Miami Dade College Tuesday, May 19, 2015 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite 1350 Miami, Fl. 33132 Tel. 305-237-3366 Fax. 305-237-3228 Get the latest Moe news on ' " and MIAMI HERALD I TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 • Free Harvard course in Miami: Harvard Uni versity is teaming up with job-placement non profit LaunchCode, The Idea Centerat Miami Dade College and' Career Source South Florida to : offer its computer programming course to the : public free ~f charge. Based on the popular Har i vardUniversity/edX CS50 class, CS50x Miami is a :16-week course that requires no prior coding expe , rience. Online lessons will be supplemented by " live instructors. Anyone interested can register by May 29 for ·the course at · LaunchCode and The Idea Center will host an · informational session for CS50x Miami at 5:30 p.m. Friday in the Chapman Conference Center at Mia mi Dade College's Wolfson Campus. "The opportunity to have free access to a high level coding class is revolutionary," said Jim McKelvey, co-founder of LaunchCode and Square. "South Floridians can get the hands-on education, mentorship and experience they need - for free." . Students who complete the course are eligible to . apply for an apprenticeship through LaunchCode's job-placement program. ' The Idea Center's goal is to put 1,000 students through the program over the next year, said Lean dro Finol, executive director of the MDC entrepre neurship hub. . NANCY DAHLBERG 511912015 Harvard co~uter prograrrrring course 10 be offered free in Miani I Miani Herald Miani Herald MAY 18,2015 Harvard computer programming course to be offered free in Miami Harvard University is teaming up with job-placement nonprofit LaunchCode, The Idea Center at Miami Dade College and Career Source South Florida to offer its computer programming course to the public free of charge. Based on the popular Harvard University/edX CS50 class, CS50x Miami is a 16-week course that requires no prior coding experience. Online lessons will be supplemented by live instructors. Anyone interested can register by May 29 for the course at LaunchCode and The Idea Center will host an open house and informational session for CS50x Miami on May 22 at 5:30PM in the Chapman Conference Center at Miami Dade College's Wolfson Campus . 'The opportunity to have free access to a high-level coding class is revolutionary," saids Jim McKelvey, co-founder of both LaunchCode and Square. "South Floridians can get the hands-on education, mentorship, and experience they need -for free." Students who complete the course are eligible to apply for an apprenticeship through LaunchCode's job placement program. The Idea Centers goal is to put 1,000 students through the program over the next year, said Leandro Finol, executive director of the Miami Dade College entrepreneurship hub. Nancy Dahlberg MORE BUSINESS Comments 1/2 MAY 18, 2015 ffiiomi 1iJerollJ MDe students mentor children through literacy program Pamela Espinal, a Miami Dade College student, mentored 7-year-old Diana Arellano, who wrote a book about her sister during the Pages for all Ages program. I Courtesy of Jessyca Perez BY REBECA PICCARDO [email protected] Inside the Miami Dade College Homestead Campus library, a tall glass display case exhibits about a dozen new books each semester - all authored by children from the surrounding migrant and agricultural community with the help of college students. One of the authors, 7-year-old Diana Arellano, wrote about someday reuniting with her sister, who lives in Mexico. was a huge her because Mia /I said tJamela nal, a est." de a books, ha ha on the product I Pages "I Inrtnr1 Ity members. a dream of finding a meani were not " said e program Enfamil Cordero, a m run by Irs college ncome run a I prams that a local farm rs I mil With his II Rocio ta said Sal eir students ea to m milia 15 nded I Ages " I." one the children Migra nd in in r families. rm II a Perez, a a few can mlara M mi living art and ed lation said J on campus. in them and up it a mi nosa gra of ' I this'./I commun Joan a oversu meso I'm n with it so ea he II said as with bu n. Del e course su and a p Joan each scene e e students have nce it launched in sometimes e m IS onlV availab campus, faculty i and to other communities a g more "This is a wonderful program. We are educating an external community and an internal community," said Jeanne Jacobs, Miami Dade College Homestead Campus president. MORE HOMESTEAD - SOUTH DADE You May Like 1 Dirty Little Mortgage Secret To Get $4,100 LowerMyBilis Cash in on Obama's Middle Class Stimulus Program AmeriVALUE How to transfer your credit card balance to a 21 month O%apr NextAdvisor The Beautiful Story Of A Mother Protecting Her Son With Severe Food Allergies HealthCe Comments Sponsored Links by Taboola 5119/2015 Miam Herald Poll Re\€als Wal~ble COrTYnJnities Nurrber One Arrenity For Bl.J}ers - Yahoo Finance "I -'I :1 r! Nelia rD'1 ' . . Mail 0 Tue, May 19, 2015,9:02 AM 8)T - U.S, Markets open in 28 rTins . Watchlist v Ouoles YOU view appear here for tltllck acces s Quote Lookup Finance Home I\Ify Portfolio I\Ify Quotes News Miami Herald Poll Reveals Walkable Communities Number One Amenity For Buyers What to read next Market Data Yahoo Originals Business & Finance Personal Finance CNBC Contributors Recommended Games Pedestrian Friendly Projects Like PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter Poised to Benefit from Trends Downtown Prices Cited as "Low" lii 5 unique summer jobs with great pay PARArv'OUNT MarTi Worldcenter PR News" In: 18 hours ago MIAMI, May 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Downtown Miami pedestrian-friendly condominium communities like PARAMOUNT Miami World ce nter may be best positioned to capitalize on current More games » real estate trends according to findings from a poll released today by the Miami Herald and Bendixen & .Amadi International C,"rpare Brokers Can ANlC remain competitive after 'Mad Men'? (http://www .m iness/biz monday/article21123369,html), Downtown Miami was cited in the report as among the hottest neighborhoods and the city's most undervalued, The anonymous survey conducted over several months polled 105 major developers and real estate professionals , .Among its findings? The number one amenity for foreign and domestic buyers was walkability, 3 investing mistakes that drag down returns The report also said that despite residential real estate prices shooting up 40 percent since 2012, most of Mami's top real estate professionals surveyed expect home values to continue appreciating over the next 12 months, Projects like PARM10UNT Miami Worldcenter, located in the heart of downtown Miami, are poised to capitalize on the trends, The Signature tower of the transformative Mami Worldcenter project, set to break ground this summer, PARAMOUNT Mami Housing data to give clues on U,S, economy Worldcenter is the first and only residential tower currently for sale within the massive 30-acre mixed-use community in the heart of downtown Mami. Residents will be an elevator ride away from a vibrant blend of retail, restaurants, office space, lush parks, galleries and nightlife, The adjacent Mami Central Station will allow residents direct service to Orlando in three hours , as well as connectivity to the Metro Iv10ver and nearby Mami International Airport, Within walking distance of Miami's waterfront and cultural Women have to save 20% more than men for retirement landmarks, such as the Adrienne Arsht Center and the Perez Art Museum Miami, PARANlOUNT Mami Worldcenter residents will htlp:llfinance,yahoo,com'nev.s/m am -heral d- pol 1-re\€al s-w.ll ~bl e-184200600,htm 1/4 Miani Herald Poll Re\€'als Wall<able COrrmJnities NurrtJer One Arrenity For Blf;€rs - Yahoo Finance 511912015 also easy access to Miami Worldcenter's new 7th Street Promenade, anchor tenants and RI",,..,,y\in,,,..',,d,,,',, as well as more than 30 premier restaurants and outdoor cafes area. located in the the best of all worlds. "Our can take a stroll to see a concert at the Performinq Arts Center, walk over to The best & bnqhtest MBAs in 2015 catch a Miami Heat game at the American llirlines Arena, or spend an afternoon exolorinq one of the museums in Museum Park. From an educational standpoint, a number of the Miami Dade College and Miami International