\ÅÅtvâÄtàx VÉÇvxÑà|ÉÇ V{âÜv{ 107 Church Street / P.O. Box 108 Gregory, TX 78359 (361) 643-4505 PARISH STAFF PASTOR Fr. James Puthenparambil PARISH SECRETARY Noreen Saenz BOOKKEEPER Womack & Womack DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION David Daniel Solis RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STAFF Belen Pena, Assistant D.R.E. Janie J. Garcia, Office Coordinator C E L E B R AT I O N O F M A S S Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm Weekday Masses: 5:30 pm Tuesday 8:30 am Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 5:30pm First Friday Holy Days of Obligation: 8:30 am & 6:30 pm Vigil Mass: 6:30 pm PARISH OFFICE Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am-12 pm;1pm-5 pm Fax: (361) 643-1509 Website: www.iccgregory.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 643-8327 Office Hours: Wednesday RCIA Classes on Tuesday CCD Classes on Wednesday 5:00pm - 8:45pm 7:00pm 6:00pm & 7:15pm LITURGICAL MUSIC Saturday 5:00 p.m. Rosendo Ortiz Sunday 7:00 a.m. Eddie & Gina Lopez 10:00 a.m. Tony Rios 12:00 noon Karla Peña 5:00 p.m. Pedro (Lisa) Solis PRAYER & PRAISE Saturday 6:00 p.m. Chapel jxÄvÉÅx axã ctÜ|á{|ÉÇxÜá Please register by contacting the Parish Office MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Finance Committee Jamaica Coordinator Sacristans Javier Solis Mike Lopez Jesse Gomez Juan Rodriguez Choir Coordinator Naida Rios Communion Ministers Isidro Peña Altar Servers David D. Solis Lectors Rene Sanchez Ushers Ramiro Peña Altar Society Nena Garcia CfC & Retreat Team Noreen Saenz Divine Mercy Sonya G. Hartnett ICC Food Pantry Adriana Moreno Immaculate Heart of Mary Nydia Tamez Knights of Columbus Edward Lara Sacred Heart Lupe Lopez St. Bernadette Angels Belen Peña Vacation Bible School Tycee Sanchez Prayer & Praise Jeronimo Garcia 290.5953 438.9054 229.0102 229.5515 774.3778 438.1090 500.7307 876.0904 222.8857 774.2604 563.1688 739.0087 543.7642 688.0333 229.2260 777.0131 558.4320 876.0904 704.2136 BAPTISMS: Third Saturday of the Month at 10:30 a.m. BAPTISM CLASS: Tuesday prior of Baptism at 7:00pm; Must register at office RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. MARRIAGE: By appointment only; Notice to Pastor six (6) months prior to wedding. QUINCEANERAS: Must be enrolled & attending Rel. Ed. Notice to Pastor six (6) months prior. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Anytime by request. COMMUNION FOR THE SICK: Contact the office. July 26, 2015 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SATURDAY 5:00 PM: JULY 25, 2015 + Jose O. Lucio, +Anita Lucio de Ortiz SUNDAY 7:00 AM: 10:00 AM: JULY 26, 2015 +Richard Ortiz [Janie Ortiz] + Joey Valencia (Valencia Family) + Lorna Gomez (Family) + Rodrigo Cantu Sr. (Gallegos Family) +Maria R. Flores (M/M Danny Velasquez & Fam.) + Jose Ortiz ( Lisa Couch) +Maria G. Perez (Family) For the parishioners of Immaculate Conception 12:00 PM: 5:00 PM: MONDAY TUESDAY 5:30 PM: [Garcia & Lucio Family] 700.12 1957.00 210.08 161.25 $3,029.45 SATURDAY 5:00 PM: August 1, 2015 SUNDAY 7:00 AM: 10:00 AM: 12:00 PM: 5:00 PM: August 2, 2015 Amparo, Estevan, Isidro Raymond, Maria, Chom Yo Rachel O., Jessie C., Ofelia A. Juan, Cindy, Stephanie JULY 27, 2015 ~ NO MASS JULY 28, 2015 Thanksgiving to Santa Niño de Atoche (Maria Lara) WEDNESDAY JULY 29, 2015 8:30 AM: Thanksgiving to Saint Michael ( Maria Lara) THURSDAY 8:30 AM: JULY 30, 2015 Thanksgiving to St. Gabriel the Archangel (Maria Lara) FRIDAY 8:30AM JULY 31, 2015 Thanksgiving to St. Raphael the Archangel (Maria Lara) SATURDAY 5:00 PM: AUGUST 1, 2015 + Maria R. Flores (M/M Danny Valasquez & Fam.) + Lorna Gomez (Family) SUNDAY 7:00 AM: 10:00 AM: AUGUST 2, 2015 +Richard Ortiz (Janie Ortiz) +Jesus & Guadalupe Cavazos (Cavazos Family) +Lorna Gomez (Family) +Maria R. Flores (M/M Danny Velasquez & Family) +Richard, +Enrique, + Ernest Escobedo (Family) OPEN +Daniel E. Flores (Family) 12:00 PM: 5:00 PM: LOOSE COLLECTION ENVELOPE COLLECTION SECOND COLLECTION CHILDREN’S COLLECTION JULY 19, 2015 TOTAL First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel SATURDAY 5:00 PM: August 1, 2015 SUNDAY 7:00 AM: 10:00 AM: 12:00 PM: 5:00 PM: August 2, 2015 Janie Ortiz Brenda Flores Rene Sanchez Jessie L. Gomez Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23; Mt 13:31-35 Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-13; Mt 13:36-43 St. Martha Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Jn 11:19-27, or Lk 10:38-42 Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11;,Mt 13:47-53 St. Ignatius of Loyola Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78:3-4, 23-25, 54; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 WORKING AND SAVING ~ Anonymous Work hard and save your money so when you’re old you will be able to buy the things only the young can enjoy. TODAY’S READINGS Elisha feeds a hundred people with twenty barley loaves (2 Kings 4:42-44). The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs (Psalm 145). Paul urges the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of the call they received (Ephesians 4:1-6). Jesus feeds a large crowd with five barley loaves and two fish (John 6:1-15). † Belief ~ Trust ~ Faith † Prayer is the most powerful against trails, the most effective medicine against sickness and the most valuable gift to someone we care for. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially the following: Irma Adame, Hermelinda Alcoser, Robert Alvarado, Victoria & Oscar Arrendondo, Jesse & Ophelia Avila, Leonor Banda, Rosa Barrera, Brae L Benavidez, Allen Bohns, Esteban Cantu Jr, Rosario Cantu, Tamara Bode, Ben Chapa, Gabriel & Matthew Claudio, Sammy Coronado, Estella Cortez, Pedro R Costilla III, Lino Cruz, Michael Duenes, Dominic De Leon, Nessiah Encinia, Alma Escobedo, Adan Flores Sr, Alberto Flores, Arturo Flores, Eudelia Flores Fabian Flores, Bryce Ganley, Aurelia Garcia, Belia Garcia, Concepcion Garcia, Jose L Garcia, Josie Garcia, Juana S Garcia, Juanita Garcia, Oscar Garcia, Ramiro Garcia, Reyes Garcia, April Garza, Angie Garza, Elias Garza, Joe Garza, Jacob Goldapp, Alejandra Guerrero, Denis Guzman, Conner Heinz, Carolina Hernandez, Isis Hernandez, Juan ‘Chuco’ Hernandez, Manuela Hernandez, Maria Hernandez, Jesse Hinojosa, Manuel Hinojosa, Sr., Fidel Labeija, Elia Lopez, Lupe Lopez, Lori Lucio, Tina Juarez, Anna Juarez, Solomon Kahookele, Christopher Manka, Olga Moreno, Mimi Obregon, Candelaria Ortiz, Carmen Ortiz, Diana Ortiz, Jerry Oritz, Oralia Ortiz, Socorro Ortiz, Sophia Parker, Raul Padilla, Anita Pena, Luis Pena, Jr., Aurora Perez, Fela Perez, Johnny Pereida, Maria Pequeno, Raul and Lenore Quintanilla, Josie Ramirez, Ramona Ramirez, Valentin Ramirez, Esther Rangel, Juan Reyes, Pepe Reyes, Santos Reyes, Datnacio Rivas, Anna Rivera, Antonio Rodriguez Jr., Domingo Rodriguez, Elena Rodriguez, Esequiel Rodriguez, Juan Rodriguez, Tony Rios, Sr., Tony Rios, Jr., Noreen Saenz, Richard Saldivar, Vanessa Steele, Teresa Sierra, Alfonso Solis, Braulia Solis, Grace Solis, Licha Solis, Luis Solis, Mona Lisa Solis, Felicitas Trevino, Gloria Trevino, Joe & Sara Trevino, Maria L. Valdez, Chris Vela, Cynthia Vela, Miranda Vela, Alejandro Veliz, Renee Young and Leticia Zepeda. FEEDING THE WORLD With today’s two accounts of feeding miracles and the psalm response about the Lord’s hand feeding us, it is easy to gloss over the marvelous hymn in Ephesians. It is built around the most potent biblical numbers: one, three, and seven. The core of it is the word “one” expressed seven times. Three of these describe the church: one body, one Spirit, one hope; the next three are the foundations of the church: one Lord [Jesus], one faith, one baptism. All of these are bound up together in the one Father of all. While we might feel daunted by the prospect of duplicating the wonders worked by Elisha and Jesus in the feeding of multitudes, Ephesians gives us a more realistic way to live and “feed” others as the church: by living in humility and gentleness, by acting with patience, bearing with each other in love, and always seeking and striving to preserve unity through peace. Who among us cannot increase the way we “feed” the church and the world by living this way? We are always called upon to “feed” the world in the literal sense; but our mission as church tells us that others are also fed by the way we live and act each moment of each day. ALIMENTANDO AL MUNDO Al oír las narraciones de cómo Eliseo y Jesús multiplican los alimentos, y el salmo responsorial sobre como la mano del Señor nos alimenta, es fácil caer en la tentación de pasar por alto el maravilloso himno de la carta a los efesios en la Segunda lectura. El himno se centra en los números más potentes de la tradición bíblica: el uno, el tres y el siete. La médula del himno es el número uno, repetido siete veces. Tres de ellas se refieren a la Iglesia: un solo cuerpo, un solo Espíritu, como también una sola es la esperanza. Los próximas tres son los fundamentos de la Iglesia: un solo Señor, una sola fe, un solo bautismo. Y todos estos se juntan en un solo Dios y Padre de todos. La idea de repetir los milagros obrados por Eliseo y por Jesús al alimentar las multitudes nos desalienta, claro está, pero la carta a los efesios nos ofrece un modo más realizable de vivir como Iglesia y de alimentar a los demás en la Iglesia: ser siempre humildes y amables; ser comprensivos