1. BANCO NACIONAL DE PANAMÁ 2. CAJA DE AHORROS Manager: ROLANDO DE LEÓN DE ALBA FID Resolution: N/A Address: Vía España and Calle 55, Banconal Tower Tel.: 505-2000 Fax: 505-3611 Website: www.banconal.com.pa Manager: MARIO A. ROJAS B. FID Resolution: N/A Address: Vía España and Calle Thais de Pons Tel.: 508-1832 Fax: 508-1993 Website: www.cajadeahorros.com.pa 3. 4. ABS TRUST, INC. Manager: SUSANA DÁVILA FID Resolution: 9-2004 Resolution Date: 07/16/2004 address: Calle 71 and 72 San Francisco, House #97 Tel. : 226-3775 Fax: 226-7920 Website: www.abstrust.com 5. AFRA TRUST CORPORATION ACTION TRUST, S.A. Manager: ANA ESPERANZA PÉREZ MONJE FID Resolution: 13-2012 Resolution Date: 09/10/2012 Address: Township of San Francisco, Vía Porras and Calle Los Claveles, Lekadon Plaza, 1st floor, Suite 1 Tel.: 394-4555 / 394-6161 / 394-6262 / 394-6464 Website: www.actiontrust.com.pa 6. ALEMÁN, CORDERO, GALINDO & LEE TRUST (PANAMA), S.A. Manager: LUIS R. LÓPEZ ALFARO FID Resolution: 14-2010 Resolution Date: 12/02/2010 Address: Ave. Samuel Lewis and Calle 54 Obarrio, AFRA Bldg., 9th, 10th and 11th floors Tel.: 263-9355 Fax: 263-7214 Website: www.afra.com Manager: JAIME C. ALEMÁN FID Resolution: 5-99 Resolution Date: 05/28/1999 7. 8. ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA (PANAMÁ), S.A. Manager: CAROLINA SOLÍS TOALA FID Resolution: 27-2013 Resolution Date: 11/15/2013 Address: Calle 50 and Elvira Méndez, Tower Financial Center, 35th floor Tel.: 297-4033 / 297-4000 Fax: 297-4001 Website: To be confirmed (New trust company) 9. ARAMO FIDUCIARY SERVICES, INC. Manager: LUIS MASTELLARI FID Resolution: 5-2010 Resolution Date: 07/01/2010 Address: Calle 50 and 74 San Francisco, PH 909, 15th Floor Tel.: 270-1011 Fax: 270-0174 E-mail: [email protected] 11. AUTO TRUST, INC. Manager: LINNETTI FERNÁNDEZ H. FID Resolution: 3-2005 Resolution Date: 05/24/2005 Address: Centro Comercial Siglo XXI, 1st floor, suite 66 Tel.: 236-1115 Fax: 236-9668 Website: www.autotrustinc.com Address: Calle 53 Este; Marbella – HUMBOLDT Tower, 2nd Floor Tel.: 269-2620 Fax: 263-5895 Website: www.alcogal.com ASSA COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS, S.A. Manager: EDUARDO FÁBREGA FID Resolution: 5-95 Resolution Date: 11/30/1995 Address: Ave. Nicanor De Obarrio, Calle 50 between Calle 56 and 57 Tel.: 300-2772 Fax: 300-2729 Website: www.assanet.com 10. ASSETS TRUST & CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. Manager: JOSÉ MANUEL JAÉN FID Resolution: 6-87 Resolution Date: 04/01/1987 Address: Ave. Samuel Lewis, Comosa Bldg., 6th floor Tel.: 264-2338 Fax: 263-8475 Website: www.assetstrust.com 12. BAC INTERNATIONAL BANK, INC. Manager: JAIME D. MORENO FID Resolution: 5-98 Resolution Date: 04/22/1998 Address: Calle Aquilino De La Guardia, Bac Credomatic Bldg. Tel.: 206-2700 Fax: 265-7045 Website: www.bac.net 13. BALBOA BANK & TRUST, CORP. Manager: RAMÓN MARTÍNEZ STAGG FID Resolution: 11-2004 Resolution Date: 07/29/2004 Address: Calle 50 and Calle Beatriz María Cabal, Tower Plaza Bldg., Ground floor and first floor (level 100) Tel.: 208-7300 Fax: 208-7315 Website: www.balboabanktrust.com 15. BANCOLOMBIA (PANAMÁ), S.A. 14. BANCO DAVIVIENDA (PANAMÁ), S.A. Manager: FRANCISCO GONZÁLEZ FID Resolution: 7-87 Resolution Date: 04/01/1987 Address: Ave. Manuel María Icaza, Calle 52 Este No. 18 Tel.: 264-6066 Fax: 263-6115 Website: www.davivienda.com.pa 16. BANCO ALIADO, S.A. Manager in charge: VÍCTOR FABIÁN VILLAQUIRÁN IDROBO Manager: ALEXIS ARJONA FID Resolution: 11-87 Resolution Date: 12/04/1987 Address: Calle Aquilino De La Guardia and Calle 47, Marbella Plaza Tel.: 208-9764 Fax: 269-1138 Website: www.bancolombiapanama.com FID Resolution: 9-96 Resolution Date: 10/31/1996 Address: Calle 50 and 56, Urbanización Obarrio Tel.: 302-1555 Fax: 302-1556 Website: www.bancoaliado.com 17. 18. BANCO DE BOGOTÁ (PANAMÁ), S.A. Manager: JOSÉ ALBERTO SANTANA MARTÍNEZ FID Resolution: 8-99 Resolution Date: 10/25/1999 Address: C.C. Plaza Paitilla, Ave. Balboa and Vía Italia Tel.: 306-1100 / 306-1104 Fax: 301-0647 Website: www.bancodebogotainternacional.com 19. BANCO GENERAL, S.A. BANCO CITIBANK (PANAMA), S.A. Manager: MARCELO GORRINI FID Resolution: 4-94 Resolution Date: 11/25/1994 Address: Citi Bldg., Calle Aquilino De La Guardia, Bella Vista Tel.: 208-8600 Fax: 210-5948 Website: www.citi.com.pa 20. BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA, S.A. Manager: RAÚL ALEMÁN ZUBIETA Interim Manager: DANIEL GONZÁLEZ FID Resolution: 8-85 Resolution Date: 05/28/1985 Address: Banco General Tower, Calle Aquilino De La Guardia and Ave. 5ta. B Sur, Marbella Tel.: 303-5001 Fax: 265-0210 Website: www.bgeneral.com FID Resolution: 4-92 Resolution Date: 09/03/1992 Address: Av. Balboa and Calle Aquilino De La Guardia, PH BICSA Financial Center, ground floor Tel.: 208-9500 Fax: 208-9581 Website: www.bicsapan.com 21. 22. BANESCO, S.A. Manager: CARLOS ALBERTO ESCOTET FID Resolution: 14-2008 Resolution Date: 11/13/2008 Address: Calle Aquilino De La Guardia and Calle 47 Marbella, Banesco Tower, 28th floor Tel.: 282-2242 / 282-2571 Fax: 282-2168 Website: www.banesco.com.pa BANISTMO, S.A. Manager: AIMEE THALÍA SENTMAT PUGA FID Resolution: 3-86 Resolution Date: 11/26/1986 Address: Calle 47 Este and Aquilino De La Guardia, Banistmo Plaza - Marbella Tel.: 263-5855 / 263-5877 / 206-8474 Fax: 206-6300 / 206-8481 Website: www.pa.hsbc.com 23. BANISTMO INVESTMENT CORPORATION, S.A. Manager: AIMEE THALÍA SENTMAT PUGA FID Resolution: 3-93 Resolution Date: 10/26/1993 Address: Calle 47 and Aquilino De La Guardia, Banistmo Plaza - Marbella Tel.: 263-5855 / 263-5877 / 206-8474 Fax: 206-6300 / 206-8481 Website: www.pa.hsbc.com 25. BG TRUST, INC. Manager: RAÚL ALEMAN ZUBIETA FID Resolution: 1-2004 Resolution Date: 01/09/2004 Address: Banco General Tower, E1 Floor, Calle Aquilino De la Guardia and Ave. 5ta B Sur. Tel.: 303-7000 Fax: 301-8587 Website: www.bgeneral.com 27. CAPITAL AND ASSETS FIDUCIARY SERVICES, INC. (CAFS) Manager: Daniel Ciniglio Simons FID Resolution: 28-2013 Resolution Date: 11/19/2013 Address: Ave. Balboa, Baymall Plaza, Suite 214 Tel.: 225-3925 Fax: 263-3925 Website: www.cafstrust.com.pa 29. CENTRAL FIDUCIARIA, S.A. Manager: LURYS MADRID FID Resolution: 16-2013 Resolution Date: 01/16/2013 Address: Avda. Samuel Lewis and Calle 56 