University of Art & DeSign, are located within short distance," said Daniel Kodsi, developer of PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter. "PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter offers the to stroll opportunity game of tennis or soccer, or take an into their car," said Q2 stock swaps for your a a park above downtown Miami, run without even Olin Fucci, CEO and President of OneWorld Properties, the exclusive international real estate and m"rlc..!inn firm for Paramount Miami Worldcenter. "In addition to an unparalleled blend of are of the Pinteresl May Be Comprising of over 500 city and residences, a Gold Mine PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter was created with end users in mind. The expansive residences will range in size from 1,180 to $700 per square foot The 2,300 square feet, with prices project is scheduled to break in the third quarter of 2015 with occupancy slated for 2018. PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter residents will kind Upper Deck over three a one-of-a blocks 120 feet above downtown Miami. located on the tower's ninth floor, the of open green space to play in its Deck will feature Global Rally in from Europe to Asia on Stimulus and Reforms expansive Urban Park and two-acre sports complex, with action packed amenities that include: first outdoor soccer fields to be featured in a • The high-rise residential • Two hard court tennis courts; • 1/2 km path; • State-of-the art fitness center; ""llII-SI,,'I'" pool with floating pods and private Tom Lee over Street's record run far from hllnn!lI"HAJC • Outdoor children's and park; • • And Summer kitchen with SSQ. For additional information about PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter, call 756--0123, see or visit the sales center at 1010 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, Fl33132. Stimulus To view the Stocks from Europe to Asia Reforms version on PR Newswire,'nev..s/niani- herald-poll- re\€'al s- walt<abl e-184200600.hlrrl 214 511912015 Miani Herald Poll Re-.eals Wall<able Comrunilies Number One Amenity For 8U)€rs -- MIAMI, May 18, 2015/PRNev.swireJ . I 1 als W able Communities Numb fnrlf'l,..",nt",r Downtown Poised to Benefit from Cited as "Low" Miami pedestrian-friendly paramountmiamLcoml) best positioned to released by the Miami Herald IIze on ixen & 11 in the report as Dovvntovvn Miami was anonymous survey conducted over several its The n one amenity for domestic buvers was over like PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter, on trends, The of the summer, PARAMOUNT World center is 12 in first and only dovvntovvn Miami, parks, in currently will be an and Within walking d of Miami's Art Museum Miami, PARAMOUNT Miami Worldcenter reSidents Will also enJoy new 7th including anchor tenants Macy's and in surrounding area, oor'new.;-releases/niani-herald-poll-re-.eals-wall<able- comruniti es- number-one- arrenily-for-bU)€rs- 300Cl84985.htmi ride away adjacent Miami to the access as v...ell as more 112 511912015 Miam Herald Poll Re\.€als Wall<able Corrmunities NUrTDer One .A.rrenityFor 8lJ)ers -- MIAMI, May 18, 20151PRNewswrei see a walking at the Performing Arts an afternoon exploring colleges, " said Daniel Miami Worldcenter offers the unique game of or soccer, or take an invigorating run vvithout even into their car," said :IIWv'IIW,olNpbrokers.coml), the to an unparalleled walkable in Comprising over 500 city users in-mind. The expansive uare 18, vvill The project is PAKAMOUN I Miami Worldcenter was 1,180 to 2, uare to break ground in third quarter of spanning over Deck 5 city space that include: • country's first • T\M1 h;:!rrl court soccer fields to in a • • • b • Sunken pods vvith • park; • And Worldcenter, call (855) 756-0123, see or center at 1 0 2nd Ave, SOURCE PARAMOUNTmiami,com) 212 MIAMI HERALD I JEANNE WESTPHAL, 85 UESDAY. MAY 19.2015 , ~' Gu.iding'force in grqwth of Miami--Dade's tourism industry 0 BY HowARD COHEN hcohen@MiamiHerpld,com Jeanne Westphal's pass port could have been tele~ phone book-sized given her life experiences in the tou rism and travel industries. In addition to her own Jeanne Westphal Associates marketing firm in Miami Beach, for which she won t.'1e Marco Polo Award from The Socjety of American ' Travel Writers, she was the, first woman to hold the as sistantsecretary of com merce for tourism position ill the Jimmy Carter admin " MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS istration. In thatrole, she di ALWAYS INVOLVED: Jeanne Westphal. center. is joined rected and promoted tou by. from left. Alvin West; Rudy' Crew. Stuart rism to the United States Blumberg and Bob Dickinson in 2007 at an from offices in Europe, Latin Academy of Hospitality and Tourism luncheon. America, Mexico, Canada and japan from 1977 to 1980. el Service, I'm in the vaca phal said at the time she was She even joked in 1983 tion business." hired for the director's posi Westphal died ' on Friday tion, which led her to help when she was hired as the director of the Miami-Dade at age 85. Westphal was her establish the Greater Miami Department of Tourism: "I own version of the Miami Is Convention & Visitors Bu haven't had a vacation in 10 For Me tourism ad slogan. reau. "Every time I turn years. Between mYQwn Miami was for her. around, I find something company and \l:le U.S. Tniv- , "It's a terrific city,"W~st- new happening. It's a city of unlmown potential. I'm here that we've lived by," Aller said. "We always looked to to stay." And, for the most part, Jeanne for advice, for COWl- , aside from a stint with the sel. She was a force. She was Arizol}a Office of Tourism, always right on target." the Brooklyn-born West In 1987, Westphal, along phal, who graduated from with Stuart Blumberg and the New York School of In Bob Dickinson, fOWlded the terior Design, made good on Academy of Hospitality and her promise. Tourism: She continued to "Three and'a half years serve on its advisory board ago, when I took over, tou for the rest of her life. rism was really in the dol The program was estab drums. We had various tou lished in partnership with rism entities doing their Miami-Dade COWlty Public own thing and everyone Schools and American Ex was wondering why things press Philanthropic FOWlda weren't moving aheacL Now ,tion in 1987 at Miami Springs they are;' she said ina 1986 Senior High School. The Herald article upon her re goal then, as now, was to signation from the director's help inner-city students consider the tourism industposition. She set up' the modernry as a career path. The pro tourism industry in Miami- 'gram is now in more than Dade and then went be- 100 schools across the COWl yond, said Michael Aller, try, including 14 in tOUrism and convention di- Miami-Dade. rector for Miami Beach. "She was tenacious," "She was around at the ' Blumberg said. "She loved beginning of what we have Miami and everything about created and the framework tourism and everything about her was; 'How do I make this destination a suc cess?' and 'How do I pro mote?' " Westphal was also direc tor of The Hospitality Insti tute, a program of the Miami Dade College International Hospitality Center, from 2008 to 2010. The job train ing program, located in Overtown, assisted resi dents in rmding wotk in the hospitality and tourism in dustries. "The one thing that im pressed me most is that her focus was always on how to give opportunity to some one who didn't have another option," said hospitality in dustry executive DeAnne Connolly Graham. "She was always about job opportuni ties and giving back to the ... commtIDity." A memorial service is in the planning stages. Follow @HowardCohen on Twitter. Varessa Garcia Painting and Stol)ielling in Her First No\€1 511912015 I Miam NewTirres NewTlmes' VANESSA GARCIA WEAVES PAINTING AND STORYTELLING IN HER FIRST NOVEL BY NEIL VAZQUEZ MONDAY,MAY18,2015 I 23HOURSAGO Vanessa Garcia Counesy of Van essa G Painters and writers have a lot in common. Writers often sketch out a scene, articulating the fine details of a tableau. Painters frequently employ elements of storytelling, weaving narratives between brushstrokes. Vanessa Garcia is a local painter and writer whose debut novel, White Light, incorporates elements of both of her passions. For the past year, she's been in residence at the Deering Estate at Cutler, where she's