Dues vetllades de música tradicional i opera xinesa

Dues vetllades de música tradicional i opera xinesa
Dijous 10 de desembre de 2015
Música tradicional xinesa a càrrec del Silk and Bamboo Ensemble de
19:00 Taller-presentació: la música de seda i bambú
Les orquestres de “seda i bambú” són formacions instrumentals tradicionals del sud de la
Xina. Els músics del Silk and Bamboo Ensemble ens presentaran les característiques i
capacitats expressives dels seus instruments, i ens mostraran la mestria amb la qual,
interpretant en conjunt les senzilles melodies del seu repertori, cadascun d’ells aporta la
seva pròpia reelaboració i personalitat del seu instrument.
Llengua de la presentació: anglès
20:00 Concert de música instrumental
The Silk and Bamboo Ensemble són:
Chen Dacan 陈大餐: erhu 二胡 i gaohu 高胡 (violins xinesos de dues cordes)
Cheng Yu 程玉: pipa 琵琶 (llaüt de quatre cordes) i guqin 古琴 (cítara de set
Liu Menglin 刘梦林: dizi 笛子, xiao 箫(flautes de bambú), hulusi 葫芦丝 i altres
instruments de vent.
Xiao Ran 潇然: guzheng 古筝 (cítara de vint-i-una cordes)
《梅花三弄》Three Variations on Plum Blossom (qin&xiao duet, 1425 score)
《喜洋洋》 Full of Joy(folk music, Northeast China)
《高山流水》Flowing Water from High mountains (guzheng solo)
《姑苏行》Journey to Gusu (dizi solo)
《阳春白雪》White Snow in Sunny Spring (classical pipa music)
《 茉莉花》Jasmine Flower (folk music, Southeast China)
《夕阳箫鼓》 Flute and Drum at Sunset (classical civil style)
《二泉映月》Moonlight Reflected in the Second Fountain (erhu masterpiece)
《平湖秋月》 Autumn Moon over the Still Lake (Cantonese music)
《欢乐歌》 Song of Happiness (Shanghai Silk and bamboo Tea-house music)
《瑶族鼓舞》 Dance of the Yao People (music adopted from Southeast China)
Divendres 11 de desembre de 2015
Nit d’Òpera de Pequín a càrrec de la UK-Chinese Opera Association
19:00 Taller-presentació: una introducció a l’òpera de Pequín
Els membres de la UK-Chinese Opera Association presenten els principals personatgestipus, el ric vestuari i les famoses màscares de l’òpera de Pequín. La presentació inclourà
demostracions en directe de les tècniques interpretatives conegudes com a “ventall
daurat” i fuchen (mosquer buddhista)
Presentació i demostracions: Kathy Hall
Acompanyament instrumental: Joanna Qiu
Llengua de la presentació: anglès
20:00 Espectacle d’òpera de Pequín (subtitulat al castellà):
“山神庙”——《野猪林》 “El temple del déu de la muntanya” de El bosc dels senglars
Kevin Zhang en el paper de Lin Chong
“坐宫”——《四郎探母》 “A palau” de La visita furtiva del fill
Kevin Zhang en el paper de Yang Yanhui
Ming Lu en el paper de Princesa Tiejing
Acompanyament orquestral:
Joanna Qiu: jinghu 京胡 (violí xinès) i hulusi 葫芦丝(flauta de carabassa)
Qi Zhang: yueqin 月琴 (llaüt de lluna)
Liu Haishuo: percussió
Lloc: Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona. Auditori Eduard Toldrà. c/Bruc 110112, 08009 Barcelona.
Entrada gratuïta amb aforament limitat.
Taller-presentació: entrada lliure a partir de les 18:40h.
Concert i espectacle: recollida d’entrades al Conservatori Municipal de Música de
Barcelona a partir de les 19:30h el mateix dia de l’acte.
