184 SAMPLE BALLOT & Voter Information Pamphlet NOVEMBER 4, 2014 GENERAL ELECTION Your polling place may have changed. Please see the back cover for your current location. Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VOTE in one of three convenient ways: By Mail, Early, or at the Polls on Election Day. Check inside for more information. Registrar of Voters 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2 San Jose, CA 95112 1-408-299-VOTE (8683) or Toll Free 1-866-430-VOTE (8683) SANTA CLARA COUNTY 2014 GENERAL ELECTION Voters now have the option to receive the Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet electronically by completing the OPT-OUT form inside this pamphlet or at www.sccvote.org. Language Assistance The County of Santa Clara provides voting materials in English to all registered voters. In addition, as required by law, the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters provides voting materials in Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. To ensure our records are correct, the County began conducting a Preferred Language Survey in November 2004. Voters may change their language preference at any time by calling the office or by mailing/faxing in a completed VOTER'S ACTION REQUEST FORM located in this pamphlet. For language assistance, please call: 1-408-299-VOTE (8683) 1-866-430-VOTE (8683) toll free or 1- 408-282-3086 ESPAÑOL 1- 408-282-3095 TAGALOG 1- 408-282-3089 1- 408-282-3097 Accessible Voting for Citizens with Disabilities The Registrar of Voters strives to provide polling places that are accessible to the elderly and voters with disabilities. To check polling place accessibility, refer to this symbol on the back cover of this pamphlet. If your polling place does not meet accessibility guidelines, call 1-408-299-POLL (7655) to receive information on alternative methods of voting. Santa Clara County's electronic voting system gives visually-impaired voters the ability to cast a secret ballot without assistance. The voting system is equipped with an audio voting component that allows voters to listen to the ballot and make their choices using the keypad provided. The keypad includes a "sip and puff" feature as well. Audio tapes of the Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet are available upon request. Call 1-408-299-VOTE (8683) or toll free 1-866-430-VOTE (8683). Registration and voting information are available to the hearing impaired by TTY communication. Call 1-408-288-9820. Campaign Expenditure Limits Some cities and local jurisdictions have adopted voluntary campaign expenditure programs. Candidates with a diamond designation next to their name on the ballot have voluntarily agreed to limit their campaign expenditures. If you have any questions regarding this, please call 1-408-299-VOTE (8683). County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters 1555 Berger Drive, Bldg. 2 San Jose, CA 95112 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 611360, San Jose, CA 95161-1360 1(408) 299-VOTE (8683) 1(866) 430-VOTE (8683) FAX: 1(408) 998-7314 www.sccvote.org Dear Voter, This sample ballot pamphlet is designed for you, the voter, to learn about the candidates and measures you may be voting on. Our goal is for each voter to have a positive voting experience and you can assist us with this by making sure that your information is up-to-date in our system. If you have moved since the last time you voted, please complete the “Voter Action Request Form” in this sample ballot pamphlet. 2XU(DUO\9RWLQJ&HQWHUVSURMHFWIRUWKH-XQH3ULPDU\(OHFWLRQZDVDVXFFHVV:HLPSOHPHQWHG¿YH Early Voting Centers throughout Santa Clara County. Early Voting Centers were located in the cities of Campbell, Gilroy, Los Altos, Milpitas and San Jose. The centers allowed for voters to come in and vote, just like you do when you go to your polling place on election. Essentially, the centers are like polling places that offer you the opportunity to vote on the ZHHNHQGVLQ\RXUFRPPXQLW\DQGDOORZIRUDYRWHUIURPDQ\DUHDWRYRWHDWDQ\ORFDWLRQ2XURI¿FHUHFHLYHGH[WHQVLYH SRVLWLYHIHHGEDFNIURPWKHYRWHUVDERXWWKHFHQWHUV7KHVHFHQWHUVZLOOGH¿QLWHO\FRQWLQXHLQWKHIXWXUH The Opt-out program also was implemented in the June 3, 2014 Primary Election. We began offering voters the opportunity to opt-out of being mailed a paper pamphlet and instead receive the electronic version by email. We received many new applications from voters to opt-out of receiving future paper pamphlets. As the number of voters opting-out increases, the costs associated to the printing and mailing of sample ballot pamphlets will decrease. This “Go Green” campaign will aid in saving the environment and saving tax payer money. ,ZRXOGOLNHWRHQFRXUDJH\RXWREHFRPHDQ(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHU(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHUVDUHYROXQWHHUVZKRVWDIIWKH SROOLQJSODFHVRQHOHFWLRQGD\,QWKH-XQH3ULPDU\(OHFWLRQRXURI¿FHKLUHGRYHU(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHUVWRZRUN DWWKHSROOLQJSODFHV(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHUVDUHSDLGEHWZHHQIRUYROXQWHHULQJ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWREHFRPHDQ (OHFWLRQ2I¿FHUSOHDVHFDOO32// 7KDQNVIRUEHLQJDUHJLVWHUHGYRWHULQ6DQWD&ODUD&RXQW\7KH2I¿FHRIWKH5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUVVWULYHVWR SURYLGH\RXTXDOLW\VHUYLFH,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVRUFRQFHUQVSOHDVHGRQRWKHVLWDWHWRFRQWDFWRXURI¿FH Sincerely, Shannon Bushey Registrar of Voters Board of Supervisors: Mike Wasserman, Cindy Chavez, Dave Cortese, Ken Yeager, S. Joseph Simitian County Executive: Jeffrey V. Smith FP-02-0 N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 01 The Sample Ballot located in this pamphlet is a facsimile of the Optical Scan paper ballot not the Electronic ballot. Electronic Ballot Voting Instructions Activate the voting machine by inserting the Voter Card into the yellow slot on the lower left-hand side of the voting machine. Choose the language in which you wish to vote. Make your selection by touching the circle { to the right of the candidate or measure response of your choice. A green checkmark will appear in the circle. To change your selection, touch the checkmark again. The checkmark will disappear and you may make a new selection. 7R YRWH IRU D TXDOL¿HG write-in candidate, touch the circle { to the right of the word "WRITE-IN". When the keyboard screen appears, touch the letters of the candidate’s name, then touch the "OK" button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen to continue. To enlarge the type size, touch the "ABC" button. When you are done with your selections, touch the "Next" arrow in the lower right corner of the screen. To review your selections at any time prior to casting your ballot, touch "Review" at the bottom center of the screen. The Review screen will provide you with a summary of your selections. If you have not made a selection, or all "vote for possibilities" in a contest, this contest could appear in red. Touch the red contest to return to it. Press "Touch here to review the required paper record of your ballot." Your record will be displayed behind the glass to the left of the screen. Please review the paper record to verify your vote. If you want to make a change press "Make Changes" on the left. Some ballots may print more than one review page. Touch "Continue Printing" until there are no more ballot pages for you to review. Complete your vote by touching "Cast Ballot" on the right of the screen. Once you cast your ballot, the word "Accepted" will be printed on the paper record. NOTE: You cannot change your mind after the ballot is cast. The printer will store your ballot and display a blank paper for privacy. The Voter Card will eject, please UHWXUQLWWRWKH(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHU,I\RXKDYHTXHVWLRQVSOHDVHDVN\RXU(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHUIRUDVVLVWDQFHRU refer to the instructions on the side panel. FP-03-15 N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 02 Paper Ballot Voting Instructions How to Mark Your Paper Ballot: Use one thin line to complete the arrow next to your choice. USE BLACK or BLUE color ink only and do not use permanent markers. Do not use circles or Xs. 'RQRWVLJQRULQLWLDO\RXURI¿FLDOEDOORW 'RQRWYRWHIRUPRUHFDQGLGDWHVWKDQWKHQXPEHULQGLFDWHGIRUHDFKFRQWHVW Vote for One Vote for One Write-In Voting: 3ULQWWKHQDPHRIWKHTXDOL¿HGZULWHLQFDQGLGDWHLQWKH%/$1.63$&( &RPSOHWHWKHDUURZQH[WWRWKHZULWHLQQDPH 'RQRWZULWHLQDQDPHDOUHDG\SULQWHGRQWKHEDOORW Voting at the Polls: ,I\RXQHHGDQHZEDOORWDVNWKH(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHU $IWHUFRPSOHWLQJ\RXUEDOORWGHWDFKWKHWRSQXPEHUHGVWXEDo not fold the ballot3ODFH\RXUYRWHGEDOORWLQWRWKHVHFUHF\VOHHYH DQGUHWXUQWRWKH(OHFWLRQ2I¿FHUIRUGHSRVLWLQWRWKHEDOORWER[ Voting by Mail: ,I\RXQHHGDQHZEDOORWFDOO927(RUWROOIUHH927( $IWHUFRPSOHWLQJ\RXUEDOORWdetach the top numbered stub3ODFH\RXUYRWHGEDOORW LQWR\RXUUHWXUQHQYHORSHFRPSOHWHWKHHQYHORSHDQGSIGN your name. How to Return your Vote by Mail Ballot: 0DLO\RXUEDOORW 'HOLYHU\RXUEDOORWWR 7KH5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUV 2IÀFH %HUJHU'ULYH%XLOGLQJ6DQ-RVH&$7KHUHLVDZKLWHKRXUGURSER[LQ the parking lot. Any Santa Clara County polling place from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day. A Vote by Mail Ballot Drop-Off Site: %DOORWV FDQ EH GURSSHG RII DW DQ\ 6DQWD &ODUD &RXQW\ /LEUDU\ DQG DQ\ &LW\ +DOO $FRPSOHWHOLVWRIORFDWLRQVDQGKRXUVFDQEHIRXQGLQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQFOXGHGZLWK\RXU9RWHE\0DLOEDOORWDQGRQOLQHDW www.sccvote.org. New App available at www.sccvote.org 6FDQWKLV EDUFRGH with your smart phone. FP-03-17 N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 03 184S-1T A CARD 1 OF 2 GAVIN NEWSOM Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Lieutenant Governor Vicegobernador Lieutenant Governor Vicegobernador EDMUND G. "JERRY" BROWN Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Governor of California Gobernador de California NEEL KASHKARI Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Businessman Empresario Governor Gobernador STATE ESTATAL Vote for One Vote por Uno Vote for One Vote por Uno VOTER-NOMINATED OFFICES CARGOS NOMINADOS POR LOS VOTANTES Vote for One Vote por Uno DAVE JONES Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Insurance Commissioner