putting the final touches on the book, all while writing for various outlets such as the Washington Post, the Miami Herald, and the Los Anf!.eles Times. White Lif!.ht has been years in the making. http}l\MwJ.maml1e''artsMlressa-g arci a- v.ea\€s-pai nti ng -and- storyiell ing -in- her - fi rst- no\€l- 7615929 1/2 511912015 Vanessa Garcia VVea\.eS Painting ard Storytelling in Her First No\€! ~ I Miam NewTirres ~ Though Garcia wrote the bulk of the novel between 2007 and 2009, it's taken years of follower-building to persuade a publishing house to make her work available to the public. "The frustrating part was that editors at the big houses loved the writing, were always on the verge of purchasing... but then kept saying that they needed me to gain a following first," Garcia says to New Times. "It has become increasingly important to editors that you write small pieces, get followers, likes, fans, and so on." White Light, scheduled to be released this September, is an exploration of the transformative power of creativity. The protagonist, Veronica Gonzalez, is forced to delve into her work as a painter when the sudden death of her father triggers a long-simmering existential crisis. Garcia began writing the book as a meditation on her own father's death. "I went into this period of mourning that was like nothing I'd never felt," Garcia says. "It's as if I had been a kid before my father died and suddenly I was pushed toward a deeper understanding of what death is and, as a result, what life is all about." Though elements of the novel seem autobiographical, Garcia says White Light is drawn more from imagination than reality. "The center of the book - the loss of the father - there's a great deal there that I took from life, but this book is absolutely fiction." The novel weaves the lyrical and prosaic to create a rich narrative tapestry. Garcia, in her very first book, has crafted a wholly distinct voice that's fully formed. It's a contemplation on not only personal loss but also the healing power of creativity. Feeling bereft of a kindred spirit, the protagonist delves into her work; she hopes painting will fill the void that death has wrought on her life. Peppered throughout the book are reproductions of various canvases that Garcia created specially for White Light. These paintings question the notion of authorship, begging the reader to wonder whether Gonzalez and Garcia are really that different. Today, Garcia spends the majority of her time shuttling between Miami and Los Angeles, where she's found new landscapes for inspiration. "There's so much opportunity, but it's also such a cairn, peaceful vibe," she explains. "I often see L.A. as a strange kind of retreat into work." Despite the various hurdles she encountered while publishing the novel, Garcia remains resolute that art is not only a therapeutic palliative but also an essential part of the human experience. If you're interested in finding out more, Garcia will read portions of White Light at Miami Book Fair International later this year. You can also purchase her novel in September at Books & Books locations around town. Sponsor Content'artS/vanessa·g ar ci a- painti ng -ard- storytell ing -in-her -fi rst-no-.el- 7615929 212 The Vidal-Rubio 8andw3gons I cubaninsider 5'19/2015 2 days ago The Vidal-Rubio Bandwagons It Comes Down to These Two Updated: Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 [http: //4.bp.blogs pol. co m/-d7GP 6rA_OCMIVV e6 KvfCX11/AAAAAAAA pIE/11 U5y Guk9Rw/s 16001 Josefinaj pg j Josefina Vidal boldly embodies both the mystique and the longevity of Revolutionary Cuba. If it survives the next Republican administration in the United States, it will be strictly because of this brilliant, pugnacious lady. Meanwhile Vidal will try to expand Cuba's sovereignty, and its statue on the world stage, in the closing months of the friendly two-term Obama administration that has, with its diplomatic overtures to Vidal, introduced her to the U. S. public although, since 2002, she has very quietly been in charge of sustaining Revolutionary Cuba against the supposedly fatal dictates of a handful of Miami-produced Cuban-American members of the dysfunctional, right-wing U. S. Congress. She has been so adamantly successful since 2002, playing the role of David vs. Goliath, that it is now obvious that, if the Miami-based Batistianos are finally able to re-capture Cuba, they will first have to capture the United States, which will come to fruition in 2016, Vidal believes, when Republicans return to the White House after already having captured the right-wing U. S. Congress. Capturing the White House will allow the new Republican Commander-in-Chief to re-capture Cuba with the connivance of an already bought-and-paid-for U. S. Congress. In the coming months Cable TeleviSion Networks in the U. S. will saturate the airways with Pundits and Polls as they vacillate back-and-forth about why Clinton or Bush or whomever will win the presidential sweepstakes. An endless array of obnoxious Pundits and Polls will tease the U. S. voters while mostly raking in bundles of cash from self-promoting or negative political ads. But forget the Pundits and the Polls. Josefina Vidal has already decided that Marco Rubio -- the anti Cuban Cuban-American neophyte zealot from Miami -- will emerge as the Presidential victor in the money-crazed race to the White House. Pundits and Polls merely, and cheaply, fill air space on 24 hour cable "news" programs. Vidal's task is to defend Cuba and, if she errs in judging the political http Jlcubaninsider .blogspot.comt2015105lthe-'.1dal-rubio-bandwagons .hlm 1/23 miami ll:Ieral~ Sunday, May 17, 2015 1 Editor: Steve Rothaus 1 305-376-3770 I. COACHING THE GAME .. OF LIFE . DANIEL BOCK/FOR·THE MIAMI HERALD At his retirement party after 40 years with Miami-Dade Co\.inty Public Schools, Marcos Moranfeceives a framed proclamation .from Miami-Dad~ Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Inthose four decades, Moran has been a teacher, principal and district administrator. But his most beloved title was soccer coach, ';1entoring newly arrived immigrants in soccer and more. ~tory, Page 10. MIAMI HERALD I . SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 1 COAC G In his four decades with Miami-Dade Schools, Marcos Moran has been a te~cher, principal and districLadministrator. But bjs most: beloved title was socce-r coach,mentoring newly arrived immigrants 'in soccer and beyond. BY PARADISE AFSHAR · Special to the Miami Herald "We 'never,cut a player. Ifthey want Marcos Moran sits next td his wife, Adelaida, his hand in hers, as they lis ed to play, and were willing to do the ten to friends, former students and col work, they could ·come on !he team," leagues talk about his 40-year tenure with Miami-Dade County Public . Schools: . . 'HE CHANGED MY LIFE': At his.father's When it's Moran's turn to speak, the old shop, Marcos Mo~an VISitS With ZOO-plus guests at his retirement arty , former student MarVin Hernandez, . him t din f P . who played soccer for Moran and a sang oya Ion. who now runs the furniture · I will not lose this l~~t teachable refinishing business. The shop's moment that I In:ay have, Moran t~lls ' original sign is shown above them. the crowd. "I'll slIDply leave you WIth . this thought and this request: Every single person in this room has a gift, ev ery one of you has a gift, use that gift to make somebody else's life just a little bit better." . Throughout his career, Moran, 6Z, used his gifts to make an impact on all . who wer~ lucky enough to be his stu dents or soccer players . .. . 'Mer 40 years of fantastic, dedicat ed work, it's hard to see him go, but we· have to celebrate the gifts he gave us," Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto. Carvalho said at the party: In four decades with Miami-Dade Schools, Moran has been a teacher, principal and assistant superintendent for district and school operations. But the title Moran is best known for is beloved soccer coach. He coached hundreds of students at Shenandoah Middle School, then called Shenan doah JuniOl: High, and Miami Seruor High School, his alma mater. He even moonlighted as a coach at Miami Dade Colleg~.. gI;; . PHOTOS BY DANIEL BOCK/FOR THE MIAMI HERALD FAREWELL: Delio Diaz, executive director of the Dade Association of School Administrators, far left, talks with Marcos Moran at his retirement party , April 17. At right, Moran receives a proclamation from Mayor Carlos Gimenez. 