Més informació a:
www.casaasia.es / www.confuciobarcelona.es / http://compmusic.upf.edu/ /
www.cmmb.cat / www.ccmb.cat
Dos noches de música tradicional y ópera china
Casa Asia, la Fundación Instituto Confucio de Barcelona, Music Technology Group de la
Universidad Pompeu Fabra y el Conservatori Municipal de Música organizan dos noches
de música tradicional y ópera china los días 10 y 11 de diciembre en Barcelona.
Disfrutaremos de la delicadeza y mágico encanto de la música china de la mano del Silk &
Bambou Ensemble y de la UK Chinese Opera Association a través de un concierto de
música instrumental con el pipa, el guqin, el erhu, el gaohu, el dizi, el xiao, el hulusi, y el
guzheng y de un espectáculo de Opera con dos actores acompañados de jinghu (violín
chino) y hulusi (flauta de calabaza), yueqin 月琴(laúd de luna) y percusión. También se
presentaran dos sesiones previas con presentaciones de los instrumentos y una
explicación de la Opera china.
Jueves 10 de diciembre de 2015
Música tradicional china a cargo del Silk and Bamboo Ensemble de Londres
19:00 Taller-presentación: la música de seda y bambú
Las orquestas de "seda y bambú" son formaciones instrumentales tradicionales del sur de
China. Los músicos del Silk and Bamboo Ensemble nos presentarán las características y
capacidades expresivas de sus instrumentos, y nos mostrarán la maestría con la que al
interpretar en conjunto las sencillas melodías de su repertorio cada uno de ellos aporta su
propia reelaboración y la personalidad de su instrumento.
Lengua de la presentación: inglés
20:00 Concierto de música instrumental
The Silk and Bamboo Ensemble son:
Chen Dacan 陈大餐: erhu 二胡 i gaohu 高胡 (violins xinesos de dues cordes)
Cheng Yu 程玉: pipa 琵琶 (llaüt de quatre cordes) i guqin 古琴 (cítara de set
Liu Menglin 刘梦林: dizi 笛子, xiao 箫(flautes de bambú), hulusi 葫芦丝 i altres
instruments de vent.
Xiao Ran 潇然: guzheng 古筝 (cítara de vint-i-una cordes)
《梅花三弄》Three Variations on Plum Blossom (qin&xiao duet, 1425 score)
《喜洋洋》 Full of Joy(folk music, Northeast China)
《高山流水》Flowing Water from High mountains (guzheng solo)
《姑苏行》Journey to Gusu (dizi solo)
《阳春白雪》White Snow in Sunny Spring (classical pipa music)
《 茉莉花》Jasmine Flower (folk music, Southeast China)
《夕阳箫鼓》 Flute and Drum at Sunset (classical civil style)
《二泉映月》Moonlight Reflected in the Second Fountain (erhu masterpiece)
《平湖秋月》 Autumn Moon over the Still Lake (Cantonese music)
《欢乐歌》 Song of Happiness (Shanghai Silk and bamboo Tea-house music)
《瑶族鼓舞》 Dance of the Yao People (music adopted from Southeast China)
Viernes 11 de diciembre de 2015
Noche de Ópera de Pekín a cargo de la UK-Chinese Opera Association
19:00 Taller-presentación: una introducción a la ópera de Pekín
Los miembros de la UK-Chinese Opera Association presentan los principales personajestipo, el rico vestuario y las famosas máscaras de la ópera de Pekín. La presentación incluirá
demostraciones en directo de las técnicas interpretativas conocidas como “abanico
dorado” y fuchen (mosquero buddhista)
Presentación y demostraciones: Kathy Hall
Acompañamiento instrumental: Joanna Qiu
Lengua de la presentación: inglés
20:00 Espectáculo de ópera de Pekín (subtitulado al castellano)
“山神庙”——《野猪林》“El templo del dios de la montaña” de El bosque de los jabalíes
Kevin Zhang en el papel de Lin Chong
“坐宫”——《四郎探母》“En el palacio” de La visita furtiva del hijo
Kevin Zhang en el paper de Yang Yanhui
Ming Lu en el paper de Princesa Tiejing
Acompañamiento orquestal
Joanna Qiu: jinghu 京胡(violín chino) y hulusi 葫芦丝(flauta de calabaza)
Qi Zhang: yueqin 月琴(laúd de luna)
Liu Haishuo: percusión
Lugar: Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona. Auditorio Eduard Toldrà. c/Bruc
110-112, 08009 Barcelona.
