15444 Nordhoff Street, North Hills, Ca 91343
Phone: 818-894-1176 Fax: 818-894-3838
October 25, 2015 ~ 25 de octubre de 2015
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Rev. Mike Perucho
Associate Pastor
Rev. William A. Gil
In Residence
Fr. Kenneth Chukwu
In Residence
Fr. Victor Oluchivico
Retired In Residence
Rev. Peter Ha Son Le
Deacon Doug & Dolores Jones
Deacon Rey & Lally Guiao
Deacon Francisco & Teresa Sanchez
Deacon Celso & Agnes Roxas
Deacon Gilberto & Maria Hernandez
Martha Barraza, Parish Secretary
Maribel Carrillo, Bulletin Editor
Virtus Coordinator
Christine Hart, Facilities Manager
Ext. 202
Ext. 203
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Ext. 601
Ext. 204
Ext. 602
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Ext. 201
Ext. 216
Ext. 200
9022 Langdon Street, N.H. 91343
School : 818.894.4059
Pre-School: 818.891.4227
Mon. - Thur. 7:30am - 3:30pm
Friday - 7:30am - 1:00pm
Mass Schedule
Weekday - English
Mon.-Sat. 8:30am& 5:30pm,
Vietnamese in Chapel
Vigil Saturday
5:30pm - English
Sunday Mass in English
Misa en Español del Domingo
Mass in Vietnamese
Filipino Mass
1st Saturday of the Month 7:00pm
Holy Day Vigil:
5:30pm English
Day: English 8:30am & 5:30pm
Español 7:00pm
Vietnamese 8:30pm
Exposition of the Blessed
First Friday ~ Primer Viernes
9:00am to 5:30pm &
6:00pm to 7:00pm
Sacrament of Penance
Sacramento Penitencial
Tuesdays / Thursdays
6:15pm - 7:00pm
Monthly Adoration
Meditación Adoración
Second Tuesday of the Month
7:00pm in the church.
Reparation to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
1st Saturday following 8:30am Mass
Daily following 8:30am Mass
Scriptural 2nd Saturday Following
8:30am Mass
Unity in Diversity
We the community of Our Lady of Peace Parish are a welcoming Catholic family, richly
diverse in culture and language, who have chosen to come together because of our common
faith in Jesus Christ. Grounded in Baptism, in Word, and Eucharist, we are committed to give
ourselves in service to share the Gospel message of hope and new life, and to support one
another in living our faith in the world.
Nosotros la comunidad parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Paz somos una familia católica
acogedora, rica en diversas culturas y lenguajes, la cuales hemos elegido mantenernos unidos
por nuestra fe común en Jesús Cristo. Conectados en el Bautismo, en la Palabra, y en la
Eucaristía, estamos comprometidos a darnos al servicio para compartir el mensaje del
Evangelio de esperanza y nueva vida, y de apoyarnos del uno al otro para vivir nuestra fe en
el mundo.
Sunday Reflection
Dear brothers and sisters,
For the last two weeks, we've
been reflecting on the beauty of
life, how our life is a gift from
God, and how we are blessed in
our own and unique way. Today,
I shift my reflection to death, not
in a morbid way, but as the
gateway to eternal life. As we
look upon the Cross and see the
death of our Lord, we acknowledge our own mortality,
that each of us is one day going to die. But this fact, also
leads to something greater, as death, which has been
conquered by Christ, provides us with eternal life with
God, the angels and the saints. Death is not something
that should be feared. It is something that should be
accepted. And when that time comes for all of us, it is
also important that we honor and pray for one another.