'Everyone of you has a gift. Use that gift: Moran tofd the crowd .. said Moran. "Everyone got treated the team at MASt Academy and who "I think for the ones who canie from mi when he was 9. played for Moran when he was at She- other areas, and couldn't speak the lan"We were Cuban refugees," said same way, and they !mew it." ,His players often viere new immi- nandoahand at Miami High. "He made guage, the fact that they could playa Moran. "The United States govern grants to Miami; many did not speak great players of us that were not great sport that they loved had a positive im- ment gave us surplus commodities, English. Moran became coach, coun- players. He got the best of us." pact on them," Moran said. which was powered milk, Spam, selorand the go-to person when life For Elio Falcon, now the principal at Moran used soccer as a platform. to cheese and peanut butter." got tough for them. Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School, Mo- teach life lessons in discipline and hard To pickup the food, Moran and his "The common language was soc- ran was his hero. work. Soccer also provided an avenue mom, ' Liban, walked from their home cer," said Moran, who lives in Pine"His greatest asset was not his to open up new worlds to the players. near Southwest Eighth Street and 34th Every year he'd plan matches in Or Avenue, near Woodlawn Park Ceme crest. "~ey came from all parts of so- !mowledge of the game, but it was his ciety. Some were very poor; some had ' relationship with his players," said Fal- lando, and then take the Dis tery North, to a location by the Free parents who could not afford a decent con, 53, of Kendall, who'played for him ney World. To save for the trip, the 'dom Tower in downtown Miami. "My mom didn't have 10 cents for pair of shoes. I had some students who at Shenandoah, Miami High and Mia- players would sell soda and snacks at were homeless, but they all went to mi Dade College North. "We didn't' schooL " , , the bus," he said. "So we would have to school and managed to succeed." want to let him down, he was just that "They were a handful, but nobody walk there. She didn't mind and nei As a coach, Moran' described him- important to all oftis. He was a mentor, ever got in trouble," Moran said. "They ' ther did!." self as methodical, expecting the best a father, a coach, a teacher, everything were good kids; they listened All you Prior to coming to Miami, Moran out of his players and requiriIig them ' you could possibly mean to a kid grow- . had to do was tell them once: This is lived in Santiago de Cuba, where he to keep up their grades to play. ing up." what ,we're doing, this is where we're learned soccer from the Spanish His players would use another Both Falcon and MOI()les are Cuban- meeting, and this is what is expected priests at the Jesuit school he attended. born and arrived in the United States from you." word:-magic. ' Moran's love for soccer led to him re Moran's ability to connect to his stu- ceiving the fJist athletic scholarship "Marcos is a magician," said Osiel as teens via spa.i.D. Neither !mew EnMorales, 56, of Coral Gables, who is glish, but they did have ' a passion for dents may stem from his own history awarded by Florida International ' now the head coach of the girls' soccer the sport. as a Cuban immigrant, coming to Mia- University. Moran retired as a teacher in and as an administrator in 'Pl1"1h',ml,pr While he was he work life and home cOlnbJl1lirlg the two. "Soccer was our life for said Moran's wife. take our to the games, when he was In soccer !Ca~UC. he says, he wants to more time with and travel with Adelaida. 1J"'~"T1,H" Moran' headed to Moran Re:fmishing, his father's old visit his former student Marvin HdJ.JUC"-, who now owns the business. When he walked Moran's w()odlen silm: said to Herrumd.ez. Hernandez first met Moran in when he was 16. He had moved to the United States from At the time he didn't On of he found the fIrst self the front row health and life m.anage ment class at Miami Senior "The next he came UD to I was. me and asked me and I told him from lUUlUC"-, who now lives in "'",,:,lU<U.l. Moran asked him if he "Tome was - -_ ..'-",,_. tIe did I know the next l l " J l l l H l ' " . schedule. I years." Moran and Hernandez became friends over time he workat Moran's :father's rCl.llll.::)1JJU!~ school. over the bu:sin!~ss. "He ~".A~~' \.UaJIJ",":U nandez 1f1tprrt1nt'p{1 "I -- HeliHub 511912015 HeliHub EPIC A\Aation LLC, a Leadirg A\Aalion Fuel Supplier , Announces Charges 10 Sales and Business De...eloprrenl Or9 anizali()() ~ :\\m EPIC Aviation LLC, a Leading Aviation Fuel Supplier, Announces Changes to Sales and Business Development Organization ~:~ 19 May, 15, Source: Epic EPIC Aviation LLC, a leading fuel supplier to the general AVIATION and commercial aviation industries, today announced staff changes, including two staff promotions and the addition of a new OEM and Brokered Fuel sales manager. Dev Sharma has been promoted to Director of Sales West. Dev has been with EPIC for more than 18 years, including the last three and half years as California and Hawaii Regional Sales Manager (RSM) and 13 plus years as a RSM in the Northwest region, including Alaska , Rocky Mountains and Western Canada.Before joining EPIC in 1997, Dev was served as an airport and ~s FBO manager for more than five years.Prior to that, FEATLIREO ON News NOW > Dev was a Ramp Services Supervisor at Creswell htlp:llhel'20151051191epi c- a\A ation-lIc-a-leadi rg -a\A ation-fuel- suppl ier -announces- charg es- to- sales- and- business-de...el oprrent-org anizaliorV 1/5 511912015 HeliHub EPIC A\iation LLC, a A'oiation Fuel Supplier, Announces Changes to Sales ard Business De\elopment Organization Mu Iy Air, a non- on organ a Is is an instru rated EPI Prior o In as a n Ie annou the o and more rs' http://helihub,coml20151051191epic-a\ialien-llc-a-leading-a'oiaIi0n-iuel- supplier - amounces- chang es-to- sales-and-business-de\elopment-org anizatiorV '215 511912015 HeliHub EPIC Al.ialion LLC, a Leading A";aHon Fuel Supplier, Announces Changes to Sales and Business De..elopment Organization n sales a comes to a lead IC and ness d U fl Di was ip including In I) P a a globa aVI our prod we busi II sa rannou as well as u our our market." About EPIC is an n with nada. tr'IL"s supp eour a system secure fuel su r a 315 KnightBlog ENGAGED COMMUNITIES May 13,2015 Join us for these upcoming Miami events SHARE ~ Posted by .In r1 ~ Matt Hagg man We have a terrific lineup of events set for this month in Miami that are supported by Knight Foundation. They include: May 13, 20, 27: Live Ninja holds # Waffle Wednesday, its weekly tech and creatives morning meetup in Wynwood. May 13: Accelerated Growth Partners hosts the fourth installment of their Angel Education Series, taught by Jaret Davis of Greenberg Traurig and Jason Stark of Private Advising Group. May 13: A talk by Michael Nygard on LAB Miami. Sill1ulation Testing will be held at The May 14: TheAsian Pacific American Bar Association of South Florida presents: Legal Symposium for Startup Companies at The LAB Miami. • May 14: A learning event, CocoaHeads: Dissecting An App will be held at The LAB Miami for people who want to learn how to build a successful app. Civic Hack Night. • May 18, 25: Code for MIA hosts its weekly • May 18, 25: Hacks/Hackers hosts • May 19: Idea Center at Miami Dade College hosts Millennial Millionaire PIONEERS @MDC featuring Felix Ortiz, founder, chairman and CEO of Viridis OpenHack Miami at The LAB Miami. Learning. • May 20: Building a Winning The Idea Center at Miami Dade College hosts Global Sales Team with William Davila, chief commercial officer of StudyPortals and associate professor at I nstitu to de 1m presa. • May 20: The Idea Center Startup Challenge: Final Sho\tV, highlighting the best new startups from Miami Dade College, will be held. • May 21: The Idea Center at Miami Dade College hosts Healthcare Innovat ors with George Gordon, executive director of Healthbox Florida. • May 22: The Idea Center at Miami Dade College brings Harvard's computer programming class to the entire South Florida community at House led by Jim CSsoxMiami Open McKelvey, LaunchCode and Square founder. • May 26: Brainfood @ The LAB will host a talk by Peter Kellner of Endeavor. • May 29: Startu p Weekend Diversity Miami will host a 54-hour event where developers, designers and business development folks come together to pitch an idea and launch a business. Be sure to check Refresh Miami's list of events for other happenings across the community, along with The LAB Miami eyents calendar. I look forward to seeing you! Above: eMerge Americas visitors at Knight Foundation's booth. Credit: Michael Bolden. Back to top A FOCUS AREAS: Engaged Communities COMMUNITIES: Miami PREVIOUS POST Living, breathing and playing John Cage NEXT POST Better Block and Open Streets events transform neighborhood in Akron, Ohio, with more vibrant street life .."' M iam I Eve nts SEARCH FOR restaurants, pizza. real-estate ... etc NEAR Follow Neighborhood. zip ... etc Pioneers @ MDe Lecture Series with Felix W. C TO MEET! z ~ ~ May 19, 2015 6:00 pm (Save to calendar) z '"'-' /oil tilt;,j ~ 300 NE 2nd Avenue. Dow ilIO',', I: IG .SK I QIIv"", C(5 :.:'<.:.1"1. FL 33L?, GS "'""III!l'tn,\arI!IlH ~\ ~, ~l c..