Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church Pastor del Valle 600 Beebe Road, Central Point, OR 97502 Office Hours: Monday - 1 - 5 pm Tuesday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Horario de oficina en español: martes a viernes de 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Y después de la 6:00 PM con previa cita. Phone: (541) 664-1050 Fax: (541) 664-9312 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail Ministerio Hispano: [email protected] web site - Iglesia Catolica NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Parish Staff Father Mike Walker - Pastor Father Victor Perez - Parochial Vicar Joyce Marks - Coordinator of Ministries & Volunteers Deacon Felix Garcia - Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Kelsie Whaley - Coordinator of Youth Ministry Jenny Zomerdyk- Office Manager David Knouff - Maintenance Rick Knouff - Maintenance MISSION STATEMENT Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church is a welcoming parish family, who worships together as disciples, receives Jesus in Word and Sacrament and proclaims the Good News. We commit ourselves to the joyful love of Christ. Our faith is expressed in service to all God’s children. We go out into the world to share and invite others to experience the love of God. Ministries/Ministerios Altar Servers: Jerry Bourgeois 541-826-4676 Augustinian Seculars: Debbie Childs 541-664-8604 Baptism: Megan Sandlin 541-664-3221 Bautismos: Deacon Felix Garcia 541-664-1050 Bereavement Ministry: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 Catecismo: Yolanda Canjura 541-664-1050 Children's Liturgy of the Word: Joyce Marks 541-664 -1050 Ecuentro Matrimonial: Liz & Santos Godinez 541-890-2698 Grief Support: Jenny Zomerdyk 541-664-1050 Hospitality: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Initiation / R.C.I.A.: Joyce Eason 541-664-5910 Knights of Columbus: Dr. Doug Smith 541-773-1414 Legion of Mary: Jim Brick 541-826-4881 Liturgy Coordinator: Diane Orto 541-535-5980 Men's Book Study: Terry Marks 541-826-7924 Ministeno de Jovenes: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Ministry to the Ill & Homebound: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Music Ministry: Steve Childs 541-664-8604 New Parishioners: Don Krolak 541-879-0319 Prayer Chain: Irene Vaughn 664-2517 or Joyce Eason 664-5910 Religious Education: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 San Juan Diego: Isabel Martinez 541-301-5570 Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 St. Augustine Conference (S.V.D.P.): 541-646-7879 Young Adult Group: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Youth Ministry: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Masses/Misas 5:00 PM 7:00 PM (Espanol) Saturday: 8:30 AM 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM (Espanol) Sunday: Weekdays Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 12:00 PM Mass 6:00 PM Bilingual 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 1st Friday or Communion Service Sacraments Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. - 4:00 to 4:45 PM or anytime by appointment Baptisms: Call 3 months prior to the baptism Weddings: Call 6 months prior to the wedding THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FROM FATHER MIKE: America’s Got Talent! The Parable of the Talents isn’t really about how talented we are. A “talent” was actually a large weight of silver and represented money. The landowner gave three people some silver to invest for him. He was including them in his life and success. Two stepped out and invested it and were excited when it brought a good return. The third did not invest at all and obviously didn’t really care that he could have. The owner praised those who did something and got angry at the one who did nothing. It seems the owner was not concerned about the three losing his money. He just wanted them to show initiative and appreciate being included in the family business. Remember when you were a kid and your parents entrusted you with something important for the wellbeing of the family. Wasn’t it a privilege that they trusted and included you in their lives, work, and the thriving of the family? It’s the same thing here. God is including you in his family business. Here are three things to consider: 1. What we have isn’t really ours. I know we think it is. We say, “I’ve earned it, it’s mine!” I understand there is a grain of truth to it, but let’s be honest. We have nothing that God doesn’t give us and allow us to have. This obvious CHILDREN’S CHOIR PRACTICE RESUMES! Practice started last and will be every Wednesday 5:30pm to 7:00pm in the church through New Year’s. All Children that are able to read are invited to sing. For questions call Kelsie or Felix 541664-1050. fact should help us to be humble with what we have. 2. What we have and what we do should