June 14 - St. Andrew Catholic Church

St. Andrew Catholic Church
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Rev. James L. LeBlanc
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Norbert Mendonça
Hispanic Priest Rev. José
Orlando Cheverría Jiménez
Deacon Robert Barlow
Deacon George Ferland
Deacon Robert Jones
Pastoral Associate
Mr. Gregory S. Allen, MA
School Principal
Mrs. Mary M. Halasz
Parish Business Manager
Mrs. Madeleine Elswick
Parish Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Denise Reardon
Parish Accounting Clerk
Mrs. Patricia Carbonaro
Religious Education Catechists
Mrs. Jennifer Diaz
Mrs. Barbara Bowers
Mrs. June Tarangelo, M.Ed.
Music Director
Mrs. Francesca Schaeffer
Homebound Coordinator
Mrs. Susan Underwood
Maintenance Coordinator
Mr. William Powell
St. Andrew School says Farewell
to Principal Mrs. Mary M. Halasz after
26 years of service as a teacher and principal.
May the grace of God continue to bless her.
WEBSITE: www.StAndrewCatholicChurch.org
Corner of 37th Avenue North and North Kings Hwy
Parish Office and Mailing Address
3501 North Kings Highway • Suite 102 • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:30 am—4:00 pm
PHONE: 843-448-5930 • Fax: 843-448-3947
Evenings and Weekends: 843-626-4119
E-MAIL: [email protected]
MASSES: Saturday: 4:30 & 6:15 pm
Sunday: 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 am and 5:00 & 7:00 pm Spanish
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am
Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00 pm
WEBSITE: www.StAndrewSchoolMB.com
3601 North Kings Highway • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
PHONE: 843-448-6062 • Fax: 843-626-8644
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 14, 2015
The parishioners of St. Andrew Catholic Church
are happy to extend a warm welcome to the many
visitors who join us for worship today.
June 14, 2015
The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Introit Antiphon
Liturgy of the Word
St. Andrew Parish,
a Roman Catholic community, seeks to nurture the faith and
serve the needs of parishioners and visitors by proclaiming
the Gospel of Jesus Christ through active stewardship,
ministries of word and sacrament, programs of Christian
formation, and works of charity and justice.
As Catholics, we fully participate in
the celebration of the Mass when we receive Holy
Communion, the true Body and Blood of the Lord.
Yet, we Catholics should receive Holy Communion
only when we are living in communion with the
Catholic Church and in the state of sanctifying grace
and have made the appropriate fast from food and
Because of the connection we draw between being in
full communion with the Catholic Church and
receiving Holy Communion, we cannot invite those
who are not Catholic to share in Holy Communion
with us. Still, we welcome all to this celebration of the
Mass as our brothers and sisters, and pray that our
common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit will
one day draw us closer “…that all may be one.”
(John 17:22)
Readings (Ezekiel 17:22-24, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10)...959
Psalmody…...................................................Psalm 92
Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.
Gospel (Mark 4:26-34)…….………………....………..959
Profession of Faith…………………….………….….148
General Intercessions:
Today’s first collection supports the mission and
ministries of St. Andrew Parish.
Today’s second collection benefits our
Parish Property Development.
New pledges and donations to our Parish Property
Development Fund are gratefully accepted at any time.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Unless a Grain of Wheat
Eucharistic Prayer
Holy, Holy! Great ‘Amen’
The Mystery of Faith: Save us, Savior of the world, for
by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.
