COSTURA SOFA Design Jon Gasca STUA COSTURA SOFA Design Jon Gasca COSTURA sofa refers to the noble tradition of tailor-made that guided the design process, wearing the technology of the structure. COSTURA sofá hace referencia a la noble tradición de sastrería a medida que ha guiado su proceso de diseño vistiendo la tecnología de su estructura. One more time, STUA delivers a surprising design that reflects the timelessness without losing its innovative spirit. Una vez más STUA sorprende con un diseñoque remite a lo intemporal sin perder su espíritu innovador. SOLAPA TABLES Design Jon Gasca SOLAPA tables are the perfect match to the new COSTURA sofa. The smooth shape of the tabletop is enhaced by the unique nanotech material used for the surface: black & white super opaque finishes, anti-fingerprint, and that thermally heals microscratches. Las mesas SOLAPA son el complemento perfecto del nuevo sofá COSTURA. Las suaves formas de la mesa se ven reforzadas por el toque único del material nanotecnológico usado para la superficie: acabado blanco o negro ultra-opaco, tacto anti-huellas y reparación térmica de arañazos. COSTURA SOFA SYSTEM 90 cm 90 cm 80 cm 200 cm 88 cm 82 cm 288 cm BLACK TOP & LEGS Table height: 30 cm 88 cm 82 cm 160 cm Double sofa without arms 4 x 100 cm seats 416 cm 90 cm 90 cm 208 cm 288 cm 82 cm Double sofa with arms 4 x 100 cm seats 82 cm STUA STUA Costura Sofa & Solapa tables / Patent pending / April 2015 82 cm 80 cm Sofa with left arm 2 x 100 cm seats Polígono 26 Bidebitarte 20115 Astigarraga, San Sebastián, Spain T: + 34 943 330 188 [email protected] 160 cm 208 cm 82 cm WALNUT TOP & BLACK LEGS Table height: 30 cm Sofa + Daybed with left arm 90 cm WALNUT TOP & BLACK LEGS Table height: 30 cm Daybed with left arm 80 cm seat 40 WALNUT TOP & BLACK LEGS Table height: 20 cm 90 cm WALNUT TOP & BLACK LEGS Table height: 20 cm Puff 80 x 100 cm 82 cm Sofa with right arm 2 x 100 cm seats 100 cm BLACK TOP & LEGS Table height: 30 cm Sofa + Daybed with right arm 82 cm BLACK TOP & LEGS Table height: 20 cm Daybed with right arm 80 cm seat 160 cm BLACK TOP & LEGS Table height: 20 cm Armchair without arms 80 cm seat Sofa without arms 2 x 100 cm seats 82 cm WHITE TOP & LEGS Table height: 30 cm 82 cm WHITE TOP & LEGS Table height: 30 cm 296 cm 82 cm 80 cm 160 cm 160 cm 96 cm 216 cm Sofa + Daybed with arms 82 cm 82 cm 82 cm Daybed without arms 80 cm seat 90 cm WHITE TOP & LEGS Table height: 20 cm WHITE TOP & LEGS Table height: 20 cm 90 cm LARGE SOLAPA 60 cm 40 cm SMALL SOLAPA Armchair with arms 80 cm seat Sofa with arms 2 x 100 cm seats 120 cm 120 cm 160 cm SOLAPA TABLES 400 cm STUA SOLAPA TABLES Design Jon Gasca
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