~)11i St o Tweet 'm..-nl Ctr ~la· The Idea Center at Miami Dade College's (MOC) Pioneers @ MOC lecture series ~J1 hboutlC and CEO of Veridis Leaming, an education technology company that bUilds and r k presentation will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 19, at The Idea Center at th' r;; . JJ ,."pr! ' I~ ~dtrt;,' ©201!;> GvOQI.e JLFSON CAMPUS e-.ent is free and open to the public, but seats must be reser.ed in adlence. 2nd Avenue. Downtown Miami. FL JS :lions Bom and raised in Brooklyn, Ortiz started se-.eral companies, including Visionary After se-.eral multi-million-dollar deals through this -.enture, he turned his sights to workforce education and human capital solU1ions for the middle-skill workforce. 0 Army The Idea Center @ MOC, an entrepreneurship hub that as a co-curricular engine of innoletion and idea de-.elopment for F EAT URED EVEN TS all MOC students across all disciplines, includes a -.enture incubator called CREATE to nurture and tum suitable student business projects into a reality. It is hOllsed at the downtown Wolfson Campus bU1 with college·,";de programs. Front Yard Theatre Pioneers @ MDC has pre,-,ously presented Juan Diego Calle, founder of CO Intemet SAS. George Logothetis, founder of multibillion dollar international business group The Libra Grollp and Jim McKel-.ey, co-founder of the multi-billion-dollar company Square and the non-profit LaunchCode. CoITrrunily j @ tvlCC Wolf son Carrpus rrK'....'WIl ,\dU a commen t .. ... ", ~:·IJ ·I .~ ~.II1.I .• II "-"'.·' Submit your event here l Calendar of miami events SUBSCRIBE FOR EVE NTS Select Category Ladies Nights .Fairs Concerts & Perfomnances Charity & Fund Raisers 'Classes Erroll ADVER n SEM ENTS • • • lll(Jrrl) I \ Downtown Miami: The Ground Be neath Our Feet 'eSlJare on emailMore Sha nng ServicesQ Opening Reception & Panel Discussion: Sunday, June 7, 2015, 1 :00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. (MDC) Museum of Art + Design (MOA+D) in collaboration with Word + Image Lab (WAIL) presents the new exhibition, Downtown Miami: The Ground Beneath Our Feet, showcasing a one-of-a-kind artists book created by 24 south Florida writers and artists. Collaborating together on twelve unique page spreads, each artist/writer team focused on an architectural site located in the downtown Miami vicinity. The writers participating in this book are Jaswinder Bolina, Adrian Castro, John Dufresne, Denise Duhamel, Luis Eligio D Omni, Andrea Gollin, Nadege Green, Michael Hettich, Lori Colleen Kelly, Jessica Machado, Molly Mcgreevy and Susan Weiner. Participating visual artists are Jenny Brillhart, Rosemarie Chiarlone, Felice Grodin, Gary Moore, Lea Nickless, Ernesto Oroza, Brian Reedy, Onajide Shabaka, Sara Stites, Carol Todaro, Tom Virgin, and Michelle Weinberg. Sites referenced in the book are the Miami Circle Archaeological Site, Plantation Slave Quarters, City of Miami Cemetery, D A Dorsey House, First Federal Courthouse and Post Office, Scottish Rite Temple, Brickell Mausoleum, Huntington Building, Freedom Tower, Olympia Theatre, US. Post Office and Courthouse, and the Alfred I DuPont Building. Location Freedom Tower 600 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132 Contact Information MDC Museum of Art + Design 305-237 -7700 [email protected] ~ 511&'2015 vwwv.i'el.€nts/9f7 • Beyond • • • • • • • Bal Harboill Coconut Grove Coral Gables Design District Downtown Miami Beach Miami Shores • Omni • South Beach enter search term c:=J Dialogue With Time, Florencio Gelabert MDCMOAD 600 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami FL 33132 JW1 04 - Aug 16€nts/9f7 3/6'e-.ents/9f7 511&'2015 12:00 PM Free MOA+D presents A Dialogue With Time, a new series ofthought-provoking large-scale sculptures, installations, drawings and sketches by Cuban artist Florencio Gelabert never exh.Lbited before. • Share • • • Copy Link • • Links • More Info • RSVP • • • • Save iCal Outlook Google Calendar Related • MDC MOAD • V isual Arts • Free • Downtown May 25 - Sep 07 Visual Arts PAMM Offers Free Admission to Military Personnel 416 5'1812015 Home Museum and Collection Emibits I Ab ou t Us I Co ntact Us I V;e w Our' MaV Ad vertise rs I Print Edition & Archiv e. I search ... BISCAYNE~ MONDAY III "\ I Museum and Collection Exhibits ~§(8J ~la y l Stl1 I III "I, r I Miam i - Bricke ll j Dow ntown Midtownj WynwOOdjDesign District ARTCENTER/ SOUTH FLORIDA Miami - Upper Eastside 800 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach 305-674-8278 Through May 10: "Interstate" by Esther Manas and Arash Moori North Bay Village North Beach Miami Shores North Miami Bay Harbo r I slands ARTCENTER'S PROJECT 924 North Miami Bea ch 924 Lincoln Rd. , 2nd Floor, Miami Beach 305-674-8278 www May 2 through 31: "Matter: The Fundamental Particles" with various artists Reception May 6, 6 to lO p.m. BASS MUSEUM OF ART 2100 Col/ins Ave., Miami Beach 305-673 -7530 www. Thro ugh May 3: "One Way ' by Peter Marino CIFO (Osneros Fontanals Art Foundation) 1018 N. Miami A ve., Miami 305-455-3380 Through May 17: "Impulse, Reason, Sense, Conflict: Abstract Art from the Ella Fontanals -Cisneros Collection" with various artists DE LA CRUZ COllECTION CONTEMPORARY ART SPACE 23 NE 41st St., Miami 305-576-6112 www.delacruzcollection .org Ongoing: "Bene ath the Surface" with various artists Through May 8: "I n Process ' by Exile Books FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FROST ART MUSEUM 10975 SW 17th St. , Miami 305-3 48-2890 thefrost. fiu. edu Through May 10: "Aesthetics and Values: The Honors College" with various artists Through Ma y 24 : "Writing Between Heaven and Earth" by Xu Bing Sunny I sles Beach A v entu r ajHa Iia nda Ie MONTHLY COLUMN CURRENT ISSU E Volume 13, Issue 3, May 2015 ART AND CULTURE . PICTURE STORY 1: . _ \ t .~; . . .- ~ J -". - - - ilm house designs its programs to fit the neighborh ood Re ad more ... ART LISTINGS Ma y 2015 A view of our past from the archives of HistoryMiami Read mOre. COMMUNITY CONTACTS Aventura Ba y Har bor I s lands EVENTS CALENDAR May 2015 Biscayne Pa rk City o f Miami EI Po rtal BIZBUZZ Miami Shores North Bay Village North Mi ami North Miami Beach Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County Public INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART 4040 NE 2nd Ave ., Miami 305 - 901 -5272 Through June 30: Ryan Sullivan WINE Schoo ls Florida The BT we lcomes Tarot Reading by Sherrin, who is jo ining a ll the great people who make Biscayne Times LOWE ART MUSEUM, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI possible 1301 Stanford Dr., Coral Gables 305-284 -3535 Ongoing: "1 +2: Coleccion Jumex in Dialogue with the Lowe Art Mus eum" with various artists Throug h September 27: "A Collector's Legacy: Highlig hts from the Francien C. Ruwitch and the Ruwitch Family Collectio ns" with various artists May 1 through June 7: "Ultimas Tribus (Last Tribes)" by Ca rlos Llerna Aguirre Read more .. . Fed e ral MIAMI-DADE COllEGE MUSEUM OF ART + DESIGN http)IwNN.''indexphp?option=com_content&\iew=article&id= 1OO:m;seum- and-collecti on-exhibits&catid= 56:art-1 isting s<emid= 124 1/2 511812015 Museum and Collection Emibits Freedom To wer 600 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 305-237-7700 Through June 7: "Fountains