Communion Songs………………………………..…793
One Bread, One Body
For the Fruits of This Creation
4:30 pm
6:15 pm
7:30 am
9:15 am
11:00 am
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
4:30 pm
6:15 pm
7:30 am
9:15 am
11:00 am
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
June 13
Sherry Jones †
Pro Populo
June 14 11th Sunday Ordinary Time
Anna Kulbachi †
Alice Norton †
Johanna Schwarzer. †
Suzanne & Katherine Hecimovich †
Spanish Mass
June 15
Paul Angelo Napolitano †
June 16
Joyce Burkowiec †
June 17
Merlin Ramos Cruz †
June 18
Marguerite Tillger †
June 19
Tom Dye †
June 20
Lorraine Mostyn †
Sherley Brindisi †
Fortnight for Freedom Mass
June 21 12th Sunday Ordinary Time
Pro Populo
George Rawl †
Thomas Conti †
Johanna Schwarzer †
Spanish Mass
Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB…... 8:00 am ...249-2356
St. Michael, Garden City…………………….…..651-3737
Monday 8 am, Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8 am & 12:05 pm,
Wednesday 8 am & 6:30 pm
St. James, Conway. Tues. & Thurs. 12:00 noon, please
call St. James for other days and times………..347-5168
Rosary: Saturday 3:50 pm & Sunday 8:40 am
Rosary: Monday—Friday 8:25 am
Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after 9:00 am Mass
St. Theresa Novena: Tuesday after 9:00 am Mass
Perpetual Adoration at St. Michael’s Church
St. Andrew, Myrtle Beach.…..…..…....3:00 pm Saturdays
Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB….......3:30 pm Saturdays
St. Michael, Garden City….7:30 am. Monday - Saturdays
11:30 am on Tues., Thurs., Fri., & 5 pm on Wed.
St. James, Conway 7:00 pm Tues. & 3:15 pm Saturday
Mon 6/15
Thurs 6/18
Fri- 6/19
3:00 pm—Confessions—Church
12:00 pm- 4:00pm—St. Andrew
School Principal’s Retirement Party—
5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC
6:00 pm—Teens—REC
7:00 pm—Men’s Basketball—Gym
9:00 am—St. Andrew School Art Camp
12:00 noon-Monday Matinee Youth
6:00 pm—KofC Social—CLC
7:00 pm—Hispanic Bible Study—CLC
9:00 am—St. Andrew School Art Camp
7:00 pm—Contemporary Choir—Church
7:00 pm—KofC 4th Degree—CLC
9:00 am—St. Andrew School Art Camp
12:00 pm—Rosary Makers—CLC
7:30 pm—Basketball—Gym
9:00 am—St. Andrew School Art Camp
6:30 pm—Catholics for Freedom of
9:00 am—St. Andrew School Art Camp
1:00—Wedding Foriska-Cherevka—
3:00 pm—Confessions—Church
Helping Hand Collection after all Masses
this weekend.
4:00 pm—Fortnight for Freedom
5:00 pm—Fortnight for Freedom
Speaker Patrick Madrid—CLC
6:15 pm—Mass—Church
Eucharistic Procession & Adoration
after Mass until 12:00 Midnight
5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC
6:00 pm—Teens—REC
No Basketball in the gym.
Please see page 5 in the bulletin for
Fortnight for Freedom
Saturday June 20th events.
FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015
Sunday Collection 6-7-15
$ 21,093.00
Weekly Budget Needs
$ 21,000.00
Year To Date Totals
$ 990,241.00
Year To Date Budget Needs
Shortfall to Date
$ 19,059.00
St. Andrew’s is sustained by the generosity of our
parishioners through time, talent and treasure. For all
that you do, THANK YOU.
Blessed Basil Hopko Byzantine Catholic Mission,
3059 Highway 90, Conway, SC will have Divine Liturgy
on Tuesday, June 16 at 5 pm, Sunday, June 21 at 10 am
and Sunday, June 28th at 10 am. Contact Jack Securda
at [email protected] for further information.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Women’s Club Communion Breakfast: St. Andrew
Women’s Club will have their Communion Breakfast
June 28th after the 9:15 Mass at Martin’s Restaurant.
We will honor our Catholic Woman of the year. The cost
is $12.00 and all Women of the Parish are invited. Sign
up sheets are in the Parish Office and Gift Shop.
Sincere Sympathy is offered to the families of Mary
Beata Macsay, Robert Lander Baird, Donna Gay Bary
and Sean Hagadorn. May perpetual light shine upon
them and all of the faithful departed.
Knights of Columbus
Social Meeting
is Monday June 15 at
6 pm in the CLC.
