,ϬϮϴϭͺ>ŝƐƚKĨƌƵŐƐϭϱͺ^WͺƉƉƌŽǀĞĚϬϵϭϴϮϬϭϰ Lista de medicamentos cubiertos para 2015 (Formulario) PARA PEDIR INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL, llame a Servicios para afiliados al 1-877-941-0482 de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m., siete días a la semana. Usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711. Los fines de semana y feriados federales, se le puede pedir que deje un mensaje. Su llamada será devuelta dentro del próximo día hábil. http://mmp.illinicare.com.com 00015549, Número de versión 21 Actualizado 10/01/2015 H0281_ListOfDrugs15C_SP_Approved 09182014 IlliniCare Health | Lista de medicamentos cubiertos para 2015 (Formulario) Esta Lista de medicamentos se actualizó el 1 de octubre, 2015. Ésta es una lista de medicamentos que los afiliados pueden obtener en IlliniCare Health. � IlliniCare Health es un plan de salud que tiene contrato con Medicare y Medicaid de Illinois para proporcionar los beneficios de los dos programas a los afiliados. � Los beneficios, la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos, y las redes de farmacias y proveedores y/o copagos pueden cambiar el 1º de enero de cada año. � Usted siempre puede revisar la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos actualizada de IlliniCare Health en internet en http://mmp.illinicare.com. � Usted puede pedir esta información en otros formatos, como Braille o letra grande. Llame al (877) 941-0482. La llamada es gratuita. � Se pueden aplicar limitaciones, copagos, y restricciones. Para obtener más información, llame a Servicios para Afiliados de IlliniCare Health o lea el Manual del afiliado de IlliniCare Health. � Los copagos de medicamentos de receta podrían variar de acuerdo con el nivel de Ayuda adicional que usted reciba. Comuníquese con el plan para conocer más detalles. � You can get this document in English, or speak with someone about this information in other languages for free. Call (877) 941-0482. TTY users call 711. The call is free. � Usted puede obtener este documento en español, o hablar con alguien acerca de esta información en otros idiomas de forma gratuita. Llame al (877) 941-0482. Usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711. La llamada es gratuita. 00015549, 1~PHURGHYHUVLyQ 21 $FWXDOL]DGR1 0/01/2015 ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 1 Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ) Encuentre aquí las respuestas a las preguntas que usted tenga sobre esta Lista de medicamentos cubiertos. Usted puede leer todas las Preguntas frecuentes para saber más o buscar preguntas y respuestas. 1. ¿Qué medicamentos de receta se encuentran en la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos? (Llamamos "Lista de medicamentos" a la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos, para abreviar.) Los medicamentos de la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos que comienza en la página 12 son los medicamentos cubiertos por IlliniCare Health. Los medicamentos están disponibles en las farmacias dentro de nuestra red. Una farmacia está en nuestra red si tenemos un acuerdo con ellos, para trabajar con nosotros y proporcionarle servicios a usted. Nos referimos a estas farmacias como “farmacias de la red” - IlliniCare Health cubrirá todos los medicamentos médicamente necesarios de la Lista, si: • Su médico u otro proveedor médico dice que usted los necesita para mejorar o para seguir sano y, • Usted surte la receta en una farmacia de la red de IlliniCare Health. - IlliniCare Health podría tener pasos adicionales para tener acceso a ciertos tipos de medicamentos (lea en el pregunta #5 de abajo). Usted puede también leer una lista actualizada de los medicamentos que cubrimos en nuestro sitio web en http://mmp.illinicare.com o llame a Servicios al afiliado al (877) 941-0482. 2. ¿La Lista de medicamentos cambia alguna vez? Sí. IlliniCare Health podría agregar o quitar medicamentos de la Lista de medicamentos durante el año. De manera general, la Lista de medicamentos sólo cambiará si: • Aparece un medicamento más barato, que funcione tan bien como algún medicamento que se encuentre actualmente en la Lista de medicamentos o • Nos enteramos que algún medicamento no es seguro. También podemos cambiar nuestras reglas sobre algunos medicamentos. Por ejemplo, podríamos: ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 2 • Decidir si exigir o no aprobación previa para algún medicamento. (Aprobación previa es el permiso de IlliniCare Health antes que usted puede obtener un medicamento.) • Aumentar o reducir la cantidad de un medicamento que usted puede obtener (llamado "límite de cantidad”). • Agregar o cambiar restricciones de tratamiento progresivo de un medicamento. (Terapia progresiva significa que usted podría tener que probar un medicamento antes que cubramos otro medicamento.) (Para obtener más información acerca de estas restricciones, lea la página 4.) Le avisaremos cuando quitemos de la Lista de Medicamento algún medicamento que usted esté tomando. También le diremos cuando cambiemos nuestras reglas para cubrir algún medicamento. Las preguntas 3, 4 y 7 de abajo tienen más información sobre lo que sucederá cuando cambie la Lista de medicamentos. - Usted siempre puede leer la Lista de medicamentos actualizada de IlliniCare Health en internet, en http://mmp.illinicare.com. También puede llamar a Servicios para Afiliados para revisar la Lista de medicamentos actual, al (877) 941-0482. 3. ¿Qué sucederá cuando aparezca un medicamento más barato que funcione tan bien como algún medicamento que se encuentre actualmente en la Lista de medicamentos? Si usted toma algún medicamento que hayamos quitado de la lista porque hay un medicamento más barato que funcione tan bien, le avisaremos. Le avisaremos por lo menos 60 días antes de sacarlo de la Lista de medicamentos o la próxima vez que pida un resurtido. En ese momento, usted podrá obtener un suministro de 60 días del medicamento antes de que se haga el cambio en la Lista de medicamentos. Le enviaremos un aviso si cambiamos nuestras reglas para la cobertura de algún medicamento que usted esté tomando. Recibirá este aviso por correo por lo menos 60 días antes que cambiemos las reglas del medicamento o lo saquemos de nuestra Lista de medicamento cubiertos. Por ejemplo, si añadimos autorización previa (aprobación) o un límite de cantidad a algún medicamento que esté tomando, el aviso que reciba explicará las nuevas reglas. Debemos notificarle del cambio al menos 60 días antes de que entre en vigor. O debemos notificarle en el momento en que solicite que se le repita la receta del medicamento. Si le notificamos en el momento en que solicite una recarga de su medicamento, recibirá un suministro de 60 días del ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 3 medicamento. Para mayor información acerca de estas reglas de medicamentos, vea la página 4. Si tiene preguntas sobre el aviso que recibirá de IlliniCare Health, comuníquese con Servicios para Afiliado llamando al (877) 941-0482. Los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. 4. ¿Qué sucederá cuándo averigüemos que algún medicamento no es seguro? Si la Administración de alimentos y medicamentos (FDA) dice que algún medicamento no es seguro, lo quitaremos inmediatamente de la Lista de medicamentos. También le enviaremos una carta avisándole. Si tiene alguna pregunta después de recibir el aviso sobre el cambio, debería comunicarse con el doctor que le recetó el medicamento. 5. ¿La cobertura de medicamentos tiene alguna restricción o límite? ¿O hay que hacer algo en particular para poder obtener ciertos medicamentos? Sí, algunos medicamentos tienen reglas de cobertura o tienen límites en la cantidad que usted puede obtener. En algunos casos, tendrá que hacer algo antes de poder obtener el medicamento. Por ejemplo: • Aprobación previa (o autorización previa): Para algunos medicamentos, usted, su médico u otro profesional de la salud deben obtener una aprobación de IlliniCare Health antes de surtir su receta. Y si usted no consigue la aprobación, IlliniCare Health podría no cubrir el medicamento. • Límites de cantidad: A veces IlliniCare Health limita la cantidad de un medicamento que usted puede obtener. • Tratamiento progresivo: A veces IlliniCare Health exige que usted siga un tratamiento progresivo. Esto significa que usted tendrá que probar los medicamentos en un cierto orden para su enfermedad. Usted podría tener que probar un medicamento antes de que cubramos otro medicamento. Si a su médico le parece que el primer medicamento no funciona para usted, entonces cubriremos el segundo. Usted puede averiguar si su medicamento tiene algún requisito o límite adicional, leyendo los cuadros de las páginas 12 a 142. Usted también puede obtener más información en nuestro sitio ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 4 web en http://mmp.illinicare.com. Hemos publicado en línea un documento que explica nuestra restricción de autorización previa o restricción de tratamiento progresivo o restricciones de autorización previa y de tratamiento progresivo. También puede pedirnos que le enviemos una copia. Usted también puede pedir una "excepción" a esos límites. Por favor lea en la pregunta 11 más información sobre las excepciones. - Si usted está en un hogar para personas mayores u otra institución de cuidados a largo plazo y necesita algún medicamento que no esté en la Lista de medicamentos o si no puede obtener el medicamento que necesite fácilmente, podemos ayudarle. Cubriremos un suministro de emergencia de 31 días del medicamento que usted necesite (a menos que tenga una receta para menos días), sin importar que usted sea o no un afiliado nuevo de IlliniCare Health. Esto le dará tiempo para hablar con su médico u otro proveedor médico. Ellos podrán ayudarle a decidir si hay algún otro medicamento similar en la Lista de medicamentos que usted pueda tomar en su lugar o si tiene que pedir una excepción. Por favor lea en la pregunta 11 más información sobre las excepciones. 6. ¿Cómo sabrá si el medicamento que usted quiere tiene limitaciones o si tiene que hacer algo para obtenerlo? La Lista de medicamentos cubiertos de la página 12 tiene una columna llamada “Acciones necesarias, restricciones o límites en el uso” 7. ¿Qué sucederá si cambiamos nuestras reglas sobre cómo cubrimos algunos medicamentos? Por ejemplo, si agregamos requisitos de autorización (aprobación) previa, límites de cantidad o restricciones de tratamiento progresivo a algún medicamento. Le avisaremos si agregamos requisitos de aprobación previa, límites de cantidad y restricciones de tratamiento progresivo a un medicamento. Le avisaremos por lo menos 60 días antes de agregar la restricción o cuando pida su siguiente resurtido. En ese momento, usted podrá obtener un suministro de 60 días del medicamento antes de que se haga el cambio en la Lista de medicamentos. Esto le dará tiempo para hablar con su médico u otro profesional de la salud sobre qué hacer después. ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 5 8. ¿Cómo puede encontrar un medicamento en la Lista de medicamentos? Hay dos maneras de encontrar un medicamento: • Puede buscar por orden alfabético (si usted sabe cómo se escribe el nombre del medicamento) o • Puede buscar por enfermedad. Para buscar por orden alfabético, vaya a la sección alfabética de la lista. Usted puede encontrarla revisando el índice de medicamentos que comienza en la 121. Para buscar por enfermedad, busque la sección titulada “Lista de medicamentos por enfermedad” de la página 12. Luego, busque su enfermedad. Por ejemplo, si usted tiene una enfermedad del corazón, usted debe buscar en esa categoría. Ahí encontrará los medicamentos que traten enfermedades del corazón. 9. ¿Qué pasará si el medicamento que usted quiere tomar no está en la Lista de medicamentos? Si usted no encuentra su medicamento en la Lista de medicamentos, llame a Servicios al afiliado al (877) 941-0482 > y pregunte por él. Si se entera que IlliniCare Health no cubrirá el medicamento, usted puede hacer algo de lo siguiente: • Pida a Servicios al afiliado una lista de medicamentos similar al que quiera tomar. Luego, muestre la lista a su médico u otro proveedor médico. Éste podrá recetarle un medicamento similar al de la Lista de medicamentos que usted quiere tomar. O, • Usted también puede pedir al plan que haga una excepción para cubrir su medicamento. Por favor lea en la pregunta 11 más información sobre las excepciones. 10. Qué pasará si usted es un afiliado nuevo de IlliniCare Health y no puede encontrar su medicamento en la Lista o tiene problemas para obtener su medicamento? Podemos ayudarle. Podríamos cubrir temporariamente un suministro de 30 días de su medicamento durante los primeros 90 días que usted sea afiliado de IlliniCare Health. Esto le dará tiempo para hablar con su médico u otro proveedor médico. Ellos podrán ayudarle a decidir si hay ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 6 algún otro medicamento similar en la Lista de medicamentos que usted pueda tomar en su lugar o si tiene que pedir una excepción. Cubriremos un suministro de 30 días de su medicamento si: • Usted está tomando algún medicamento que no esté en nuestra Lista de medicamentos o • Las reglas del plan de salud no le permiten obtener la cantidad recetada por su proveedor médico o • El medicamento requiere aprobación previa de IlliniCare Health o • Usted toma algún medicamento que forme parte de una restricción de tratamiento progresivo. Si usted vive en un hogar para personas mayores u otra institución de cuidados a largo plazo, usted puede resurtir su receta hasta por días por tanto tiempo como 91 a 98 días. Usted podrá resurtir el medicamento varias veces durante los 91 a 98 días. Esto le dará tiempo a su proveedor médico para cambiar su medicamento por alguno que esté en la Lista de medicamentos o para pedir una excepción. En determinadas circunstancias, el plan puede ofrecerle un suministro temporal de un medicamento cuando el suyo no está incluido en la Lista de medicamentos o cuando está restringido de alguna forma. Este suministro temporal le da más tiempo para hablar con su médico sobre un medicamento o dosis diferente que esté cubierto dentro de las pautas del plan. Para ser elegible para una provisión temporaria, debe cumplir con los dos requisitos siguientes: 1. El medicamento que ha estado tomando ya no está incluido en la Lista de medicamentos de IlliniCare Health o el medicamento que ha estado tomando ahora está restringido de alguna forma. 2. Usted debe estar en alguna de las situaciones que se describen a continuación: • Para los afiliados nuevos del plan y que no se encuentran en un centro de cuidado a largo plazo: Cubriremos un suministro temporal de su medicamento durante los primeros 90 días como afiliado de IlliniCare Health. Este suministro temporal será para un máximo de 30 días, o menos si su receta dispone una cantidad menor de días. La receta se debe presentar en una farmacia de la red. • Para los afiliados nuevos del plan y que se encuentran en un centro de cuidado a largo plazo: Cubriremos un suministro temporal de su medicamento durante los primeros 90 días como afiliado del plan. El primer suministro será por un máximo ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 7 de 31 días, , o menos si su receta dispone una cantidad menor de días. Si es necesario, cubriremos recargas adicionales durante sus primeros 90 días en IlliniCare Health hasta un suministro máximo de 91 a 98 días. • Para los afiliados que han permanecido en el plan durante más de 90 días y residen en un centro de cuidado a largo plazo (LTC) y necesitan un suministro de inmediato; Cubriremos un suministro único de 31 días, o menos si su receta dispone una cantidad menor de días. Esto se suma al suministro de transición de cuidado a largo plazo mencionado anteriormente. Debería también solicitar una excepción o autorización previa en el momento de recargar la receta médica. 11. ¿Puede pedir al plan que haga una excepción para cubrir su medicamento? Sí. Usted puede pedirle a IlliniCare Health que haga una excepción para cubrir su medicamento si éste no está en la Lista de medicamentos. Usted también puede pedirnos un cambio a las reglas de su medicamento. • Por ejemplo, IlliniCare Health podría limitar la cantidad que cubriremos de un medicamento. Si su medicamento tiene un límite, usted puede pedirnos que quitemos el límite y que cubramos más. • Otros ejemplos: Usted puede pedirnos que quitemos las restricciones de tratamiento progresivo o los requisitos de aprobación previa. 12. ¿Cuánto tiempo toma obtener una excepción? Primero, debemos recibir una declaración de su proveedor médico apoyando su pedido de una excepción. Después de recibir la declaración, le daremos una decisión sobre su pedido de excepción a más tardar en 72 horas. Si usted o su proveedor médico piensan que su salud podría deteriorarse si tiene que esperar 72 horas para obtener una decisión, entonces usted puede pedir una excepción acelerada. Ésta es una decisión más rápida. Si su proveedor médico apoya su pedido, le daremos una decisión a más tardar 24 horas después de recibir la declaración de apoyo de su proveedor médico. ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 8 13. ¿Cómo puede pedir una excepción? Para pedir un excepción, llame a Servicios para Afiliados al (877) 941-0482, usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). Un representante de Servicios para Afiliados trabajará con usted y su proveedor para ayudarle a pedir una excepción. 14. ¿Qué son los medicamentos genéricos? Los medicamentos genéricos están hechos con los mismos ingredientes que los medicamentos de marca. Generalmente cuestan menos que los medicamentos de marca y no tienen marcas tan conocidas. Los medicamentos genéricos son aprobados por la Administración de alimentos y medicamentos (FDA). IlliniCare Health cubre tanto medicamentos de marca como medicamentos genéricos. 15. ¿Qué son los medicamentos de venta libre (OTC)? OTC quiere decir "medicamentos que se venden sin receta". Usted puede comprar medicamentos de venta libre con receta de su médico. Usted puede leer la Lista de medicamentos de IlliniCare Health para ver qué medicamentos de venta libre están cubiertos. 16. ¿Cuánto es su copago? Usted puede leer la Lista de medicamentos de IlliniCare Health para enterarse de los copagos de cada medicamento. Los afiliados de IlliniCare Health que vivan en hogares para personas mayores u otras instituciones de atención a largo plazo, no tendrán copagos. Tampoco tendrán copagos algunos afiliados que reciban atención a largo plazo en la comunidad Los copagos están organizados por niveles. Los niveles son grupos de medicamentos con los mismos copagos. ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 9 • Los medicamentos de Nivel 1 tienen el copago más bajo. Son medicamentos genéricos. El Copago es de $0. • Los medicamentos de Nivel 2 tienen un copago intermedio. Son medicamentos de marca. El Copago será de $0 a $6.60, dependiendo de su nivel de elegibilidad para Medicaid. • Los medicamentos de Nivel 3 tienen un copago de $0. La mayoría de estos medicamentos son medicamentos OTC. Lista de medicamentos cubiertos La lista de medicamentos cubiertos que comienza en la página siguiente le da información sobre los medicamentos cubiertos por IlliniCare Health. Si usted tiene problemas para encontrar su medicamento en la lista, lea el Índice que comienza en la página 121. La primera columna del cuadro contiene el nombre del medicamento. Los medicamentos de marca están escritos en mayúsculas (por ejemplo, HUMALOG) y los medicamentos genéricos están escritos en cursivas minúsculas (por ejemplo, amoxicillin). La información de la columna titulada "Acciones necesarias, restricciones o límites en el uso", le indica si IlliniCare Health tiene alguna regla para cubrir su medicamento. Abreviaciones B/D DP LA PA QL ? Descripciones Este medicamento de receta tiene un requisito de autorización previa de la Parte B o la Parte D. Este medicamento puede estar cubierto bajo Medicare Parte B o D según las circunstancias. Puede que se tenga que presentar información que describa el uso y contexto del medicamento para tomar la determinación. El medicamento no es un medicamento de la Parte D Disponibilidad limitada. Esta receta médica podría estar disponible solo en farmacias determinadas. Para obtener mayor información, llame a Servicios para Afiliados al (877) 941-0482. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). Autorización previa. IlliniCare Health requiere que usted o su médico obtenga autorización previa para ciertos medicamentos. Esto significa que tendrá que obtener aprobación de IlliniCare Health antes de surtir sus recetas médicas. Si no obtiene aprobación, IlliniCare Health podría no cubrir el medicamento. Límite de cantidad. Para ciertos medicamentos, IlliniCare Health limita la cantidad del medicamento que cubrirá. Por ejemplo, solo 30 tabletas de ABILIFY cada 30 días. Esto podría ser en suma a un suministro estándar de uno o tres meses. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 10 MO Medicamento de mantenimiento. Este medicamento recetado es elegible para un suministro de 90 días a través de nuestro servicio de pedido por correo, así como a través de ciertas farmacias de venta al detalle de la red. Considere el uso de pedidos por correo para sus medicamentos a largo plazo (mantenimiento, tales como medicamentos para la presión alta). Las farmacias minoristas de la red podrían ser más apropiadas para recetas a corto plazo (como antibióticos). Nota: El “DP” junto a un medicamento significa que el medicamento no es un “medicamento de la Parte D”. El monto que paga al despachar una receta por este medicamento no cuenta hacia el total de sus costos de medicamentos (es decir, el monto que paga no le ayuda hacia su elegibilidad para cobertura catastrófica). Además, si usted se encuentra recibiendo ayuda adicional para pagar sus recetas médicas, no recibirá ninguna ayuda adicional para pagar por estos medicamentos. Estos medicamentos tienen también diferentes reglamentos de apelaciones. Un apelación es una manera formal de solicitarnos que revisemos una decisión de cobertura y que la cambiemos, si cree que hemos cometido un error. Por ejemplo, podríamos decidir que un medicamento que usted toma no está cubierto o ya no está cubierto por Medicare o Medicaid. Si usted o su doctor no está de acuerdo con nuestra decisión, puede apelar. Para pedir instrucciones acerca de cómo apelar, llame Servicios para Afiliados al (877) 941-0482. Puede además leer la Guía para Afiliados para informarse sobre cómo apelar una decisión. ? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a IlliniCare Health al (877) 941-0482. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, puede llamarnos 7 días a la semana de 8 AM a 8 PM. Del15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, puede llamarnos de lunes a viernes entre 8 AM y 8 PM. Usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 (Illinois State Relay). La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite http://mmp.illinicare.com. 11 Nombre del medicamento Analgesics Analgesics APAP 500 LIQUID 500MG/5ML butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine/codeine capsule 325mg; 50mg; 40mg; 30mg butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine capsule 325mg; 50mg; 40mg butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine tablet 325mg; 50mg; 40mg butalbital/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 50mg butalbital/aspirin/caffeine capsule 325mg; 50mg; 40mg butalbital/aspirin/caffeine tablet 325mg; 50mg; 40mg feverall suppository 325mg GRALISE STARTER MISCELLANEOUS 0 GRALISE TABLET 300MG GRALISE TABLET 600MG tencon tablet 325mg; 50mg TYLENOL ARTHRITIS PAIN TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 650MG TYLENOL EXTRA STRENGTH TABLET 500MG TYLENOL SORE THROAT DÍATIME LIQUID 500MG/15ML Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs all día pain relief tablet 220mg aspirin suppository 600mg aspirin tablet chewable 81mg aspirin tablet 325mg BUFFERIN TABLET 325MG; 158MG; 34MG; 63MG diclofenac potassium tablet 50mg diclofenac sodium dr tablet delayed release 25mg diclofenac sodium dr tablet delayed release 50mg diclofenac sodium dr tablet delayed release 75mg diclofenac sodium er tablet extended release 24 hour 100mg diflunisal tablet 500mg etodolac er tablet extended release 24 hour 400mg etodolac er tablet extended release 24 hour 500mg etodolac er tablet extended release 24 hour 600mg etodolac capsule 200mg etodolac capsule 300mg etodolac tablet 400mg etodolac tablet 500mg EXCEDRIN EXTRA STRENGTH TABLET 250MG; 250MG; 65MG fenoprofen calcium tablet 600mg flurbiprofen tablet 100mg flurbiprofen tablet 50mg ibuprofen capsule 200mg ibuprofen suspension 100mg/5ml Página 1 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) DP DP Nombre del medicamento ibuprofen tablet 400mg ibuprofen tablet 600mg ibuprofen tablet 800mg indomethacin er capsule extended release 75mg indomethacin capsule 25mg indomethacin capsule 50mg ketoprofen er capsule extended release 24 hour 200mg ketoprofen capsule 50mg ketoprofen capsule 75mg ketorolac tromethamine injection 15mg/ml ketorolac tromethamine injection 30mg/ml meclofenamate sodium capsule 100mg meclofenamate sodium capsule 50mg meloxicam suspension 7.5mg/5ml meloxicam tablet 15mg meloxicam tablet 7.5mg nabumetone tablet 500mg nabumetone tablet 750mg naproxen dr tablet delayed release 375mg naproxen dr tablet delayed release 500mg naproxen sodium tablet 275mg naproxen sodium tablet 550mg naproxen suspension 125mg/5ml naproxen tablet 250mg naproxen tablet 375mg naproxen tablet 500mg oxaprozin tablet 600mg piroxicam capsule 10mg piroxicam capsule 20mg sulindac tablet 150mg sulindac tablet 200mg tolmetin sodium capsule 400mg tolmetin sodium tablet 200mg tolmetin sodium tablet 600mg Opioid Analgesics, Long-acting fentanyl patch 72 hour 100mcg/hr fentanyl patch 72 hour 12mcg/hr fentanyl patch 72 hour 25mcg/hr fentanyl patch 72 hour 37.5mcg/hr fentanyl patch 72 hour 50mcg/hr fentanyl patch 72 hour 62.5mcg/hr fentanyl patch 72 hour 75mcg/hr fentanyl patch 72 hour 87.5mcg/hr levorphanol tartrate tablet 2mg METHADONE HCL INJECTION 10MG/ML Página 2 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Agentes anti-inflamatorios) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Agentes anti-inflamatorios) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Agentes anti-inflamatorios) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento methadone hcl solution 10mg/5ml methadone hcl solution 5mg/5ml methadone hcl tablet 10mg methadone hcl tablet 5mg methadose tablet 10mg morphine sulfate er tablet extended release 100mg morphine sulfate er tablet extended release 15mg morphine sulfate er tablet extended release 200mg morphine sulfate er tablet extended release 30mg morphine sulfate er tablet extended release 60mg Opioid Analgesics, Short-acting acetaminophen/codeine #3 tablet 300mg; 30mg acetaminophen/codeine tablet 300mg; 15mg acetaminophen/codeine tablet 300mg; 60mg ascomp/codeine capsule 325mg; 50mg; 40mg; 30mg butorphanol tartrate injection 1mg/ml butorphanol tartrate injection 2mg/ml butorphanol tartrate solution 10mg/ml DEMEROL INJECTION 50MG/ML duramorph injection 0.5mg/ml duramorph injection 1mg/ml endocet tablet 325mg; 10mg endocet tablet 325mg; 5mg endocet tablet 325mg; 7.5mg Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral lozenge on a handle 1200mcg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (390 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (390 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (390 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) PA (Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral lozenge on a $0(Nivel 1) handle 1600mcg PA (Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral) Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral lozenge on a $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) handle 200mcg PA (Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral) Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral lozenge on a $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) handle 400mcg PA (Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral) Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral lozenge on a $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) handle 600mcg PA (Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral) Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral lozenge on a $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) handle 800mcg PA (Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral) hydrocodone bitartrate/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 2.5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone bitartrate/acetaminophen tablet 750mg; 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 7.5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 500mg; 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) Página 3 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 500mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 500mg; 7.5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 650mg; 10mg hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 650mg; 7.5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 660mg; 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablet 750mg; 7.5mg hydromorphone hcl injection 500mg/50ml $0(Nivel 1) hydromorphone hcl tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 1) hydromorphone hcl tablet 4mg $0(Nivel 1) hydromorphone hcl tablet 8mg $0(Nivel 1) LAZANDA SOLUTION 100MCG/ACT $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (600 EA cada 30 días) PA (Lazanda) LAZANDA SOLUTION 400MCG/ACT $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) PA (Lazanda) meperidine hcl injection 100mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) meperidine hcl injection 25mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) meperidine hcl injection 50mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) morphine sulfate solution 10mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) morphine sulfate solution 20mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) morphine sulfate solution 20mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) morphine sulfate tablet 15mg $0(Nivel 1) morphine sulfate tablet 30mg $0(Nivel 1) nalbuphine hcl injection 10mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) nalbuphine hcl injection 20mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) oxycodone hcl tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) oxycodone hcl tablet 15mg $0(Nivel 1) oxycodone hcl tablet 20mg $0(Nivel 1) oxycodone hcl tablet 30mg $0(Nivel 1) oxycodone hcl tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) oxycodone/acetaminophen capsule 500mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 1) oxycodone/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) oxycodone/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) oxycodone/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 7.5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) oxycodone/acetaminophen tablet 500mg; 7.5mg oxycodone/acetaminophen tablet 650mg; 10mg $0(Nivel 1) roxicet tablet 325mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) stagesic capsule 500mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) TALWIN INJECTION 30MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) tramadol hcl tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) tramadol hydrochloride/acetaminophen tablet 325mg; 37.5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) Anesthetics Local Anesthetics lidocaine hcl jelly gel 2% $0(Nivel 1) lidocaine hcl jelly gel 2% $0(Nivel 1) lidocaine hcl injection 0.5% $0(Nivel 1) lidocaine hcl injection 1% $0(Nivel 1) lidocaine hcl solution 4% $0(Nivel 1) lidocaine viscous solution 2% $0(Nivel 1) Página 4 de 143 Nombre del medicamento lidocaine/prilocaine cream 2.5%; 2.5% lidocaine ointment 5% lidocaine patch 5% lidocream cream 4% XYLOCAINE-MPF INJECTION 1% Anti-Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment Agents Alcohol Deterrents/Anti-craving acamprosate calcium dr tablet delayed release 333mg disulfiram tablet 250mg disulfiram tablet 500mg Opioid Dependence Treatments buprenorphine hcl injection 0.3mg/ml buprenorphine hcl tablet sublingual 2mg buprenorphine hcl tablet sublingual 8mg naltrexone hcl tablet 50mg SUBOXONE FILM 12MG; 3MG SUBOXONE FILM 2MG; 0.5MG SUBOXONE FILM 4MG; 1MG SUBOXONE FILM 8MG; 2MG ZUBSOLV TABLET SUBLINGUAL 1.4MG; 0.36MG ZUBSOLV TABLET SUBLINGUAL 