Elizabeth Scarlett, Ph.D. updated March 2015 __________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION Department of Romance Languages & Literatures 910 Clemens Hall / Box 604620 University at Buffalo Buffalo, New York 14260 e-mail: [email protected] office: +1 716 645 0873 EDUCATION Harvard University Ph.D. Romance Languages and Literatures 1991 M.A. Romance Languages and Literatures 1986 Washington University in St. Louis B.A. Comparative Literature cum laude 1983 Junior Year Abroad, Marquette Study Center, Complutense University of Madrid EMPLOYMENT University at Buffalo - State University of New York Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Department of Romance Languages & Literatures University of Virginia Assistant Professor Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Italian University of Seville Visiting Assistant Professor English Language Department Harvard University Teaching Fellow Department of Romance Languages & Literatures PUBLICATIONS 2014 - present 2000 - 2014 1998 - 2000 1991 - 1997 Fall 1988 - Spring 1989 Fall 1985 - Spring 1988 and Fall 1989 - Spring 1991 Books E. Scarlett. Religion and Spanish Film: Luis Buñuel, the Franco Era, and Contemporary Directors (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014). 202 pages. E. Scarlett and Howard B. Wescott, eds. Convergencias Hispánicas: Selected Proceedings and Other Essays on Spanish and Latin American Literature, Film, and Linguistics (Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta - Hispanic Monographs, 2001). 314 pages. Reviewed in Hispania 86.2 (May 2003): 263-65 Reviewed in Arizona Journal of Hispanic Studies 7 (2003): 267-69 E. Scarlett. Under Construction: The Body in Spanish Novels (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1994). 232 pages. Reviewed in MLN 112.2 (March 1997): 281-84 Reviewed in Hispanic Review 65.2 (1997): 250-51 Reviewed in Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 30.1 (January 1996): 167-69 Reviewed in CHOICE 32.11-12 (July-August 1995) Reviewed in The Virginia Quarterly Review 71.3 (Summer 1995): 88 Scarlett CV 2 Essays Two essays currently submitted and under consideration. E. Scarlett. “The Metaphysics of Espronceda’s Romanticism in El estudiante de Salamanca.” Forthcoming in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. E. Scarlett. “Comparative Crime Narrative: Muñoz Molina’s Plenilunio and Ellroy’s My Dark Places.” Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos y Literatura [Universidad de Humacao, Puerto Rico], Special Issue: La novela española actual: Desde 1975 al presente. Ed. Ellen Mayock. 16 (Fall 2011): 248-55. E. Scarlett. “Not Your Father’s Rock and Roll: Listening to Writers of the Transition/ Eighties and Generation X.” Generation X Rocks: Contemporary Peninsular Fiction, Film, and Rock Culture. Ed. Christine Henseler and Randolph Pope. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2007. Pages 97-111. E. Scarlett. “Rosa Chacel.” Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 322: TwentiethCentury Spanish Fiction Writers. Ed. Marta Altisent and Cristina Martínez Carazo. Detroit: Bruccoli Layman Clark and Thomson Gale, 2006. Pages 80-86 and online. E. Scarlett. “The Arab/Islamic Other in the Fiction of Cristina Fernández Cubas.” Mapping the Fiction of Cristina Fernández Cubas. Ed. Kathleen M. Glenn and Janet Pérez. Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware Press, 2005. Pages 82-98. E. Scarlett. “Victors, Villains, and Ghosts: Filmic Intertextuality in Javier Marías’s Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí.” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 28.2 (Winter 2004): 391-410. E. Scarlett. “Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s Galíndez: The Maze of History and the Prism of Theory.” Convergencias Hispánicas. (under Books, page 1). Pages 27-35. E. Scarlett and Howard B. Wescott. “Introduction” Convergencias Hispánicas. (under Books, page 1). Pages 1-5. E. Scarlett. “La crítica feminista en el hispanismo, la recepción feminista de Rosalía de Castro, y la melancolía femenina en En las orillas del Sar.” El hispanismo en los Estados Unidos. Discursos críticos/prácticas textuales. Ed. José M. del Pino and Francisco La Rubia-Prado. Madrid: Visor, 1999. Pages 91-109. E. Scarlett. “Mapping out the Cartas marruecas: Geographical, Cultural, and Gender Coordinates.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 33.1 (January 1999): 65-83. E. Scarlett. “Antonio Machado’s Fountains: Archeology of an Image.” MLN 113.2 (Spring 1998): 305-323. E. Scarlett “Pascual Duarte y los asesinos en serie.” Actas del Duodécimo Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas. Vol. 5. Ed. Derek Flitter. Birmingham, U.K.: University of Birmingham and Doelphin Books, 1998. Pages 250-256 and online. E. Scarlett. “Buñuel y Galdós: la amistad subversiva en Nazarín.” La Nueva Literatura Hispánica [Universidad de Valladolid, Spain], Special Issue: Cine y Literatura. Ed. Ricardo de la Fuente. 