be used to help God’s Kingdom thrive. We need to be careful how we spend what God has given us and allows us to possess. Our time, treasures, and talent can be used for great good or not. If we spend on sinful things, we are working against what God asks. If we are misers and don’t put what we have to good use, we are doing nothing. If we spend on things that conform to the Gospel and promote it, we are doing well. 3. Evaluation is necessary. It is prudent to evaluate how we manage our resources and what we invest in. If I am blindly paying too much for insurance and rent, wouldn’t it be wise to do a cost/benefit analysis, shop around, and make changes? In the same way, we should evaluate what we invest in and make sure we are doing our part to promote Gospel values. We put enormous amounts of time, effort, money, and energy into worldly concerns. How much do we commit to the things of God and his ways? Imagine what the world would look like if we all would invest even small amounts in our faith. Do a God budget and make some adjustments yearly. K OF C THANKSGIVING DINNER & TURKEY RAFFLE Please join us for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Frozen Turkey. Raffle on Friday, November 21st at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall! $10 for adults, $6 for children, or $30 per family. Advance tickets will be sold after Masses on the two weekends prior to the event. MONTHLY WOMEN’S SOCIAL Come join us on the third Wednesday of the month for food and conversation. Bring a dish to share. We meet in the Hall after noon Mass. page 2 COLLECTION November 3, 2013 - $14,054 November 2, 2014 - $14,037 DE PARTE DE PADRE MIKE: ¡Estados unidos tuene Talento! La parábola de los talentos no es realmente acerca de lo talentoso que somos. Un “talento” era en realidad un gran peso de la plata y el dinero representado en El. El propietario del terreno dio a tres personas un poco de plata para invertirla por El. Él los estaba incluyendo en su vida y su éxito. Dos salieron y lo invirtieron y se emocionaron cuando tuvieron una buena devolución. La tercera persona no invirtió en absoluto y, obviamente, no le importaba lo que el pudiera tener. El propietario elogió a los que hicieron algo y se enojó con el que no hizo nada. Parece que el propietario no estaba preocupado en que los tres pudieran perder su dinero. Él sólo quería que mostraran iniciativa y apreciaran ser incluidos en el negocio familiar. ¿Recuerdas cuando eras un niño y tus padres te entregaste algo importante para el bienestar de la familia. ¿No era un privilegio que confiaron y que te incluyeran en su vida, el trabajo y la prosperidad de la familia? Es lo mismo aquí. Dios te está incluyendo en su empresa familiar. Aquí hay tres cosas a considerar: 1. Lo que tenemos no es realmente nuestro. Sé que creemos que es. Decimos: “Me lo he ganado, es mío!” Entiendo que hay un grano de verdad en ello, pero seamos honestos. No tenemos nada de que Dios no nos haya dado y nos permita tener. Este hecho evidente nos debe ayudar a ser humilde con lo que tenemos. TAMALE SALE! Our Hispanic community is once again selling delicious tamales! They are $20 for a dozen, we will have beef, chicken, and pork tamales available. You can order by calling the office. Orders must be placed by Friday, December 5th and can be picked up after the Masses on Saturday December 6th or Sunday December 7th. page 3 2. Lo que tenemos y lo que hacemos debe ser utilizado para ayudar a que el Reino de Dios prospere. Tenemos que tener cuidado de cómo gastamos lo que Dios nos ha dado y nos permite poseer. Nuestro tiempo, tesoro, y el talento se pueden utilizar para gran bien o no. Si gastamos en cosas pecaminosas, estamos trabajando en contra de lo que Dios pide. Si somos avaros y no ponemos lo que tenemos para un buen uso, no estamos haciendo nada. Si gastamos en cosas que se ajustan al Evangelio y lo promueven, lo estamos haciendo bien. 3. evaluación necesaria. Es prudente evaluar la forma en que gestionamos nuestros recursos y en lo que los invertimos. Si estoy ciegamente pagando demasiado por el seguro y el alquiler, ¿no sería prudente hacer un análisis de costo / beneficio, dar una vuelta y hacer cambios? De la misma manera, debemos evaluar lo que invertimos y asegurarnos de que estamos haciendo nuestra parte para promover los valores del Evangelio. Ponemos enormes cantidades de tiempo, esfuerzo, dinero y energía en las preocupaciones mundanas. ¿Cuánto nos comprometemos a las cosas de Dios y de sus caminos? Imagínese lo que sería el mundo si todos invertirnos incluso pequeñas cantidades en nuestra fe. Hacer un presupuesto en base a lo que Dios quiere y hacer algunos ajustes anuales. ALL SOULS REMEMBERED A Memory Book of our Beloved Deceased is placed in the Sanctuary area. It will remain there through the month of November, along with our All Souls Envelopes. Parishioners are