SIMULADOR DE ALCOHOL EN ALIENTO ALCOSIMTM es el método fácil y preciso para calibrar o verificar y calibrar los etilómetros. ALCOSIM conserva en forma constante un Material de Referencia Certificado (MRC) y genera una muestra de aire y alcohol con una concentración precisa. Simulador de alcohol en aliento Cómo funciona El MRC, una concentración de Construcción de calidad Material de referencia certificado (MRC) El material de referencia Fácil de usar Especificaciones Tamaño: 227mm x 130mm Peso: 560 gramos Precisión de lectura: +/- 0.05°C Tiempo de recuperación desde la prueba: < 5 segundos Tiempo de calentamiento a partir del inicio en frío: < 10 minutos Nivel de líquido: 500 ml Tubo de entrada: 6.35mm (1/4”) Paquete completo: 6.35mm (1/4”) ALCOSIM™, fuente de alimentación, cable de alimentación, tubos y boquillas Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp 60 International Boulevard Toronto, Ontario M9W 6J2 CANADÁ T +1 416 619 3500 F +1 416 619 3501 [email protected] acs 20120119 Tubo de salida: ALERT J5 TM MEDIDOR PROFESIONAL DE ALCOHOL EN EL ALIENTO CON IMPRESORA Basándose en el éxito de uno de nuestros modelos más populares, el mejorado ALERT J5 incluye características adicionales tales como muestreo activo / pasivo, una capacidad más grande de almacenamiento de registros y una impresora con conexión Bluetooth. ALERT J5 Medidor Profesional de Alcohol en el Aliento con Impresora Menú conveniente Pantalla multi-idioma Garantía limitada El ALERT J5 fácilmente le permite capturar fácilmente muestras de aliento, imprimir resultados de pruebas con la función de impresión opcional y recuperar las pruebas anteriores en cuestión de segundos. Los usuarios pueden cambiar fácilmente de idiomas sin tener que actualizar software. Todos los medidores de alcohol ALERT J5 están disponibles con varias opciones de idioma.** Los medidores de alcohol en el aliento ACS están garantizados contra defectos de materiales y de fabricación durante un año a partir de la fecha de compra. Solamente mantenimiento de cualquier medidor de alcohol en el aliento. Muestreo activo y pasivo Nuestros clientes lo pidieron y hemos respondido: el ALERT J5 ahora ofrece capacidades de pruebas pasivas y activas. Ya sea un simple Paso / Advertencia / Fallo o si se requiere un valor numérico preciso, el ALERT J5 satisface la demanda.* Tamaño: 130mm x 59mm x 32mm Peso: 110 gramos Sensor: Célula de combustible Sólo alcohol, sin respuesta a cetonas o hidrocarburo Precisión evidencial Temperatura de funcionamiento: El ALERT J5 utiliza una célula de combustible para detectar alcohol en el aliento, la cual es estándar en alcoholímetros policiales. La estabilidad a largo plazo del sensor le permite contar con resultados precisos año tras año. Ciclo de purga (prueba inicial): < 30 segundos Muestra de aliento: 5 segundos de soplo moderado y continuo Tiempo de análisis: < 10 segundos Tiempo de recuperación: 10 segundos Formato de lectura de BAC: Impresión de resultado de prueba Rango de medida: 0.00 a 0.650 g/dL Precisión: ± 5% @ 0.10 g/dL *Cuando se requiere evidencia de muestra de aliento, el ALERT J5 ofrece capacidades de impresión Bluetooth y USB con la impresora térmica proporcionada. Recupere cualquiera de las miles de pruebas almacenadas para imprimir. Pantalla: ** Aplican cantidades mínimas de pedido. Si Batería: 2 x AA Número de pruebas: > 1,000 pruebas Boquilla: 95-000145 Paquete completo: ALERT J5, baterías y 5 boquillas Impresora: Matriz de punto térmico Calibración: ALCOSIM™ o equivalente ACS, ALCOHOL COUNTERMEASURE SYSTEMS, ALCOLOCK, ALCOSIM, ALERT y “The Molly” son marcas registradas de Alcohol Countermeasure Systems (International) Inc. y utilizadas bajo licencia. Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp 60 International Boulevard Toronto, Ontario M9W6J2 CANADA T +1 416 619 3500 F +1 416 619 3501 20131216 * Todos los dispositivos de prueba de alcohol en el aliento requieren mantenimiento y calibración periódicos para asegurar buenas condiciones de funcionamiento. Memoria de últimas pruebas: DRIVESAFE BREATH ALCOHOL TESTER DRIVESAFE breath alcohol testers provide accurate results in seconds using our newest electrochemical sensor. DRIVESAFE devices have been trusted by transportation safety professionals for more than 25 years. TM DRIVESAFE Breath Alcohol Tester Proven service Credible performance Ready for use DRIVESAFE breath alcohol testers have been trusted by professionals to test for safety in the workplace for over 25 years. With its ease of use and reliable performance, DRIVESAFE testers provide a single point of reference for unbiased evaluations of breath alcohol concentration. DRIVESAFE testers use advanced electrochemical sensors that are specific for alcohol and are the standard for law enforcement portable breath testers. The longterm stability of the sensor provides accurate results over years of use. Calibration is maintained with ACS breath alcohol simulators and alcohol reference solution. Each DRIVESAFE tester comes fully equipped with 2 AA alkaline batteries, operating instructions, protective carry case and five mouthpieces. Ease of use Icons on the LCD screen guide the operator confidently through the test sequence and indicate the occurrence of any errors or missteps. All functions are controlled with a single button. Limited warranty ACS breath alcohol testers are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and material for one year from the date of purchase. Only qualified technicians should perform the maintenance of any breath alcohol tester. Specifications Simple process DRIVESAFE testers automatically indicate when to take the test. Simply insert a fresh mouthpiece into the device and provide a breath sample. A tone sounds to indicate proper breath flow, and a beep sounds after 5 seconds of continuous flow to indicate a proper sample was received. The result of the analysis appears in a few seconds. Clear results Breath alcohol test measurements are shown on a 3-digit LCD screen, along with a graphical intensity meter and a tri-colour backlight for clarity. 137 mm x 59 mm x 26 mm Weight: 155 grams Sensor: Electrochemical (fuel cell) Specificity: Alcohol only, no response to ketones or hydrocarbon Temperature range: 0 to 50 °C Initial test: < 10 seconds Breath sample: 5 second moderate and continuous breath sample Analysis time: < 10 seconds Recycle time: 25 seconds Readout format: BAC (g/dL, g/L); BrAC (mg/L, μg/L, μg/dL) Range of measurement: 0.00 to 0.75 mg/L (150 mg/dL, 0.15 g/dL) Accuracy: ± 5% @ 0.50 mg/L (100 mg/dL, 0.10 g/L) Display: 3 digit LCD with graph and tri-colour backlight Battery: 2 AA batteries Battery life: 1000 tests Mouthpiece: Disposable (95-000250) Calibration: ALCOSIM™ or equivalent 20120625 Size: ACS, ALCOHOL COUNTERMEASURE SYSTEMS, ALCOLOCK, ALCOSIM, DRIVESAFE and the “Molly” are trademarks of Alcohol Countermeasure Systems (International) Inc. and are used under license. Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp 60 International Boulevard Toronto, Ontario M9W6J2 CANADA T +1 416 619 3500 F +1 416 619 3501 Storage and Use Other DrugWipe® Products If using the test in the rain or snow, ensure that DrugWipe® 5 S is protected from moisture. Dispose of used and expired tests with other non-recyclable waste. Please comply with your local regulations for waste disposal. Saliva Incorrect storage conditions, such as high temperatures or frost, will damage the test. Avoid temperatures above 40 °C, as these may damage the test. Sweat 5 - 40 °C Use DrugWipe® within this temperature range. 5 - 25 °C Only store DrugWipe® within this temperature range. Surfaces At temperatures below +5 °C, warm up the test prior to opening, e.g. with your hands. Quality Control For the detection of cannabis, opiates, cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamines/ecstasy, methadone, ketamine and benzodiazepines. DrugWipe® 5 S has an integrated control line (CL). The control line indicates that the test is fully functional and that the screening test has been performed correctly. Please observe any additional quality control regulations that apply in your institution or establishment. · Cross Reactions · · [email protected] We have analysed the substances that cross-react with DrugWipe® 5 S in our laboratory. We can provide you with information about possible cross reactions on request. For more information for registered users, see: DrugWipe® 5 S Instructions for Use Saliva test for the detection of Cannabis Opiates Cocaine Amphetamines/methamphetamines Securetec Detektions-Systeme AG · Lilienthalstraße 7 · 85579 Neubiberg · Germany T +49 89 203080-1651 · F +49 89 203080-1652 [email protected] · © 2013 Securetec Detektions-Systeme AG · 70074-v05-EN-130322 we detect to protect Do not freeze DrugWipe®. Temperatures below 0 °C, even for short periods during transport, may cause the glass ampoule to break. Surfaces, sweat, saliva Applications Performing the Test $RUG7IPE®3ISINTENDEDTOBEUSEDFORDRUGSCREENING BYTRAINEDPROFESSIONALSPOLICEOFlCERSCUSTOMSOFlCIALS QUALIlEDMEDICALPERSONNELETC4HETESTDETECTSTHE RELEVANTSUBSTANCESINSALIVAINDICATINGTHATTHETESTSUBJECT HASRECENTLYCONSUMEDORHANDLEDCONTROLLEDSUBSTANCES FORENSICAPPLICATION 3AMPLINGPADS $RUG7IPE®3ISANIMMUNOLOGICALQUICKSCREENINGTEST 4HESAMPLECOLLECTORTRANSFERSTHESAMPLETOTHETESTSTRIPS WHICHCONTAINDRUGSPECIFICANTIBODIES)FTHESAMPLECONTAINS DRUGSTHEYWILLBINDTOTHEANTIBODIES Test Evaluation )NTHECASEOFSTRONGLYPOSITIVESAMPLESARESULTMAYBE VISIBLEAFTERJUSTMINUTES 4HETESTRESULTCANBEREADAFTERMINUTES 4HERESULTREMAINSVALIDFORUPTOMINUTESAFTERTHE ENDOFTHETEST $RUG7IPE®3ISFORSINGLEUSEONLY4HETESTDETECTS CANNABISOPIATESCOCAINEANDAMPHETAMINESMETHAMPHE TAMINESINCLUDING-$-!ECSTASY4HEMEASUREMENT PROCEDUREDELIVERSAPRELIMINARYRESULTSCREENINGPROCEDURE 6ERIlCATIONOFTHERESULTSISREQUIREDINPARTICULARIFTHESE AREPOSITIVE'ASCHROMATOGRAPHYCOMBINEDWITHMASS SPECTROMETRY'#-3ISTHEPREFERREDMETHODWITHABROAD SUBSTANCESPECTRUM Principle Behind the Test 3AMPLECOLLECTOR #OVER !MPOULE 2EADOUTWINDOW 4ESTCASSETTE 3LIDETHECOVERINTHEDIRECTION OFTHEARROWUNTILYOUCANREAD ALLOFTHEWORD02%33 3AMPLINGPADS WITHVOLUMEINDICATOR 4HETESTSTARTSASSOONASYOUBREAKTHEINTEGRATEDGLASSAND RELEASETHELIQUID4HELIQUIDHELPSTHEDRUGSTHATAREBOUND TOTHEANTIBODIESTOMIGRATETOTHETESTLINE4HEREDTESTLINE ISEVALUATEDVISUALLY Package Contents Click Click $RUG7IPE®3SALIVATEST 2EMOVETHEBLUESAMPLE COLLECTORFROMTHEWHITETEST CASSETTEDo not touch the sampling pads !SKTHETESTSUBJECTTOCIRCLETHE INSIDEOFTHEIRMOUTHWITHTHEIR TONGUETIMES4HENUSETHE SAMPLECOLLECTORTOWIPETHE SALIVAFROMTHETONGUEORTHE INSIDEOFTHECHEEK )FTHECOLOUROFTHESAMPLING PADSCHANGESFROMREDTO YELLOWTHISINDICATESTHATA