Name Additional Speaker(s) Day Title Hour Type of Presentation Room Capacity Wednesday, November 4th Registration 16:00 - 19:00 Ground Floor Lobby 08:00 - 19:00 Ground Floor Lobby 09:30 - 10:20 Cozumel 4 200 11:00 - 12:00 Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Plenary Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Thursday, November 5th Registration Guadalupe Pineda Opening Ceremony Thursday, November 5th Welcome, newcomers! Thursday, November 5th Plenary Andy Curtis TESOL: Where we have been, where we are going Thursday, November 5th Book Exhibition 12:00 -13:00 13: 00 - 13:30 Keynote Addresses Higinio Ordoñez Liying Cheng Jose Luis Ramírez Romero Rob Batstone Teaching English to Young Learners: Classroom ideas and strategies Thursday, November 5th 13:30:00 - 14:20 Keynote Address Cancun 4 500 Teacher assessment literacy: What teachers need to know? Thursday, November 5th 13:30:00 - 14:20 Keynote Address Cancun 5 500 Past, present and… future? EFL in public elementary schools Thursday, November 5th 13:30:00 - 14:20 Keynote Address Cancun A 450 Calling time on CLT? The case for Learning Discourse Thursday, November 5th 13:30:00 - 14:20 Keynote Address Cozumel 4 200 Thursday, November 5th Teachership through leadership Koen van Landeghem 13:30:00 - 14:20 Keynote Address Cozumel 5 200 Workshops Deena Boraie Assessing and reflecting on your assessment literacy Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Gran Cancún 4 500 Brad Bawtinheimer The Walking Dead:The teenage apocalypse Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Gran Cancún 5 500 Virginia S. B. Calhoun A picture is worth a thousand words Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Gran Cancún A 450 Ma. Esther Mercado Guided discovery in teacher education courses Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 1 200 Luis Eduardo Machi Developing students’ efficient listening skills to trigger language learning Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 2 100 Assessing: Rubrics, the easy way Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 3 200 Luisa Zenteno Teresita de Jesús García B. Manuel Leos Leos I’m here!: Redefining teacher’s role in an over-bureaucratized era Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 4 200 Marybelle Marrero Colón Jose Medina Instructional principles in content areas: Improving language and literacy Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 5 200 Carmen Judith Villa Jaimes Speaking activities for large classes Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Isla Mujeres 180 Daniel Altamirano Why comic strips? Because simple is awesome! Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Tulúm 180 Empowering storytellers: Challenge your students to tell their story Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Xcaret 180 Lorena Galindo José Martín Martínez Erosa Activities to promote cooperative learning in the English classroom Thursday, November 5th 14:30:00-15:50 Workshop Cobá 220 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Special Session Gran Cancún 4 500 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Gran Cancún 5 500 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Special Session Gran Cancún A 450 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Cozumel 1 200 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Cozumel 2 100 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Cozumel 3 200 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Cozumel 4 200 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Pearson Cozumel 5 200 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Isla Mujeres 180 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Camla Tulúm 180 Exhibitor Sessions Guadalupe Pineda Jim Citron Welcome, newcomers! IAPE: Who we are. What's new. How to join Exhibitor Session Empreser Exhibitor Session Empreser Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session IIE Xcaret 180 Thursday, November 5th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Cobá 220 Papers / Demonstrations/ Research Reports / Show and Tell Sessions María del Carmen Contijoch Escontría MOOCs and their relevance in higher education Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:50 Paper Gran Cancún 4 500 God, guns and gays: Controversial culture in the classroom Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:50 Paper Gran Cancún 5 500 Julie Prugh Pushing through the speaking plateau Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:50 Demonstration Gran Cancún A 450 Monserrat Ortiz Fuentes Teaching English to visually-impaired students using Braille System Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:25 Demonstration Cozumel 1 200 Creating program evaluations for online EFL teacher training Thursday, November 5th 17:25-17:50 Paper Cozumel 2 100 Smartphones vs teachers? Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:50 Demonstration Cozumel 3 200 Self-Access Center materials: Making more out of less Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:50 Paper Cozumel 4 200 Autonomy Boot Camp Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:50 Demonstration Cozumel 5 200 Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:50 Demonstration Isla Mujeres 180 Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:25 Research Report Tulúm 180 Karen Beth Lusnia Stuart John Porter Ricardo Velasco Preciado Daniela Otero Guiyermo Rodríguez Beth Appling Blanca Jiménez Patrick Alexander Gaebler Mireya Berenice Yanez Diaz Germán Ríos Bojórquez Hugues Santa Cruz Using a web tool to enhance language Esther learning: Educaplay Gloria Denisse Martínez Moodle as a supporting VLE in EFL public university Gema Elisa Herrera Arellano Lizette Drusila Flores Delgado A multimodal exploration of classroom culture: A discourse analysis Ana Cecilia Villarreal Effects of mentoring in autonomy and Ballesteros identity of studentteachers Thursday, November 5th 17:25-17:50 Research Report Tulúm 180 Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:25 Research Report Xcaret 180 Christopher Hennessy Albert Latorella Lehner Cross-departmental PBL course collaboration at a Japanese university Thursday, November 5th 17:25-17:50 Research Report Xcaret 180 Sara Merino Munive Yonatan Puón Castro EFL teachers’ perceptions when using ICTs: Training program Thursday, November 5th 17:00-17:25 Research Report Cobá 220 Planning, implementing and evaluation in English for medical purposes Thursday, November 5th 17:25-17:50 Research Report Cobá 220 Book Exhibition 18:00 - 18:30 Thursday, November 5th 18:30-19:30 Plenary Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Thursday, November 5th 19:30 Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Laura Martínez Pedraza Plenary 50-Free: An equation for education Luke Meddings Raffle Friday, November 6th Papers / Demonstrations /Research Reports / Show and Tell Sessions Rochelle Keogh Leyah BergmanLanier Richard Seltzer Young Gee Documenting student achievement with formative and summative evaluation Friday, November 6th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Gran Cancún 5 500 Clearing up clusters of confusion Friday, November 6th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cozumel 1 200 Lucy Verenice Guerrero Luis Daniel González The 4Cs in an English class context León Espejel Patricia Harries Carol Lethaby Randall Davis Shelick G. Galván Francisco Javier Garrido Segura Alan Sánchez Vázquez Friday, November 6th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cozumel 2 100 Neuroscience, neuromyths, learning styles and teacher training Friday, November 6th 08:30-09:20 Paper Cozumel 3 200 Creating SMART listening activities that work Friday, November 6th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cozumel 4 200 The ELT textbook in the classroom: Views, challenges, actions Friday, November 6th 08:30-09:20 Paper Cozumel 5 200 Aprendizaje autodirigido y entonación: Implicaciones para el trabajo autónomo Friday, November 6th 08:30-08:55 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 Virginia Rosete Fabiola Pérez Digital apps’ use to encourage autonomy Friday, November 6th 08:55-09:20 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 Eva Estefania Trujeque Moreno Alma Selma Esparragoza Barragán Using NA to approach ESP at a Public IES Friday, November 6th 08:30-08:55 Research Report Tulúm 180 The use of memory strategies to improve vocabulary learning Friday, November 6th 08:55-09:20 Research Report Tulúm 180 Esmeralda Yépez Arellano Luis Alberto Rosique Martínez Jesús Izquierdo What do learners think about GoogleDrive for EFL writing? Friday, November 6th 08:30-08:55 Research Report Xcaret 180 Ana Marquez Marisol Guzman Cova Raising a novice teacher's awareness about body language. Friday, November 6th 08:55-09:20 Research Report Xcaret 180 Using comic strips and comics in the EFL classroom Friday, November 6th 08:30-08:55 Show and Tell Session Cobá 220 Improving vocabulary and classroom efficiency through 15-second videos Friday, November 6th 08:55-09:20 Show and Tell Session Cobá 220 Jorge Luis Beltrán Zúñiga Trisha Dowling Plenary Deena Boraie The changing landscape of English Language teaching and learning Friday, November 6th 9:30 - 10:30 Plenary Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 10:30-11:00 Book Exhibition Workshops Mario Herrera Creative strategies for today’s ELT breakthroughs! Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Gran Cancún 4 500 Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Panel discussion Gran Cancún 5 500 How to motivate teachers – and keep them motivated! Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Gran Cancún A 450 Miriam Alonso Teaching, sharing, and collaborating with Google drive Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Cozumel 1 200 Guadalupe Pineda Values, creativity and keeping tabs in the EFL classroom Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Cozumel 2 100 Facing up to frustration: Taking control of Friday, November 6th learning 11:00-12:20 Workshop Cozumel 3 200 Learning from our mistakes – effective error correction Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Cozumel 4 200 The go to strategies: Scaffolding options for EFL teachers Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Cozumel 5 200 Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez Bulnes, JoAnn Miller, Uli Schrader Jose Manuel Villafuerte Kathryn Laura Sagert Fiona Ross Laura Lukens Clare Roche Clare, Writing and publishing in academic Josefina Santana journals: Whys and hows Reflection in the language classroom: Observe, think, act!. Vicky Ariza Pinzón Raúl Cervantes Desouches Christoher Bauer Jimena Rodríguez López Arturo de la Vega Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Isla Mujeres 180 Integrating blind learners: A challenge for Friday, November 6th the future 11:00-12:20 Workshop Tulúm 180 Culture and the EFL classroom Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Xcaret 180 “NO GIRLS ALLOWED”: Approaches to teaching cultural awareness Friday, November 6th 11:00-12:20 Workshop Cobá 220 Gran Cancún 4 500 Gran Cancún 5 500 Gran Cancún A 450 Cozumel 1 200 Exhibitor Sessions Exhibitor Session Premium Ed. Exhibitor Session College Board Exhibitor Session Cambridge Exhibitor Session Cengage Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Trillas Cozumel 2 100 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Empreser Cozumel 3 200 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Cozumel 4 200 Exhibitor Session Empreser Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Empreser Cozumel 5 200 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Dayton Isla Mujeres 180 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Oxford Tulúm 180 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Pearson Xcaret 180 Friday, November 6th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Cengage Cobá 220 Papers / Demonstrations / Research Reports / Show and Tell Sessions Language Teacher Professional Development: The Past, Present and Future Friday, November 6th 13:30-14:20 Paper Gran Cancún 4 500 Breaking through the silence: Effective oral presentation instruction Friday, November 6th 13:30-14:20 Demonstration Gran Cancún 5 500 Assessment for learning in online teacher Friday, November 6th training 13:30-14:20 Demonstration Gran Cancún A 450 David Conolly Distance learning Friday, November 6th 13:30-14:20 Paper Cozumel 1 200 Aaron David Mermelstein Using enhanced ER to increase EFL/ESL learners’ writing abilities Friday, November 6th 13:30-14:20 Paper Cozumel 2 100 Designing and implementing action research in the EFL classroom Friday, November 6th 13:30-14:20 Demonstration Cozumel 3 200 Andy Curtis Kathryn Porter Barbara Kennedy Janine Sepulveda Char Heitman Ruth Ban Leonardo Arturo Rivas Rivas Alejandra Cervantes articularities of curriculum development Rojas in San Miguel de Allende Lysette Taplin Jesús Izquierdo María Guadalupe Garza Pulido Verónica López Friday, November 6th 13:30-14:20 Paper Cozumel 4 200 Using apps to engage students in projectFriday, November 6th based learning 13:30-14:20 Demonstration Cozumel 5 200 El classroom English del teacher: How often/ what for? Friday, November 6th 13:30-13:55 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 Pedagogical motivation towards English teaching Friday, November 6th 13:55-14:20 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 Teachers’ socialization and identity within the PNIEB program Friday, November 6th 13:30-13:55 Research Report Tulúm 180 M. Martha Lengeling Irasema Mora Pablo Luis Alberto Rosique Martínez Gisela Domínguez Barrera ICTs in EFL higher education: Teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions Friday, November 6th 13:55-14:20 Research Report Tulúm 180 Rosa Isela Sandoval Cruz Contrastive analysis of research article abstracts: Implications for EAP Friday, November 6th 13:30-13:55 Research Report Xcaret 180 Video games to learn English: Are you for real? Friday, November 6th 13:55-14:20 Research Report Xcaret 180 Chapter Treasurers Leticia Vela / Victor Hernandez Friday, November 6th 13:30-14:20 Special Session Cobá 220 Moisés Perales Escudero Jesús G. Flores Leticia Vela / Victor Hernandez Workshops and General Assembly Philip Haines What’s up with Whatsapp?: 50 ELT teaching ideas Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Gran Cancún 4 500 JoAnn Miller Putting meaning back into your classes Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Gran Cancún 5 500 Gabriela Ladrón de Guevara de León Fostering intercultural communication in the classroom: Some practical activities Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Gran Cancún A 450 Using TV and film to develop intercultural