invited to write in the book the names of those deceased that they wish to be remembered. READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Nov. 17Nov. 23 MONDAY Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5 Ps 1:1-4, 6 Lk 18:35-43 TUESDAY Rv 3:1-6, 14-22 Ps 15:2-5 Lk 19:1-10 WEDNESDAY Rv 4:1-11 Ps 150:1-6 Lk 19:11-28 THURSDAY Rv 5:1-10 Ps 149:1-6, 9 Lk 19:41-44 FRIDAY Rv 10:8-11 Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 Lk 19:45-48 SATURDAY Rv 11:4-12 Ps 144:1-2, 9-10 Lk 20:27-40 SUNDAY Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 Ps 23:1-3, 5-6 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 Mt 25:31-46 Preparing for Christmas On Monday, I took my son and we went to walk around the stores at the mall. I was surprised to see so many stores already decorated for Christmas. I began to ask myself, if the stores are ready to sell as much as they can for this holiday, shouldn’t we as Christians prepare with the same anticipation to announce Christ, in his birth, to the whole world? Some of the things that I have done this week with some of the members of this parish are the following: we began preparing the music for Christmas with the children’s choir, but we also began to pray with them for the people who will come to Mass on the 24th. Part of our practice was spent in prayer for ourselves, that God would illuminate us and that the music would be a tool through which people who come to visit us that day may encounter Christ. On Wednesday, I met with the Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Hospitality of the Hispanic community and we made a plan for all these ministers. I asked them to offer each Mass and reception of Holy Communion that they make from now until December 24th, and also that they offer a sacrifice (fast or abstinence from something we like) for the people who will be celebrating with us here for Christmas. Also, I asked them to increase their prayer for this celebration. In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 16, Jesus gave us a bit of a strong teaching about how the children of this world take more advantage of their social relations than the children of God. I ask myself, if the stores which can only offer material things are already preparing, shouldn’t we who have Jesus, which is much more than anything the world has to offer, be preparing more and in a better way? I think that all of us should try to prepare for this Christmas. Begin to prepare spiritually and open your heart to the people who only visit us once a year, that they can discover in you that Christ truly was born. Preparándonos para navidad El lunes pasado, tome a mi hijo y me fui a caminar por las tiendas del mall, me sorprendió ver que muchas de ellas ya tienen decoraciones para navidad. Y me empecé a cuestionarme, si las tiendas están listas para vender lo más que puedan, para estas fecha, no deberíamos los cristianos prepararnos con la misma anticipación para dar a conocer, a Cristo, en su nacimiento a todo el mundo. Algunas de las cosa que ya hice esta semana con algunos miembros de la parroquia fue los siguiente; empezamos a preparar la música para navidad con el coro de niños, pero también empezamos a orar con ellos por las personas que van a venir a misa el día 24, parte de nuestro ensayo la pasamos en oración por nosotros para que Dios nos ilumine y podamos darlo a conocer a través de nuestra Música a las personas que nos visitarán. El miércoles me reuní con los ministros de Eucaristía, Lectores, hospitalidad, con la comunidad hispana e hicimos el esquema para los servidores y les pedí que ofrecieran cada una de la misas y comuniones que van a recibir de aquí a diciembre 24, y ofrecieran un sacrificio (ayuno, abstinencia de algo que nos guste) por las personas que estarán celebrando la navidad. Además les pedí que aumentaran su oración por esta celebración. En el evangelio de Lucas capítulo 16 Jesús nos da una enseñanza un poco fuerte de como los hijos de este mundo sacan más provecho de las relaciones sociales que los hijos de Dios, yo me pregunto si las tiendas que solo pueden ofrecer cosas materiales se están preparando ya, nosotros que tenemos a Jesús que lo es más que todo, ¿no tendríamos que prepararnos más y de una mejor manera? Creo que todos deberíamos intentarlo por esta navidad, empieza a prepararte espiritualmente y abre tu corazón aquellas personas que solo nos visitan una vez al año para que puedan descubrir en ti que Cristo realmente ha nacido. Deacon Felix Dcn. Félix LOVE THE LORD EVERYDAY AS HE SO LOVES YOU! page 4 GOD’S WORD CAN WORK ON US, EVEN WHEN WE MAY NOT BE AWARE OF IT. REFLEXIONES Los “prudentes” ◊ Desde luego es “prudente” el tercer hombre del Evangelio que escuchamos hoy; es decir, el que no quiso arriesgarse a perder el dinero que se le había dado para que se pusiera a trabajar. ◊ Pero también muchos de nosotros a los