Thursday MAY 14TH VENUE AGENDA FRIday MAY 15TH SPEAKER REGISTRATION TIME OPENING CEREMONY 7:30 - 8:15 AM. 8:20 - 8:30 AM. 8:35 - 9:35 AM. Mobile Language Learning: Designing for New Pedagogies, Skills & Literacies PLENARY 1 | PEGRUM MARK 9:40 - 10:40 AM. ENGLISH GRAMMAR NIGHTMARES: THE 3 P's PLENARY 2 | FOLSE KEITH 10:40 - 11:10 AM. BREAK 11:10 - 11:50 AM. UNLEASH YOUR EXPERIENCE: BEING A 21ST CENTURY REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER PLENARY 3 | RISHER MICAH 11:55 - 12:40 PM. CONVERSE WITH THE AUTHORS KEYNOTE SPEAKERS AND ATTENDEES 12:40 - 2:15 PM. LUNCH 2:15 - 3:00 PM. 3:15 - 4:00 PM. VENUE 8:30 - 9:10 AM. PROGRAMA COLOMBIA BILINGÜE PLENARY 4 | MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 9:15 - 10:15 AM. REVITALIZING YOUR CLASSROOM THROUGH ACTION RESEARCH PLENARY 5 | BURNS ANNE 10:15 - 10:45 AM. BREAK 10:45 - 11:45 AM. TEACHERS CAN HAVE THEIR CAKE AND EAT IT, TOO! PLENARY 6 | DÍAZ MAGGIOLI GABRIEL 11:50 - 12:35 PM. CONVERSE WITH THE AUTHORS KEYNOTE SPEAKERS AND ATTENDEES 12:40 - 2:15 PM. LUNCH VENUE: CENTRO COLOMBO AMERICANO CONCURRENT SESSIONS PRESENTER VENUE: CENTRO COLOMBO AMERICANO CONCURRENT SESSIONS PRESENTER 202 Teaching and Learning another Language Strategically - Awareness Session CASTILLO RIGOBERTO 202 Foreign Language Reforms and Colombian EFL Teachers: Are They Policy Makers and Curriculum Designers? RESEARCH REPORT FANDIÑO YAMITH | Universidad de La Salle 203 Teachers as Researchers: Meeting the Challenges - Awareness Session Melo Johana andrea / Rey Luz Libia 203 CPD: Whatever next? - Workshop FORTUNE JILL | El Naranjo Educational Services 204 Centro Colombo Americano BOGOTÁ 204 Incidence of a Learning Management System (LMS) in the Development of Writing Skills of University Students RESEARCH REPORT BENAVIDES LEÓN CARLOS ÁNDRÉS After All, How Effective Is Error Correction? A Report on an Action Research Project on Error Correction of Written Tasks - RESEARCH REPORT 220 English Teaching Resources and Programs Offered by the U.S. Embassy - Awareness Session UniteD States Embassy Bogota 205 Blending Self-Regulation and Scaffolding Practices in English Language Learning - RESEARCH REPORT CUESTA LILIANA | Universidad de la Sabana 221 Effects of Tasks on Speaking Skills and Motivation in English Language Learners - Research Report CARRERO PÉREZ NUBIA PATRICIA 220 A Teacher Training Blended Course in Pronunciation Pedagogy: A Case Study - Research Report RAMÍREZ MARTHA | PEARSON 222 RODRÍGUEZ-BONCES MÓNICA 221 La Investigación de La Práctica Docente: Una Experiencia en Educación Superior - AWARENESS SESSION FLORES HINOJOS IRMA ALICIA Diagnosing for Implementing Bilingual Education - Research Report 301 GARCÍA PINEDA VIVIAN ALEXANDRA 222 The Challenge of Being an English Teacher in the Global Society - Awareness Session RAMÍREZ VALENCIA ASTRID Fostering English Proficiency Development in Student-Teachers through Research Report Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas 302 Oranges to Oranges Game. A Workshop on Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies - Workshop - Publisher's Presentation English Language Services 301 Using Modeling as a Powerful Tool or…Who Wants to Be a Teacher? - Awareness Session / Workshop ÚNICA - INSTITUCIÓN UNIVERSITARIA COLOMBO AMERICANA 303 How Do Students Make Sense of Qualitative Evaluation and Alternative Assessment? - Research Report Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá 302 Once Upon a Time: A Case of Teacher-Centered Professional Development in which Gender and Teaching/Learning a Foreign Language can be Thought of - Awareness Session CASTAÑEDA-PEÑA HAROLD U. Distrital Francisco José de Caldas MOJICA CLAUDIA PATRICIA U. de los Andes 304 Multi-Modal Feedback: Successfully Reinforcing Teaching Presence in the Online Environment - AWARENESS SESSION 303 Progress Tests: The new way to Measure Students’ Real Academic Performance - Publisher's Presentation RIVERA MAURICIO | PEARSON 305 Rapport: The Stepping Stone to Effective Formative Assessment - Workshop EXAM ROOM 50 Shades of Touchstone Publisher’s presentation MAIN LIBRARY Reinventing the Teaching Profession: Dealing with Information and Communication Technology in Teacher Development Programs - AWARENESS SESSION ROMERO RICARDO | ELT COMMUNITY Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá Universidad de los Andes 2:15 - 3:00 PM. Casas María Lucía Universidad Distrital Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá PAREDES DARÍO MORALES GLORIA Colegio Enrique Olaya Herrera PEARSON Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá JIMÉNEZ FERNEY ROJAS JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ CAROLINA Universidad de la Sabana CASTAÑEDA MAURICIO Centro Colombo Americano BOGOTÁ 304 Developing Adult Students’ Language Skills beyond the Classroom - Publisher's Presentation Cifuentes Andrés / Tovar Francisco 305 Professional Development through Conducting Research - Awareness Session SIMPSON JOELLEN Centro Cultural Colombo Americano CALI Main Library What is the Regional English Language Office and what can it offer me? RISHER MICAH | U.S.A. EMBASSY - RELO SALA TAIRONA Three Practical Activities for Practicing Phrasal Verbs - Workshop FOLSE KEITH | Cengage SALA TAIRONA Action Research: A Way to Explore and Understand your Classroom - Workshop BURNS ANNE | Cambridge University Press 202 FANDIÑO YAMITH | Universidad de La Salle 202 Project-based Learning, Formative Assessment, and Collaborative Metacognition: A new Co-teaching and Learning Model - AWARENESS SESSION Foreign Language Reforms and Colombian EFL Teachers: Are They Policy Makers and Curriculum Designers? RESEARCH REPORT Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá 203 Promoting a Collaborative Process Writing Approach in an EFL Using Wikis- RESEARCH REPORT 203 Language Teachers and/or Language Testers Awareness Session 204 Relationships between Teachers’ Instructional Practices and Students’ Gritty Behaviors in Middle School - RESEARCH REPORT 204 After All, How Effective Is Error Correction? A Report on an Action Research Project on Error Correction of Written Tasks - RESEARCH REPORT 205 Teacher Research: Exploring Professional Identities and Desires of Investment of On-Forming Researchers through Life History and Narrative Research - RESEARCH REPORT 220 Principles for Designing AN English as a Foreign Language Curriculum within the Colombian Context: Bibliographic Review and Analysis of Three Specific Curricula - RESEARCH REPORT 221 Active Learning Strategies to Get Students Working in Pairs - Workshop 222 Tackling Adult Intermediate Grammatical Fossilized Errors in Speech - Research Report 301 Revolutionizing Teaching and Learning: Making Possible the Impossible! - AWARENESS SESSION Universidad de la Sabana 302 A trip around the U.S.: traveling cases for the classroom - Awareness Session Centro Cultural Colombo Americano Cali Progress Tests: The new