SAMPLE BALLOT - REPUBLICAN PARTY WESTCHESTER COUNTY PRIMARY ELECTION - SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 TOWN OF LEWISBORO, ED: 1 Sheet No: 1 REP ABS/AFF 16 Election Districts County of Westchester REP City Council 6 City of: New Rochelle E.D.(s): 7, 30 / 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 45 / 48, 67 Sheet No: 2 REP ABS/AFF 20 Election Districts County of Westchester REP Town of: Harrison E.D.(s): 1 / 20 Sheet No: 3 REP ABS/AFF 12 Election Districts County of Westchester REP Town of: Lewisboro E.D.(s): 1 / 12 1) VOTING FOR A CANDIDATE To vote for a candidate, fill in the black oval completely to the right of the candidates name. 2) VOTING FOR A PROPOSITION Locate the proposition box on the back of the ballot. To vote on a proposition, fill in the oval completely for either YES or NO. CORRECTLY VOTED CORRECTLY VOTED Proposition One (Vote for any 1) Shall sellers of ice cream and other frozen specialty products within a County be compelled to provide candy-like sprinkles “without additional charge or assessment?” <(6 VOTING FOR A WRITE-IN To vote for a write-in candidate for office, write the name of the person in the blank space at the bottom of the column under the title of the office. Note: Do not write in the name of a candidate already listed for that same office. CORRECTLY VOTED 3) Chocolate Almond Chocolate Almond 12 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) OFFICIAL VOTING INSTRUCTIONS Mark only with a writing instrument provided by the Board of Elections. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on this ballot fill in the oval above or next to the name of the candidate, like: To vote for a person whose name is not printed on this ballot write or stamp his or her name in the space labeled “WRITE-IN” at the bottom of the column for such office. To vote yes or no on a proposal, if any, that appears on the back of the ballot fill in the oval that corresponds with your Page 1 ofvote. 1 Any other mark or writing, or any erasure made on this ballot outside the voting ovals or blank spaces provided for voting will void this entire ballot. Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates than there are vacancies to be filled, your ballot will be void for that public office, party position or proposal. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. Do not attempt to correct mistakes on the ballot by making erasures or cross outs. Erasures or cross outs may invalidate all or part of your ballot. Prior to submitting your ballot, if you make a mistake in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot choices, you may obtain and complete a new ballot. You have a right to a replacement ballot upon return of the original ballot. (8) After completing your ballot, insert it into the ballot’s scanner and wait for the notice that your ballot has been successfully scanned. If no such notice appears, seek the assistance of an election inspector. 4) CASTING YOUR BALLOT REVIEW Please review your ballot to make sure it is voted the way you want. Make sure to review the back of the ballot for any propositions. After reviewing your votes, the next step is to scan your ballot. The inspector will show you to the voting machine where it will be scanned. SCAN BALLOT The voting machine will cast your ballot after it has scanned it. The image to the right indicates a successfully cast ballot. 5) OVERVOTE WARNING If you have voted for more than one candidate than allowed in a contest, an error of an overvote will appear on the screen. WARNING! You can press the cast button if you wish to cast your ballot as it is and a void will be cast only for the office you overvoted, or you can press the return button to get your ballot back. You will need to go to the Inspectors for a new ballot to mark. The ballot with the error on it will then be voided. *************** YOU HAVE OVERVOTED FOR AT LEAST ONE CONTEST. TO RETURN AND CORRECT THE BALLOT, PRESS “RETURN” TO PROCEED WITH THE BALLOT AS-IS, PRESS “CAST” Sheet No: 1 REP ABS/AFF 16 Election Districts County of Westchester REP City Council 6 City of: New Rochelle E.D.(s): 7, 30 / 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 45 / 48, 67 BOLETA DE MUESTRA - REPUBLICAN PARTY CONDADO DE WESTCHESTER ELECCIÓN PRIMARIA - 10 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2015 TOWN OF LEWISBORO, ED: 1 Sheet No: 2 REP ABS/AFF 20 Election Districts County of Westchester REP Town of: Harrison E.D.(s): 1 / 20 Sheet No: 3 REP ABS/AFF 12 Election Districts County of Westchester REP Town of: Lewisboro E.D.(s): 1 / 12 %HVW 6RDS2SHUD %HVW 796KRZ %HVW $UWLVW %HVW 6HDVRQ %HVW $FWRU$FWUHVV %HVW 0RYLH %HVW ,FH&UHDP)ODYRU 1) %HVW 0RYLH %HVW $FWRU$FWUHVV 6HDVRQ 2) Para votar por un candidato, complete el óvalonegro totalmente a la derecha del nombre de los candidatos. correctamente votado %HVW Chocolate Almond specialty products within Broome County be compelled to provide candy-like sprinkles "without additional charge or assessment?" Proposition One (vote for any 1) %HVW %HVW Shall sellers of ice cream and other frozen specialty 6HDVRQ $UWLVW YES %HVW 6HDVRQ NO Para votar por su candidato, escriba el nombre de la persona en el blanco columna bajo espacio en en la ultima el título de la oficina. 