5.7MG; 1.4MG ZUBSOLV TABLET SUBLINGUAL 8.6MG; 2.1MG Opioid Reversal Agents naloxone hcl injection 1mg/ml Smoking Cessation Agents buproban tablet extended release 12 hour 150mg CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH PAK TABLET 1MG CHANTIX STARTING MONTH PAK TABLET 0 CHANTIX TABLET 0.5MG CHANTIX TABLET 1MG gnp nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg gnp nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg gnp nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg gnp nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg gnp nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg gnp nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg gnp nicotine polacrilex lozenge 2mg gnp nicotine polacrilex lozenge 4mg NICODERM CQ PATCH 24 HOUR 14MG/24HR NICODERM CQ PATCH 24 HOUR 21MG/24HR NICODERM CQ PATCH 24 HOUR 21MG/24HR NICODERM CQ PATCH 24 HOUR 21MG/24HR NICODERM CQ PATCH 24 HOUR 7MG/24HR nicorelief gum 2mg nicorelief gum 2mg nicorelief gum 2mg nicorelief gum 4mg Página 5 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Anestésicos) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (56 EA cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (56 EA cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (56 EA cada 28 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento nicorelief gum 4mg nicorelief gum 4mg nicorelief gum 4mg NICORETTE MINI LOZENGE 2MG NICORETTE STARTER KIT GUM 2MG NICORETTE STARTER KIT GUM 2MG NICORETTE STARTER KIT GUM 4MG NICORETTE GUM 2MG NICORETTE GUM 2MG NICORETTE GUM 2MG NICORETTE GUM 2MG NICORETTE GUM 2MG NICORETTE GUM 4MG NICORETTE GUM 4MG NICORETTE GUM 4MG NICORETTE GUM 4MG NICORETTE GUM 4MG NICORETTE GUM 4MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 2MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 2MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 2MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 2MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 4MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 4MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 4MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 4MG NICORETTE LOZENGE 4MG nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg NICOTINE TRANSDERMAL SYSTEM KIT 0 Página 6 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento nicotine transdermal system patch 24 hour 14mg/24hr nicotine transdermal system patch 24 hour 14mg/24hr nicotine transdermal system patch 24 hour 21mg/24hr nicotine transdermal system patch 24 hour 21mg/24hr nicotine transdermal system patch 24 hour 7mg/24hr nicotine transdermal system patch 24 hour 7mg/24hr nicotine transdermal system patch 24 hour 7mg/24hr nicotine patch 24 hour 14mg/24hr nicotine patch 24 hour 14mg/24hr nicotine patch 24 hour 21mg/24hr nicotine patch 24 hour 21mg/24hr nicotine patch 24 hour 21mg/24hr nicotine patch 24 hour 7mg/24hr nicotine patch 24 hour 7mg/24hr NICOTROL NS SOLUTION 10MG/ML sm nicotine polacrilex gum 2mg sm nicotine polacrilex gum 4mg sm nicotine polacrilex lozenge 4mg sm nicotine gum 4mg sm nicotine gum 4mg sm nicotine gum 4mg sm nicotine patch 24 hour 14mg/24hr sm nicotine patch 24 hour 21mg/24hr sm nicotine patch 24 hour 7mg/24hr thrive gum 2mg thrive gum 4mg Antibacterials Aminoglycosides amikacin sulfate injection 500mg/2ml gentak ointment 0.3% GENTAMICIN SULFATE/0.9% SODIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 0.9MG/ML; 0.9% GENTAMICIN SULFATE/0.9% SODIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 1.4MG/ML; 0.9% gentamicin sulfate/0.9% sodium chloride injection 1.6mg/ml; 0.9% gentamicin sulfate/0.9% sodium chloride injection 1mg/ml; 0.9% gentamicin sulfate cream 0.1% gentamicin sulfate injection 10mg/ml gentamicin sulfate injection 40mg/ml gentamicin sulfate ointment 0.1% gentamicin sulfate ointment 0.3% gentamicin sulfate solution 0.3% isotonic gentamicin injection 0.8mg/ml; 0.9% isotonic gentamicin injection 1.2mg/ml; 0.9% neomycin sulfate tablet 500mg Página 7 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento neomycin/polymyxin b sulfates solution 40mg/ml; 200000unit/ml paromomycin sulfate capsule 250mg STREPTOMYCIN SULFATE INJECTION 1GM TOBRAMYCIN SULFATE/SODIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 0.9%; 0.8MG/ML tobramycin sulfate injection 10mg/ml tobramycin sulfate injection 80mg/2ml tobramycin sulfate solution 0.3% Antibacterials, Other alcohol prep pads pad 70% baciim injection 50000unit bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm BACITRACIN INJECTION 50000UNIT bacitracin ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin ointment 500unit/gm bacitracin ointment 500unit/gm BETADINE SKIN CLEANSER SOLUTION 7.5% BETADINE SURGICAL SCRUB SOLUTION 7.5% BETADINE SURGICAL SCRUB SOLUTION 7.5% BETADINE SURGICAL SCRUB SOLUTION 7.5% BETADINE SWAB AID SWAB 10% BETADINE SWABSTICKS SWAB 10% BETADINE SOLUTION 10% BETADINE SOLUTION 10% BETADINE SOLUTION 10% BETADINE SOLUTION 10% CHLORAMPHENICOL SODIUM SUCCINATE INJECTION 1GM CLEOCIN IN D5W INJECTION 300MG/50ML; 5% CLEOCIN IN D5W INJECTION 600MG/50ML; 5% CLEOCIN IN D5W INJECTION 900MG/50ML; 5% CLEOCIN PEDIATRIC GRANULES SOLUTION RECONSTITUTED 75MG/5ML clindamax gel 1% clindamycin hcl capsule 150mg clindamycin hcl capsule 300mg Página 8 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento clindamycin hcl capsule 75mg clindamycin palmitate hcl solution reconstituted 75mg/5ml clindamycin phosphate add-vantage injection 150mg/ml clindamycin phosphate in d5w injection 300mg/50ml; 5% clindamycin phosphate in d5w injection 600mg/50ml; 5% clindamycin phosphate in d5w injection 900mg/50ml; 5% clindamycin phosphate cream 2% clindamycin phosphate gel 1% clindamycin phosphate lotion 1% clindamycin phosphate solution 1% clindamycin phosphate swab 1% colistimethate sodium injection 150mg CUBICIN INJECTION 500MG double antibiotic ointment 500unit/gm; 10000unit/gm double antibiotic ointment 500unit/gm; 10000unit/gm gnp antibiotic plus pramoxine cream 3.5mg/gm; 10000unit/gm; 10mg/gm gnp bacitracin zinc ointment 500unit/gm gnp povidone-iodine solution 10% gnp triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm gnp triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm hm bacitracin ointment 500unit/gm hm double antibiotic ointment 500unit/gm; 100000unit/gm hm povidone-iodine solution 10% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SOLUTION 3% LINCOCIN INJECTION 300MG/ML linezolid injection 2mg/ml linezolid tablet 600mg methenamine hippurate tablet 1gm metronidazole in nacl 0.79% injection 500mg/100ml; 0.79% metronidazole vaginal gel 0.75% metronidazole cream 0.75% metronidazole gel 0.75% metronidazole lotion 0.75% metronidazole tablet 250mg metronidazole tablet 500mg mupirocin ointment 2% neomycin/polymyxin/bacitracin/hydrocortisone ointment 400unit/gm; 1%; 0.5%; 10000unit/gm neomycin/polymyxin/hydrocortisone suspension 1%; 3.5mg/ml; 10000unit/ml nitrofurantoin macrocrystals capsule 100mg nitrofurantoin macrocrystals capsule 50mg nitrofurantoin monohydrate capsule 100mg polymyxin b sulfate injection 500000unit povidone-iodine ointment 10% Página 9 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (20 EA cada 10 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) PA (Antibacterianos) PA (Antibacterianos) PA (Antibacterianos) DP Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento povidone-iodine ointment 10% povidone-iodine solution 10% povidone-iodine solution 10% povidone-iodine solution 10% povidone-iodine solution 10% PRIMSOL SOLUTION 50MG/5ML sb triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm silver sulfadiazine cream 1% $0(Nivel 1) sm double antibiotic ointment 500unit/gm; 100000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP sm first aid antibiotic ointment 500unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP sm povidone-iodine solution 10% $0(Nivel 3) DP sm povidone-iodine solution 10% $0(Nivel 3) DP sm triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; $0(Nivel 3) DP 5000unit/gm ssd cream 1% $0(Nivel 1) summers eve medicated solution 0.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP SYNERCID INJECTION 350MG; 150MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) trimethoprim tablet 100mg triple antibiotic plus ointment 500unit/gm; 5mg/gm; $0(Nivel 3) DP 10000unit/gm; 10mg/gm triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm $0(Nivel 3) DP TYGACIL INJECTION 50MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) vancomycin hcl capsule 125mg $0(Nivel 1) vancomycin hcl capsule 250mg $0(Nivel 1) vancomycin hcl injection 1000mg $0(Nivel 1) vancomycin hcl injection 10gm $0(Nivel 1) vancomycin hcl injection 500mg $0(Nivel 1) vandazole gel 0.75% $0(Nivel 1) XIFAXAN TABLET 200MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) ZYVOX INJECTION 2MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) ZYVOX SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 100MG/5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (600 ML cada 10 días) ZYVOX TABLET 600MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (20 EA cada 10 días) Beta-lactam, Cephalosporins cefaclor er tablet extended release 12 hour 500mg $0(Nivel 1) cefaclor capsule 250mg $0(Nivel 1) cefaclor capsule 500mg $0(Nivel 1) Página 10 de 143 Nombre del medicamento cefadroxil capsule 500mg cefadroxil suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml cefadroxil suspension reconstituted 500mg/5ml cefadroxil tablet 1gm cefazolin sodium injection 10gm cefazolin sodium injection 1gm CEFAZOLIN SODIUM INJECTION 1GM; 5% cefazolin sodium injection 500mg cefdinir capsule 300mg cefdinir suspension reconstituted 125mg/5ml cefdinir suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml cefepime injection 1gm cefepime injection 2gm cefixime suspension reconstituted 100mg/5ml cefixime suspension reconstituted 200mg/5ml cefotaxime sodium injection 10gm cefotaxime sodium injection 1gm cefotaxime sodium injection 2gm cefotaxime sodium injection 500mg cefoxitin sodium injection 10gm cefoxitin sodium injection 1gm cefoxitin sodium injection 2gm cefpodoxime proxetil tablet 100mg cefpodoxime proxetil tablet 200mg cefprozil suspension reconstituted 125mg/5ml cefprozil suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml cefprozil tablet 250mg cefprozil tablet 500mg ceftazidime injection 1gm ceftazidime injection 2gm ceftazidime injection 6gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 10gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm Página 11 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 1gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 250mg ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 2gm $0(Nivel 1) ceftriaxone sodium injection 500mg $0(Nivel 1) cefuroxime axetil tablet 250mg $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) cefuroxime axetil tablet 500mg cefuroxime sodium injection 1.5gm $0(Nivel 1) cefuroxime sodium injection 7.5gm $0(Nivel 1) cefuroxime sodium injection 750mg $0(Nivel 1) cephalexin capsule 250mg $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) cephalexin capsule 500mg cephalexin suspension reconstituted 125mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) cephalexin suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) cephalexin tablet 250mg $0(Nivel 1) cephalexin tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 1) CLAFORAN INJECTION 10GM $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) CLAFORAN INJECTION 1GM $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) CLAFORAN INJECTION 2GM $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) CLAFORAN INJECTION 500MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) FORTAZ INJECTION 1GM $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) FORTAZ INJECTION 2GM $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SUPRAX CAPSULE 400MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SUPRAX SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 100MG/5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SUPRAX SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 200MG/5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SUPRAX SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 500MG/5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Página 12 de 143 Nombre del medicamento SUPRAX TABLET CHEWABLE 100MG SUPRAX TABLET CHEWABLE 200MG SUPRAX TABLET 400MG TEFLARO INJECTION 400MG TEFLARO INJECTION 600MG Beta-lactam, Other AZACTAM IN ISO-OSMOTIC DEXTROSE INJECTION 1GM; 0 AZACTAM IN ISO-OSMOTIC DEXTROSE INJECTION 2GM; 0 AZACTAM INJECTION 1GM aztreonam injection 1gm imipenem/cilastatin injection 250mg; 250mg imipenem/cilastatin injection 500mg; 500mg INVANZ INJECTION 1GM meropenem injection 500mg Beta-lactam, Penicillins amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium er tablet extended release 12 hour 1000mg; 62.5mg amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium suspension reconstituted 200mg/5ml; 28.5mg/5ml amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml; 62.5mg/5ml amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium suspension reconstituted 400mg/5ml; 57mg/5ml amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium suspension reconstituted 600mg/5ml; 42.9mg/5ml amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium tablet chewable 200mg; 28.5mg amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium tablet chewable 400mg; 57mg amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium tablet 250mg; 125mg amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium tablet 500mg; 125mg amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium tablet 875mg; 125mg amoxicillin capsule 250mg amoxicillin capsule 500mg amoxicillin suspension reconstituted 125mg/5ml amoxicillin suspension reconstituted 200mg/5ml amoxicillin suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml amoxicillin suspension reconstituted 400mg/5ml amoxicillin tablet chewable 125mg amoxicillin tablet chewable 250mg amoxicillin tablet 500mg amoxicillin tablet 875mg ampicillin sodium injection 10gm AMPICILLIN SODIUM INJECTION 125MG ampicillin sodium injection 1gm ampicillin-sulbactam injection 10gm; 5gm Página 13 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento ampicillin-sulbactam injection 1gm; 0.5gm ampicillin-sulbactam injection 2gm; 1gm ampicillin capsule 250mg ampicillin capsule 500mg ampicillin suspension reconstituted 125mg/5ml ampicillin suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml BACTOCILL IN DEXTROSE INJECTION 0; 1GM/50ML BACTOCILL IN DEXTROSE INJECTION 0; 2GM/50ML BICILLIN C-R INJECTION 300000UNIT/ML; 300000UNIT/ML BICILLIN C-R INJECTION 900000UNIT/2ML; 300000UNIT/2ML BICILLIN L-A INJECTION 1200000UNIT/2ML BICILLIN L-A INJECTION 2400000UNIT/4ML BICILLIN L-A INJECTION 600000UNIT/ML dicloxacillin sodium capsule 250mg dicloxacillin sodium capsule 500mg nafcillin sodium injection 10gm nafcillin sodium injection 1gm NALLPEN/DEXTROSE INJECTION 0; 1GM/50ML oxacillin sodium injection 10gm oxacillin sodium injection 2gm PENICILLIN G POTASSIUM IN ISO-OSMOTIC DEXTROSE INJECTION 0; 40000UNIT/ML PENICILLIN G POTASSIUM IN ISO-OSMOTIC DEXTROSE INJECTION 0; 60000UNIT/ML penicillin g potassium injection 5000000unit PENICILLIN G PROCAINE INJECTION 600000UNIT/ML PENICILLIN G SODIUM INJECTION 5000000UNIT penicillin v potassium solution reconstituted 125mg/5ml penicillin v potassium solution reconstituted 250mg/5ml penicillin v potassium tablet 250mg penicillin v potassium tablet 500mg PFIZERPEN-G INJECTION 5000000UNIT piperacillin sodium/tazobactam sodium injection 4gm; 0.5gm TIMENTIN INJECTION 0.1GM; 3GM ZOSYN INJECTION 3GM; 0.375GM ZOSYN INJECTION 5%; 2GM/50ML; 0.25GM/50ML ZOSYN INJECTION 5%; 3GM/50ML; 0.375GM/50ML Macrolides azithromycin injection 500mg azithromycin suspension reconstituted 100mg/5ml azithromycin suspension reconstituted 200mg/5ml azithromycin tablet 250mg azithromycin tablet 500mg azithromycin tablet 600mg clarithromycin er tablet extended release 24 hour 500mg clarithromycin suspension reconstituted 125mg/5ml Página 14 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (15 ML cada 5 días) QL (22.5 ML cada 5 días) QL (6 EA cada 5 días) QL (3 EA cada 3 días) QL (8 EA cada 28 días) Nombre del medicamento clarithromycin suspension reconstituted 250mg/5ml clarithromycin tablet 250mg clarithromycin tablet 500mg e.e.s. 400 tablet 400mg e.e.s. granules suspension reconstituted 200mg/5ml ERY-TAB TABLET DELAYED RELEASE 250MG ERY-TAB TABLET DELAYED RELEASE 333MG ERY-TAB TABLET DELAYED RELEASE 500MG ERYPED 400 SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 400MG/5ML ERYTHROCIN LACTOBIONATE INJECTION 500MG erythrocin stearate tablet 250mg erythromycin base tablet 250mg erythromycin base tablet 500mg erythromycin ointment 5mg/gm erythromycin solution 2% KETEK TABLET 300MG KETEK TABLET 400MG ZMAX SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 2GM Quinolones AVELOX INJECTION 400MG/250ML; 0.8% ciprofloxacin hcl solution 0.3% ciprofloxacin hcl tablet 100mg ciprofloxacin hcl tablet 250mg ciprofloxacin hcl tablet 500mg ciprofloxacin hcl tablet 750mg ciprofloxacin i.v.-in d5w injection 200mg/100ml; 5% ciprofloxacin injection 400mg/40ml LEVAQUIN INJECTION 5%; 750MG/150ML levofloxacin in d5w injection 5%; 500mg/100ml levofloxacin injection 25mg/ml levofloxacin solution 25mg/ml levofloxacin tablet 250mg levofloxacin tablet 500mg levofloxacin tablet 750mg moxifloxacin hcl injection 400mg/250ml ofloxacin solution 0.3% ofloxacin solution 0.3% ofloxacin tablet 200mg ofloxacin tablet 300mg ofloxacin tablet 400mg Sulfonamides sodium sulfacetamide solution 10% sulfacetamide sodium suspension 10% sulfadiazine tablet 500mg sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim ds tablet 800mg; 160mg SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM INJECTION 400MG/5ML; 80MG/5ML Página 15 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (28 EA cada 14 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (42 EA cada 21 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (20 EA cada 10 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (10 EA cada 10 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (14 EA cada 14 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (14 EA cada 14 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim suspension 200mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim tablet 400mg; 80mg Tetracyclines demeclocycline hcl tablet 150mg demeclocycline hcl tablet 300mg doxycycline hyclate capsule 100mg doxycycline hyclate capsule 50mg doxycycline hyclate tablet 100mg doxycycline hyclate tablet 20mg doxycycline monohydrate capsule 100mg doxycycline monohydrate capsule 50mg minocycline hcl capsule 100mg minocycline hcl capsule 50mg minocycline hcl capsule 75mg Anticonvulsants Anticonvulsants, Other APTIOM TABLET 200MG APTIOM TABLET 400MG APTIOM TABLET 600MG APTIOM TABLET 800MG FYCOMPA TABLET 10MG FYCOMPA TABLET 12MG FYCOMPA TABLET 2MG FYCOMPA TABLET 4MG FYCOMPA TABLET 6MG FYCOMPA TABLET 8MG levetiracetam injection 1000mg/100ml; 750mg/100ml levetiracetam injection 1500mg/100ml; 540mg/100ml levetiracetam injection 500mg/100ml; 820mg/100ml levetiracetam injection 500mg/5ml levetiracetam solution 100mg/ml levetiracetam tablet 1000mg levetiracetam tablet 250mg levetiracetam tablet 500mg levetiracetam tablet 750mg POTIGA TABLET 200MG Página 16 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) Nombre del medicamento POTIGA TABLET 300MG POTIGA TABLET 400MG POTIGA TABLET 50MG Calcium Channel Modifying Agents CELONTIN CAPSULE 300MG ethosuximide capsule 250mg ethosuximide solution 250mg/5ml LYRICA CAPSULE 100MG LYRICA CAPSULE 150MG LYRICA CAPSULE 200MG LYRICA CAPSULE 225MG LYRICA CAPSULE 25MG LYRICA CAPSULE 300MG LYRICA CAPSULE 50MG LYRICA CAPSULE 75MG LYRICA SOLUTION 20MG/ML zonisamide capsule 100mg zonisamide capsule 25mg zonisamide capsule 50mg Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Augmenting Agents clonazepam odt tablet dispersible 0.125mg clonazepam odt tablet dispersible 0.25mg clonazepam odt tablet dispersible 0.5mg clonazepam odt tablet dispersible 1mg clonazepam odt tablet dispersible 2mg clonazepam tablet 0.5mg clonazepam tablet 1mg clonazepam tablet 2mg diazepam gel 10mg diazepam gel 2.5mg diazepam gel 20mg divalproex sodium dr tablet delayed release 125mg divalproex sodium dr tablet delayed release 250mg divalproex sodium dr tablet delayed release 500mg divalproex sodium er tablet extended release 24 hour 250mg divalproex sodium er tablet extended release 24 hour 500mg divalproex sodium capsule sprinkle 125mg gabapentin capsule 100mg gabapentin capsule 300mg gabapentin capsule 400mg gabapentin solution 250mg/5ml gabapentin tablet 600mg gabapentin tablet 800mg GABITRIL TABLET 12MG GABITRIL TABLET 16MG ONFI SUSPENSION 2.5MG/ML ONFI TABLET 10MG Página 17 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (300 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) QL (300 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (50 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (24.9 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (100 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento ONFI TABLET 20MG ONFI TABLET 5MG phenobarbital elixir 20mg/5ml phenobarbital tablet 100mg phenobarbital tablet 15mg phenobarbital tablet 16.2mg phenobarbital tablet 30mg phenobarbital tablet 32.4mg phenobarbital tablet 60mg phenobarbital tablet 64.8mg phenobarbital tablet 97.2mg primidone tablet 250mg primidone tablet 50mg SABRIL PACKET 500MG SABRIL TABLET 500MG tiagabine hydrochloride tablet 2mg tiagabine hydrochloride tablet 4mg valproate sodium injection 500mg/5ml valproic acid capsule 250mg valproic acid syrup 250mg/5ml Glutamate Reducing Agents felbamate suspension 600mg/5ml felbamate tablet 400mg felbamate tablet 600mg lamotrigine odt tablet dispersible 100mg lamotrigine odt tablet dispersible 200mg lamotrigine odt tablet dispersible 25mg lamotrigine odt tablet dispersible 50mg lamotrigine tablet chewable 25mg lamotrigine tablet chewable 5mg lamotrigine tablet 100mg lamotrigine tablet 150mg lamotrigine tablet 200mg lamotrigine tablet 25mg QUDEXY XR CAPSULE ER 24 HOUR SPRINKLE 100MG QUDEXY XR CAPSULE ER 24 HOUR SPRINKLE 150MG QUDEXY XR CAPSULE ER 24 HOUR SPRINKLE 200MG QUDEXY XR CAPSULE ER 24 HOUR SPRINKLE 25MG QUDEXY XR CAPSULE ER 24 HOUR SPRINKLE 50MG topiramate er capsule er 24 hour sprinkle 100mg topiramate er capsule er 24 hour sprinkle 150mg Página 18 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (360 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO Nombre del medicamento topiramate er capsule er 24 hour sprinkle 200mg topiramate er capsule er 24 hour sprinkle 25mg topiramate er capsule er 24 hour sprinkle 50mg topiramate capsule sprinkle 15mg topiramate capsule sprinkle 25mg topiramate tablet 100mg topiramate tablet 200mg topiramate tablet 25mg topiramate tablet 50mg TROKENDI XR CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 100MG TROKENDI XR CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 200MG TROKENDI XR CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 25MG TROKENDI XR CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 50MG Sodium Channel Agents BANZEL SUSPENSION 40MG/ML BANZEL TABLET 200MG BANZEL TABLET 400MG carbamazepine er capsule extended release 12 hour 100mg carbamazepine er capsule extended release 12 hour 200mg carbamazepine er capsule extended release 12 hour 300mg carbamazepine er tablet extended release 12 hour 200mg carbamazepine er tablet extended release 12 hour 400mg carbamazepine suspension 100mg/5ml carbamazepine tablet chewable 100mg carbamazepine tablet 200mg CARBATROL CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 100MG CARBATROL CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 200MG CARBATROL CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 300MG CEREBYX INJECTION 500MG PE/10ML DILANTIN INFATABS TABLET CHEWABLE 50MG DILANTIN-125 SUSPENSION 125MG/5ML DILANTIN CAPSULE 100MG DILANTIN CAPSULE 30MG epitol tablet 200mg fosphenytoin sodium injection 100mg pe/2ml oxcarbazepine suspension 300mg/5ml oxcarbazepine tablet 150mg oxcarbazepine tablet 300mg Página 19 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento oxcarbazepine tablet 600mg OXTELLAR XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 150MG OXTELLAR XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 300MG OXTELLAR XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 600MG PEGANONE TABLET 250MG PHENYTEK CAPSULE 200MG PHENYTEK CAPSULE 300MG phenytoin infatabs tablet chewable 50mg phenytoin sodium extended capsule 100mg phenytoin sodium extended capsule 200mg phenytoin sodium extended capsule 300mg phenytoin sodium injection 50mg/ml phenytoin suspension 125mg/5ml phenytoin tablet chewable 50mg TEGRETOL-XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 100MG TEGRETOL-XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 200MG TEGRETOL-XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 400MG TEGRETOL SUSPENSION 100MG/5ML TEGRETOL TABLET 200MG VIMPAT INJECTION 200MG/20ML VIMPAT SOLUTION 10MG/ML VIMPAT TABLET 100MG VIMPAT TABLET 150MG VIMPAT TABLET 200MG VIMPAT TABLET 50MG Antidementia Agents Antidementia Agents, Other ergoloid mesylates tablet 1mg Cholinesterase Inhibitors donepezil hcl tablet dispersible 10mg donepezil hcl tablet dispersible 5mg donepezil hcl tablet 10mg donepezil hcl tablet 5mg galantamine hydrobromide capsule extended release 24 hour 16mg galantamine hydrobromide capsule extended release 24 hour 24mg galantamine hydrobromide capsule extended release 24 hour 8mg galantamine hydrobromide solution 4mg/ml galantamine hydrobromide tablet 12mg galantamine hydrobromide tablet 4mg Página 20 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) Nombre del medicamento galantamine hydrobromide tablet 8mg rivastigmine tartrate capsule 1.5mg rivastigmine tartrate capsule 3mg rivastigmine tartrate capsule 4.5mg rivastigmine tartrate capsule 6mg N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Antagonist memantine hcl titration pak tablet 0 memantine hcl tablet 10mg memantine hcl tablet 5mg NAMENDA TITRATION PAK TABLET 0 NAMENDA SOLUTION 10MG/5ML NAMENDA TABLET 10MG NAMENDA TABLET 5MG Antidepressants Antidepressants, Other BRINTELLIX TABLET 10MG BRINTELLIX TABLET 20MG BRINTELLIX TABLET 5MG budeprion sr tablet extended release 12 hour 100mg budeprion sr tablet extended release 12 hour 150mg bupropion hcl sr tablet extended release 12 hour 100mg bupropion hcl sr tablet extended release 12 hour 150mg bupropion hcl sr tablet extended release 12 hour 200mg bupropion hcl xl tablet extended release 24 hour 150mg bupropion hcl xl tablet extended release 24 hour 300mg bupropion hcl tablet 100mg bupropion hcl tablet 75mg maprotiline hcl tablet 25mg maprotiline hcl tablet 50mg maprotiline hcl tablet 75mg mirtazapine odt tablet dispersible 15mg mirtazapine odt tablet dispersible 30mg mirtazapine odt tablet dispersible 45mg mirtazapine tablet 15mg mirtazapine tablet 30mg mirtazapine tablet 45mg mirtazapine tablet 7.5mg nefazodone hcl tablet 100mg nefazodone hcl tablet 150mg nefazodone hcl tablet 200mg nefazodone hcl tablet 250mg nefazodone hcl tablet 50mg trazodone hcl tablet 100mg trazodone hcl tablet 150mg trazodone hcl tablet 300mg trazodone hcl tablet 50mg Página 21 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (360 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso Nombre del medicamento Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors EMSAM PATCH 24 HOUR 12MG/24HR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) EMSAM PATCH 24 HOUR 6MG/24HR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) EMSAM PATCH 24 HOUR 9MG/24HR MARPLAN TABLET 10MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) phenelzine sulfate tablet 15mg tranylcypromine sulfate tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) SSRIs/SNRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors/Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor citalopram hydrobromide solution 10mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) citalopram hydrobromide tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) citalopram hydrobromide tablet 20mg $0(Nivel 1) citalopram hydrobromide tablet 40mg $0(Nivel 1) desvenlafaxine er tablet extended release 24 hour 100mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) desvenlafaxine er tablet extended release 24 hour 50mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) duloxetine hcl capsule delayed release particles 20mg MO duloxetine hcl capsule delayed release particles 30mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO duloxetine hcl capsule delayed release particles 40mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO duloxetine hcl capsule delayed release particles 60mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO escitalopram oxalate solution 5mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) escitalopram oxalate tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) escitalopram oxalate tablet 20mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) escitalopram oxalate tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) FETZIMA TITRATION PACK CAPSULE ER 24 HOUR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) THERAPY PACK 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO FETZIMA CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 120MG FETZIMA CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO 20MG FETZIMA CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO 40MG FETZIMA CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO 80MG fluoxetine hcl capsule 10mg $0(Nivel 1) fluoxetine hcl capsule 20mg $0(Nivel 1) fluoxetine hcl capsule 40mg $0(Nivel 1) fluoxetine hcl solution 20mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) fluoxetine hcl tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) fluvoxamine maleate tablet 100mg $0(Nivel 1) fluvoxamine maleate tablet 25mg $0(Nivel 1) fluvoxamine maleate tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) KHEDEZLA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) 100MG MO Página 22 de 143 Nombre del medicamento KHEDEZLA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 50MG paroxetine hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 37.5mg paroxetine hcl tablet 10mg paroxetine hcl tablet 20mg paroxetine hcl tablet 30mg paroxetine hcl tablet 40mg PAXIL SUSPENSION 10MG/5ML PRISTIQ TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 25MG sertraline hcl concentrate 20mg/ml sertraline hcl tablet 100mg sertraline hcl tablet 25mg sertraline hcl tablet 50mg venlafaxine hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 150mg venlafaxine hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 37.5mg venlafaxine hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 75mg venlafaxine hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 150mg venlafaxine hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 225mg venlafaxine hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 37.5mg venlafaxine hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 75mg venlafaxine hcl tablet 100mg venlafaxine hcl tablet 25mg venlafaxine hcl tablet 37.5mg venlafaxine hcl tablet 50mg venlafaxine hcl tablet 75mg VIIBRYD KIT 0 VIIBRYD TABLET 10MG VIIBRYD TABLET 20MG VIIBRYD TABLET 40MG Tricyclics amitriptyline hcl tablet 100mg amitriptyline hcl tablet 10mg amitriptyline hcl tablet 150mg amitriptyline hcl tablet 25mg amitriptyline hcl tablet 50mg amitriptyline hcl tablet 75mg amoxapine tablet 100mg amoxapine tablet 150mg amoxapine tablet 25mg amoxapine tablet 50mg chlordiazepoxide/amitriptyline tablet 12.5mg; 5mg chlordiazepoxide/amitriptyline tablet 25mg; 10mg clomipramine hcl capsule 25mg clomipramine hcl capsule 50mg clomipramine hcl capsule 75mg desipramine hcl tablet 100mg desipramine hcl tablet 10mg Página 23 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento desipramine hcl tablet 150mg desipramine hcl tablet 25mg desipramine hcl tablet 50mg desipramine hcl tablet 75mg doxepin hcl capsule 100mg doxepin hcl capsule 10mg doxepin hcl capsule 25mg doxepin hcl capsule 50mg doxepin hcl capsule 75mg doxepin hcl concentrate 10mg/ml imipramine hcl tablet 10mg imipramine hcl tablet 25mg imipramine hcl tablet 50mg imipramine pamoate capsule 100mg imipramine pamoate capsule 125mg imipramine pamoate capsule 150mg imipramine pamoate capsule 75mg nortriptyline hcl capsule 10mg nortriptyline hcl capsule 25mg nortriptyline hcl capsule 50mg nortriptyline hcl capsule 75mg nortriptyline hcl solution 10mg/5ml perphenazine/amitriptyline tablet 10mg; 2mg perphenazine/amitriptyline tablet 10mg; 4mg perphenazine/amitriptyline tablet 25mg; 2mg perphenazine/amitriptyline tablet 25mg; 4mg