Feliz Natal! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Saint John the Baptist Parish Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish Parroquia San Juan Bautista Peabody Igreja São Tomé, O Apóstolo Salem Peabody Danvers Christmas December 25, 2015 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH 17 CHESTNUT STREET PEABODY, MA 01960 ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH 3 MARGIN ST. PEABODY, MA 01960 Two Parishes One Mission • To reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God’s saving love. • To form one another as disciples who encounter Jesus Christ deeply through word, sacrament and service. • To live as a Spirit filled, multicultural community of mercy, justice and compassion within the Catholic Church. Parish Staff Very Rev. John E. MacInnis, V.F. , Pastor Rev. Steven Clemence, Parochial Vicar Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry Deacon Leo Martin Deacon Chuck Hall Deacon Simon Valentin Deacon Brian O’Shaughnessy, Seminarian Intern St. John the Baptist Mary Goyette Karen Hinton Dawn Alves Tracy Palen Kathleen Wilkinson Cynthia Arsenault Holly Zagaria Stacey Vasquez Aida Vargas Lucy Cortez St. Thomas the Apostle Business Manager Director of Religious Ed 1-5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Secretary Parish Secretary Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Spanish) Spanish Religious Ed Spanish Religious Ed Dawn Alves Br. David Wiggin, CFX Regina Matthews Michael Beaulieu Renildo Paiva Lisa Ann Trainor Sheila Lynch Tracy Palen Pastoral Associate Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Accountant Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Brazilian) Coordinator of Religious Ed Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Parish Office: 978-531-0002 Parish Fax: 978-531-5199 Website: www.stjohnspeabody.com Parish Office: 978-531-0224 Parish Fax: 978-531-6517 Website: www.stthomaspeabody.org Maureen Kelleher Principal, St. John’s School St. John’s School: 978-531-0444 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm Kalley Moore Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc. Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm 2 Christmas December 25, 2015 It’s time for Jesus to be born again in us… Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Peace be with you this Christmas! Speaking for myself and for all of our staff at Saint John’s and Saint Thomas’ I extend to you and your family and loved ones our prayerful wishes for a truly happy and holy Christmas. We hope you spend this day gladly with others. But we also offer a heartfelt prayer of encouragement to you if perhaps this Christmas there is an empty place at your table because you lost a parent or a child or brother, or feel alone or estranged. The bulletin in your hand is a first – one more way that our two parishes are working together to bring Jesus to you. Please take a minute to learn more about who we are and what we are doing. You may be new to our parish, or old. You may speak English or Spanish or Portuguese. You may be a regular at our churches, or a visitor, or a Catholic who wants to keep a connection with their church, especially on a day that holds memories for you. Memories of childhood and the birth of the child Jesus. However you have come here today, we are glad you are here. This is God’s house, but a home for God’s people as well. We welcome you as our family! If you saw the banner outside our two churches, you read the “the doors of God’s mercy are open to you.” We’re leaving our doors open every day. Opening doors, as Pope Francis did for the Year of Mercy, signifies God’s desire to welcome us home to his love. I hope you see our open doors as our invitation to you to come home to God with us. We need God in our lives. And we need one another to find our way to God. Or maybe I should say, God’s way to us. Since he always take the first step. As he did by becoming one of us in the birth of his Son. That’s what makes this day so special, so amazing. God become human to lead us humans back to him. Let me share a story which I learned when I saw a Christmas film entitled Joyeux Noel. It dramatizes a real incident that occurred on Christmas Eve, 1914, in trenches where Germans were at war against British and French trrops. Keep in mind that World War I was the ‘war to end all wars’ because never had people conspired with such fierceness, in what would be described as “a hell unlike the agonies of any other war, before or after.” That night, there was a sudden, unofficial cease fire, when soldiers on both sides remembered the birth of their Savior. One by one, cautiously but courageously, troops began walking into the No Man’s Land that separated them as bitter enemies. Brothers for a few hours, they exchanged precious gifts of cigarettes and chocolate and champagne. While not every detail may be factual, it is known that officers and troops were punished for fraternizing with the enemy, and a Catholic priest who celebrated Mass that night was severely disciplined by his bishop for his lack of patriotism. I thought to myself when I watched it: how tragic, how ironic, how real! Christmas is meant to be a time of joy and hope for the peace of mankind. With this film story about war and peace in mind, I suggest we stop and ask ourselves: what difference is faith making for me in the world where I live? Is it something I keep with me as a weapon, living my life in a kind of trench warfare, using faith for nothing except to save myself out of the fear of dying? Or is faith something that