September 20, 2015 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 de septiembre de 2015 Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario The just person is set before us in the reading from the book of Wisdom, portrayed as the prey. The stalkers are the cynical ones, who are incapable of joy. The just one, who already mourns the loss of goodness and decency in the land, does not need the cynics to pile on. But pile on they do, if only to see whether God will come to the rescue. It is no wonder that New Testament writers liked the book of Wisdom. The words today reflect cynics of another time who say that if the crucified one was the Messiah, he could save himself (Luke 23:35). EL PEQUEÑO THE LITTLE ONE Jesus had just told his apostles that he must suffer and die and thus enter into his glory. But this was lost on the apostles, as they chattered on about who would be first in the kingdom. When Jesus asked, they were embarrassed to tell him about their childish “I’m first” conversation. So much hung in the balance, and they were worried about rank. So it was that he told them plainly that the one who served others would be first. Next he showed them. He gathered into his arms a small child, someone of little value and importance to people who felt that theirs was important work in the world. But Jesus told them that in accepting the little ones they accept him. If we should want to know how to accept the little ones, we can look to the epistle of James that tells us exactly what attitude to bring. Be innocent, peaceable, lenient, docile, sympathetic, kind, impartial, sincere. Wouldn’t we love to know people who possessed those qualities? Who would not be drawn to them? Who would not want to be like them? Today’s Readings: Wis 2:12, 17–20; Ps 54:3–8; Jas 3:16 — 4:3; Mk 9:30–37 En la lectura del libro de la Sabiduría, se nos presenta al justo, representado como la víctima. Los atacantes son los cínicos, incapaces de alegrarse. El justo, que ya llora la pérdida de la bondad y la decencia en el país, no necesita que los cínicos le agreguen sufrimientos. Pero lo hacen, aunque sea para ver si Dios sale a su rescate. No hay duda que a los escritores del Nuevo Testamento les gustaba el libro de la Sabiduría. Las palabras de hoy muestran a los cínicos de otros tiempos que dicen que si el crucificado era el Mesías, se salvaría a sí mismo (Lucas 23:35). Jesús acababa de contarles a sus apóstoles que debía sufrir y morir y así entrar en su gloria. Pero los apóstoles no lo entendieron, ya que iban charlando sobre quién sería el primero en el Reino. Cuando Jesús preguntó, sintieron vergüenza de contarle sobre su chiquilina conversación “Soy el primero”. Había tantas cosas importantes en juego, y ellos se preocupaban por su puesto. Entonces les dijo claramente que el que servía a otros sería el primero. Luego les mostró. Abrazó a un niño, alguien de poco valor e importancia para las personas que sentían que su trabajo era el importante en el mundo. Pero Jesús les dice que al recibir a los niños, lo reciben a él. Si quisiéramos saber cómo recibir a los pequeños, podemos recurrir a la carta de Santiago que nos dice exactamente la actitud necesaria. Sean puros, amantes de la paz, comprensivos, dóciles, llenos de misericordia y buenos frutos, imparciales y sinceros. ¿No nos encantaría conocer excelentes personas como estas? ¿Quién no se sentiría atraído hacia ellas? Lecturas de hoy: Sab 2:12, 17–20; Sal 54:3–8; Stgo 3:16 — 4:3; Mc 9:30–37 Copyright © 2015, J. S. Paluch Company, Inc., 3708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158, 1 800 621-5197. With Ecclesiastical Approbation. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 110 E. South Street Alvin, Texas 77511 ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John Taosan DEACONS: David Bowman and Dale Hayden SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday at 5:00 P.M. Sunday at 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon (Spanish) DAILY MASS: 8:30 A.M. Monday – Friday CONFESSIONS: Friday 7:30 –8:15 A.M. Saturday 3:45-4:45 P.M. Sunday before all Masses to end at 7:50 A.M. ; 9:50 A.M. ; 11:50 A.M. or by appointment. Church Office: Monday - Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. ~ 281-331-3751 ~ Fax ~ 281-331-5430 CCE: Mrs. Mary Voigt ~ 281-824-0877 Parish Website ~ COLLECTIONS Sunday Collection: Catholic University Collection: $ 14,035.60 $ 1,858.50 Confessions / Confesciones Friday/viernes 7:30 A.M.-8:15 A.M., Saturday/ sabado 3:45 P.M.-4:45 P.M. and/y Sunday before Masses to end at / domingo antes de misa y que termine a las 7:50 A.M., 9:50 A.M. & 11:50 A.M. Saturday: 2:00 P.M. Rios’ Quincienera 5:00 P.M. For the People Sunday: 8:00 A.M. Bridgette Tacquard 10:00 A.M. †Julia Arebalo 12:00 P.M. †Manuel & †Gloria Recendez Incense will be used at all Masses on the 1st weekend of the month except at the 8:00 A.M. Mass. Monday: 8:30 A.M. †Bill Staten Tuesday: 8:30 A.M. Incenso se user á en todas las misas en el pr imer fin de semana del mes menos en la misa de 8:00 A.M. Wednesday: 8:30 A.M. Fr. Charles J. Borski, O.M.I. Parish Facility Master Plan WHAT: Master planning questionnaire WHY: To help develop our parish vision & building needs WHEN : At Mass on September 26 & 27, 2015 YOUR INPUT is essential for MASTER PLANNING future facilities for St John’s. With assistance from the Diocese and architect, we’ve set out to draft a facilities master plan for our parish. Help us identify facility needs and priorities by completing an individual master plan questionnaire at all masses on September 26th & 27th . Prepare your thoughts and opinion in advance. Sample questionnaires can be viewed on St John’s website or available after masses this weekend Sept. 19th & 20th Plan maestro de instalaciones parroquiales QUE - cuestionario de maestro planificación ¿POR QUÉ - Para contribuir al desarrollo de nuestro visión Parroquial y las necesidades de edificios CUANDO - En la misa del 26 y 27 de septiembre , 2015 SU APORTE es esencial para planificar las futuras instalaciones maestras de St John's. Con la ayuda de la Diócesis y arquitecto, que nos disponemos a proyectar un plan maestro de Instalaciones de nuestra parroquia. Ayudenos a identificar las necesidades y prioridades y llene el cuestionario individual de el plan maestro en todas las misas de 26 y 27 septiembre . Prepare sus pensamientos y opiniones de antemano. Ejemplos de cuestionarios pueden verse en el sitio web de St John's o disponibles después de misas este fin de semana 19 y 20 de septiembre. "Consoling the Heart of Jesus" Retreat DATE: October 16th & 17th with consecraƟon aŌer 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday, October 18th. PLACE: St. John the BapƟst Catholic Church, Alvin, TX “Sacred Heart House” (on Bowman St.) Cost: $40 (Includes materials and meals) A two day group retreat focused on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Divine