perphenazine/amitriptyline tablet 50mg; 4mg protriptyline hcl tablet 10mg protriptyline hcl tablet 5mg SURMONTIL CAPSULE 100MG SURMONTIL CAPSULE 25MG SURMONTIL CAPSULE 50MG trimipramine maleate capsule 100mg trimipramine maleate capsule 25mg trimipramine maleate capsule 50mg Antiemetics Antiemetics, Other dimenhydrinate tablet 50mg driminate tablet 50mg meclizine hcl tablet 12.5mg meclizine hcl tablet 25mg phenadoz suppository 12.5mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) 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Therapy Adjuncts dronabinol capsule 10mg dronabinol capsule 2.5mg dronabinol capsule 5mg EMEND CAPSULE 0 EMEND CAPSULE 40MG granisetron hcl injection 0.1mg/ml granisetron hcl injection 1mg/ml ondansetron hcl injection 4mg/2ml ondansetron hcl injection 4mg/2ml ondansetron hcl solution 4mg/5ml ondansetron hcl tablet 24mg ondansetron hcl tablet 4mg ondansetron hcl tablet 8mg ondansetron odt tablet dispersible 4mg ondansetron odt tablet dispersible 8mg Antifungals Antifungals ABELCET INJECTION 5MG/ML AMBISOME INJECTION 50MG AMPHOTERICIN B INJECTION 50MG antifungal cream 2% antifungal cream 2% Página 25 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto $0(Nivel 1) riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (10 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (3 EA cada 14 días) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 EA cada 14 días) B/D $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento baza antifungal cream 2% CANCIDAS INJECTION 50MG CANCIDAS INJECTION 70MG castellani paint modified/color liquid 1.5% ciclopirox olamine cream 0.77% ciclopirox suspension 0.77% clotrimazole anti-fungal cream 1% clotrimazole cream 1% clotrimazole cream 1% clotrimazole cream 1% clotrimazole cream 1% clotrimazole cream 1% clotrimazole cream 1% clotrimazole solution 1% clotrimazole troche 10mg desenex shake powder powder 2% desenex shake powder powder 2% desenex spray powder aerosol powder 2% desenex cream 1% desenex cream 1% econazole nitrate cream 1% fluconazole in dextrose injection 56mg/ml; 400mg/200ml fluconazole suspension reconstituted 10mg/ml fluconazole suspension reconstituted 40mg/ml fluconazole tablet 100mg fluconazole tablet 150mg fluconazole tablet 200mg fluconazole tablet 50mg flucytosine capsule 250mg flucytosine capsule 500mg FUNGOID TINCTURE KIT 2% FUNGOID TINCTURE SOLUTION 2% GENTIAN VIOLET SOLUTION 1% gnp clotrimazole 3 cream 2% gnp miconazole 3 kit 0 gnp miconazole 7 cream 2% gnp terbinafine hydrochloride cream 1% gnp terbinafine hydrochloride cream 1% griseofulvin microsize tablet 500mg griseofulvin ultramicrosize tablet 125mg griseofulvin ultramicrosize tablet 250mg itraconazole capsule 100mg jock itch spray aerosol powder 1% ketoconazole cream 2% ketoconazole shampoo 2% ketoconazole tablet 200mg LAMISIL AT SPRAY SOLUTION 1% LAMISIL AT CREAM 1% Página 26 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (1 EA cada 10 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento LAMISIL AT CREAM 1% LAMISIL AT CREAM 1% miconazole 3 combo pack kit 0 miconazole 3 suppository 200mg miconazole 7 cream 2% miconazole 7 cream 2% miconazole 7 cream 2% miconazole 7 cream 2% miconazole 7 suppository 100mg miconazole nitrate cream 2% miconazole nitrate cream 2% miconazole nitrate cream 2% miconazole nitrate cream 2% miconazole nitrate suppository 100mg miconazole cream 2% micro guard powder 2% mitrazol powder 2% MYCAMINE INJECTION 100MG MYCAMINE INJECTION 50MG naftifine hcl cream 1% NAFTIN CREAM 1% NAFTIN GEL 1% NATACYN SUSPENSION 5% NOXAFIL SUSPENSION 40MG/ML NOXAFIL TABLET DELAYED RELEASE 100MG nyamyc powder 100000unit/gm nystatin/triamcinolone cream 100000unit/gm; 0.1% nystatin/triamcinolone ointment 100000unit/gm; 0.1% nystatin cream 100000unit/gm nystatin ointment 100000unit/gm nystatin powder 100000unit/gm nystatin suspension 100000unit/ml nystatin tablet 500000unit nystop powder 100000unit/gm pedi-dri powder 100000unit/gm remedy antifungal cream 2% remedy antifungal powder 2% sm 3-day vaginal cream 2% sm antifungal miconazole cream 2% sm athletes foot cream 1% sm clotrimazole vaginal cream 1% sm miconazole 3 kit 0 sm miconazole 7 cream 2% sm miconazole 7 cream 2% sm miconazole 7 suppository 100mg SPORANOX SOLUTION 10MG/ML terbinafine hcl cream 1% terbinafine hcl cream 1% Página 27 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) QL (12 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento terbinafine hcl tablet 250mg terconazole cream 0.4% terconazole cream 0.8% terconazole suppository 80mg tolnaftate solution 1% VAGISTAT-1 OINTMENT 6.5% vagistat-3 kit 0 voriconazole injection 200mg voriconazole tablet 200mg voriconazole tablet 50mg zeasorb-af powder 2% Antigout Agents Antigout Agents allopurinol tablet 100mg allopurinol tablet 300mg ALOPRIM INJECTION 500MG colchicine capsule 0.6mg COLCRYS TABLET 0.6MG mitigare capsule 0.6mg probenecid/colchicine tablet 0.5mg; 500mg probenecid tablet 500mg Antimigraine Agents Antimigraine Agents BOTOX INJECTION 100UNIT Ergot Alkaloids dihydroergotamine mesylate injection 1mg/ml ERGOMAR TABLET SUBLINGUAL 2MG migergot suppository 100mg; 2mg Serotonin (5-HT) 1b/1d Receptor Agonists IMITREX STATDOSE REFILL INJECTION 4MG/0.5ML IMITREX SOLUTION 20MG/ACT IMITREX SOLUTION 5MG/ACT naratriptan hcl tablet 1mg naratriptan hcl tablet 2.5mg rizatriptan benzoate odt tablet dispersible 10mg rizatriptan benzoate odt tablet dispersible 5mg rizatriptan benzoate tablet 10mg rizatriptan benzoate tablet 5mg sumatriptan succinate refill injection 4mg/0.5ml sumatriptan succinate refill injection 6mg/0.5ml sumatriptan succinate injection 6mg/0.5ml sumatriptan succinate injection 6mg/0.5ml sumatriptan succinate injection 6mg/0.5ml sumatriptan succinate tablet 100mg sumatriptan succinate tablet 25mg sumatriptan succinate tablet 50mg Antimyasthenic Agents Página 28 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 GM cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (3 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes terapéuticos misceláneos - Botox) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento Parasympathomimetics GUANIDINE HCL TABLET 125MG MESTINON TIMESPAN TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 180MG MESTINON SYRUP 60MG/5ML pyridostigmine bromide tablet extended release 180mg pyridostigmine bromide tablet 60mg Antimycobacterials Antimycobacterials, Other DAPSONE TABLET 100MG DAPSONE TABLET 25MG MYCOBUTIN CAPSULE 150MG rifabutin capsule 150mg Antituberculars CAPASTAT SULFATE INJECTION 1GM ethambutol hcl tablet 100mg ethambutol hcl tablet 400mg ISONIAZID INJECTION 100MG/ML isoniazid syrup 50mg/5ml isoniazid tablet 100mg isoniazid tablet 300mg PASER PACKET 4GM PRIFTIN TABLET 150MG pyrazinamide tablet 500mg rifampin capsule 150mg rifampin capsule 300mg rifampin injection 600mg RIFATER TABLET 50MG; 300MG; 120MG SEROMYCIN CAPSULE 250MG TRECATOR TABLET 250MG Antineoplastics Alkylating Agents ALKERAN INJECTION 50MG BICNU INJECTION 100MG BUSULFEX INJECTION 6MG/ML cyclophosphamide capsule 25mg cyclophosphamide capsule 50mg cyclophosphamide tablet 25mg cyclophosphamide tablet 50mg dacarbazine injection 200mg HEXALEN CAPSULE 50MG IFEX INJECTION 1GM ifosfamide injection 1gm LEUKERAN TABLET 2MG lomustine capsule 100mg lomustine capsule 10mg lomustine capsule 40mg MATULANE CAPSULE 50MG Página 29 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento melphalan hydrochloride injection 50mg MUSTARGEN INJECTION 10MG thiotepa injection 15mg TREANDA INJECTION 100MG TREANDA INJECTION 45MG/0.5ML VALCHLOR GEL 0.016% ZANOSAR INJECTION 1GM Antiandrogens bicalutamide tablet 50mg flutamide capsule 125mg NILANDRON TABLET 150MG XTANDI CAPSULE 40MG ZYTIGA TABLET 250MG Antiangiogenic Agents POMALYST CAPSULE 1MG POMALYST CAPSULE 2MG POMALYST CAPSULE 3MG POMALYST CAPSULE 4MG REVLIMID CAPSULE 10MG REVLIMID CAPSULE 15MG REVLIMID CAPSULE 2.5MG REVLIMID CAPSULE 20MG REVLIMID CAPSULE 25MG REVLIMID CAPSULE 5MG THALOMID CAPSULE 100MG THALOMID CAPSULE 150MG THALOMID CAPSULE 200MG THALOMID CAPSULE 50MG Antiestrogens/Modifiers EMCYT CAPSULE 140MG FARESTON TABLET 60MG FASLODEX INJECTION 250MG/5ML SOLTAMOX SOLUTION 10MG/5ML tamoxifen citrate tablet 10mg tamoxifen citrate tablet 20mg Antimetabolites adrucil injection 500mg/10ml ALIMTA INJECTION 500MG ARRANON INJECTION 5MG/ML cladribine injection 1mg/ml CLOLAR INJECTION 1MG/ML cytarabine aqueous injection 100mg/ml cytarabine aqueous injection 20mg/ml cytarabine injection 500mg DROXIA CAPSULE 200MG DROXIA CAPSULE 300MG DROXIA CAPSULE 400MG ELITEK INJECTION 1.5MG Página 30 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) LA $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) LA $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) LA $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) LA $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento fluorouracil injection 2.5gm/50ml FOLOTYN INJECTION 40MG/2ML gemcitabine hcl injection 1gm hydroxyurea capsule 500mg mercaptopurine tablet 50mg pentostatin injection 10mg PURIXAN SUSPENSION 2000MG/100ML TABLOID TABLET 40MG Antineoplastics, Other ABRAXANE INJECTION 900MG; 100MG adriamycin injection 2mg/ml amifostine injection 500mg azacitidine injection 100mg BELEODAQ INJECTION 500MG bleomycin sulfate injection 30unit CAMPTOSAR INJECTION 100MG/5ML carboplatin injection 150mg/15ml cisplatin injection 100mg/100ml COSMEGEN INJECTION 0.5MG DACOGEN INJECTION 50MG dactinomycin injection 0.5mg DAUNORUBICIN HCL INJECTION 5MG/ML decitabine injection 50mg dexrazoxane injection 250mg DOCEFREZ INJECTION 20MG DOCEFREZ INJECTION 80MG DOCETAXEL INJECTION 80MG/4ML DOCETAXEL INJECTION 80MG/8ML DOXIL INJECTION 2MG/ML doxorubicin hcl injection 2mg/ml ELLENCE INJECTION 200MG/100ML epirubicin hcl injection 50mg/25ml fludarabine phosphate injection 50mg FUSILEV INJECTION 50MG GILOTRIF TABLET 20MG GILOTRIF TABLET 30MG GILOTRIF TABLET 40MG HALAVEN INJECTION 1MG/2ML IDAMYCIN PFS INJECTION 20MG/20ML idarubicin hcl injection 10mg/10ml irinotecan injection 100mg/5ml ISTODAX INJECTION 10MG IXEMPRA KIT INJECTION 45MG JEVTANA INJECTION 60MG/1.5ML leucovorin calcium injection 100mg leucovorin calcium injection 350mg leucovorin calcium tablet 10mg leucovorin calcium tablet 15mg Página 31 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento leucovorin calcium tablet 25mg leucovorin calcium tablet 5mg levoleucovorin calcium injection 175mg/17.5ml lipodox 50 injection 2mg/ml lipodox injection 2mg/ml LYNPARZA CAPSULE 50MG mesna injection 100mg/ml MESNEX INJECTION 100MG/ML MESNEX TABLET 400MG mitomycin injection 20mg mitoxantrone hcl injection 2mg/ml ONCASPAR INJECTION 750UNIT/ML oxaliplatin injection 100mg/20ml paclitaxel injection 300mg/50ml PROLEUKIN INJECTION 22000000UNIT SYLATRON INJECTION 200MCG SYLATRON INJECTION 300MCG SYLATRON INJECTION 600MCG SYNRIBO INJECTION 3.5MG TRISENOX INJECTION 10MG/10ML VELCADE INJECTION 3.5MG VINBLASTINE SULFATE INJECTION 1MG/ML vincristine sulfate injection 1mg/ml vinorelbine tartrate injection 50mg/5ml ZINECARD INJECTION 250MG ZOLINZA CAPSULE 100MG Antineoplastics ZALTRAP INJECTION 100MG/4ML ZYKADIA CAPSULE 150MG Aromatase Inhibitors, 3rd Generation anastrozole tablet 1mg exemestane tablet 25mg letrozole tablet 2.5mg Enzyme Inhibitors ETOPOPHOS INJECTION 100MG etoposide injection 500mg/25ml toposar injection 1gm/50ml topotecan hcl injection 4mg ZYDELIG TABLET 100MG ZYDELIG TABLET 150MG Molecular Target Inhibitors AFINITOR DISPERZ TABLET SOLUBLE 2MG AFINITOR DISPERZ TABLET SOLUBLE 3MG AFINITOR DISPERZ TABLET SOLUBLE 5MG AFINITOR TABLET 10MG AFINITOR TABLET 2.5MG AFINITOR TABLET 5MG AFINITOR TABLET 7.5MG Página 32 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (480 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento BOSULIF TABLET 100MG BOSULIF TABLET 500MG CAPRELSA TABLET 100MG CAPRELSA TABLET 300MG COMETRIQ KIT 0 COMETRIQ KIT 0 COMETRIQ KIT 20MG ERIVEDGE CAPSULE 150MG GLEEVEC TABLET 100MG GLEEVEC TABLET 400MG ICLUSIG TABLET 15MG ICLUSIG TABLET 45MG IMBRUVICA CAPSULE 140MG INLYTA TABLET 1MG INLYTA TABLET 5MG JAKAFI TABLET 10MG JAKAFI TABLET 15MG JAKAFI TABLET 20MG JAKAFI TABLET 25MG JAKAFI TABLET 5MG LENVIMA 10MG DAILY DOSE CAPSULE THERAPY PACK 10MG LENVIMA 14MG DAILY DOSE CAPSULE THERAPY PACK 0 LENVIMA 20MG DAILY DOSE CAPSULE THERAPY PACK 10MG LENVIMA 24MG DAILY DOSE CAPSULE THERAPY PACK 0 MEKINIST TABLET 0.5MG MEKINIST TABLET 2MG NEXAVAR TABLET 200MG SPRYCEL TABLET 100MG SPRYCEL TABLET 140MG SPRYCEL TABLET 20MG SPRYCEL TABLET 50MG SPRYCEL TABLET 70MG SPRYCEL TABLET 80MG STIVARGA TABLET 40MG SUTENT CAPSULE 12.5MG SUTENT CAPSULE 25MG SUTENT CAPSULE 37.5MG SUTENT CAPSULE 50MG TAFINLAR CAPSULE 50MG TAFINLAR CAPSULE 75MG TARCEVA TABLET 100MG TARCEVA TABLET 150MG TARCEVA TABLET 25MG TASIGNA CAPSULE 150MG Página 33 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento TASIGNA CAPSULE 200MG TYKERB TABLET 250MG VOTRIENT TABLET 200MG XALKORI CAPSULE 200MG XALKORI CAPSULE 250MG ZELBORAF TABLET 240MG Monoclonal Antibodies ARZERRA INJECTION 100MG/5ML AVASTIN INJECTION 100MG/4ML AVASTIN INJECTION 400MG/16ML CYRAMZA INJECTION 100MG/10ML CYRAMZA INJECTION 500MG/50ML ERBITUX INJECTION 100MG/50ML HERCEPTIN INJECTION 440MG KADCYLA INJECTION 100MG KEYTRUDA INJECTION 100MG/4ML KEYTRUDA INJECTION 50MG OPDIVO INJECTION 40MG/4ML PERJETA INJECTION 420MG/14ML RITUXAN INJECTION 10MG/ML SYLVANT INJECTION 100MG VECTIBIX INJECTION 100MG/5ML YERVOY INJECTION 50MG/10ML Retinoids bexarotene capsule 75mg PANRETIN GEL 0.1% TARGRETIN CAPSULE 75MG TARGRETIN GEL 1% tretinoin capsule 10mg Antiparasitics Anthelmintics ALBENZA TABLET 200MG ivermectin tablet 3mg STROMECTOL TABLET 3MG Antiprotozoals ALINIA SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 100MG/5ML ALINIA TABLET 500MG atovaquone/proguanil hcl tablet 250mg; 100mg atovaquone suspension 750mg/5ml chloroquine phosphate tablet 250mg chloroquine phosphate tablet 500mg COARTEM TABLET 20MG; 120MG DARAPRIM TABLET 25MG hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablet 200mg mefloquine hcl tablet 250mg MEPRON SUSPENSION 750MG/5ML NEBUPENT SOLUTION RECONSTITUTED 300MG PENTAM 300 INJECTION 300MG Página 34 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento PRIMAQUINE PHOSPHATE TABLET 26.3MG quinine sulfate capsule 324mg tinidazole tablet 250mg tinidazole tablet 500mg Pediculicides/Scabicides complete lice treatment kit kit 0.5%; 4%; 0.33% gnp lice treatment shampoo 4%; 0.33% lice killing maximum strength shampoo 4%; 0.33% lindane lotion 1% malathion lotion 0.5% permethrin cream 5% permethrin lotion 1% sb lice treatment liquid 1% Antiparkinson Agents Anticholinergics benztropine mesylate injection 1mg/ml benztropine mesylate tablet 0.5mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) QL (80 EA cada 365 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) benztropine mesylate tablet 1mg $0(Nivel 1) benztropine mesylate tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 1) trihexyphenidyl hcl elixir 0.4mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) trihexyphenidyl hcl tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 1) trihexyphenidyl hcl tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) Antiparkinson Agents, Other entacapone tablet 200mg TASMAR TABLET 100MG tolcapone tablet 100mg Dopamine Agonists APOKYN INJECTION 10MG/ML bromocriptine mesylate capsule 5mg bromocriptine mesylate tablet 2.5mg NEUPRO PATCH 24 HOUR 1MG/24HR NEUPRO PATCH 24 HOUR 2MG/24HR NEUPRO PATCH 24 HOUR 3MG/24HR NEUPRO PATCH 24 HOUR 4MG/24HR NEUPRO PATCH 24 HOUR 6MG/24HR NEUPRO PATCH 24 HOUR 8MG/24HR pramipexole dihydrochloride tablet 0.125mg pramipexole dihydrochloride tablet 0.25mg pramipexole dihydrochloride tablet 0.5mg pramipexole dihydrochloride tablet 0.75mg pramipexole dihydrochloride tablet 1.5mg pramipexole dihydrochloride tablet 1mg Página 35 de 143 DP DP DP DP DP PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento ropinirole hcl tablet 0.25mg ropinirole hcl tablet 0.5mg ropinirole hcl tablet 1mg ropinirole hcl tablet 2mg ropinirole hcl tablet 3mg ropinirole hcl tablet 4mg ropinirole hcl tablet 5mg Dopamine Precursors/L- Amino Acid Decarboxylase Inhibitors carbidopa/levodopa er tablet extended release 25mg; 100mg carbidopa/levodopa er tablet extended release 50mg; 200mg carbidopa/levodopa odt tablet dispersible 10mg; 100mg carbidopa/levodopa odt tablet dispersible 25mg; 100mg carbidopa/levodopa odt tablet dispersible 25mg; 250mg carbidopa/levodopa tablet 10mg; 100mg carbidopa/levodopa tablet 25mg; 100mg carbidopa/levodopa tablet 25mg; 250mg STALEVO 100 TABLET 25MG; 200MG; 100MG STALEVO 125 TABLET 31.25MG; 200MG; 125MG STALEVO 150 TABLET 37.5MG; 200MG; 150MG STALEVO 200 TABLET 50MG; 200MG; 200MG STALEVO 50 TABLET 12.5MG; 200MG; 50MG STALEVO 75 TABLET 18.75MG; 200MG; 75MG Monoamine Oxidase B (MAO-B) Inhibitors AZILECT TABLET 0.5MG AZILECT TABLET 1MG ELDEPRYL CAPSULE 5MG selegiline hcl capsule 5mg selegiline hcl tablet 5mg ZELAPAR TABLET DISPERSIBLE 1.25MG Antipsychotics 1st Generation/Typical CHLORPROMAZINE HCL INJECTION 25MG/ML chlorpromazine hcl tablet 100mg chlorpromazine hcl tablet 10mg chlorpromazine hcl tablet 200mg chlorpromazine hcl tablet 25mg chlorpromazine hcl tablet 50mg compro suppository 25mg FLUPHENAZINE DECANOATE INJECTION 25MG/ML fluphenazine hcl concentrate 5mg/ml fluphenazine hcl elixir 2.5mg/5ml FLUPHENAZINE HCL INJECTION 2.5MG/ML fluphenazine hcl tablet 10mg fluphenazine hcl tablet 1mg fluphenazine hcl tablet 2.5mg fluphenazine hcl tablet 5mg haloperidol decanoate injection 100mg/ml haloperidol decanoate injection 50mg/ml Página 36 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento haloperidol lactate injection 5mg/ml haloperidol concentrate 2mg/ml haloperidol tablet 0.5mg haloperidol tablet 10mg haloperidol tablet 1mg haloperidol tablet 20mg haloperidol tablet 2mg haloperidol tablet 5mg loxapine succinate capsule 10mg loxapine succinate capsule 25mg loxapine succinate capsule 50mg loxapine succinate capsule 5mg ORAP TABLET 1MG ORAP TABLET 2MG perphenazine tablet 16mg perphenazine tablet 2mg perphenazine tablet 4mg perphenazine tablet 8mg PROCHLORPERAZINE EDISYLATE INJECTION 5MG/ML prochlorperazine maleate tablet 10mg prochlorperazine maleate tablet 5mg thioridazine hcl tablet 100mg thioridazine hcl tablet 10mg thioridazine hcl tablet 25mg thioridazine hcl tablet 50mg thiothixene capsule 10mg thiothixene capsule 1mg thiothixene capsule 2mg thiothixene capsule 5mg trifluoperazine hcl tablet 10mg trifluoperazine hcl tablet 1mg trifluoperazine hcl tablet 2mg trifluoperazine hcl tablet 5mg 2nd Generation/Atypical ABILIFY DISCMELT TABLET DISPERSIBLE 10MG ABILIFY DISCMELT TABLET DISPERSIBLE 15MG ABILIFY MAINTENA INJECTION 300MG ABILIFY INJECTION 9.75MG/1.3ML ABILIFY SOLUTION 1MG/ML ABILIFY TABLET 10MG ABILIFY TABLET 15MG ABILIFY TABLET 20MG ABILIFY TABLET 2MG ABILIFY TABLET 30MG ABILIFY TABLET 5MG aripiprazole tablet 10mg aripiprazole tablet 15mg Página 37 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) Nombre del medicamento aripiprazole tablet 20mg aripiprazole tablet 2mg aripiprazole tablet 30mg aripiprazole tablet 5mg FANAPT TITRATION PACK TABLET 0 FANAPT TABLET 10MG FANAPT TABLET 12MG FANAPT TABLET 1MG FANAPT TABLET 2MG FANAPT TABLET 4MG FANAPT TABLET 6MG FANAPT TABLET 8MG GEODON INJECTION 20MG INVEGA SUSTENNA INJECTION 117MG/0.75ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INJECTION 156MG/ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INJECTION 234MG/1.5ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INJECTION 39MG/0.25ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INJECTION 78MG/0.5ML INVEGA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 1.5MG INVEGA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 3MG INVEGA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 6MG INVEGA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 9MG LATUDA TABLET 120MG LATUDA TABLET 20MG LATUDA TABLET 40MG LATUDA TABLET 60MG LATUDA TABLET 80MG olanzapine odt tablet dispersible 10mg olanzapine odt tablet dispersible 15mg olanzapine odt tablet dispersible 20mg olanzapine odt tablet dispersible 5mg olanzapine injection 10mg olanzapine tablet 10mg olanzapine tablet 15mg olanzapine tablet 2.5mg olanzapine tablet 20mg olanzapine tablet 5mg olanzapine tablet 7.5mg quetiapine fumarate tablet 100mg quetiapine fumarate tablet 200mg quetiapine fumarate tablet 25mg quetiapine fumarate tablet 300mg quetiapine fumarate tablet 400mg quetiapine fumarate tablet 50mg Página 38 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (0.75 ML cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 ML cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1.5 ML cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (0.25 ML cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (0.5 ML cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento REXULTI TABLET 0.25MG REXULTI TABLET 0.5MG REXULTI TABLET 1MG rexulti tablet 2mg REXULTI TABLET 3MG REXULTI TABLET 4MG RISPERDAL CONSTA INJECTION 12.5MG RISPERDAL CONSTA INJECTION 25MG RISPERDAL CONSTA INJECTION 37.5MG RISPERDAL CONSTA INJECTION 50MG risperidone odt tablet dispersible 0.25mg risperidone odt tablet dispersible 0.5mg risperidone odt tablet dispersible 1mg risperidone odt tablet dispersible 2mg risperidone odt tablet dispersible 3mg risperidone odt tablet dispersible 4mg risperidone solution 1mg/ml risperidone tablet 0.25mg risperidone tablet 0.5mg risperidone tablet 1mg risperidone tablet 2mg risperidone tablet 3mg risperidone tablet 4mg SAPHRIS TABLET SUBLINGUAL 10MG SAPHRIS TABLET SUBLINGUAL 2.5MG SAPHRIS TABLET SUBLINGUAL 5MG ziprasidone hcl capsule 20mg ziprasidone hcl capsule 40mg ziprasidone hcl capsule 60mg ziprasidone hcl capsule 80mg ZYPREXA RELPREVV INJECTION 210MG Treatment-Resistant clozapine odt tablet dispersible 100mg clozapine odt tablet dispersible 12.5mg clozapine odt tablet dispersible 150mg clozapine odt tablet dispersible 200mg clozapine odt tablet dispersible 25mg clozapine tablet 100mg clozapine tablet 200mg clozapine tablet 25mg clozapine tablet 50mg FAZACLO TABLET DISPERSIBLE 100MG Página 39 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (480 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (240 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (2 EA cada 28 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) Nombre del medicamento FAZACLO TABLET DISPERSIBLE 12.5MG FAZACLO TABLET DISPERSIBLE 150MG FAZACLO TABLET DISPERSIBLE 200MG FAZACLO TABLET DISPERSIBLE 25MG VERSACLOZ SUSPENSION 50MG/ML Antispasticity Agents Antispasticity Agents baclofen tablet 10mg baclofen tablet 20mg dantrolene sodium capsule 100mg dantrolene sodium capsule 25mg dantrolene sodium capsule 50mg tizanidine hcl tablet 2mg tizanidine hcl tablet 4mg Antivirals Anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) Agents cidofovir injection 75mg/ml ganciclovir injection 500mg VALCYTE SOLUTION RECONSTITUTED 50MG/ML VALCYTE TABLET 450MG valganciclovir tablet 450mg VISTIDE INJECTION 75MG/ML Anti-hepatitis B (HBV) Agents adefovir dipivoxil tablet 10mg BARACLUDE SOLUTION 0.05MG/ML BARACLUDE TABLET 0.5MG BARACLUDE TABLET 1MG entecavir tablet 0.5mg entecavir tablet 1mg EPIVIR HBV SOLUTION 5MG/ML INTRON A W/DILUENT INJECTION 10MU INTRON A INJECTION 18MU INTRON A INJECTION 50MU INTRON A INJECTION 6000000UNIT/ML lamivudine tablet 100mg TYZEKA TABLET 600MG Anti-hepatitis C (HCV) Agents INCIVEK TABLET 375MG INFERGEN INJECTION 15MCG/0.5ML OLYSIO CAPSULE 150MG PEG-INTRON REDIPEN INJECTION 120MCG/0.5ML Página 40 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos - Infergen) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (28 EA cada 28 días) PA (Agentes inmunológicos - Olysio) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) Nombre del medicamento PEG-INTRON REDIPEN INJECTION 150MCG/0.5ML PEG-INTRON REDIPEN INJECTION 50MCG/0.5ML PEG-INTRON REDIPEN INJECTION 80MCG/0.5ML PEG-INTRON INJECTION 50MCG/0.5ML PEGASYS PROCLICK INJECTION 135MCG/0.5ML PEGASYS PROCLICK INJECTION 180MCG/0.5ML PEGASYS INJECTION 180MCG/0.5ML PEGASYS INJECTION 180MCG/ML PEGINTRON INJECTION 120MCG/0.5ML PEGINTRON INJECTION 150MCG/0.5ML PEGINTRON INJECTION 80MCG/0.5ML REBETOL SOLUTION 40MG/ML ribasphere ribapak tablet 0 ribasphere ribapak tablet 400mg ribasphere ribapak tablet 600mg ribasphere tablet 200mg ribasphere tablet 400mg ribasphere tablet 600mg ribavirin capsule 200mg ribavirin tablet 200mg SOVALDI TABLET 400MG VICTRELIS CAPSULE 200MG VIRAZOLE SOLUTION RECONSTITUTED 6GM Anti-HIV Agents, Integrase Inhibitors (INSTI) Página 41 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos Peg-Intron, Pegasys) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (28 EA cada 28 días) PA (Agentes inmunológicos - Sovaldi) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento ISENTRESS PACKET 100MG ISENTRESS TABLET CHEWABLE 100MG ISENTRESS TABLET CHEWABLE 25MG ISENTRESS TABLET 400MG TIVICAY TABLET 50MG VITEKTA TABLET 150MG VITEKTA TABLET 85MG Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO Anti-HIV Agents, Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTI) COMPLERA TABLET 200MG; 25MG; 300MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) EDURANT TABLET 25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) INTELENCE TABLET 100MG INTELENCE TABLET 200MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO INTELENCE TABLET 25MG nevirapine er tablet extended release 24 hour 400mg $0(Nivel 1) MO nevirapine suspension 50mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) nevirapine tablet 200mg $0(Nivel 1) RESCRIPTOR TABLET 100MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) RESCRIPTOR TABLET 200MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) STRIBILD TABLET 150MG; 150MG; 200MG; 300MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SUSTIVA CAPSULE 200MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SUSTIVA CAPSULE 50MG SUSTIVA TABLET 600MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VIRAMUNE XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) HOUR 100MG VIRAMUNE XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) HOUR 400MG VIRAMUNE SUSPENSION 50MG/5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Anti-HIV Agents, Nucleoside and Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTI) abacavir sulfate/lamivudine/zidovudine tablet 300mg; 150mg; $0(Nivel 1) MO 300mg abacavir tablet 300mg $0(Nivel 1) didanosine capsule delayed release 125mg $0(Nivel 1) didanosine capsule delayed release 200mg $0(Nivel 1) didanosine capsule delayed release 250mg $0(Nivel 1) didanosine capsule delayed release 400mg $0(Nivel 1) EMTRIVA CAPSULE 200MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) EMTRIVA SOLUTION 10MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) EPIVIR SOLUTION 10MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) EPZICOM TABLET 600MG; 300MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) lamivudine/zidovudine tablet 150mg; 300mg $0(Nivel 1) lamivudine solution 10mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) MO lamivudine tablet 150mg $0(Nivel 1) lamivudine tablet 300mg $0(Nivel 1) RETROVIR IV INFUSION INJECTION 10MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Página 42 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso stavudine capsule 15mg $0(Nivel 1) stavudine capsule 20mg $0(Nivel 1) stavudine capsule 30mg $0(Nivel 1) stavudine capsule 40mg $0(Nivel 1) stavudine solution reconstituted 1mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO TRIUMEQ TABLET 600MG; 50MG; 300MG TRUVADA TABLET 200MG; 300MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VIDEX PEDIATRIC SOLUTION RECONSTITUTED 2GM $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VIREAD POWDER 40MG/GM VIREAD TABLET 150MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VIREAD TABLET 200MG VIREAD TABLET 250MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VIREAD TABLET 300MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) ZIAGEN SOLUTION 20MG/ML zidovudine capsule 100mg $0(Nivel 1) zidovudine syrup 50mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) zidovudine tablet 300mg $0(Nivel 1) Anti-HIV Agents, Other FUZEON INJECTION 90MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SELZENTRY TABLET 150MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SELZENTRY TABLET 300MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) TYBOST TABLET 150MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO Anti-HIV Agents, Protease Inhibitors APTIVUS CAPSULE 250MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) APTIVUS SOLUTION 100MG/ML CRIXIVAN CAPSULE 200MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) CRIXIVAN CAPSULE 400MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) EVOTAZ TABLET 300MG; 150MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (300 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) INVIRASE CAPSULE 200MG INVIRASE TABLET 500MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) KALETRA SOLUTION 400MG/5ML; 100MG/5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) KALETRA TABLET 100MG; 25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) KALETRA TABLET 200MG; 50MG LEXIVA SUSPENSION 50MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) LEXIVA TABLET 700MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) NORVIR CAPSULE 100MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) NORVIR SOLUTION 80MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) NORVIR TABLET 100MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREZCOBIX TABLET 150MG; 800MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO PREZISTA SUSPENSION 100MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREZISTA TABLET 150MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREZISTA TABLET 400MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREZISTA TABLET 600MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREZISTA TABLET 75MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREZISTA TABLET 800MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) REYATAZ CAPSULE 150MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Página 43 de 143 Nombre del medicamento REYATAZ CAPSULE 200MG REYATAZ CAPSULE 300MG REYATAZ PACKET 50MG VIRACEPT TABLET 250MG VIRACEPT TABLET 625MG Anti-influenza Agents amantadine hcl capsule 100mg amantadine hcl syrup 50mg/5ml amantadine hcl tablet 100mg RELENZA DISKHALER AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 5MG/BLISTER rimantadine hcl tablet 100mg TAMIFLU CAPSULE 30MG TAMIFLU CAPSULE 45MG TAMIFLU CAPSULE 75MG TAMIFLU SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 6MG/ML Antiherpetic Agents acyclovir sodium injection 50mg/ml acyclovir capsule 200mg acyclovir suspension 200mg/5ml acyclovir tablet 400mg acyclovir tablet 800mg DENAVIR CREAM 1% famciclovir tablet 125mg famciclovir tablet 250mg famciclovir tablet 500mg trifluridine solution 1% valacyclovir hcl tablet 1000mg valacyclovir hcl tablet 500mg ZOVIRAX CREAM 5% ZOVIRAX OINTMENT 5% Antivirals ABREVA CREAM 10% ATRIPLA TABLET 600MG; 200MG; 300MG Anxiolytics Anxiolytics, Other buspirone hcl tablet 10mg buspirone hcl tablet 15mg buspirone hcl tablet 30mg buspirone hcl tablet 5mg buspirone hcl tablet 7.5mg meprobamate tablet 200mg meprobamate tablet 400mg Benzodiazepines ALPRAZOLAM INTENSOL CONCENTRATE 1MG/ML Página 44 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (56 EA cada 180 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (84 EA cada 180 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (42 EA cada 180 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (28 EA cada 180 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (540 ML cada 180 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 GM cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) Nombre del medicamento alprazolam tablet 0.25mg alprazolam tablet 0.5mg alprazolam tablet 1mg alprazolam tablet 2mg clorazepate dipotassium tablet 15mg clorazepate dipotassium tablet 3.75mg clorazepate dipotassium tablet 7.5mg DIAZEPAM INTENSOL CONCENTRATE 5MG/ML diazepam tablet 10mg diazepam tablet 2mg diazepam tablet 5mg LORAZEPAM INTENSOL CONCENTRATE 2MG/ML lorazepam tablet 0.5mg lorazepam tablet 1mg lorazepam tablet 2mg triazolam tablet 0.125mg triazolam tablet 0.25mg Bipolar Agents Mood Stabilizers lithium carbonate er tablet extended release 300mg lithium carbonate er tablet extended release 450mg lithium carbonate capsule 150mg lithium carbonate capsule 300mg lithium carbonate capsule 600mg lithium carbonate tablet 300mg lithium solution 8meq/5ml LITHOBID TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 300MG Blood Glucose Regulators Antidiabetic Agents acarbose tablet 100mg acarbose tablet 25mg acarbose tablet 50mg AVANDARYL TABLET 1MG; 4MG AVANDARYL TABLET 2MG; 4MG AVANDARYL TABLET 2MG; 8MG AVANDARYL TABLET 4MG; 4MG AVANDARYL TABLET 4MG; 8MG