Friday, November 6th competence 14:30-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 1 200 Presenting at MEXTESOL Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 2 100 American English website: A tool for developing intercultural competence Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 3 200 Debora Karen Calvin Creating community: Social-emotional learning in the language classroom Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 4 200 Mayra Crosthwaytt Visual literacy as a means to integrate 21st century skills Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Cozumel 5 200 Friday, November 6th One Code to cover all, one Code to teach it all! 14:30-15:50 Workshop Isla Mujeres 180 Creating and using Wiki’s for language learning classrooms Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Tulúm 180 Why theatre works in the classroom Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Workshop Xcaret 180 Friday, November 6th 14:30-15:50 Cobá 220 Gran Cancún 4 500 Jenna Briggs-Fish Araceli Salas Daniel Castillo Noldi Vives Indira Marie Bakshi Kim Bradle Asamblea general de Asociados Evelyn Urbina Asamblea General de Asociados Exhibitor Sessions/ Special Session Claudia Arruñada Sala COMEXUS Fulbright Garcia Robles Grants for teachers Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Special Session Jane Mairs Asamblea general de Asociados Tools for teaching and learning vocabulary Asamblea General de Asociados Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Gran Cancún 5 500 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Gran Cancún A 450 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Cozumel 1 200 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Dayton Cozumel 2 100 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Merriam Webster Cozumel 3 200 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Cozumel 4 200 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Friday, November 6th 16:00-16:50 Keynote Addresses Exhibitor Session Empreser Exhibitor Session Empreser Exhibitor Session Helbling L. Exhibitor Session Cambridge Exhibitor Session Empreser Cozumel 5 200 Isla Mujeres 180 Tulúm 180 Xcaret 180 ASAMBLEA Cobá 220 Lessons from the other side of the teachers’ desk Frances Westbrook José Luis RamírezRomero, Irlanda Olave Moreno, Friday, November 6th Liliana Maria What is really happening with PNIEB?: Villalobos González Programs, curriculum & practices Mark Griffiths Héctor Manuel Tello Garciá Friday, November 6th Are you effective? Do you know what to test and why? Friday, November 6th Inglés es Posible: Propuesta de una agenda nacional Friday, November 6th Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez Bulnes Friday, November 6th Book Exhibition 17:00-17:50 17:00-17:50 17:00-17:50 17:00-17:50 17:00-17:50 Keynote Address Cancun 4 500 Keynote Address Cancun 5 500 Keynote Address Cancun A 450 Keynote Address Cozumel 4 200 Keynote Address Cozumel 5 200 Plenary Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Gran Cancún 4 500 18:00-18:30 Plenary Mark Algren Building Your Future by Building Your Profession Raffle Friday, November 6th 18:30-19:30 Friday, November 6th 19:30 Noche Maya 20:00 - 22:00 Social/Cultural Event Saturday, November 7th Papers / Demonstrations / Research Reports / Show and Tell Sessions María Teresa Gullotti Vázquez María Isolda Vermont Ricalde Professional practice: linking students with their labor market Saturday, November 7th 08:30-09:20 Paper Fun and free icebreakers Saturday, November 7th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Gran Cancún 5 500 Maggie Saba Gender difference in Saudi students’ perception of peers’ authority Saturday, November 7th 08:30-09:20 Paper Gran Cancún A 450 Dan Presson Using Mathematics and Science to teach English Saturday, November 7th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cozumel 1 200 Sergio Iván Durand Sepúlveda Discourse analysis at B1 level: Meaning rather than structures Saturday, November 7th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cozumel 2 100 Vincent Tran Barbara Kennedy Elsa Yolanda Cruz Maldonado Rocío Cancino Zamarrón A face-to-face program transformed into digital Saturday, November 7th 08:30-09:20 Paper Cozumel 3 200 Victoria Nier Rebecca Moyer Development of a proficiency test for English teachers Saturday, November 7th 08:30-08:55 Research Report Cozumel 4 200 Laura Daniela Sánchez Hurtado Jesús Izquierdo Using Whatsapp in the classroom: Exploring EFL learning opportunities Saturday, November 7th 08:55-09:20 Research Report Cozumel 4 200 Lilia González Gómez Gabriel León Fontes 14 years of training needs. A decade of changes? Saturday, November 7th 08:30-08:55 Research Report Cozumel 5 200 Gabriela CastañedaJiménez Laura Diaco Pre-service teachers’ perspectives of online teacher training courses Saturday, November 7th 08:55-09:20 Research Report Cozumel 5 200 Karen Densky Yazmin Ramirez How