Comisionado de Seguros TED GAINES Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Independent Insurance Agent Agente de Seguros Independiente Vote for One Vote por Uno Insurance Commissioner Comisionado de Seguros KAMALA D. HARRIS Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Attorney General of California Procuradora General de California RONALD GOLD Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano California Attorney Abogado de California Attorney General Procurador General 184 Vote for One Vote por Uno LIU be elected to the office for the term rovided b law? For Associate Justice of the Supreme YES JUDICIAL JUDICIAL VOTE YES OR NO FOR EACH OFFICE VOTE SÍ O NO PARA CADA POSICIÓN NONPARTISAN OFFICES CARGOS NO PARTIDARIOS EVAN LOW Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Educator/City Councilmember Educador/Concejal Municipal CHUCK PAGE Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Councilmember/Businessman Concejal/Empresario District 28 Distrito 28 MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY MIEMBRO DE LA ASAMBLEA ESTATAL Todos los votantes, sin importar la preferencia de partido que hayan revelado al inscribirse, o su negativa de revelar una preferencia de partido, pueden votar por cualquier candidato a un cargo nominado por los votantes o no partidario. La preferencia del partido, si la hubiera, designada por un candidato a un cargo nominado por los votantes, es seleccionada por el candidato y se muestra solo para la información de los votantes. No implica que el candidato esté nominado ni ratificado por el partido ni que el partido apruebe al candidato. La preferencia de partido, si la hubiera, de un candidato por un cargo no partidario, no aparece en la boleta electoral. Cargos nominados por los votantes y no partidarios All voters, regardless of the party preference they disclosed upon registration, or refusal to disclose a party preference, may vote for any candidate for a voter-nominated or nonpartisan office. The party preference, if any, designated by a candidate for a voter-nominated office is selected by the candidate and is shown for the information of the voters only. It does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party or that the party approves of the candidate. The party preference, if any, of a candidate for a nonpartisan office does not appear on the ballot. Voter-Nominated and Nonpartisan Offices INSTRUCCIONES PARA LOS VOTANTES: Complete la flecha junto a su selección, utilizando una línea delgada. Use únicamente tinta AZUL o NEGRA para marcar su boleta. Voto Escrito: Imprima el nombre del candidato escrito calificado en el espacio en blanco y complete la flecha junto al nombre del candidato. Si comete un error y necesita una boleta nueva, devuélvala al trabajador electoral o llame a la Oficina del Registro de Votantes para una boleta de repuesto. ballot. Write-In Voting: Print the name of a qualified write-in candidate in the blank space and complete the arrow next to the write-in name. If you make a mistake and need a new ballot, return to the election officer or call the Registrar of Voters' Office for a replacement ballot. GENERAL ELECTION / ELECCIÓN GENERAL SANTA CLARA COUNTY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 CONDADO DE SANTA CLARA, 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014 VOTERS: Complete the arrow next to your choice, using one thin line. Use only BLUE or BLACK ink to mark your OFFICIAL BALLOT / BOLETA OFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO 184 E/S A SAMPLE BALLOT / BOLE TA DE MUESTRA N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 04 184S-1B N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 05 Vote for One Vote por Uno Vote for One Vote por Uno A CARD 1 OF 2 43-184S-1GENA14 JOHN CHIANG Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata California State Controller Contralor del Estado de California GREG CONLON Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Businessman/CPA Empresario/Contador Público Certificado Treasurer Tesorero ASHLEY SWEARENGIN Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Mayor/CEO Alcaldesa/Funcionaria Ejecutiva Principal BETTY T. YEE Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata California State Board of Equalization Member Miembro, Directiva de Impuestos sobre Ventas, Uso y Otros del Estado de California Controller Contralor ALEX PADILLA Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata California State Senator Senador Estatal de California PETE PETERSON Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Educator/Institute Director Educador/Director de Instituto Vote for One Vote por Uno Secretary of State Secretario de Estado RON NEHRING Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Small Businessman/Educator Pequeño Empresario/Educador Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Lieutenant Governor Vote for One Vote por Uno VOTE BOTH SIDES (OVER) VOTE EN AMBOS LADOS (VER AL REVERSO) RICHARD B. FOX Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Pediatrician/Attorney Pediatra/Abogado ANNA G. ESHOO Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Member of Congress Miembro del Congreso District 18 Distrito 18 UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTANTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS FIONA MA Party Preference: Democratic Preferencia de partido: Demócrata CPA/Taxpayer Representative Contadora Pública Certificada/Representante de Contribuyentes JAMES E. THEIS Party Preference: Republican Preferencia de partido: Republicano Organic Foods Manager Gerente de Productos Orgánicos Vote for One Vote por Uno Member, State Board of Equalization, District 2 Miembro, Junta Estatal de Igualación, Distrito 2 Preferencia de partido: Demócrata Insurance Commissioner (2AP1) (Card B 231) 184 E/S Court: Shall Associate Justice GOODWIN LIU be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado del Tribunal Supremo: ¿Será el Juez Asociado GOODWIN LIU electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? For Associate Justice of the Supreme Court: Shall Stanford University Law Professor MARIANO-FLORENTINO CUELLAR be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado del Tribunal Supremo: ¿ Será el Profesor de Derecho de la Universidad de Stanford MARIANOFLORENTINO CUELLAR electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? NO NO YES SÍ NO NO YES SÍ AP1S-2T NO NO YES SÍ NO NO YES SÍ NO NO YES SÍ NO NO YES SÍ NO NO YES SÍ Vote for One Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 24 Juez del Tribunal Superior Cargo Núm. 24 For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice EUGENE MILTON PREMO be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado, Tribunal de Apelación, Distrito Sexto de Apelación: ¿Será el Juez Asociado EUGENE MILTON PREMO electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice ADRIENNE M. GROVER be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado, Tribunal de Apelación, Distrito Sexto de Apelación: ¿Será el Juez Asociado ADRIENNE M. GROVER electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice PATRICIA BAMATTREMANOUKIAN be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado, Tribunal de Apelación, Distrito Sexto de Apelación: ¿Será el Juez Asociado PATRICIA BAMATTRE-MANOUKIAN electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice MIGUEL MARQUEZ be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado, Tribunal de Apelación, Distrito Sexto de Apelación: ¿Será el Juez Asociado MIGUEL MARQUEZ electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice FRANKLIN D. ELIA be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado, Tribunal de Apelación, Distrito Sexto de Apelación: ¿Será el Juez Asociado FRANKLIN D. ELIA electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? NO NO YES SÍ Vote for no more than Three Vote por no más de Tres SARATOGA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIÓN DE SARATOGA Governing Board Member Miembro de la Junta de Gobierno JACK LUCAS Incumbent Titular JANET CHANG Community College Professor Profesora de Universidad Comunitaria Vote for One Vote por Uno WEST VALLEY-MISSION COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT DISTRITO DE UNIVERSIDAD COMUNITARIA WEST VALLEY-MISSION Governing Board Member, Trustee Area 5 Miembro de la Junta de Gobierno, Área de Síndico 5 Vote for One Vote por Uno MICHAEL CHANG Governing Board Member, Santa Clara County Board of Education Miembro de la Junta de Gobierno, Junta de Educación del Condado de Santa Clara JOHN MUMY Parent Padre de Familia NONPARTISAN OFFICES CARGOS NO PARTIDARIOS SANTA CLARA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DEL CONDADO DE SANTA CLARA Member, Board of Education Trustee Area 2 Miembro de la Junta de Educación Área de Síndico 2 SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT – CONTINUED CONDADO DE SANTA CLARA BOLETA OFICIAL – CONTINUACIÓN For Associate Justice of the Supreme Court: Shall Associate Justice KATHRYN MICKLE WERDEGAR be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Para Juez Asociado del Tribunal Supremo: ¿Será el Juez Asociado KATHRYN MICKLE WERDEGAR electo al cargo por el término que la ley dispone? E/S A SAMPLE BALLOT / BOLE TA DE MUESTRA N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 06 AP1S-2B N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 07 Vote for One Vote por Uno 43-AP1S-2GENA14 MARSHALL TUCK Educator/Schools' Executive Educador/Ejecutivo de Escuelas TOM TORLAKSON Educator/California Superintendent Educador/Superintendente de California SCHOOL ESCUELA Superintendent of Public Instruction Superintendente de Instrucción Pública DIANE RITCHIE Judge of the Superior Court Juez del Tribunal Superior MATTHEW S. HARRIS Deputy District Attorney Delegado del Fiscal del Distrito Vote for One Vote por Uno Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 24 Juez del Tribunal Superior Cargo Núm. 24 VOTE BOTH SIDES (OVER) VOTE EN AMBOS LADOS (VER AL REVERSO) YONGJIAN WU Software Engineer Ingeniero de Software LAURA TILLETT Community Volunteer Voluntaria Comunitaria PATTY BUCHANAN Governing Board Member, Saratoga Union School District Miembro de la Junta de Gobierno, Distrito Escolar Unión de Saratoga CYNTHIA MILLER Parent/Consultant Madre de Familia/Consultora SUSAN GERMERAAD Retired Science Teacher