inspires me to get out of the trenches and to change the game plan of the world by living and relating to others in a whole new way? We know that some people today are making religion a force for evil. Terrorists want to hold us in the grip of fear. They manipulate texts meant to bring people to God and they use them to promote what is not a religion but a political ideology aimed at saving some people by destroying others. We need to make our true religion a force for good. The story of Jesus, from his birth to his death to his resurrection, is all about the power of good, the power of God. One man, the Son of God, chose to embody the word of God in himself. We call him the Word made flesh. He did so to bring about something radically new; not a new nation but a new life, a new peace, and new hope for all humanity. My friends, wherever you are on your journey of faith, I urge today you to get out of that place where you may be keeping your faith to yourself. Perhaps you feel it is too weak, too fragile. Remember what Jesus said about faith the size of a mustard seed! Perhaps you fear what people will think of you, of your living a different lifestyle, of your praying, of your putting others first, of your belonging to a community as big as the world? Don’t be afraid! This is not a time for fear but a time for faith. This is not a time to run into the trenches but to stand up for what we believe. It is not only our inner peace that requires us to be bold in believing. It is the peace of the world, a world which cannot wait any longer for Jesus to take flesh, a world where Jesus must be born again in us. Fr. John 3 Christmas December 25, 2015 Es hora de que Jesús nazca de nuevo en nosotros... Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, ¡La paz sea con ustedes en esta Navidad! Hablando por mí y por todo nuestro personal en San Juan y Santo Tomás, le extiendo a usted, su familia y seres queridos nuestros deseos de oración para una Navidad verdaderamente feliz y santa. Esperamos que usted pase el día de hoy a gusto con los demás. Pero también ofrecemos una sentida oración de aliento por si tal vez esta Navidad hay un lugar vacío en su mesa porque perdió un padre o un hijo o hermano, o se sienten solos o distanciados. El boletín en la mano es primero - una forma más de que nuestras dos parroquias están trabajando juntas para llevarlo a usted a Jesús. Por favor, tómese un minuto para saber más acerca de quiénes somos y lo que estamos haciendo. Usted puede ser nuevo en nuestra parroquia, o viejo. Usted puede hablar inglés o español o portugués. Usted puede ser habitual en nuestras iglesias, o un visitante o un católico que quiere mantener una relación con su iglesia, especialmente en un día que tiene recuerdos para usted. Los recuerdos de la infancia y el nacimiento del niño Jesús. Sin embargo usted ha venido aquí hoy, nos alegramos de que usted esté aquí. Esta es la casa de Dios, pero un hogar para el pueblo de Dios también. ¡Le damos la bienvenida como nuestra familia! Si usted vio el estandarte a fuera de nuestras dos iglesias, usted lee "las puertas de la misericordia de Dios están abiertas para usted." Estamos dejando las puertas abiertas todos los días. Abrir las puertas, ya que el Papa Francisco lo hizo para el Año de la Misericordia, significa el deseo de Dios de darnos la bienvenida a su casa de amor. Yo espero que vea nuestras puertas abiertas como nuestra invitación para que usted pueda venir con nosotros a la casa de Dios. Necesitamos a Dios en nuestras vidas. Y nos necesitamos unos a otros para encontrar el camino a Dios. O tal vez yo debería decir, el camino de Dios para nosotros. Ya que el siempre da el primer paso. Como lo hizo al convertirse en uno de nosotros en el nacimiento de su Hijo. Eso es lo que hace de este día tan especial, tan increíble. Dios hecho humano para guiar a los seres humanos de nuevo a él. Permítanme compartir con ustedes una historia que aprendí cuando yo vi una película de Navidad titulada Joyeux Noel. Se dramatiza un verdadero incidente que ocurrió en la víspera de Navidad de 1914, en las trincheras donde los alemanes estaban en guerra contra tropas británicas y francesas. Tenga en cuenta que la primera guerra mundial fue la "guerra para acabar con todas las guerras", porque nunca tuvieron personas conspirando con tanta fiereza, en lo que se describe como "un infierno a diferencia de las agonías de cualquier otra guerra, antes o después". Esa noche, hubo un repentino cese del fuego no oficial, cuando los soldados de ambos bandos recordaron el nacimiento de su Salvador. Uno por uno, con cautela pero con valentía, las tropas comenzaron a entrar en la tierra de nadie que los separaba como enemigos acérrimos. Hermanos por unas horas, intercambiaron regalos preciosos de cigarrillos y chocolate y champán. Aunque no todos los detalles pueden ser ciertos, se sabe que los oficiales y soldados fueron castigados por confraternizar con el enemigo, y un sacerdote católico que celebró la misa de la noche fue severamente castigado por su obispo por su falta de patriotismo. Yo me dije a mí mismo cuando lo vi: ¡que trágico, que irónico, que real! La Navidad está destinada a ser un tiempo de alegría y de esperanza por la paz de la humanidad. Con esta historia de una película sobre la guerra y la paz en la mente, yo sugiero parar y preguntarnos: ¿qué diferencia hace la fe para mí en el mundo donde vivo yo? ¿Es algo que yo mantengo conmigo como un arma, viviendo mi vida en una especie de trincheras de guerra, usando la fe para nada, excepto para salvarme del miedo a morir? ¿O es algo