1 (1997): 85-94. Scarlett CV 3 E. Scarlett. “Retrato de la joven Rosa Chacel.” Bazar: Revista de Literatura [Diputación de Málaga, Spain], Special Issue: Generación de 1927. Ed. José M. del Pino. 4 (Fall 1997): 110-116. E. Scarlett. “El Rapto de Europa y Casablanca: Dos dramas de la crisis de la conciencia europea y americana.” Actas del Congreso Internacional Max Aub y el Laberinto Español. Valencia: Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo, 1996. Pages 745-751. E. Scarlett. “Conversación con Antonio Muñoz Molina.” España Contemporánea 7.1 (Spring 1994): 69-82. E. Scarlett. “Vinculada a les flors: Flowers and the Body in Jardí vora el mar and Mirall trencat.” The Garden Across the Border: Mercè Rodoreda’s Fiction. Ed. Kathleen McNerney and Nancy Vosburg. Cranbury, N.J.: Susquehannah University Press, 1994. Pages 73-84. E. Scarlett. “Rosa Chacel’s Reception of Silent Film in Estación. Ida y vuelta.” Letras Peninsulares 7.1 (Spring 1994): 209-219. E. Scarlett. “Rosa Chacel, José Ortega y Gasset, and Bodily Discourse.” España Contemporánea 5.1 (Spring 1992): 21-39. Reviews Rev. Constructing and Resisting Modernity: Madrid, 1900-1936 by Susan Larson. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 36.3 (Spring 2012): 597-99. Rev. Las huellas de la Guerra Civil: Mito y trauma en la narrativa de la España democrática by Carmen Moreno-Nuño. MLN 123.3 (March 2008): 431-433. Rev. Realism as Resistance: Romanticism and Authorship in Galdós, Clarín, and Baroja by Denise DuPont. MLN 122.2 (March 2007): 443-44. Rev. Vidas im/propias: Transformaciones del sujeto femenino en la narrativa española contemporánea by María Pilar Rodríguez. Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 27.2 (2002): 349-351. Rev. Cigar Smoke and Violet Water: Gendered Discourse in the Stories of Emilia Pardo Bazán by Joyce Tolliver. España Contemporánea 14.1 (Spring 2001): 122-124. Rev. La obra poética de Luis Cernuda: Entre mito y deseo by Cristina C. Mabrey. Hispania 83.1 (March 2000): 63-64. Rev. Embodying Enlightenment: Knowing the Body in Eighteenth-Century Spanish Literature and Culture by Rebecca Haidt. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 33.3 (October 1999): 593-95. Rev. Crónica del desencanto: La narrativa de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán by José F. Colmeiro. Hispanófila 126 (May 1999): 119-121. Rev. Antonio Machado’s Writings and the Spanish Civil War by James Whiston. Hispania 82.1 (March 1999): 78-79. Scarlett CV 4 Rev. Bodies and Biases: Sexualities in Hispanic Cultures and Literatures edited by David William Foster and Roberto Reis. Hispanic Review 66.2 (Spring 1998): 231-234. Rev. Spain Today: Essays on Literature, Culture, Society edited by José Colmeiro, et. al. Hispanófila 123 (May 1998): 99-101. Rev. From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Recent Plays of Antonio Buero Vallejo by Martha Halsey. Hispanófila 122 (January 1998): 85-87. Rev. La narrativa de José María Merino by Antonio Candau. Hispania 79.4 (December 1996): 783-785. Rev. Ambiguous Angels: Gender in the Novels of Galdós by Catherine Jagoe. Hispanic Review 64.3 (Summer 1996): 407-409. Rev. Caballeros de fortuna by Luis Landero. Hispania 78.2 (May 1995): 313-314. Reprints E. Scarlett. “Antonio Machado’s Fountains: Archeology of an Image.” The Crime Was in Granada Study Guide: Criticism. eNotes. Gale Cengage 2012. Online. E. Scarlett “Victors, Villains, and Ghosts: Filmic Intertextuality in Javier Marías’s Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí.” Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 239. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2007. Pages 301-310 and online. Other Publications: Student Travel Guides E. Scarlett, ed. 1988 Let’s Go: The Budget Guide to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Cambridge and New York: Harvard Student Agencies and St Martin’s Press, 1987. E. Scarlett, ed. 1988 Let’s Go: The Budget Guide to Mexico. Cambridge and New York: Harvard Student Agencies and St Martin’s Press, 1987. E. Scarlett, et al. 1987 Let’s Go: The Budget Guide to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Ed. Wade L. Stokes. Cambridge and New York: Harvard Student Agencies and St Martin’s Press, 1986. E. Scarlett, et al. 1987 Let’s Go: The Budget Guide to Europe. Ed. Roberto Ignacio Díaz. Cambridge and New York: Harvard Student Agencies and St Martin’s Press, 1986. HONORS AND AWARDS University at Buffalo Gender Institute Course Development Award, 2002 Outstanding Academic Books of 1995 Selection by CHOICE Sesquicentennial Assistantship, Virginia Center for the Liberal Arts, 1995 Harvard Danforth Commendation for