Mercy. It begins with Mass on Friday morning and breaks in the evening to return to your home. It resumes Saturday morning and concludes Saturday evening. Call: Nancy Goodnight 281-380-1684 or [email protected] or Church office. Space limited. Registra on Deadline: September 30th. Valorie D. Janik Thursday: 8:30 A.M. †John & †Chris Matula Friday: 8:30 A.M. Fita & Johnny Aleman Saturday: 5:00 P.M. †Marcos Garcia Please pray for the soul of /Recen por la alma de: †Erasmo Franco Adult Faith Formation Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible/8-week video series Beginner level Bible Study class Starts Sunday Sept. 27th 11:15am-1pm in the parish hall. Lunch provided. Cost = $20 Last day to register - Monday, Sept. 21st Register in church office or Joan Hill at 281-924-9166. In Memory of Deacon Eddie Stoughton Benefit Sunday, Oct. 25th at the KC Hall on Hwy 6. at 2:00 p.m. Dinner tickets are $10.00 donation and are available at the Church Office. For info, call David Lopez @281-5076051, Rene Garza@ 281-250-6588, or David Costanzo @281-923-2444, for donation of auction items, call Curt Candrian @281-787-2172. Beneficio En memoria de Diácono Eddie Stoughton domingo, 25 de Oct en el KC Hall en Hwy 6. Comida: 2:00 p.m./ costo $10.00 . Boletos están de venta en la Oficina de la Iglesia. Para información, llame a David López @ 281-507-6051, René Garza@ 281-250-6588, o David Costanzo @ 281-923-2444, para donación de artículos de subasta, llame a Curt Candrian @ 281-7872172. Youth Choir Practice will be at 4:00 P.M. on Sunday, September 20th. in the Church. Bring your voices and musical instruments. Attention Singers! Choir practice will begin on Tuesday, September 22nd, at 7:00 P.M. in the Church. All who like to sing are welcome. Please join us! A Cantor Workshop will be held on Saturday, September 26th from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. in the Church. Please contact Mary Phillips at 979-345-2629 for information. Altar Flowers In Honor of: Mary Leah Miller’s Birthday In Memory of : †Ed & †Emma Nesrsta Pray for Vocations Crucifix Schedule 5 p.m. Sept 26 Xavier & Clarisia Ramirez Family 8 a.m. Sept 27 Isidro & Maria Ramirez 10 a.m. Sept 27 Mary & Craig Valdez 12 p.m. Sept 20 Jose & Esperanza Juarez Familia To participate, Contact Polly Aucoin, Tel: 281-388-1046 Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Adoration hours available are Tuesday, 10-11 A.M. & 12-1:00 P.M./Friday, 12 –1:00 P.M. & 1-2:00 PM. Horas de adoración disponibles en martes, 10-11 A.M. y 12-1:00 PM y viernes, 12– 1:00 P.M.1:00-2:00 PM Call Denise at 281-585-5436 or Remie at 281-331-2567 Rosario a la Virgen de Guadalupe Familia Zamora / 832-738-8151 Rosario: Sabado, 26 de Septiembre, 2015 /7:00 P.M. Coronilla de La Divina Misericordia 9/20/15: Familia Juarez / 832-340-0361 Coronilla: sabado, 26 de septiembre, 2015 /7:00PM Pray for the Sick / Rezen por los Enfermos To add or remove someone on the prayer list, call St. John’s Prayer Line: Joyce Chiasson at 713-410-4247 or 281-331-3751. Roma Aleman, Lorena Arreola, Catalina Araujo, Polly Aucoin, Mary Ayala, Art Barborak, Jr., Margarito & Mack Becerra,William Bolfing, Kelly Bolander, Cameron Brantley, Marian & Jesse Briones, Norma Bustamante, Rudy Bustos, Rosendo Butrion, Joseph Canales, Ron Cook, Anabellah Collins, Hannah Cole, Ronnie Coleman, Wilmer Comeaux, Annie Coronado, Frank Cortese, Helen Crevier, Beverly Dadria, Anthony Davis, Mercedes DeLaO, Daniela