Information on Christian Schools in Muslim Countries
will be featured. All are welcome and dinner will be
will be holding their next meeting at
St. Andrew in the CLC on Thursday,
June 18 at 6:30pm. Please join us
for the continuation of David Barton’s
as we “rediscover American history though an exploration of its moral, religious and Constitutional heritage”.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information contact Carol Jean Walters by
email at [email protected] or by phone at
#843-236-0162 or #631-926-0995.
I am a Student of St Andrew Catholic
(Check One):
_____Grade School ____Religious Ed
in Grade _____.
Student’s Signature
Being a Good Steward of God’s Gift of Time to Me
I am attending Church on the Lord’s Day
on ________________
at ___________________________________Church
Pastor: Please mail slip to Fr. James LeBlanc, Pastor,
St. Andrew Catholic Church, 3501 North Kings
Hwy, Suite 102 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
will be having its Annual Charity
Golf Tournament on Saturday,
June 20th at the Crow Creek
Golf Course in Calabash, NC.
It is a Captain’s Choice event with a
shotgun start at 9 am. Breakfast,
lunch and on-the-course refreshments are included in
the $75 donation per golfer. There will be a hole-in-one
contest; top team awards; a silent auction and raffled
Contact Jim McGuire@ 843-903-1777
or [email protected]
for entry forms or additional information.
St. Andrew Catholic School
is seeking a
Kindergarten Teacher for the
2015-2016 school year.
The applicant must have a degree in Early Childhood education and be SC certified or hold comparable certification from another state.
The Kindergarten is self-contained, so the teacher
is expected to teach all subject areas in an exciting and energetic way. Faith formation is of utmost importance in the early childhood years, so
we expect the applicant to be an active and practicing Catholic. Prior experience is desirable.
Interested applicants please forward a letter of
interest and resume to Mrs. Mary Halasz at
[email protected].
“Some behaviors are always wrong, always
incompatible with our love of God and the dignity
of the human person. Assisted suicide and
euthanasia are not acts of mercy but acts that
are never morally acceptable.”
~ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities USCCB
Committee on Pro-Life Activities
www.bit.ly/ProLife PastoralPlan
Our school principal, Mrs. Molly Halasz,
will be retiring at the end of this school year
after 26 years of service as both a teacher and a principal.
Her career in education began in Ohio as a 3rd grade teacher in an inner city public school. After
moving to Myrtle Beach in 1984, Molly and Bill enrolled their three boys, Rob, Daniel, and Michael in
St. Andrew. Shortly thereafter, Molly began teaching 4th grade, which is a position she held at St.
Andrew until she became principal seven years later.
Both Molly and her husband Bill, have been instrumental in the growth and expansion of our St. Andrew community. As architect, Bill both designed and oversaw the building of our gym - CLC, and
the addition to our school, including much needed classrooms, such as an art room, music room,
Kindergarten, new office and meeting space, as well as a new library.
Under Mrs. Halasz' leadership, St. Andrew Catholic School received the honor of being a nationally
recognized Blue Ribbon school, which was bestowed upon us, in Washington D.C., from the Secretary of Education.
As a faith-filled leader, Molly instituted a Holy Week retreat for our school children, by which, the
students travel through Holy Week with various activities and experiences. Our teachers, also, have
been able to foster their own spiritual growth as catechists with a yearly religious retreat. We remain
grateful to both Molly and Bill for their generosity to and willingness to serve our St. Andrew community. Happy Retirement, Mrs. Halasz, we thank you and pray for you as you enter this new chapter
in your life!
My class graduated from 8th grade in 1994 and we were Mrs. Halasz’ first class at St. Andrew's....but she first encountered us in 3rd grade when she was a long-term substitute. I guess our class wasn’t too badly behaved because she
became the 4th grade teacher and had us for an entire year the following year.