The Catholic Funeral is a beautiful liturgy with prayers,
Scripture, and rituals that allow for the mourning and
sorrow to be experienced AND also the hope and
salvation. It consists of four parts: the Vigil, the Funeral
Mass, the Final Commendation, and the Rite of
Committal. If you or your loved one is a Catholic, it
would be appropriate that they and your family
experience the beauty and sacredness of this liturgy. And
to make sure this happens, it is important that we plan for
our funeral and let our loved ones know that we want a
Catholic funeral. In planning the funeral mass, please be
aware that priests in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles are
NOT permitted to celebrate mass in a non-Catholic
cemetery or funeral home. This is a mandate that comes
from our Archbishop. When working with non-Catholic
mortuaries, it is always important to let them know that
you want the Catholic mass done at your local parish. If
they offer to have the mass at the non-catholic mortuary,
it is NOT possible and most likely it will be offered by
someone who is NOT a priest in good-standing and has
no faculties.
After mass today, Catholic cemeteries will be present to
answer any questions you may have. They represent a
total of 12 Catholic cemeteries in our Archdiocese with
our closest being San Fernando Mission.
On Monday, November 2nd, we will have a special
bilingual mass at 7PM to honor our deceased loved ones,
especially those who have died within this past year, as
we celebrate All Souls Day. All are invited to bring a
picture of a loved one who has deceased that will be
displayed for a nine day novena. Please write your name
and number on the back of the photo so that it can be
returned to you. All Souls offertory envelops are also
available. They will be prayed for at every mass for the
month of November. Blessings to all.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas,
Por las últimas dos semanas, hemos estado reflexionando
en la belleza de la vida, como nuestra vida es un regalo de
Dios, y como somos bendecidos en nuestra propia y forma
única. El día de hoy, cambio mi reflexión hacia la muerte,
no en una forma morbosa, sino como el camino a la vida
eterna. Cuando miramos a la Cruz y vemos la muerte de
nuestro Señor, reconocemos nuestra propia mortalidad, que
cada uno de nosotros vamos a morir un día. Pero este
hecho, también nos conduce a algo más grande, cómo la
muerte, la cual ha sido conquistada por Cristo, nos provee
con la vida eterna con Dios, los ángeles y los santos. La
muerte no es algo que debamos temer. Es algo que
debemos aceptar. Y cuando ese tiempo llegue para todos
nosotros, también es importante que nos honremos y
oremos unos por otros.
Un funeral Católico es una hermosa liturgia con oraciones,
Escrituras y rituales que permiten que el que está de luto y
sufriendo tenga esa experiencia Y también la esperanza y
salvación. Esto consiste de cuatro partes: la Vigilia, la Misa
de Funeral, la Ultima Despedida, y el Rito de Sepultura. Si
usted o uno de sus seres queridos son católicos, sería
apropiado que ellos y su familia experimenten lo bello y
sagrado de esta liturgia. Y para asegurarse de que eso
suceda, es importante que planeemos nuestro funeral y les
informemos a nuestros familiares que queremos un funeral
católico. Al planear una misa de funeral , por favor sepan
que los sacerdotes en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles NO
están autorizados para celebrar misa en un cementerio que
no es católico o en una funeraria. Esta es una orden que
viene de nuestro Arzobispo. Cuando estén tratando con una
funeraria no católica, es importante que ustedes les
informen que ustedes quieren una misa católica celebrada
en la parroquia que les corresponde. Si ellos les ofrecen
tener una misa en una funeraria no católica, NO es posible
y lo más seguro será ofrecida por alguien que NO es un
sacerdote en buen estado y no tiene facultades.
Después de la misa de hoy, representantes de cementerios
católicos estarán presentes para contestar cualquier
pregunta que ustedes tengan. Ello representan un total de
12 cementerios católicos en nuestra Arquidiócesis siendo la
más cercana Funeraria Católica Mission Hills.
El lunes, dos de noviembre, tendremos una misa especial
bilingüe para honrar a nuestros amados difuntos,
especialmente a los que han muerto durante este año al
celebrar el Dia de los Difuntos. Todos están invitados a
traer una fotografía de un ser querido que haya fallecido y
será desplegada durante la novena, por favor escriba su
nombre y su número de teléfono atrás de la foto para poder
regresársela. Los sobre para la ofrenda del Día de los
Difuntos también están disponibles. Ellos serán recordados
en todas las misas durante el mes de noviembre.