way to Measure Students’ Real Academic Performance - Publisher's Presentation TAFUR DIEGO | PEARSON OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS REALES SAMUEL AYALA ZÁRATE JAIR Educational Testing Service ETS PAREDES DARÍO Centro Colombo Americano BOGOTÁ 205 How to Carry Out an Action Research in the Field of Materials Development - AWARENESS SESSION RICO TRONCOSO CARLOS 220 Teacher Empowerment: Towards Professional Development and Ownership of Change in the Teaching of English - RESEARCH REPORT TRUSCOTT DE MEJÍA ANNE-MARIE 221 Active Learning Strategies to Get Students Working in Pairs - Workshop 222 Factors Involved in the Difficulties in Learning English as a Foreign Language in University Students RESEARCH REPORT 301 Webquests: A Web-Based Tool to Develop Communicative Competence in ESL/EFL Students - AWARENESS SESSION Universidad Industrial de Santander – Language Institute Effects of the Implementation of a Vocabulary Learning Routine on Low-Intermediate EFL Students’ Vocabulary Use in Communicative Tasks - RESEARCH REPORT Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá 303 CENGAGE RODRÍGUEZ CAROLINA 304 302 5:00 PM. AGENDA REGISTRATION TIME SPEAKER 8:00 - 8:25 AM. Universidad Javeriana Universidad de los Andes NETINHO PAMELA United States Embassy Bogota – English Language Fellow Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá DÍAZ MEJÍA DIANA MARGARITA 3:15 - 4:00 PM. Universidad ICESI PORTILLA ARCINIEGAS LEONOR BARÓN CERÓN MAGDA 303 Publisher's Presentation 304 Multi-Modal Feedback: Successfully Reinforcing Teaching Presence in the Online Environment - AWARENESS SESSION 305 Rapport: The Stepping Stone to Effective Formative Assessment - Workshop Centro Colombo Americano BOGOTÁ Main Library From Teacher to Master Teacher: Tools for Effective Leadership and Educational Excellence - Workshop COLORADO PATRICIA | Pearson Multimedia Lab The Use of Technological Tools to Strengthen Speaking and Writing Skills - Workshop ONATRA CLARA ISABEL Universidad Nacional / Universitaria Agustiniana SALA TAIRONA Get them Looking, Speaking and Thinking: Using Art in ELT - Workshop Embassy of the United States / Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá MAGNOLIO AREA CULTURAL EVENT Universidad de la Sabana DÍAZ MAGGIOLI GABRIEL 4:10 -4:40 PM. Cambridge University Press MORALES ALVARADO CHRISTIAN CAMILO Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá TRIANA BOLAÑOS MANUEL ANDRÉS Gimnasio Campestre UBAQUE DIEGO Centro Colombo Americano BOGOTÁ GONZÁLEZ SARA | Oxford University Press NETINHO PAMELA United States Embassy Bogota – English Language Fellow Centro Colombo Americano Bogotá CÁRDENAS ANDERSON MARCELL Centro Colombo Americano BOGOTÁ GONZÁLEZ IVONNE BARLETT ELIZABETH Learning Tools for the 21st Century Publisher's Presentation Professional Development through Conducting Research - Awareness Session Centro Cultural Colombo Americano CALI Main Library From Teacher to Master Teacher: Tools for Effective Leadership and Educational Excellence - Workshop COLORADO PATRICIA | Pearson MULTIMEDIA LaB Mobile Language Learning: Working Inside and Outside the Classroom - Workshop PEGRUM MARK | PEARSON SALA TAIRONA CLOSING CEREMONY VENUES 305 CASTAÑEDA MAURICIO Wright Simon / Krum Jeff SANDOVAL IVONNE | Richmond SIMPSON JOELLEN universidad jorge tadeo lozano Carrera 4 NO. 22 - 40 centro colombo americano | sede centro Calle 19 No. 2A - 49
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