Maestra de Ciencias Jubilada Vote for no more than Three Governing Board Member Miembro de la Junta de Gobierno 231S-3T DISTRICT DISTRITO RISHI KUMAR Hi-Tech General Manager Gerente General de Alta Tecnología YAN ZHAO Engineer/Commissioner Ingeniera/Comisionada JOHN CHEN Data Center Engineer Ingeniero de Centro de Datos MARY-LYNNE BERNALD Planning Commission Chairperson Presidenta de la Comisión de Planeación EMILY LO Mayor/Business Owner Alcaldesa/Dueña de Negocio Vote for no more than Three Vote por no más de Tres 2 STATE BUDGET. STABILIZATION BUDGET ACCOUNT WATER BOND. FUNDING FOR WATER QUALITY, SUPPLY, TREATMENT, AND STORAGE PROJECTS. Authorizes $7.545 billion in general obligation bonds for state water supply infrastructure projects, including surface and groundwater storage, ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration, and drinking water protection. Fiscal Impact: Increased state bond costs averaging $360 million annually over 40 years. Local government savings for waterrelated projects, likely averaging a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades. BONOS DE AGUA. FINANCIAMIENTO PARA LA CALIDAD, SUMINISTRO, TRATAMIENTO Y PROYECTOS DE ALMACENAMIENTO DE AGUA. Autoriza $7.545 mil millones en bonos de obligación general para proyectos estatales de infraestructura de suministro de agua, incluyendo almacenamiento de aguas superficiales y subterráneas, protección y restauración del ecosistema y las cuencas, y protección del agua potable. Impacto fiscal: Incremento de los costos de los bonos estatales con un promedio de $360 millones anuales durante 40 años. Ahorros para el gobierno local por proyectos relacionados con el agua, posiblemente promediando un par de cientos de millones de dólares YES / SÍ anuales durante las próximas décadas. NO / NO 1 STATE ESTATAL MEASURES SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS MEDIDAS SOMETIDAS A LOS VOTANTES B Card 2 331 DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF DOCTORS. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE LAWSUITS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires drug testing of doctors. Requires review of statewide prescription database before prescribing controlled substances. Increases $250,000 pain/suffering cap in medical negligence lawsuits for inflation. Fiscal Impact: State and local government costs from raising the cap on medical malpractice damages ranging from tens 46 HEALTHCARE INSURANCE. RATE CHANGES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires Insurance Commissioner’s approval before health insurer can change its rates or anything else affecting the charges associated with health insurance. Provides for public notice, disclosure, and hearing, and subsequent judicial review. Exempts employer large group health plans. Fiscal Impact: Increased state administrative costs to regulate health insurance, likely not exceeding the low millions of dollars annually in most years, funded from fees paid by health insurance companies. SEGURO DE CUIDADOS DE LA SALUD. CAMBIOS DE TARIFAS. INICIATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige la aprobación del Comisionado de Seguros antes de que las aseguradoras de salud puedan cambiar sus tarifas o cualquier cosa que afecte los cargos relacionados con el seguro de salud. Prevé aviso público, divulgación, y audiencia, y posterior revisión judicial. Exime a los planes de salud para grupos grandes proporcionados por empleadores. Impacto fiscal: Incremento de los costos administrativos del estado para regular el seguro de salud, que muy probablemente no excederá unos pocos millones de dólares anuales YES / SÍ en la mayoría de los años, financiado con las tarifas pagadas NO / NO por las compañías de seguro. 45 SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT – CONTINUED CONDADO DE SANTA CLARA BOLETA OFICIAL – CONTINUACIÓN NONPARTISAN OFFICES CARGOS NO PARTIDARIOS CITY CIUDAD CITY OF SARATOGA CIUDAD DE SARATOGA Member, City Council Miembro del Concejo Municipal 231 E/S B SAMPLE BALLOT / BOLE TA DE MUESTRA N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 08 231S-3B N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 09 Vote for One Vote por Uno B Card 2 43-231S-3GENB14 PETE SIEMENS Incumbent Titular MIKE BUNCIC Biology Teacher Maestro de Biología DISTRICT DISTRITO MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT DISTRITO REGIONAL DE ESPACIOS ABIERTOS DE LA PENINSULA MEDIA Director, Ward 1 Director, Circunscripción 1 VOTE BOTH SIDES (OVER) VOTE EN AMBOS LADOS (VER AL REVERSO) STATE BUDGET. BUDGET STABILIZATION ACCOUNT. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Requires annual transfer of state general fund revenues to budget stabilization account. Requires half the revenues be used to repay state debts. Limits use of remaining funds to emergencies or budget deficits. Fiscal Impact: Long-term state savings from faster payment of existing debts. Different levels of state budget reserves, depending on economy and decisions by elected officials. Smaller local reserves for some school districts. PRESUPUESTO ESTATAL. CUENTA DE ESTABILIZACIÓN DEL PRESUPUESTO. ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL LEGISLATIVA. Exige una transferencia anual de las rentas del fondo general a la cuenta de estabilización del presupuesto. Exige que la mitad de las rentas sea utilizada para pagar las deudas del estado. Limita el uso del remanente de fondos a emergencias o déficit presupuestarios. Impacto fiscal: Ahorros a largo plazo del estado por pago más rápido de las deudas actuales. Diferentes niveles de reservas del presupuesto estatal, dependiendo de la economía y las decisiones de funcionarios elegidos. YES / SÍ Menores reservas locales para NO / NO algunos distritos escolares. 2 (4A1) of millions to several hundred million dollars annually, offset to some extent by savings from requirements on health care providers. PRUEBAS DE DETECCIÓN DE DROGA Y ALCOHOL A DOCTORES. DEMANDAS POR NEGLIGENCIA MÉDICA. INICIATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige pruebas de detección de drogas a doctores. Exige revisar la base de datos estatal de medicamentos con receta antes de prescribir sustancias controladas. Incrementa el tope de $250,000 de indemnización por dolor/sufrimiento en demandas de negligencia médica para compensar por la inflación. Impacto fiscal: Costos para los gobiernos estatal y local al aumentar el tope de indemnización por mala praxis médica, en el orden de decenas de millones a varios cientos de millones de dólares anuales, compensados en cierto modo por ahorros en los requerimientos sobre YES / SÍ los proveedores de cuidados de la NO / NO salud. p g p gg lawsuits for inflation. Fiscal Impact: State and local government costs from raising the cap on A1S-4T STATE ESTATAL MEASURES SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS MEDIDAS SOMETIDAS A LOS VOTANTES SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT – CONTINUED CONDADO DE SANTA CLARA BOLETA OFICIAL – CONTINUACIÓN NO / NO INDIAN GAMING COMPACTS. REFERENDUM. A “Yes” vote approves, and a “No” vote rejects, tribal gaming compacts between the state and the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe. Fiscal Impact: One-time payments ($16 million to $35 million) and for 20 years annual payments ($10 million) from Indian tribes to state and local governments to address costs related to the operation of a new casino. CONVENIOS DE JUEGOS DE AZAR INDÍGENAS. REFERÉNDUM. Un voto “Sí” aprueba, y un voto “No” rechaza los convenios de juegos de azar indígenas entre el estado y los Indios Mono de North Fork Rancheria y la Tribu Wiyot. Impacto fiscal: Pagos por única vez ($16 millones a $35 millones) y pagos anuales durante 20 años ($10 millones) de las tribus indígenas al estado y los gobiernos locales para solventar los costos relacionados con la operación de un nuevo casino. YES / SÍ 48 NO / NO CRIMINAL SENTENCES. MISDEMEANOR PENALTIES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires misdemeanor sentence instead of felony for certain drug and property offenses. Inapplicable to persons with prior conviction for serious or violent crime and registered sex offenders. Fiscal Impact: State and county criminal justice savings potentially in the high hundreds of millions of dollars annually. State savings spent on school truancy and dropout prevention, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and victim services. CONDENAS PENALES. PENAS POR DELITOS MENORES. INICIATIVA PARA PROMULGAR UN ESTATUTO. Exige condenas por delito menor en lugar de delito mayor para ciertas infracciones relacionadas con las drogas y la propiedad. No aplicable a personas con condenas anteriores por delitos graves o violentos y ofensores sexuales registrados. Impacto fiscal: Ahorros a los sistemas penales del estado y condado potencialmente en varios cientos de millones de dólares anuales. Los ahorros estatales se YES / SÍ gastarán en la prevención del ausentismo y deserción escolar, tratamiento de salud mental y abuso de sustancias, y servicios a las víctimas. 