Certified Inspection $10.00 Off w/Ad 24/7 HELP ................... an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 909-982-6659 8680 8th St., Ste. A Rancho Cucamonga Phil: 4:13 Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePlease Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Maria G. Niciforos Attorney At Law • Wills • Living Trusts • Probate • Family Law Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be (909) 944-9686 Se Habla Español Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 10681 Foothill Blvd. Ste. 201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Peter J. Niciforos, M.D. Family Practice - Urgent Care 9190 Haven Ave. 1st Floor, Rancho Cucamonga 909-527-8110 Phones 513189 St Joseph Church (B) 909-980-9898 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 VACUUM & SEWING UPLAND VAC & SEW SALES • SERVICE PARTS • CLASSES TRUSTS • WILLS • PROBATES Attorney Victor P. Skvarna, Church Member Local Catholic Family Since 1940’s Upland, Ph: (909) 608-7671 • [email protected] (909) 949-4884 113 No. 2nd Ave. • Upland, CA Tired? Stressed? Stretched? Get rid of the headaches call: TODD Memorial CHAPEL Reliable House Cleaning “Clean home without the hassle” Mariaelena Mojica Now serving the Inland Empire ~ 909.215.6633 I’m your Neighborhood State Farm Agent Call me for all your insurance needs. Agent Lic. #0670063 Your Independent Family Owned and Operated Funeral Home Since 1907 Pomona 570 N. Garey F.D. Lic. #110 Claremont 325 N. Indian Hill F.D. Lic. #942 (909) 622-1217 Quality Homecare Since 2002 • Meal Preparation • Medication Reminders • Hygiene Assistance • Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Joyful Companionship Upland 909-982-4646 • Norbert “Norb” Murphy 378 South Euclid Ave. Bus. (909) 946-9877 Fax: (909) 949-9616 “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” Local Catholic Family Since 1970’s Se Habla Español Dr. Alexander A. Galvan - Parishioner GENERAL, COSMETIC & IMPLANT DENTISTRY 750 N. Archibald Ave., #N, Ontario (909) 481-2233 • Auto • Work Injuries Heridas del Trabajo • Slip & Fall A CCIDENT S? INJURY LAWYERS- MILLIONS COLLECTED NO 24/7 LIVE EMERGENCY HELP NO FEE/CONSULTA GRATIS! RECOVER Legal advertisement by Pacific Attorney Group. 909-546-4685 Retired or about to, check our retirement readiness kit. Click this QR or go to Daniel R. Wilson 909-981-8996 Financial Advisor Raymond James 1125 E. 16th St. #1 Financial Services, Inc. Upland, CA 91784 Member FINRA/SIPC [email protected] PARISHIONER Raymond James Financial Services offers a full range of investment services to its clients. Call today for your complete analysis. Travel Services Representative 1271 W. 7th St. Phone 909 / 981-8724 BANKRUPTCY Traffic • DUI Tickets • Accidents LOW COST LAW FIRM Fernando Salas Parishioner 626-705-5173 License #974501 Free Estimates [email protected] 40 years Experience “FREE” Consultation Hablamos Español Ask For Christina Molina PROTECT: Home, Auto, Wages & Assets REMOVE: Bonded and Insured 2nd Mortgages, Judgement, Liens from your Home DISCHARGE: Credit Card & Medical Debt for your ELIMINATE: Repossessed Vehicle Debt piece of mind 909-986-2045 PACIFICA TREE AND LANDSCAPE 961 W. Holt Blvd., Ontario, CA 91762 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Se Habla Español 800-566-6150 • 513189 St Joseph Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Check out the new Parish Website for more information on Parish events, ministries and much, much more! Catholic Community of St. Joseph
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