que la fe me inspira para salir de las trincheras y para cambiar el plan de juego del mundo para vivir y relacionarse con los demás de una forma totalmente nueva? Sabemos que algunas personas hoy en día están haciendo de la religión una fuerza para el mal. Los terroristas quieren mantenernos en las garras del miedo. Manipulan los textos destinados a llevar la gente a Dios y los utilizan para promover lo que no es una religión, sino una ideología política encaminada a salvar a algunas personas por la destrucción de otros. Tenemos que hacer de nuestra verdadera religión una fuerza para el bien. La historia de Jesús, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, de su resurrección, es todo sobre el poder del bien, el poder de Dios. Un hombre, el Hijo de Dios, eligió encarnar la Palabra de Dios en sí mismo. Lo llamamos El Verbo hecho carne. Lo hizo para lograr algo radicalmente nuevo; no una nueva nación, sino una nueva vida, una nueva paz, y una nueva esperanza para toda la humanidad. Mis amigos, dondequiera que se encuentre en su camino de fe, hoy yo lo insto a salir de ese lugar donde usted pueda estar manteniendo su fe para sí mismo. Tal vez usted siente que es demasiado débil, demasiado frágil. ¡Recuerde lo que Jesús dijo acerca de la fe del tamaño de un grano de mostaza! Tal vez temes lo que la gente piense de ti, por vivir un estilo de vida diferente, de tus oraciones, de poniendo a los demás en primer lugar, de tu pertenencia a una comunidad tan grande como el mundo. ¡No tengas miedo! Este no es un tiempo para el miedo, sino un tiempo para la fe. Este no es un tiempo para correr a las trincheras, sino para defender lo que creemos. No sólo es nuestra paz interior que nos obliga a ser audaces en creer. Es la paz del mundo, un mundo que no puede esperar más tiempo para que Jesús tome carne, un mundo en el que es necesario que Jesús nazca de nuevo en nosotros. Padre John 4 Christmas December 25, 2015 É hora de Jesus nascer de novo em nós... Caros irmãos e irmãs em Cristo, A paz esteja com vocês neste Natal! Falando em meu nome e de todos os funcionários das paróquias Saint John e Saint Thomas, eu desejo a vocês e à suas famílias e queridos um Natal feliz e santo. Eu espero que vocês passem esse dia alegremente com outros. Mas nós também oferecemos de coração uma oração de ânimo a você se talvez neste Natal há um lugar vazio à sua mesa porque você perdeu um pai ou um filho ou um irmão, ou porque se sente só e distante. Este boletim é uma nova iniciativa – mais uma forma que as nossas duas paróquias estão trabalhando juntas para trazer Jesus até você. Por favor, tome um minuto para aprender mais sobre quem nós somos e o que nós estamos fazendo. Pode ser que você seja novo na nossa paróquia, ou antigo. Pode ser que você fale Inglês, Espanhol ou Português. Pode ser que você frequente a nossa igreja regularmente, ou seja um visitante, ou um Católico que quer manter conexão com sua igreja, especialmente em um dia que te traz memórias, memórias de infância e do nascimento do menino Jesus. Entretanto, você veio hoje, e nós nos alegramos com a sua presença. Essa é a casa de Deus, mas é também a casa para o povo de Deus. Nós te damos as boas-vindas como parte da nossa família! Se você viu o banner do lado de fora das nossa duas igrejas, você leu que “as portas da misericórida de Deus estão abertas para você.” Nós estamos deixando nossas portas abertas todos os dias. Abrir as portas, como o Papa Francisco fez para o Ano da Misericórdia, expressa o desejo de Deus de nos acolher em sua casa ao seu amor. Eu espero que você veja as nossas portas abertas como um convite para voltar conosco para casa, a Deus. Nós precisamos de Deus em nossas vidas. E nós precisamos uns dos outros para encontrarmos nosso caminho até Deus. Ou talvez eu deveria dizer, o caminho de Deus até nós, já que ele sempre toma o primeiro passo, como ele fez ao se fazer um de nós no nascimento de seu Filho. Isso é o que faz esse dia tão especial, tão fantástico. Deus se fez homem para levar nós homens de volta a Ele. Deixe-me compartilhar uma história que eu aprendi quando eu vi um filme de Natal chamado Joyeux Noël (Brasil: Feliz Natal). É uma dramatização de um incidente real que ocorreu na Véspera de Natal de 1914, nas trincheiras onde os alemães estavam em guerra contra tropas inglesas e francesas. Mantenham em mente que a 1ª Guerra Mundial foi a “guerra para terminar com as guerras” porque as pessoas nunca tinham conspirado com tanta determinação, no que viria a ser descrito como um “inferno incomparável com as agonias de qualquer outra guerra, antes ou depois”. Naquela noite houve um cessar-fogo repentino e não oficial, quando soldados em ambos os lados lembraram o nascimento do seu Salvador. Um por um, cuidadosa mas corajosamente, as tropas começaram a caminhar no Terreno de Ninguém, que os separava como inimigos. Irmãos por algumas horas, eles trocaram cigarros, chocolates e champanhe de presente. Apesar de nem todos os detalhes serem verdade, sabe-se que oficiais e tropas foram punidos por terem confraternizado com o inimigo e que um padre católico que celebrou a missa naquela noite foi severamente disciplinado pelo seu bispo pela sua falta de patriotismo. Eu pensava enquanto assistia: que trágico, que irônico, que real! Natal deveria ser um tempo de alegria e esperança para a paz da humanidade. Com essa história de guerra e paz em mente, eu sugiro que nós paremos e nos perguntemos: que diferença a minha fé está fazendo para mim no mundo em que eu vivo? É uma coisa que eu mantenho comigo como uma arma, vivendo minha vida como um tipo