Obarrio, Panama Design Center Bldg. 7th floor, suite D Tel.: 306-1230 Fax: 306-1210 Website: www.centralfiduciaria.com 31. CCB TRUST CORP. Manager: LOURDES GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ FID Resolution: 7-2009 Resolution Date: 09/21/2009 Address: Vía España, 218 Bldg., 4th floor Tel: 210-1111 (Ext. 4300 / 4301) Fax: 208-3933 E-mail: [email protected] 33. CONFEDERACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA DE COOPERATIVAS DE AHORROS Y CRÉDITOS, R.L. (COLAC) Manager: HERNANDO VÉLEZ URIBE FID Resolution: 8-98 Resolution Date: 07/24/1998 Address: Boulevard Punta Pacífica, Torres de Las Américas, 19th floor, suite B-1902 Tel.: 227-3322 Fax: 227-3768 Website: www.colac.com 24. BCT BANK INTERNATIONAL, S.A. Manager: RAÚL ARDITO BARLETTA FID Resolution: 13-98 Resolution Date: 10/14/1998 Address: Calle 50, BCT Bank International Bldg. Tel.: 297-4200 Fax: 297-4249 Website: www.bct.com 26. BHD INTERNATIONAL BANK (PANAMÁ), S.A. Manager: GUILLERMO MÉNDEZ FID Resolution: 22-2014 Resolution Date: 06/13/2014 Address: Costa del Este, PH Torre Panamá, Suite 1900 Tel.: 340-9200 Fax: 340-3205 Website: www.bhdpanama 28. CAPITAL TRUST & FINANCE, INC. Manager: MIGUEL MONTENEGRO FID Resolution: 11-2010 Resolution Date: 10/27/2010 Address: Calle 50, PH Global Plaza, ground floor Tel.: 209-7028 Fax: 209-7052 Website: www.capitalbank.com.pa 30. CENTRAL LATINOAMERICANA DE VALORES, S.A. (LATINCLEAR) Manager: IVÁN ARIEL DÍAZ GUTIÉRREZ Resolution: 8-2006 Resolution Date: 10/16/2006 Address: Calle 49 Bella Vista and Avenida Federico Boyd, Bolsa de Valores de Panamá Bldg., ground floor Tel.: 214-6105 Fax: 214-8175 Website: www.latinclear.com 32. CITIBANK, N.A. Manager: MARCELO GORRINI FID Resolution: 3-2000 Resolution Date: 02/19/2000 Address: Punta Pacífica, Torre de Las Américas, 14th floor, B Tower Tel.: 210-5900 Fax: 210-5904 / 210-5901 / 210-5948 Website: www.citibank.com.pa 34. COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS MÚLTIPLES PROFESIONALES, R.L. Manager: CARMEN DE URRIOLA FID Resolution: 10-98 Resolution Date: 09/07/1998 Address: Ave. Federico Boyd and Cl. Rogelio Alfaro (Calle 48 Bella Vista) Tel.: 205-0900 Fax: 269-0266 Website: www.cooprofesionales.com.pa 35. CREDICORP BANK, S.A. 36. CREDICORP FONDO DE PENSIONES Y CESANTÍAS, S.A. Manager: MAX JOSEPH HARARI Manager: CINTHYA D. DE HERNÁNDEZ 37. 38. FID Resolution: 2-96 Resolution Date: 01/25/1996 Address: Vía España, 218 Building Tel.: 210-1111 Fax: 210-0144 / 210-0412 Website: www.credicorpbank.com ESKIMOR TRUST CORP. FID Resolution: 7-97 Resolution Date: 10/17/1997 Address: Vía España, 218 Building Tel.: 210-1632 Fax: 210-0144 Website: www.credicorpbank.com FIDUCIARIA LAFISE, S.A. Manager: JAVIER ESKILDSEN M. FID Resolution: 8-2008 Resolution Date: 08/01/2008 Address: Costa del Este, PH Panamá Tower, 15th floor Tel.: 271-0834 Fax: 271-9747 E-mail: [email protected] Manager: CYNTHIA GONZÁLEZ DE COLOMA FID Resolution: 16-2008 Resolution Date: 12/18/2008 Address: Calle 50, Global Bank Tower, 21st floor , suite 2102 Tel.: 340-9420 / 340-9439 Fax: 340-3428 Website: www.grupoafise.com 39. 