y soportarnos mutuamente con amor, y esforzarnos en mantenernos unidos en el Espíritu con el vínculo de la paz. ¿Quién de nosotros no puede “alimentar” a la comunidad de la Iglesia viviendo de esta manera? Es verdad que siempre estamos llamados a “alimentar” al mundo en el sentido literal de la palabra, pero nuestra misión como Iglesia también nos dice que a los demás también Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 26, 2015 The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season. ~ Psalm 145:15 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Sooner of later, as they plan their wedding liturgy, a couple will receive some advice about a “unity candle.” They need one, they are told (at great expense); it is a tradition; it is what Catholics have always done. Not so. In the last thirty years or so, the custom has enjoyed wide popularity in the United States. It has never been officially part of our liturgy, and it exists in tension with some of our core symbols. Usually there are two smaller candles and one larger one to be lit from the smaller. Large candles in our tradition always mean Christ, and smaller ones are always tokens of our baptismal candle. If the candles are meant for a kind of renewal of baptismal vows, then the meaning is clearer, yet this is seldom the understanding. Why, then, are those smaller candles extinguished? Para los hispanos y las personas de otras culturas, el recuerdo y vinculación con nuestros antepasados es algo muy importante. De hecho, en las culturas latinoamericanas se usan los apellidos del padre y de la madre para enfatizar de dónde y de quiénes provienen. Muchas personas han conservado esta misma tradición aquí en Estados Unidos. Este sentido de conectarnos a nuestros antepasados también se encuentra en la fe cristiana. Mediante la imposición de manos, por citar un ejemplo, llegamos hasta los apóstoles. Podríamos decir que los cuatro evangelios subrayan esta vinculación con los orígenes de nuestra fe. La forma en que lo hacen, aunque pequeña, es interesante. Luego de que todos comieron de los panes y los peces multiplicados por Jesús, recogieron doce canastos llenos de pan. En cierta manera, los evangelistas aseguran que el pan que Jesús dio al gentío de su tiempo nos lo sigue dando hoy en la eucaristía. Ahora, este pan es la carne de Jesús, quien se hace ofrenda y hostia (sacrificio) por nosotros. It’s hard to tell where these pesky candles came from. Some suggest that the Presbyterian Church, which has a very lean wedding liturgy, introduced them as an option for extending a short service. Generally, it’s been experienced as a “photo opportunity” rather than a genuine liturgical ritual. The “unity candle,” a recent invention rather than an authentic tradition, has not been approved as an adaptation to our rite, and it is to be hoped that it will gradually disappear from view. The Pope tweets…. follow him at Pope Francis @Pontifex The emptier a person’s heart is, the more he or she needs to buy, own and consume. #Laudato Si The ctÜ|á{ cÜtçxÜ Heavenly Father, You have gathered us together as a parish to be Your visible life in our world. Here we unite in worship, Proclaim Your word, celebrate the Eucharist, and are Sent forth to share Your love and make disciples. Lord, we take your Great Commission seriously and long for our parish to be so on-fire that we draw people to You. Help us in that endeavor, as we strive to work together - ordained, religious, and laity. Please make our parish amazing, through Your power and Your grace. Amen. ~ Parish News ~ PARISHIONER REGISTRATION We are currently in the process of updating our parish database, if you are a new or current parishioner we do ask that that you take a few moments to fill out a registration form. Forms can be found in the entrance of the church and online at the parish website: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ICC Parish Raffle www.iccgregory.org/parishioner To purchase and/or if you are interested in selling a $100.00 Raffle Ticket, you may contact any ICC Organization Leader or Ministry Leader listed on the parish bulletin or contact the Parish office. The Raffle Drawing will be on Sunday, August 16th @ 2:00pm in the CCD Building, Holy Spirit Room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Immaculate Conception Parish welcomes Everyone to join us as we celebrate a Historic and Joyous occasion of the DEDICATION and CONSECRATION of the NEW PARISH CHURCH Official Date and Time is Saturday, August 1, 2015 @ 5:00 p.m. Mass Presided by His Excellency, Most Rev. Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matthew: 18:20
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