de guerra, usando minha fé apenas para a minha própria salvação pelo medo de morrer? Ou a fé é algo que me inspira a sair das fronteiras e mudar o mundo vivendo e nos relacionando com outros de uma maneira completamente nova? Nós sabemos que algumas pessoas estão fazendo da religião uma força para o mal. Terroristas querem nos manter sob o medo. Eles manipulam os textos, que deveriam trazer as pessoas para Deus, e os usam para promover o que não é religião, mas uma ideologia política que tem por objetivo a salvação de algumas pessoas através da destruição de outras. Nós temos que fazer da nossa religião verdadeira uma força para o bem. O significado da história de Jesus, do seu nascimento até a sua morte e ressurreição, é o poder de Deus, o poder do bem. Um homem, o Filho de Deus, escolheu encarnar a Palavra de Deus em si mesmo. Nós o chamamos a Palavra encarnada. Ele fez isso para fazer algo completamente novo, não uma nova nação, mas uma nova vida, uma nova paz, e uma nova esperança para toda a humanidade. Meus amigos, onde quer que você esteja na sua jornada de fé, eu te suplico a sair de onde você possa estar, mantendo a sua fé para si mesmo. Talvez você se sinta fraco demais, ou frágil demais. Lembre-se do que Jesus falou sobre a fé do tamanho de uma semente de mostarda! Talvez você tenha medo do que as pessoas pensarão de você vivendo um estilo de vida diferente, rezando, colocando outros em primeiro lugar, pertencendo a uma comunidade do tamanho do mundo? Não tenha medo! Esse não é o momento de ter medo, mas o momento de ter fé. Esse não é o momento de correr para as trincheiras, mas de se erguer pelo que nós cremos. Não é apenas a nossa paz interior que requer que nós sejamos firmes no que acreditamos. É a paz do mundo, um mundo que não pode esperar mais para que Jesus se encarne, onde ele possa nascer de novo em nós. Pe. John 5 Christmas December 25, 2015 St. John the Baptist THIS WEEK AT SAINT JOHN’S TUESDAY 6:45 AM DECEMBER 29, 2015 Souls in Purgatory WEDNESDAY 6:45AM DECEMBER 30, 2015 Ramona Dolores Esteves THURSDAY 6:45 AM DECEMBER 31, 2015 Personal Intention For details please call 978-531-0002 or visit our website at www.stjohnspeabody.com Sun. Dec 27 9:00am Food Pantry 11:00am Coffee Hour 12:30pm Spanish Coffee Hour Mon. Dec 28 5:00pm Rosary & Adoration 6:00pm Wolf Den Mtg 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 7:00pm Boy Scout Jamboree Tues. Dec 29 6:00pm Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus 6:30pm Spanish Men’s Group 7:00pm Youth Group Meeting Wed. Dec 30 6:00pm Boy Scout Troop 119 ~Memorial Gifts for the Eucharist~ If you wish to offer a memorial gift of Bread and Wine or Sacramental Candles, please call the parish secretary at 978-531-0002. St. John's Thrift Shop located at 19 Chestnut St. Peabody will be open Thursdays (9-12), Fridays and Saturdays (9-1) until Dec. 19th. We will be closed for Christmas and New Years. The Shop re-opens on Friday Jan. 8th at 10:00 for our winter hours. Our winter hours for Jan. Feb. and March are Fridays and Saturdays from 10-1:00 (weather permitting). Please call the Parish Center at 978-531-0002 for further information. Thank You. Thurs. Dec 31 New Year’s Eve Fri. Jan 1 New Year’s Day Sat. Jan 2 Sun. Jan 3 7:15am First Saturday 7:30am Men’s Faith Sharing Grp 6:00pm Spanish Prayer Group 9:00am Food Pantry 11:00am Coffee Hour 12:30pm Spanish Coffee Hour Jane Harris Manager THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Saturday Morning Men’s Group All men are invited to a group that meets on Saturday mornings in the rectory basement at Saint John’s. We meet from 7:30 am to 8:30 am to read the scriptures and prayer. All are welcome! Enter the basement from the door in the back of the rectory. The rectory is the building to the left of St John’s church. Fr. John 2015 Offertory December 20th $7,584.00 2014 Offertory December 14th Grand Annual to date: $8,124.00 Just over $67,000 from 254 families. Thank you to those families that have given a gift to the Grand Annual. If you have not had a chance to do so yet please help us to reach our goal of $80,000. All Grand Annual money stays in the parish to help pay for parish expenses. Thank you. Please join us for coffee in the Lower Church Hall on Sundays. (After the 10 AM Mass ONLY) We would like to thank Central Bakery in Peabody for donating all the pastries for our coffee hour every week. Please be sure to visit their bakery at 48 Walnut Street in Peabody. God loves a cheerful giver.” 6 (2 Corinthians 9:7) Christmas December 25, 2015 St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Fourth Sunday of Advent Saturday 4:00PM Dec 26 Constance & Lawrence Mendes+ Arsene LeBlanc + Sunday 8:00AM Dec 27 John Michael Tivnan + 10:00AM Farina Family + On Christmas Eve & Christmas Day the Single Collection will benefit the Clergy Fund Saturday 4:00PM Jan 2 Januario Terra+ This weekend, December 27, 2015 Sunday 8:00AM Jan 3 Mary Gabriel + Marion Dowd + Michael Dowd + Kathleen Morency + 10:00AM Dec 28 Dec 30 8:30AM Mass—Chapel 7:00PM Bible Study—S.L.C. WEEKLY GIVING The First collection will be for the parish. The Second collection will be for Building Improvements. December 20th Collection: Fuel & Utilities: Eliz Libby + Joaquim, Maria, Elizabeth & Albert Cunha + $3,705.00 $1,300.00 Thank you for your generous sacrifice. Grand Annual Special thanks to all who have responded to our Grand Annual Appeal. We have received a total of $27,905 in donations and pledges from 118 families to date. Thank you for your support! Liturgy Memorials Please remember if you have not had a