I remember her having a kind heart and I remember that when she was reading us Charlotte’s Web, she had to get a
student to finish reading us the ending because it always made her cry. It was the first time I had seen someone else
cry over a book (besides myself) and it was refreshing to know that adults did it too. ~ Vonnie Calemine
Mrs. Halasz taught me in fourth grade, in the year 1989. She was such a fantastic teacher - one of my favorites! She
was always quick to help when I got stuck on something we were learning and she was incredibly patient. Her pleasant
attitude is what I remember most because she was always smiling. ~ Brandiann Gaston
Mrs. Halasz definitely was an inspiration for me in becoming a teacher. I took her love and enthusiasm for reading and
now share it with my 2nd graders at Costa Rica International Academy. Mrs. Halasz introduced me to my favorite children's author, Roald Dahl. I have read several books that he has written to my students over the years, and they love
every second of it. My favorite memory I have of Mrs. Halasz in 4th grade is when she was reading aloud to our class,
the book, The Witches. With her sitting on the stool and reading aloud, she almost convinced us that she was a witch!
I remember her reading, “She might even be your lovely school-teacher who is reading these words to you at this very
moment. Look carefully at that teacher. Perhaps she is smiling at the absurdity of such a suggestion. Don't let that put
you off. It could be part of cleverness. I am not, of course, telling you for one second that your teacher actually is a
witch. All I am saying is that she might be one. It is most unlikely. But--here comes the big "but"--not impossible.” Thank
you Mrs. Halasz, for showing me love, compassion, and for being an amazing teacher. You are one remarkable
woman. ~ Love, Sarah Allison
26 Roses for Molly from her staff for the 26 years of
Dedicated Service she gave to St. Andrew Catholic School.
Alumni News from the St. Andrew Class of 2011, who are
graduating from area high schools this spring.
Best wishes! We are so proud of each of you!
Kelsey Cornell will graduate from Socastee H.S. She will attend Anderson University and has received the
Founder’s Scholarship, AU Presidential Grant, SC Life Scholarship, the Provost Scholarship, the Denmark
Scholarship, the Palmetto Girls State Scholarship, and the Theater Program Scholarship. She will major in Public
Relations, Communications, and Theater with a concentration in acting. She will minor in Spanish.
Lauren Cunningham will graduate from Socastee H.S. She will attend Duquesne University and has been accepted into the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business. She was awarded a Duquesne University Academic
Scholarship for 4 years.
Caroline Daly Caroline Daly will graduate MBHS summa cum laude as valedictorian. She attended the Academy for the Arts, Science, and Technology as part of the first STEM class. Caroline has served AAST as President and Vice President of the student council. She served as president of the National Science Honors Society. She was a member of the Advisory Cabinet for the School Board Superintendent, National Honor Society,
National English and Social Studies Honor Society, Beta Club and Interact Club. She served two years as leader
of Academy for Christ. Caroline earned recognition as a National Merit Finalist and winner, Coca-Cola national
finalist, Samsung American Legion national finalist, Clemson Scholar, Palmetto Fellows Scholar, AP Scholar
with Distinction, DAR Good Citizenship local and state award winner, Herff Jones National Scholarship winner, Silver Pen Scholarship winner, and a President's Service award winner (gold level). Caroline was also elected
as mayor and senator at Palmetto Girls State and selected to attend the Hugh O'Brien world youth leadership
conference. She was recognized as the Diocese of Charleston Religious Freedom Speech statewide winner and
the Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Regional Winner. She was awarded the Hamilton and
Leiber scholarships at USC honors, the Presidential and Clemson scholar scholarships at Clemson honors, the
Edwards Scholarship at Davidson, and the BN Duke Scholarship at Duke University. She has decided to accept
the James B. Duke Scholarship at Furman University where she will pursue a double major in biology and business. Upon completion of her degrees, she plans to attend medical school.
Sydney Demer will graduate from Myrtle Beach H.S. She was awarded the Life Scholarship and will attend
Coastal Carolina University this fall.
James Heddinger will graduate from Socastee H.S. with honors and became a certified pool operator, working
for the family business. He will attend Coastal Carolina University majoring in Computer Science Information
Systems. He was awarded the Life Scholarship, the CCU Merit Award, as well as several grants.
Megan Hollembaek will graduate from the Academy of Arts, Science, and Technology. She will attend Campbell University.
Katherine Leak will graduate from Chatham Hall to which she was awarded the four year, full tuition Nilson
Scholarship. While at Chatham Hall she was a member of the National Honor Society, the French National
Honor Society, the Student Council, and was editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper. During graduation she
was awarded membership into the cum laude society. She will attend Barnard College majoring in English and
Women’s Studies.