dramatic! Role playing and simulating in teacher education Saturday, November 7th 08:30-08:55 Show and Tell Isla Mujeres 180 Recurring errors in SLA: A sign of fossilization? Saturday, November 7th 08:55-09:20 Show and Tell Isla Mujeres 180 Maximizing internet-based materials in the teaching of writing Saturday, November 7th 08:30-08:55 Show and Tell Tulúm 180 Nayeli González Garza Eliphelet Rivera Cuayahuitl Rebeca Tapia Carlin Vania Ledesma Espino Bryan Woerner Loren Christophe Zabcik Jonathan Murray Read-art: This is how I picture it Saturday, November 7th 08:55-09:20 Show and Tell Tulúm 180 Teaching small talk: Not a small topic Saturday, November 7th 08:30-08:55 Show and Tell Xcaret 180 Classroom reading activities for bringing storybooks to life Saturday, November 7th 08:55-09:20 Show and Tell Xcaret 180 Passing the plateau: 5 tips for ESL's success Saturday, November 7th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cobá 220 09:30-10:30 Plenary Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Plenary Mira Malupa-Kim It's your CALL: Technology's place in language teaching practices Saturday, November 7th Book Exhibition and Poster Sessions begin Poster Sessions Continue 11:00 - 11:30 Ground floor Lobby Poster Sessions ESP for musicians: Needs analysis at BUAP´s Music School Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Genre-based writing instruction for the real world Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Mayra Rojano Ballesteros Using ecological projects to teach English to preschool children Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Héctor Castro Mosqueda Teacher training and teacher development Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Ana Irais Cuapa Flores Laura Mendoza Elizabeth Ann Arias Connecting practice in a digital age Marlene Proskawer Inclusión de EAP en posgrados en ciencias naturales Espinosa Luis Enrique García Castillo Laura Sofía Arvizu Elías Corina Anel May Salazar Maren Mitchell Emotions within language learning on children Lend me your little ears Alejandro Echeverría Ramírez Managing change: A template for hybrid graduate writing courses Juana María Martínez Liliana del Rosario Electronic English material for basic English Cárdenas Ramírez Salaya Evelyn Peña Escárcega Intelligent Adaptive Learning technology in the classroom Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Saturday, November 7th 10:30-11:30 Poster Session Ground floor Lobby Keynote Addresses ELT breakthroughs and their consequent new roles for teachers Saturday, November 7th 11:30-12:20 Keynote Address Cancun 4 500 Innovation starts with ‘I’ Saturday, November 7th 11:30-12:20 Keynote Address Cancun 5 500 Luke Meddings Learning Space: Creative ideas for selfstudy Saturday, November 7th 11:30-12:20 Keynote Address Cancun A 450 Debbie West Using storytelling to enhance speaking skills Saturday, November 7th 11:30-12:20 Keynote Address Cozumel 4 200 Mario Herrera David Gray Hilda Hidalgo Avilés, Ma. Del Carmen Enriqueta Marquez, Elizabeth Castro Juárez Working conditions, beliefs and teaching materials of PNIEB teachers 11:30-12:20 Keynote Address Cozumel 5 200 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Gran Cancún 4 500 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Gran Cancún 5 500 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Gran Cancún A 450 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Cozumel 1 200 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Cozumel 2 100 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Saturday, November 7th Saturday, November 7th Saturday, November 7th Exhibitor Sessions Exhibitor Session Cambridge Exhibitor Session Cengage Exhibitor Session Helbling L. Exhibitor Session Empreser Exhibitor Session Empreser Exhibitor Session Empreser Cozumel 3 200 Cozumel 4 200 Cozumel 5 200 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Dayton Isla Mujeres 180 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Oxford Tulúm 180 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Dayton Xcaret 180 Saturday, November 7th 12:30-13:20 Exhibitor Session Cengage Cobá 220 Workshops Evelyn Urbina Freddy Vanegas Ángel de Jesús Aguilar Ayala Gerardo García López Jennifer Cucurachi Moctezuma Marisela Coto Pichal Rosalía Valero Building effective didactic units for EFL classes Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Gran Cancún 4 500 Video: Multipurpose resource for social practices of the language Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Gran Cancún 5 500 Writing is fun! : The micrologue technique from Rassias® Method Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Gran Cancún A 450 Fruits and vegetables for your teaching Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Cozumel 1 200 Engaging multicultural literature in today’s world EFL classroom Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Cozumel 2 100 Ariana P. Quijada Lavander Gloria Carolina Pallanez Ma. Magdalena Bermejo del Villar Angélica Patricia Córdoba Meza Experiencing the online environment: three different points of view. Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Cozumel 3 200 Chaz William Brown Edgar Justo Ríos Ramos “Glocalizing” your classroom: Local and global resources Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Cozumel 4 200 Pearson Educación de México Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Cozumel 5 200 Mexico’s indigenous languages: What EFL teachers need to know Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Isla Mujeres 180 Martha Rocío Guevara Vázquez Melissa Sue Ferrin Jorge Torres Almazán Blanca Rey Oñat Maribel Agüelles Prof. Raúl Villafán Macías, Dra. M. Beatriz Rejón, Claudia Isela Arias Gutiérrez Quezada Error correction and feedback Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Tulúm 180 Simple techniques for improving learners scores on the TOEFL Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 Workshop Xcaret 180 States’ Perspectives on teaching and Learning English Saturday, November 7th 13:30-14:50 panel discussion Cobá 220 Papers / Demonstrations / Research Reports / Show and Tell A world of lesson plans and teaching materials Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:50 Demonstration Gran Cancún 4 500 Teaching idioms through films and books Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:50 Demonstration Gran Cancún 5 500 Gloria Angélica Ortiz Established grading criteria: A solution to Barroso avoid subjectivity Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:50 Demonstration Gran Cancún A 450 The perks of being a 21st century teacher Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:50 Demonstration Cozumel 1 200 Reality TV: Making it real in the classroom Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:50 Demonstration Cozumel 2 100 English in my pizza Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:50 Paper Cozumel 3 200 Teaching English to adults: A standard for program development Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:50 Paper Cozumel 4 200 Extensive listening through short stories into struggling students. Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:25 Research Report Cozumel 5 200 Mark Algren Juan Antonio Serna Brenda Mónica Rosas Salas Rachel Hayward Claudia Pacheco Palomino Jenee Cazares Zara Pastos Rafael Díazgonzález Veronica Benigno John De Jong Aidee Bravo Olivares López Rodríguez Martha Cecilia Gareth Luke Scyner Deida Perea Irigoyen Sussan Róo y Sánchez Can we raise children bilingually at home? Saturday, November 7th 15:25-15:50 Research Report Cozumel 5 200 Is communicative competence achievable with today’s ELT trends? Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:25 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 Saturday, November 7th 15:25-15:50 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 English as an international language: Dealing with negotiating ‘culture’ in the ELT classroom Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:25 Research Report Tulúm 180 Strategies used by English teacher in deaf special school Saturday, November 7th 15:25-15:50 Research Report Tulúm 180 Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:25 Research Report Xcaret 180 Saturday, November 7th 15:25-15:50 Research Report Xcaret 180 Analyzing teacher talk quality in grammar explanations Saturday, November 7th 15:00-15:25 Research Report Cobá 220 Using recycled material to teach math and language Saturday, November 7th 15:25-15:50 Show and Tell Cobá 220 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Special Session Gran Cancún 4 500 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Gran Cancún 5 500 Jesús Arturo Marmolejo Pronunciation of regular verbs in past; Rosa Elva Luna López López easier and funnier Ireri Armenta I Gusti Ayu Diah Pusparini Carlota Alcántar Díaz Wendy Moya Jiménez Mira Malupa-Kim Mayra Rojano Ballesteros Silvia Elizabeth Analysis of PNIEB cycle 1 program Moreno Villalbazo implementation Juan Antonio Torres Student-Teachers and the application of González theory into practice Exhibitor Sessions and Special Sessions Ana Maria Astiazaran How to form a New MEXTESOL Chapter Ulrich Schrader, Peter Sokolowski Pia Maria White MEXTESOL National Spelling Bee 2016 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Special Session Gran Cancún A 450 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Cozumel 1 200 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Scholastic Cozumel 2 100 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Cozumel 3 200 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Cozumel 4 200 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Cozumel 5 200 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Isla Mujeres 180 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Exhibitor Session Tulúm 180 