Excellence in Teaching, 1989 Harvard University RLL Graduate Summer Travel Grant, 1985 Fulbright French Government Teaching Assistantship, Carcassonne, 1983-84 Washington University National Merit Scholar, 1979-83 Induction in Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Delta Pi CONFERENCE PAPERS “El feminismo en la ficción de Clara Sánchez y de Gómez de Avellaneda.” XXIV Congreso de la AILCFH: En el Bicentenario de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Havana, Cuba - November 2014 Scarlett CV 5 “Almodóvar and the Professions” 64th Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Greenville, SC - October 2014 “Religion and the Gothic in the Films of Amenábar” 43rd Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Rochester, NY - March 2012 “Reading the Religious in Almodóvar” 42nd Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, New Brunswick, NJ - April 2011 “Age Transformations in the Films of Luis Buñuel” 125th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA - December 2009 “The Postmodern Mysticism of Ana Rossetti” Gender Across Borders III: Research Transformations, Buffalo, NY - April 2008 “Beautiful Minds: Humor and Insanity in Galdós” 118th Convention of the Modern Language Association, New York, NY - December 2002 “Carmen Martín Gaite and Human Geography” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference, Vancouver, Canada October 2001 “Televised Intertextuality in Javier Marías’s Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí” Cine-Lit III, Portland, OR - February 2000 “Comparable Crimes: James Ellroy and Antonio Muñoz Molina” 115th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, IL - December 1999 “La crítica del eurocentrismo en las Cartas marruecas” 112th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Washington, DC - December 1996 “La familia de Pascual Duarte: los lectores y los asesinos en serie” 12th Conference of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Birmingham, UK August 1995 “El rapto de Europa y Casablanca: La crisis de la conciencia europea y americana” Congreso Internacional Max Aub y el Laberinto Español, Valencia and Segorbe, Spain December 1993 “Mercè Rodoreda's Floral Codes” 46th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY - April 1993 “Body Politics in Tiempo de silencio” Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures, New Orleans, LA February 1993 “Rosa Chacel's Reception of Early Cinema” Wichita State University International Conference on Foreign Literature, KS - April 1992 Scarlett CV 6 “La subyugación social en La familia de Pascual Duarte” 45th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY - April 1992 CONFERENCE PANELS ORGANIZED Session Co-Organizer / Co-Chair: “Horror in Romance-Language Cinemas,” 43rd Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Rochester, NY - March 2012 Session Organizer / Chair: “Don Quijote in the Twenty-First Century,” Convergencias Hispánicas: International Hispanic Studies Conference, Buffalo, NY - April 1999 Session Organizer / Chair: “Ideas and Images in Hispanic Film,” Convergencias Hispánicas: International Hispanic Studies Conference, Buffalo, NY - April 1999 CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIA ORGANIZED Symposium and Film Series La Mujer en el Cine Español, Buffalo, NY - November 6-7 1999 International Hispanic Studies Conference Convergencias Hispánicas, Buffalo, NY April 9-11, 1999 Symposium and Film Series Luis García Berlanga, Buffalo, NY - November 7-8, 1998 INVITED LECTURES Guest Lecture, “Javier Marías and Alfred Hitchcock” Professor Albert Moreiras’s Novel Seminar, University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY (October 2008) Invited Discussant for “Benito Zambrano’s Solas” Fresh Films in French, Spanish, and Italian Film Series, University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY (November 2002) Invited Discussant for “Carlos Saura’s Goya in Bordeaux: Putting Life in Perspective” Fresh Films in French, Spanish, and Italian Film Series, University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY (April 2002) Invited Discussant for “Adapting Borges: Mala sangre by Jacqueline Barcos” Fresh Films in French, Spanish, and Italian Film Series, University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY (November 2001) Roundtable Speaker, “The Cinema of Luis García Berlanga” Symposium on the Films of Luis García Berlanga, University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY (November 1998) Roundtable Speaker, “The Art of Travel Writing” Virginia Festival of the Book Charlottesville, VA (March 1997) Guest Seminar, “Tristana: novela y película” Spanish Film Institute, Virginia Center for the Liberal Arts Charlottesville, VA (July 1996) Invited Discussant for “Bienvenido Míster Marshall by Luis García Berlanga” Virginia