47 E/S B SAMPLE BALLOT / BOLE TA DE MUESTRA N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 10 A1S-4B N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 11 43-A1S-4GENB14 VOTE BOTH SIDES (OVER) VOTE EN AMBOS LADOS (VER AL REVERSO) VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET 7KHIROORZLQJSDJHVFRQWDLQFDQGLGDWHVWDWHPHQWVDQGRUEDOORWPHDVXUHVDQDO\VHVDQGDUJXPHQWVZKLFKHYHUDSSO\WR\RXU EDOORW(DFKFDQGLGDWHVWDWHPHQWLVYROXQWHHUHGE\WKHFDQGLGDWHDQGLVSULQWHGDWWKHH[SHQVHRIWKHFDQGLGDWHXQOHVV RWKHUZLVHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHMXULVGLFWLRQ$UJXPHQWVLQVXSSRUWRIRULQRSSRVLWLRQWRSURSRVHGPHDVXUHVDUHWKHRSLQLRQVRI WKHDXWKRUVDQGKDYHQRWEHHQFKHFNHGIRUDFFXUDF\E\DQ\RI¿FLDODJHQF\7KHWH[WJUDPPDUDQGVSHOOLQJDUHDVVXEPLWWHG E\WKHDXWKRUV $OWKRXJKWKHPDWHULDOVSURYLGHGLQWKLVSDPSKOHWKDYHEHHQFDUHIXOO\SURRIUHDGW\SRJUDSKLFDOHUURUVRFFDVLRQDOO\UHPDLQ XQGHWHFWHG,IDVXEVWDQWLYHHUURULVGLVFRYHUHGDIWHUWKHSDPSKOHWKDVEHHQSULQWHGDFRUUHFWLRQQRWLFHZLOOEHLVVXHG PARTY ENDORSEMENTS &DOLIRUQLDODZDXWKRUL]HVSROLWLFDOSDUWLHVWRHQGRUVHFDQGLGDWHVUXQQLQJIRUYRWHUQRPLQDWHGRI¿FHV3DUWLHVQRWOLVWHGEHORZ GLGQRWVXEPLWHQGRUVHPHQWVIRUYRWHUQRPLQDWHGRI¿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¿FHDQGPD\ KDYHEHHQXSGDWHGDIWHUWKLVSDPSKOHWZHQWWRSULQW3OHDVHJRWRZZZVRVFDJRYHOHFWLRQVHOHFWLRQVBFDQGBVWDWKWPIRUWKH PRVWFXUUHQWLQIRUPDWLRQ 2I¿FH 6WDWH6HQDWH 6WDWH6HQDWH 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ FP-04-3 &DQGLGDWH1DPH %RE:LHFNRZVNL 3HWHU.XR 5LFKDUG6*RUGRQ 'LDQH*DEO Kansen Chu %RE%UXQWRQ 3DUW\ 3UHIHUHQFH 'HPRFUDWLF 5HSXEOLFDQ 'HPRFUDWLF 5HSXEOLFDQ 'HPRFUDWLF 5HSXEOLFDQ 2I¿FH 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ 6WDWH$VVHPEO\ &DQGLGDWH1DPH *%XUW/DQFDVWHU Nora Campos &KXFN3DJH Evan Low 0DUN6WRQH 3DOPHU.DLQ 0DUN6WDUULWW /XLV$OHMR 3DUW\ 3UHIHUHQFH 5HSXEOLFDQ 'HPRFUDWLF 5HSXEOLFDQ 'HPRFUDWLF 'HPRFUDWLF 5HSXEOLFDQ 5HSXEOLFDQ 'HPRFUDWLF N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 12 Statement of ANNA G. ESHOO, Candidate for Statement of RICHARD B. FOX, Candidate for United States Representative, District 18 United States Representative, District 18 Occupation: Member of Congress Occupation: Pediatrician, Attorney Age: 68 Education and Qualifications: Education and Qualifications: Creating opportunity. Solving problems. Righting what's wrong. These Smaller government promotes more and better jobs, better and more words describe my work in Congress. affordable healthcare, school choice, and personal privacy. Our country is built on the promise that those who work hard and abide by Cut Government To Grow Jobs the rules can prosper. Raising the minimum wage, ensuring equal pay for equal The Democrats' big spending "stimulus" programs have failed to end the work and providing access to affordable health care strengthen that promise of recession and revive the economy. We have millions on unemployment and opportunity and support individual advancement. food stamps and trillions in debt left to the young, stuck living with parents, unable to start their own families. Get rid of wasteful Democrat spending Keeping the internet free, open and accessible is a vital tool for democracy programs to end poverty and restore prosperity the right way, with productive, and industry. Advancing technology in the classroom, workplace and for our dignified, private sector jobs. national security remains a top priority. I write bipartisan legislation that enables American companies to explore new frontiers, invent, compete and add jobs. Free market Healthcare, Not Expensive Mandates Replace wasteful mandated government health plans with truly affordable Working to preserve the local environment and investing in medical free market health plans that fit families' needs and budgets. research are important aspects of my work, as are efforts to support strong families. What's required on the job today makes family life a challenge. School Choice, No SCA5 Investing in early childhood education and adopting paid family sick leave would Children should have tax credits to attend the quality schools that their be important steps forward. And a fairer, leaner tax code would benefit all parents choose for them, whether public, charter, home, or online. Then, there families. will be no need for educational discrimination under SCA5. My parents taught me: if you see something wrong, try to make it right. I Privacy don't believe that money equals speech. I oppose the Supreme Court's Citizens Keep the government out of our cell phones, emails, text messages, and United decision and have supported legal challenges to it. I've urged the president to issue an executive order requiring U.S. contractors to disclose personal decisions, such as our reproductive choices and gender identities. corporate and executive political contributions. Righting this wrong will take Restore Fading Dreams time, but our democracy is worth it. Save our hopes and dreams for our families by cutting government and unleashing the power of free markets to open up opportunity and prosperity for I would be honored to have your support to continue this work. all. A strong economy supports good schools, safe streets, and gives families a future. Vote for Dr. Fox, a trusted children's doctor, always thinking about our kids and what kind of world they will grow up in. We can and must give them a better one. Visit us at: www.drfox4congress.com. CS-1140-1e N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 13 Statement of CHUCK PAGE, Candidate for Member of the State Assembly, District 28 Occupation: City Councilmember/Businessman Age: 58 Education and Qualifications: Silicon Valley is California's economic engine. The West Valley cities, San Jose and County neighborhoods of Assembly District 28 are home to its working families and retirees. We raise our sons and daughters here. Like you, I've spent hours helping my children with schoolwork and teaching them the value of hard work, dedication, focus, positive attitude and laughter. Statement of EVAN LOW, Candidate for Member of the State Assembly, District 28 Occupation: Educator/City Councilmember Education and Qualifications: I'm running for State Assembly because I'm focused on partnership over partisanship. As a City Councilmember, Mayor and educator, I have worked tirelessly for over a decade to rise above the political rhetoric and focus on new solutions to solve the challenges facing Silicon Valley. Only through legislative change can we restore California. Career politicians with no business experience have failed us. My 35 years of business I delivered a balanced city budget every year and on-time. While other experience and many years of civic/community service have honed my ability to cities around the state faced record budget deficits and slashed vital services solve problems, something our legislature hasn't done. during the recession, I led efforts to make smart investments to protect taxpayers, public safety resources, and fostered economic growth. We must obey our constitution, ensuring that college acceptance is meritbased, ending attempts like SCA-5 to use bias and race as admission criteria. I I also championed pension reform by convening business, labor and civic will fight for an educational system that helps all students succeed. This leaders. And as Mayor, I have been a strong advocate to help our businesses includes meaningful reform of K-12 teacher tenure, thereby making it easier to create local jobs by cutting red-tape and streamlining the licensing process. remove poorly performing teachers and those found guilty of wrong-doing. Here in Silicon Valley, we know that businesses can't thrive without a My experience creating jobs has taught me that higher taxes, highly trained workforce. As an educator and community college instructor, I overregulation and bigger government are job killers. am committed to expanding job-training programs to prepare students and workers for the jobs today and in the future. Building on my City Council, Mayoral and Environmental Policy leadership, using my business experience and problem-solving skills, I will work diligently to In the State Assembly, I will tackle the state's biggest problems and create more middle class jobs for Californians, enhance public safety and ensure that California is a leader in the global economy. address the drought-induced water shortage we all face. Please join the Democratic Party, San Jose/Silicon Valley Chamber of Endorsements: California State Sheriffs' Association, Silicon Valley Commerce, Teachers, Nurses, Firefighters, and Police Officers in supporting my candidacy. Chinese Association, La Raza Roundtable and more. California Deserves Better-Experience Matters Please Vote Chuck Page for Assembly District 28 www.chuckpage.org, http://tinyurl.com/oa4ah9w I will continue to be accessible and will work hard to earn your trust. Do not hesitate to call me on my cell phone at (408) 692-5428 or email me directly at [email protected]. www.evanlow.com (408) 713-2661 CS-1330-1e N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 14 Statement of MATTHEW S. HARRIS, Candidate for Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 24 Occupation: Deputy District Attorney Age: 56 Education and Qualifications: 27 Superior Court Judges (cur/ret) endorse award-winning prosecutor Matt Harris. "Matt will be the kind of judge Santa Clara County can be proud of– smart, experienced, honest, fair." –Judge Susan Bernardini "Matthew Harris can restore confidence in the system and respect for the judiciary." –San Jose Mercury News Matt spent 22 years prosecuting complex cases including homicides, sexual assaults, gangs. He recovered thousands of dollars for consumers from dishonest businesses, led neighborhood crime prevention for seniors and was a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney. Strongly endorsed by Congresswomen Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren: "The quality of our judges must be a priority. That's why Matt's my choice for judge." –Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. County Bar Association (incl. Women Lawyers Section), Asian-Pacific Bar Association, La Raza Lawyers and Roundtable all support Matt. He treats people of all backgrounds with fairness and equality. Supports treatment for nonviolent mentally ill and drug offenders. Endorsed by 14 Peace Officer Associations, Sheriff Gillingham (ret), DAs Jeff Rosen, Dolores Carr (ret) George Kennedy (ret), Assemblymembers Gordon, Cunneen (ret); County Supervisors Wasserman, Yeager, and (ret): Dianne McKenna, Susan Wilson, McHugh, Gage; Assessor Larry Stone; San Jose Vice-Mayor Nguyen, Councilmembers Constant, Liccardo, Rocha, Khamis. Married, 2 sons. MatthewHarrisforJudge.com CS-2624-1e Statement of DIANE RITCHIE, Candidate for Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 24 Occupation: Santa Clara County Judge Age: 60 Education and Qualifications: Judge Diane Ritchie is a tough, fair judge with thirty-three years of legal experience. She has presided over thousands of criminal cases including, domestic violence, gang, child abuse, rape, and other violent crimes. She has given severe sentences to convicted criminals based on the law or when required to cause real change in defendants' behaviour. Judge Ritchie has presided over civil cases, including high-tech, business disputes, personal injury, toxics, real estate, investment, probate, breach of contract, and fraud. She settles over one-third of these cases. She helps parties work out resolutions and is fair and impartial when a trial is necessary. She has never had a conviction or judgment reversed on