Joey Licaj will graduate from Academy of Arts Science and Technology summa cum laude. He was also an AP
scholar with distinction. He is a Palmetto Scholar and will attend College of Charleston in the fall.
Juliet Natale will graduate summa cum laude from Myrtle Beach High School. While there, she was voted an
“outstanding senior” and “most creative” by her class. She will also finish the year with the highest GPA in Anatomy and Physiology. She has been accepted at 3 colleges and is leaning towards Valdosta College in GA, but has
not decided yet..
Anna-Maria Riley will be graduating from the Academy for the Arts and Sciences as an AP Scholar. She received many collage acceptances and chose Clemson University and is a Life Scholarship recipient.
Noah Vieira is an International Baccalaureate Diploma candidate and is graduating summa cum laude from Socastee High School. He is a member of the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, National
Spanish Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society and Beta Club. He was involved in student government as the senior class Senator. Noah is most proud of his work with South Carolina Hugh O’Brian Youth
Leadership (SC HOBY) where he received the President’s Volunteer Service Award for volunteering over 200
hours during his junior year. Noah was also a four year member of the varsity lacrosse team. He was named an
Academic All American by the United States Lacrosse Association. Only five students in South Carolina earned
this top honor and Noah was the first player in the history of Socastee High to earn this title. After many offers,
Noah accepted the prestigious John D. Hollingsworth Merit Scholarship to attend Furman University to study
Biology and was named a SC Palmetto Fellow. Kayla Young will be graduating from Ithaca High School. She has been accepted to Oglethorpe University and
is still awaiting decisions from Colgate University and Trinity College Dublin. She served as a Varsity Women's
Lacrosse Captain, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society Secretary and Treasurer, is a member of the National
Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, and the French National Honor Society. She was a Junior
Marshal. She plans on sailing in college and pursuing a degree in either engineering or geology.
The Spiritual Life
The Keys to Growing Closer to God
taught by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby
Thursday Evenings
July 2 — August 20
6—6:30pm lecture
6:30—7pm open Discussion
No homework required
All lectures in the
Community life center
It is absolutely essential for us to understand the spiritual life. This is a
crash course in what it means to be a Christian believer and will aid both
newcomers to Christianity and those who have been Christian for years.
DVD Course Lectures (30 minutes /open discussion will follow)
1. The Christ
5. Dining with Christ
2. We Have Come to Believe
6. Consecrated in Truth
3. Departing from God
7. The Desert
4. Jesus as Teacher
8. A Personal Prayer Life
All are welcome
Call June Tarangelo 843-626-4685 or email [email protected]
(Please register by leaving name and daytime phone number)
Eight lectures $15 if paid in advance. Deposit in basket in white envelope or mail to
church office. Check payable to Adult Education, St. Andrew Church or
$4 per lecture paid at door on individual basis
Big News:
the Catechism of the Catholic Church
is back in the Pews!
6,010 went home already!
One of the greatest achievements of Pope John Paul II was
the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
This Catechism will serve as the standard for all future
catechisms. “A sure norm for teaching the Faith”, as the
Pope said.
Please take and study this Catechism in your own home.
This Catechism costs $5.00 each. Inside the front cover of
each book you will find an ENVELOPE as follows:
Dear Sister or Brother in Christ:
This Catechism of the Catholic Church is a most
handy summary of the Faith that we profess as
Christians. We hope you will take it to your home and
read it.
We would thank you for helping out with the costs of
this ministry - at $5.00 for each copy of this Catechism if you are able to donate that amount (or more, or less)
by placing your donation in this envelope and then into
the collection basket.
Be blessed in the study of your Catechism.
CHURCH PARKING: See the green
NO PARKING: See the red. No parking is allowed on either
side of the 37th Street from the REC to Oak Street.
Contact phone numbers are for parish use only.