40. FIDUCIARIA MOSSFON, S.A. (or) MOSSFON TRUST CORPORATION Manager: JURGEN MOSSACK FID Resolution: 4-93 Resolution Date: 11/23/1993 Address: Calle 50 and 54 Este, Marbella, Mossfon Bldg., second floor Tel.: 206-9490 to 206-9499 Fax: 205-0378 Website: www.mossfontrust.com 41. FMM TRUST, S.A. Manager: RODOLFO GARCÍA DE PAREDES FID Resolution: 1-2008 Resolution Date: 01/31/2008 Address: Calle 50, BMW Plaza, 9th floor Tel.: 301-6696 Fax: 302-6600 Website: www.fmm.com.pa 43. GLOBAL BANK CORPORATION Manager: JORGE VALLARINO S. FID Resolution: 6-2011 Resolution Date: 07/13/2011 Address : Calle 50, Global Bank Tower Tel.: 206-2029 Fax: 206-2088 Website: www.globalbank.com.pa FINANCIAL WAREHOUSING OF LATIN AMERICA, INC. Manager: JUAN DAVID HOFFMAN A. FID Resolution: 7-99 Resolution Date: 10/01/1999 Address: Ave. El Paical, FWLA y Revisiones de Panamá Bldg. across from BDO Auditores Tel.: 395-0100 Fax: 264-2882 Website: www.fwlatrust.com 42. GALA TRUST AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. (or) SERVICIOS FIDUCIARIOS Y GERENCIALES GALA, S.A. Manager: RAUL O. PINZÓN FID Resolution: 10-96 Resolution Date: 10/31/1996 Address: Ave. Federico Boyd and Calle 51 Este, Scotia Plaza Bldg., 9th floor Tel.: 303-0303 Fax: 269-0324 Website: www.gamase.com.pa 44. GLOBAL FINANCIAL FUNDS CORPORATION (or) FONDOS FINANCIEROS GLOBALES, S.A. Manager: JORGE VALLARINO S. FID Resolution: 4-96 Resolution Date: 02/16/1996 Address: Calle 50, Global Bank Tower Tel.: 206-2000 / 206-2029 Fax: 264-3723 / 264-2088 Website: www.globalbank.com.pa 45. GNB SUDAMERIS BANK, S.A. (*) Manager: ANGELMIRO CASTILLO H. 46. ICAZA TRUST CORPORATION (I.T.C.) Manager: DAYRA BERBEY DE ROJAS FID Resolution: 13-87 Resolution Date: 12/22/1987 Address: Calle Manuel María Icaza, No. 19 Tel.: 206-6900 Fax: 206-6901 Website: www.gnbsudameris.com FID Resolution: 12-96 Resolution Date: 11/06/1996 Address: Calle Aquilino De la Guardia, IGRA Bldg., No. 8, 2nd floor, suite 201 Tel.: 205-6175 / 205-6150 Fax: 264-4676 Website: www.icazalaw.com 47. 48. ISTMO TRUST CORP. IPAL TRUST, CORP. Manager: ANA LUISA SEDDA DE ALEMÁN FID Resolution: 20-2013 Resolution Date: 09/19/2013 Address: Costa del Este, Ave. Paseo Roberto Motta, Calle Vista del Pacífico, PH 51 Tel.: 306-2280 to 306-2289 Fax: 306-2289 Website: www.istmotrust.com Manager: EDUARDO GONZÁLEZ G. 49. 50. LA HIPOTECARIA, S.A. K & B TRUST SERVICES CORP. FID Resolution: 13-2014 Resolution Date: 03/31/2014 Address: Calle 50 and 74, San Francisco, PH 909, 12th floor Tel.: 322-2121 Fax: 322-2212 Website: www.ipaltrust.com.pa Manager: DOROTHEE KISVEL FID Resolution: 1-2013 Resolution Date: 01/16/2013 Manager: JOHN RAUSCHKOLD 51. 52. Address: Calle Aquilino De La Guardia, Molon Bldg., 10th floor Tel.: 209-2944 Fax: 209-2945 Website: www.kbtrustservices.com LOVILL TRUST, S.A. Manager: YOLANDA VALDÉS DE LEIGNADIER FID Resolution: 23-2014 Resolution Date: 07/07/2014 Address: Ave. Aquilino De La Guardia and Calle 47, Marbella, Ocean Business Plaza, 23rd floor, suite 2301 Tel.: 215-3215 Fax: 215-2710 Website: www.lovill.com 53. METROTRUST, S.A. FID Resolution: 3-97 Resolution Date: 08/06/1997 Address: Vía España, Plaza Regency, 4th floor Tel.: 