appeal. She follows the law. Judge Robert Foley (ret.), "I have known Judge Ritchie since she was a District Attorney. She is tough, fair and hardworking." Judge Kenneth Barnum, "Judge Ritchie is open, honest, and ethical." Judge Franklin Bonodonno, "Judge Ritchie has the proven ability to bring people together, listen and help the parties settle their cases." Please join Assemblyman Paul Fong, former Mayor Dolly Sandoval, and many others in returning a tough, fair and honest judge to the bench. Please visit Judge Ritchie's website, www.judgedianeritchie.com. N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 15 Statement of MICHAEL CHANG, Candidate for Member, Santa Clara County Board of Education, Trustee Area 2 Occupation: Community College Professor Age: 57 Education and Qualifications: Education: BS, Business Administration, SFSU and Ph.D, Education, Stanford University. Thank you for electing me four years ago with over half the votes in a three-way race. It has been an honor for me to serve and help students in Santa Clara County. With my experience as a former two-term Cupertino Mayor and Cupertino Union School Board President, I brought stability and fostered collaboration on the county board to provide effective budget and programmatic oversight of the County Office of Education. As a lifelong educator, I was able to inform educational policy based on 25 years of teaching experience, helping our board provide innovative leadership in such areas as student achievement, early childhood education, curriculum for the 21st century, and alternative education. However, much still need to be done, especially in terms of improving educational outcomes and closing the achievement gap. I respectfully ask for your vote so that I can devote four more years to the educational success of all our students. CS-3120-1e N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 16 Statement of JACK LUCAS, Candidate for Governing Board Member, West Valley-Mission Community College District, Trustee Area 5 Occupation: Community College Trustee Education and Qualifications: After eighteen years of public service as a Monte Sereno Council Member, including five terms as Mayor, I left local government for the challenge of serving the West Valley-Mission Community College District as a trustee. This experience has allowed me the opportunity to share with the WVMCCD my municipal government background combined with forty years of secondary education experience. I am proud of the District's accomplishments during my tenure on the Board. These include: the passage of two large bond measures which have allowed the colleges to complete capital renovations and to construct new facilities, improved accounting procedures leading to a balanced budget, a strong executive management team, and the mutual respect the District shares with the seven cities within our District. My professional Community College State level memberships include the Community College League of California's Advisory Committee for Education Services and a four-time visiting team member for the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. My personal education includes a Doctorate of Education from the University of Oregon, B.A. and M.A. degrees from San Jose State University, and an A.A. degree from Fullerton College. If re-elected, I will continue to be a strong voice for progressive leadership for your Community College District. CS-3255-1e Statement of JANET CHANG, Candidate for Governing Board Member, West Valley-Mission Community College District, Trustee Area 5 Occupation: Community College Faculty Age: 66 Education and Qualifications: Registered Nurse, B.S. and M.S., San Jose State University, Director, Student Health Services Program and Tenured Faculty at San Jose City College, National Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leader, Advocacy Committee Member, United Way Silicon Valley, mentor for service learning projects, long-time resident of Los Gatos-Saratoga area, and my children and I have benefitted educationally by attending community colleges. The California Community Colleges are undergoing changes as a result of state mandates. With my fresh and diverse perspective, I can work collaboratively to ensure that the West Valley-Mission Community College District fulfills your taxpayer investment by preparing tomorrow's workforce and civically engaged residents. As a long time community resident/parent, Director and tenured faculty of a local community college, I will use my expertise and experience to improve the student outcomes of the West Valley-Mission Community College District. I believe deeply that public education is our California promise. As our community colleges provide the access to lifelong learning, I believe that I can be of public service as your Trustee on the Board of WVMCCD. Vote for Change, Vote for Chang. Thank you. N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 17 Statement of SUSAN GERMERAAD, Candidate for Governing Board Member, Saratoga Union School District Occupation: Retired Science Teacher Education and Qualifications: My goals in serving as a Trustee are to maintain outstanding educational opportunities for all students, budget responsibly recognizing limitations imposed by the legislature and local revenues, and promote respectful communication between parents, teachers, staff and Board, which are all indispensable for wise decisions and maintaining high morale. I am committed to working cooperatively, conducting the Board's business at a high standard with input from all affected parties, resulting in reasoned, timely policy decisions. I am uniquely qualified to deliver on these goals because of my professional life as a biomedical researcher and an educator. My graduate research training taught me to make evidence-based decisions, my experience as a university professor validated the benefits of a strong precollege foundation, and my firsthand experience in classrooms as a credentialed teacher (15 years at Redwood Middle School, SUSD) raised my awareness of opportunities and constraints to developing that foundation in all students. I served for 10 years at the state level in content standard, test and instructional material reviews which exposed me to wider political considerations. I also recognize the hopes of district parents, as my own children attended Saratoga schools. See www.smartvoter.org/ca/scl for more information. Statement of CYNTHIA MILLER, Candidate for Governing Board Member, Saratoga Union School District Occupation: Parent, Technology Marketing Consultant Education and Qualifications: I am running for election to the SUSD board because I want to help make our good school even better. I see our district facing significant challenges and believe I can help. Specifically, we must: (1) transition to the new Common Core curriculum in a careful manner, tailored to the needs of Saratoga students, (2) adopt technology to improve learning while being mindful of cost, (3) come to grips with under-funded teacher pension obligations. As a member of the school board I will constantly ask, "What is best for our students?" I will push for transparency in the district's decision making and insist on better communication with the community, parents, and our high school. My husband and I have lived in Saratoga for 20 years and have two children attending Saratoga High. I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's in Business, experience in marketing and investing in the technology industry, and have volunteered actively in our schools. Please support me with your vote and I will work to ensure that your tax dollars are well spent to educate all our children. For more information visit Cynthia4SUSD on Facebook (www.facebook.com/Cynthia4SUSD). CS-3691-1e Statement of PATTY BUCHANAN, Candidate for Governing Board Member, Saratoga Union School District Occupation: Governing Board Member, Saratoga Union School District Education and Qualifications: Four years ago, I was elected for the first time as a governing board member of the Saratoga Union School District. Since then, I am proud of the work we have done to educate and inspire all our students. We have kept our district on sound financial ground. We are successfully transitioning to the Common Core State Standards, which will provide all students a rigorous curriculum to prepare them for high school, college and careers. A Technology Plan that will focus on integrating technology as a tool in each classroom is being implemented. We have held open forums with our community, parents, staff and students in order to improve communication and involve all stakeholders in the development of our Strategic Plan. The wellbeing of our students has been a priority at all times and social-emotional literacy programs are offered in all of our schools. I have lived in Saratoga for 14 years. My four children attended Saratoga Union School District schools. I know first-hand the exceptional education our students receive. With your support, I will continue to work to keep our district an outstanding one by focusing on creating and maintaining an environment where all learners thrive. Statement of LAURA TILLETT, Candidate for Governing Board Member, Saratoga Union School District Occupation: Parent Volunteer Education and Qualifications: I have been a Saratoga resident for 16 years with two daughters who attended SUSD schools. One is attending Duke University and the other is a junior at Saratoga High School. I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and my background is Program Management at Microsoft Corporation and Engineering at HP. I am running for SUSD Board to ensure: 1) The Common Core curriculum meets the needs of all our students and is aligned with Saratoga High School. 2) Transparency of district operations and timely communication with parents. 