chance to send in your response yet, please respond as soon as you can as we need everyone’s assistance to keep our parish growing! The Altar wine & hosts have been donated for the month of December for the honor and glory of God in memory of Joseph Medina by Bonnie Medina, the Candle Oil in memory of Donald & Hazel Carlin by Paul Carlin, the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of Frank, Delfina & Senhorina Mello by the Gabriel & Keith Families. St. Thomas the Apostle Thrift Shop The Thrift Shop will be closed on Saturday, December 26th and Saturday, January 2nd. Thank you for your hard work and thanks to all who support the Thrift Shop. We always need Jewelry, pots, pans, kitchen wares, small appliances, toys, old tools, rugs, men’s toiletries, just about anything you don’t need. As usual you can drop things off on Saturdays between 9am to 1pm or call Bob & Sylvia at 978-977-9672 to arrange a time. God’s blessing to all of you. Please remember we cannot accept T.V.’s, microwaves, etc. Please remember the deceased of our Parish and those who were buried from St. Thomas Parish during the past weeks. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen 7 Christmas December 25, 2015 Parroquia de San Juan Bautista: BIENVENIDOS A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Y que todos: nos comprometamos, cada día, a ser más FAMILIA en JESÚS, Vivo y Resucitado. Para solicitar los Servicios Pastorales, en la Comunidad, por favor hablar, Con Padre Paúl G. M. McManus: de Viernes a Sábado, en Peabody Tel: 978-826-7522 o por correo electronico a [email protected] Consejería en español Santuario de Vida Judy Keith, una psicóloga que habla español, está aquí los martes por la tarde como voluntaria para hablar con cualquier persona o pareja que quiere consejería en español. Este fin de semana celebramos la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Aunque Jesús fue concebido por una virgen, no obstante, vivió como hijo en una familia humana – una familia que nos señala el camino al resto de nosotros. Puede hablar de la depresión, la ansiedad, la muerte de alguien querido, la comunicación en pareja o de cualquier tema con el cual quiera ayuda. La familia es santuario de vida. No puede haber vida sin familia, y no puede haber familia sin vida. La familia, por encima de todo, es donde la vida es acogida, sin importar cuán frágil o cuán inconveniente pudiera ser. Para sacar una cita, por favor llámeme en 978-826-7541 y déjeme un mensaje y le devolveré la llamada lo más pronto que sea posible. Una de las tantas razones por las que el Papa y los obispos identifican al aborto y la eutanasia como asuntos preeminentes es porque estos crímenes son cometidos por parte de un miembro de la familia para con el otro. Ministerio de Mujeres "Bajo la Luz de Dios". Grupo de apoyo para las mujeres de nuestra Parroquia. Mujer este grupo es para ti, tu no estas sola. ven y pon todas tu inquietudes, preocupaciones y necesidades bajo la luz de Dios. Todos los Viernes comenzando a las 7pm con la Misa y luego nos movemos al sotano de la rectoria. Para informacion ver a Margarita Merced, 857243-3150 ¡Que la Sagrada Familia nos conduzca a la Cultura de la Vida! Bautismos Tercer sabado del mes a las 4:00 p.m. Conferencia para padres y padrinos: Segundo sábado del mes en el Centro parroquial a las 12 p.m. Se puede conseguir el formulario en la oficina de la parroquia o después de la Misa vea a Diácono Simón Valentin. La Santa Misa Los domingos a las 11:30 a.m. Los viernes a las 7 p.m. Confesiones Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Jueves – Sábado por cita en la casa parroquial Llame al Padre Paúl 978-826-7541 Grupo de Oración Los sábado a las 7 p.m. Matrimonios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl a los menos seis meses antes de la fecha escogida. Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Quinceañeras – Visitas Pastorales – Otros Servicios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl, o Diácono Simón Valentín 8 Christmas December 25, 2015 St. John the Baptist St. Thomas the Apostle Many hands make light the work! Grade 1-5 Religious Education We have three Parish Ministries that could use some new hands to make light the work! Please prayerfully consider joining one of them and call Dawn Alves at our parish office or send an e-mail: Advent and Christmas 1. Altar Linens; Who keeps the Altar linens clean? We do, we have a group of volunteers who launder the linens used at every Mass. Each individual takes on month, and cleans the three lines used at Mass; (1) the small hand towel used by the priest, (2) the purificator, used by the ministers of the cup, and (3) the Corporal, used to catch any particles when the priests breaks the large Communion wafer. No bleach or starch is necessary! Pick up and drop off are easy! The greater the help the less the commitment! Adelaide Keith is the contact person for this very necessary group. Consider calling her at 978-531-6816. All classes have been learning about the season of Advent and Christ’s birth by praying with the Advent Wreath at gathering prayer each Sunday, videos, lessons in their books and making religious ornaments for their Christmas trees during class time. Epiphany Pageant The children from our school community and our religious education community met for the first of three practices on Wednesday, December 16th from 3:15-4:15 in the upper church. We had twenty boys and girls gather to watch a video, listen to the Scripture reading from Matthew’s gospel and practice singing We Three Kings. They will present the pageant at the 10am Mass on Epiphany Sunday, January 3rd. Please join us at this Mass and witness the young children of our parish as they portray the story of the Magi as the Gospel is proclaimed. 