Prayer and Worship
Altar Servers….……......David & Kathy Mikolajczyk…….…......357-6228
Church Upkeep ....................Mary Zigman ............................. 839-4993
Extraordinary Ministers ..... Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932
Gift Bearers ........................ Priscilla Melton ............................ 685-2828
Greeters ............................ Eleanore Burzon .......................... 903-6173
Lectors ............................. Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932
Marriage Prep ..................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116
Musicians & Vocalists ..... Francesca Schaeffer ....................... 236-3772
Prayer Chain ................... Elizabeth Calamari ......................... 236-9552
Sick & Homebound…. ..... Susan Underwood ......................... 903-1341
Ushers.................................... Bill Thiele ................................ 222-6648
Wedding Coordinator ........... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116
Christian Formation
Adult Education .................. June Tarangelo............................ 626-4685
Adult Initiation / RCIA .......... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353
Baptism Prep ....................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116
Youth - Primary .................... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353
Youth - Middle ................... Barbara Bowers ........................... 626-6353
Youth - Secondary ............... Jennifer Diaz. ............................. 626-6353
Youth Ministry ...................... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353
Community Building
Adult Seniors .................... Carlette Reynolds.......................... 449-0250
Byzantine Community ............ Jean Wirth ............................... 249-9502
Catholic Medical Association.……Dr. Peter Bleyer.…..…...…...492-5094
Columbiettes .................... Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932
Communications. ................. Gregory Allen ............. ..448-5930, ext. 116
Community Kitchen..........…Deacon Peter Casamento……. ...444-9383
Gift Shop ............................... Mary Mann ............................... 903-4847
Girl Scout Troop 703..….....Donna Ferretti….....………..…...….251-1729
Hibernians ............................ Harry Walker ............................. 249-5355
Hibernians– Ladies ............... Betsy Farley .............................. 215-3993
Hispanic Community……..…..Candida Vasquez……………..….385-1058
Hospitality .......................... Marlene Grover ........................... 283-4445
Knights of Columbus, 3rd Degree…. Bruce Miller ................... 602-3074
Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree…. Dennis Wyckoff .............. 390-1433
Knitting/Crocheting .................. Pat Vera ................................. 236-7587
Rosary Makers ................... Harriet Parrotta ........................... 236-3550
SC Council of Catholic Women……..Marlene Grover..………...283-4445
Social Events ..............John & Caroline Paulhus .................... 692-9932
Volunteers ......................... June Tarangelo. ........................... 626-4685
Website Committee……...….Gregory Allen…..…….....448-5930, ext 116
Women's Club ....................... Mary Mann ............................... 903-4847
Pastoral Services
Annulment ........................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116
Bereavement Support ........ Elizabeth Calley ........................... 448-5396
Catholic Charities ..........Diocese of Charleston .............. 855-377-1357
Funerals .............................. Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116
Helping Hand….....……..…...Tina Shupey……...……….……...448-8451
Mobile Meals ....................... Helene Fawks ............................ 997-0988
Natural Family Planning……Dr. Susanna Bleyer…………….….492-5094
Pregnancy Counseling ...... Catholic Charities .......................... 234-1999
Prison Ministry ...................... Paula Loehr .............................. 347-5168
Respect Life ........................... John Kost ................................ 626-8684
Virtus ................................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116
Parish Consultative Councils
Pastoral Council .................... Pat Roehrl ............................... 903-0461
Finance Council..................... Jack Moran .............................. 222-2769
Outreach ......................... Madeleine Elswick ........... 448-5930, ext. 106
School Board .................... David Mikolajczyk.......................... 357-6228
INFORMACIÓN: Si alguien desea comunicarse con el
Padre Orlando para solicitar algún Sacramento o alguna
Celebración Litúrgica se puede comunicar a su numero
telefónico: 1-843-226-6958.
SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: La preparación para
el Sacramento del Bautismo se realizará en el
gimnasio, el primer Domingo de cada mes, a las 5:00
pm. Los padres y padrinos de los niños que van a ser
bautizados, deben asistir a la clase. Los encargados
son René Reyes 843-315-4869 y Francisco
Rodríguez 1-843-270-7659. Los Bautismos se realizan
el segundo Sábado de cada mes, a las 10:00 am.
recibir el Sacramento de la Confesión todos los
Domingos a las 6:30 pm y a continuación, a celebrar la
Santa Misa a las 7:00 pm.