3) There is a technology plan and funding in place to deploy the most suited technology for the success of our students. I am currently PTSO Co-President at SHS. I also held PTA Co-President positions at Redwood Middle School and Saratoga Elementary School and helped upgrade their computers. I enjoy volunteering in Girl Scouts, American Cancer Society Grand View League, Montalvo Arts Center, among others. I will work to sustain the success of our students and district. I have experience rolling out programs, processes, and policies based on community collaboration and distilling feedback into pragmatic choices that guarantees success, growth and development of our students. www.facebook.com/laura4susd N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 18 Statement of YONGJIAN WU, Candidate for Governing Board Member, Saratoga Union School District Occupation: Software Engineer Age: 47 Education and Qualifications: I believe in public education and am proud of Saratoga's excellent schools. They are the cornerstones of our city. To sustain them, our community deserves thoughtful representation and strong leadership. As a School Board member, I will collaborate with our schools and community members to strive for the best educational outcomes for our children. My 15-year industry experience brings with me the understanding of what skill sets we need to develop for our students today in order to be successful in tomorrow's global competitive work environment. As a School Board member, I will work with teachers and parents to ensure adequate school hours for our students; provide best possible curriculum; maintain and open greater opportunities for students to excel. I would like to bring my passion and perspective to the Board to preserve and enhance Saratoga's greatest asset. I would like to ask for your support and your vote on November 4. CS-3691-2e N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 19 Statement of EMILY LO, Candidate for Member, Saratoga City Council Occupation: Mayor of Saratoga/Business Owner Education and Qualifications: I am a 19 year resident of Saratoga and am honored to serve as your Mayor. During my terms on the City Council, our City 1) was named safest city in California; 2) saw an increase in property values and sales tax; 3) secured over $4 million grants for street improvement along Prospect Road, and over $300K grants to improve parks and trails; 4) received AAA Rating in General Obligation Bond; 5) received a "Grade A" in County's Tobacco Report card; 6) was a designated 'Tree City USA'; 7) stepped up its outreach to residents through public workshops and increased use of social media; 8) saw more storefronts open in downtown Saratoga; 9) successfully annexed Quarry Property, adding open space, a new park and trails to the City; As a member of the Council's Finance Committee, I work diligently to build a healthy financial structure by adopting a conservative approach on revenues, building sufficient reserves, exercising cost savings measures, and maintaining a balanced budget. As Vice-Chair of Santa Clara County Library District JPA, I support enhancing library services, increasing on-line resources including ebooks and materials, and promoting library services to the community. As a Board Member of Santa Clara Cities Association, I gained experience on regional and state matters that will affect us. I have a solid record of accomplishments and have demonstrated leadership. If reelected, I will be an effective Council Member who will continue to uphold the values of Saratoga. I will maintain a safe, clean, green, tranquil environment, with good schools and open space; ensuring a transparent, fiscally stable City government which our residents deserve. I will support environmental sustainability, preserve the character and historical nature of our City while supporting business vitality. I will continue to enrich our recreational programs, embrace diversity, and build a community where residents of all ages and backgrounds feel a sense of belonging. I will leverage my experience to represent Saratoga well on regional and statewide matters that will affect our City. With a new City Manager in place, my experience will be invaluable in the transition to a new leadership in the City government. I will work with our residents to build Saratoga into an ideal place to raise families, and a place where people aspire to live in. I would be honored to have your support. Vote for me is a vote for experience. www.emilylo.org CS-5240-1e Statement of MARY-LYNNE BERNALD, Candidate for Member, Saratoga City Council Occupation: Chairperson Planning Commission Education and Qualifications: Education: BA, Political Science, University of Colorado, Boulder During the 36 years my family and I have lived in Saratoga, I have been dedicated to serving our community in many organizations. Ten of those years I have served as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Saratoga. As a Community Volunteer my commitments have included: Executive Board Member (Villa Montessori, Saint Andrew's School, and Bellarmine College Preparatory); PAL Soccer coach; Troop 525 Cub Scout Leader; EMQ Junior Auxiliary President, Saratoga Butter Paddle 10 year volunteer; Senior Adults Legal Assistance Paralegal; Saratoga Library Expansion Committee Member; AJLI Coauthor and Presenter of "Developing and Maintaining Community Collaborations" seminars. As a Planning Commissioner, and a three-time elected Chairperson, I have actively been involved in six General Plan Updates; supported applications that brought the Farmer's Market, tasting rooms, and appropriate outdoor music to downtown Saratoga; researched and reviewed a wide variety of City ordinances and guidelines. Working on these projects, numerous design review applications, annexations, subdivisions, and Capital Improvement Projects has given me an in-depth knowledge and appreciation for the intricacies involved in local government service. We all love Saratoga for what it has to offer: its semi-rural character; excellent schools and City services; a high quality of life; safe and quiet neighborhoods; community amenities that include well maintained streets and parks; and an efficient and responsive government that meets our needs. We deserve Council Members who will promote transparent government, seek citizen input, and build consensus and teamwork. I am prepared to do all that and more. I pledge: To preserve the unique character of our City and its neighborhoods and to provide a positive climate for vibrant commercial centers. To ensure high quality and cost effective services within a fiscally responsible budget. To promote open government, to proactively seek citizen input, and to build consensus and teamwork on the Council and in the Community. Please join nine former Saratoga Mayors and many outstanding Saratoga community and business leaders in voting for me, Mary-Lynne Bernald, on Election Day, November 4th. Integrity Dedication Experience Please visit my website at www.mary-lynne4saratoga.com for more information. N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 20 Statement of JOHN CHEN, Candidate for Member, Saratoga City Council Occupation: Data Center Engineer Age: 51 Education and Qualifications: I immigrated to the Bay Area in 1965 and grew up in the American Dream in which a person can work hard, live frugally, make good use of education and, one day, earn success. I attended public schools in San Francisco, Newark and Orinda. My father tirelessly worked to improve our family circumstances and, even after he was a senior executive, he would often show me a worn out pair of shoes as a reminder not to waste. Statement of YAN ZHAO, Candidate for Member, Saratoga City Council Occupation: Engineer/Commissioner Education and Qualifications: I am a mother, an engineer, a community leader, a volunteer. For eight years I proudly served on the Saratoga Planning Commission. I love our city and am passionate about serving our community. My family moved to Saratoga because we fell in love with its natural beauty, superb schools and charming ambiance. My children, Ingrid, Brendon and Angelina attend Saratoga public schools. My husband's family has operated Hong's Gourmet Restaurant in downtown Saratoga for 16 years. I understand how important it is to achieve a delicate balance in preserving Saratoga's small town charm, while also promoting economic development to keep our city vibrant. After graduating from U.C. Berkeley in 1987 with a B.A. in Computer Science, my most notable success was when, as an engineer, I became a poster child for the Cisco patent program. In the 1990s I made contributions to cable modem technology, making it a ubiquitous and reliable way to access the Internet. Currently, I work as a data center engineer at a Mountain View-based startup where my team, on a shoestring budget, maintains a high-efficiency, 25My top priorities: maintain Saratoga's unique character; keep Saratoga million user, social network for video gamers. the safest city in California; protect Saratoga's open space, parks, trails and public facilities; increase services to senior citizens; and ensure quality of life for As a Saratoga resident, I have seen the need to focus on environmental all. I pledge to maintain fiscal responsibility and to continue to revitalize our issues and resist the pressures to urbanize Saratoga. Reducing air and noise retail centers. pollution in Saratoga is largely a matter of creating alternatives to automobiles on the SR-85 freeway. At our city council meetings and VTA board meetings, I I earned a bachelor's and master's degree in electrical engineering from have opposed needless, freeway lane expansion on 85. UC Berkeley and Santa Clara University, respectively. I have worked in high tech for over 20 years, from integrated circuit design to marketing, business When I can, I commute by bike the 12 miles to my office in Mountain View. development and sales. I understand the importance of listening to customers' More bike-friendly paths will encourage more bicycle riders and increase safety needs and providing the very best service. for work and recreation. In addition to serving eight years on the Saratoga Planning Commission The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Regional Housing (Chair 2009-2010), I'm also serving as a board member and treasurer of Needs Allocation (RHNA) cycle requires the City of Saratoga to periodically Saratoga Elementary PTA, Student Art Chair for the Saratoga Rotary Art Show revise its Housing Element to provide for higher-density housing. I will speak for the past three years, Volunteer Referee for American Youth Soccer out against the unelected regional planning agency directives, which place Organization, volunteer