que el Señor nos ha encomendado un “capital” ya sea en bienes espirituales o en cualidades humanas. ◊ por ejemplo, los cónyuges que nos guardamos la ternura, las muestras de afecto y de comprensión para las grandes ocaciones… que a veces no llegan nunca. ◊los hombres de negocios que nos reservamos nuestras ideas sobre justicia social… par cuando mejoren nuestras empresas y nuestras ganancias. ◊ los que no compartimos con los más necesitados lo que nosotros tenemos… para no “fomentar la holgazanería” o “ no sentar procedentes” ◊ Los que podemos repartir alegría en el trabajo, en nuestro hogar, en nuestro vecindario y no lo hacemos… Es decir, los “prudentes” o como dice Cristo en el Evangelio de hoy, los “siervos malos y perezosos”. NOVENARIO DE LA VIRGEN Y POSADAS La lista Para el Novenario de La Virgen y las posadas están en la parte de atrás de la Iglesia mayores informes con esmeralda Iboa 541 973 3944 MISIÓN A partir del día 18 de noviembre cada martes estaremos preparando la misión con el titulo “preparando nuestro corazón para el amor de Dios” a las 7 de la noche. MISA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS La misa del día de acción de Gracias será el día 27 de noviembre a la 9 de la mañana page 5 CABALLEROS DE COLON Los caballeros de colon estarán haciendo una cena para celebrar el día de acción de Gracias, el día 21 de noviembre a las 6 de la tarde,. el costo de los boletos es de 10 dólares por adulto, 6 por niño y 30 por familia. CORO DE NIÑOS El coro de niños se está reuniendo los miércoles a las 5:30 en la Iglesia. VENTA DE TAMALES El fin de semana del 5, 6 y 7 de diciembre estaremos haciendo nuestra venta de tamales, necesitamos voluntarios y donaciones para, prepararlos. LA PARROQUIA DEL PASTOR DEL VALLE Se considera una familia, por lo cual se recomienda que cada uno de sus miembros este registrado, si desea registrarse puede preguntar a los ministros de hospitalidad por una forma de registración. ¡Se parte de nuestra familia! Encuentros matrimoniales ¿Te gustaría tener una mejor relación con tu pareja? ¿te gustaría mejorar la comunicación en tu matrimonio? Entonces este es un lugar para ti, el grupo de encuentros matrimoniales se esta reuniendo en nuestra parroquia. Si te gustaría unirte a ellos puedes comunicarte con Liz o Santos Godínez. Al 541 890 2698 Clases de Bautizo: primer y tercer viernes de cada mes en el salón Marcos. Llamar a la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautizo para verificar la fecha (favor de no traer niños a la clase). Confesiones: sábados a las 4:00 PM. O en Cualquier otro tiempo con previa cita. Bodas: llamar con seis meses de anticipación. Ministerio de visitas a los enfermos: por favor llame al 664 1050 para pedir visita a los enfermos y la comunión, ya sea en su casa u hospital. ADVENT MISSION: “COME AND SEE” Come join us as we prepare our hearts, to receive the message and love of the God and the Good News. This four week series will focus on revealing God’s love and salvation in a way that is personal, yet can also be taken into your own family and community in a joyful and inviting way. All those who went to last year’s Lenten mission loved the prayer time where we joined with our Hispanic community at the end of each session in music, prayer and adoration. We will continue to incorporate that in this mission. Nighttime sessions are: Tuesday evenings in the Church (English) and Hall (Spanish) 7-8:30 pm. November 18th, 25th, and Dec. 2nd, with parish wide penance service on Dec. 9th. Daytime sessions are: Thursday morning in Matthew 10:00-11:30, Nov. 20th, Dec. 4th, 11th, and 18th. Any questions, call Jenny at 541-6641050. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: We have Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 8:30 and 11:00 mass on Sunday, where we take the children out for 20 minutes to give the God’s Word at their level of understanding. This is one of our funnest ministries because the kids are excited to be there! All you need to lead is provided in a two page handout. If you would like to substitute or be an aid in this ministry, Presently, our volunteers teach a one Sunday slot a month. Please contact Joyce Marks at 541-664-1050. SENIOR SUNDAY Please join us TODAY for Senior Sunday, following the noon Mass. CHILDREN’S RETREAT AT SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY On December 13th, Shepherd of the Valley’s teens will be hosting our annual children’s retreat. Kids ages six through eleven are welcome to come join in on the fun and games, and parents are also invited to attend. Retreat will kick off at 10am. This year we will be emphasizing Advent. Through engaging activities and lessons, kids will learn about the true meaning of Christmas, the nativity story, and the importance of building a relationship with God in prayer. So come celebrate, and don’t miss an opportunity for your