William B. Travis Early College High School Early College High School Program Application Spring 2016 Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 21st William B. Travis Early College High School Spring 2016 ECHS Program Application Dear Applicant: Thank you for your interest in the Early College High School program at Travis. We are looking forward to adding new students to our talented cohort of exceptional ECHS students. By exceptional we mean students with academic and career goals, students who want to learn and explore new ideas, students with the desire to attend college, students who see education as their path to success, and students who want to push themselves to create their future. Your completed application will help us better understand you as a potential candidate for the program and to determine if it will best meet your needs. All of the required information must be submitted before we can begin to process and review your application. This application is to enter the program in the Spring of 2016 and it is open to current 9th or 10th graders already enrolled at Travis High School. Spaces are limited, so be sure that you submit your completed application by Wednesday, October 21st to Mrs. Orozco (ECHS Coordinator), at the GO Center, Room 600. Application Instructions: (Use the application checklist at the end of this packet to organize your application.) 1. Application Form: Please make sure that this information is legible and accurate. Include your AISD student number that can be found on your report card. Your parent/guardian must sign this form. 2. Application Essay: Write an essay that is at least two typed pages that addresses one of the following prompts: Why is ECHS the right choice for you? What do you hope to accomplish during your time in this program and how will you help to create a positive environment and experience for you and your fellow students? Write about a challenge that you have overcome in your life. Describe the steps you took in order to overcome the challenge and what you learned through that experience. Our society is built upon many freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, etc. Which freedom do you think is most important to society’s advancement? Explain why you think this way, and include an example of how you’ve been affected by this personally. 3. STAAR scores: See your counselor for copies of last year’s STAAR scores. (If no STAAR scores, standardized tests like ERB & ITBS are acceptable.) 4. Report Card: Be sure to turn in your report card with last year’s final grades and your most recent progress report grades. 5. Semester attendance: Ask your counselor to give you a copy (for last year and current semester) if this information is not included on you report card. 6. Teacher Recommendation Forms (2): You may turn in these forms or your teachers may prefer to turn in directly or mail to Mrs. Orozco. At least one recommendation must be completed by your current teacher in English/language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies. We look forward to receiving your application! If you or your parents have any questions, please call Mrs. Vangie Orozco, ECHS Coordinator, at 512-4147715 or send an email to [email protected]. Sincerely, Ty J. Davidson Principal William B. Travis Early College High School Preparatoria de Universidad Temprana William B. Travis Solicitud de Admisión Programa de Universidad Temprana (ECHS) Primavera 2016 Fecha límite de solicitud: Miércoles, 21 de octubre Preparatoria de Universidad Temprana William B. Travis Solicitud del Programa ECHS Primavera 2016 Estimado aspirante: Gracias por tu interés en el programa de Preparatoria de Universidad Temprana (ECHS). Esperamos poder añadir nuevos estudiantes a nuestro talentoso y excepcional grupo de estudiantes ECHS. Por excepcional queremos decir estudiantes que tengan metas académicas y profesionales, que quieran aprender y explorar nuevas ideas, que deseen asistir a la universidad y que ven la educación como su camino al éxito, y que deseen esmerarse para crear su futuro. Tu solicitud nos ayudará a conocerte mejor como un posible participante en este programa y a determinar si es la mejor opción para cubrir tus necesidades. Debes entregar toda la información requerida antes de que podamos tramitar y revisar tu solicitud. Esta solicitud es para ingresar al programa en el semestre de primavera del 2016, y sólo estudiantes en los grados 9 y 10 que ya están cursando en Travis High School pueden solicitar. El cupo es limitado, así que asegúrate de entregar tu solicitud antes del miércoles, 21 de octubre a la Sra. Orozco (Coordinadora de ECHS) en el GO Center, salón 600. Instrucciones para llenar la solicitud: (Para organizar tu solicitud, usa la lista de verificación que está al final de este paquete). 1. Formulario: Asegúrate de que la información sea legible y correcta. Incluye tu número de estudiante del AISD, el cual aparece en tu reporte de calificaciones. Tu padre, madre o custodio debe firmar el formulario. 2. Ensayo: Escribe un ensayo a computadora, de por lo menos dos páginas, sobre uno de los siguientes temas: ¿Por qué es el programa ECHS la mejor opción para ti? ¿Qué esperas lograr durante tu tiempo en este programa? ¿Cómo ayudarás a crear un ambiente y una experiencia positiva para ti y tus compañeros de clase? Escribe sobre algún reto que hayas superado en tu vida. Describe las medidas que tomaste para superar el reto, y lo que aprendiste de esa experiencia. Nuestra sociedad se creó con base en muchas libertades: libertad de culto, libertad de prensa, libertad de expresión, etc. ¿Cuál libertad crees que es la más importante para el avance de la sociedad? Explica por qué piensas así. Incluye un ejemplo que explique cómo te ha afectado personalmente. 