BYETTA INJECTION 10MCG/0.04ML BYETTA INJECTION 5MCG/0.02ML CYCLOSET TABLET 0.8MG DUETACT TABLET 2MG; 30MG DUETACT TABLET 4MG; 30MG FARXIGA TABLET 10MG Página 45 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (150 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (2.4 ML cada 30 días) PA (Reguladores de glucosa en sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Reguladores de glucosa en sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO Nombre del medicamento FARXIGA TABLET 5MG glimepiride tablet 1mg glimepiride tablet 2mg glimepiride tablet 4mg glipizide er tablet extended release 24 hour 10mg glipizide er tablet extended release 24 hour 2.5mg glipizide er tablet extended release 24 hour 5mg glipizide/metformin hcl tablet 2.5mg; 250mg glipizide/metformin hcl tablet 2.5mg; 500mg glipizide/metformin hcl tablet 5mg; 500mg glipizide tablet 10mg glipizide tablet 5mg glyburide micronized tablet 1.5mg glyburide micronized tablet 3mg glyburide micronized tablet 6mg glyburide/metformin hcl tablet 1.25mg; 250mg glyburide/metformin hcl tablet 2.5mg; 500mg glyburide/metformin hcl tablet 5mg; 500mg glyburide tablet 1.25mg glyburide tablet 2.5mg glyburide tablet 5mg GLYSET TABLET 100MG GLYSET TABLET 25MG GLYSET TABLET 50MG JANUVIA TABLET 100MG JANUVIA TABLET 25MG JANUVIA TABLET 50MG JENTADUETO TABLET 2.5MG; 1000MG JENTADUETO TABLET 2.5MG; 500MG JENTADUETO TABLET 2.5MG; 850MG Página 46 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Glyburide) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) Nombre del medicamento KOMBIGLYZE XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 1000MG; 2.5MG KOMBIGLYZE XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 1000MG; 5MG KOMBIGLYZE XR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 500MG; 5MG metformin hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 500mg metformin hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 750mg metformin hcl tablet 1000mg metformin hcl tablet 500mg metformin hcl tablet 850mg nateglinide tablet 120mg nateglinide tablet 60mg ONGLYZA TABLET 2.5MG ONGLYZA TABLET 5MG pioglitazone hcl/metformin hcl tablet 500mg; 15mg pioglitazone hcl/metformin hcl tablet 850mg; 15mg pioglitazone hcl tablet 15mg pioglitazone hcl tablet 30mg pioglitazone hcl tablet 45mg repaglinide tablet 0.5mg repaglinide tablet 1mg repaglinide tablet 2mg SYMLINPEN 120 INJECTION 2700MCG/2.7ML SYMLINPEN 60 INJECTION 1500MCG/1.5ML tolbutamide tablet 500mg TRADJENTA TABLET 5MG Glycemic Agents GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT INJECTION 1MG GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT INJECTION 1MG GLUCOSE TABLET CHEWABLE 4GM glutose 15 gel 40% glutose 15 gel 40% HM GLUCOSE TABLET CHEWABLE 6MG; 4GM INSTA-GLUCOSE GEL 77.4% PROGLYCEM SUSPENSION 50MG/ML SM GLUCOSE TABLET CHEWABLE 4GM SM GLUCOSE TABLET CHEWABLE 6MG; 4GM SM GLUCOSE TABLET CHEWABLE 6MG; 4GM SM GLUCOSE TABLET CHEWABLE 6MG; 4GM Insulins APIDRA SOLOSTAR INJECTION 100UNIT/ML APIDRA INJECTION 100UNIT/ML HUMALOG KWIKPEN INJECTION 100UNIT/ML Página 47 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Reguladores de glucosa en sangre Amylinomimetics) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Reguladores de glucosa en sangre Amylinomimetics) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) Nombre del medicamento HUMALOG KWIKPEN INJECTION 100UNIT/ML HUMALOG KWIKPEN INJECTION 200UNIT/ML HUMALOG MIX 50/50 KWIKPEN INJECTION 50UNIT/ML; 50UNIT/ML HUMALOG MIX 50/50 INJECTION 50UNIT/ML; 50UNIT/ML HUMALOG MIX 75/25 KWIKPEN INJECTION 25UNIT/ML; 75UNIT/ML HUMALOG MIX 75/25 INJECTION 25UNIT/ML; 75UNIT/ML HUMALOG INJECTION 100UNIT/ML HUMALOG INJECTION 100UNIT/ML HUMULIN 70/30 KWIKPEN INJECTION 30UNIT/ML; 70UNIT/ML HUMULIN 70/30 INJECTION 30UNIT/ML; 70UNIT/ML HUMULIN N KWIKPEN INJECTION 100UNIT/ML HUMULIN N INJECTION 100UNIT/ML HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) INJECTION 500UNIT/ML HUMULIN R INJECTION 100UNIT/ML LANTUS SOLOSTAR INJECTION 100UNIT/ML LANTUS INJECTION 100UNIT/ML LEVEMIR FLEXTOUCH INJECTION 100UNIT/ML LEVEMIR INJECTION 100UNIT/ML NOVOLIN 70/30 INJECTION 30UNIT/ML; 70UNIT/ML NOVOLIN N INJECTION 100UNIT/ML NOVOLIN R INJECTION 100UNIT/ML NOVOLOG FLEXPEN INJECTION 100UNIT/ML NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 PREFILLED FLEXPEN INJECTION 30UNIT/ML; 70UNIT/ML NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 INJECTION 30UNIT/ML; 70UNIT/ML NOVOLOG PENFILL INJECTION 100UNIT/ML NOVOLOG INJECTION 100UNIT/ML Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Anticoagulants COUMADIN INJECTION 5MG COUMADIN TABLET 10MG COUMADIN TABLET 1MG COUMADIN TABLET 2.5MG COUMADIN TABLET 2MG COUMADIN TABLET 3MG COUMADIN TABLET 4MG COUMADIN TABLET 5MG Página 48 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (45 ML cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (45 ML cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (45 ML cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (45 ML cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (40 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento COUMADIN TABLET 6MG COUMADIN TABLET 7.5MG enoxaparin sodium injection 100mg/ml enoxaparin sodium injection 120mg/0.8ml enoxaparin sodium injection 150mg/ml enoxaparin sodium injection 300mg/3ml enoxaparin sodium injection 30mg/0.3ml enoxaparin sodium injection 40mg/0.4ml enoxaparin sodium injection 60mg/0.6ml enoxaparin sodium injection 80mg/0.8ml fondaparinux sodium injection 10mg/0.8ml fondaparinux sodium injection 2.5mg/0.5ml fondaparinux sodium injection 5mg/0.4ml fondaparinux sodium injection 7.5mg/0.6ml FRAGMIN INJECTION 10000UNIT/ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 12500UNIT/0.5ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 15000UNIT/0.6ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 18000UNT/0.72ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 25000UNIT/ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 2500UNIT/0.2ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 5000UNIT/0.2ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 7500UNIT/0.3ML FRAGMIN INJECTION 95000UNIT/3.8ML heparin sodium/d5w injection 5%; 100unit/ml heparin sodium/d5w injection 5%; 40unit/ml heparin sodium/d5w injection 5%; 50unit/ml heparin sodium/nacl 0.9% injection 2unit/ml; 0.9% heparin sodium injection 10000unit/ml heparin sodium injection 1000unit/ml heparin sodium injection 20000unit/ml heparin sodium injection 5000unit/ml jantoven tablet 10mg jantoven tablet 1mg jantoven tablet 2.5mg jantoven tablet 2mg jantoven tablet 3mg jantoven tablet 4mg jantoven tablet 5mg jantoven tablet 6mg jantoven tablet 7.5mg PRADAXA CAPSULE 150MG PRADAXA CAPSULE 75MG warfarin sodium tablet 10mg warfarin sodium tablet 1mg warfarin sodium tablet 2.5mg warfarin sodium tablet 2mg warfarin sodium tablet 3mg warfarin sodium tablet 4mg Página 49 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso warfarin sodium tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) warfarin sodium tablet 6mg $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) warfarin sodium tablet 7.5mg XARELTO STARTER PACK TABLET THERAPY PACK 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) XARELTO TABLET 10MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) XARELTO TABLET 15MG XARELTO TABLET 20MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Blood Formation Modifiers anagrelide hydrochloride capsule 0.5mg $0(Nivel 1) anagrelide hydrochloride capsule 1mg $0(Nivel 1) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 100MCG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 10MCG/0.4ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 150MCG/0.3ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 200MCG/0.4ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 200MCG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 25MCG/0.42ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 25MCG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 300MCG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 40MCG/0.4ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) Página 50 de 143 Nombre del medicamento ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 40MCG/ML ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 500MCG/ML ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE INJECTION 60MCG/ML EPOGEN INJECTION 10000UNIT/ML EPOGEN INJECTION 20000UNIT/ML EPOGEN INJECTION 2000UNIT/ML EPOGEN INJECTION 3000UNIT/ML EPOGEN INJECTION 4000UNIT/ML GRANIX INJECTION 300MCG/0.5ML GRANIX INJECTION 480MCG/0.8ML LEUKINE INJECTION 250MCG NEULASTA INJECTION 6MG/0.6ML NEUMEGA INJECTION 5MG NEUPOGEN INJECTION 300MCG/0.5ML NEUPOGEN INJECTION 300MCG/ML NEUPOGEN INJECTION 480MCG/0.8ML NEUPOGEN INJECTION 480MCG/1.6ML PROCRIT INJECTION 10000UNIT/ML Página 51 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) Nombre del medicamento PROCRIT INJECTION 20000UNIT/ML PROCRIT INJECTION 2000UNIT/ML PROCRIT INJECTION 3000UNIT/ML PROCRIT INJECTION 40000UNIT/ML PROCRIT INJECTION 4000UNIT/ML PROMACTA TABLET 25MG PROMACTA TABLET 50MG Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre - Promacta) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre - Promacta) Coagulants tranexamic acid injection 100mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) tranexamic acid tablet 650mg $0(Nivel 1) Platelet Modifying Agents AGGRENOX CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) 25MG; 200MG aspirin/dipyridamole capsule extended release 12 hour 25mg; $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) 200mg MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) BRILINTA TABLET 90MG cilostazol tablet 100mg $0(Nivel 1) cilostazol tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) clopidogrel tablet 300mg $0(Nivel 1) clopidogrel tablet 75mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) dipyridamole tablet 25mg $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) dipyridamole tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) Página 52 de 143 Nombre del medicamento dipyridamole tablet 75mg EFFIENT TABLET 10MG EFFIENT TABLET 5MG ticlopidine hcl tablet 250mg Cardiovascular Agents Alpha-adrenergic Agonists clonidine hcl er tablet extended release 12 hour 0.1mg clonidine hcl tablet 0.1mg clonidine hcl tablet 0.2mg clonidine hcl tablet 0.3mg guanfacine hcl tablet 1mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) guanfacine hcl tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 1) methyldopa/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 15mg; 250mg methyldopa/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 250mg methyldopa tablet 250mg $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) methyldopa tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 1) METHYLDOPATE HCL INJECTION 250MG/5ML midodrine hcl tablet 10mg midodrine hcl tablet 2.5mg midodrine hcl tablet 5mg Alpha-adrenergic Blocking Agents prazosin hcl capsule 1mg prazosin hcl capsule 2mg prazosin hcl capsule 5mg reserpine tablet 0.25mg $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists candesartan cilexetil/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 16mg; $0(Nivel 1) 12.5mg candesartan cilexetil/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 32mg; $0(Nivel 1) 12.5mg candesartan cilexetil/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 32mg; 25mg $0(Nivel 1) candesartan cilexetil tablet 16mg $0(Nivel 1) candesartan cilexetil tablet 32mg $0(Nivel 1) candesartan cilexetil tablet 4mg $0(Nivel 1) candesartan cilexetil tablet 8mg $0(Nivel 1) Página 53 de 143 MO PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso eprosartan mesylate tablet 600mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 150mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 300mg MO irbesartan tablet 150mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) irbesartan tablet 300mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO irbesartan tablet 75mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 100mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 50mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 100mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) losartan potassium tablet 100mg $0(Nivel 1) losartan potassium tablet 25mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) losartan potassium tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 40mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 80mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO telmisartan/hydrochloroth tablet 25mg; 80mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO telmisartan tablet 20mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) telmisartan tablet 40mg $0(Nivel 1) MO telmisartan tablet 80mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 160mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 320mg valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 80mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 160mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 320mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) valsartan tablet 160mg $0(Nivel 1) MO valsartan tablet 320mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO valsartan tablet 40mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO valsartan tablet 80mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO Angiotensin-converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors benazepril hcl/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 10mg; 12.5mg $0(Nivel 1) benazepril hcl/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 20mg; 12.5mg $0(Nivel 1) benazepril hcl/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 20mg; 25mg $0(Nivel 1) benazepril hcl/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 5mg; 6.25mg $0(Nivel 1) benazepril hcl tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) benazepril hcl tablet 20mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) Página 54 de 143 Nombre del medicamento benazepril hcl tablet 40mg benazepril hcl tablet 5mg captopril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 15mg captopril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 25mg captopril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 50mg; 15mg captopril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 50mg; 25mg captopril tablet 100mg captopril tablet 12.5mg captopril tablet 25mg captopril tablet 50mg enalapril maleate/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 10mg; 25mg enalapril maleate/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 5mg; 12.5mg enalapril maleate tablet 10mg enalapril maleate tablet 2.5mg enalapril maleate tablet 20mg enalapril maleate tablet 5mg fosinopril sodium/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 10mg; 12.5mg fosinopril sodium/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 20mg; 12.5mg fosinopril sodium tablet 10mg fosinopril sodium tablet 20mg fosinopril sodium tablet 40mg lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 10mg lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 20mg lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 20mg lisinopril tablet 10mg lisinopril tablet 2.5mg lisinopril tablet 20mg lisinopril tablet 30mg lisinopril tablet 40mg lisinopril tablet 5mg quinapril hcl tablet 10mg quinapril hcl tablet 20mg quinapril hcl tablet 40mg quinapril hcl tablet 5mg quinapril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 10mg quinapril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg; 20mg quinapril/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 20mg ramipril capsule 1.25mg ramipril capsule 10mg ramipril capsule 2.5mg ramipril capsule 5mg trandolapril tablet 1mg trandolapril tablet 2mg trandolapril tablet 4mg Antiarrhythmics amiodarone hcl injection 50mg/ml amiodarone hcl tablet 200mg amiodarone hcl tablet 400mg Página 55 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento disopyramide phosphate capsule 100mg disopyramide phosphate capsule 150mg flecainide acetate tablet 100mg flecainide acetate tablet 150mg flecainide acetate tablet 50mg mexiletine hcl capsule 150mg mexiletine hcl capsule 200mg mexiletine hcl capsule 250mg MULTAQ TABLET 400MG Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) pacerone tablet 100mg pacerone tablet 200mg pacerone tablet 400mg PROCAINAMIDE HCL INJECTION 100MG/ML PROCAINAMIDE HCL INJECTION 500MG/ML propafenone hcl tablet 150mg propafenone hcl tablet 225mg propafenone hcl tablet 300mg quinidine gluconate cr tablet extended release 324mg QUINIDINE GLUCONATE INJECTION 80MG/ML quinidine sulfate er tablet extended release 300mg quinidine sulfate tablet 200mg quinidine sulfate tablet 300mg sorine tablet 120mg sorine tablet 160mg sorine tablet 240mg sorine tablet 80mg sotalol hcl (af) tablet 120mg sotalol hcl tablet 160mg sotalol hcl tablet 240mg sotalol hcl tablet 80mg TIKOSYN CAPSULE 125MCG TIKOSYN CAPSULE 250MCG TIKOSYN CAPSULE 500MCG Beta-adrenergic Blocking Agents acebutolol hcl capsule 200mg $0(Nivel 1) acebutolol hcl capsule 400mg $0(Nivel 1) atenolol/chlorthalidone tablet 100mg; 25mg $0(Nivel 1) atenolol/chlorthalidone tablet 50mg; 25mg $0(Nivel 1) atenolol tablet 100mg $0(Nivel 1) atenolol tablet 25mg $0(Nivel 1) atenolol tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) betaxolol hcl tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) betaxolol hcl tablet 20mg $0(Nivel 1) bisoprolol fumarate/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 10mg; 6.25mg $0(Nivel 1) bisoprolol fumarate/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 2.5mg; 6.25mg$0(Nivel 1) bisoprolol fumarate/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 5mg; 6.25mg $0(Nivel 1) bisoprolol fumarate tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) Página 56 de 143 Nombre del medicamento bisoprolol fumarate tablet 5mg carvedilol tablet 12.5mg carvedilol tablet 25mg carvedilol tablet 3.125mg carvedilol tablet 6.25mg labetalol hcl injection 5mg/ml labetalol hcl tablet 100mg labetalol hcl tablet 200mg labetalol hcl tablet 300mg metoprolol succinate er tablet extended release 24 hour 100mg metoprolol succinate er tablet extended release 24 hour 200mg metoprolol succinate er tablet extended release 24 hour 25mg metoprolol succinate er tablet extended release 24 hour 50mg metoprolol tartrate injection 1mg/ml metoprolol tartrate tablet 100mg metoprolol tartrate tablet 25mg metoprolol tartrate tablet 50mg metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 100mg metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 50mg metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 50mg; 100mg nadolol/bendroflumethiazide tablet 5mg; 40mg nadolol/bendroflumethiazide tablet 5mg; 80mg nadolol tablet 20mg nadolol tablet 40mg nadolol tablet 80mg pindolol tablet 10mg pindolol tablet 5mg propranolol hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 120mg propranolol hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 160mg propranolol hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 60mg propranolol hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 80mg propranolol hcl injection 1mg/ml propranolol hcl solution 20mg/5ml propranolol hcl solution 40mg/5ml propranolol hcl tablet 10mg propranolol hcl tablet 20mg propranolol hcl tablet 40mg propranolol hcl tablet 60mg propranolol hcl tablet 80mg propranolol/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 40mg propranolol/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 80mg timolol maleate tablet 10mg timolol maleate tablet 20mg timolol maleate tablet 5mg Calcium Channel Blocking Agents afeditab cr tablet extended release 24 hour 30mg Página 57 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso afeditab cr tablet extended release 24 hour 60mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine besylate/benazepril hcl capsule 10mg; 40mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine besylate/benazepril hcl capsule 5mg; 40mg QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine besylate/benazepril hydrochloride capsule 10mg; $0(Nivel 1) 20mg amlodipine besylate/benazepril hydrochloride capsule 2.5mg; $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) 10mg amlodipine besylate/benazepril hydrochloride capsule 5mg; $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) 10mg QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine besylate/benazepril hydrochloride capsule 5mg; $0(Nivel 1) 20mg amlodipine besylate/valsartan tablet 10mg; 160mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO amlodipine besylate/valsartan tablet 10mg; 320mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO amlodipine besylate/valsartan tablet 5mg; 160mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO amlodipine besylate/valsartan tablet 5mg; 320mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO amlodipine besylate tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine besylate tablet 2.5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine besylate tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine/valsartan/hctz tablet 10mg; 12.5mg; 160mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) amlodipine/valsartan/hctz tablet 10mg; 25mg; 160mg MO amlodipine/valsartan/hctz tablet 10mg; 25mg; 320mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO amlodipine/valsartan/hctz tablet 5mg; 12.5mg; 160mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO amlodipine/valsartan/hctz tablet 5mg; 25mg; 160mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO cartia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 120mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) cartia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 180mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) cartia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 240mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) cartia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 300mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) dilt-cd capsule extended release 24 hour 300mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) dilt-xr capsule extended release 24 hour 120mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) dilt-xr capsule extended release 24 hour 180mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) dilt-xr capsule extended release 24 hour 240mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) diltiazem cd capsule extended release 24 hour 240mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 12 hour 120mg $0(Nivel 1) diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 12 hour 60mg $0(Nivel 1) diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 12 hour 90mg $0(Nivel 1) diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 120mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 180mg diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 300mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 360mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) Página 58 de 143 Nombre del medicamento diltiazem hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 420mg DILTIAZEM HCL INJECTION 100MG diltiazem hcl injection 50mg/10ml diltiazem hcl tablet 120mg diltiazem hcl tablet 30mg diltiazem hcl tablet 60mg diltiazem hcl tablet 90mg felodipine er tablet extended release 24 hour 10mg felodipine er tablet extended release 24 hour 2.5mg felodipine er tablet extended release 24 hour 5mg matzim la tablet extended release 24 hour 180mg matzim la tablet extended release 24 hour 240mg matzim la tablet extended release 24 hour 300mg matzim la tablet extended release 24 hour 360mg matzim la tablet extended release 24 hour 420mg nicardipine hcl capsule 20mg nicardipine hcl capsule 30mg nifedical xl tablet extended release 24 hour 30mg nifedical xl tablet extended release 24 hour 60mg nifedipine er tablet extended release 24 hour 30mg nifedipine er tablet extended release 24 hour 60mg nifedipine er tablet extended release 24 hour 90mg taztia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 120mg taztia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 180mg taztia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 240mg taztia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 300mg taztia xt capsule extended release 24 hour 360mg verapamil hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 100mg verapamil hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 120mg verapamil hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 180mg verapamil hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 200mg verapamil hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 240mg verapamil hcl er capsule extended release 24 hour 300mg verapamil hcl er tablet extended release 180mg verapamil hcl er tablet extended release 240mg verapamil hcl sr capsule extended release 24 hour 360mg verapamil hcl injection 2.5mg/ml verapamil hcl tablet 120mg verapamil hcl tablet 40mg verapamil hcl tablet 80mg Cardiovascular Agents, Other DEMSER CAPSULE 250MG digitek tablet 0.125mg digitek tablet 0.25mg digoxin injection 0.25mg/ml Página 59 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Digoxin) MO $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Digoxin) MO $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Digoxin) Nombre del medicamento digoxin solution 0.05mg/ml digoxin tablet 125mcg digoxin tablet 250mcg LANOXIN INJECTION 0.25MG/ML LANOXIN TABLET 125MCG LANOXIN TABLET 250MCG pentoxifylline er tablet extended release 400mg RANEXA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 1000MG RANEXA TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 500MG TEKTURNA HCT TABLET 150MG; 12.5MG TEKTURNA HCT TABLET 150MG; 25MG TEKTURNA HCT TABLET 300MG; 12.5MG TEKTURNA HCT TABLET 300MG; 25MG TEKTURNA TABLET 150MG TEKTURNA TABLET 300MG Diuretics, Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors acetazolamide sodium injection 500mg acetazolamide tablet 125mg acetazolamide tablet 250mg Diuretics, Loop bumetanide injection 0.25mg/ml bumetanide tablet 0.5mg bumetanide tablet 1mg bumetanide tablet 2mg furosemide injection 10mg/ml furosemide injection 10mg/ml furosemide solution 10mg/ml furosemide solution 8mg/ml furosemide tablet 20mg furosemide tablet 40mg furosemide tablet 80mg TORSEMIDE INJECTION 20MG/2ML torsemide tablet 100mg torsemide tablet 10mg torsemide tablet 20mg torsemide tablet 5mg Diuretics, Potassium-sparing amiloride hcl tablet 5mg amiloride/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 5mg; 50mg eplerenone tablet 25mg Página 60 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Digoxin) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamento de alto $0(Nivel 1) riesgo - Digoxin) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Digoxin) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo - Digoxin) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes cardiovasculares) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes cardiovasculares) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento eplerenone tablet 50mg spironolactone/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 25mg spironolactone tablet 100mg spironolactone tablet 25mg spironolactone tablet 50mg triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide capsule 25mg; 37.5mg triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide capsule 25mg; 50mg triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg; 37.5mg triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide tablet 50mg; 75mg Diuretics, Thiazide chlorothiazide sodium injection 500mg chlorothiazide tablet 250mg chlorothiazide tablet 500mg chlorthalidone tablet 25mg chlorthalidone tablet 50mg hydrochlorothiazide capsule 12.5mg hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5mg hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25mg hydrochlorothiazide tablet 50mg indapamide tablet 1.25mg indapamide tablet 2.5mg methyclothiazide tablet 5mg metolazone tablet 10mg metolazone tablet 2.5mg metolazone tablet 5mg Dyslipidemics, Fibric Acid Derivatives fenofibrate micronized capsule 134mg fenofibrate micronized capsule 200mg fenofibrate micronized capsule 67mg fenofibrate capsule 130mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) fenofibrate capsule 43mg $0(Nivel 1) fenofibrate tablet 120mg $0(Nivel 1) fenofibrate tablet 145mg fenofibrate tablet 160mg fenofibrate tablet 48mg fenofibrate tablet 54mg gemfibrozil tablet 600mg Dyslipidemics, HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors atorvastatin calcium tablet 10mg atorvastatin calcium tablet 20mg atorvastatin calcium tablet 40mg atorvastatin calcium tablet 80mg lovastatin tablet 10mg lovastatin tablet 20mg lovastatin tablet 40mg Página 61 de 143 Nombre del medicamento pravastatin sodium tablet 10mg pravastatin sodium tablet 20mg pravastatin sodium tablet 40mg pravastatin sodium tablet 80mg simvastatin tablet 10mg simvastatin tablet 20mg simvastatin tablet 40mg simvastatin tablet 5mg simvastatin tablet 80mg Dyslipidemics, Other cholestyramine light packet 4gm colestipol hcl granules 5gm colestipol hcl tablet 1gm niacin er tablet extended release 1000mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) niacin er tablet extended release 500mg $0(Nivel 1) niacin er tablet extended release 750mg $0(Nivel 1) niacin tablet 100mg niacin tablet 50mg niacor tablet 500mg omega-3-acid ethyl esters capsule 375mg; 465mg; 1gm $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) prevalite powder 4gm/dose WELCHOL PACKET 3.75GM WELCHOL TABLET 625MG ZETIA TABLET 10MG Vasodilators, Direct-acting Arterial/Venous BIDIL TABLET 37.5MG; 20MG isosorbide dinitrate er tablet extended release 40mg isosorbide dinitrate tablet sublingual 2.5mg isosorbide dinitrate tablet 10mg isosorbide dinitrate tablet 20mg isosorbide dinitrate tablet 30mg isosorbide dinitrate tablet 5mg isosorbide mononitrate er tablet extended release 24 hour 120mg isosorbide mononitrate er tablet extended release 24 hour 30mg isosorbide mononitrate er tablet extended release 24 hour 60mg isosorbide mononitrate tablet 10mg isosorbide mononitrate tablet 20mg NITRO-DUR PATCH 24 HOUR 0.3MG/HR NITRO-DUR PATCH 24 HOUR 0.8MG/HR nitroglycerin transdermal patch 24 hour 0.1mg/hr NITROGLYCERIN INJECTION 5MG/ML Página 62 de 143 QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO DP DP QL (120 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento nitroglycerin patch 24 hour 0.2mg/hr nitroglycerin patch 24 hour 0.4mg/hr nitroglycerin patch 24 hour 0.6mg/hr NITROSTAT TABLET SUBLINGUAL 0.3MG NITROSTAT TABLET SUBLINGUAL 0.4MG NITROSTAT TABLET SUBLINGUAL 0.6MG Vasodilators, Direct-acting Arterial hydralazine hcl injection 20mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) hydralazine hcl tablet 100mg $0(Nivel 1) hydralazine hcl tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) hydralazine hcl tablet 25mg $0(Nivel 1) hydralazine hcl tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) minoxidil tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) minoxidil tablet 2.5mg $0(Nivel 1) Central Nervous System Agents Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Agents, Amphetamines amphetamine/dextroamphetamine tablet 1.25mg; 1.25mg; $0(Nivel 1) 1.25mg; 1.25mg amphetamine/dextroamphetamine tablet 1.875mg; 1.875mg; $0(Nivel 1) 1.875mg; 1.875mg amphetamine/dextroamphetamine tablet 2.5mg; 2.5mg; $0(Nivel 1) 2.5mg; 2.5mg amphetamine/dextroamphetamine tablet 3.125mg; 3.125mg; $0(Nivel 1) 3.125mg; 3.125mg $0(Nivel 1) amphetamine/dextroamphetamine tablet 3.75mg; 3.75mg; 3.75mg; 3.75mg amphetamine/dextroamphetamine tablet 5mg; 5mg; 5mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 1) amphetamine/dextroamphetamine tablet 7.5mg; 7.5mg; $0(Nivel 1) 7.5mg; 7.5mg $0(Nivel 1) dextroamphetamine sulfate tablet 10mg dextroamphetamine sulfate tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Agents, Non-amphetamines guanfacine er tablet extended release 24 hour 1mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO guanfacine er tablet extended release 24 hour 2mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO guanfacine er tablet extended release 24 hour 3mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO guanfacine er tablet extended release 24 hour 4mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO INTUNIV TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 1MG$0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) INTUNIV TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 2MG$0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) INTUNIV TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 3MG$0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) INTUNIV TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 4MG$0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) METADATE CD CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 20MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) METADATE CD CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 30MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) Página 63 de 143 Nombre del medicamento methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 20mg methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 20mg methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 30mg methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 30mg methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 40mg methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 40mg methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 50mg methylphenidate hcl cd capsule extended release 60mg methylphenidate hcl er tablet extended release 20mg methylphenidate hcl tablet 10mg methylphenidate hcl tablet 20mg methylphenidate hcl tablet 5mg STRATTERA CAPSULE 100MG STRATTERA CAPSULE 10MG STRATTERA CAPSULE 18MG STRATTERA CAPSULE 25MG STRATTERA CAPSULE 40MG STRATTERA CAPSULE 60MG STRATTERA CAPSULE 80MG Central Nervous System, Other NUEDEXTA CAPSULE 20MG; 10MG riluzole tablet 50mg XENAZINE TABLET 12.5MG XENAZINE TABLET 25MG Fibromyalgia Agents SAVELLA TITRATION PACK MISCELLANEOUS 0 SAVELLA TABLET 100MG SAVELLA TABLET 12.5MG SAVELLA TABLET 25MG SAVELLA TABLET 50MG Multiple Sclerosis Agents AUBAGIO TABLET 14MG AUBAGIO TABLET 7MG AVONEX PEN INJECTION 30MCG/0.5ML AVONEX INJECTION 30MCG/0.5ML AVONEX INJECTION 30MCG/VIAL BETASERON INJECTION 0.3MG COPAXONE INJECTION 20MG/ML GILENYA CAPSULE 0.5MG glatopa injection 20mg/ml REBIF REBIDOSE TITRATION PACK INJECTION 0 REBIF REBIDOSE INJECTION 22MCG/0.5ML REBIF REBIDOSE INJECTION 44MCG/0.5ML REBIF TITRATION PACK INJECTION 0 Página 64 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes terapéuticos misceláneos - Xenazine) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes terapéuticos misceláneos - Xenazine) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento REBIF INJECTION 22MCG/0.5ML REBIF INJECTION 44MCG/0.5ML TYSABRI INJECTION 300MG/15ML Dental and Oral Agents Dental and Oral Agents chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse solution 0.12% GEL-KAM GEL 0.4% KEPIVANCE INJECTION 6.25MG periogard solution 0.12% pilocarpine hcl tablet 7.5mg pilocarpine hydrochloride tablet 5mg triamcinolone in orabase paste 0.1% Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents A-MANTLE CREAM 0 ABSORBASE OINTMENT 0; 0; 0; 0 acne medication 10 gel 10% acne medication 5 gel 5% ACNE MEDICATION 5 LOTION 5% ACNE MEDICATION LOTION 10% adapalene cream 0.1% adapalene gel 0.1% ALOE VESTA SKIN CONDITIONER LOTION 3% aluminum acetate astringent packet 1347mg; 952mg amlactin lotion 12% ammonium lactate cream 12% ammonium lactate lotion 12% anti-dandruff shampoo shampoo 1% anti-itch maximum strength solution 2% ATRAC-TAIN CREAM 10% BALNETAR LIQUIM EMULSION 2.5% baza protect cream 0; 0 BENZOIN COMPOUND TINCTURE TINCTURE 0 betasept surgical scrub liquid 4% betasept surgical scrub liquid 4% betasept surgical scrub liquid 4% betasept surgical scrub liquid 4% betasept surgical scrub liquid 4% calcipotriene cream 0.005% calcipotriene solution 0.005% capsaicin cream 0.025% CETAPHIL MOISTURIZING CREAM 0; 0; 0; 0 CETAPHIL MOISTURIZING LOTION 0; 0; 0 CETAPHIL CREAM 0; 0; 0; 0 claravis capsule 10mg claravis capsule 20mg claravis capsule 30mg claravis capsule 40mg Página 65 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP QL (240 GM cada 30 días) QL (60 ML cada 30 días) DP DP DP DP Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide gel 5%; 1% $0(Nivel 1) clotrimazole/betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05%; 1% $0(Nivel 1) clotrimazole/betamethasone dipropionate lotion 0.05%; 1% $0(Nivel 1) DP CRITIC-AID CLEAR MOISTUREBARRIER OINTMENT $0(Nivel 3) 71.5% CRITIC-AID THICK MOISTUREBARRIER PASTE 51%; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20% curity gauze pads 2"x2" pad $0(Nivel 1) QL (204 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP DHS SAL SHAMPOO 3% DHS TAR SHAMPOO 0.5% $0(Nivel 3) DP dibucaine ointment 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP dml lotion 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP DR SMITHS DIAPER OINTMENT 10% $0(Nivel 3) DP ELIDEL CREAM 1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 GM cada 30 días) PA (Agentes dermatológicos) erythromycin/benzoyl peroxide gel 5%; 3% $0(Nivel 1) fluorouracil cream 5% $0(Nivel 1) fluorouracil solution 2% $0(Nivel 1) fluorouracil solution 5% $0(Nivel 1) GNP CALAMINE PHENOLATED LOTION 8%; 1%; 8% $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp caldyphen lotion 8%; 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp hygienic cleansing pads pad 50% $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp soothing bath treatment packet 0 gnp therapeutic blue gel gel 2% $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp vitamin a & d ointment 0; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP hemorrhoidal cream 14.4%; 15%; 0.25%; 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP HEMORRHOIDAL OINTMENT 14%; 71.9%; 0.25%; 3% $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP hydrisalic gel 17% imiquimod cream 5% $0(Nivel 1) QL (24 EA cada 30 días) itch relief extra strength cream 2%; 0.1% $0(Nivel 3) DP ITCH-X GEL 10%; 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP lac-hydrin five lotion 5% $0(Nivel 3) DP laclotion lotion 12% $0(Nivel 1) methoxsalen capsule 10mg $0(Nivel 1) NUPERCAINAL OINTMENT 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP NUTRADERM LOTION 2.5%; 0; 2.5%; 2.5%; 2.5%; 2.5% $0(Nivel 3) DP OXSORALEN LOTION 1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) pain relieving rub cream 10%; 15% $0(Nivel 3) DP panoxyl bar 10% $0(Nivel 3) DP pedi-boro soak paks packet 839mg; 1191mg $0(Nivel 3) DP pedi-boro soak paks packet 839mg; 1191mg $0(Nivel 3) DP PEN-KERA CREAM $0(Nivel 3) DP periguard ointment 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP PICATO GEL 0.015% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PICATO GEL 0.05% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) podofilox solution 0.5% $0(Nivel 1) pramegel gel 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP Página 66 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso PROSHIELD PLUS SKIN PROTECTANT CREAM 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP PROSHIELD PROTECTIVE HANDCREAM CREAM 0; 0; $0(Nivel 3) DP 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 GM cada 30 días) PROTOPIC OINTMENT 0.03% PA (Agentes dermatológicos) PROTOPIC OINTMENT 0.1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 GM cada 30 días) PA (Agentes dermatológicos) QC CALAMINE LOTION 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP salactic film solution 17% SANTYL OINTMENT 250UNIT/GM $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SARNA LOTION 0.5%; 0.5% $0(Nivel 3) DP SEA-CLENS WOUND CLEANSER LIQUID 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP sebex shampoo 2%; 2% $0(Nivel 3) DP selenium sulfide lotion 2.5% $0(Nivel 1) SENSI-CARE PROTECTIVE BARRIER OINTMENT 49%; $0(Nivel 3) DP 15% SILVERMED GEL 0; 0; 0; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP SM CALAMINE PHENOLATED LOTION 0; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP SM CALAMINE LOTION 0; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP sodium chloride tablet 1gm $0(Nivel 3) DP SORIATANE CAPSULE 10MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SORIATANE CAPSULE 17.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SORIATANE CAPSULE 25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) SWEEN CREAM CREAM 0; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP tacrolimus ointment 0.03% $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 GM cada 30 días) PA (Agentes dermatológicos) tacrolimus ointment 0.1% $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 GM cada 30 días) PA (Agentes dermatológicos) TAZORAC CREAM 0.05% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) TAZORAC CREAM 0.1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) TAZORAC GEL 0.05% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) TAZORAC GEL 0.1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) thera-derm bath oil oil 5%; 5%; 0; 5% $0(Nivel 3) DP thera-derm lotion 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP thera-gesic cream 1%; 15% $0(Nivel 3) DP TRANS-VER-SAL PEDIAPATCH PATCH 15% $0(Nivel 3) DP tretinoin cream 0.025% $0(Nivel 1) tretinoin cream 0.05% $0(Nivel 1) tretinoin cream 0.1% $0(Nivel 1) tretinoin gel 0.01% $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 GM cada 30 días) tretinoin gel 0.025% $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 GM cada 30 días) trixaicin hp cream 0.075% $0(Nivel 3) DP ureacin-20 cream 20% $0(Nivel 3) DP UVADEX INJECTION 20MCG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Página 67 de 143 Nombre del medicamento VELVACHOL CREAM 0; 0 VEREGEN OINTMENT 15% vitamin a & d ointment 0; 0 vitamin a & d ointment 0; 0 vitamin a & d ointment 0; 0 vitamin a & d ointment 0; 0 vitamin a & d ointment 15.5%; 53.4% VOLTAREN GEL 1% WIBI LOTION 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 zinc oxide ointment 20% zinc oxide ointment 20% zinc oxide ointment 20% zinc oxide ointment 20% ZONALON CREAM 5% ZOSTRIX DIABETIC FOOT PAIN CREAM 0.075% Enzyme Replacement/Modifiers Enzyme Replacement/Modifiers ADAGEN INJECTION 250UNIT/ML ALDURAZYME INJECTION 2.9MG/5ML BUPHENYL TABLET 500MG CEREZYME INJECTION 400UNIT CREON CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 120000UNIT; 24000UNIT; 76000UNIT CREON CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 15000UNIT; 3000UNIT; 9500UNIT CREON CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 180000UNIT; 36000UNIT; 114000UNIT CREON CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 30000UNIT; 6000UNIT; 19000UNIT CREON CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 60000UNIT; 12000UNIT; 38000UNIT CYSTADANE POWDER 0 CYSTAGON CAPSULE 150MG CYSTAGON CAPSULE 50MG ELAPRASE INJECTION 6MG/3ML ELELYSO INJECTION 200UNIT FABRAZYME INJECTION 35MG KUVAN PACKET 500MG KUVAN TABLET SOLUBLE 100MG lac-dose tablet 3000unit lactose fast acting relief tablet chewable 9000unit lactose fast acting relief tablet 9000unit LACTRASE CAPSULE 250MG LUMIZYME INJECTION 50MG Página 68 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (15 GM cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Modificadores/Reemplaz os para enzimas - Kuvan) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Modificadores/Reemplaz os para enzimas - Kuvan) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento NAGLAZYME INJECTION 1MG/ML PANCREAZE CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 17500UNIT; 4200UNIT; 10000UNIT PANCREAZE CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 43750UNIT; 10500UNIT; 25000UNIT PANCREAZE CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 61000UNIT; 21000UNIT; 37000UNIT PANCREAZE CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 70000UNIT; 16800UNIT; 40000UNIT sodium phenylbutyrate powder 3gm/tsp SUCRAID SOLUTION 8500UNIT/ML VPRIV INJECTION 400UNIT ZAVESCA CAPSULE 100MG ZENPEP CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 109000UNIT; 20000UNIT; 68000UNIT ZENPEP CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 136000UNIT; 25000UNIT; 85000UNIT ZENPEP CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 16000UNIT; 3000UNIT; 10000UNIT ZENPEP CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 218000UNIT; 40000UNIT; 136000UNIT ZENPEP CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 27000UNIT; 5000UNIT; 17000UNIT ZENPEP CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 55000UNIT; 10000UNIT; 34000UNIT ZENPEP CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE PARTICLES 82000UNIT; 15000UNIT; 51000UNIT Gastrointestinal Agents Antispasmodics, Gastrointestinal ATROPINE SULFATE INJECTION 0.05MG/ML atropine sulfate injection 0.1mg/ml dicyclomine hcl capsule 10mg dicyclomine hcl solution 10mg/5ml dicyclomine hcl tablet 20mg glycopyrrolate injection 4mg/20ml glycopyrrolate tablet 1mg glycopyrrolate tablet 2mg KONSYL PACKET 100% KONSYL PACKET 28.3% methscopolamine bromide tablet 2.5mg Gastrointestinal Agents, Other acid gone suspension 95mg/15ml; 358mg/15ml almacone double strength suspension 400mg/5ml; 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml almacone suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE SUSPENSION 320MG/5ML antacid plus anti-gas relief maximum strength suspension 400mg/5ml; 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml Página 69 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP Nombre del medicamento antacid plus anti-gas relief suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml antacid suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml antacid tablet chewable 500mg anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg ASCRIPTIN TABLET 0; 325MG; 0; 0; 0 BENEFIBER POWDER 0 BENEFIBER POWDER 0 bisac-evac suppository 10mg bisac-evac suppository 10mg bisac-evac suppository 10mg bisac-evac suppository 10mg bisac-evac suppository 10mg bisac-evac suppository 10mg bisac-evac suppository 10mg bisacodyl ec tablet delayed release 5mg bisacodyl ec tablet delayed release 5mg bisacodyl ec tablet delayed release 5mg bisacodyl ec tablet delayed release 5mg bisacodyl ec tablet delayed release 5mg bisacodyl ec tablet delayed release 5mg bisacodyl suppository 10mg biscolax suppository 10mg biscolax suppository 10mg bismatrol maximum strength suspension 525mg/15ml bismatrol suspension 262mg/15ml bismatrol tablet chewable 262mg cal-gest antacid tablet chewable 500mg calcium antacid extra strength tablet chewable 750mg calcium antacid extra strength tablet chewable 750mg calcium antacid tablet chewable 500mg calcium antacid tablet chewable 500mg calcium antacid tablet chewable 500mg calcium antacid tablet chewable 500mg CALCIUM CARBONATE TABLET 648MG CALCIUM TABLET CHEWABLE 500MG; 100UNIT chewable antacid tablet chewable 500mg CITRUCEL FIBER LAXATIVE POWDER 0 CITRUCEL FIBER LAXATIVE POWDER 0 CITRUCEL FIBER LAXATIVE POWDER 0 CITRUCEL TABLET 500MG COLACE CAPSULE 50MG cromolyn sodium concentrate 100mg/5ml cvs antacid ultra strength tablet chewable 1000mg Página 70 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP Nombre del medicamento diocto liquid 50mg/5ml diphenoxylate/atropine tablet 0.025mg; 2.5mg docqlace capsule 100mg docu liquid 50mg/5ml docusate sodium capsule 100mg docusate sodium capsule 100mg docusate sodium liquid 50mg/5ml docusil capsule 100mg docusil capsule 100mg dok capsule 100mg dok capsule 100mg dok capsule 100mg dok capsule 100mg dok capsule 250mg dok tablet 100mg ducodyl tablet delayed release 5mg EX-LAX MAXIMUM STRENGTH TABLET 25MG EX-LAX TABLET CHEWABLE 15MG EX-LAX TABLET 15MG EX-LAX TABLET 15MG fiber tabs tablet 625mg fiber-lax tablet 625mg fiber-lax tablet 625mg fiber-lax tablet 625mg FIBERCON TABLET 625MG FIBERCON TABLET 625MG FLEET BISACODYL ENEMA 10MG/30ML FLEET LIQUID GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES ENEMA 5.6GM/DOSE FLEET OIL ENEMA 0 gas-x extra strength capsule 125mg GAS-X EXTRA STRENGTH TABLET CHEWABLE 125MG gas-x ultra strength capsule 180mg GAS-X TABLET CHEWABLE 80MG GAVISCON EXTRA STRENGTH RELIEF FORMULA SUSPENSION 508MG/10ML; 475MG/10ML GAVISCON EXTRA STRENGTH TABLET CHEWABLE 160MG; 105MG GAVISCON SUSPENSION 95MG/15ML; 358MG/15ML GAVISCON TABLET CHEWABLE 80MG; 14.2MG glycerin adult suppository 2.1gm glycerin adult suppository 2.1gm GLYCERIN ADULT SUPPOSITORY 2GM GLYCERIN ADULT SUPPOSITORY 2GM gnp antacid extra strength tablet chewable 750mg gnp antacid ultra strength tablet chewable 1000mg gnp antacid tablet chewable 500mg Página 71 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso gnp antacid tablet chewable 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg gnp glycerin adult suppository 2.1gm $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp glycerin adult suppository 2.1gm gnp k-pec suspension 262mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp loperamide hcl suspension 1mg/7.5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp natural fiber powder 28.3% gnp natural fiber powder 28.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP DP gnp natural fiber powder 48.57% $0(Nivel 3) gnp pink bismuth tablet chewable 262mg $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp senna-lax tablet 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP DP gnp stomach relief maximum strength suspension 525mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) gnp stomach relief suspension 262mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP hemorrhoidal suppository 88.7%; 0.25% hm anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 3) DP hm anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 3) DP hm fiber powder 48.57% $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP hm loperamide hcl suspension 1mg/7.5ml hm stomach relief tablet chewable 262mg $0(Nivel 3) DP kao-tin capsule 240mg $0(Nivel 3) DP kao-tin suspension 262mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP kao-tin suspension 262mg/15ml KONSYL-D POWDER 52.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP konsyl capsule 520mg $0(Nivel 3) DP KONSYL POWDER 100% $0(Nivel 3) DP konsyl powder 30.9% $0(Nivel 3) DP KONSYL POWDER 60.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP laxative suppository 10mg $0(Nivel 3) DP loperamide hcl capsule 2mg $0(Nivel 1) loperamide hcl liquid 1mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP loperamide hcl suspension 1mg/7.5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP loperamide hcl suspension 1mg/7.5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP maalox advanced maximum strength suspension 400mg/5ml; $0(Nivel 3) DP 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml maalox max suspension 400mg/5ml; 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP MAALOX TABLET CHEWABLE 600MG $0(Nivel 3) DP magnesium oxide tablet 400mg $0(Nivel 3) DP magnesium oxide tablet 420mg $0(Nivel 3) DP magnesium tablet 250mg $0(Nivel 3) DP magnesium tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP metamucil smooth texture powder 28.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP metamucil smooth texture powder 28.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP metamucil smooth texture powder 58.6% $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP metamucil smooth texture powder 58.6% metoclopramide hcl injection 5mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) metoclopramide hcl solution 5mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) Página 72 de 143 Nombre del medicamento metoclopramide hcl tablet 10mg metoclopramide hcl tablet 5mg mi-acid maximum strength suspension 400mg/5ml; 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml mi-acid suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml mi-acid tablet chewable 700mg; 300mg MILK DE MAGNESIA CONCENTRATE SUSPENSION 2400MG/10ML milk of magnesia suspension 1200mg/15ml milk of magnesia suspension 1200mg/15ml milk of magnesia suspension 400mg/5ml milk of magnesia suspension 400mg/5ml milk of magnesia suspension 7.75% milk of magnesia suspension 7.75% milk of magnesia suspension 7.75% milk of magnesia suspension 7.75% milk of magnesia suspension 7.75% mintox maximum strength suspension 400mg/5ml; 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml mintox plus tablet chewable 200mg; 200mg; 25mg mintox suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml natural fiber therapy powder 30.9% natural fiber therapy powder 30.9% natural fiber therapy powder 48.57% PEDIA-LAX SUPPOSITORY 1GM PEDIA-LAX SUPPOSITORY 2.8GM peptic relief tablet chewable 262mg PEPTO-BISMOL MAX STRENGTH SUSPENSION 525MG/15ML PEPTO-BISMOL SUSPENSION 524MG/30ML PEPTO-BISMOL SUSPENSION 524MG/30ML PEPTO-BISMOL SUSPENSION 524MG/30ML pink bismuth tablet chewable 262mg pink bismuth tablet chewable 262mg qc pink bismuth tablet chewable 262mg qc stool softener capsule 100mg reguloid capsule 0.52gm reguloid powder 28.3% reguloid powder 28.3% reguloid powder 48.57% reguloid powder 48.57% reguloid powder 58.6% reguloid powder 58.6% reguloid powder 58.6% reguloid powder 58.6% RELISTOR INJECTION 12MG/0.6ML rulox suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml sb docusate sodium capsule 100mg Página 73 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento senexon tablet 8.6mg senna laxative tablet 8.6mg senna lax tablet 8.6mg senna lax tablet 8.6mg senna syrup 8.8mg/5ml senna tablet 8.6mg senna tablet 8.6mg senna tablet 8.6mg silace liquid 150mg/15ml silace syrup 60mg/15ml sm anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg sm anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg sm anti-diarrheal tablet 2mg sm calcium antacid tablet chewable 500mg sm fiber powder 28.3% sm fiber powder 28.3% sm fiber powder 48.57% sm fiber powder 58.6% sm gentle laxative tablet delayed release 5mg sm senna laxative tablet 8.6mg sm stomach relief suspension 262mg/15ml sm stool softener capsule 100mg sm stool softener capsule 100mg sodium bicarbonate tablet 325mg sodium bicarbonate tablet 650mg sodium bicarbonate tablet 650mg soluble fiber powder 0 stimulant laxative tablet delayed release 5mg stimulant laxative tablet delayed release 5mg stomach relief maximum strength suspension 525mg/15ml stomach relief suspension 262mg/15ml stomach relief suspension 262mg/15ml stomach relief suspension 262mg/15ml stool softener extra strength capsule 250mg stool softener extra strength capsule 250mg stool softener laxative dc capsule 240mg stool softener laxative dc capsule 240mg stool softener laxative dc capsule 240mg stool softener capsule 100mg stool softener capsule 100mg stool softener capsule 100mg stool softener capsule 100mg stool softener capsule 100mg TUMS E-X 750 TABLET CHEWABLE 750MG TUMS E-X 750 TABLET CHEWABLE 750MG TUMS ULTRA 1000 TABLET CHEWABLE 1000MG ursodiol capsule 300mg ursodiol tablet 250mg Página 74 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento ursodiol tablet 500mg Histamine2 (H2) Receptor Antagonists acid reducer tablet 10mg AXID AR TABLET 75MG cimetidine hcl solution 300mg/5ml cimetidine tablet 200mg cimetidine tablet 300mg cimetidine tablet 400mg cimetidine tablet 800mg FAMOTIDINE PREMIXED INJECTION 0.4MG/ML; 0.9% famotidine injection 20mg/2ml famotidine tablet 10mg famotidine tablet 10mg famotidine tablet 10mg famotidine tablet 20mg famotidine tablet 40mg heartburn relief tablet 10mg kls acid reducer maximum strength tablet 150mg ranitidine 75 tablet 75mg ranitidine hcl capsule 150mg ranitidine hcl capsule 300mg ranitidine hcl injection 150mg/6ml ranitidine hcl syrup 15mg/ml ranitidine hcl tablet 150mg ranitidine hcl tablet 300mg sm acid reducer tablet 10mg ZANTAC INJECTION 25MG/ML ZANTAC INJECTION 25MG/ML Irritable Bowel Syndrome Agents alosetron hydrochloride tablet 0.5mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes para síndrome de colon irritable) MO QL (60 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes para síndrome de colon irritable) MO alosetron hydrochloride tablet 1mg $0(Nivel 1) AMITIZA CAPSULE 24MCG AMITIZA CAPSULE 8MCG LOTRONEX TABLET 0.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes para síndrome de colon irritable) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes para síndrome de colon irritable) LOTRONEX TABLET 1MG Laxatives Página 75 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento constulose solution 10gm/15ml doc-q-lax tablet 50mg; 8.6mg doc-q-lax tablet 50mg; 8.6mg docqlace capsule 100mg docusate sodium & senna stimulant laxative/stool softener tablet 50mg; 8.6mg docusate sodium & senna stimulant laxative/stool softener $0(Nivel 3) DP tablet 50mg; 8.6mg enulose solution 10gm/15ml $0(Nivel 1) gavilyte-c solution reconstituted 240gm; 2.98gm; 6.72gm; $0(Nivel 1) 5.84gm; 22.72gm gavilyte-g solution reconstituted 236gm; 2.97gm; 6.74gm; $0(Nivel 1) 5.86gm; 22.74gm gavilyte-n/flavor pack solution reconstituted 420gm; 1.48gm; $0(Nivel 1) 5.72gm; 11.2gm generlac solution 10gm/15ml $0(Nivel 1) gnp fiber therapy tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp milk of magnesia suspension 1200mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp milk of magnesia suspension 1200mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp milk of magnesia suspension 1200mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp senna plus tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP lactulose solution 10gm/15ml $0(Nivel 1) magnesium citrate solution 1.745gm/30ml $0(Nivel 3) DP milk of magnesia suspension 1200mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP milk of magnesia suspension 400mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP milk of magnesia suspension 7.75% $0(Nivel 3) DP NULYTELY/FLAVOR PACKS SOLUTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) RECONSTITUTED 420GM; 1.48GM; 5.72GM; 11.2GM $0(Nivel 3) DP NUTRISOURCE FIBER POWDER 0 peri-colace tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP polyethylene glycol 3350 powder 0 $0(Nivel 1) RELISTOR INJECTION 12MG/0.6ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) RELISTOR INJECTION 8MG/0.4ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP sb milk of magnesia suspension 400mg/5ml senna plus tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP sennalax-s tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP sm fiber laxative tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP sm milk of magnesia suspension 1200mg/15ml $0(Nivel 3) DP sm natural laxative plus stool softener tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP sm stool softener plus laxative tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP sm stool softener plus laxative tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP stool softener laxative tablet 50mg; 8.6mg $0(Nivel 3) DP trilyte solution reconstituted 420gm; 1.48gm; 5.72gm; 11.2gm $0(Nivel 1) Protectants misoprostol tablet 100mcg $0(Nivel 1) misoprostol tablet 200mcg $0(Nivel 1) sucralfate tablet 1gm $0(Nivel 1) Proton Pump Inhibitors Página 76 de 143 Nombre del medicamento esomeprazole sodium injection 20mg esomeprazole sodium injection 40mg omeprazole capsule delayed release 10mg omeprazole capsule delayed release 20mg omeprazole capsule delayed release 40mg OMEPRAZOLE TABLET DELAYED RELEASE 20MG pantoprazole sodium tablet delayed release 20mg pantoprazole sodium tablet delayed release 40mg PRILOSEC OTC TABLET DELAYED RELEASE 20MG PROTONIX INJECTION 40MG Genitourinary Agents Antispasmodics, Urinary flavoxate hcl tablet 100mg oxybutynin chloride er tablet extended release 24 hour 10mg oxybutynin chloride er tablet extended release 24 hour 15mg oxybutynin chloride er tablet extended release 24 hour 5mg oxybutynin chloride tablet 5mg tolterodine tartrate er capsule extended release 24 hour 2mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) tolterodine tartrate er capsule extended release 24 hour 4mg $0(Nivel 1) tolterodine tartrate tablet 1mg tolterodine tartrate tablet 2mg Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents alfuzosin hcl er tablet extended release 24 hour 10mg AVODART CAPSULE 0.5MG doxazosin mesylate tablet 1mg doxazosin mesylate tablet 2mg doxazosin mesylate tablet 4mg doxazosin mesylate tablet 8mg finasteride tablet 5mg tamsulosin hcl capsule 0.4mg terazosin hcl capsule 10mg terazosin hcl capsule 1mg terazosin hcl capsule 2mg terazosin hcl capsule 5mg Genitourinary Agents, Other bethanechol chloride tablet 10mg bethanechol chloride tablet 25mg bethanechol chloride tablet 50mg bethanechol chloride tablet 5mg ELMIRON CAPSULE 100MG lubricating jelly gel 0 surgilube gel 0 Phosphate Binders calcium acetate capsule 667mg calcium acetate tablet 667mg Página 77 de 143 $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO QL (60 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento ELIPHOS TABLET 667MG FOSRENOL TABLET CHEWABLE 1000MG FOSRENOL TABLET CHEWABLE 500MG FOSRENOL TABLET CHEWABLE 750MG MAGNEBIND 300 TABLET 250MG; 300MG RENVELA TABLET 800MG Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Adrenal) Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Adrenal) a-hydrocort injection 100mg alclometasone dipropionate cream 0.05% alclometasone dipropionate ointment 0.05% amcinonide cream 0.1% amcinonide lotion 0.1% amcinonide ointment 0.1% aquanil hc lotion 1% augmented betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05% augmented betamethasone dipropionate gel 0.05% augmented betamethasone dipropionate lotion 0.05% augmented betamethasone dipropionate ointment 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate lotion 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate ointment 0.05% betamethasone valerate cream 0.1% betamethasone valerate lotion 0.1% betamethasone valerate ointment 0.1% budesonide capsule extended release 24 hour 3mg clobetasol propionate e cream 0.05% clobetasol propionate gel 0.05% clobetasol propionate ointment 0.05% clobetasol propionate shampoo 0.05% clobetasol propionate solution 0.05% clodan shampoo 0.05% cortisone acetate tablet 25mg DEPO-MEDROL INJECTION 20MG/ML desonide cream 0.05% desonide lotion 0.05% desonide ointment 0.05% desoximetasone cream 0.05% desoximetasone cream 0.25% desoximetasone gel 0.05% desoximetasone ointment 0.05% desoximetasone ointment 0.25% dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection 120mg/30ml dexamethasone elixir 0.5mg/5ml dexamethasone tablet 0.5mg dexamethasone tablet 0.75mg dexamethasone tablet 1.5mg dexamethasone tablet 1mg Página 78 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento dexamethasone tablet 2mg dexamethasone tablet 4mg dexamethasone tablet 6mg fludrocortisone acetate tablet 0.1mg fluocinolone acetonide cream 0.01% fluocinolone acetonide cream 0.025% fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% fluocinolone acetonide ointment 0.025% fluocinolone acetonide solution 0.01% fluocinonide-e cream 0.05% fluocinonide gel 0.05% fluocinonide ointment 0.05% fluocinonide solution 0.05% fluticasone propionate cream 0.05% fluticasone propionate ointment 0.005% gnp hydrocortisone cream 0.5% halobetasol propionate cream 0.05% halobetasol propionate ointment 0.05% hydro skin maximum strength lotion 1% hydrocortisone butyrate cream 0.1% hydrocortisone butyrate ointment 0.1% hydrocortisone butyrate solution 0.1% hydrocortisone valerate cream 0.2% hydrocortisone valerate ointment 0.2% hydrocortisone/aloe cream 0; 0.5% HYDROCORTISONE/ALOE OINTMENT 0; 1% hydrocortisone cream 0.5% hydrocortisone cream 1% hydrocortisone cream 1% hydrocortisone cream 2.5% hydrocortisone enema 100mg/60ml hydrocortisone lotion 1% hydrocortisone lotion 2.5% hydrocortisone ointment 0.5% hydrocortisone ointment 1% hydrocortisone ointment 2.5% hydrocortisone tablet 10mg hydrocortisone tablet 20mg hydrocortisone tablet 5mg medi-cortisone cream 1% methylprednisolone acetate injection 40mg/ml methylprednisolone acetate injection 80mg/ml methylprednisolone dose pack tablet 4mg methylprednisolone sodiumsuccinate injection 125mg methylprednisolone sodiumsuccinate injection 1gm methylprednisolone sodiumsuccinate injection 40mg methylprednisolone tablet 16mg methylprednisolone tablet 32mg Página 79 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento methylprednisolone tablet 4mg methylprednisolone tablet 8mg mometasone furoate cream 0.1% mometasone furoate ointment 0.1% prednicarbate cream 0.1% prednisolone sodium phosphate solution 15mg/5ml prednisolone sodium phosphate solution 25mg/5ml prednisolone sodium phosphate solution 5mg/5ml prednisone solution 5mg/5ml prednisone tablet 10mg prednisone tablet 1mg prednisone tablet 2.5mg prednisone tablet 20mg prednisone tablet 50mg prednisone tablet 5mg preparation h hydrocortisone cream 1% PROCTO-PAK CREAM 1% proctosol hc cream 2.5% proctozone-hc cream 2.5% sm hydrocortisone cream 0.5% sm hydrocortisone cream 1% SOLU-CORTEF INJECTION 100MG SOLU-CORTEF INJECTION 250MG SOLU-MEDROL INJECTION 125MG SOLU-MEDROL INJECTION 2GM SOLU-MEDROL INJECTION 40MG SOLU-MEDROL INJECTION 500MG triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.025% triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.5% triamcinolone acetonide lotion 0.025% triamcinolone acetonide lotion 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide ointment 0.025% triamcinolone acetonide ointment 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide ointment 0.5% triderm cream 0.1% u-cort cream 1%; 10% Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Pituitary) Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Pituitary) chorionic gonadotropin injection 10000unit desmopressin acetate injection 4mcg/ml desmopressin acetate tablet 0.1mg desmopressin acetate tablet 0.2mg INCRELEX INJECTION 40MG/4ML NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO INJECTION 15MG/1.5ML Página 80 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) Nombre del medicamento NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO INJECTION 30MG/3ML NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO INJECTION 5MG/1.5ML NUTROPIN INJECTION 10MG pregnyl w/diluent benzyl alcohol/nacl injection 10000unit SAIZEN CLICK.EASY INJECTION 8.8MG SAIZEN INJECTION 5MG SAIZEN INJECTION 8.8MG SEROSTIM INJECTION 4MG SEROSTIM INJECTION 5MG SEROSTIM INJECTION 6MG STIMATE SOLUTION 1.5MG/ML TEV-TROPIN INJECTION 5MG ZORBTIVE INJECTION 8.8MG Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Prostaglandins) Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Prostaglandins) KORLYM TABLET 300MG Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Sex Hormones/Modifiers) Anabolic Steroids oxandrolone tablet 10mg Página 81 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario) - Serostim) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario) - Serostim) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario) - Serostim) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario)) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, estimulantes/ reemplazos/ modificadores (Pituitario) - Zorbtive) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento oxandrolone tablet 2.5mg Androgens ANDRODERM PATCH 24 HOUR 2MG/24HR ANDRODERM PATCH 24 HOUR 4MG/24HR ANDROXY TABLET 10MG danazol capsule 100mg danazol capsule 200mg danazol capsule 50mg METHITEST TABLET 10MG testosterone cypionate injection 100mg/ml testosterone cypionate injection 200mg/ml testosterone enanthate injection 200mg/ml Estrogens ALORA PATCH TWICE WEEKLY 0.025MG/24HR ALORA PATCH TWICE WEEKLY 0.05MG/24HR ALORA PATCH TWICE WEEKLY 0.075MG/24HR ALORA PATCH TWICE WEEKLY 0.1MG/24HR apri tablet 0.15mg; 30mcg aranelle tablet 0; 0 aubra tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg aviane tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg balziva tablet 35mcg; 0.4mg CLIMARA PRO PATCH WEEKLY 0.045MG/DAY; 0.015MG/DAY cryselle-28 tablet 30mcg; 0.3mg cyclafem 1/35 tablet 35mcg; 1mg delyla tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg DEPO-ESTRADIOL INJECTION 5MG/ML desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol tablet 0; 0 enpresse-28 tablet 0; 0 ESTRACE CREAM 0.1MG/GM estradiol valerate injection 20mg/ml estradiol valerate injection 40mg/ml estradiol patch weekly 0.025mg/24hr estradiol patch weekly 0.05mg/24hr Página 82 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (8 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (8 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (8 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (8 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) Nombre del medicamento estradiol patch weekly 0.06mg/24hr estradiol patch weekly 0.075mg/24hr estradiol patch weekly 0.1mg/24hr estradiol patch weekly 37.5mcg/24hr estradiol tablet 0.5mg estradiol tablet 1mg estradiol tablet 2mg estropipate tablet 0.75mg estropipate tablet 1.5mg estropipate tablet 3mg falmina tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg gildess 1.5/30 tablet 30mcg; 1.5mg introvale tablet 0.03mg; 0.15mg junel 1.5/30 tablet 30mcg; 1.5mg junel 1/20 tablet 20mcg; 1mg junel fe 1.5/30 tablet 30mcg; 75mg; 1.5mg junel fe 1/20 tablet 20mcg; 75mg; 1mg junel fe 24 tablet 20mcg; 75mg; 1mg kariva tablet 0; 0 kelnor 1/35 tablet 35mcg; 1mg kimidess tablet 0; 0 larin 1.5/30 tablet 30mcg; 1.5mg leena tablet 0; 0 lessina tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol tablet 20mcg; 90mcg levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol tablet 0; 0 levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg levora 0.15/30-28 tablet 30mcg; 0.15mg loestrin 24 fe tablet 20mcg; 75mg; 1mg low-ogestrel tablet 30mcg; 0.3mg lutera tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg marlissa tablet 0.03mg; 0.15mg MENEST TABLET 0.3MG Página 83 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso MENEST TABLET 0.625MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) MENEST TABLET 1.25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) MENEST TABLET 2.