Delgado, Brad & Leanne Dennis, Catherine DeWitt, Lorenzo & Maria Diaz, Consuelo Espinosa, Mike Farmer, Melodye Franks, Megan Grcia & Family, Giselda, Edna, Jessica, Jocselyne, Sara & Diana Garcia, Lucy Garza, Judy Gillespi, Terri & Valerio Gonzales, Jesus Gomez, Isabel Gutierrez, Ray Guzman, Glenda & Jacob Hamblen, Dorothy Hansen, Stephen Hayes, Douglas & Ralph Hernandez, Lea Heinrich, Peggy Huff, Bethany Hunt, Donald Hutchinson, James Janik, Jeanette Juarez, Jean Kacz, Charles Kennedy, Sidney, Cheryl, & Mary Knape, Mark Kowalski, Dave Kovach, Sarah Kurusz, Nancy LeBlanc, Mary LeCompte, Vira Leroy, Jorge & Palmira Lopez, Betty Macik, R. J. Mata, Matilde & Felicia Martinez, Debbie Mayville, Luis Medina, Mary Leah Miller, Debbie Milner, Meagan, Shae Montemayor, Malena Morales, Sarah T. Moreno, Joe & Mark Navarro, Emily Oliff, Eunice Oquin, Josue M.Ortiz, Wes Overton, Henry Palomarez, Jr., Chelsea Pesek, Jose Prudente, Sierra Pryor, Stephanie Pucek, Nila Ramsey, Mercedea Ramirez, Geraldo Rodriguez, John A. Rodriguez, III , Mickey Rohan, Jake Roland, Angeles Romo, Rufino Rosilez. Rafael Salazar, Rosemary Sanchez, Robert Smith, M/M Pedro Solis, Jim Staten, Ivan Stavinoah, Frank Truksa, Eugene Valdez, Leah VanBeveran, Clarence Veltman, Kim & John Villarreal, CCE High School Youth Event Schedule *October 4, 2015—Tuesday—Confirmation Students’ Interviews at 4:00 p.m. in the CCE Building Saint and sponsor names are due. *October 18—Sunday—Blessing of Confirmation Candidates and Sponsors—10:00 Mass *November 14, 2015—Saturday—Oblate Rally, San Antonio. Details available from CCE Catechist *December 5, 2015—Saturday—High School Youth Scavenger Hunt & Christmas Party Meet in CCE Building at 5:00 p.m. Return and party at 7:00 til ? Junior High Youth Event Schedule *October 17, 2015—Saturday—The Quest Leadership Program a fun day of leadership skill-building. Costs $25, due by September 30, 2015. *November 7, 2015—Saturday—Peacemakers event—A fun day of team-building and anti-bullying activities— Cost $25, due by October 21, 2015. *December 13, 2015—Sunday—Junior High Christmas Party, 4:00-7:00 p.m. in Large Hall Baptisms / Bautismos Nicholas Kiem Chwan Koo Samuel Vincent Bernades III Annabelle Rose Garza Isaiah Nathan Garza Whit Brown Kobersky Jasmin Marie Meeks Henry George Meeks, Jr. Daisy Amaris Meeks Thayla Roselynn Stevens Riley Belle Yaden Roberto Daniel Gonzalez Jorge Alexander Chavez Naomi Lizbeth Guerrero Angel Garcia Guadalupe Jesus Garcia Victor Gabriel Garcia Geraldine Aylen Mendieta Jordan Zeus Morales Ares Jacob Morales Diego Rodriguez Santiago Rodriguez Daisy Reese Soto English Baptism Classes / Clases de Bautismo-Español 2 Classes: Thursdays, November 5 & 12, 2015 -7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. English Baptisms: Saturday, November 14, 2015, please attend 5p.m. Mass. Spanish Baptisms Sunday, November 15, 2015, please attend the 12p.m. Mass. Baptisms will be after the Mass you attend. Please sign up at the Church Office and bring the child’s Birth Certificate. 