3. Calificaciones de la prueba STAAR: Pide a tu consejero(a) copias de las calificaciones de la prueba STAAR del año pasado. (Si no tienes calificaciones de la prueba STAAR, también se aceptan las pruebas ITBS y ERB). 4. Reporte de calificaciones: Asegúrate de entregar tu reporte de calificaciones que incluya las calificaciones finales del año pasado y tus reportes de progreso mas reciente. 5. Asistencia escolar del semestre: Pide a tu consejero(a) una copia (del año pasado y semestre actual), si esta información no está incluida en tu reporte de calificaciones. 6. Hojas de recomendación de maestros (2): Puedes entregar estas hojas con tu solicitud, o tus maestros pueden entregarlas directamente a la Sra. Orozco, o mandarlas por correo. Por lo menos una de las recomendaciones tiene que ser completada por tu maestro actual de artes del lenguaje, matemáticas, ciencias o estudios sociales. ¡Esperamos recibir tu solicitud! Si tú o tus padres tienen cualquier pregunta, favor de llamar a la Sra. Vangie Orozco, Coordinadora del Programa ECHS, al 512-414-7715, o enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Atentamente, Ty J. Davidson Director William B. Travis Early College High School William B. Travis Early College High School APPLICATION FORM for Spring 2016 (Please type or print) Student Name: AISD Student Number: _________________________ Birth Date: Student Mailing Address: Zip Code: Current Grade (2015-16): 9th ______ 10th _____ Parent/Guardian Name(s): Telephone Numbers: Home/Cell Work (Mother/Guardian) Home/Cell (Mother/Guardian) Work (Father/Guardian) (Father/Guardian) Ethnic Origin (circle one): 1. American Indian/Alaskan Native 2. Asian/Pacific Islander 3. Black, not of Hispanic Origin 4. Hispanic 5. White, not of Hispanic Origin 6. Other ________________ In order to know if the student is a first generation college student, please answer the following: Highest level of education from father: Did Not Complete High School____ High School Diploma_____ Some College____ College degree____ Highest level of education from mother: Did Not Complete High School____ High School Diploma_____ Some College____ College degree____ Signed: Date: (Parent/Guardian Signature) Austin Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, disability, or English language skills in its programs and activities. William B. Travis Early College High School Teacher Recommendation Form Student Name: __________________________________ Current AISD Grade ______________ Student ID __________________ Teacher Name: ____________________________________School: _______________________________ Circle: Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Please evaluate the student in relation to other students of the same age/grade you have taught and check the appropriate box for each item below. Thank you for completing this form. Below Average Average 2 1 Above Average Excellent (top 10% this year) One of the Top Few I have Ever Met 3 4 5 Academic Ability Academic Performance Academic Skills Oral Communication Skills Written Communication Skills Curiosity Motivation Work Ethic Industry Homework Completion Initiative Ability to Work Independently Peer Relationshi ps Responsibility Empathy Cooperation Interactions with Peers Comments (feel free to continue on the back) Please send via campus mail to Vangie Orozco, ECHS Coordinator, Travis ECHS, or email to [email protected] Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 William B. Travis Early College High School Teacher Recommendation Form Student Name: __________________________________ Current AISD Grade ______________ Student ID __________________ Teacher Name: ____________________________________School: _______________________________ Circle: Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Please evaluate the student in relation to other students of the same age/grade you have taught and check the appropriate box for each item below. Thank you for completing this form. Below Average Average 2 1 Above Average Excellent (top 10% this year) One of the Top Few I have Ever Met 3 4 5 Academic Ability Academic Performance Academic Skills Oral Communication Skills Written Communication Skills Curiosity Motivation Work Ethic Industry Homework Completion Initiative Ability to Work Independently Peer Relationshi ps Responsibility Empathy Cooperation Interactions with Peers Comments (feel free to continue on the back) Please send via campus mail to Vangie Orozco, ECHS Coordinator, Travis ECHS, or email to [email protected] Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 William B. Travis Early College High School Spring 2016 ECHS Program Application Use this Application Checklist to organize and arrange your application in this order: _____This Application Checklist (page 1) _____Application Form (page 2) _____Typed application essay (page 3) _____Copy of most recent STAAR scores (page 4) _____ Copy of last year’s report card and this semester most recent progress report (page 5 and/or 6) _____ Last Year and current semester attendance (on report card or separate form) (page 6 and/or 7) _____ 2 Teacher Recommendation Forms (pages 7 and/or 8) (Teacher recommendations can be included in this packet or mailed separately by teachers) Turn in your completed application to: Mrs. Vangie Orozco ECHS Coordinator Room 600 – GO Center ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Don’t forget these important dates: Oct 21: ECHS Program Application due Oct 27-30: TSI testing for new applicants Nov 1-20: ACC application and enrollment activities for new qualifying students Parent & student meeting for new qualifying students
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