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) microgestin 1.5/30 tablet 30mcg; 1.5mg $0(Nivel 1) microgestin 1/20 tablet 20mcg; 1mg $0(Nivel 1) microgestin fe 1.5/30 tablet 30mcg; 75mg; 1.5mg $0(Nivel 1) microgestin fe tablet 20mcg; 75mg; 1mg $0(Nivel 1) mononessa tablet 35mcg; 0.25mg $0(Nivel 1) necon 0.5/35-28 tablet 35mcg; 0.5mg $0(Nivel 1) necon 1/35 tablet 35mcg; 1mg $0(Nivel 1) necon 10/11-28 tablet 35mcg; 0 $0(Nivel 1) necon 7/7/7 tablet 0; 0 $0(Nivel 1) norethindrone acetate/ethinyl estradiol tablet 2.5mcg; 0.5mg $0(Nivel 1) MO norethindrone acetate/ethinyl estradiol tablet 5mcg; 1mg $0(Nivel 1) MO nortrel 0.5/35 (28) tablet 35mcg; 0.5mg $0(Nivel 1) nortrel 1/35 tablet 35mcg; 1mg $0(Nivel 1) nortrel 1/35 tablet 35mcg; 1mg $0(Nivel 1) nortrel 7/7/7 tablet 0; 0 $0(Nivel 1) OGESTREL TABLET 50MCG; 0.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) portia-28 tablet 0.03mg; 0.15mg $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREMARIN CREAM 0.625MG/GM PREMARIN INJECTION 25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PREMARIN TABLET 0.3MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PREMARIN TABLET 0.45MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PREMARIN TABLET 0.625MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PREMARIN TABLET 0.9MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PREMARIN TABLET 1.25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PREMPHASE TABLET 0.625MG; 5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PREMPRO TABLET 0.3MG; 1.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PREMPRO TABLET 0.45MG; 1.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) Página 84 de 143 Nombre del medicamento PREMPRO TABLET 0.625MG; 2.5MG PREMPRO TABLET 0.625MG; 5MG previfem tablet 35mcg; 0.25mg quasense tablet 0.03mg; 0.15mg sprintec 28 tablet 35mcg; 0.25mg sronyx tablet 20mcg; 0.1mg tri-previfem tablet 0; 0 tri-sprintec tablet 0; 0 trinessa tablet 0; 0 trivora-28 tablet 0; 0 velivet tablet 0; 0 xulane patch weekly 35mcg/24hr; 150mcg/24hr zovia 1/35e tablet 35mcg; 1mg zovia 1/50e tablet 50mcg; 1mg Progesterone Agonists/Antagonists ELLA TABLET 30MG Progestins camila tablet 0.35mg deblitane tablet 0.35mg DEPO-SUBQ PROVERA 104 INJECTION 104MG/0.65ML errin tablet 0.35mg jolivette tablet 0.35mg lyza tablet 0.35mg medroxyprogesterone acetate injection 150mg/ml medroxyprogesterone acetate tablet 10mg medroxyprogesterone acetate tablet 2.5mg medroxyprogesterone acetate tablet 5mg megestrol acetate suspension 40mg/ml megestrol acetate tablet 20mg megestrol acetate tablet 40mg nora-be tablet 0.35mg norethindrone acetate tablet 5mg norethindrone tablet 0.35mg norlyroc tablet 0.35mg progesterone capsule 100mg progesterone capsule 200mg PROMETRIUM CAPSULE 100MG PROMETRIUM CAPSULE 200MG sharobel tablet 0.35mg Selective Estrogen Receptor Modifying Agents EVISTA TABLET 60MG Página 85 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (91 EA cada 91 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (3 EA cada 28 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) Nombre del medicamento raloxifene hydrochloride tablet 60mg Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Thyroid) Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying (Thyroid) CYTOMEL TABLET 25MCG CYTOMEL TABLET 50MCG CYTOMEL TABLET 5MCG levothyroxine sodium tablet 100mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 112mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 125mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 137mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 150mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 175mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 200mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 25mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 300mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 50mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 75mcg levothyroxine sodium tablet 88mcg levoxyl tablet 100mcg levoxyl tablet 112mcg levoxyl tablet 125mcg levoxyl tablet 137mcg levoxyl tablet 150mcg levoxyl tablet 175mcg levoxyl tablet 200mcg levoxyl tablet 25mcg levoxyl tablet 50mcg levoxyl tablet 75mcg levoxyl tablet 88mcg liothyronine sodium injection 10mcg/ml liothyronine sodium tablet 25mcg liothyronine sodium tablet 50mcg liothyronine sodium tablet 5mcg SYNTHROID TABLET 100MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 112MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 125MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 137MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 150MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 175MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 200MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 25MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 300MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 50MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 75MCG SYNTHROID TABLET 88MCG THYROLAR-1/2 TABLET 30MG THYROLAR-1/4 TABLET 15MG Página 86 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento THYROLAR-1 TABLET 60MG THYROLAR-2 TABLET 120MG THYROLAR-3 TABLET 180MG unithroid tablet 100mcg unithroid tablet 112mcg unithroid tablet 125mcg unithroid tablet 137mcg unithroid tablet 150mcg unithroid tablet 175mcg unithroid tablet 200mcg unithroid tablet 25mcg unithroid tablet 300mcg unithroid tablet 50mcg unithroid tablet 75mcg unithroid tablet 88mcg Hormonal Agents, Suppressant (Adrenal) Hormonal Agents, Suppressant (Adrenal) LYSODREN TABLET 500MG Hormonal Agents, Suppressant (Parathyroid) Hormonal Agents, Suppressant (Parathyroid) SENSIPAR TABLET 30MG SENSIPAR TABLET 60MG SENSIPAR TABLET 90MG Hormonal Agents, Suppressant (Pituitary) Hormonal Agents, Suppressant (Pituitary) cabergoline tablet 0.5mg ELIGARD INJECTION 22.5MG ELIGARD INJECTION 30MG ELIGARD INJECTION 45MG ELIGARD INJECTION 7.5MG FIRMAGON INJECTION 120MG FIRMAGON INJECTION 80MG leuprolide acetate injection 1mg/0.2ml LUPRON DEPOT-PED INJECTION 11.25MG LUPRON DEPOT-PED INJECTION 15MG LUPRON DEPOT INJECTION 11.25MG LUPRON DEPOT INJECTION 22.5MG LUPRON DEPOT INJECTION 3.75MG LUPRON DEPOT INJECTION 30MG LUPRON DEPOT INJECTION 7.5MG octreotide acetate injection 1000mcg/ml octreotide acetate injection 100mcg/ml octreotide acetate injection 200mcg/ml octreotide acetate injection 500mcg/ml octreotide acetate injection 50mcg/ml SOMATULINE DEPOT INJECTION 120MG/0.5ML SOMATULINE DEPOT INJECTION 90MG/0.3ML Página 87 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento SOMAVERT INJECTION 10MG SOMAVERT INJECTION 15MG SOMAVERT INJECTION 20MG SOMAVERT INJECTION 25MG SOMAVERT INJECTION 30MG SYNAREL SOLUTION 2MG/ML TRELSTAR MIXJECT INJECTION 11.25MG TRELSTAR MIXJECT INJECTION 22.5MG TRELSTAR MIXJECT INJECTION 3.75MG Hormonal Agents, Suppressant (Thyroid) Antithyroid Agents methimazole tablet 10mg methimazole tablet 5mg propylthiouracil tablet 50mg Immunological Agents Angioedema (HAE) Agents CINRYZE INJECTION 500UNIT FIRAZYR INJECTION 30MG/3ML Immune Suppressants azathioprine tablet 50mg CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS INJECTION 500MG CELLCEPT SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 200MG/ML cyclosporine modified capsule 100mg cyclosporine modified capsule 25mg cyclosporine modified capsule 50mg cyclosporine modified solution 100mg/ml cyclosporine capsule 100mg cyclosporine capsule 25mg cyclosporine injection 50mg/ml ENBREL SURECLICK INJECTION 50MG/ML ENBREL INJECTION 25MG/0.5ML Página 88 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, supresor (Pituitario) Somavert) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, supresor (Pituitario) Somavert) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, supresor (Pituitario) Somavert) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, supresor (Pituitario) Somavert) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes hormonales, supresor (Pituitario) Somavert) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (100 EA cada 30 días) PA (Productos/modificadores/ expansores del volumen de sangre - Cinryze) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (270 ML cada 30 días) PA (Firazyr) $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso ENBREL INJECTION 25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) ENBREL INJECTION 50MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) gengraf capsule 100mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D gengraf capsule 25mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D gengraf solution 100mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) B/D HUMIRA PEN-CROHNS DISEASESTARTER INJECTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes 40MG/0.8ML inmunológicos) HUMIRA INJECTION 10MG/0.2ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) HUMIRA INJECTION 20MG/0.4ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) HUMIRA INJECTION 40MG/0.8ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) KINERET INJECTION 100MG/0.67ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (28 ML cada 28 días) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) methotrexate sodium injection 1gm $0(Nivel 1) methotrexate tablet 2.5mg $0(Nivel 1) mycophenolate mofetil capsule 250mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D mycophenolate mofetil suspension reconstituted 200mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) B/D mycophenolate mofetil tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D NULOJIX INJECTION 250MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D ORENCIA INJECTION 125MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) ORENCIA INJECTION 250MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) PROGRAF CAPSULE 0.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D PROGRAF CAPSULE 1MG PROGRAF CAPSULE 5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D PROGRAF INJECTION 5MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D RAPAMUNE SOLUTION 1MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D RAPAMUNE TABLET 0.5MG RAPAMUNE TABLET 1MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D RAPAMUNE TABLET 2MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D REMICADE INJECTION 100MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes inmunológicos) sirolimus tablet 0.5mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D sirolimus tablet 1mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D sirolimus tablet 2mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D tacrolimus capsule 0.5mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D tacrolimus capsule 1mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D tacrolimus capsule 5mg $0(Nivel 1) B/D TORISEL INJECTION 25MG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) ZORTRESS TABLET 0.25MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D ZORTRESS TABLET 0.5MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D ZORTRESS TABLET 0.75MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D Página 89 de 143 Nombre del medicamento Immunizing Agents, Passive CARIMUNE NANOFILTERED INJECTION 6GM GAMASTAN S/D INJECTION 0 GAMMAGARD LIQUID INJECTION 2.5GM/25ML GAMUNEX-C INJECTION 1GM/10ML THYMOGLOBULIN INJECTION 25MG Immunomodulators ACTIMMUNE INJECTION 2000000UNIT/0.5ML ARCALYST INJECTION 220MG ILARIS INJECTION 180MG leflunomide tablet 10mg leflunomide tablet 20mg SIMULECT INJECTION 20MG SYNAGIS INJECTION 50MG/0.5ML Vaccines ACTHIB INJECTION 0 ADACEL INJECTION 15.5MCG/0.5ML; 2LF/0.5ML; 5LF/0.5ML BEXSERO INJECTION 0 BOOSTRIX INJECTION 18.5MCG/0.5ML; 2.5LF/0.5ML; 5LF/0.5ML BOOSTRIX INJECTION 18.5MCG/0.5ML; 2.5LF/0.5ML; 5LF/0.5ML CERVARIX INJECTION 0 COMVAX INJECTION 7.5MCG/0.5ML; 5MCG/0.5ML DAPTACEL INJECTION 10MCG/0.5ML; 15LF/0.5ML; 5LF/0.5ML DECAVAC INJECTION 2LFU; 5LFU DIPHTHERIA/TETANUS TOXOIDS ADSORBED PEDIATRIC INJECTION 25LFU/0.5ML; 5LFU/0.5ML ENGERIX-B INJECTION 10MCG/0.5ML ENGERIX-B INJECTION 10MCG/0.5ML ENGERIX-B INJECTION 20MCG/ML GARDASIL 9 INJECTION 0 GARDASIL 9 INJECTION 0 GARDASIL INJECTION 0 GARDASIL INJECTION 0 HAVRIX INJECTION 1440ELU/ML HAVRIX INJECTION 720ELU/0.5ML IMOVAX RABIES (H.D.C.V.) INJECTION 2.5UNIT/ML INFANRIX INJECTION 58MCG/0.5ML; 25LFU/0.5ML; 10LFU/0.5ML IPOL INACTIVATED IPV INJECTION 0 IPOL INACTIVATED IPV INJECTION 0 IXIARO INJECTION 0 M-M-R II INJECTION 0; 0; 0 Página 90 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 EA cada 28 días) PA (Agentes inmunológicos - Ilaris) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso MENACTRA INJECTION 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MENOMUNE-A/C/Y/W-135 INJECTION 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MENVEO INJECTION 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PEDVAX HIB INJECTION 7.5MCG/0.5ML PROQUAD INJECTION 0; 0; 0; 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QUADRACEL INJECTION 48MCG/0.5ML; 15LFU/0.5ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 0; 5LFU/0.5ML RABAVERT INJECTION 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D RECOMBIVAX HB INJECTION 10MCG/ML RECOMBIVAX HB INJECTION 10MCG/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D RECOMBIVAX HB INJECTION 40MCG/ML RECOMBIVAX HB INJECTION 5MCG/0.5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D ROTARIX SUSPENSION RECONSTITUTED 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) ROTATEQ SOLUTION 0 TENIVAC INJECTION 2LFU; 5LFU $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) TETANUS TOXOID ADSORBED INJECTION 5LFU TETANUS/DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS-ADSORBED ADULT $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) INJECTION 2LF/0.5ML; 2LF/0.5ML TRUMENBA INJECTION 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) TWINRIX INJECTION 720ELU/ML; 20MCG/ML TYPHIM VI INJECTION 25MCG/0.5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) TYPHIM VI INJECTION 25MCG/0.5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VAQTA INJECTION 25UNIT/0.5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VAQTA INJECTION 25UNIT/0.5ML VAQTA INJECTION 50UNIT/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VARIVAX INJECTION 1350PFU/0.5ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) VARIZIG INJECTION 125UNIT/1.2ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) YF-VAX INJECTION 0 $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) ZOSTAVAX INJECTION 19400UNT/0.65ML Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Aminosalicylates balsalazide disodium capsule 750mg $0(Nivel 1) MO DELZICOL CAPSULE DELAYED RELEASE 400MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (180 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) DIPENTUM CAPSULE 250MG mesalamine kit 4gm $0(Nivel 1) Sulfonamides sulfasalazine tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 1) sulfazine ec tablet delayed release 500mg $0(Nivel 1) Metabolic Bone Disease Agents Metabolic Bone Disease Agents alendronate sodium tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) alendronate sodium tablet 40mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) alendronate sodium tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) alendronate sodium tablet 70mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) calcitonin-salmon solution 200unit/act $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 ML cada 30 días) calcitriol capsule 0.25mcg $0(Nivel 1) calcitriol capsule 0.5mcg $0(Nivel 1) calcitriol injection 1mcg/ml $0(Nivel 1) Página 91 de 143 Nombre del medicamento calcitriol solution 1mcg/ml etidronate disodium tablet 200mg etidronate disodium tablet 400mg FORTEO INJECTION 600MCG/2.4ML fortical solution 200unit/act HECTOROL CAPSULE 0.5MCG HECTOROL CAPSULE 2.5MCG HECTOROL INJECTION 4MCG/2ML ibandronate sodium tablet 150mg MIACALCIN INJECTION 200UNIT/ML pamidronate disodium injection 30mg/10ml PAMIDRONATE DISODIUM INJECTION 6MG/ML pamidronate disodium injection 90mg/10ml PROLIA INJECTION 60MG/ML risedronate sodium tablet 30mg risedronate sodium tablet 35mg risedronate sodium tablet 35mg risedronate sodium tablet 5mg XGEVA INJECTION 120MG/1.7ML zoledronic acid injection 4mg/5ml zoledronic acid injection 5mg/100ml ZOMETA INJECTION 4MG/100ML Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents arginine tablet 500mg BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETYGLIDE/1ML/29G X 1/2" MISCELLANEOUS BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAFINE/0.3ML/31G X 5/16" MISCELLANEOUS BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAFINE/0.5ML/30G X 1/2" MISCELLANEOUS bd insulin syringe ultrafine/1ml/30g x 1/2" miscellaneous BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAFINE/1ML/31G X 5/16" MISCELLANEOUS bd insulin syringe/detachable needle/u-100/1ml/25g x 5/8" miscellaneous bd pen needle/mini/ultrafine/31g x 3/16" miscellaneous bd pen needle/mini/ultrafine/31g x 3/16" miscellaneous Página 92 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes metabólicos de enfermedad ósea - IV osteoporosis) $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 ML cada 180 días) PA (Agentes metabólicos de enfermedad ósea Prolia) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (4 EA cada 28 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (200 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (200 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (200 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento bd pen needle/short/ultrafine/31g x 5/16" miscellaneous BD PEN NEEDLE/ULTRAFINE/29G X 12.7MM MISCELLANEOUS bd pen needles short/ultrafine/31g x 5/16" miscellaneous BOTOX INJECTION 200UNIT Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (200 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes terapéuticos misceláneos - Botox) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) easy touch pen needles 31gx5/16" miscellaneous easy touch pen needles/31g x 3/16" miscellaneous exel comfort point insulin pen needles 31g x 8mm miscellaneous gnp fish oil capsule delayed release 0; 0; 1200mg $0(Nivel 3) DP insupen ultrafin 31gx8mm miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) intralipid injection 20gm/100ml $0(Nivel 1) B/D INTRALIPID INJECTION 30GM/100ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0(Nivel 1) lactated ringers irrigation solution 3meq/l; 109meq/l; 28meq/l; 4meq/l; 130meq/l levocarnitine injection 200mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) levocarnitine solution 1gm/10ml $0(Nivel 1) levocarnitine tablet 330mg $0(Nivel 1) liposyn iii injection 2.5%; 30% $0(Nivel 1) B/D lite touch pen needles/31g x 3/16" miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) methylergonovine maleate tablet 0.2mg $0(Nivel 1) monoject insulin syringe/detach needle/1ml/25g x 5/8" $0(Nivel 1) miscellaneous novofine 32gx6mm miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) nutrilipid injection 20gm/100ml $0(Nivel 1) B/D nutrilipid injection 20gm/100ml $0(Nivel 1) B/D physiolyte solution 27meq/1000ml; 98meq/1000ml; $0(Nivel 1) 23meq/1000ml; 3meq/1000ml; 5meq/1000ml; 140meq/1000ml physiosol irrigation solution 30mg/100ml; 37mg/100ml; $0(Nivel 1) 222mg/100ml; 526mg/100ml; 502mg/100ml prodigy insulin mini pen needles/31g x 3/16" miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) prodigy insulin short penneedles/31g x 5/16" miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) ringers irrigation solution 4.5meq/l; 156meq/l; 4meq/l; $0(Nivel 1) 147meq/l sterile water irrigation solution 0 $0(Nivel 1) sure-fine pen needles 31gx3/16" 5mm miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) sure-fine pen needles 31gx5/16" 8mm miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) ulticare short pen needles 31gx8mm miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) ulticare short pen needles 31gx8mm miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) ulticare short pen needles ulti-fine iv miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) ulticare short pen needles ulti-fine iv miscellaneous $0(Nivel 1) Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Prostaglandin and Prostamide Analogs COMBIGAN SOLUTION 0.2%; 0.5% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) latanoprost solution 0.005% $0(Nivel 1) LUMIGAN SOLUTION 0.01% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Ophthalmic Agents, Other Página 93 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) Nombre del medicamento akwa tears ointment 2%; 15%; 83% artificial tears ointment 15%; 83% artificial tears solution 1.4% artificial tears solution 1.4% bacitracin/polymyxin b ointment 500unit/gm; 10000unit/gm ENUCLENE SOLUTION 0.25% GENTEAL MILD TO MODERATE SOLUTION 0.3% GENTEAL MILD TO MODERATE SOLUTION 0.3% GENTEAL MILD SOLUTION 0.2% GENTEAL SEVERE GEL 0.3% GENTEAL SEVERE GEL 0.3% ISOPTO TEARS SOLUTION 0.5% liquitears solution 1.4% lubrifresh p.m. ointment 15%; 83% MURO 128 OINTMENT 5% MURO 128 OINTMENT 5% MURO 128 SOLUTION 2% MURO 128 SOLUTION 5% MURO 128 SOLUTION 5% naphazoline hcl solution 0.1% natural balance tears solution 0.4% natures tears solution 0.4% neomycin/bacitracin/polymyxin ointment 400unit/gm; 5mg/gm; 10000unit/gm $0(Nivel 1) neomycin/polymyxin/gramicidin solution 0.025mg/ml; 1.75mg/ml; 10000unit/ml polymyxin b sulfate/trimethoprim sulfate solution $0(Nivel 1) 10000unit/ml; 0.1% REFRESH CELLUVISC SOLUTION 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP refresh lacri-lube ointment 42.5%; 56.8% refresh lacri-lube ointment 42.5%; 56.8% $0(Nivel 3) DP REFRESH LIQUIGEL SOLUTION 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP REFRESH LIQUIGEL SOLUTION 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP REFRESH PLUS SOLUTION 0.5% REFRESH TEARS SOLUTION 0.5% $0(Nivel 3) DP REFRESH SOLUTION 1.4%; 0.6% $0(Nivel 3) DP RESTASIS EMULSION 0.05% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) sm artificial tears solution 0.01%; 0; 0.05%; 0.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP sodium chloride ointment 5% $0(Nivel 3) DP sodium chloride ointment 5% $0(Nivel 3) DP sodium chloride solution 5% $0(Nivel 3) DP sodium chloride solution 5% $0(Nivel 3) DP systane nighttime ointment 3%; 94% $0(Nivel 3) DP SYSTANE PRESERVATIVE FREE SOLUTION 0.4%; 0.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP SYSTANE SOLUTION 0.4%; 0.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP tears naturale forte solution 0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP tears naturale ii solution 0.01%; 0; 0.05%; 0.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP tears naturale ii solution 0.01%; 0; 0.05%; 0.3% $0(Nivel 3) DP Página 94 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento tears naturale solution 0.1%; 0.3% tears pure solution 0.1%; 0.3% Ophthalmic Anti-allergy Agents cromolyn sodium solution 4% $0(Nivel 1) PATANOL SOLUTION 0.1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Ophthalmic Anti-inflammatories dexamethasone sodium phosphate solution 0.1% $0(Nivel 1) diclofenac sodium solution 0.1% $0(Nivel 1) fluorometholone suspension 0.1% $0(Nivel 1) flurbiprofen sodium solution 0.03% $0(Nivel 1) ketorolac tromethamine solution 0.4% $0(Nivel 1) QL (5 ML cada 15 días) ketorolac tromethamine solution 0.5% $0(Nivel 1) QL (5 ML cada 15 días) LOTEMAX SUSPENSION 0.5% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) neomycin/polymyxin/dexamethasone ointment 0.1%; 3.5mg/gm; 10000unit/gm neomycin/polymyxin/dexamethasone suspension 0.1%; $0(Nivel 1) 3.5mg/ml; 10000unit/ml PRED-G S.O.P. OINTMENT 0.3%; 0.6% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PRED-G SUSPENSION 0.3%; 1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) prednisolone acetate suspension 1% $0(Nivel 1) prednisolone sodium phosphate solution 1% $0(Nivel 1) sulfacetamide sodium/prednisolone sodium phosphate solution$0(Nivel 1) 0.23%; 10% TOBRADEX OINTMENT 0.1%; 0.3% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) tobramycin/dexamethasone suspension 0.1%; 0.3% $0(Nivel 1) Ophthalmic Antiglaucoma Agents acetazolamide er capsule extended release 12 hour 500mg $0(Nivel 1) ALPHAGAN P SOLUTION 0.1% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) betaxolol hcl solution 0.5% $0(Nivel 1) brimonidine tartrate solution 0.15% $0(Nivel 1) brimonidine tartrate solution 0.2% $0(Nivel 1) carteolol hcl solution 1% $0(Nivel 1) dorzolamide hcl/timolol maleate solution 22.3mg/ml; $0(Nivel 1) QL (20 ML cada 30 días) 6.8mg/ml dorzolamide hcl solution 2% $0(Nivel 1) QL (20 ML cada 30 días) levobunolol hcl solution 0.25% $0(Nivel 1) levobunolol hcl solution 0.25% $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 ML cada 30 días) levobunolol hcl solution 0.5% $0(Nivel 1) methazolamide tablet 25mg $0(Nivel 1) methazolamide tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 1) metipranolol solution 0.3% $0(Nivel 1) PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE SOLUTION RECONSTITUTED $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 0.125% PILOPINE HS GEL 4% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) timolol maleate ophthalmic gel forming gel forming solution $0(Nivel 1) 0.25% timolol maleate ophthalmic gel forming gel forming solution $0(Nivel 1) 0.5% Página 95 de 143 Nombre del medicamento timolol maleate solution 0.25% timolol maleate solution 0.5% Otic Agents Otic Agents acetasol hc solution 2%; 1% acetic acid solution 2% CIPRODEX SUSPENSION 0.3%; 0.1% ear wax removal drops solution 6.5% ear wax remover solution 6.5% earwax treatment drops solution 6.5% gnp ear drops solution 6.5% gnp ear systems solution 6.5% hm earwax removal aid solution 6.5% hydrocortisone/acetic acid solution 2%; 1% neomycin/polymyxin/hc solution 1%; 3.5mg/ml; 10000unit/ml neomycin/polymyxin/hydrocortisone suspension 1%; 3.5mg/ml; 10000unit/ml sb ear wax remover solution 6.5% SWIM EAR LIQUID 95% Respiratory Tract/Pulmonary Agents Anti-inflammatories, Inhaled Corticosteroids ADVAIR DISKUS AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 100MCG/DOSE; 50MCG/DOSE ADVAIR DISKUS AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 250MCG/DOSE; 50MCG/DOSE ADVAIR DISKUS AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 500MCG/DOSE; 50MCG/DOSE ADVAIR HFA AEROSOL 115MCG/ACT; 21MCG/ACT ADVAIR HFA AEROSOL 230MCG/ACT; 21MCG/ACT ADVAIR HFA AEROSOL 45MCG/ACT; 21MCG/ACT ASMANEX HFA AEROSOL 100MCG/ACT ASMANEX HFA AEROSOL 200MCG/ACT ASMANEX TWISTHALER 120 METERED DOSES AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 220MCG/INH ASMANEX TWISTHALER 14 METERED DOSES AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 220MCG/INH ASMANEX TWISTHALER 30 METERED DOSES AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 110MCG/INH ASMANEX TWISTHALER 30 METERED DOSES AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 220MCG/INH ASMANEX TWISTHALER 60 METERED DOSES AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 220MCG/INH budesonide suspension 32mcg/act Página 96 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (12 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) MO Nombre del medicamento DULERA AEROSOL 5MCG/ACT; 100MCG/ACT DULERA AEROSOL 5MCG/ACT; 200MCG/ACT FLOVENT DISKUS AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 100MCG/BLIST FLOVENT DISKUS AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 250MCG/BLIST FLOVENT DISKUS AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 50MCG/BLIST FLOVENT HFA AEROSOL 110MCG/ACT FLOVENT HFA AEROSOL 220MCG/ACT FLOVENT HFA AEROSOL 44MCG/ACT flunisolide solution 0.025% fluticasone propionate suspension 50mcg/act SYMBICORT AEROSOL 160MCG/ACT; 4.5MCG/ACT SYMBICORT AEROSOL 80MCG/ACT; 4.5MCG/ACT triamcinolone acetonide aerosol 55mcg/act Antihistamines allergy relief capsule 25mg allergy relief tablet 25mg allergy/congestion relief tablet extended release 24 hour 10mg; 240mg azelastine hcl solution 0.1% azelastine hcl solution 0.15% cetirizine hcl tablet 5mg cyproheptadine hcl syrup 2mg/5ml Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (24 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (24 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (21.2 GM cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (32 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (10.2 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (10.2 GM cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (33 GM cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 ML cada 30 días) MO DP PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) DP