2. Haven for Hunger: Once a month, on the first Friday we have a group of parishioners who either shop, cook or serve a homemade Shepherds Pie. At this time the shopping component is all set, but we could use some new hands to cook or serve. Responsibilities for cooking simply consist of picking up the groceries from the Thrift shop (that have already been shopped for) on the first Thursday evenings. From there you prepare, cook, and deliver the pie to the Haven by 4:15PM on Friday the next day. Those who are willing to be Servers meet at the Haven at 4:45 and serve the prepared dinner until 6PM, Linda Cavallion is our pivot person here, contact Dawn Alves, and she will connect you with Linda! 3. Children's Closet: Have you ever thought you would be great in children's retail? Our Children's Closet spear headed by Lauren Rennick is a wonderful ministry that reaches out to families who are in need of clothing, and footwear support for their children. Free of charge, this small group works tirelessly every Saturday to receive donated children's clothing, keep an accurate account of the many families with their multiple needs, sort, fold, and stock!. The Shop is only open to the families on Saturday's from 1-4PM and if we had 8 new teams of two, it would make all the difference! Sorting, folding, labeling and re-stocking while the committee helps serve their guest would be a wonderful support to their outreach program. 1-3 hours every 8 weeks is simple right! give us a call so we can help this wonderful ministry of service to other. First Reconciliation Retreat All parish children in 2nd grade will be participating in a retreat on Saturday, January 9th in the lower church hall from 9-11am, to help them prepare for their first confession; which will take place at the end of January. They will reenact the gospel story of the Lost Sheep, practice their Act of Contrition, learn a song and visit the upper church to practice for this very special day. We are blessed to have our Confirmation candidates from grades 9 and 10 volunteer to actively assist with this retreat as table leaders. Classes for grades 1-5 will resume on Sunday, January 10th. These ministries primarily require one thing, love of neighbor, but of course time and talent are also necessary. In these very busy times it seems hard to fit in anything extra, but trust me, what you receive in return are countless blessings and a beautiful sense of community within your parish. Remember, many hands make light the work! If you have any questions or concerns about the religious education for our children in grades 1-5 please feel free to contact Karen Hinton at [email protected] or (978) 532-1586 9 Christmas December 25, 2015 Clergy Health & Retirement Trust Scripture for the week of December 20, 2015 Every Christmas, Catholics across the Archdiocese of Boston join together to honor and thank our priests. Your gift to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps to ensure an appropriate level of care and quality of life for our 614 active and senior priests. Remember priests who have made a meaningful difference in your life, and consider honoring him/them with a generous gift to the Christmas collection. Our priests are there for us in times of need. Now it is our turn to care for them when they need us. All are welcome to make a gift online at clergyfunds.org, use the in-pew envelopes that will be provided, or simply text the word PRIEST to 56512 (Msg. & data rates may apply). Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous support of our priests. 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mi 5:1-4a/Heb 10:5-10/Lk 1:39-45 Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Lk 1:39-45 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Night: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 26 Sat Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22 27 SUN Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28/Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17 or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24/Lk 2:41-52 Faith Enrichment Websites that are available for continuing Faith Enrichment wordonfire.org (Bishop Robert Baron) SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Opening Doors of Mercy for our Homeless Neighbors. dynamiccatholic.com (Matthew Kelly) “Whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:40 ) mycatholictube.com (Ascension Presents) reallifecatholic.com Starting on Friday, January 8th and continuing every Friday throughout this winter, we will open the doors of Saint John's hall to offer a simple lunch of homemade soup, bread and refreshment for the homeless in Peabody. The lunch will be served in the lower church hall from approximately 12-1 pm. Bible app: Truth and Life Bible and Audio Bible app Sanctuary of Life This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. Though he was conceived of a virgin, Jesus nevertheless lived as a son in a human family -- a family which points the way for the rest of us. The family is the sanctuary of life. There can be no life without family, and there can be no family without life. The family, above all, is where life is to be welcomed, no matter how fragile or inconvenient it may be. We are in need of volunteers to assist in the following ways: 1. cooking /preparing food (Thursday or Friday morning) 2. setup prior to lunch (11 