Bendiciones para todos.
Our Lady of Peace… pray for us.
Nuestra Señora de la Paz…ruega por nosotros.
First Reading — I will lead the people to brooks of water, on a level road, so that none shall stumble (Jeremiah 31:7-9).
Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126).
Second Reading — It was not Christ who glorified himself, but rather the one who said to him: You are my son: this
day I have begotten you (Hebrews 5:1-6).
Gospel — Immediately the blind man received his sight and followed Jesus on the way (Mark 10:46-52).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Saturday, October 24
5:30 p.m. Domingo & Pia Revoltar
Sunday, October 25
7:00 a.m. Jovita Rojas
8:30 a.m. Ernesto & Teresita Nuñez
10:00 a.m. William Harris
12:00 p.m. People of the Parish
2:00 p.m. Carlos Daniel Requejo Lara
4:00 p.m. Vietnamese
6:00 p.m. Souls in Purgatory
Monday, October 26
8:30 a.m. Souls in Purgatory
5:30 p.m. Souls in Purgatory
Tuesday, October 27
8:30 a.m. Angelica Pricilla Salvador
5:30 p.m. Lora Bartolome
Wednesday, October 28
8:30 a.m. T.I.M.
5:30 p.m. Ryan Bartolome
Thursday, October 29
8:30 a.m. Huberto Buslon
5:30 p.m. Melenton Magbanua
Friday, October 30
8:30 a.m. All Souls in Purgatory
5:30 p.m. Hector Menjivar
Saturday, October 31
8:30 a.m. Jonathan Santiago
Sp. Intention
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Priesthood Sunday; World Youth Day
Wednesday: Ss. Simon and Jude
Halloween; Blessed Virgin Mary
Sp. Intention
Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21;
Deceased Monday:
Lk 13:10-17
Sp. Intention
Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21
Deceased Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16
Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31;
Lk 13:31-35
Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6
Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a,
14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3;
Mt 5:1-12a
Sp. Intention
Monthly Filipino Mass
Sp. Intention The OLP Filipino community invites everyone
Sp. Intention
Sp. Intention
to its monthly Filipino Mass on the 1st
Saturday of each month. Our next mass is
scheduled on November 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
Our presider is Rev. Alexander
Parafina. He hails from the Diocese of Lucena
and is the parish priest of Our Lady of Peace
and Good Voyage, Bo. Ponon, Atimonan,
Quezon, Philippines.
Fellowship follows
immediately at Schneiders Hall.
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Sp. Intention
Thank you for supporting our parish with your
weekly offering.
October 18 $ 10,120.00
Today's second collection is for World Mission Sunday
 You may sign-up for an online gift-giving at
 Don't forget to include OLP in your will or in memory of
your loved one.
 For more information or wish to register as an OLP
Parishioner, please call the Rectory at 818-894-1176.
Parish Goals
Amount Pledged
Amount Paid
Difference over / (under)
Goal vs. Amount Pledged
($ 12,596.00)
Religious Education will be Fundraising at Chuck E. Cheese.
Tuesday October 27rd–From 3:00 – 9:00 pm
16269 San Fernando Mission Blvd. Granada Hills, CA 91344
Meal Of the Month
"The land will never lack for needy persons; that is why I
command you: “Open your hand freely to your poor and to
your needy kin in your land."
Deuteronomy 15:11
“Nunca faltarán pobres en este país, por esto te doy yo
este mandato: debes abrir tu mano a tu hermano, a aquel
de los tuyos que es indigente y pobre en tu tierra.”
Deuteronomio 15:11
“Vì trong đất của anh (em) sẽk hông thiế ungười nghèo, nên
tôi truyền cho anh (em):
hãymởrộngtaygiúpngườianhemkhốnkhổ, nghèokhócủaanh
(em), trongmiềnđấtcủaanh (em).”
