Composition of the Statistics Committee Interterritorial Madrid, 26 January 2016 The Composition of the Interterritorial Statistics Committee, according to the article 42 of Law 12/1989 of 9 May on Public Statistical Services, it is established in the article 3 of its Regulation on Organisation and Operation. The following lists the persons who are part of the Plenary of the Interministerial Statistics Commission at 26 January 2016, indicating the body to which they are affiliated. 1. Members of the Committee President Mr Gregorio Izquierdo Llanes (President of the National Statistics Institute) Vice-president Mr Ramiro Lomba Monjardín (Central Statistics Body of Principado de Asturias) Secretary 1 Mr Antonio Salcedo Galiano (National Statistics Institute) Representative members of the Ministerial Departments and the National Statistics Institute Mr Javier Hernández Peña (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation) Ms Esperanza Castellanos Ruiz (Ministry of Justice) Mr Ricardo Martínez Martín (Ministry of Defence) Mr Jesús Antonio Calvo López (Ministry of Treasury and Public Administration) Mr José Rafael Rojas Juárez (Home Office) Mr Gerardo Luis Gavilanes Ginerés (Ministry of Public Works) Mr Jesús Ibáñez Milla (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) Ms María Dolores Allona Alberich (Ministry of Employment and Social Security) Mr Javier Muñoz Carabias (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism) Ms Paloma Seoane Spiegelberg (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment) 1 The Secretary of the Committe has the right of voice and vote Not appointed (Ministry of the Presidency) Mr Santiago Asensio Merino (Ministry of Economy and Competitivity) Mr Alfredo Cristóbal Cristóbal (National Statistics Institute) Mr Miguel Ángel De Castro Puente (National Statistics Institute) Ms Mercedes Alfaro Latorre (Ministry of Public Health, Social Services and Equality) Representatives Commnuties2 of Statistical Services of the Autonomous Mr Jesús Sánchez Fernández (Central Statistics Body of Andalucia) Mr Alfredo Peris Beamonte (Central Statistics Body of Aragon) Mr Ramiro Lomba Monjardín (Central Statistics Body of Principado de Asturias) Mr Llorenç Pou Garcias (Central Statistics Body of Illes Balears) Mr José Juan Cruz de Saavedra (Central Statistics Body of Canarias) Mr Francisco Javier Parra Rodríguez (Central Statistics Body of Cantabria) Mr José Armando Baeta Canales (Central Statistics Body of Castilla y León) Mr Enrique Tenorio Herrero (Central Statistics Body of Castilla-La Mancha) Mr Frederic Udina i Abelló (Central Statistics Body of Cataluña) Not appointed (Central Statistics Body of Extremadura) Mr José Antonio Campo Andión (Central Statistics Body of Galicia) Ms Rosario Rey García (Central Statistics Body of Comunidad de Madrid) Not appointed (Central Statistics Body of Región de Murcia) Mr losu Ardáiz Loyola (Central Statistics Body of Comunidad Foral de Navarra) Not appointed (Central Statistics Body of La Rioja) Mr Francisco Álvarez Molina (Central Statistics Body of Comunitat Valenciana) Mr Josu Iradi Arrieta (Central Statistics Body of País Vasco) 2 The Vice-president is also one representative of the Autonomous Communities, elected by the majority of the Committee’s members 2. Substitute members Representative Departments substitute members of the Ministerial Mr Javier Pagalday Gastelurrutia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation) Mr Jesús Santa-Bárbara Rupérez (Ministry of Justice) Mr José Antonio Carrillo Ruiz (Ministry of Defence) Mr Carlos Hernández Hidalgo (Ministry of Treasury and Public Administration) Ms Carmen Nevot Espuña (Home Office) Mr Miguel Ángel Herrera Chamorro (Ministry of Public Works) Ms María Ángeles Pérez Corrales (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) Ms Raquel Peña Trigo (Ministry of Employment and Social Security) Ms Luisa Berrio Martín-Retortillo (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism) Mr Rubén García Nuevo (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment) Ms Berta Álvarez-Miranda Navarro (Ministry of the Presidency) Mr Francisco Javier Sansa Torres (Ministry of Economy and Competitivity) Ms Inés Doménech del Río (Ministry of Helath and Social Policy) Substitute representatives Autonomous Communities of Statistical Services of the Ms Elena Manzanera Díaz (Central Statistics Body of Andalucía) Ms María Luisa Gavín Lanzuela (Central Statistics Body of Aragón) Mr Jesús García Cueto (Central Statistics Body of Principado de Asturias) Ms Sara Fernández Vázquez (Central Statistics Body of Illes Balears) Mr Alberto González Yanes (Central Statistics Body of Canarias) Mr Jesús María Rodríguez Rodríguez (Central Statistics Body of Castilla y León) Mr Rafael García-Donas Navarro (Central Statistics Body of Castilla-La Mancha) Ms Cristina Rovira i Trepat (Central Statistics Body of Cataluña) Ms María Isabel Santos Galeano (Central Statistics Body of Extremadura) Ms Rosa E. Fernández González (Central Statistics Body of Galicia) Mr Carlos Casado Valera (Central Statistics Body of Comunidad de Madrid) Mr José Blaya Verdú (Central Statistics Body of Región de Murcia) Mr Pedro Bandrés Oscoz (Central Statistics Body of Comunidad Foral de Navarra) Ms Natalia Ríos Hoyos (Central Statistics Body of La Rioja) Ms Dolors Cueves Fandos (Central Statistics Body of Comunitat Valenciana) Ms María Victoria García Olea (Central Statistics Body of País Vasco)
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