Entrada gratuita con aforo limitado. Taller-presentación: entrada libre a partir de les
18:40h. Concierto y espectáculo: recogida de entradas en el Conservatori Municipal de
Más información a:
www.casaasia.es / www.confuciobarcelona.es / http://compmusic.upf.edu/ /
www.cmmb.cat / www.ccmb.cat
Opera China:
Kevin Zhang learnt the laosheng (Older Male) role from the age of 15, under Yu Xiaotong
of the Yang style of acting-singing in Dalian. He also received advice from other notable
teachers. He was winner of the Jingju Opera Performance Premier Award at the Dalian
Arts Festival in 1997. He is a versatile actor and also sings the role of the xiaosheng (Young
Man). He has performed and given workshops extensively in the UK and also performed in
Jersey, Rome, Malta and the Venice Biennale Theatre Carnival. He was a Founding
Member of the London Jing Kun Opera Association (2001-2014).
Ming Lu grew up in Tianjin surrounded by Jingju music. Her father gave up being a Chinese
herbal doctor to become a professional Cheng style dan. Her brother is National First
Grade principal Jinghu player with the Tianjin Youth Beijing Opera Troupe. Ming and her
sister were taught at home by well-known Jingju teachers and they performed together.
More recently she has learnt with Qu Tianhuang, a well-known teacher at the Tianjin
Opera School.
Kathy Lee Hall learnt the qingyi role of the Mei Lanfang style of acting-singing in Hong
Kong with a Mei specialist and learnt Kunqu Opera movements with a former Kunqu
Opera actress. Kathy was the Founding Chair of the London Jing Kun Opera Association
(2002-2014). She was awarded a 2004 Churchill Fellowship, which enabled her to train in
the guimendan (refined young lady) solo scene, In Pursuit of the Dream, with Kunqu Opera
doyen, Wang Fengmei, in Hangzhou in 2005. In 2008, assisted by a grant from the Arts
Council England (London), she learnt the principal role in the Kunqu opera, The Foolish
Dream, from Liang Guyin, the best known actor of the role, in Shanghai. She performs
frequently and has given numerous workshops and lecture-demonstrations UK-wide. In
2010, she was awarded Honorary Member of The 48 Group Club for her contribution to
Sino-British relations.
Joanna Zenghui Qiu (Spike Fiddle and lead musician) graduated in instrumental music
from the Tianjin Opera School and the China National Beijing Opera College, majoring in
yueqin (Moon Lute) and Jinghu (Spike Fiddle). After graduation she performed with the
Beijing Opera Company for about ten years, and was yueqin player for the re-established
Mei Lanfang Beijing Opera Troupe from 1996 to 1999. She has toured in China and abroad,
and has recorded for a special series of Beijing Opera music. Since settling in the UK in
1999, she has taught as well as performed extensively in solo and group performances,
and workshops, both in Jingju opera and in other types of music all over the UK. She has
performed in Europe and the Middle East. She plays a wide range of musical instruments.
She founded the UK Chinese Opera Association in 2014 and continues to be very active
promoting Jingju opera in the UK.
Qi Zhang (moon lute) graduated from the Shandong Province Arts School, and was moon
lute player with the Shandong Province Beijing Opera Troupe for a number of years. He
plays a range of instruments. Before taking up the moon lute, he was trained in the Older
Male role from a young age.
Haishuo Liu (Cymbals and Drum) graduated in 1996 from the Beijing Opera School in
Beijing, specialising in cymbals and other percussion instruments. He also studied both
Western and Chinese drumming in a Vocational Secondary School attached to the China
National Music University. He has performed frequently in the UK.