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Xcaret 180 Saturday, November 7th 16:00-16:50 Cobá 220 Gran Cancún 4 500 Exhibitor Session Empreser Exhibitor Session Empreser Exhibitor Session Cambridge Exhibitor Session Empreser Workshops /Special Session/ Panel Discussion Heather Godfrey Gaddi The basics of flipping the EFL classroom Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Cynthia Myers Carolyn Maden Vocabulary development: Meeting the challenges Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Gran Cancún 5 500 Rochelle Keogh Leyah BergmanLanier Service learning: The good, better, best model Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Gran Cancún A 450 Love of language: Empowering early childhood English learners Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Cozumel 1 200 Eve Conway Phonics: Equipping young learners with literacy skills for tomorrow Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Cozumel 2 100 Marge Tye Zba Creating engaging and celebratory classrooms for English language learners Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Cozumel 3 200 Koen Van Landeghem Mima and drama in the English classroom Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Cozumel 4 200 The importance of reading/writing instruction for young learners Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Cozumel 5 200 Creative writing for the whole world: ELT digital tools Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Isla Mujeres 180 Rediscovering Big Books in the Digital Era Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Workshop Tulúm 180 Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Panel Discussion Xcaret 180 Saturday, November 7th 17:00-18:20 Special Session Cobá 220 Vincent Ventura Kathleen Hayes Lysette Taplin Magali Trapero Turrent Silvia Pérez Mota Lawrence, Kirsten Frances Westbrook West Richard, Juan Practical pronunciation: Digital tools for Molina non-native English instructors Jose Manuel Villafuerte US Embassy professional development opportunities for English teachers Book Exhibition 18:30-19:00 Plenary ICT in language learning: Innovative practices to improve Jermaine S. McDougald Raffle Saturday, November 7th 19:00-20:00 Saturday, November 7th 20:00 Plenary Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 Sunday, November 8th Papers / Demonstrations / Research Reports / Show and Tell Teaching spelling, learning vocabulary: Spelling bees in the classroom Peter Sokolowski Mónica Castillo Salvador Barrientos Sunday, November 8th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Gran Cancún 4 500 Developing TOEIC strategies through 21st Sunday, November 8th century skills. 08:30-09:20 Paper Gran Cancún 5 500 María Teresa Gullotti Developing professional skills through Vázquez academic conversations in ELT students Sunday, November 8th 08:30-09:20 Paper Gran Cancún A 450 Bogar Vallejo Martínez Conversational Shadowing as a strategy to improve oral production. Sunday, November 8th 08:30-09:20 Paper Cozumel 1 200 Alicia Ambler Discovering Active Listening through Questioning Modeled by Science Friday Sunday, November 8th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cozumel 2 100 Developing intercultural competence Sunday, November 8th through a language and culture program. 08:30-09:20 Paper Cozumel 3 200 Cognitive flexibility theory: The “El Dorado” of language teaching? Sunday, November 8th 08:30-09:20 Demonstration Cozumel 4 200 Connections in the brain: The importance of prior knowledge Sunday, November 8th 08:30-09:20 Paper Cozumel 5 200 Myrna E. Balderas Garza Yazmin Ramirez Mark Charles Koeng Carol Lethaby Culture in EFL writing: Students’ composition practices in Mexico Sunday, November 8th 08:30-08:55 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 Effect of cross-linguistic dual-coding on L2 idiom acquisition Sunday, November 8th 08:55-09:20 Research Report Isla Mujeres 180 University students‘ use of electronic dictionaries in Hidalgo, Mexico Sunday, November 8th 08:30-08:55 Research Report Tulúm 180 Educating teachers: Implications of a national policy shift Sunday, November 8th 08:55-09:20 Research Report Tulúm 180 Maria Guadalupe Talavera Curiel Empower your English learners to correct Sunday, November 8th their writing independently 08:30-08:55 Show and Tell Xcaret 180 Teressa Fedorak Building the bridge from student teacher Sunday, November 8th to novice teacher 08:55-09:20 Show and Tell Xcaret 180 Authentic listening: Resources and activities for listening logs Sunday, November 8th 08:30-08:55 Show and Tell Cobá 220 Travelling online to learn a foreign language and culture! Sunday, November 8th 08:55-09:20 Show and Tell Cobá 220 Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Paper Gran Cancún 4 500 Daniela Silva M Sidury Christiansen Zorana Vasiljevic Rosario de los Milagros Patricia Vence Ruiz Ortega González Revathi Srinivas Meaghan Harding Sara Daniels Martha