300-8500 Fax: 300-8501 Website: www.lahipotecaria.com MAPFRE PANAMÁ, S.A. Manager: DINO MON FID Resolution: 3-92 Resolution Date: 08/12/1992 Address: Ave. La Rotonda and Boulevard Costa del Este, P.H. GMT Tel.: 378-3900 / 378-9700 Fax: 378-9889 / 378-9884 Website: www.mapfre.com.pa 54. MULTITRUST, INC. Manager: YIMNA RIVERA FID Resolution: 7-2013 Resolution Date: 05/16/2013 Address: Punta Pacifica, MetroBank Tower, 4th floor Tel.: 204-9000 Fax: 204-9001 E-mail: [email protected] Manager: ENRIQUE RODRÍGUEZ GADEA 55. 56. MMG BANK CORPORATION Manager: Jorge Enrique Morgan FID Resolution: 9-2013 Resolution Date: 06/14/2013 Address: Ave. Paseo del Mar, Costa del Este, MMG Tower, ground floor, 21st and 22nd floors Tel.: 265-7600 Fax: 265-7601 Website: www.mmgbank.com FID Resolution: 6-2006 Resolution Date: 08/01/2006 Address: Vía España, Prosperidad Bldg. Tel.: 269-1131 Fax: 264-4014 E-mail: [email protected] MMG TRUST, S.A. Manager: NÉSTOR BROCE FID Resolution: 11-98 Resolution Date: 09/16/1998 Address: Ave. Paseo del Mar, Costa del Este, MMG Tower, 23rd floor Tel.: 265-7633 Fax: 265-7643 Website: www.mmgtrust.com 57. MUNDIAL SERVICIOS FIDUCIARIOS, S.A. 58. OVERSEAS MANAGEMENT TRUST SERVICES, INC. Manager: JAZMÍN PÉREZ FID Resolution: 3-2006 Resolution Date: 03/31/2006 Address: Ave. La Rotonda and Boulevard Costa del Este, GMT Bldg., 2nd floor Tel.: 306-2068 Fax : 300-1138 Website: www.mundialfiducia.com Manager: EGBERT WETHERBORNE FID Resolution: 2-2002 Resolution Date: 03/12/2002 Address: Banco Delta Bldg., 10th floor Tel.: 205-7900 / 205-7922 Fax: 205-7970 / 205-7960 E-mail: [email protected] 59. 60. OWENS & WATSON TRUST CORP. PANACORP FIDEICOMISOS, S.A. Manager: RAMSES OWENS FID Resolution: 7-2011 Resolution Date: 08/04/2011 Address: Ave. Samuel Lewis and Calle 53, Omega Bldg., 8th floor, suite M Tel.: 391-3150 / 391-3151 Fax: 391-5151 Website: www.owatrust.com Manager: ERWIN THOMAS FID Resolution: 5-2005 Resolution Date: 10/20/2005 Address: Punta Pacífica, Boulevard Pacífica, PH Oceania Business Plaza, Tower 1000, 22nd floor Tel.: 340-6312 / 340-6313 Fax: 340-6314 E-mail: [email protected] 61. 62. PICHINCHA TRUST, S.A. PLATINIUM INTERNATIONAL TRUST, S.A. Manager: JUAN CARLOS PÉREZ CORDOVEZ FID Resolution: 13-2010 Resolution Date: 11/18/2010 Address: Calle 50 and 55, Dresdner Tower Bldg., ground floor Tel.: 297-4560 / 297-4500 Fax: 264-6129 E-mail: [email protected] Manager: ISIS REYNA HERRERA FID Resolution: 8-2011 Resolution Date: 08/09/2011 Address: Calle 49 Bella Vista, House 3 Tel.: 263-2360 Fax: 263-9483 Website: www.platinium.com.pa 63. 64. POPULAR BANK & TRUST LTD. PRIVAL TRUST, S.A. Manager: JOSÉ A. SEGOVIA FID Resolution: 2-2000 Resolution Date: 02/04/2000 Address: Banco General Tower - Marbella, 20th floor Tel.: 297-4100 Fax: 297-4133 Website: www.popularbank.com.pa Manager: JAIME RICARDO SOSA QUINTERO FID Resolution: 1-2011 Resolution Date: 02/18/2011 Address: Punta Pacífica, Torre de las Américas, 30th floor Tel.: 303-1900 Fax: 303-1999 Website: www.prival.com 65. 