and Galaxies" by Bernard Cooper May 8 through August 16: "Downtown Miami: The Ground Beneath Our Feet" with various artists May 28 through July 12: "Ne ighborhood Reclamation" by Michael Vasquez MUSEUM OF CONrEMPORARY ART NORTH MIAMI 770 NE 125th St., North Miami 305-893-62 11 Through May 30: "Alternative Contemporaneities : Temporary Autonomous Zones" with various artists, curated by Richard Haden PEREZ ART MUSEUM MIAMI 1103 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 305-375-3000 Through May 31: "Desiring Eye" by Victoria Gitman Through August 23: "Unruly Supports (1970-1980)" by Eugenio Espinoza Through September 27: [man [ssa Through October 4: "Frozen In Time " by Gary Simmons Through December 13: 'The Leisure Pit" by Nicolas Lobo May 7 through September 13: "Again Against, A Foot, A Back, A Wall " by Shana Lutker May 29 through October 18: "Poetics of Relation" with variou s artists THE MARGUUES COllECTION 591 NW 27th st., Miami 305-576-1051 Call collection for exhibition information THE RUBEll FAMILY COllECTION 95 NW 29th st., Miam i 305-573-6090 http'// Through Ma y 29: 'To Have and to Hold" with various artists "5010 Exhibitions " by Aaron Curry, Will Boone, Mark Flood, and Kaari Upson "The Year of the Sea Horse " by Lucy Dodd "How to Do Things Left" by David Ostrowski THE WOLFSONJAN-FIU 1001 Washington Ave ., Miami Beach 305-535-2622 Through June 14: "At Ease: Miami Beach During the Second World War" with various artists Through June 21: "Boom, Bust, Boom: Downtown Miami Architecture, 19205-19305" with various artists Through June 28: "Pose and Propaganda : Political Posters from the Contemporary Middle East and Afghanistan" with various artists Compiled by Melissa Wallen Send listings, jpeg images, and ev ents information to art@bisca y Compiled by Melissa Wallen Send listings, jpeg images, and events informati o n to art@bisca y Copyright © 2005 - 2015 The Biscayne Times. ~BiJ httpJIvMw.'index.php?opti on= com_ content&\iev.= arti cle&id= 106:rruseum-and-collecti o~ellhi bits&catid= 56:art-1 isti ng s<enid= 124 ImDIII 212 511&'2015 Cuba Out of Cuba: Through the Lens of Alexis Rodriguez-Duarte in Collaboration wth Tico Torres in Miami, FL - May 20,201512:00 PM Location: Miami metro area Events Concerts r',~O\l'-:S Festivals Db! i".l ·yf Comedy I El.€ntful Find Eventful Title or Keyword rl1v lVcolltll It Family Nightlife Performing Arts HOME I MIAMI EVENTS I GALLERIES I CUBA OUT OF CUBA: THROUGH THE L~ Sports Las Vegas Ticket Deals ~' Add E l.en! More OF ALEXIS RODRIGUEZ-OUARTE IN COLLABORATION WITH TlCO TORRES EVENT TIME& TICKETS CUBA OUT OF CUBA: THROUGH THE LENS OF ALEXIS, IN MIAMI f01 N<:fJi I TI 1. 99 Jamz Presents Rick . .. 2. Taylor Swift II! ", ". 3. Marc Anthony May 20,2015 Wednesday 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM (on various days) 4 Mark Knopfler 5. 103.5 The Baat Down lea .. Freedom Tower 6. Earth Wind and Fire 600 Biscayne Boulevard Mam. Rorida Map 7. New Kids on the Block .. 8. Third Eye Blind and Das . .. PERFORM ERS: " 9. Huey Lewis and The News No Performers Us led 10. Franco De Vita lRACK EVENT o people Irack thIS evenl See All More Events For You I'M GOING See All J!. }dlllZ I '11.. ~f I ~ ;>,y I~d : r~(,.s· EVEN f U8A I LS May 23 II ()(J Ftl CUBA OUT OF CUBA: THROUGH THE LENS OF ALEXJS RODRIGUEZ-DUARTE IN COLLABORATION WITH TlCO TORRES Cuba Oul of Cuba: Through the Lens of Alexis Rodriguez-CXJarte in Collaboration with Tico Torres September 19. 2014 - August 30.2015 Cuban [)iaspora Cultural Legacy Gallery II"L. Freedom Tower al Mam Dade College. First Floor I ilWlrswr The Cuban [)iaspora Cultural Legacy Gallery is a permanent space dedicated to the irrvact of Cuban cullure on South Florida and Ihroughout the world . The inaugural exhibrtion Cuba Out of Cuba: Through Ihe Lens of Alexis Rodriguez-CXJarle in Collaboration with Tico Torr es presents a selection of iconic photographs of various writers, perforrrers, corrposers, designers , and artists from Ihe photographer's Cuba OJt of Cuba series . The exhibition will take a unique and hislorical approach in surveY ing the legacies of individuals w he influenced the greater , ';~J.l cu~ure Ocl 27 - 7 JO I'M of their tirre 'H·ID Tit: Kr.t Rodriguez-CXJarte w as born in Havana. Cuba . h 1968 he moved with hiS parents (0 MarTi, where he was raised. At the age of 10. he was given hiS first camera by hIS grandfather. which sparked his interesl in pholography. Today, he is an inlernationally fvliW ,'..rtru r-; renow ned pholograph er whose work has appeared in The New Yorker. Vanrty Fair. Town & Country. and Harper's Bazaar. arrong others. The Cuban Exile Experience & Cultural Legacy Gallery is a historical division of Ihe MOC fohJseum of Art + Design. h addition 10 visual arts . the M.Jseum supports ex'hibilions and programs that COllect. preserve. research and interpret stories and artifacts that help build a berter comnmrty for underslanding and appreciation of (he Freedom Tower's his lOry. Oc 12 · 7.00 FM FlNi) TTt.r:l:'. Cost: Free- Calegories: Art Galleries & Exhibrts I fohJseums & Attractions This event repeats on various days: May 20. May 21 , May 22 Get more events for you ·;I~:;I"'IU Event details rray change at any tirre. atv.r ays check w ith the event organizer w hen planning to attend thIS event or purchase tickets . Report of fens ive content on this page TnI'Mt''JIB COMMENTS ABOUT CUBA OUT OF CUBA. THRQUGH H IE LENS OF ALEXIS RODRIGUEZ-OU Pitch Perfect 2 Now Playing I Watch Trailer n's been three yea rs 5 ince the Barden 8€!tas http://miami.el.€'el.€nts/cuba-out- cuba-throug h-I ens-/EG-001- 074670404- 1@2015052012 1/2 :a~ I~lH(\lc<\J rI CCH~n. IQr rher A '\.b, WCCIIlC,OdY. MJy 13. 21)1') ""1"n Event .. Board & Spon so r s _.. __.........__ .__._-_.•. _---- _.....• Title: .. Our AHiliate Members - Summer Camp for Kids ... ... ----.-------.-.. --.--.- -- --.~ .. Become A Member Calendar: H. _ _ ••• _ . _ _ ••••• • _ _ ••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ .. Things To Do South Miami·Dade _.. -.__... __._ ... __._------------ .. Review An Event HCA Events (lhomestead-fl-calendar-of-events) ··......H._._.__._._.___.____._..._.__._._ Date: .. Sign Up For Email Alerts 06 15.2015 900am - 4 00 pm H •••• _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ ••••• _ _ _ • _ _ _ • __ • .. Press Releases Location: Miami Dade College, Homestead Campus ( College Terrace, 33030 Homestead, Florida, Unil ~ l' r Uri: (I) Capacity: o Copy To: Google ( ale ndar/rende r? act ion= T EM PLATE&tex t=S u mme r+Camp+for+Kids&dates =20 150615T( Outlook (.ics) (lsummer-camp-in-homestead-miami-dade-campus?format=raw) '.' s: (:--~ F. ~ ......:. ........«, .~t.g.· <0" • '*' <;: i' ~: ~ ~,,, Oade Cl)il t' Q(' . H ome~;(f'~d ClIft'1p U3 MI(lOU El !r )t 4 [, 1<-1 [:ve'g l:lrJe<, On.hi eJ So·.iel , ' 7 00 I'M Lid'" 1)5/ 261\~, Vt-rll ,e: \JI ll \! . (I t Flw :,1" M i.1 " . D,Hje COl/nll extension Ru If! ilg Cr,<, I: I' Rrr: Q;'> "n", c.)'Y;, ~-!\ ~' ""11<:' ..:",;'. • _, :....;.. '?J-\ rrl!;~t' ..- ~\ ..>..~' lu:CJ(, Pfv1 r imF. 'J" '<.. .~.:\ (~\~-I' 11!;;~rs'474432,Ri1jotl'~i1~tlil8fltI_~QlIG6t4l"1 ..8Q.4743187.17z/da",=! 1Om 1r,., '12bl ?ou '*'I>0Ii>!l&00@i16 fiPI~ e Description (till (See Full Details) Visit the Official Website HOMESTEAD CAMPUS • SUMMER 2015 ArtSouth' Creative Arts • · , (jU17\i.YTD) ~ • Dance • Drawing ~"'~ 11 S>o.9... r """" ~ T'l'<oo~,,'.,......, -_'-"";n..... ~ ~ f~~~' .....::;-:;.:.!!! • Painting • Music • Crafts I.ot!,. riD .'~.!'~1]::! ArtSouth and Miami Dade College School of Continuing Education & Professional Development have teamed up for ArtSouth"s Creative Arts Summer Camp 9 What If Works Til lie 7:0.1 P ~'I I ,<lI e M.W 15&16.2C>1;; Vel 'Lie Phil'., Rf'1 1V r,ll lf1. Kedhnds ( being hosted at the Homestead Campus of ~1 o~ l . '_, Ger,er,lll'uIJ II( ~,1(, St·I1I' ' Miami Dade College. r-r \11<, "n;l ." 1I 1ll< '1 II '. 500 College Terrace from June 15th - August 7th, 2015 ,. 9:00 am - $ pm See Details Visit the Official Website Classes are in • Dance View More Upcoming Ev ents • Music • Painting • Drawing MIA M I· LIf'oU,II; B·nUin • Crafts With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs. the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor. and the Board of County Commissioners, Limit ed Schol;lr sh ip 5 avai lable 50 en ro ll now ~' o r more in formation , co lltacL Phones. 