Festival of American Film Charlottesville, VA (November 1995) Scarlett CV 7 Invited Discussant for “Choose Me by Alan Rudolph” Virginia Festival of American Film Charlottesville, VA (November 1994) Keynote Lecture, “Viatges i flors de Mercè Rodoreda: un paisaje psicológico” International Symposium: Travel in Modern Literature, Universidad de Valencia Valencia, Spain (October 1994) TEACHING University at Buffalo - selected courses SPA 628: 20th Century Poetry SPA 626: 20th Century Spanish Theatre SPA 624: Contemporary Spanish Narrative and Popular Culture SPA 623: Post-War and Contemporary Spanish Novel and Film SPA 600: Independent Study (Exile & Immigrant Literature, Postmodern Theory, Juan José Millás, Contemporary Andalucía) SPA 536: 20th Century Spanish Literature SPA 524: 19th Century Spanish Literature RLL 501: Romance Studies Theory and Methodology COL 650: Supervised Reading in Comparative Literature: Hispanic Avant-gardes SPA 499: Independent Study (Recent Feminist Fiction, Media & International Affairs, Spanish Civil War, HIV/AIDS Education, Carlos Saura, Cuban Film) SPA 498: Mentorship of Undergraduate Research (Lorca & Linguistic Analysis) SPA 496: Mentorship of Service-Learning Interns in Bilingual K-12 Classrooms SPA 410: Spanish Women Writers SPA 409: Age of Lorca SPA 408: History of Spanish Cinema SPA 407: Contemporary Spanish Literature SPA 327: Spanish Culture and Civilization SPA 323: Business Spanish SPA 303: Romanticism and Realism SPA 302: Spanish Literature II: 18th Century to the Present SPA 210: How to Read a Spanish Text SPA 207: Conversation and Composition RESEARCH SUPERVISION Ph.D. Committees Chaired: Member of Ph.D. Committees: M.A. Committees Chaired: Member of M.A. Committees: 5 concluded; 1 in progress 10 concluded; 3 in progress 3 concluded 5 concluded Scarlett CV SERVICE 8 Professional Advisory Board, MVM: Cuadernos de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, 2010 present Journal Referee: 2012, 2010, 2008, 2005 (2 articles), 2004 Book Manuscript Reviewer: 2010, 2009, 2008 (2 books), 2005, 2004 External Evaluator, Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure: 5 cases Member, National Sigma Delta Pi Motto Committee, Fall 2010 - Spring 2011 University University Commencement Academic Marshal: 1998-2002, 2010-2013 University Faculty Senate: elected term 2001-2003; replacement term Fall 1999 Member, Council of Graduate Student Recruitment Officers, 2001-2003 College Member, College of Arts and Sciences Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee: elected term 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010 Representative, College Grievance / Academic Integrity Pool, 2009 - present Department Chapter Adviser, Beta Nu Chapter, National Collegiate Hispanic Studies Honor Society Sigma Delta Pi, 1999 - present Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Medieval Iberia, 2013-2014 Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, 2003-2004 Chair, Search Committee, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of French Early Modern Literature, 2003-2004 Chair, RLL Faculty Mentoring Committee, 2004-2007 Interim Director of RLL Undergraduate Studies, Spring 2011 Director of Graduate Studies in Spanish, 2001-2002 Chair, Spanish Graduate Program Admissions Committee, 2000-2002 RLL Graduate Student Association Professional Development Workshop Leader: “Academic Careers, Stage by Stage” - April 2010, May 2014 On-call Spanish undergraduate academic advisement, 2008 - present Member, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Latino Studies, 2001-2002 Member, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Luso-Brazilian, 2001-2002 Member, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Colonial Latin American Literature, 2000-2001 Member, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Spanish Early Modern, 1998-99 Member, RLL Faculty Mentoring Committee, 2007 - present Scarlett CV 9 Member, RLL Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2011-2013 Member, RLL Graduate Studies Committee, 2009-2010, 2013 - present Member, Spanish Graduate Program Admissions Committee, 1998-2000 Member, Salamanca Study Abroad Program Committee, 1998-2001 Community Faculty Liaison, Herman Badillo and Frank Sedita Community School ServiceLearning Internship for UB Spanish Majors, 2000-2010 Playground Recess Supervisor, Maple West Elementary School, 2008-2012 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Comparative Literature Association Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cine Españoles Siglo XXI Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica Feministas Unidas Modern Language Association Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association Society for Cinema and Media Studies
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