for the Saratoga Historical Foundation and member of unreasonable demands on our mostly built-out city and attempt to force us to the Santa Clara County Commission on the Status of Women. Each of these volunteer activities gives me an opportunity to not only serve our community, accept more density and traffic. but also to learn more about our needs. I have hosted 5 high school students at my office on Lynbrook HS Job Shadow day and in my spare and holiday time, I have played ukulele for Relay As a proven leader and dedicated community volunteer, I will bring my for Life and for veterans in the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. I pledge to experience as a planning commissioner, consensus builder and parent, to the serve the City of Saratoga by preserving our quality of life, home values, Saratoga City Council. My commitment to you is to provide full transparency and to ensure that your voices will be heard. I pledge to support accountability, excellent schools, safe neighborhoods and fiscal responsibility. open communication and strategic partnerships between our residents, businesses and schools. If you have ideas on how we can make Saratoga a better place to live, please call me anytime at 408-206-9681. I am willing to work hard for all residents. I respectfully ask for your vote for Yan Zhao for Saratoga City Council. CS-5240-2e N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 21 Statement of RISHI KUMAR, Candidate for Member, Saratoga City Council Occupation: Hi-Tech General Manager Education and Qualifications: Saratoga is a great place to live and raise a family. For the last fourteen years, my wife Seema and I are proud to be raising our two sons here and call Saratoga our home. With our redwood trees, the beautiful vistas and views, fantastic schools, and an outstanding quality of life, these values must be preserved & protected. I am running for City Council because I love Saratoga. My community passion has been demonstrated through my service as a Planning Commissioner, the Founder Saratoga's Got Talent Annual Competition, a Board Member of AYSO Soccer, Boy Scout volunteer, Chamber of Commerce member, local Neighborhood Watch program creator, and others. In these organizations I initiated and implemented ideas, and worked hard to make Saratoga a better community. Over the past three years, as part of the Saratoga Cares Foundation, we have raised tens of thousands of dollars for our Seniors and our Schools. I want to enhance Saratoga's community engagement model with local government via partnerships and outreach programs. We must ensure that we have more information readily accessible for our citizens to know what is going on. I will listen to your suggestions, wants and concerns to act upon them diligently. I have a Masters degree in Engineering. My work as General Manager in the Silicon Valley hi-tech industry (e.g. IBM, Cisco) has taught me that energy, dedication, enthusiasm, fiscal responsibility, and entrepreneurial drive can create new opportunities. We need that same spirit on our City Council. Our city and citizens collaborated to prevent the Highway 85 expansion. But, we need strong voices on the Council who will work with our neighboring communities to ensure that the VTA addresses the concerns of Saratogans for effective noise reduction on Highway 85 and alleviate bottlenecks. Downtown Saratoga is the heart of our town. We must maintain its unique charm. All of our business districts need to be healthy and vibrant, creating economic vitality that helps all of our citizens. I would appreciate your vote. Please join Senator Jim Beall, Councilmember Chuck Page, former Assembly member Jim Cunneen, Amit Nagpal, Jayshree Ullal, Mr. Boitz, Mr. Jow, David Holt, Mark Chapman, Richard Angus, Bob Cancellieri, Tom Sloan, Gary Smith, Leslie Butlar and many Saratoga community leaders in supporting my candidacy to keep Saratoga great. www.Rishikumar.com CS-5240-3e N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 22 Statement of PETE SIEMENS, Candidate for Director, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, Ward 1 Occupation: Incumbent Education and Qualifications: I am proud to have been a Director of the Midpeninsula Region Open Space District (Midpen), helping to create a system of preserves that have contributed to our health, well-being and prosperity. I have advocated for an expanded volunteer program, and initiated a policy that controlled growth of staff and other expenses. This responsible budgeting has led to AA and better bond ratings, no loss of service during downturns, negligible unfunded liabilities, and millions of dollars in reduced interest; our current 62,000 plus acres of preserved land has value that far exceeds its cost. I have supported emphasis on land preservation but with increased attention to public access and preserve restoration (for example, grassland and forest management for reducing fire risk, repair of wildlife habitat). Our Vision Plan featuring several thousand constituent contacts reflects these desires; the result is a list of key projects. Positive perception of Midpen has resulted in voter approval of bonding authority to fund this work, while existing revenue will provide staff to service the increased public access over time. I look forward to working with you to bring these projects to reality as soon as possible, and doing this with carefully considered staffing and construction priorities. Thanks--Pete Siemens CS-6051-1e Statement of MIKE BUNCIC, Candidate for Director, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, Ward 1 Occupation: Biology Teacher Education and Qualifications: I have been a high school biology teacher for the past twenty years, with a master's of science degree in biology. I am also a long time resident of Los Gatos. I have travelled over virtually every trail of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. These lands are very dear to me. I am keenly aware of the issues and challenges presented, and have participated in previous planning and volunteer activities. My background in working with young adults in the stewardship of the environment has brought I and them directly in contact with the district. I hope to increase the public's knowledge and interaction with our district and further communication. I support equitable access to public lands within a framework of preservation of the existing environment. These lands represent an opportunity for a growing population to experience settings that are rapidly disappearing. In our ward specifically, I see the restoration and opening to the public of the former air force station atop Mount Umunhum as a priority. It can serve as the jewel of the district, and increase the public awareness and appreciation of the open spaces that are preserved for everyone. N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 23 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR VOTERS Since the 2010 Primary Election, there have been many changes that affect how you vote. Please take a moment to read about these changes. 1. Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act: Proposition 14, passed by voters in 2010, changed WKHZD\SULPDU\DQGJHQHUDOHOHFWLRQVDUHFRQGXFWHGLQ&DOLIRUQLD$OO³SDUWLVDQ´RI¿FHVH[FHSW IRU3UHVLGHQWDQGSDUW\FHQWUDOFRPPLWWHHDUHQRZ³YRWHUQRPLQDWHG´RI¿FHV • <RXPD\FKRRVHDQ\FDQGLGDWHUXQQLQJIRUDYRWHUQRPLQDWHGRI¿FHUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHSDUW\ you or the candidate prefers. • For this election, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, State Board of Equalization, Congressional, 6WDWH6HQDWHDQG6WDWH$VVHPEO\DUHYRWHUQRPLQDWHGRI¿FHV • The two candidates with the highest number of votes in the primary election, regardless of party preference, go on to the general election ballot. There may be two candidates with the VDPHSDUW\SUHIHUHQFHRQ\RXUEDOORWIRUVRPHYRWHUQRPLQDWHGRI¿FHV 2. Redistricting: Every ten years, following the census, California’s district lines are redrawn. This election uses the new district lines for Congress, State Senate, State Assembly, State Board of (TXDOL]DWLRQ'LVWULFWSUHYLRXVO\'LVWULFWDQG6DQ-RVH&LW\&RXQFLO'LVWULFWV<RXPD\¿QG you do not live in the same districts you did the last time you voted. Because of this, your ballot may have different candidates than you are used to seeing; and in some cases, your previous representative may not be a candidate for your new district. EARLY VOTING CENTERS Available to all registered voters — cast your ballot early on the weekend! Saturday & Sunday, October 25 - 26 and November 1 - 2 * REGISTRAR OF VOTERS' OFFICE 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2 San Jose, CA 95112 Voting Hours: 9 am to 3 pm LOS ALTOS LIBRARY 13 S. San Antonio Road Los Altos, CA 94022 Voting Hours: 12 pm to 5 pm CAMPBELL LIBRARY 77 Harrison Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Voting Hours: 12 pm to 5 pm MILPITAS LIBRARY 160 North Main Street Milpitas, CA 95035 Voting Hours: 12 pm to 5 pm GILROY LIBRARY 350 W. Sixth Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Voting Hours: 12 pm to 5 pm TULLY COMMUNITY BRANCH LIBRARY 880 Tully Road San Jose, CA 95111 Voting Hours: 12 pm to 5 pm (DUO\9RWLQJLVDOVRDYDLODEOH0RQGD\±)ULGD\DPWRSPDWWKH5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUV 2I¿FH beginning on October 6th. FP-02-14 N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 24 County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters ELECTRONIC SAMPLE BALLOT & VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET REQUEST (OPT-OUT) Voters now have the option to receive their Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet electronically (EC13300.7). In order to opt-out of receiving your Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet by mail for upcoming elections, please complete this form and return to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters. Name Birth Date __ __ /__ __ / __ __ __ __ Residence Address E-Mail Signature This form may be faxed to 1-408-998-7314, scanned/emailed to: [email protected]; or mail to: Registrar of Voters, Voter Registration Division, PO Box 611300, San Jose, CA 95161. SANTA CLARA COUNTY IS GOING GREEN! Sign up to receive your Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet electronically. It’s Convenient! Access your voting information anytime from anywhere! It’s Paperless!1RPRUHERRNOHWV¿OOLQJ\RXUPDLOER[RUUHF\FOHELQ It’s Good for the Planet! Save trees! Reduce your carbon footprint! It’s Free!,QIDFWLWVDYHVWKHWD[SD\HUVPRQH\LQSULQWLQJDQGSRVWDJH It’s Optional! You can change how you receive your Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet anytime – electronic or mail! FP-10-5 N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 25 County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters VOTER’S ACTION REQUEST FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Voter ID: Date Received: Action by: Instructions to the Voter: 1. You must be a registered voter in Santa Clara County to use this form. 2. Please print clearly. 