305· 247-9406 and 305-237-5159 www. /ce/homestead Write A Review Addcomment Name (required) E-mail (required, but will not display) @ ®©0~Q~0 ® 6000 sy m bols left Notify me of follo w-up comments h Refresh Send II It,~" III HomesteildCenter f,-,! tl1 " A,(<; Website Design & Website Support PC Box 901-192 providr-.IIJ) Released Solutions Itome, te<1d , i l :13 o 305-253-6620 Re~o llr(es + + + + + Privacy Poli cy Joi n E Alerts Credits Calendar Submission Req uest Add Affiliate Listing Ilr ,;.... ,d.I ' ~ _.., .... ,tll ,f.'I" I.. . · JII. -~. " . ~ o llov'll)s On r KeiJu<J k 5'1312015 AIi"ul"r"I N~,c' tH Arts 4 Healing at Miarri Dade College (Wolfson CarTlJus) around Miani Itll'{I!> 1,-) D ;;,.. "-.(····1 ,-", Tt. b Search by keyword or venue View Listings For A Day What do you want to do? Venue Types I 05/13/2015 Search ~ Miami Dade College (Wolfson Campus) ~ address phone Bar/Club Beach Bookstore Casino " 300 N.E. Second Ave. ~z :!i Mam. FL 33132 Arena/Stadium '" ';; (305) 237-3000 "'- www Averag e custon-er rating :-...~~:. c"r O:: See review s , rate this venue. upload venue photos ~ J .' Arts 4 Healing Coffeehouse ,I n Gallery Golf Course Hospital Hotel LandmarkiNtraction L ibrary Location Mall trprove this ..... .. ;t " Q' t:~) 2 :: "' -" ~ Q. .,. " ~. r;'/'J 12"('\ ~, I ;~ Z ~ '".., ~ " -:':L ~ ~. (§ Ji l v!t"'''', z ., M.arfll Dade CoU eye - . Norrh Campus :li ' :1 ~ ,- , ~"'I Miami Dade College (Wolfson z f~I ;· I'·f : t./W p • ~·:t College Special Event. Choral. Variety Show. Hea/th & WellnessINutrition Miami Dade College will bring the medical and arts community together for The Ms 4 Healing Eloenl. An Mtherapist. Chinese Ms Master. mixed ability dancers . a M..osic Therapist, liloe painters and musicians come together for a unique conference/performance. Come join us for this free eloent w hich includes interactiloe portions, Q & /\s and educational entertainment for an eloening of sharing the arts as a viable tool forwellness. More and more patients across the globe are seeking to enhance their wellness without invasiloe treatments or prescribed medications . Subsequently. the arts are appearing within many health facilities as an approloed method for complimentary care . Theyare leaming what we already know. that ARTS HEAL. Eventlnfo: (305) 981-7780 Price: Donations accepted Payment Via: Cash. Checks Event Website » ".! '.t"' W' Arts 4 Healing Conloention Center U- :.: ~ Airport Add Event Change Date "" "1:...'" t.N i 1~1f '';: ~: Map d Report d map erro r ~sting Movie Theater Museum Opera House Organization/Community ~ency Schedule • Sat6/13/15 at6pm-7:30pm See More Events At TIl is Venue .. Park Perform ance Theater Place of Worship Re s taurant Schaal Ski Resort Spa Specialty Shop Sporting/Recreation Location Theme Park Winery http://e-..ents.rriarriherald .corrv\enue.aspx?l.enue_id=4324&perUd=2206859 1/2 SOUTH FLORIDA VISUAL ARTS SCENE M'A~ _HERAlD I M.! SU~DAY, MAY 17,2015 . ·New WorldSchooFo the Arts' 2015 BFA findl visual arts showcase highlights a variety of works by Z1 artists . in an exhibit professionally curated by NWSA dean of visual arts Maggy Cuesta and gallerist Fredric Snitzer. The exhibition is on view daily from 1to 6 p.m. through May 23 at the Cen ter for Visual Communi cation, 555'and 557 NW 27th St., Miami. For more in formatioh, call 305-237-3135 or'visit www.nwsa.mdc.. edu/nw~a-college-visual arts.html. MARTES';19 bE MAYO DEL 2015 ~':Q')hay IlJgar 'para elracismo ,. Y lIamaria"condl:lctajuve . , nil," al comportamiento de los policias de Miami Bea9h que des,caradamente se envi;aron correos electronicos racistas, intercambiarQn textps dl,Jrante entrenamientos pioiendo fotos de mujer~s desriudas, ademas de haber enitiado ilegfllrnente una foto d,e la autopsia de un hombre negro qUe murioacribi lIado por ba:lazos de la poll cia. Tampoco pienso que haber tolerado una "mentalidadde lockerroom" bajo el ex jefe dela policia, 'Raymond Martinez, 10 gra explicar la razon por la cual toda esta conducta ofensiva y al menos en un caso, poten cialmente criminal - se conti nuo tolerando en el Departa mento Ide Policia de Miami Be ach. , Sa que, cUando hablo de es- , t.os temas ~I jl;Jev~s, no fue la in- ' tencion de la fiscal estatal Kat herine Fer.nandez Rundle mini mizar el darlo que causar<;>n las acciones de estos pqli,cias ahora bajo, ir:IVestigacion - al calificarlo en esos terminos. Pe ro lasemantica e.s ir.nportante., EI racismo no es una cOflduc ta juveniL' Es un desprecia:ble comportamiento a:dulto con el p.r:Qposito de re~_~cir el valor de elNuevoHerald .com sere$' humanos 'i no debe tener fugar de manera alguna ~n un departamento de policia..Ese es el m'eFlsaje claro que se debe enviar. Si ha de prodlJcirse a(guna vez un cambio en la cultura poli ciaca, empecemos por lIamarle ala conducta colectivade los 16 policias que participaron en di versas ofens as por su nombre: una seria infraccion de la con fianza del publicp en un mo mento en Glue a .este pafsleso 'bran razones para desconfiar deja policia. , Lo que estospolicias halTlhe, ch9 so cava la piedra angular de la tarea policiaca, la cual requie-. re cooperacion de lacomuni dad a la que se supone que sirvan y protejan. . ."Hechos como estQs dismi nuyen la legitimidad del depar tamento", me dijo el vierne~ Raimundo Socorro, direc,tor de la Escuela de Justicia del .Cole gio Universitario de Miami~Da ·<;ie. ,"Una de las ·' 9.osas :que ~prenden en la academiaes que no seJoleran correos electroni cos racistas ni cuqlquier otra cosa que degrade a otro indivi' duo. Aprenden,eso des"deelpn' mer dia 'y h()mos expulsado alumnos por hacer comentarios peyoratiyos sobre una raza 0 ,tina cultura". tas lecciones de la'academia de la policia sQbre elarte .de practicar una decencia basica y . humana, sin embargo, parece haberse perdido ,en estos poli cias, quienes com parten ahora el dudoso honor de incorporar se al Salon de la Verguenza del Sur de la Florida junto con los tres policias del departamento de policia de Fort Lauderdale que fuerol) reci.entemente des pedidos por enviar cprreos electronic,os r.a~istas. Los policias de Miami Beach VEA SANTIAGO EN LA pAGINA 2B Conducta de policias es deleznable , utilizaronelaccesoallnternet y al sistema de correo electr6nico de laciudad para propagar el arte del odioenviando memes pe yorativos acerca de perso~ nasnegras, mujereseinmi grantes Y 10 Angel mente hizo mente nuevo Miami I como una "conducta ver gonzosa y criminal". Vas quez Ie rtland6 a personas fuera del de la del fue fatal mente por la cia de Miami Beach en un controversial tiroteo du rante el Fin de Semana Ur bane de la Playa en 2011. Para variar, este depar tamento con una historia de mala conducta ca tlene fin un esta mente y abordando los asuntos con de manera expedita y camente. La n"",-.""·",,.,(',,,, ,es esencial para restaurar Se laconfianzadel' necesita un cambio pro fundo y consciente en una culfura en la que el mal comportamiento parece haber sido muy preponde rante. ' . l.No sablan estos tontos 10 faci!. que es rastrear la huella de alguien en elln ternet? "No saben estos policias que los dores utilizan los medias sociales para ubicar a cri minales y que realizan di secciones de records en' las computadoras para re solver crimenes? acaso pensaron la estaban por encima ley? yes "Encima de la ,tupidos", dice Socorro. Asies. y los Hasta los atretas en locker room tienen mejor juicio que elias. ie sta LA CAMARA DE COMERCIO HISPANA.DELSUR.DE LA FLORIDA CELEBRASU ALMUERZO DE PREMIOS LIDERAZGO HISPANO CON UNA ASISTENCIA DE MAS DE 400 MIEMBROS ' .' . . . . ' . La Camara de Comercio Hispana del Sur de la Florida recientemente celebr6 su entrega de Premios Liderazgo Hispano, uno de sus mas importantes eventos del aM. Los Premios Liderazgo Hispano se entregan a personas exitosas en sus respectivas carreras y que al mismo tiempo estan total mente comprometidas con el servicio a la comunidad. EI Primer Orador, yuno de los homenajeados, fue el Vicegobernador, Carlos L6pez Cantera. . . . . . . I . Los Homenajeados: Elizabeth Apiau, Robert Capo. Carlos J Davila. Jose Farina. Dr. Lupe Ferran. Diaz.ta Senadora Estatal de Florida Anitere Flores. La Honorable Kathy Cue Fuente, EI Honorable Vicegobernador de la Florida Carlos L6pez Cantera. Marile Lopez. Carlos Mallol, Maria Alejandra Membreno. Dr. Madeleine Rodriguez, Eloise E. Rodriguez. Javier