cyproheptadine hcl tablet 4mg $0(Nivel 1) diphenhydramine hcl capsule 50mg diphenhydramine hcl injection 50mg/ml ed a-hist pse tablet 60mg; 2.5mg goodsense all día allergy tablet 10mg HYDROXYZINE HCL INJECTION 25MG/ML $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) hydroxyzine hcl injection 50mg/ml hydroxyzine hcl solution 10mg/5ml hydroxyzine hcl tablet 10mg hydroxyzine hcl tablet 25mg hydroxyzine hcl tablet 50mg Página 97 de 143 Nombre del medicamento hydroxyzine pamoate capsule 100mg hydroxyzine pamoate capsule 25mg hydroxyzine pamoate capsule 50mg levocetirizine dihydrochloride solution 2.5mg/5ml levocetirizine dihydrochloride tablet 5mg loratadine tablet 10mg olopatadine hcl solution 0.6% rynex pse liquid 1mg/5ml; 15mg/5ml TAVIST ALLERGY TABLET 1.34MG Antileukotrienes montelukast sodium packet 4mg montelukast sodium tablet chewable 4mg montelukast sodium tablet chewable 5mg montelukast sodium tablet 10mg zafirlukast tablet 10mg zafirlukast tablet 20mg ZYFLO CR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 600MG Bronchodilators, Anticholinergic ATROVENT HFA AEROSOL SOLUTION 17MCG/ACT COMBIVENT RESPIMAT AEROSOL SOLUTION 100MCG/ACT; 20MCG/ACT ipratropium bromide/albuterol sulfate solution 2.5mg/3ml; 0.5mg/3ml ipratropium bromide solution 0.02% ipratropium bromide solution 0.03% ipratropium bromide solution 0.06% SPIRIVA HANDIHALER CAPSULE 18MCG SPIRIVA RESPIMAT AEROSOL SOLUTION 2.5MCG/ACT Bronchodilators, Sympathomimetic albuterol sulfate er tablet extended release 12 hour 4mg albuterol sulfate er tablet extended release 12 hour 8mg albuterol sulfate nebulization solution 0.083% Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (120 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (39 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (8 GM cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) QL (540 ML cada 30 días) B/D $0(Nivel 1) QL (300 ML cada 30 días) B/D $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 ML cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) QL (15 ML cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (8 GM cada 30 días) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) albuterol sulfate nebulization solution 0.5% $0(Nivel 1) albuterol sulfate nebulization solution 0.63mg/3ml $0(Nivel 1) albuterol sulfate nebulization solution 1.25mg/3ml $0(Nivel 1) albuterol sulfate syrup 2mg/5ml albuterol sulfate tablet 2mg albuterol sulfate tablet 4mg $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) Página 98 de 143 QL (1170 ML cada 30 días) B/D QL (200 ML cada 30 días) B/D QL (1200 ML cada 30 días) B/D QL (1200 ML cada 30 días) B/D Nombre del medicamento EPIPEN 2-PAK INJECTION 0.3MG/0.3ML EPIPEN-JR 2-PAK INJECTION 0.15MG/0.3ML levalbuterol hcl nebulization solution 0.31mg/3ml levalbuterol hcl nebulization solution 0.63mg/3ml metaproterenol sulfate syrup 10mg/5ml metaproterenol sulfate tablet 10mg metaproterenol sulfate tablet 20mg PROAIR HFA AEROSOL SOLUTION 108MCG/ACT PROAIR RESPICLICK AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 108MCG/ACT SEREVENT DISKUS AEROSOL POWDER BREATH ACTIVATED 50MCG/DOSE terbutaline sulfate injection 1mg/ml terbutaline sulfate tablet 2.5mg terbutaline sulfate tablet 5mg VENTOLIN HFA AEROSOL SOLUTION 108MCG/ACT XOPENEX HFA AEROSOL 45MCG/ACT XOPENEX NEBULIZATION SOLUTION 1.25MG/3ML Cystic Fibrosis Agents CAYSTON SOLUTION RECONSTITUTED 75MG PULMOZYME SOLUTION 1MG/ML TOBI PODHALER CAPSULE 28MG tobramycin nebulization solution 300mg/5ml Mast Cell Stabilizers cromolyn sodium aerosol solution 5.2mg/act cromolyn sodium nebulization solution 20mg/2ml Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors, Airways Disease aminophylline injection 25mg/ml DALIRESP TABLET 500MCG ELIXOPHYLLIN ELIXIR 80MG/15ML LUFYLLIN TABLET 200MG LUFYLLIN TABLET 400MG THEO-24 CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 0; 100MG THEO-24 CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 200MG THEO-24 CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 300MG THEO-24 CAPSULE EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HOUR 400MG theophylline cr tablet extended release 12 hour 100mg theophylline cr tablet extended release 12 hour 200mg theophylline er tablet extended release 12 hour 300mg theophylline er tablet extended release 12 hour 450mg theophylline er tablet extended release 24 hour 400mg Página 99 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (2 EA cada 10 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (2 EA cada 10 días) $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (36 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (2 EA cada 30 días) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (36 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (45 GM cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (450 ML cada 30 días) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Antibacterianos Beta lactam, Other) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) DP QL (305 ML cada 30 días) B/D Nombre del medicamento theophylline er tablet extended release 24 hour 600mg theophylline solution 80mg/15ml Pulmonary Antihypertensives LETAIRIS TABLET 10MG LETAIRIS TABLET 5MG ORENITRAM TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 0.125MG ORENITRAM TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 0.25MG ORENITRAM TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 1MG ORENITRAM TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 2.5MG sildenafil tablet 20mg TRACLEER TABLET 125MG TRACLEER TABLET 62.5MG TYVASO SOLUTION 0.6MG/ML Respiratory Tract Agents, Other acetylcysteine solution 10% acetylcysteine solution 20% ARALAST NP INJECTION 400MG AYR NASAL DROPS SOLUTION 0.65% ayr saline nasal gel 0 ayr solution 0.65% bromfed dm syrup 2mg/5ml; 10mg/5ml; 30mg/5ml cheratussin dac solution 10mg/5ml; 100mg/5ml; 30mg/5ml CODITUSS DM SYRUP 10MG/5ML; 5MG/5ML; 8.33MG/5ML cold head congestion severe díatime tablet 325mg; 10mg; 200mg; 5mg CONGESTAC TABLET 400MG; 60MG decongestant 12hour maximum strength tablet extended release 12 hour 120mg deep sea nasal spray solution 0.65% DELSYM LIQUID EXTENDED RELEASE 30MG/5ML DELSYM LIQUID EXTENDED RELEASE 30MG/5ML DRISTAN SPRAY SOLUTION 0.05% gnp nose drops extra strength solution 1% guaifenesin/codeine solution 10mg/5ml; 100mg/5ml hydrocodone bitartrate/homatropine methylbromide syrup 1.5mg/5ml; 5mg/5ml hydrocodone bitartrate/homatropine methylbromide tablet 1.5mg; 5mg hydrocodone polistirex/chlorpheniramine polistirex liquid extended release 8mg/5ml; 10mg/5ml lohist-dm syrup 2mg/5ml; 10mg/5ml; 5mg/5ml m-end dm liquid 2mg/5ml; 15mg/5ml; 15mg/5ml MUCINEX D TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HOUR 600MG; 60MG Página 100 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) MO $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) PA (sildenafil - PAH) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) LA $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (60 EA cada 30 días) LA $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento nasal spray extra moisturizing 12 hour solution 0.05% OCEAN NASAL SPRAY SOLUTION 0.65% OCEAN NASAL SPRAY SOLUTION 0.65% organ-i nr tablet 200mg PHENYLHISTINE DH LIQUID 2MG/5ML; 10MG/5ML; 30MG/5ML PROLASTIN-C INJECTION 1000MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) promethazine vc plain syrup 5mg/5ml; 6.25mg/5ml $0(Nivel 1) robitussin maximum strength syrup 15mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP robitussin peak cold cough+ chest congestion dm liquid $0(Nivel 3) DP 10mg/5ml; 100mg/5ml saline mist solution 0.65% $0(Nivel 3) DP saline nasal mist solution 0.65% $0(Nivel 3) DP saline nasal spray solution 0.65% $0(Nivel 3) DP sb saline nose solution 0.65% $0(Nivel 3) DP sea soft nasal mist solution 0.65% $0(Nivel 3) DP silphen dm cough syrup 10mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP sm nasal spray saline solution 0.65% $0(Nivel 3) DP sm nasal spray saline solution 0.65% $0(Nivel 3) DP TUSNEL PEDIATRIC LIQUID 5MG/5ML; 50MG/5ML; $0(Nivel 3) DP 15MG/5ML TUSNEL-DM PEDIATRIC LIQUID 2.5MG/ML; 25MG/ML; $0(Nivel 3) DP 7.5MG/ML TUSNEL CAPSULE 2MG; 15MG; 200MG $0(Nivel 3) DP TUSNEL LIQUID 15MG/5ML; 200MG/5ML; 30MG/5ML $0(Nivel 3) DP TYZINE PEDIATRIC NASAL DROPS SOLUTION 0.05% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Agentes de la vía XOLAIR INJECTION 150MG respiratoria) ZEMAIRA INJECTION 1000MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) zinc gluconate tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 3) DP Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Skeletal Muscle Relaxants chlorzoxazone tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) cyclobenzaprine hcl tablet 10mg PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) cyclobenzaprine hcl tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (90 EA cada 30 días) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) methocarbamol tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) methocarbamol tablet 750mg $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto riesgo) orphenadrine citrate er tablet extended release 12 hour $0(Nivel 1) PA (Medicamentos de alto 100mg riesgo) orphenadrine citrate injection 30mg/ml $0(Nivel 1) Sleep Disorder Agents Página 101 de 143 Nombre del medicamento GABA Receptor Modulators flurazepam hcl capsule 15mg flurazepam hcl capsule 30mg temazepam capsule 15mg temazepam capsule 30mg zaleplon capsule 10mg Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) zaleplon capsule 5mg $0(Nivel 1) zolpidem tartrate er tablet extended release 12.5mg $0(Nivel 1) zolpidem tartrate er tablet extended release 6.25mg $0(Nivel 1) zolpidem tartrate tablet 10mg $0(Nivel 1) zolpidem tartrate tablet 5mg $0(Nivel 1) Sleep Disorders, Other modafinil tablet 200mg ROZEREM TABLET 8MG XYREM SOLUTION 500MG/ML Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolyte/Mineral Modifiers CHEMET CAPSULE 100MG DEPEN TITRATABS TABLET 250MG EXJADE TABLET SOLUBLE 125MG EXJADE TABLET SOLUBLE 250MG Página 102 de 143 $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) QL (90 EA cada 365 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo Nonbenzodiazepine Hipnóticos) QL (90 EA cada 365 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo Nonbenzodiazepine Hipnóticos) QL (90 EA cada 365 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo Nonbenzodiazepine Hipnóticos) QL (90 EA cada 365 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo Nonbenzodiazepine Hipnóticos) QL (90 EA cada 365 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo Nonbenzodiazepine Hipnóticos) QL (90 EA cada 365 días) PA (Medicamento de alto riesgo Nonbenzodiazepine Hipnóticos) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) PA (Agentes del sistema central nervioso) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (540 ML cada 30 días) LA $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento EXJADE TABLET SOLUBLE 500MG kionex powder 0 SODIUM LACTATE INJECTION 167MEQ/L SODIUM LACTATE INJECTION 5MEQ/ML sodium polystyrene sulfonate suspension 15gm/60ml SYPRINE CAPSULE 250MG Electrolyte/Mineral Replacement AMINOSYN 7%/ELECTROLYTES INJECTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 124MEQ/L; 900MG/100ML; 690MG/100ML; 96MEQ/L; 900MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 510MG/100ML; 660MG/100ML; 510MG/100ML; 10MEQ/L; 280MG/100ML; 310MG/100ML; 30MMOLE/L; 65MEQ/L; 610MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 65MEQ/L; 370MG/100ML; 120MG/100ML; 44MG/100ML; 560MG/100ML $0(Nivel 1) B/D aminosyn 8.5%/electrolytes injection 142meq/l; 1100mg/100ml; 850mg/100ml; 98meq/l; 1100mg/100ml; 260mg/100ml; 620mg/100ml; 810mg/100ml; 624mg/100ml; 10meq/l; 340mg/100ml; 380mg/100ml; 30meq/l; 65meq/l; 750mg/100ml; 370mg/100ml; 65meq/l; 460mg/100ml; 150mg/100ml; 44mg/100ml; 680mg/100ml aminosyn ii 8.5%/electrolytes injection 61meq/l; $0(Nivel 1) B/D 844mg/100ml; 865mg/100ml; 595mg/100ml; 86meq/l; 627mg/100ml; 425mg/100ml; 255mg/100ml; 561mg/100ml; 850mg/100ml; 893mg/100ml; 10meq/l; 146mg/100ml; 253mg/100ml; 30mmole/l; 66meq/l; 614mg/100ml; 450mg/100ml; 80meq/l; 340mg/100ml; 170mg/100ml; 230mg/100ml; 425mg/100ml AMINOSYN II INJECTION 107.6MEQ/L; 1490MG/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 1527MG/100ML; 1050MG/100ML; 1107MG/100ML; 750MG/100ML; 450MG/100ML; 990MG/100ML; 1500MG/100ML; 1575MG/100ML; 258MG/100ML; 447MG/100ML; 1083MG/100ML; 795MG/100ML; 50MEQ/L; 600MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 405MG/100ML; 750MG/100ML AMINOSYN II INJECTION 50.3MEQ/L; 695MG/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 713MG/100ML; 490MG/100ML; 517MG/100ML; 350MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 462MG/100ML; 700MG/100ML; 735MG/100ML; 120MG/100ML; 209MG/100ML; 505MG/100ML; 371MG/100ML; 31.3MEQ/L; 280MG/100ML; 140MG/100ML; 189MG/100ML; 350MG/100ML AMINOSYN II INJECTION 61.1MEQ/L; 844MG/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 865MG/100ML; 595MG/100ML; 627MG/100ML; 425MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 561MG/100ML; 850MG/100ML; 893MG/100ML; 146MG/100ML; 253MG/100ML; 614MG/100ML; 450MG/100ML; 33.3MEQ/L; 340MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 230MG/100ML; 425MG/100ML Página 103 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D Nombre del medicamento AMINOSYN II INJECTION 71.8MEQ/L; 993MG/100ML; 1018MG/100ML; 700MG/100ML; 738MG/100ML; 500MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 660MG/100ML; 1000MG/100ML; 1050MG/100ML; 172MG/100ML; 298MG/100ML; 722MG/100ML; 530MG/100ML; 45.3MEQ/L; 400MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 270MG/100ML; 500MG/100ML AMINOSYN M INJECTION 65MEQ/L; 448MG/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 343MG/100ML; 40MEQ/L; 448MG/100ML; 105MG/100ML; 252MG/100ML; 329MG/100ML; 252MG/100ML; 3MEQ/L; 140MG/100ML; 154MG/100ML; 3.5MMOLE/L; 13MEQ/L; 300MG/100ML; 147MG/100ML; 40MEQ/L; 182MG/100ML; 56MG/100ML; 31MG/100ML; 280MG/100ML AMINOSYN-HBC INJECTION 7.1MEQ/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 660MG/100ML; 507MG/100ML; 4MEQ/100ML; 660MG/100ML; 154MG/100ML; 789MG/100ML; 1576MG/100ML; 265MG/100ML; 206MG/100ML; 1.12GM/100ML; 228MG/100ML; 448MG/100ML; 221MG/100ML; 272MG/100ML; 88MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 789MG/100ML AMINOSYN-PF 7% INJECTION 32.5MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 490MG/100ML; 861MG/100ML; 370MG/100ML; 576MG/100ML; 270MG/100ML; 220MG/100ML; 534MG/100ML; 831MG/100ML; 475MG/100ML; 125MG/100ML; 10.69GM/L; 300MG/100ML; 570MG/100ML; 70GM/L; 347MG/100ML; 50MG/100ML; 360MG/100ML; 125MG/100ML; 44MG/100ML; 452MG/100ML AMINOSYN-PF INJECTION 46MEQ/L; 698MG/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 1227MG/100ML; 527MG/100ML; 820MG/100ML; 385MG/100ML; 312MG/100ML; 760MG/100ML; 1200MG/100ML; 677MG/100ML; 180MG/100ML; 427MG/100ML; 812MG/100ML; 495MG/100ML; 3.4MEQ/L; 70MG/100ML; 512MG/100ML; 180MG/100ML; 44MG/100ML; 673MG/100ML AMINOSYN-RF INJECTION 113MEQ/L; 600MG/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 429MG/100ML; 462MG/100ML; 726MG/100ML; 535MG/100ML; 726MG/100ML; 726MG/100ML; 330MG/100ML; 165MG/100ML; 528MG/100ML AMMONIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 5MEQ/ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) CALCI-CHEW TABLET CHEWABLE 1250MG $0(Nivel 3) DP CALCI-MIX CAPSULE 1250MG $0(Nivel 3) DP calcium & magnesium + zinc tablet 334mg; 134mg; 5mg $0(Nivel 3) DP calcium + d3 tablet 600mg; 200unit $0(Nivel 3) DP calcium carbonate suspension 1250mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP calcium carbonate tablet 1250mg $0(Nivel 3) DP calcium citrate+ d tablet 250mg; 200unit $0(Nivel 3) DP CALCIUM GLUCONATE TABLET 500MG $0(Nivel 3) DP Página 104 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento CALCIUM LACTATE TABLET 648MG CALTRATE 600+D PLUS MINERALS TABLET CHEWABLE 600MG; 800UNIT; 1MG; 50MG; 0; 0; 1.8MG; 250MCG; 7.5MG DP CALTRATE 600+D PLUS MINERALS TABLET 600MG; $0(Nivel 3) 800UNIT; 1MG; 50MG; 1.8MG; 250MCG; 7.5MG CALTRATE 600+D TABLET 600MG; 800UNIT $0(Nivel 3) DP caltrate 600 tablet 1500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP citrus calcium/vitamin d tablet 200mg; 250unit CLINIMIX 2.75%/DEXTROSE 5% INJECTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 24MEQ/1000ML; 570MG/100ML; 316MG/100ML; 11MEQ/1000ML; 5GM/100ML; 283MG/100ML; 132MG/100ML; 165MG/100ML; 201MG/100ML; 159MG/100ML; 110MG/100ML; 154MG/100ML; 187MG/100ML; 138MG/100ML; 116MG/100ML; 50MG/100ML; 11MG/100ML; 160MG/100ML CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 10% INJECTION 37MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 880MG/100ML; 489MG/100ML; 17MEQ/L; 10GM/100ML; 438MG/100ML; 204MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 311MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 238MG/100ML; 289MG/100ML; 213MG/100ML; 179MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 17MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 20% INJECTION 37MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 880MG/100ML; 489MG/100ML; 17MEQ/L; 20GM/100ML; 438MG/100ML; 204MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 311MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 238MG/100ML; 289MG/100ML; 213MG/100ML; 179MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 17MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 25% INJECTION 37MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 880MG/100ML; 489MG/100ML; 17MEQ/L; 25GM/100ML; 438MG/100ML; 204MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 311MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 238MG/100ML; 289MG/100ML; 213MG/100ML; 179MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 17MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 5% INJECTION 37MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 880MG/100ML; 489MG/100ML; 17MEQ/L; 5GM/100ML; 438MG/100ML; 204MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 311MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 238MG/100ML; 289MG/100ML; 213MG/100ML; 179MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 17MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML Página 105 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D Nombre del medicamento CLINIMIX 5%/DEXTROSE 15% INJECTION 42MEQ/1000ML; 1035MG/100ML; 575MG/100ML; 20MEQ/1000ML; 15GM/100ML; 515MG/100ML; 240MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 365MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 280MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 90MG/100ML; 20MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML CLINIMIX 5%/DEXTROSE 20% INJECTION 42MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 1035MG/100ML; 575MG/100ML; 20MEQ/L; 20GM/100ML; 515MG/100ML; 240MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 365MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 280MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 90MG/100ML; 20MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML CLINIMIX 5%/DEXTROSE 25% INJECTION 42MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 1035MG/100ML; 575MG/100ML; 20MEQ/L; 25GM/100ML; 515MG/100ML; 240MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 365MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 280MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 90MG/100ML; 20MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML CLINIMIX E 2.75%/DEXTROSE 10% INJECTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 570MG/100ML; 316MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 10GM/100ML; 132MG/100ML; 165MG/100ML; 201MG/100ML; 159MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 110MG/100ML; 454MG/100ML; 154MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 187MG/100ML; 138MG/100ML; 217MG/100ML; 112MG/100ML; 116MG/100ML; 50MG/100ML; 11MG/100ML; 160MG/100ML CLINIMIX E 2.75%/DEXTROSE 5% INJECTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 570MG/100ML; 316MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 5GM/100ML; 132MG/100ML; 165MG/100ML; 201MG/100ML; 159MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 110MG/100ML; 454MG/100ML; 154MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 187MG/100ML; 138MG/100ML; 217MG/100ML; 112MG/100ML; 116MG/100ML; 50MG/100ML; 11MG/100ML; 160MG/100ML CLINIMIX E 4.25%/DEXTROSE 10% INJECTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 880MG/100ML; 489MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 10GM/100ML; 204MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 311MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 702MG/100ML; 238MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 289MG/100ML; 213MG/100ML; 297MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 179MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 17MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML Página 106 de 143 Nombre del medicamento CLINIMIX E 4.25%/DEXTROSE 25% INJECTION 880MG/100ML; 489MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 25GM/100ML; 204MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 311MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 702MG/100ML; 238MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 289MG/100ML; 213MG/100ML; 297MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 179MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 17MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML CLINIMIX E 4.25%/DEXTROSE 5% INJECTION 880MG/100ML; 489MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 5GM/100ML; 204MG/100ML; 255MG/100ML; 311MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 702MG/100ML; 238MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 289MG/100ML; 213MG/100ML; 297MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 179MG/100ML; 77MG/100ML; 17MG/100ML; 247MG/100ML CLINIMIX E 5%/DEXTROSE 15% INJECTION 1035MG/100ML; 575MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 15GM/100ML; 240MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 365MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 826MG/100ML; 280MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 59MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 90MG/100ML; 20MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML CLINIMIX E 5%/DEXTROSE 20% INJECTION 1035MG/100ML; 575MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 20GM/100ML; 240MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 365MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 826MG/100ML; 280MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 59MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 90MG/100ML; 20MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML CLINIMIX E 5%/DEXTROSE 25% INJECTION 1035MG/100ML; 575MG/100ML; 33MG/100ML; 25GM/100ML; 240MG/100ML; 300MG/100ML; 365MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML; 51MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 826MG/100ML; 280MG/100ML; 261MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 340MG/100ML; 59MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 90MG/100ML; 20MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML cvs electrolyte solution solution 35meq/l; 30meq/l; 20gm/l; 5gm/l; 20meq/l; 45meq/l cvs iron tablet 325mg cvs iron tablet 325mg dexferrum injection 50mg/ml DEXTROSE 10%/NACL 0.45% INJECTION 10%; 0.45% dextrose 10% flex container injection 10% DEXTROSE 10%/NACL 0.2% INJECTION 10%; 0.2% Página 107 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso dextrose 2.5%/sodium chloride 0.45% injection 2.5%; 0.45% $0(Nivel 1) dextrose 5%/nacl 0.2% injection 5%; 0.2% $0(Nivel 1) DEXTROSE 5%/NACL 0.225% INJECTION 5%; 0.225% $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0(Nivel 1) dextrose 5%/nacl 0.33% injection 5%; 0.33% dextrose 5%/nacl 0.45% injection 5%; 0.45% $0(Nivel 1) dextrose 5%/nacl 0.9% injection 5%; 0.9% $0(Nivel 1) dextrose 5%/potassium chloride 0.15% injection 5%; 20meq/l $0(Nivel 1) dextrose 5% injection 5% $0(Nivel 1) eql iron supplement therapy tablet 200mg $0(Nivel 3) DP eql iron supplement therapy tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP FEOSOL TABLET 200MG $0(Nivel 3) DP FEOSOL TABLET 45MG $0(Nivel 3) DP fer-iron solution 15mg/ml $0(Nivel 3) DP FERATE TABLET 256MG $0(Nivel 3) DP ferosul elixir 220mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP ferretts tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP FERROUS FUMARATE TABLET 90MG $0(Nivel 3) DP FERROUS GLUCONATE TABLET 324MG $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous gluconate tablet 324mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate elixir 220mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate elixir 220mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate elixir 220mg/5ml $0(Nivel 3) DP FERROUS SULFATE LIQUID 220MG/5ML $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP FERROUS SULFATE SYRUP 300MG/5ML FERROUS SULFATE TABLET DELAYED RELEASE $0(Nivel 3) DP 324MG FERROUS SULFATE TABLET DELAYED RELEASE $0(Nivel 3) DP 324MG FERROUS SULFATE TABLET DELAYED RELEASE $0(Nivel 3) DP 324MG ferrous sulfate tablet delayed release 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet delayed release 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet delayed release 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg Página 108 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D Nombre del medicamento ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg FREAMINE HBC 6.9% INJECTION 59.3MEQ/L; 400MG/100ML; 580MG/100ML; 3MEQ/L; 14MG/100ML; 330MG/100ML; 160MG/100ML; 760MG/100ML; 1370MG/100ML; 410MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 320MG/100ML; 630MG/100ML; 330MG/100ML; 10MEQ/L; 200MG/100ML; 90MG/100ML; 880MG/100ML GALZIN CAPSULE 25MG $0(Nivel 3) DP GALZIN CAPSULE 50MG $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp iron tablet 200mg $0(Nivel 3) DP gnp pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 20gm/l; 5gm/l; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20meq/l; 45meq/l gnp pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 20gm/l; 5gm/l; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20meq/l; 45meq/l gnp pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 25gm/l; 20meq/l; $0(Nivel 3) DP 45meq/l hepatamine injection 62meq/l; 770mg/100ml; 600mg/100ml; $0(Nivel 1) B/D 3meq/l; 20mg/100ml; 900mg/100ml; 240mg/100ml; 900mg/100ml; 1100mg/100ml; 610mg/100ml; 100mg/100ml; 100mg/100ml; 115mg/100ml; 800mg/100ml; 500mg/100ml; 100mg/100ml; 450mg/100ml; 66mg/100ml; 840mg/100ml IONOSOL-B/DEXTROSE 5% INJECTION 49MEQ/L; 5%; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 25MEQ/L; 5MEQ/L; 13MEQ/L; 25MEQ/L; 57MEQ/L IONOSOL-MB/DEXTROSE 5% INJECTION 22MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 5%; 23MEQ/L; 3MEQ/L; 3MEQ/L; 20MEQ/L; 25MEQ/L ISOLYTE-P/DEXTROSE 5% INJECTION 23MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 23MEQ/L; 5%; 3MEQ/L; 3MEQ/L; 20MEQ/L; 25MEQ/L ISOLYTE-S INJECTION 27MEQ/L; 98MEQ/L; 23MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 3MEQ/L; 5MEQ/L; 140MEQ/L kcl 0.075%/d5w/nacl 0.45% injection 5%; 10meq/l; 0.45% $0(Nivel 1) KCL 0.15%/D5W/LR INJECTION 3MEQ/L; 149MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 5%; 28MEQ/L; 24MEQ/L; 130MEQ/L kcl 0.15%/d5w/nacl 0.2% injection 5%; 20meq/l; 0.2% $0(Nivel 1) KCL 0.15%/D5W/NACL 0.225% INJECTION 5%; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 20MEQ/L; 0.225% kcl 0.15%/d5w/nacl 0.9% injection 5%; 20meq/l; 0.9% $0(Nivel 1) Página 109 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) Nombre del medicamento kcl 0.3%/d5w/nacl 0.45% injection 5%; 40meq/l; 0.45% KCL 0.3%/D5W/NACL 0.9% INJECTION 5%; 40MEQ/L; 0.9% klor-con 10 tablet extended release 10meq $0(Nivel 1) klor-con 8 tablet extended release 8meq $0(Nivel 1) klor-con m10 tablet extended release 10meq $0(Nivel 1) klor-con m10 tablet extended release 10meq $0(Nivel 1) klor-con m15 tablet extended release 15meq $0(Nivel 1) klor-con m20 tablet extended release 20meq $0(Nivel 1) kp ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg $0(Nivel 3) DP lactated ringers dextrose 5% viaflex injection 2.7meq/l; $0(Nivel 1) 109meq/l; 5%; 28meq/l; 4meq/l; 130meq/l lactated ringers viaflex injection 3meq/l; 109meq/l; 28meq/l; $0(Nivel 1) 4meq/l; 130meq/l mag-delay tablet extended release 64mg $0(Nivel 3) DP magnesium gluconate tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP magnesium sulfate injection 50% $0(Nivel 1) magnesium sulfate injection 50% $0(Nivel 1) MAGONATE LIQUID 1000MG/5ML $0(Nivel 3) DP magonate tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP MOZOBIL INJECTION 24MG/1.2ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) PA (Mozobil) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D NEPHRAMINE INJECTION 44MEQ/L; 20MG/100ML; 250MG/100ML; 560MG/100ML; 880MG/100ML; 640MG/100ML; 880MG/100ML; 880MG/100ML; 6MEQ/L; 400MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML; 640MG/100ML normosol-m in d5w injection 16meq/l; 40meq/l; 5%; 3meq/l; $0(Nivel 1) 13meq/l; 40meq/l NORMOSOL-R IN D5W INJECTION 27MEQ/L; 98MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 5%; 23MEQ/L; 3MEQ/L; 5MEQ/L; 140MEQ/L $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) NORMOSOL-R INJECTION 27MEQ/L; 98MEQ/L; 23MEQ/L; 3MEQ/L; 5MEQ/L; 140MEQ/L nu-iron 150 capsule 150mg $0(Nivel 3) DP oralyte solution 35meq/l; 25gm/l; 20meq/l; 45meq/l; 7.8mg/l $0(Nivel 3) DP oralyte solution 35meq/l; 25gm/l; 20meq/l; 45meq/l; 7.8mg/l $0(Nivel 3) DP oralyte solution 35meq/l; 25gm/l; 20meq/l; 45meq/l; 7.8mg/l $0(Nivel 3) DP oralyte solution 35meq/l; 25gm/l; 20meq/l; 45meq/l; 7.8mg/l $0(Nivel 3) DP os-cal calcium + d3 tablet 500mg; 200unit $0(Nivel 3) DP oysco d tablet 250mg; 125unit; 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP oyster shell/vitamin d tablet 600mg; 125unit $0(Nivel 3) DP PEDIALYTE SOLUTION 35MEQ/L; 20GM/L; 5GM/L; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20MEQ/L; 45MEQ/L PEDIALYTE SOLUTION 35MEQ/L; 30MEQ/L; 25GM/L; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20MEQ/L; 45MEQ/L PEDIALYTE SOLUTION 35MEQ/L; 30MEQ/L; 25GM/L; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20MEQ/L; 45MEQ/L PEDIALYTE SOLUTION 35MEQ/L; 30MEQ/L; 25GM/L; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20MEQ/L; 45MEQ/L Página 110 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento PEDIALYTE SOLUTION 35MEQ/L; 30MEQ/L; 25GM/L; 20MEQ/L; 45MEQ/L PEDIALYTE SOLUTION 35MEQ/L; 30MEQ/L; 25GM/L; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20MEQ/L; 45MEQ/L DP PEDIALYTE SOLUTION 35MEQ/L; 30MEQ/L; 25GM/L; $0(Nivel 3) 20MEQ/L; 45MEQ/L pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 20gm/l; 20meq/l; $0(Nivel 3) DP 45meq/l pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 20gm/l; 5gm/l; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20meq/l; 45meq/l pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 30meq/l; 25gm/l; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20meq/l; 45meq/l pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 30meq/l; 25gm/l; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20meq/l; 45meq/l DP PHOS-NAK POWDER CONCENTRATE PACKET 250MG; $0(Nivel 3) 280MG; 160MG PLASMA-LYTE A INJECTION 27MEQ/L; 98MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 23MEQ/L; 3MEQ/L; 5MEQ/L; 140MEQ/L PLASMA-LYTE-148 INJECTION 27MEQ/L; 98MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 23MEQ/L; 3MEQ/L; 5MEQ/L; 140MEQ/L PLASMA-LYTE-56/D5W INJECTION 16MEQ/L; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 40MEQ/L; 5%; 3MEQ/L; 13MEQ/L; 40MEQ/L potassium chloride 0.15% /nacl 0.45% viaflex injection $0(Nivel 1) 20meq/l; 0.45% potassium chloride 0.15% d5w/nacl 0.33% injection 5%; $0(Nivel 1) 20meq/l; 0.33% potassium chloride 0.15% d5w/nacl 0.45% injection 5%; $0(Nivel 1) 20meq/l; 0.45% potassium chloride 0.15%/nacl 0.9% injection 20meq/l; 0.9% $0(Nivel 1) potassium chloride 0.22% d5w/nacl 0.45% injection 5%; $0(Nivel 1) 30meq/l; 0.45% POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 0.3%/ NACL 0.9% INJECTION $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 40MEQ/L; 0.9% potassium chloride 0.3%/d5w injection 5%; 40meq/l $0(Nivel 1) potassium chloride er capsule extended release 10meq $0(Nivel 1) potassium chloride er capsule extended release 8meq $0(Nivel 1) potassium chloride er tablet extended release 10meq $0(Nivel 1) potassium chloride er tablet extended release 20meq $0(Nivel 1) potassium chloride er tablet extended release 8meq $0(Nivel 1) MO potassium chloride sr tablet extended release 8meq $0(Nivel 1) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 10MEQ/100ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 20MEQ/100ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) potassium