66. PROFUTURO – ADMINISTRADORA DE FONDOS DE PENSIONES Y CESANTÍAS, S.A. Manager: ROBERTO E. ALFARO DE ST. MALO FID Resolution: 5-96 Resolution Date: 02/16/1996 Address: Calle Aquilino De La Guardia, Vía España 120 Bldg., ground floor Tel.: 300-9700 Fax: 269-2446 Website: www.profuturo.com.pa 67. QUIJANO TRUST CORPORATION Manager: JULIO ANTONIO QUIJANO BERBEY FID Resolution: 2-2006 Resolution Date: 03/09/2006 Address: Calle 53 Este, Urb. Obarrio, Salduba Bldg., Third floor Tel.: 269-2641 / 269-2743 / 269-4613 Fax: 263-8079 / 269-4613 Website: www.quijanotrust.com PROGRESO – ADMINISTRADORA NACIONAL DE FONDOS DE JUBILACIONES Y CESANTÍAS, S.A. Manager: JUAN PASTOR FID Resolution: 1-98 Resolution Date: 01/28/1998 Address : Avenida Ramón Arias, Urbanización El Carmen, Progreso Bldg. Tel.: 340-0300 Fax: 264-3205 Website: www.progreso-afp.com 68. SUCRE, ARIAS & REYES TRUST SERVICES, S.A. Manager: ERNESTO EDUARDO ARIAS FID Resolution: 14-2004 Resolution Date: 12/16/2004 Address: Bella Vista, Vía Brasil and Vía España, PH Galerías Obarrio Bldg., suites 27 and 28 Tel.: 264-1355 / 204-7900 Fax: 264-1168 Website: www.sucre.net 69. ST. GEORGES BANK & COMPANY, INC. 70. SWISS ARIFA TRUST COMPANY, S.A. Manager: EDUARDO DUQUE ESTRADA FID Resolution: 14-2012 Resolution Date: 10/25/2012 Address: PH St. Georges Bldg., Calle 50 and Calle 53 Obarrio Tel.: 322-2022 (Ext. 27007) Fax: 322-2021 E-mail: [email protected] Manager: GIAN CASTILLERO FID Resolution: 8-2007 Resolution Date: 07/03/2007 Address: Calle 50, Plaza 2000 Bldg., 8th floor Tel.: 205-7098 / 205-7000 Fax: 205-7002 / 205-7001 website: www.swissarifa.com 71. 72. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (PANAMÁ), S.A. TAC INTERNATIONAL INC., S.A. Manager: DAVID E. MEDRANO J. FID Resolution: 16-98 Resolution Date: 11/23/1998 Address: Vía España and Calle Elvira Méndez, P.H. Delta, 5th floor, Suite 501 Tel.: 214-4645 Fax: 214-4647 Website: www.tacinternational.net Manager: MARCELO SUÁREZ CASTILLO 73. 74. TOWERTRUST INC. THE GENERAL TRUST COMPANY, S.A. FID Resolution: 10-2010 Resolution Date: 09/14/2010 Address: Punta Pacífica, “A” Tower, Torre de las Américas, 6th floor Tel.: 282-7900 / 282-7920 Fax: 282-7901 / 282-7909 Website: www.panama.scotiabank.com Manager: RAUL E. ZÚÑIGA BRID Manager: JOSÉ CAMPA 75. TRUST SERVICES, S.A. (or) SERVICIOS FIDUCIARIOS, S.A. 76. Manager: DEREK ROBERT SAMBROOK Manager: To be confirmed FID Resolution: 16-2014 Resolution Date: 04/15/2014 Address: To be confirmed Tel.: To be confirmed Fax: To be confirmed Website: To be confirmed (New trust company) FID Resolution: 4-2002 Resolution Date: 06/13/2002 Address: MMG Tower, 2nd floor, Calle 53 Este, Marbella Tel.: 265-0927 Fax: 263-5895 / 264-3133 E-mail: [email protected] FID Resolution: 5-97 Resolution Date: 10/17/1997 Address: Ave. Balboa, Balboa Plaza Bldg., 5th floor, suite 522 Tel.: 263-5252 / 263-5456 / 263-5659 Fax: 269-4922 Website: www.trustservices.com FID Resolution: 1-95 Resolution Date: 01/06/1995 Address: Tower Plaza Bldg., Mezzanine, Calle 50 and Beatriz M. de Cabal Tel.: 269-6900 (Ext. 200 and 264) Fax: 269-2311 / 269-6800 Website: www.towerbank.com UNIVERSAL AND INTERNATIONAL TRUST CORP. (*) Updated on August 13, 2015
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