Rodriguez. Roberto Rovira. Vivian San Juan. La Honorable Rebeca Sosa. Israel Velasco. Dr. Jose Vicente. Everett Wilson, Esq. David Zambrana. Lynn Ponder. Liliam M. L6pez Sanchez; Marile L6pez y Jorge' Luis L6pez con sus hijas.' ·Liliam M. L6pez Sanr:hez, Presidenta/CEO SFLHCC; EI Honorable Vicegobernador de la Florida, Carlos L6pez Cantera;La Honorable Comisionada del Condado de Miami-Dade, , Rebeca Sosa; Felipe Basulto, Presidente, SFLHCC. Nery Gonzalez; Rachel Tougerman, Vivian Williams; . La Honorable Jl:Jeza, Migna Sanchez Llorens. La H'onorable Conc~jal de la Cilldad de Hialeah, Kathy Cue Fuente; Carmen Cue. U MARTES 19 DE MAYO, DEL 2015 TRASFO elllJuRVO Herald AGENDA de Miami • Se invita a todos los escritores cubanos exi liados, cuyas obras han sido publicadas en el 'exilio, a una reunion de informacion y consulta sobre el desarrollo del eventocultural Encuento con el Libro Cubano Exiliado, que tendra lugar los dias 11 y 12 del proximo mes de julio en F.LU Martes 19,6 a 8 p.m. Biblioteca Publica de Coral Way y 94 Ave., Miami. Para mas informacion: encuentrolce@gmaiLcom 0 em3newa@ Tel: (305) 979-6319 y (305) 498-1714 • Ellnstituto de InvestigaCiones Cubanas de FIU invita a la conferencia Estados Unidos y Cuba: ;.Hay espaciopara dos nacionalismo.s tan cercanos entre sf? por Michael Parmly. Miercoles 20,12:00 p.m_, salon 220 de la Biblioteca Green, Recinto Modesto A. Ma:idique de FIU. Para mas informacion y confirmar asistencia, llamar ,al (305) 348-1991 0 escribir a [email protected]. • La Junta Patri6tica Cubana y los Municipios de Cuba ,en el Exilio invitan al Acto de Conme moraci6n del Dia de la Instauraci6n de la Repu blica de Cuba. Miercoles 20,8:00 p.m., Salon de Actos de la Junta Patriotica Cubana, 4600 NW ' ' .'Instituto Pedro Arrupe invita a la conferen~ cia La Globalizaci6ny el Desarrollo por Carlos Saladrigas. Jueves 21, 7:30 p.m. Centro de Espiri . tualidad Ignaciana (MANRESA) 12190 SW 56th. Street, Miami, F133175. Telefono: (305) 596-0001 • Galerias de Arte + Diseno del Campus Hia leah del MDC presentan The Modern Utopia: Lu Chengxiang. Recepcion inaugunil., miercoles 20, 12 m.;en CampusHialeah del MDC (1780 W 49 St.). Abiert'a hasta e128 de agosto, Informes, (305) 237-7704 0 galleries. • Goberna las Americas-Miami, la Escuela de Alta Politica y Buen 'Gobierno creada por el MDC y la Fundacion Ortega Maranon, ofrece el curso por internet en espanol El contexto de la 7th st. Miami, FL.. 33126 desigualdad y sus expresiones en America Lati na. Este comenzara el 2 de junio_ El plazo de matricula vence este viernes 22. El MDC y la Fundacion Jose Ortega yGasset-Gregorio Mara non ofrecen becas que reduciran elcosto de los cursos en un 25%. Matricularse e informes, goberna, 0 (305) 302-1315. • Instituto Pedro Arrupe invita a la conferen cia Dilemas dejusticia social en los ultimos 50 alios de desarrollo en America Latina y el mundo por Nelson Amaro Victoria, Ph.D. Sabado 23, 10:30 a.m. Centro de Espiritualidad Ignaciana (MANRESA) 12190 SW 56th. Street, Miami, Fl 33175 Telefono: (305) 596-0001 ·0·. , , elnuevoherald,com • LUNES 18 DE MAYO DEL 2015 TRASFONDO el Nueuo Herald La II • Se invita a todos los escritores cubanos exi liados, cuyas obras han sido publicadasen el exilio, a una reunion sobre el desarrollo del ' evento Encuento eon el Libra Cubano Exiliado, que tendra lugar losdias 11 y12 del proximo mes de julio en RLD. Martes 19, 6 a 8 p.m. Biblioteca Publica de Coral 'Way y;94 Ave., Miami Mas · informacion: [email protected] 0 [email protected]. Teleforios: (305) 979-6319 y (305) 498-1714 • EI Teatro Tower del Miami Dade College continua laexhibicion de exitosas cintas iberoa mericanas con la presentacion de la comedia Relatos Salvajes, el film producido por Agustin yPedro Almodovar, protagonizado por Ricardo Darin y candidato al Oscar extranjero de este ano, se exhibe hasta el jueves, 21 de mayo. Calle 8 esquina a la avenida 15, Pequena Habana: II)- ' formacion en (305) 237 2463, • Chamber South Business Expo (Feria de Negocios), presentada poi: University of Miami Health System,reune agentes de negocios para establecer nuevas conexiones. Habra musica, aperitivos y premios. Martes 19, de 4 a 8 p.m., en . Bank United Center (1245 Dauer Dr., Coral Ga bles). Informes, (305)-661-1621 '0 " events/ business-expo. • Ellnstitutode Investigaciones Cubanas de FIU invita a la conferencia Estados Unidosy Cuba: ;,Hay espacio para dos nacior.wlismos tan eercanos entre si?po'r Michael Parmly. Miercoies 20, 12:00 p.m., salon 220 de la Biblioteca Green, Recinto Modesto A. Maidique de Fill. Para mas informacion y confirmar asistencia, Hamar al ' (305) 348:1991 0 escribir a cri@fiil .edu.. • La Junta Patri6tica Cubanaylos Muni'cipios de Cuba en elExilio invitan al Acto de Conme- ' moraei6n del Dia de lalnstauraci6n de la Repu blica de Cuba. Miercoles 20, 8:00 p.m., Salon de ' Actos de la Junta PatriotiC a Cubana, 4600 NW 7th St. Miami, FL.,33126 , " • Goberna las Americas-Miami, la EscUE)la de , Alta Politica y Buen Gobierno, creada por el , MDC y la Fundaci6n Ortega Maranon, ofrece el curso por internet en espanol El contexto de la , des igua ldad y sus expresiones en America Lad- ' na, que comienza e12 de junio. Matricula abler ta hasta el 22 de mayo. El MDC y la Fundacion " ' ofrecen becas quereduciran el c,o stode los cur sos en un 25%. Matricularse e informes, goberna, 0 (305) 302-1315. I elnuevoherald. com SFO .• II Festivallnternacional Dia del Cebiche USA 2015, competencias de cocina, show musical y mucho mas. Domingo 17, de 11 a.m. a 9 p.m. en . D6ubletreeMiami Marti Airport, 711 NW 72 Ave, Miami, Fl, Pabell6n internacionaLPara mas' informacion 305-322-6265 • EI Teat'ro Tower del Miami Dade College continua la exhibici6n de exitosas cintas iberoa- : mericanascon la presentacion de la comedia . argentina Relatos Scilvajes, eHilm producido por Agustin y Pedro Almodovar, protagonizado por Ricardo Darin y candidato al Oscarextran jero de este ano, se exhibe hasta el jueves, 21 de . mayo. Calle 8 esquina a'la avenida 15, Pequena Habana. Informaci6n en 305 237 2463, • Se invita a todos los escritores cubanos exi liados, cuyas obras han sid6 publicadas en el exilio, a una reuni6n de informacion y consulta sobre el desarrollo del even to cultural Encuento con el Libro Cubano Exiliado, que tendra lugar los dias 11 y 12 del proximo mes de julio en F.LU. . Martes 19, 6 a 8 p,m. Biblioteca Publica de Coral Way y 94 Ave., Miami. Para mas informaci6n: [email protected] 0 [email protected]. Telefonos: (305) 979-6319 y (305) 498-1714 • Ellnstituto de Investigaciones Cubanas de FIU invita a la conferencia &;tados Unidos y Cuba: ;,Hay espacio para dos nacionalismos tan cercanos entre sf? por Michael Parmly. Miercoles 20, 12:00 p.m., salon 220 de la Biblioteca Green, Recinto Modesto A. Maidique de FIU. Para mas informaci6n y confirmar asistencia, llamar al .(305) 348-i991 0 ~scribir a [email protected]_ • Cinema Venezuela, primera muestra de cine venezolano en Miami, sabado 16, Pap ita, Mani y Tost6n, 7 p.m., La distancia mas larga, 9 p.m.; domingo 17, Dos de Trebol, 4:30 p.m.; Nena, salU dame alDiego, 7 p.m.; Esclavo de Dios, 9 p_m. . Koubel Center, del MDG,2705 SW 3 St., [email protected] . • Presentaci6n de la novela La apertura cuba na, de Alexis Romay. Sabado 16, 8 p.m., en Books and Books, 265 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables, 305-442-4408. • Chamber South Business Expo (Feria de Negocios), presentada por University of Miami Health System, tiene como objetivo reunir agen tes de negocios para establecer nuevas conexio nes y relacionarse con otros profesionales. Ha bra musica, aperitivos y premios. Martes 19, de 4 a 8 p.m., en Bank United Center (1245 Dauer Dr., . Coral Gables). Informes, 305-661-1621,0 business-expo. o DIARIO LAS AMERICAS LUNES 18/MARTES 19 DE MAYO DE 2015 Lamirada '" Mantenimiento • rlguroso POR LOS ALUM NOS DEL MIAMI DADE COLLEGE . FOTO: HIRAM MONTERO MIAMI HERALD I MiamiHerald,com TUESDAY, MAY 19,2015 I 'A Moe , • MARTES 19 DE MAYO DEL 2015 VoSoy MOe Christina M.Farias , Exalumna del MOC Ingeniera de Proyectos TelescoConstruction Co, Inc. ' I'L'-"na M. 'Farias , MOC Alumna , ProjeCt Engineer Telesco Construction Co, Inc. ,;,.:.,. ~ '::"" ' " "Miami Dade. ' " ', College I.... I . . -'. join ,the Alumni Network , , w\wl,lTidrolumnl.,om· '
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