am – 12 pm) 3. serving food (12 – 1 pm) 4. clean up (1 – 2pm) Volunteers from any part of our community are welcome. Pat Adam has stepped forward to coordinate these Friday lunches. Please call Pat to offer your assistance in whatever way you can... Pat can be reached at 978-335-2080. One of the many reasons why the Pope and bishops identify abortion and euthanasia as pre-eminent issues is because these crimes are committed by one family member upon another. May the Holy Family lead us to a Culture of Life! 10 Christmas December 25, 2015 St. John the Baptist School News The Staff and Teachers of St. John the Baptist School wish all our students, families and parishioners a very Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year! 2016 Raffle Calendars St. John the Baptist School 2016 Raffle Calendars are now on sale. Calendars are $20 each. Your name will be entered into drawings for cash prizes for 10 months of 2016. (excluding July and August) Prizes range from $35 to $500. These calendars make great gifts! Calendars can be purchased by calling the school office at (978) 531-0444 ext 340. We deliver! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS SYMBOL? It’s the Box Top for Education symbol and can be found on hundreds of products like General Mills Cereals, Betty Crocker, Hefty, Ziploc Huggies and more… St. John’s School receives 10 cents for each one we turn in. Please help us by clipping these symbols and returning them in the container at the back of the Church. We only need this symbol and not the actual top of the box. Thank You For Your Support ! Attention Stop & Shop Shoppers Please register your Stop & Shop card at www.stopandshop.com/aplus and help St. John’s School while you shop. After registering, each purchase made with your card earns cash for our school. It’s that simple. The school ID # for this program is 08721. You can also register by calling 1-877 -275-2758. Please register today. Thank You for your support! 11 Christmas December 25, 2015 By Dr. Scott Hahn Feast of the Holy Family Our True Home A parenting seminar at our parish featured a segment on faith development in children. Time and again, the speaker stressed the importance of the family in teaching children about the meaning and purpose of religious doctrine and practices. If children do not see it at home, they won’t see it—or believe it—anywhere else. Religion is taught, but faith is caught. Feast of the Holy Family (Cycle C) Why did Jesus choose to become a baby born of a mother and father and to spend all but His last years living in an ordinary human family? In part, to reveal God's plan to make all people live as one "holy family" in His Church (see 2 Corinthians 6:16-18). In the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, God reveals our true home. We're to live as His children, "chosen ones, holy and beloved," as the First Reading puts it. We cannot overestimate how important a role the family plays in teaching the basics of faith. Children practice what they see. How many two year olds try to make the Sign of the Cross as the family prays before meals? It is comical at times, but a clear reminder that what a child sees and does in the home forms the basis of his or her own practice of faith. Values, morals, and faith all begin at home, so that what the family teaches, the Church preaches and the child of God reaches. The family advice we hear in today's readings - for mothers, fathers and children - is all solid and practical. Happy homes are the fruit of our faithfulness to the Lord, we sing in today's Psalm. But the Liturgy is inviting us to see more, to see how, through our family obligations and relationships, our families become heralds of the family of God that He wants to create on earth. Make room for faith and time for its practice. In busy schedules, rushed evenings, and overscheduled weekends, we need the time and space to be quiet, to listen, to pray and to worship. Prayer, bible reading, traditional devotions, Mass, and discussions about spiritual and moral issues will make a big difference in the way the whole family sees, understands and practices faith. Jesus shows us this in today's Gospel. His obedience to His earthly parents flows directly from His obedience to the will of His heavenly Father. Joseph and Mary aren't identified by name, but three times are called "his parents" and are referred to separately as his "mother" and "father." The emphasis is all on their "familial" ties to Jesus. But these ties are emphasized only so that Jesus, in the first words He speaks in Luke's Gospel, can point us beyond that earthly relationship to the Fatherhood of God. ~James Gaffney, © 2009 Karides Lic. to St. George Publishing [email protected] Youth Group St. John's and St. Thomas have a youth group. The group meets from 7 PM to 9 PM on Tuesdays in the lower church at St. John's. Teens currently in high school or college are invited to share their faith and discover a community of peers through dinner, prayer, and social and spiritual activities. For parents seeking more information, or those willing to be added to a list of adult resources for the group, please email [email protected]. In what Jesus calls "My Father's house," every family finds its true meaning and purpose (see Ephesians 3:15). The Temple we read about in the Gospel today is God's house, His dwelling (see Luke 19:46). But it's also an image of the family of God, the Church (see Ephesians 2:19-22; Hebrews 3:3-6; 10:21). In our families we're to build up this household, this family, this living temple of God. Until He