3. If requesting a name or party change, you must re-register. 4. If requesting an action for another voter, provide their information in the VOTER INFORMATION box. VOTER INFORMATION – All information must be provided to complete your request. Name: Birth Date: __ __ /__ __ / __ __ __ __ Registered Address: Signature: Date: Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet (Opt-In/Out): I want to use the on-line Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet. I no longer want to receive it by mail. Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I want my sample ballot pamphlet by mail. I previously opted out of receiving it by mail. Correct or update voter registration: My name is misspelled. The correct spelling is in the VOTER INFORMATION box. The incorrect spelling is: ___________________ I moved to a new residence address within Santa Clara County (street address & city): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ My residence is the same, but my mail goes to a different address. My MAILING address is: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remove the following mailing address: ______________________________________________________________________ PREFERRED LANGUAGE. I want my voting materials in this additional language (Voters selecting a preferred language will receive voting materials in English and their preferred language): Chinese Spanish Tagalog Vietnamese I would like to receive the State Voter Information Guide in the following language: Hindi Japanese Khmer Korean Permanent Vote by Mail: I want to be a Permanent Vote by Mail Voter. I do not want to be a Permanent Vote by Mail Voter. Cancel voter registration: Please cancel my registration. Reason: _____________________________________________________________________ Voter named above is deceased. Information may be provided by family or caretaker. Name of person reporting death: ________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Signature of person reporting death: ________________________________________________________________________ To return to the Registrar of Voters Fax: 1-408-998-7314 Scan/Email: [email protected] Mail: Registrar of Voters, PO Box 611300, San Jose, CA 95161-1300 For Questions, please call: 1-408-299-VOTE (8683) VARF_E N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 26 Support Democracy and Become an ELECTION OFFICER Volunteer Stipend $95 to $180 Election Officers must be: High school students must: At least 18 years old A U.S. Citizen and Registered Voter or Legal Permanent Resident Be at least 16 years old Be a U.S. Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident Have a GPA of 2.5 or higher You may sign up by phone: 1-408-299-POLL (7655) 1-408-282-3086 (Chinese) 1-408-282-3095 (Spanish) 1-408-282-3089 (Tagalog) 1-408-282-3097 (Vietnamese) 1-408-299-7655 (Korean, Japanese, Khmer, & Hindi). or online at www.sccvote.org, or by mail or fax using the form below. ELECTION OFFICER AND/OR POLLING PLACE APPLICATION Name _________________________________________________________________________ Residence Address _______________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________ Zip Code _____________________________ Telephone # Daytime Evening 1 1 E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________ I am a U.S. Citizen and Registered Voter in California: Yes I am a Legal Permanent Resident: Yes I have transportation: Yes No No No I am willing to travel to serve another precinct: Yes No In addition to English, I also speak __________________ fluently (Language) I have a facility for use as a polling place: Yes Signature: Mail to: Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters PO BOX 612350, SAN JOSE CA 95161-2350 FP-06-9 No Date: Fax: 1-408-282-3115 N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 27 Voter Bill of Rights 1. You have the right to cast a ballot if you are a valid registered voter. A valid registered voter means a United States citizen who is a resident in this state, who is at least 18 years of age and not in prison or on parole for conviction of a felony, and who is registered to vote at his or her current residence address. 2. You have the right to cast a provisional ballot if your name is not listed on the voting rolls. 3. You have the right to cast a ballot if you are present and in line at the polling place prior to the close of the polls. 4. You have the right to cast a secret ballot free from intimidation. 5. You have the right to receive a new ballot if, prior to casting your ballot, you believe you made a mistake.,IDWDQ\WLPHEHIRUH\RX¿QDOO\FDVW\RXUEDOORW\RXIHHO\RXKDYHPDGHDPLVWDNH\RXKDYHWKH right to exchange the spoiled ballot for a new ballot. Vote-by-mail voters may also request and receive a new EDOORWLIWKH\UHWXUQWKHLUVSRLOHGEDOORWWRDQHOHFWLRQVRI¿FLDOSULRUWRWKHFORVLQJRIWKHSROOVRQ(OHFWLRQ'D\ 6. You have the right to receive assistance in casting your ballot, if you are unable to vote without assistance. 7. You have the right to return a completed vote-by-mail ballot to any precinct in the county. 8. <RXKDYHWKHULJKWWRHOHFWLRQPDWHULDOVLQDQRWKHUODQJXDJHLIWKHUHDUHVXIÀFLHQWUHVLGHQWVLQ\RXU precinct to warrant production. 9. You have the right to ask questions about election procedures and to observe the elections process. <RXKDYHWKHULJKWWRDVNTXHVWLRQVRIWKHSUHFLQFWERDUGDQGHOHFWLRQVRI¿FLDOVUHJDUGLQJHOHFWLRQSURFHGXUHV DQG WR UHFHLYH DQ DQVZHU RU EH GLUHFWHG WR WKH DSSURSULDWH RI¿FLDO IRU DQ DQVZHU +RZHYHU LI SHUVLVWHQW TXHVWLRQLQJGLVUXSWVWKHH[HFXWLRQRIWKHLUGXWLHVWKHERDUGRUHOHFWLRQRI¿FLDOVPD\GLVFRQWLQXHUHVSRQGLQJ to questions. 10. <RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR UHSRUW DQ\ LOOHJDO RU IUDXGXOHQW DFWLYLW\ WR D ORFDO HOHFWLRQV RIÀFLDO RU WR WKH 6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWH V2IÀFH SPECIAL NOTICE Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the day indicated in the posted sample ballot. 6SHFL¿FLQVWUXFWLRQVRQKRZWRYRWHLQFOXGLQJKRZWRFDVWDSURYLVLRQDOEDOORWFDQEHREWDLQHGIURPDSROO ZRUNHURUE\UHDGLQJWKHLQIRUPDWLRQPDLOHGWR\RXE\\RXUORFDOHOHFWLRQVRI¿FLDO ,I\RXDUHDQHZO\UHJLVWHUHGYRWHU\RXPD\EHDVNHGWRSURYLGHDSSURSULDWHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRURWKHUGRFXPHQWDWLRQ according to federal law. But please note that every individual has the right to cast a provisional ballot even if he or she does not provide the documentation. It is against the law to represent yourself as being eligible to vote unless you meet all of the requirements to vote under federal and state law. It is against the law to tamper with voting equipment. If you believe you have been denied any of these rights, or you are aware of any elections fraud or misconduct, SOHDVHFDOOWKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWH VFRQ¿GHQWLDOWROOIUHH Voter Hotline at 1-800-345-VOTE (8683). FP-10-1 N SC Ballot Type 184 - Page 28 3 WAYS TO VOTE 1. Vote at the Polls on Election Day! Your assigned polling place is located on the back cover. Be aware that your polling place may have changed since the previous election(s). The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please bring your Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet on voting day. DETACH HERE From: Sufficient Postage Required Place Stamp Here Did you sign your application? VOTE BY MAIL DIVISION REGISTRAR OF VOTERS PO BOX 611750 SAN JOSE CA 95161-1750 2. Vote Early: Beginning October 6th, the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters’ Office is open as a polling place for the November 4, 2014 General Election for early voting. Location: Registrar of Voters, 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, San Jose, CA 95112 Voting hours: Mon. - Fri. Sat. - Sun. Sat. - Sun. Tuesday October 6 - November 3 October 25 - 26 November 1 - 2 November 4, 2014 (Election Day) 8 9 9 7 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. to to to to 5 3 3 8 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 3. Vote by Mail: On October 6th the Registrar of Voters will begin mailing ballots to Vote by Mail Voters for this election. You may request to become a Vote by Mail Voter by: completing the application on the back cover, then returning it by mail or by fax to 1-408-293-6002 calling 1-408-299-VOTE (8683) applying on our website at www.sccvote.org sending a letter providing name, residence address, mailing address if different, birth date, and signature Requests must be received by the Registrar of Voters no later than October 28th. REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA PO BOX 611360 SAN JOSE CA 95161-1360 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID REGISTRAR OF VOTERS CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 184 Mail To: DETACH HERE VOTE BY MAIL APPLICATION Do not complete if you are already a permanent vote by mail or mail ballot precinct voter. I hereby apply for a Vote by Mail ballot for the NOVEMBER 4, 2014 GENERAL ELECTION. 1 Printed Name 2 Residence Address 3 Mailing Address (if different) 4 Street City State Zip Code Street City State Zip Code X SIGNATURE REQUIRED DATE Check here to vote by mail PERMANENTLY. Application due in Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. on 10/28/2014. You can also request a Vote by Mail ballot by calling 1-408-299-VOTE (8683) or toll free 1-866-430-VOTE (8683). POLLING PLACE INFORMATION YOUR POLLING PLACE FOR THIS ELECTION Access? Important Dates: October 6 - November 3 Early voting available in Registrar of Voters’ Office. October 20 Last day to register to vote or to update your registration for this election.
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