child to encounter Christ! Lunch and snacks will be provided for your child during the retreat. Pre registration available now; forms on the website, in the entry of the Church, or the office. Cost for one child: $7. Cost per child for families with more than one child: $5 CHRISTMAS BAGS FOR OUR HOMEBOUND AND ILL Now until December 14th, I am collecting the listed items for our Homebound parishioners. Every year our parish makes a gift bag of items that 35-40 homebound seniors would enjoy, like; protein rich snacks like trail mix, nuts, peanut butter or cheese crackers, or crackers, granola/ fruit bars, microwave snacks and oatmeal, hot chocolate/tea/coffee packets, puddings, cookies, candies, stamps and stationary supplies, razors, socks, and slipper socks with non slip soles, deodorant, hair shampoo/conditioner, shaving cream, toothbrushes/paste, soaps, large print puzzle type books, puzzles, or items they can re-gift for a loved one. A turquoise tub is at the entrance of the church to collect items, or turn them into the office. Questions, call Joyce Marks 664-1050. FAMILY FAITH SHARING Matthew 25:14-30 In today’s reading from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus again talks about the importance of preparing for God to enter into our lives. In baptism, we received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In addition to the spiritual gifts, we each have abilities or talents that we need to develop and use to help Jesus in building God’s kingdom on earth, thus preparing for God’s coming. Think about each person in your family and name a gift or talent or ability that each person has. Listen to what your family tells you about your gifts, talents, and abilities. What can you do to develop those gifts, talents, and abilities in order to help prepare for Jesus to come again? page 6 WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday 12:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm November 17, 2014 Mass Rosary H. Women’s Group Tuesday 6:00pm November 18, 2014 Mass + Intention- Bill Chesney Advent Mission 7:00pm Day Chapel Day Chapel Matt,John November 22, 2014 Baptism- English Church H. Baptism Church San Juan Diego Hall, Kit Choir Practice Church Mass Church H. Mass Church Sunday 8:30am 9:30am 11:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm November 23, 2014 Mass Church Rel Ed Mod,CLOW Mass Church H. Mass Church High School Youth Grp Luke, K, Hall Rm 1 Day Chapel Church, Hall,CLOW Wednesday 9:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 12:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm November 19, 2014 Guitar Lessons Legion of Mary Mass Women’s Prayer Group Women’s Social 1 pm Choir H. Marriage Encounter Confirmation Class H. Liturgy Training Pastoral Council RCIA Thursday 9:30am 12:00pm 4:30pm 6:30pm November 20, 2014 Advent Mission Mass Admin Council H. Rel Ed Friday 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm November 21, 2014 Communion Service Day Chapel K of C Thanksgiving Dinner Kit, Hall H. Choir Hall 4 H. Baptism Class Matthew H. Charismatic Prayer Grp Lk, Jn John Matt Day Chapel Matt Hall 7, 8 John CLOW Day Chapel Conf Rm Matt,Mark Hall Day Chapel Matt CLOW,Mod Hall Rm 1-8 KITCHEN CLEAN UP If you have an hour a week and don’t mind deep cleaning, our kitchen is always in need of a scrub here and straightening up there. You pick the hour. Contact Jenny at the office. BULLETIN BOARD MINISTRY: I’m looking for someone who has a flare for design and promotion who can keep our Church bulletin board professional and engaging with current events and ministries. page 7 Saturday 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm AN “OLD FASHION HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS” Come join us- Saturday, December 6th, from 9am – 8pm at Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church, 600 Beebe Rd. We will be in the parish hall, come shop for unique, one of a kind gifts! Take a photo with Santa and enjoy some delicious foods that will be offered all day. Vendor tables are available for $25 each. For more information or to reserve a table please call Marci Krull at 541-665-0105. WHAT PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS NEED TO KNOW We need to know about current drug use and abuse in our Valley, get the latest from those who are dealing with it and fighting it firsthand!! Sunday, Nov. 23rd 9:45-10:40 in the hall. Join Doug Gould from Foundations for Recovery as he tells us the latest use of drugs in Central Point and Medford area, and what teens have easy access to that is being used as designer drugs. Knowledge and communication are the first step to preventing use and protecting your family. Invite your friends to a worthy seminar. Bring your questions...(childcare available with RSVP) Questions Joyce Mark 541-664-1050 x107
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