4) %HVW $UWLVW sprinkles “without like additional charge or assessment?” (Vote for any 1) %HVW $FWRU$FWUHVV instruccionEs (1) Marque solamente con un instrumento de escribir proporcionado por la Junta de Elecciones. /1 (2) Para votar por un candidato, cuyo nombre se encuentre imprimido en 1esta boleta, complete el óvalo sobre o al lado del nombre del candidato, por ejemplo: “WRITE-IN” en la parte inferior de (3) Para votar por una persona, el cual su nombre no se encuentra imprimido enesta boleta, escriba o estampe su nombre en el espacio etiquetado la columna para tal oficina. 1 of 1 (4) Para votar sí o no en una propuesta que aparezca en la parte posterior de la boleta, complete el óvalo que corresponde conPage su voto. (5) Cualquier otra marca o escritura, o cualquier borradura hecha en esta boleta fuera de los óvalos de votación o de los espacios en blanco proporcionados para votar anularán %HVW %HVWesta boleta enteramente. 796KRZ 6RDS2SHUD (6) No sobre vote. Si usted selecciona un número mayor de candidatos que de vacantes, su boleta será anulada para ese cargo público, posición partidista o propuesta. (7) Si usted rompe, desfigura, daña o marca esta boleta equivocadamente, devuélvela y obtenga otra. No trate de corregir errores en la boleta borrando o tachando. Las borraduras y tachaduras podrían anular toda o parte de su boleta. Antes de entregar su boleta, si usted piensa que ha cometido un error o desea cambiar sus selecciones, puede obtener y llenar una nueva. Usted siempre tiene el derecho a obtener otra boleta mientras que entregue la boleta original. (8) Después de terminar su boleta, insértela al escáner y espere el aviso que su boleta se ha escaneado con éxito. Si no aparece dicha notificación, solicite la asistencia de un inspector electoral. EmitiEndo su Voto %HVW %HVW 796KRZ 6RDS2SHUD rEVisión Por favor, revise su boleta electoral para asegúrarse de que se vote de la asegúrese manera deseada. de revisar la parte posterior de la boleta para cualquier proposiciones. después de revisar su voto, el siguiente paso es escanear su boleta. el Inspector le mostrara la maquina de votación donde su voto será escaneado. 5) adVErtEncia dE Votos múltiplEs Si ha votado a favor de más de un candidato que lo permitido, le va aparecer un error en la pantalla. WARNING! *************** nota: no escriba el nombre de un candidato que ya figura Puede presionar el botón de “cast” si YOU HAVE OVERVOTED FOR AT LEAST ONE CONTEST. . para ese mismo partido desea emitir su voto o puede presionar TO RETURN AND CORRECT THE el botón “return” para obtener su boleta correctamente votado BALLOT, PRESS “RETURN” BALLOT de nuevo. Usted tendrá que buscar a un DEMONSTRATION NEW YORK STATE COUNTY TESTING TO PROCEED WITH THE BALLOT BolEta ElEctoral AS-IS, PRESS “CAST” inspector para que le den una nueva boleta emitir su voto después de que se ha digitalizado. La máquina de votación se para marcar. La boleta con el error, luego La imagen de la derecha indica una votación con éxito. se anulará. Ballot ID: 1 Votando por Escrito Localice la caja de la proposición en la parte posterior de la boleta. Proposition Para votar sobre una proposición, complete el óvalo totalmente sí o no. One Shall sellers of ice cream and other frozen correctamente votado %HVW %HVW $FWRU$FWUHVV 0RYLH 3) ,FH&UHDP)ODYRU Votando por una proposición products within a county be compelled to provide candy %HVW 6RDS2SHUD %HVW %HVW 0RYLH %HVW ,FH&UHDP)ODYRU 796KRZ %HVW $UWLVW %HVW Votando por un candidato %HVW ,FH&UHDP)ODYRU Chocolate Almond INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Mark only with a pen or felt tip marker having blue or black ink. (2) To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on this ballot fill in the o to the right of the candidate's name. (3) To vote for a person whose name is not printed on this ballot write or stamp his or her name on a blank "Write-In" area under the names of the candidates for that office. (4) To vote yes or no on a proposal fill in the o below the proposition. (5) Any other mark or writing, or any erasure made on this ballot outside the voting squares or blank spaces provided for voting will void this entire ballot. (6) Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates than there are vacancies to be filled, your ballot will be void for that public office or party position. (7) If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. Do not attempt to correct mistakes on the ballot by making erasures or cross outs. Erasures or cross outs may invalidate all or part of your ballot. Prior to submitting your ballot, if you make a mistake in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot choices, you may obtain and complete a new ballot. You have a right to a replacement ballot upon return of the original ballot. 1
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