del Angel Papers / Demonstrations / Research Reports Reyes L. Quezada Action research: Graduate TESOL program voices and stories Erin Kuester Ashley Jennings Literature circles: Autonomy in the university ESL classroom Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Demonstration Gran Cancún 5 500 Patricia Margarita Salazar García Fabiola Tathiana Quezada Salazar Innovative activities using Information and Communication Technology Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Paper Gran Cancún A 450 Analí Gallardo Arreola Rebeca Elena Tapia Carlin Gloria Esthela Montiel Serna Helen Huntley Identifying strategies to address the needs of heterogeneous groups Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Paper Cozumel 1 200 Six strategies to maximize student engagement. Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Demonstration Cozumel 2 100 Engaging minds: Teaching students to think critically Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Demonstration Cozumel 3 200 Ronald Fuentes Tammy R. Jones Improving assessment tools with document design Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Demonstration Cozumel 4 200 Daniel Lieberson Bryan Woerner Applying test data and results to inform classroom instruction Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Demonstration Cozumel 5 200 Integrating minority-specific history and culture within IEP curriculum Sunday, November 8th 09:30-10:20 Demonstration Isla Mujeres 180 Use of collocations in texts by EFL students Sunday, November 8th 09:30-09:55 Research Report Tulúm 180 Mexican Americans arrive to Mexican schools: Sunday, November 8th Their language differences 09:55-10:20 Research Report Tulúm 180 Implementing blended learning through a Sunday, November 8th wiki in EFL 09:30-09:55 Research Report Xcaret 180 Are students digital?: University of Sonora case study. Sunday, November 8th 09:55-10:20 Research Report Xcaret 180 Amelia Hernández Supporting university ELT students Grande through an institutional platform Sunday, November 8th 09:30-09:55 Research Report Cobá 220 Sunday, November 8th 09:55-10:20 Research Report Cobá 220 Stacy Suhadolc Rebeca Hernández Carrasco Mirna Mejia Romero Georgina Aguilar González Paulina Macías Acosta Esther Hugues Santa Cruz Laura Lima Xalteno Miguel Angel Allen Herbert Vargas Mireya Berenice Yanez Diaz Linda Denisse Márquez Improving listening and speaking activities by promoting inclusion Papers / Demonstrations / Research Reports / Show and Tell What do we really mean by ‘21st Century Sunday, November 8th Learning’? 10:30-11:20 Paper Gran Cancún 4 500 Implementing the English Program in Yucatan: A closer look Sunday, November 8th 10:30-11:20 Paper Gran Cancún 5 500 Putting community-based language partnerships in action Sunday, November 8th 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Gran Cancún A 450 Eduardo Cortés Sánchez Building partnerships with Young Learners’ parents Sunday, November 8th 10:30-11:20 Paper Cozumel 1 200 Raquel G. García Jurado Velarde Instructional scaffolding strategies to enhance learning along the lesson Sunday, November 8th 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Cozumel 2 100 Alejandrina Vargas Ortiz Differentiated instruction. How to get started Sunday, November 8th 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Cozumel 3 200 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Cozumel 4 200 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Cozumel 5 200 Carolyn Barraclough Corina Anel May Salazar Lety Banks Blanca Adán Sobrado Mary Curran Ensuring successful group work: Strategies, application, accountability and Sunday, November 8th feedback Beyond traditional fluency: Helping Sunday, November 8th students communicate openness to diversity Janine Sepúlveda Julie George Maria Nelly Gutierrez Arvizu Using narratives to improve speaking in EFL elementary classes Sunday, November 8th 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Isla Mujeres 180 Jennifer Baillargeon Face-to-face: Academic conversations in the digital era Sunday, November 8th 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Tulúm 180 Do’s and don’ts when flipping EFL classes: Sunday, November 8th Technology-Didactics 10:30-11:20 Demonstration Xcaret 180 Martha Catalina del Angel Castillo Leonor Rosales Arellano Mercedes Trinidad Lerma Ramos Corina Anel May Salazar Collaboration: A technique for speaking and getting everyone involved Sunday, November 8th 10:30-10:55 Show and Tell Cobá 220 Reading-writing legends in three languages to improve reading comprehension Sunday, November 8th 10:55-11:20 Research Report Cobá 220 Plenary Gran Cancún 4,5 and A 1500 11:20-11:50 Book Exhibition Plenary Andres Ruzo Leadership and Innovation in Education Sunday, November 8th and Research 12:00 - 13:00 Closing Ceremony 13:00-13:30 Sunday, November 8th Gran Cancún 4,5 and A
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