ĐệNhịLuật 15:11
On Sunday, October 18, 2015, MOM members prepared/
delivered 200 ham/cheese sandwiches with snack to the LA
Skid Row’s needy residents and numerous job seekers around
home improvement stores of the San Fernando Valley.
The lunches were co- sponsored by OLP parishioners: Miss
Rayelie R Carino and Ming & Ben Dillera of North Hills.
The mission of MOM is to prepare/deliver hot meals once a
month to at least 160 homeless/needy people. This goal
cannot be met without light and grace from the Holy Spirit
along with generous donors and devoted volunteers.
MOM will make the Egg Rolls for our annual OLP
Thanksgiving Luncheon on Thursday November 26, 2015.
The Justice and Peace Committee is planning our annual Thanksgiving
Luncheon for the lonely, the homeless, and those in need on
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO HELP IN
volunteer on Sunday, November 1 after all the masses. You can also
make a donation to help provide this meal for 500 people. Thank you
and may God bless you.
Men’s Priesthood
Discernment Group
All men (18+ years)
interested in discerning a
vocation to the priesthood are
invited to monthly prayer meetings
that will be held on the 2nd Friday
of every month: 11/13 & 12/11
from 7:00 PM - 9:00PM
Valley Care Community
Consortium En
colaboración con el
Ministerio de Salud de
Nuestra Señora de la Paz
Los invita a las Clases de
Ayude a disminuir el riesgo de
problemas serios de salud como
enfermedades cardiovasculares y
algunos tipos de cáncer.
10/31/15 Fuentes de la Fibra 
11/14/15 Midiendo los
11/21/15 Manteniendo su
peso saludable y las calorías
diaria que necesita
The school, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the
love of Christ for all, admits students regardless of race,
color or national and/or ethnic origin to all rights,
privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or
made available to students at the school.
The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
disability, sex or national and/or ethnic origin in the
administration of educational policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other schooladministered programs, although certain athletic leagues and
other programs may limit participation and some archdiocesan
schools operate as single sex schools.
While the school does not discriminate against students with
special needs, a full range of services may not always be
available to them. Decisions concerning the admission and
continued enrollment of a student in the school are based upon
the student’s emotional, academic and physical abilities and
the resources available to the school in meeting the student’s
“ An Evening of Praise &
Worship Unto God, The Faithful
Every Friday
at 7pm–9pm in
Class Room B. Activities below:
Oct 30 – Prayer Meeting –
Fr Joel Henson –
Speakercontinues topic on “Preparing for
the Year of Mercy – Part II.”
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Knights of Columbus
Fr. Leheny Council 5007
Cordially invites every family of OLP
to receive the Holy Family Icon in
their home for a week. You and your
family will receive this beautiful icon
at the end of the 10:00AM Mass. There
will be daily prayers provided for your
use in praying to the Holy Family
for families and for vocations. There
will also be a DVD titled "Vocation to
Love". To schedule your family please
call Rectory (818) 8941176 or Flo De
Guzman (818) 808-7350
Halloween“All Hallows Eve” by Fr. Steve Grunow.
(CEO del Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, about Halloween.)
1. What is the origin of Halloween?
The descent of Halloween in an annual festival of fear is relatively a recent phenomenon, but the real
meaning of it belongs to the Church. Halloween (or All Hallows Eve) is the Vigil of All Saints Day.
The association of Halloween with paganism has a lot to do with the Protestant Reformation more
than anything else. The Protestant reformers were worried about Christian medieval
practices, that appeared contrary to what the Church should be. In the United States,
Halloween, with all of its fun and mischief, was particularly problematic because it
represents the incursion of Catholic culture in public life that was supposed to be Protestant.
Everything about Catholic festivities was seen as pagan to the point that even Catholics internalized
criticism and began to believe that their own customs were vestiges of paganism. As a result, purely
Catholic nature of the Eve of All Saints Day become silenced more and more and Catholic were
withdrawing from their own festival, which gave rise to the contemporary version of Halloween.