Peregrinación a Tierra Santa; con el Reverendo Padre José Orlando Cheverría Jiménez, como Capellán
de la Peregrinación y el Diácono Gabriel Cuervo.
Lugares de Peregrinación: Jerusalén, Belén, El Nacimiento de Jesús, Nazareth, Galilea, El Santo Viacrucis, La Ultima Cena, Getsemaní, El Santo Sepulcro, y
Fecha: Noviembre 04 hasta Noviembre 14 del 2015.
Costo: $3999.00 Dolares. Todo Incluído.
Telefonos de Contacto: 855-842-8001; 508-340-9370.
También se puede registrar
online: www.proximotravel.com
La destrucción de la vida humana es contraria a la vida cristiana.
Joseph Felding Smith
Para ayuda en caso de un embarazo no
planeado : 1-800-395-4357
Myrtle Beach St Andrew 2° y 4° Lunes 7:00-9:00pm
Coordinador Local Juan Carlos Pinto 843-742-9472
Para todo Hispano mayor de 18 años y las
ofrecen instructores de conocimiento teológico
Conoce y fortalece tu fe cristiano-católica a
través de estudios teológicos.
Más información:
·Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065, supervisora diocesana de formación en la fe para hispanos.
·Visite la página web: www.sccatholic.org –Ministerio
hispano – Escuela de la Fe.
(Marcos 4,26-34).
Queridos Hermanos:
El tema de la Liturgia de este Domingo es el Reino de
los Cielos. Esta párabola de la semilla, nos muestra los
caminos de Dios, en contraste con la mentalidad
humana, resaltando su pequeñez inicial frente al
resultado final, exhortándonos a la paciencia y
esperanza frente al Reino de los Cielos. El Reino de
Dios rompe nuestros esquemas, no depende solamente
de nuestro trabajo y esfuerzo, porque ante todo es don
de Dios. Es ante todo trabajar y dejar actuar a Dios.
Jesucristo en su Apostolado, anunciaba frecuentemente
el Reino de Dios; haciéndolo presente con sus palabras,
obras y milagros. Sus gestos, sus palabras y sus
acciones acogían y transformaban a muchas personas
tanto interior como exteriormente.
Por lo tanto;
Jesucristo no nos transmite una fe teórica, sino una fe
de experiencia y llena de vida.
En la actualidad; existe el peligro de la convicción; que
para dar el máximo sentido y plenitud a nuestra vida, lo
único importante es trabajar para sacarle el máximo
rendimiento y utilidad. Es decir: "Tú vales por tu
trabajo". Pero pensar y vivir así, es estar al borde de
dos graves peligros: El primero consiste, en ahogarnos
en el activismo y trabajo, sobrevalorando nuestro poder
y obrar, y terminamos creyéndonos indispensables,
amos y señores de todo. El segundo consiste, en
hundirnos en el pesimismo y la resignación al descubrir
nuestra propia incapacidad y quedar aplastados por una
tarea que nos desborda. Quien solamente pone el
sentido de su vida, en la actividad, en el trabajo, en el
rendimiento, corre el riesgo de sentirse inútil y
fracasado, en el momento en que sus esfuerzos no se
ven coronados por el éxito.
En esta parabola;
Jesucristo nos recuerda que en el Reino de Dios hay
una fuerza vital, que no se debe a nuestro
esfuerzo. Nuestra vida no se reduce solamente a
actividad y trabajo. Es algo más profundo. Nuestra vida
es un regalo y un don de Dios.
Esta parabola, es una llamada dirigida a todos
es una invitación de Dios, a sembrar
pequeñas semillas de fe, esperanza y caridad dentro de
la comunidad donde nos encontramos; y de esta
manera va creciendo y germinando el Reino de Dios.
Pidámosle a la Virgen María; para que Ella
nos ayude, a trabajar por el Reino de Dios,
pero con humildad y sencillez dejando a un
lado el orgullo y la presunción.
Dios los bendiga. Padre Orlando.