CURRICULUM VITAE JUAN MARTIN GALEANO REGUERA January 2016 Date of birth: December 16th, 1979 Place of birth: Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA Nationality: Spanish Passport number: 23.890.574Z Professional Address: Centre d’ Estudis Demogràfics, Edifici E2, Campus de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Barcelona), Catalonia, SPAIN Telephone: (+34) 93 581 30 60 Email: [email protected] CURRENT ACADEMIC AFFILATION: Ph.D. Candidate in Demography for the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) and the Geography Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). EDUCATION/TRAINING: 2015: Course in Spatial Demography with R, Centre for Demographic Studies (Spain). Instructor: Dr. Virgilio Gómez-Rubio. 2015: Course in Spatial Demography, Max Planck Institute (Germany). Instructor: Dr. Sebastian Klüsener. 2011-2012: M.A. in Demography, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD). Master Thesis: “Moving or Staying Put? Movement and Settlement of International Migrants in Spain before and during the Economic Recession”. 2011: Course in Computer Programming for Demographers, Max Planck Institute (Germany). Instructor: Dr. Giancarlo Camarda. 2011: Basic Mathematics for Demographers, Max Planck Institute (Germany). Instructor: Dr. Peter Wagner. 2011: Course in Basic Statistics for Demographers, Max Planck Institute (Germany). Instructor: Dr. Trifon Misov. 2010-2011: M.A. in Territorial and Population Studies, CED (Spain). Master Thesis: “Family Reunification at the province of Gerona –Catalonia- between 2004 and 2010”. 2006-2010: Graduated; B.A. in Sociology at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Page 1 of 8 STAYS ABROD: 2015: (May-July) Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester (UK). Supervisor: Dr. Nissa Finney 2014: (June-July) Centre for Population Change, Southampton University (UK). Supervisor: Dr. Jakub Bijak. 2011: (September-October) Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) R&D PROJECTS: 2013-2014: "Diversity of residential segregation and ethnic enclaves at the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona" funded by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. Host organisation: Centre for Demographic Studies. Responsibility: Research Collaborator. Principal investigator: Dr. Andreu Domingo. 2012-2014: “From Complementarity to Exclusion? Socio-demographic analysis on the impact of the economic crisis in the immigrant population”, within the national R & D program funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (Ref. CSO2011/24501). Host organisation: Centre for Demographic Studies. Responsibility: Research Collaborator. Principal investigator: Dr. Andreu Domingo. 2012-2014: “Settlement of the immigrant population, demographic change and municipal management of inter-culturality”, funded by the 2011 RecerCaixaProgram driven by “La Caixa” Foundation and the Catalan Association of Public Universities. Host organisation: Centre for Demographic Studies. Responsibility: Research Collaborator, web-site coordinator and database manager. Principal investigator: Dr. Andreu Domingo. 2010-2011: “Socio-demographic analysis of family reunification in Catalonia, 2004-2010”(2009 ARF1Ref.00001), funded by the Agència de Gestió d' Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca(AGAUR). Host organisation: Centre for Demographic Studies. Responsibility: Research Collaborator. Principal investigator: Dr. Andreu Domingo. PUBLICATIONS: (* indicates refereed publication) *SABATER, A. & GALEANO, J. (2015), “The Nexus Between Occupational and Residential Segregation”, en Domingo, A., Sabater, A. y Verdugo, R. (Eds.) Demographic Analysis of Latin American Immigrants in Spain: From Boom to Bust?, New York: Springer -Applied Demography Series, vol 5-. *GALEANO, J.; SABATER, A. & DOMINGO, A. (2015), “Formation and evolution of ethnic enclaves in Catalonia before and during the economic crisis”, Catalan Social Sciences Review, 5, 59-86. Page 2 of 8 GALEANO, J & BAYONA-CARRASCO, J. (2015), “Assentament Territorial de la Població Estrangera a l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona en el Segle XXI”, in RECERCA I IMMIGRACIÓ VII: Migracions dels segles XX i XXI, una mirada candelinana, Barcelona: departament de Benestar Social i Familia de la Generalitat de Catalunya *GALEANO, J.; SABATER, A. & DOMINGO, A. (2014), “Formació i Evolució dels Enclavaments Ètnics a Catalunya abans i durant la Crisis Econòmica”, Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 60(2), 261-288.. *SABATER, A.; GALEANO, J. & DOMINGO, A. (2013), "La transformación de las comunidades mayoritarias y la formación y evolución de los enclaves étnicos en España", Migraciones, 34, pp. 11-44. DOMINGO, A.; SABATER, A. & GALEANO, J. (2013), "Enclavaments Ètnics a Catalunya, País Valencià i les Illes Balears", L'Avenç, 391. GALEANO, J. (2013): "La Reagrupación Familiar a la Provincia de Girona". Papers de Demografia, núm. 401, 1-68. SABATER, A.; GALEANO, J. & DOMINGO, A. (2013) “Formación y evolución de los enclaves étnicos en España”, pp. 2199-2230 in Observatorio de Asuntos Sociales (Eds), VII Congreso. Migraciones internacionales en España. Movilidad humana y diversidad social, Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco. GALEANO, J. (2012) Book Review: “The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in Modern World”, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, Vol. 57, nº3. CONFERENCES: Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano & Dr. Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco Title: Segregación territorial y transformación del espacio residencial al inicio del siglo xxi: el caso del área metropolitana de Barcelona Type of Participation: poster Place and Date: Zaragoza, Spain, 28-30 October 2015 Conference: XXIV Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano & Dr. Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco Title: "International migration and demographic change in the metropolitan area of Barcelona: a demo spatial analysis at the census tracts level”. Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Louvain-la-Neuve , Belgium, 16-18 November 2015 Conference: Chaire Quetelet 2015 Page 3 of 8 Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano Title: “Aumento de la Diversidad Poblacional y la Vulnerabilidad Social en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona”. Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Granada, Spain, 16-18 Septembre 2015 Conference: VIII Congreso de las Migraciones Internacionales en España Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Nachatter Singh, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano Title: “Concentración y diversidad: el asentamiento de la inmigración del subcontinente indio a España (2000–2013)” Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Granada, Spain, 16-18 Septembre 2015 Conference: VIII Congreso de las Migraciones Internacionales en España Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater Title: “Els municipis espanyols després del boom immigratori. Augment de la diversitat poblacional i disminució de la segregació residencial Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Barcelona, Spain, 3 June 2015 Conference: Sota l'ombra de la incertesa: Gestió i recerca de la interculturalitat (Presentació final de resultats projecte RecerCaixa) Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Jordi Bayona Title: “Assentament Territorial de la Població Estrangera a l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona en el Segle XXI”. Type of Participation: Communication Lugar y Fecha: Barcelona, Spain, 14 Decembre 2014 Conference: Migracions dels segles XX i XXI a Catalunya. Una mirada candeliana Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: “Internal migration and residential segregation of immigrant populations in three major Spanish cities and their metropolitan areas (2004-2011)". Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Budapest, Hungary, 25-28 June 2014 Conference: European Population Conference Authors: Dr. Albert Sabater, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano Title: “Diversitat i concentració residencial a Catalunya”. Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Barcelona, Spain, 4 June 2014 Conference: Seminar on Municipal Management of Interculturality: Discourses and Practices in Times of Crisis Page 4 of 8 Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater Title: “Migración Interna y Asentamiento de la población Inmigrada en Madrid Barcelona and Valencia, 2004-2011”. Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Barcelona, Spain, 29-30 May 2014 Conference: Seminar on Economic Crisis, Vulnerability and Migrations Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: “What’s up with Barcelona? Residential Segregation, Increasing Population Diversity and Living Conditions Inequalities". Type of Participation: Poster Place and Date: Boston, EE.UU., 1-3 May 2014 Conference: Population Association of America (Annual Meeting) Authors: Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano Title: “Spatial integration at the expense of occupational disadvantage: The case of Latin Americans in Spain". Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Swansea, United Kingdom, 11-13 September 2013 Conference: British Society of Population Studies (Annual Conference) 2013 Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: "La segregación residencial y ocupacional de la población de origen latinoamericano residente en España". Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Madrid, Spain, 10-12 July 2013 Conference: Congreso de la Federación Española de Sociología (FES) 2013 Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: "Crossroads to integration? Residential and occupational segregation of Latin Americans in Spain". Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Groningen, Netherlands, 25-28 June 2013 Conference: International Conference on Population Geographies Authors: Dr. Albert Sabater, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: "La conexión entre la segregación ocupacional y residencial de la población latinoamericana en España ". Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Albacete, Spain, 18-21 June 2013 Conference: Congreso de la Asociación de Demografía Histórica (ADEH) 2013 Page 5 of 8 Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: "Formació i evolució dels enclavaments ètnics a Catalunya durant la crisi econòmica". Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Perpignan, France, 25-27 April 2013 Conference: Congrés Català de Sociología 2013 abans i Authors: Dr. Albert Sabater, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano ,Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: "The Gendered Nature of Migration and Settlement of Latin Americans in Spain". Type of Participation: Poster Place and Date: New Orleans, EE.UU., 11-14 April 2013 Conference: Population Association of America (Annual Meeting) Authors: Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano, Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo Title: “Moving or staying put? Movement and settlement of international migrants in Spain before and during the economic recession” Type of Participation: Poster Place and Date: Stockholm, Sweden, 13-16 June 2012 Conference: European Population Conference Authors: Dr. Andreu Domingo, Dr. Xiana Bueno, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano Title: “Family reunification, migration strategies and transnational marriage markets” Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Stockholm, Sweden, 13-16 June 2012 Conference: European Population Conference Authors: Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano Title: "Coexistence of Paradigms? Residential Segregation in Spain after Mass Migration" Type of Participation: Poster Place and Date: San Francisco, California, USA, 3-5 May 2012 Conference: Population Association of America (Annual Meeting) Authors: Dr. Albert Sabater, Dr. Andreu Domingo, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Galeano Title: “Formación y Evolución de los Enclaves Étnicos en España” Type of Participation: Communication Place and Date: Bilbao, Spain, 11-13 April 2012 Conference: International Migrations in Spain SCHOLARSHIPS: 2015: Scholarship for a research visit at the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (University of Manchester), granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. Page 6 of 8 2014: Scholarship for a research visit at the Centre for Population Change (Southampton University), granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. 2013-2017: PhD scholarship "FPU" (Formation of University Professorship) granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. 2011-2012: European Doctoral School of Demography scholarship granted by the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED). 2010: General and Mobility scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. 2009: General and Mobility scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. 2008: General and Mobility scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. 2007: General and Mobility scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. TEACHING (seminars and classes) Since 2013 until present: Workshop: “Introduction to Digital Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis” (one week course), within the MA “Territorial and Population Studies”, organized by the Centre d’Estudis Demogràphics and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2015: Seminar: “International migration and demographic change in Spain before and during the economic crisis (2000-2014): a demo-spatial analysis”, organized by the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (University of Manchester) 2015: Seminar: “Migración internacional y cambio demográfico en España antes y durante la crisis económica: un análisis demo-espacial”, organized by the Departament Teoria Sociològica, Filosofia del Dret, Metodologia de les CCSS. (University of Barcelona) 2013: Seminar “Diversidad Poblacional, Segregación Espacial y Desigualdad Residencial en la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona”, organized by the Centre for Demographic Studies and the Autonomous Uniiversity of Barcelona. 2013: Seminar: “Geo-location as a demographic research tool”, organized by R users group of Barcelona (RugBCN). itnig, Barcelona, Spain, October 9th, 2013. 2013: Seminar: "Data visualization: the geo-location as emerging research tool", organized by the department of sociology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona within the series of seminar of the Doctoral WorkingGroup. Barcelona, Spain, June 5th, 2013. LANGUAGE SKILLS: Spanish: mother tongue. English: Spoken, written and read fluently. Catalan: Spoken, written and read fluently. C level. Page 7 of 8 PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SKILLS: R-project: Advanced user Datawrapper: advanced User QGIS: Advanced User Mapviewer: Advanced User Shiny: Advanced User Fusion Tables (Google): Advanced User CartoDB: Advanced User MS-Office: Advanced User PREZI: Advanced user OTHERS: DATA VISUALIZATION: FB GALLERY DATABASES AND WEB VISUALIZATION: GEDEM’S DATA-PLAYGORUND Web and Community Manager for GEDEM (Group for Demographic and Migration Studies): WEB-PAGE : GEDEM FACEBOOK: GEDEM - Grup d'Estudis Demogràfics i de les Migracions TWITTER: @GEDEM_CED SLIDESHARE: GEDEMCED MORE REFERENCES: Dr. Albert Esteve, Director of the Centre for Demographic Studies. Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona ([email protected]) Dr. Andreu Domingo, Deputy Director of the Centre for Demographic Studies. Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona, expert in International Migration ([email protected]) Dr. Albert Sabater, Research Fellow in the Centre for Population Change, University of St. Andrews ([email protected]) MEMBERSHIPS: • • • European Association of Population Studies (EAPS). Population Association of America (PAA) Asociación de Demografía Histórica (ADEH) Page 8 of 8
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