reveals His new dwelling among us, and says of every person: "I shall be his God and he will be My son" (see Revelation 21:3,7). A service of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology www.SalvationHistory.com 12 Christmas December 25, 2015 Upcoming Christmas Season Mass Schedule December 26-27: Feast of the Holy Family (This is our current Sunday mass schedule) Sunday Saturday 4:00 pm: Saint John Church 4:00 pm; Saint Thomas Church 8:00 am: Saint Thomas Church (for both parishes) 10:00 am: Saint John Church 10:00 am: Saint Thomas Church 11:30 am: Saint John Church (Spanish) 5:00 pm: Saint John Church 7:00 pm: Saint Thomas Church (Brazilian) New Years Eve: Thursday, December 31: Vigil & Mass (Spanish; begins at 8 pm; Mass at 11:30 pm) New Years Day: Friday, January 1: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. 10:00 am: Saint John Church 10:00 am: Saint Thomas Church All invited to reception following at St. John’s Rectory Sunday, Jan. 3: Epiphany, Saturday and Sunday masses at times above, with children’s pageant at the 10 am mass. Sunday, Jan. 10: Baptism of the Lord, Saturday and Sunday masses at the times listed above. Weekend Masses December Saturday 4PM Weekday Masses St. John the Baptist (Confessions at 3:15PM) Monday, Friday * 8:30AM St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle (Confessions at 3:15PM) Sunday 8AM St. Thomas the Apostle 10AM St. John the Baptist 10AM St. Thomas the Apostle 11:30AM (Spanish) St. John the Baptist 5PM St. John the Baptist 7PM (Brazilian) St. Thomas the Apostle Tues, Wed, Thurs, First Fri, First Sat. 6:45AM St. John the Baptist Other Fri & Sat ** 6:45AM St. John the Baptist * Moved in case of Funerals ** Moved in case of Funerals 13 Meet Fr. Vin − The Gift of Family As the pastor of three parishes in Dorchester and Mattapan, Fr. Vin’s responsibilities are extraordinary. While his daily work is a source of great joy, it’s the love and devotion of a special sister named Connie that restores his spirit. When Fr. Vin’s parents passed away, he and his sister Eileen became the sole guardians of their disabled sister. For Fr. Vin, being a brother and a priest for Connie is an immense blessing. The unconditional love that he receives from Connie—especially at the end of a busy day— continues to fill his heart with gratitude. Fr. Vin selflessly dedicates his life in service to others. This Christmas, show your gratitude with a gift that cares for Fr. Vin and the health and well-being of all the priests who faithfully serve our Archdiocese of Boston. Text the word PRIEST to 56512 or make a gift through your parish collection at Christmas Mass. Thank you for your generous support of the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust. Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests “A priest, whoever he may be, is always another Christ.” -Saint Josemaría Escrivá To submit your special intentions to be remembered by our senior priests during the celebration of Holy Mass at Regina Cleri each week, please visit clergyfunds.org/intentions. To watch a short video on Fr. Vin and Connie, visit clergyfunds.org. For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising www.PilotBulletins.net America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Advertise: 617-779-3788 The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free retirement living. 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 (978) 851-9103 Full-Spychalski Funeral Home Subscribe to 978-744-0254 The Catholic Cemetery Association Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Robert G. Spychalski - Type 3 Director 84 Washington Sq. E. | www.SalemFuneral.com Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Rosaries from Flowers North Shore SalemCollision.com RS4587 101R Foster St., Peabody 978-573-0007 Space Available 79 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, MA “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 O Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ur ministry includes assisting families before a National and International Church-related news death occurs. Call today yourto free pre-planning ■ Analysis relating the teachings of thefor Church current events ■ Faith related articles locally and nationally kit including: our by free booklet, moneyacclaimed saving authors certificate, ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ www.rosariesfromflowers.com 1-800-630-0956 7638010 ■ ■ “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at clergyfunds.org. information on payment plans and specific information on our Malden, Salem and Lynn area Catholic617-779-3792 Cemeteries. Subscribe: Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 GetCatholicTV.com Msg. & data rates may apply ADvertising sAles PArt time. full time. flexible. ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE 617-779-3770 For more information Sell Ads for this Bulletin and more. We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. Call Ken Romano 617-779-3771 Christmas is Just Around the Corner Cover Image Saint Clement Eucharistic Shrine Boston, Massachusetts Photo by George Martell Order These Beautiful Christmas Cards Today Wishing the peace, hope, wonder & joy of the Holy Family to you and your family this Christmas! 617-779-3777 Support your priests this Christmas. Text PRIEST to 56512 Msg. and data rates may apply. Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests www.PilotPrinting.net For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish of Peabody, MA
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