SAMPLEHASBEENSUCCESSFULLY COLLECTED 0LACETHESAMPLECOLLECTORBACK ONTHETESTCASSETTEThe sample collector must slot into place with an audible double click. Read Before Performing the Test $ISCARDTHETESTIFTHEEXPIRATIONDATEHASBEENEXCEEDED $ISCARDTHETESTIFTHEPACKAGINGISDAMAGEDORCONTAINS ANYMOISTUREORIFACONTROLLINEALREADYAPPEARSRED $ONOTOPENTHEPACKAGINGUNTILSHORTLYBEFOREYOUINTEND TOUSETHETEST PRESS 7ERECOMMENDTHATYOUWEARDISPOSABLEGLOVESTOAVOID CONTACTWITHSALIVA (OLDTHETESTCASSETTEVERTICALLY WITHTHEAMPOULEATTHEBOTTOM 5SINGYOURTHUMBPRESSHARD ONTHEWORD02%33UNTILTHE AMPOULEBREAKS#ONTINUETO hold the test cassette for a further 10 seconds as shown. 0RESS ,EAVETHETESTUNDISTURBEDON ALEVELSURFACE !FTERMINUTESREADTHETEST RESULT 4HETESTRESULTISTOBEINTERPRETEDASPOSITIVEEVENIF THETESTLINESONLYUNDERGOASLIGHTORINCOMPLETECOLOUR CHANGE %NSURETHATYOUHAVESUFlCIENTLIGHTINGWHENEVALUATING TESTRESULTSEGBYUSINGATORCHIFNECESSARY 4HEREADOUTWINDOWSHOWSORDRUGGROUPSANDA CONTROLLINEFOREACHTESTSTRIP4HEFOLLOWINGABBREVIATIONS AREUSED #! !- -%4 #/ /0 #, CANNABIS4(#MARIJUANAHASHISH AMPHETAMINES METHAMPHETAMINES-$-!ECSTASY COCAINECRACK OPIATESHEROINMORPHINE CONTROLLINE CL CL CL CA AM/ MET CO OP CL CL CL CA AM/ MET CO OP CL CL CL CA AM/ MET CO OP Negative result = no drugs consumed !LLCONTROLLINESMUSTTURNREDINORDERFOR THETESTTOBEVALID4HETESTISNEGATIVEFOR THEDRUGSFORWHICHTHETESTLINEDOESNOT TURNRED Positive result = drugs consumed !LLCONTROLLINESMUSTTURNREDINORDERFOR THETESTTOBEVALID4HETESTISPOSITIVEFOR THEDRUGSFORWHICHTHETESTLINETURNSRED Invalid result 4HETESTISINVALIDIFONEORMORECONTROLLINES DONOTTURNRED 2EPEATTHEANALYSISWITHANEW $RUG7IPE®3TEST SAF’IR EVOLUTION Evidential Analyser The SAF’IR EVOLUTION is the first infrared alcohol tester small enough to carry in one hand. It features evidential accuracy OIML R 126 certification, making it ideal for law enforcement applications. SAF’IR EVOLUTION Evidential Analyser Mobility ACS and the Environment Warranty Ergonomic design, optimized for portable, handheld use: •All of the capabilities of an evidential analyser, combined with an autonomous, slim device •Optimized start-up time: device ready in less than one minute • Simple, intuitive user interface and navigation • Healthy battery life that can be easily extended (via vehicle cigarette lighter adapter) • Bluetooth printing and GPS capabilities • Accessories included in a compact, shockproof case Environmentally friendly engineering: • 95% recyclable materials and reduced packaging • Biodegradable mouthpiece • RoHS and REACH environmental standard compliant • Eco-friendly manufacturing requires less energy to manufacture ACS breath alcohol testers are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for one year after the date of purchase. To avoid warranty complications, it is recommended that only qualified Technicians perform maintenance of any breath alcohol tester. Reliability This unique breath alcohol tester utilizes infared technology, ideal for: • Spectral selectivity (perfect for the removal of physiologic interferences) • Cell stability and self-adjustment of the measuring system, eliminating any ‘drifting’ effect • Cycle time independent from the measured alcohol concentration •Instant response time and immediate result display • Continual analysis throughout the blow intake process for maximum accuracy Specifications Size and Weight: 85mm x 255mm x 46mm – 600g Measuring Principle: Infrared spectrometry ethanol molecule-selective 9.46 µm-wavelength Measuring Cycle: Automatic with monitoring and diagnosis of good operation Measurement Unit: mg/L of alcohol in exhaled air, µg/L air, g/L blood BAC, %BAC Measuring Range: 0 to 2,00 mg/L (0 to 450 BAC) Measurement Display: Function of unit chosen, accuracy maximum 1 µg/L Measuring Frequency: Ready to blow in less than 30 seconds Calibration: Dry gas / wet gas Operating Temperature: -5°C to +40°C Data Transfer: PC via USB port and ACS software Memory: Over 3,200 time-stamped events with Bluetooth printing Display: Graphic LCD Power Supply: Built-in rechargeable NiMH battery Features: Bluetooth printing and GPS applications Battery Life: Over 20 hours Certification: OIML R 126 1998 - edition international recommendation Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp 60 International Boulevard Toronto, Ontario M9W 6J2 CANADA T 416 619 3500 F 416 619 3501 20110131 ALCOLOCK V3 TM Alcohol Interlock Technology ALCOLOCK V3 alcohol interlocks are designed specifically for commercial environments, featuring proven durability and tailored testing features. The device inhibits vehicle operation if the driver has been drinking. ALCOLOCK V3 Alcohol Interlock Technology Quality engineering Emergency override Limited warranty Work environments are demanding. ALCOLOCK V3 alcohol interlocks are engineered to withstand the vibration, dirt, dust, humidity and extreme temperatures typically found in commercial applications. They can be installed in any motorized equipment, including trucks, ships, trains and heavy machinery. ALCOLOCK V3 devices include an electronic override for emergency situations. Its use may be monitored using the system software, ensuring the ALCOLOCK V3 is being allowed to perform its primary function. ACS alcohol interlocks are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and material for one year from the date of purchase. Only qualified technicians should perform maintenance on any alcohol interlock. Specifications Simple breath sampling Drivers use the handset to provide a breath sample. Within seconds the ALCOLOCK V3 device analyses it for breath alcohol content (BrAC) and displays instructions to the driver. Sensors help ensure mechanical devices such as air pumps cannot be used to circumvent the system. Programmable to suit your business Drivers may be tested at the beginning of their shift, or at intervals throughout the day, by programming the ALCOLOCK V3 system to meet company safety policy requirements. Proprietary software allows reporting of logged events such as breath test results, times, dates and more. 150 mm x 48 mm x 50 mm Weight: 220 grams Sensor: Electrochemical (fuel cell) Specificity: Alcohol only; no response to ketones or hydrocarbons Temperature range: - 40 to 85 °C Initial test: 30 seconds Breath sample: 5 second moderate and continuous breath sample Analysis time: 5 to 25 seconds Recycle time: 10 to 30 seconds BrAC format: BrAC (mg/L, μg/L, μg/dL,); BAC (mg/dL, g/dL, g/L) Range of measurement: 0 to 1.00 mg/L Accuracy: ± 0.03 @ 0.20 mg/L Display: Graphic LCD Memory: 100,000 events log Automatic power down: After one hour of inactivity (programmable) Mouthpiece: Disposable (95-000250) Operating voltage: 12 volt or 24 volt DC Calibration: ALCOSIM™ or equivalent ACS, ALCOHOL COUNTERMEASURE SYSTEMS, ALCOLOCK, ALCOSIM, ALCOSCAN and “The Molly” are trademarks of Alcohol Countermeasure Systems (International) Inc. and are used under license. Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp 60 International Boulevard Toronto, Ontario M9W6J2 CANADA T +1 416 619 3500 F +1 416 619 3501 20130621 Size:
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