2. Why do you think parents have the tendency to boycott Halloween thinking that is demonic?
The traditional Catholic Halloween placed these realities in the context of Christ’s victory over sin, death and the
devil. The current secularized version has no salvific content. It is much like a festival of death to a culture of
death which is why parents are concerned.
3. What is the appropriate response to a culture of death?
I think it’s time for Catholics to accept religious freedom that this culture offers and make public our own fiesta.
The reluctance and feat that characterizes Catholics is costing it’s unique cultural contribution and is allowing the
culture of death to flourish. Halloween should not be a day in where our churches are darkened and Christians
take refuge in the shadows, but a day to fill the darkness with the light of Christ and leaving behind that culture,
inviting everyone instead to prepare for All Saints Day with all the joy we can receive.
What types of costumes should be worn?
It is always appropriate to dress as saints as we honor them and their lives. Other costumes that promote joy and
happiness would also be appropriate. Scary costumes can also be appropriate as it is our way to make fun of evil
because it does not have any control over us. I would discourage costumes that are demonic, satanic or overly
gruesome that play into the culture of death.
1.Qué es origen de Halloween?
El descenso de Halloween a la locura de un festival anual del miedo es un fenómeno relativamente reciente, pero la
verdadera sustancia de Halloween pertenece a la Iglesia. Halloween (o "AllHallowsEve") es la vigilia de la fiesta
para la celebración de la conmemoración pública eclesial de Todos los Santos. Creo que la asociación de Halloween
con el paganismo tiene mucho que ver más con la Reforma protestante que cualquier otra cosa. Los reformadores
protestantes estaban preocupados por las prácticas del cristianismo medieval, que les parecían contrarias a lo que
creían que la Iglesia debía ser. En los Estados Unidos, Halloween, con toda su juerga y travesuras, era
especialmente problemática, ya que representa la incursión de una forma cultural específicamente católica en una
vida pública que se suponía que era protestante. Todo lo relacionado con estas festividades católicas fue
caricaturizado como pagano, y la asociación quedó hasta el punto de que incluso los católicos interiorizaron la crítica
y la creencia de que sus propias costumbres eran vestigios de paganismo. Como resultado, la naturaleza netamente
católica de la Víspera de Todos los Santos se silenció más y más, y los católicos se fueron retirando de su propio
festival, que dio origen a la versión contemporánea de Halloween.
2. Qué piensa usted de la tendencia de los padres a boicotear Halloween pensando que es demoniaco?
Hay mucho que es desagradable en de la celebración contemporánea de Halloween. El Halloween católico
tradicional colocaba estas realidades en el contexto de la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado, la muerte y el diablo. La
versión secularizada actual de la fiesta no tiene contenido salvífico. Se parece mucho a un festival de la muerte para
una cultura de la muerte, y por eso se puede entender por qué los padres pueden estar preocupados.
3. ¿Cuál es la respuesta adecuada a una cultura de la muerte?
Creo que es hora de que los católicos acepten la libertad religiosa que esta cultura afirma ofrecerles y hacer públicas
sus propios fiestas. La reticencia y el miedo que caracteriza a los católicos está costando a la Iglesia su aporte
cultural único, y está permitiendo que florezca la cultura de la muerte.
Halloween no debe ser un día en que nuestras iglesias se oscurecen y los cristianos se refugian en las sombras, sino
un día para llenar la oscuridad con la luz de Cristo y de salir a la cultura, invitando a todos a la preparación para la
fiesta de Todos los Santos con toda la alegría que podamos conseguir.
Qué tipos de trajes deben usar? Siempre es apropiado para vestir como santos para honrar ellos y sus vidas.
Otros trajes que promueven la alegría y la felicidad también sería apropiados. Trajes de miedo también pueden
ser apropiados, ya que es nuestra manera de burlarse del mal, ya que
no tiene ningún control sobre nosotros. Desaliento a los trajes que
son demoníaco, satánico o demasiado horripilante que desempeñan
en la cultura de la muerte.