Thomas Edison Language Institute Kindergarten Discussion-Full Day vs. Half Day Parent Meeting 10/8/2015 18+ in Attendance All in favor of Full-Day Kindergarten *Some notes were discussed and some notes were comments written on paper Parent: Work schedule would be affected in conjunction with an increased cost of childcare Parent: No less than 1/3 of each day to develop and maintain a language. Keeping and recruiting good teachers might suffer if kinder goes to half day. Teachers may have a personal reason to share a contract Parent: More improvement in shorter time due to full day program, compared to other child that only had a half-day experience. Parent: Half-day schedule would negatively affect working parents Parent: More classroom time is very important for students to grow Parent: Parent thinks that more time in class is necessary to learn a language Parent: We need more parent accountability Parent: Preschool was not enough preparation. A full day program fills in the gaps Parent: compared to a shorter program, parents can see more growth in a full day Parent: Full day program has shown great growth for her student who did not attend preschool. Work schedules are affected negatively with a half-day program. Kindergarten students are able to participate in after school activities with a full day program Parent: Parent was opposed to full day kindergarten until they saw the results of the language development Parent: The school needs more parents to be involved. The ratio of parents represented at meetings to students is not good. The school should require parents to attend meetings Parent: Kids need time in class-it will be a ripple effect-train the young TK students and then they can advance to Kinder and be leaders and assist other students Parent: More support should be brought into the classrooms to assist teachers. Maybe an internship program from the local colleges. Parent: The issue is the need for more parent involvement and the coordination from teachers to use parent help. Parent: Work schedules are difficult if kindergarten is not full day Parent: TK may be an issue due to the development of children under 5. Can Edison only offer Kindergarten and no longer offer TK? Parent: My child needs special services (i.e. Speech). Parent feels that full day helps Park District Representative: After school care, sports and art would not be able to serve students in a half-day program. The after school activities would only be available to grades 1st and up. Parent: I would have saved so much money in day care if my child had full day kinder Parent: I appreciate a full day of kinder. I am a single parent. My child needs to learn how to be a student as much as possible Parent: I support full day for both TK and K. I came to this for 2 reasons. Full day and Dual Immersion. Our kids need extra time. We have lots of low income students with lots of needs Parent: I support having a full day kindergarten class. As a parent who has a child in the Dual Immersion program, I’ve seen how much my child has improved being in a full day program. If we are asking kids to learn a new language it is a good idea to allow them to have a full day to learn Parent: para mi esta bien el programa todo el dia porguq mi hijo en kinder esta avanzando muy bien y mi hijo en _ grado tambien va muy bien exepto porque yo no se ingles y en eso no le puedo ayudar Parent: Dua completo seria major porque nuestros ninos necesitan mas ayuda tambien pore star en el programa dual immersion Parent: opina que el kinder debe tener tiempo completo para que los ninos obtengan major avance acade mico y que las espectativas de la escuela se logre ya que el ser bilingue para los que tienen ingles como primer lengua, es mas dificil y necesita mas tiempo
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