2 Clases: Jueves, 5 y 12 de noviembre, 2015 - 7:30 p.m. Bautismos: en Ingles, el Sabado, 14 de noviembre, 2015, asista la misa de 5p.m. y en Español, Domingo, 15 de noviembre, 2015, asista a la misa de las 12p.m. Bautimos serán despues de la misa que assita. Inscribase en la oficina y se necesita la acta de nacimiento de el/la niño/a Men’s ACTS Retreat / October 1-4, 2015 All men who have not aƩended an ACTS retreat are invited to join us for this upcoming retreat. Call Lionel Rios/281-997-8299/ [email protected], Ralph Dearing/ [email protected], Jimmy Hill / [email protected], or Javier Rios / j-o- [email protected], Mauricio Olivarez/ Smltwn75@gmail, com Financial aid is available. RegistraƟon forms are in the Foyer of the Church. BILL NELSON Financial Advisor Stocks • CD’s • Bonds Mutual Funds 1601 S. Gordon 281-388-0616 LOBBY: M-F 9 to 5 DRIVE THRU: M-F 7:30 to 6 SAT. 9 to Noon 1050 N. BYPASS 35 (281) 388-5000 Abogada de Inmigracion / Immigration Attorney 17300 El Camino Real, Houston 281-947-2291 House Calls Home Health We make house calls. EYE EXAMS 2800 S. Gordon St., Alvin GLASSES next 281-331-8681 toLocated McDonalds CONTACTS • Dr. Suzanne M. Correale, O.D. 281-331-1516 • DIVORCE/CUSTODY • REAL ESTATE MARJORIE PLANKA BROKER, GRI, ABR, CBR 2197 N. Bypass 35, Alvin, TX 77511 [email protected] DR. MENDOZA BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOME SERVICES Anderson Properties 713.818.7133 Cell 281-485-2231 Dentista Para Niños y Adultos Medicaid, CHIP, Aseguranzas, y Efectivo Frenos, Hablamos Español 2800 E. Broadway Suite I, Pearland, TX 77581 331-2062 304 Medic Lane, Suite B Alvin PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months A. Burr Insurance Agency 20130 Hwy. 6 • Manvel, TX 281-489-9113 The DeWitt Clinic $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Our in-home services include Skilled Nursing, PT, OT, Medical Social Worker, ➢ No Long-Term Contracts Home Health Aides, Providers/Caregivers • We accept Medicare, Insurance, Self Pay • ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 218 W. Coombs St.,Alvin,Texas MICHAEL A. CULLING, ATTORNEY • ESTATE PLANNING • WILLS & PROBATE COMPLIMENTS OF: PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE NICOLE BROUSSARD Primary Eye Care Center Alvin 281.388.0388 Sealy 979.885.2967 Brookshire 281.375.2479 219 N. Taylor 331-4491 SCOTT Andrea Burr-Mays 281-331-9093 475 South Gordon Ste. B LOCALLY OWNED AND MANAGED BY THE SCOTT FAMILY FUNERAL (PARISHIONERS) HOME (281) 585-1000 Earning Your Trust For Over 10 Years! WHITE’S LIQUOR LARGEST SELECTION IN ALVIN AREA DRIVE THRU WINDOW 2 MINUTES TOWARD GALVESTON ON HIGHWAY 6 281-331-3469 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA TECL18188 281.316.0239 Quality Systems Audits..Consulting..Training ISO9001 / AS9100 / AS9120 Aerospace Oil & Gas Engineering Manufacturing Free Initial Consultation 832.620.5792 • [email protected] / Family Owned & Operated Automatic - Standard 2646 Bypass 35 South 331-8209 SALVADOR COLON Attorney at Law BOARD CERTIFIED IMMIGRATION LAW CARA WILKINS, ATTORNEY Ex U.S. Fiscal De Inmigracion 281.756.3003 6302 Broadway Suite 210, Pearland, TX 77581 Se Habla Español 281-997-0000 1240 W. Hwy. 6 #2, Alvin, TX Catholic Cemeteries AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING TACLA000314C Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston DIAMONDS - WATCHES - GIFTS Since 1970 331-4852 Earning Your Trust Since 1970! 281.332.4321 515113 St John the Baptist Church ALVIN Joseph Hunter, Attorney at Law • Family 1600 E. Hwy. 6 • Probate Suite 350 • Criminal Alvin, TX 77511 281.331.2575 (Parishioner) Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization Mount Olivet Calvary Dickinson, TX Galveston, TX 281-337-1641 409-744-1661 “Faith brings us together” For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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