chloride injection 2meq/ml $0(Nivel 1) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 30MEQ/100ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION 40MEQ/100ML $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) potassium chloride liquid 10% $0(Nivel 1) MO potassium chloride liquid 20% $0(Nivel 1) MO potassium citrate er tablet extended release 1080mg $0(Nivel 1) Página 111 de 143 Nombre del medicamento potassium citrate er tablet extended release 15meq potassium citrate er tablet extended release 540mg PREMASOL INJECTION 52MEQ/L; 1760MG/100ML; 880MG/100ML; 34MEQ/L; 1760MG/100ML; 372MG/100ML; 406MG/100ML; 526MG/100ML; 492MG/100ML; 492MG/100ML; 526MG/100ML; 356MG/100ML; 356MG/100ML; 390MG/100ML; 34MG/100ML; 152MG/100ML premasol injection 56meq/l; 320mg/100ml; 730mg/100ml; 190mg/100ml; 3meq/l; 20mg/100ml; 300mg/100ml; 220mg/100ml; 290mg/100ml; 490mg/100ml; 840mg/100ml; 490mg/100ml; 200mg/100ml; 290mg/100ml; 410mg/100ml; 230mg/100ml; 5meq/l; 15mg/100ml; 250mg/100ml; 120mg/100ml; 140mg/100ml; 470mg/100ml PROCALAMINE INJECTION 47MEQ/L; 210MG/100ML; 290MG/100ML; 3MEQ/L; 41MEQ/L; 20MG/100ML; 420MG/100ML; 85MG/100ML; 210MG/100ML; 270MG/100ML; 220MG/100ML; 5MEQ/L; 160MG/100ML; 170MG/100ML; 7MMOLE/L; 24MEQ/L; 340MG/100ML; 180MG/100ML; 35MEQ/L; 120MG/100ML; 46MG/100ML; 200MG/100ML PROSOL INJECTION 2.76GM/100ML; 1.96GM/100ML; 600MG/100ML; 1.02GM/100ML; 2.06GM/100ML; 1.18GM/100ML; 1.08GM/100ML; 1.08GM/100ML; 1.35GM/100ML; 760MG/100ML; 1GM/100ML; 1.34GM/100ML; 1.02GM/100ML; 980MG/100ML; 320MG/100ML; 50MG/100ML; 1.44GM/100ML px iron tablet 200mg ringers injection injection 4.5meq/l; 156meq/l; 4meq/l; 147meq/l SELENIUM TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 200MCG SLOW FE TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 160MG sm pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 30meq/l; 25gm/l; 20meq/l; 45meq/l sm pediatric electrolyte solution 35meq/l; 30meq/l; 25gm/l; 20meq/l; 45meq/l sodium chloride 0.45% viaflex injection 0.45% sodium chloride 0.9% solution 0.9% sodium chloride injection 0.9% sodium chloride injection 2.5meq/ml sodium chloride injection 3% sodium chloride injection 5% sodium fluoride tablet 1mg TANDEM CAPSULE 162MG; 115.2MG tpn electrolytes injection 29.5meq/20ml; 4.5meq/20ml; 35meq/20ml; 5meq/20ml; 20meq/20ml; 35meq/20ml Página 112 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 1) MO $0(Nivel 1) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0(Nivel 1) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 1) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 1) DP Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D Nombre del medicamento TRAVASOL INJECTION 52MEQ/L; 1760MG/100ML; 880MG/100ML; 34MEQ/L; 1760MG/100ML; 372MG/100ML; 406MG/100ML; 526MG/100ML; 492MG/100ML; 492MG/100ML; 526MG/100ML; 356MG/100ML; 356MG/100ML; 390MG/100ML; 34MG/100ML; 152MG/100ML TROPHAMINE INJECTION 0; 0.32GM/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 0.73GM/100ML; 0.19GM/100ML; 0.014GM/100ML; 0.22GM/100ML; 0.29GM/100ML; 0.49GM/100ML; 0.3GM/100ML; 0.84GM/100ML; 0.49GM/100ML; 0.2GM/100ML; 0.29GM/100ML; 0.41GM/100ML; 0.23GM/100ML; 0.05GM/100ML; 0.015GM/100ML; 0.25GM/100ML; 0.12GM/100ML; 0.14GM/100ML; 0.47GM/100ML TROPHAMINE INJECTION 97MEQ/L; 0.54GM/100ML; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) B/D 1.2GM/100ML; 0.32GM/100ML; 0; 0; 0.5GM/100ML; 0.36GM/100ML; 0.48GM/100ML; 0.82GM/100ML; 1.4GM/100ML; 1.2GM/100ML; 0.34GM/100ML; 0.48GM/100ML; 0.68GM/100ML; 0.38GM/100ML; 5MEQ/L; 0.025GM/100ML; 0.42GM/100ML; 0.2GM/100ML; 0.24GM/100ML; 0.78GM/100ML UROCIT-K 10 TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 1080MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) UROCIT-K 15 TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 15MEQ $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) UROCIT-K 5 TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 540MG VENOFER INJECTION 20MG/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP VENOFER INJECTION 20MG/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP VENOFER INJECTION 20MG/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP zinc sulfate tablet 220mg $0(Nivel 3) DP zinc tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 3) DP Vitamins acerola c-500 tablet chewable 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP ADVANCED AM/PM MISCELLANEOUS 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; $0(Nivel 3) DP 10MG; 100MG; 650MG; 0; 50UNIT AQUADEKS CAPSULE 10MG; 100MCG; 12MG; $0(Nivel 3) DP 800UNIT; 10MG; 12MCG; 200MCG; 10MG; 700MCG; 1.9MG; 1.7MG; 75MCG; 75MG; 1.5MG; 150UNIT; 18167UNIT; 80MG; 10MG aquadeks liquid 45mg/ml; 3mg/ml; 15mcg/ml; 3mg/ml; $0(Nivel 3) DP 400unit/ml; 2mg/ml; 6mg/ml; 400mcg/ml; 0.6mg/ml; 0.6mg/ml; 10mcg/ml; 0.6mg/ml; 50unit/ml; 5751unit/ml; 15mg/ml; 5mg/ml AQUASOL A PARENTERAL INJECTION 50000UNIT/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP aqueous vitamin e solution 15unit/0.3ml $0(Nivel 3) DP b complex capsule 5mg; 1mcg; 60mg; 20mg; 0.5mg; 3mg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 3mg; 60mg b-100 tr tablet extended release 100mcg; 100mg; 100mcg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 400mcg; 100mg; 100mg; 100mg; 100mg Página 113 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento b-complex/c tablet 500mg; 50mcg; 50mg; 50mcg; 400mcg; 50mg; 50mg; 50mg; 50mg balanced b-100 tablet 100mcg; 100mg; 100mcg; 100mcg; $0(Nivel 3) 100mg; 100mg; 100mg; 100mg; 100mg; 100mg; 100mg balanced b-50 tablet 50mcg; 50mg; 50mcg; 100mcg; 50mg; $0(Nivel 3) 50mg; 50mg; 50mg; 50mg; 50mg; 50mg beta carotene capsule 25000unit $0(Nivel 3) biotin tablet 300mcg $0(Nivel 3) c-500 tablet chewable 500mg; 0 $0(Nivel 3) CENTRUM SILVER TABLET CHEWABLE 75MG; 0; $0(Nivel 3) 45MCG; 200MG; 10MG; 400UNIT; 100MCG; 2MG; 25MCG; 500MCG; 250MCG; 50MG; 4.5MG; 12MG; 5MCG; 125MG; 100MCG; 7MG; 2.7MG; 4MG; 10MCG; 25MCG; 22.5MCG; 10MCG; 2.2MG; 70UNIT; 4000UNIT; 15MG CENTRUM SILVER TABLET 60MG; 0; 30MCG; 150MCG; $0(Nivel 3) 200MG; 10MG; 72MG; 150MCG; 2MG; 25MCG; 400UNIT; 400MCG; 250MCG; 300MCG; 100MG; 2MG; 20MG; 5MCG; 48MG; 10MCG; 80MG; 150MCG; 3MG; 1.7MG; 2MG; 10MCG; 75MCG; 20MCG; 1.5MG; 45UNIT; 3500UNIT; 15MG CENTRUM SILVER TABLET 60MG; 0; 30MCG; 220MG; $0(Nivel 3) 10MG; 72MG; 500UNIT; 45MCG; 0.5MG; 25MCG; 400MCG; 0; 0; 50MG; 2.3MG; 20MG; 5MCG; 20MG; 30MCG; 80MG; 150MCG; 3MG; 1.7MG; 2MG; 150MCG; 10MCG; 45MCG; 55MCG; 1.5MG; 50UNIT; 2500UNIT; 11MG cerovite advanced formula liquid 60mg/15ml; 300mcg/15ml; $0(Nivel 3) 10mg/15ml; 25mcg/15ml; 6mcg/15ml; 9mg/15ml; 2mg/15ml; 20mg/15ml; 150mcg/15ml; 2mg/15ml; 1.7mg/15ml; 25mcg/15ml; 1.5mg/15ml; 30unit/15ml; 3mg/15ml cerovite advanced formula tablet 60mg; 0; 0; 30mcg; 75mcg; $0(Nivel 3) 200mg; 10mg; 72mg; 400unit; 35mcg; 0.5mg; 6mcg; 18mg; 400mcg; 50mg; 2.3mg; 20mg; 5mcg; 20mg; 25mcg; 80mg; 150mcg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 2mg; 0; 10mcg; 45mcg; 55mcg; 10mcg; 1.5mg; 30unit; 3500unit; 11mg cerovite jr tablet chewable 60mg; 0; 45mcg; 108mg; 10mg; $0(Nivel 3) 400unit; 20mcg; 2mg; 6mcg; 18mg; 400mcg; 40mg; 1mg; 20mg; 50mg; 10mcg; 150mcg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 0; 20mcg; 1.5mg; 30unit; 3500unit; 15mg cod liver oil capsule 0; 1250unit; 130unit $0(Nivel 3) compete tablet 90mg; 9mcg; 0.4mg; 27mg; 30mg; 20.6mg; $0(Nivel 3) 2.6mg; 2mg; 5000unit; 400unit; 45unit; 22.5mg corvita tablet 375mg; 750unit; 75mcg; 315unit; 150mcg; $0(Nivel 3) 1mg; 70mcg; 125unit; 1.25mg; 13mg; 10mg; 7mg; 2.5mg; 35mg; 35mg; 5mg; 35mg; 3.4mg; 125mcg; 25mg; 35mg cyanocobalamin injection 1000mcg/ml $0(Nivel 3) d 10000 capsule 10000unit $0(Nivel 3) Página 114 de 143 DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso daily-vite/iron/beta-carotene tablet 60mg; 0; 10mg; 400unit; $0(Nivel 3) DP 6mcg; 18mg; 400mcg; 20mg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 1.5mg; 30unit; 5000unit DRISDOL SOLUTION 8000UNIT/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP DP ear health formula tablet 100mg; 1.67mg; 29mg; 111.33mg; $0(Nivel 3) 1.67mcg; 111.33mg; 200mg; 3.33mg; 0.33mg; 1mg; 0.33mg ELDERTONIC ELIXIR 13.5%; 2MCG/15ML; 3MG/15ML; $0(Nivel 3) DP 0; 0.7MG/15ML; 7MG/15ML; 0.7MG/15ML; 0.6MG/15ML; 0.5MG/15ML; 5MG/15ML FOLIC ACID INJECTION 5MG/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP folic acid tablet 400mcg folic acid tablet 800mcg $0(Nivel 3) DP FOSFREE TABLET 50MG; 300MG; 2MG; 14.5MG; 10MG; $0(Nivel 3) DP 1MG; 3MG; 2MG; 5MG; 1500UNIT; 200UNIT geravim liquid 100mg/30ml; 1mcg/30ml; 15mg/30ml; $0(Nivel 3) DP 2mg/30ml; 2mg/30ml; 50mg/30ml; 10mg/30ml; 100mcg/30ml; 1mg/30ml; 2.5mg/30ml; 5mg/30ml; 2mg/30ml gnp one daily mens health/lycopene tablet 90mg; 0; 30mcg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 210mg; 5mg; 400unit; 120mcg; 2mg; 18mcg; 400mcg; 600mcg; 120mg; 2mg; 16mg; 20mcg; 100mg; 3mg; 1.7mg; 105mcg; 1.2mg; 45unit; 3500unit; 15mg gnp therapeutic-m tablet 90mg; 0; 30mcg; 150mcg; 40mg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 10mg; 7.5mg; 400unit; 50mcg; 2mg; 12mcg; 9mg; 400mcg; 100mg; 2mg; 20mg; 5mcg; 31mg; 28mcg; 7.5mg; 150mcg; 6mg; 3.4mg; 2mg; 10mcg; 75mcg; 70mcg; 10mcg; 3mg; 60unit; 5000unit; 15mg HYDROXOCOBALAMIN INJECTION 1000MCG/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP i-vite tablet 200mg; 1000unit; 2mg; 2mg; 55mcg; 60unit; $0(Nivel 3) DP 40mg ICAPS AREDS FORMULA TABLET 113MG; 7160UNIT; $0(Nivel 3) DP 33MG; 0.4MG; 100UNIT; 17.4MG ICAPS PLUS TABLET 200MG; 6000UNIT; 2MG; 5MG; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20MG; 20MCG; 60UNIT; 40MG kids vitamins complete tablet chewable 60mg; 0; 40mcg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 130mg; 10mg; 2mg; 6mcg; 400unit; 18mg; 400mcg; 20mg; 13.5mg; 100mg; 150mcg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 0; 1.5mg; 30unit; 5000unit; 15mg MULTI-DELYN/IRON LIQUID 60MG/5ML; 4.5MCG/5ML; $0(Nivel 3) DP 10MG/5ML; 13.5MG/5ML; 1.05MG/5ML; 1.2MG/5ML; 1.05MG/5ML; 15UNIT/5ML; 2500UNIT/5ML; 400UNIT/5ML multilex-t&m tablet 150mg; 10mg; 400unit; 1mg; 7.5mcg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 15mg; 5mg; 1mg; 100mg; 0.15mg; 2mg; 10mg; 15mg; 5.5unit; 10000unit; 1.5mg multiple vitamin tablet 60mg; 6mcg; 400unit; 0.4mg; 20mg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 2mg; 1.7mg; 1.5mg; 5000unit; 15unit natural mixed tocopherols capsule 1000unit $0(Nivel 3) DP natural mixed tocopherols capsule 400unit $0(Nivel 3) DP Página 115 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP Nombre del medicamento NEPHRO-VITE TABLET 60MG; 300MCG; 6MCG; 800MCG; 20MG; 10MG; 10MG; 1.7MG; 1.5MG niacin er capsule extended release 250mg $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP NIACIN TR TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 1000MG niacin tr tablet extended release 750mg $0(Nivel 3) DP DP niacinamide tablet 100mg $0(Nivel 3) niacinamide tablet 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP DP ocuvite extra tablet 200mg; 0; 2mg; 5mg; 5mg; 40mg; 3mg; $0(Nivel 3) 40mcg; 50unit; 6000unit; 40mg ONCOVITE TABLET 500MG; 10000UNIT; 100UNIT; $0(Nivel 3) DP 1.5MCG; 0.1MG; 5MG; 2.5MG; 25MG; 0.425MG; 0.368MG; 8000UNIT; 100UNIT; 22.5MG one daily for women tablet 60mg; 0; 30mcg; 450mg; 5mg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 1000unit; 120mcg; 2mg; 6mcg; 18mg; 400mcg; 50mg; 2mg; 10mg; 25mcg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 20mcg; 1.5mg; 30unit; 2500unit; 15mg ONE-A-DAY WOMENS FORMULA TABLET 60MG; 0; $0(Nivel 3) DP 30MCG; 450MG; 5MG; 800UNIT; 120MCG; 2MG; 6MCG; 18MG; 400MCG; 50MG; 2MG; 10MG; 25MCG; 2MG; 1.7MG; 20MCG; 1.5MG; 2500UNIT; 30UNIT; 15MG POLY-VI-SOL/IRON SOLUTION 35MG/ML; 10MG/ML; $0(Nivel 3) DP 8MG/ML; 0.4MG/ML; 0.6MG/ML; 0.5MG/ML; 1500UNIT/ML; 400UNIT/ML; 5UNIT/ML POLY-VI-SOL SOLUTION 35MG/ML; 2MCG/ML; $0(Nivel 3) DP 8MG/ML; 0.4MG/ML; 0.6MG/ML; 0.5MG/ML; 1500UNIT/ML; 400UNIT/ML; 5UNIT/ML PRENAPLUS TABLET 120MG; 0; 200MG; 400UNIT; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 2MG; 12MCG; 27MG; 1MG; 20MG; 10MG; 3MG; 1.84MG; 22MG; 4000UNIT; 25MG QL (30 EA cada 30 días) prenatabs rx tablet 120mg; 4000unit; 30mcg; 200mg; 7mg; $0(Nivel 1) 400unit; 3mg; 8mcg; 1mg; 29mg; 100mg; 20mg; 150mcg; 3mg; 3mg; 0; 3mg; 30unit; 15mg $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) prenatal plus iron tablet 120mg; 0; 200mg; 400unit; 2mg; 12mcg; 1mg; 29mg; 20mg; 10mg; 3mg; 1.84mg; 22mg; 4000unit; 25mg prenatal plus iron tablet 120mg; 0; 200mg; 400unit; 2mg; $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) 12mcg; 1mg; 29mg; 20mg; 10mg; 3mg; 1.84mg; 22unit; 4000unit; 25mg prenatal plus iron tablet 120mg; 0; 200mg; 400unit; 2mg; $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) 12mcg; 1mg; 29mg; 20mg; 10mg; 3mg; 1.84mg; 22unit; 4000unit; 25mg prenatal plus iron tablet 120mg; 0; 200mg; 400unit; 2mg; $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) 12mcg; 1mg; 29mg; 20mg; 10mg; 3mg; 1.84mg; 22unit; 4000unit; 25mg prosight tablet 60mg; 2mg; 40mcg; 5000unit; 30mg; 40mg $0(Nivel 3) DP PYRIDOXINE HCL INJECTION 100MG/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP ra vitamin e capsule 1000unit $0(Nivel 3) DP slo-niacin tablet extended release 250mg $0(Nivel 3) DP Página 116 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso sm ballanced b-100 tablet 100mcg; 100mg; 10mcg; 400mcg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 100mg; 100mg; 100mg; 100mg sm complete advanced formula tablet 60mg; 0; 30mcg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 162mg; 10mg; 72mg; 120mcg; 2mg; 6mcg; 400unit; 18mg; 400mcg; 150mcg; 250mcg; 300mcg; 100mg; 2mg; 20mg; 5mcg; 109mg; 80mg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 2mg; 150mcg; 10mcg; 75mcg; 20mcg; 10mcg; 1.5mg; 3500unit; 30unit; 25mcg; 15mg DP sm complete senior formula tablet 60mg; 0; 30mcg; 150mcg; $0(Nivel 3) 200mg; 72mg; 130mcg; 2mg; 25mcg; 400mcg; 150mcg; 4mg; 100mg; 3.5mg; 160mcg; 20mg; 5mcg; 10mg; 46mg; 60mg; 3mg; 1.7mg; 20mcg; 2mg; 15mg; 10mcg; 5000unit; 400unit; 45unit; 10mcg; 15mg sm pain reliever pm extra strength tablet 500mg; 25mg $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP THERA M PLUS TABLET 90MG; 0; 30MCG; 30MG; 10MG; 50MCG; 2MG; 12MCG; 400UNIT; 9MG; 400MCG; 100MG; 2MG; 20MG; 5MCG; 23MG; 28MCG; 7MG; 150MCG; 6MG; 3.4MG; 6MG; 150MCG; 10MCG; 75MCG; 70MCG; 10MCG; 3MG; 60UNIT; 5000UNIT; 15MG $0(Nivel 3) DP THERA-M TABLET 90MG; 0; 30MCG; 30MG; 10MG; 50MCG; 2MG; 12MCG; 400UNIT; 9MG; 400MCG; 100MG; 2MG; 20MG; 5MCG; 23MG; 28MCG; 7.5MG; 7MG; 150MCG; 6MG; 3.4MG; 6MG; 150MCG; 10MCG; 75MCG; 70MCG; 10MCG; 3MG; 60UNIT; 5000UNIT; 15MG therapeutic formula/hematinics tablet 11.7mg; 0.67mg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 50mcg; 66.7mg; 0.33mg; 41.7mg; 33.3mg; 3.3mg; 3.3mg; 100mg; 3.3mg; 5unit; 1400unit; 140unit $0(Nivel 3) DP THEREMS-M TABLET 90MG; 0; 0; 30MCG; 40MG; 10MG; 2MG; 7.5MG; 400UNIT; 50MCG; 2MG; 12MCG; 9MG; 400MCG; 100MG; 2MG; 20MG; 5MCG; 31MG; 28MCG; 7.5MG; 150MCG; 6MG; 3.4MG; 0; 150MCG; 10MCG; 75MCG; 70MCG; 10MCG; 3MG; 60UNIT; 5000UNIT; 15MG thiamine hcl injection 100mg/ml $0(Nivel 3) DP VINATE ONE TABLET 80MG; 0; 0.03MG; 200MG; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 400UNIT; 3MG; 2.5MCG; 60MG; 1MG; 100MG; 17MG; 7MG; 4MG; 1.6MG; 1.5MG; 15UNIT; 4000UNIT; 25MG VITAMAX TABLET CHEWABLE 60MG; 0; 300MCG; $0(Nivel 3) DP 10MG; 400UNIT; 6MCG; 200MCG; 20MG; 2MG; 1.7MG; 1.5MG; 200UNIT; 5000UNIT; 200MCG; 7.5MG vitamin a capsule 10000unit $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin b-12 tablet 100mcg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin b-12 tablet 250mcg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin b-12 tablet 500mcg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin b-1 tablet 50mg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin b-6 tablet 100mg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin b-6 tablet 25mg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin c cr tablet extended release 500mg $0(Nivel 3) DP Página 117 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de Nombre del medicamento (nivel) uso vitamin c tablet chewable 250mg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin c tablet 1000mg $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin c tablet 250mg $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin c tablet 500mg vitamin d-1000 tablet 1000unit $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin d3 400 capsule 400unit vitamin d3 tablet 400unit $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin e capsule 1000unit $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin e capsule 100unit $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin e capsule 200unit $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin e capsule 200unit $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin e capsule 400unit $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin e capsule 400unit $0(Nivel 3) DP VITAMIN K1 INJECTION 10MG/ML $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP vitamin k1 injection 1mg/0.5ml vitamins & minerals tablet 60mg; 60mg; 400unit; 2mg; 6mcg; $0(Nivel 3) DP 400mcg; 150mcg; 16mg; 1mg; 20mg; 10mg; 45mg; 5mg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 1.5mg; 5000unit; 30unit; 15mg vol-tab rx tablet 120mg; 4000unit; 30mcg; 200mg; 7mg; $0(Nivel 1) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) 400unit; 3mg; 8mcg; 1mg; 29mg; 100mg; 20mg; 150mcg; 3mg; 3mg; 3mg; 30unit; 15mg VP-PNV-DHA CAPSULE 80MG; 50MG; 400UNIT; 1MG; $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) 12MCG; 200MG; 15.8MG; 28MG; 1MG; 30MG; 20MG; 16MG; 2.2MG; 6MG; 30UNIT; 2500UNIT; 20MG womens daily formula/folic acid/calcium/iron tablet 60mg; 0; $0(Nivel 3) DP 30mcg; 450mg; 10mg; 400unit; 120mcg; 2mg; 6mcg; 27mg; 400mcg; 2mg; 20mg; 25mcg; 2mg; 1.7mg; 20mcg; 1.5mg; 30unit; 5250unit; 15mg Unclassified No Classification ABILIFY MAINTENA INJECTION 300MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 EA cada 30 días) ABILIFY MAINTENA INJECTION 400MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (1 EA cada 30 días) antacid fast acting suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20mg/5ml antacid maximum strength suspension 400mg/5ml; $0(Nivel 3) DP 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml antacid regular strength suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; $0(Nivel 3) DP 20mg/5ml CALCET PETITES TABLET 200MG; 250UNIT $0(Nivel 3) DP CALCIONATE SYRUP 1.8GM/5ML $0(Nivel 3) DP cvs fiber laxative tablet 625mg $0(Nivel 3) DP CVS SLOW RELEASE IRON TABLET EXTENDED $0(Nivel 3) DP RELEASE 143MG dermamed ointment 0 $0(Nivel 3) DP dibucaine ointment 1% $0(Nivel 3) DP eye drops allergy relief solution 0.05%; 0.25% $0(Nivel 3) DP FARYDAK CAPSULE 10MG $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (9 EA cada 28 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (9 EA cada 28 días) FARYDAK CAPSULE 15MG Página 118 de 143 Nombre del medicamento FARYDAK CAPSULE 20MG fiber laxative capsule 0.52gm fiber laxative tablet 625mg glycerin liquid 0 GLYCERIN LIQUID 99.5% gnp 12 hour nasal spray solution 0.05% gnp antacid anti-gas suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml gnp antacid maximum strength suspension 400mg/5ml; 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml gnp artificial tears solution 0.5%; 0.6% gnp fiber-caps tablet 625mg gnp masanti maximum strength suspension 400mg/5ml; 400mg/5ml; 40mg/5ml gnp masanti regular strength suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml gnp miconazorb af powder 2% gnp suphedrin liquid 15mg/5ml gnp vitamin b1 tablet 100mg gnp zinc oxide ointment 20% HEMORRHOIDAL OINTMENT 0; 3% hm acid reducer tablet 75mg hm antacid/antigas suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml hm artificial tears solution 0.5%; 0.6% hm saline nasal spray solution 0.65% hm triple antibiotic plus maximum strength ointment 500unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 10000unit/gm; 10mg/gm hm triple antibiotic ointment 400unit/gm; 3.5mg/gm; 5000unit/gm IBRANCE CAPSULE 100MG IBRANCE CAPSULE 125MG IBRANCE CAPSULE 75MG ICAR TABLET CHEWABLE 15MG L-LYSINE ACETATE TABLET 500MG metamucil smooth texture powder 58.6% MYOFLEX CREAM 10% PETROLATUM OINTMENT 0; 0 PROFERRIN ES TABLET 12MG qc 3 día vaginal cream cream 4% SLOW-MAG TABLET DELAYED RELEASE 119MG; 71.5MG sm antacid anti-gas suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml sm antacid/antigas suspension 200mg/5ml; 200mg/5ml; 20mg/5ml sm fiber laxative capsule 0.52gm sm fiber laxative tablet 625mg Página 119 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (9 EA cada 28 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP DP DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0-$6.60(Nivel 2) QL (30 EA cada 30 días) $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP Nombre del medicamento sm nasal decongestant pe tablet 10mg sm redness relief solution 0.2%; 0.012% TRIXAICIN CREAM 0.025% VIACTIV TABLET CHEWABLE 500MG; 500UNIT; 40MCG VICKS VAPORUB OINTMENT 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 ZINC TRACE METAL INJECTION 1MG/ML Página 120 de 143 Cuánto le costaráMedidas necesarias, el medicamento restricciones o límites de (nivel) uso $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) DP $0(Nivel 3) $0(Nivel 3) DP DP Índice Nombre del medicamento Nombre del medicamento abacavir abacavir sulfate/lamivudine/zidovudine ABELCET ABILIFY ABILIFY DISCMELT ABILIFY MAINTENA ABILIFY MAINTENA ABRAXANE ABREVA ABSORBASE acamprosate calcium dr acarbose acebutolol hcl acerola c-500 acetaminophen/codeine acetaminophen/codeine #3 acetasol hc acetazolamide acetazolamide er acetazolamide sodium acetic acid acetylcysteine acid gone acid reducer ACNE MEDICATION acne medication 10 acne medication 5 ACTHIB ACTIMMUNE acyclovir acyclovir sodium ADACEL ADAGEN adapalene adefovir dipivoxil adriamycin adrucil ADVAIR DISKUS ADVAIR HFA ADVANCED AM/PM afeditab cr AFINITOR AFINITOR DISPERZ AGGRENOX a-hydrocort akwa tears Página 121 de 143 # de página 42 42 25 37 37 118 37 31 44 65 5 45 56 113 3 3 96 60 95 60 96 100 69 75 65 65 65 90 90 44 44 90 68 65 40 31 30 96 96 113 57 32 32 52 78 94 ALBENZA albuterol sulfate albuterol sulfate er alclometasone dipropionate alcohol prep pads ALDURAZYME alendronate sodium alfuzosin hcl er ALIMTA ALINIA ALKERAN all día pain relief allergy relief allergy/congestion relief allopurinol almacone almacone double strength ALOE VESTA SKIN CONDITIONER ALOPRIM ALORA alosetron hydrochloride ALPHAGAN P alprazolam ALPRAZOLAM INTENSOL aluminum acetate astringent ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE amantadine hcl A-MANTLE AMBISOME amcinonide amifostine amikacin sulfate amiloride hcl amiloride/hydrochlorothiazide aminophylline AMINOSYN 7%/ELECTROLYTES aminosyn 8.5%/electrolytes AMINOSYN II aminosyn ii 8.5%/electrolytes AMINOSYN M AMINOSYN-HBC AMINOSYN-PF AMINOSYN-PF 7% AMINOSYN-RF amiodarone hcl AMITIZA amitriptyline hcl amlactin amlodipine besylate # de página 34 98 98 78 8 68 91 77 30 34 29 1 97 97 28 69 69 65 28 82 75 95 45 44 65 69 44 65 25 78 31 7 60 60 99 103 103 103 103 104 104 104 104 104 55 75 23 65 58 Nombre del medicamento amlodipine besylate/benazepril hcl amlodipine besylate/benazepril hydrochloride amlodipine besylate/valsartan amlodipine/valsartan/hctz AMMONIUM CHLORIDE ammonium lactate amoxapine amoxicillin amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium er amphetamine/dextroamphetamine AMPHOTERICIN B ampicillin ampicillin sodium ampicillin-sulbactam anagrelide hydrochloride anastrozole ANDRODERM ANDROXY antacid antacid fast acting antacid maximum strength antacid plus anti-gas relief antacid plus anti-gas relief maximum strength antacid regular strength anti-dandruff shampoo anti-diarrheal antifungal anti-itch maximum strength APAP 500 APIDRA APIDRA SOLOSTAR APOKYN apri APTIOM APTIVUS AQUADEKS aquanil hc AQUASOL A PARENTERAL aqueous vitamin e ARALAST NP aranelle ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE ARCALYST arginine aripiprazole ARRANON Página 122 de 143 # de página 58 58 58 58 104 65 23 13 13 13 63 25 14 13 13 50 32 82 82 70 118 118 70 69 118 65 70 25 65 1 47 47 35 82 16 43 113 78 113 113 100 82 50 90 92 37 30 Nombre del medicamento artificial tears ARZERRA ascomp/codeine ASCRIPTIN ASMANEX HFA ASMANEX TWISTHALER 120 METERED DOSES ASMANEX TWISTHALER 14 METERED DOSES ASMANEX TWISTHALER 30 METERED DOSES ASMANEX TWISTHALER 60 METERED DOSES aspirin aspirin/dipyridamole atenolol atenolol/chlorthalidone atorvastatin calcium atovaquone atovaquone/proguanil hcl ATRAC-TAIN ATRIPLA ATROPINE SULFATE ATROVENT HFA AUBAGIO aubra augmented betamethasone dipropionate AVANDARYL AVASTIN AVELOX aviane AVODART AVONEX AVONEX PEN AXID AR ayr AYR NASAL DROPS ayr saline nasal azacitidine AZACTAM AZACTAM IN ISO-OSMOTIC DEXTROSE azathioprine azelastine hcl AZILECT azithromycin aztreonam b complex b-100 tr # de página 94 34 3 70 96 96 96 96 96 1 52 56 56 61 34 34 65 44 69 98 64 82 78 45 34 15 82 77 64 64 75 100 100 100 31 13 13 88 97 36 14 13 113 113 Nombre del medicamento baciim BACITRACIN bacitracin zinc bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin bacitracin/polymyxin b baclofen BACTOCILL IN DEXTROSE balanced b-100 balanced b-50 BALNETAR LIQUIM balsalazide disodium balziva BANZEL BARACLUDE baza antifungal baza protect b-complex/c BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETYGLIDE/1ML/29G X 1/2" BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAFINE/0.3ML/31G X 5/16" BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAFINE/0.5ML/30G X 1/2" bd insulin syringe ultrafine/1ml/30g x 1/2" BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAFINE/1ML/31G X 5/16" bd insulin syringe/detachable needle/u-100/1ml/25g x 5/8" bd pen needle/mini/ultrafine/31g x 3/16" bd pen needle/short/ultrafine/31g x 5/16" BD PEN NEEDLE/ULTRAFINE/29G X 12.7MM bd pen needles short/ultrafine/31g x 5/16" BELEODAQ benazepril hcl benazepril hcl/hydrochlorothiazide BENEFIBER BENZOIN COMPOUND TINCTURE benztropine mesylate beta carotene BETADINE BETADINE SKIN CLEANSER BETADINE SURGICAL SCRUB BETADINE SWAB AID BETADINE SWABSTICKS betamethasone dipropionate betamethasone valerate betasept surgical scrub BETASERON Página 123 de 143 # de página 8 8 8 8 94 40 14 114 114 65 91 82 19 40 26 65 114 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 31 54 54 70 65 35 114 8 8 8 8 8 78 78 65 64 Nombre del medicamento betaxolol hcl betaxolol hcl bethanechol chloride bexarotene BEXSERO bicalutamide BICILLIN C-R BICILLIN L-A BICNU BIDIL biotin bisac-evac bisacodyl bisacodyl ec biscolax bismatrol bismatrol maximum strength bisoprolol fumarate bisoprolol fumarate/hydrochlorothiazide bleomycin sulfate BOOSTRIX BOSULIF BOTOX BOTOX BRILINTA brimonidine tartrate BRINTELLIX bromfed dm bromocriptine mesylate budeprion sr budesonide budesonide BUFFERIN bumetanide BUPHENYL buprenorphine hcl buproban bupropion hcl bupropion hcl sr bupropion hcl xl buspirone hcl BUSULFEX butalbital/acetaminophen butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine/codeine butalbital/aspirin/caffeine butorphanol tartrate BYETTA c-500 # de página 56 95 77 34 90 30 14 14 29 62 114 70 70 70 70 70 70 56 56 31 90 33 28 93 52 95 21 100 35 21 78 96 1 60 68 5 5 21 21 21 44 29 1 1 1 1 3 45 114 Nombre del medicamento cabergoline CALCET PETITES CALCI-CHEW CALCI-MIX CALCIONATE calcipotriene calcitonin-salmon calcitriol CALCIUM calcium & magnesium + zinc calcium + d3 calcium acetate calcium antacid calcium antacid extra strength CALCIUM CARBONATE calcium carbonate calcium citrate+ d CALCIUM GLUCONATE CALCIUM LACTATE cal-gest antacid caltrate 600 CALTRATE 600+D CALTRATE 600+D PLUS MINERALS camila CAMPTOSAR CANCIDAS candesartan cilexetil candesartan cilexetil/hydrochlorothiazide CAPASTAT SULFATE CAPRELSA capsaicin captopril captopril/hydrochlorothiazide carbamazepine carbamazepine er CARBATROL carbidopa/levodopa carbidopa/levodopa er carbidopa/levodopa odt carboplatin CARIMUNE NANOFILTERED carteolol hcl cartia xt carvedilol castellani paint modified/color CAYSTON cefaclor cefaclor er cefadroxil Página 124 de 143 # de página 87 118 104 104 118 65 91 91 70 104 104 77 70 70 70 104 104 104 105 70 105 105 105 85 31 26 53 53 29 33 65 55 55 19 19 19 36 36 36 31 90 95 58 57 26 99 10 10 11 Nombre del medicamento cefazolin sodium cefdinir cefepime cefixime cefotaxime sodium cefoxitin sodium cefpodoxime proxetil cefprozil ceftazidime ceftriaxone sodium cefuroxime axetil cefuroxime sodium CELLCEPT CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS CELONTIN CENTRUM SILVER cephalexin CEREBYX CEREZYME cerovite advanced formula cerovite jr CERVARIX CETAPHIL CETAPHIL MOISTURIZING cetirizine hcl CHANTIX CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH PAK CHANTIX STARTING MONTH PAK CHEMET cheratussin dac chewable antacid CHLORAMPHENICOL SODIUM SUCCINATE chlordiazepoxide/amitriptyline chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse chloroquine phosphate chlorothiazide chlorothiazide sodium CHLORPROMAZINE HCL chlorthalidone chlorzoxazone cholestyramine light chorionic gonadotropin ciclopirox ciclopirox olamine cidofovir cilostazol cimetidine cimetidine hcl # de página 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 88 88 17 114 12 19 68 114 114 90 65 65 97 5 5 5 102 100 70 8 23 65 34 61 61 36 61 101 62 80 26 26 40 52 75 75 Nombre del medicamento CINRYZE CIPRODEX ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin hcl ciprofloxacin i.v.-in d5w cisplatin citalopram hydrobromide CITRUCEL CITRUCEL FIBER LAXATIVE citrus calcium/vitamin d cladribine CLAFORAN claravis clarithromycin clarithromycin er CLEOCIN IN D5W CLEOCIN PEDIATRIC GRANULES CLIMARA PRO clindamax clindamycin hcl clindamycin palmitate hcl clindamycin phosphate clindamycin phosphate add-vantage clindamycin phosphate in d5w clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide CLINIMIX 2.75%/DEXTROSE 5% CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 10% CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 20% CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 25% CLINIMIX 4.25%/DEXTROSE 5% CLINIMIX 5%/DEXTROSE 15% CLINIMIX 5%/DEXTROSE 20% CLINIMIX 5%/DEXTROSE 25% CLINIMIX E 2.75%/DEXTROSE 10% CLINIMIX E 2.75%/DEXTROSE 5% CLINIMIX E 4.25%/DEXTROSE 10% CLINIMIX E 4.25%/DEXTROSE 25% CLINIMIX E 4.25%/DEXTROSE 5% CLINIMIX E 5%/DEXTROSE 15% CLINIMIX E 5%/DEXTROSE 20% CLINIMIX E 5%/DEXTROSE 25% clobetasol propionate clobetasol propionate e clodan CLOLAR clomipramine hcl clonazepam clonazepam odt clonidine hcl Página 125 de 143 # de página 88 96 15 15 15 31 22 70 70 105 30 12 65 14 14 8 8 82 8 8 9 9 9 9 66 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 78 78 78 30 23 17 17 53 Nombre del medicamento clonidine hcl er clopidogrel clorazepate dipotassium clotrimazole clotrimazole anti-fungal clotrimazole/betamethasone dipropionate clozapine clozapine odt COARTEM cod liver oil CODITUSS DM COLACE colchicine COLCRYS cold head congestion severe díatime colestipol hcl colistimethate sodium COMBIGAN COMBIVENT RESPIMAT COMETRIQ compete COMPLERA complete lice treatment kit compro COMVAX CONGESTAC constulose COPAXONE cortisone acetate corvita COSMEGEN COUMADIN CREON CRITIC-AID CLEAR MOISTUREBARRIER CRITIC-AID THICK MOISTUREBARRIER CRIXIVAN cromolyn sodium cromolyn sodium cromolyn sodium cryselle-28 CUBICIN curity gauze pads 2"x2" cvs antacid ultra strength cvs electrolyte solution cvs fiber laxative cvs iron CVS SLOW RELEASE IRON # de página 53 52 45 26 26 66 39 39 34 114 100 70 28 28 100 62 9 93 98 33 114 42 35 36 90 100 76 64 78 114 31 48 68 66 66 43 70 95 99 82 9 66 70 107 118 107 118 Nombre del medicamento cyanocobalamin cyclafem 1/35 cyclobenzaprine hcl cyclophosphamide CYCLOSET cyclosporine cyclosporine modified cyproheptadine hcl CYRAMZA CYSTADANE CYSTAGON cytarabine cytarabine aqueous CYTOMEL d 10000 dacarbazine DACOGEN dactinomycin daily-vite/iron/beta-carotene DALIRESP danazol dantrolene sodium DAPSONE DAPTACEL DARAPRIM DAUNORUBICIN HCL deblitane DECAVAC decitabine decongestant 12hour maximum strength deep sea nasal spray DELSYM delyla DELZICOL demeclocycline hcl DEMEROL DEMSER DENAVIR DEPEN TITRATABS DEPO-ESTRADIOL DEPO-MEDROL DEPO-SUBQ PROVERA 104 dermamed desenex desenex shake powder desenex spray powder desipramine hcl desmopressin acetate desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol Página 126 de 143 # de página 114 82 101 29 45 88 88 97 34 68 68 30 30 86 114 29 31 31 115 99 82 40 29 90 34 31 85 90 31 100 100 100 82 91 16 3 59 44 102 82 78 85 118 26 26 26 23 80 82 Nombre del medicamento desonide desoximetasone desvenlafaxine er dexamethasone dexamethasone sodium phosphate dexamethasone sodium phosphate dexferrum dexrazoxane dextroamphetamine sulfate DEXTROSE 10%/NACL 0.45% dextrose 10% flex container DEXTROSE 10%/NACL 0.2% dextrose 2.5%/sodium chloride 0.45% dextrose 5% dextrose 5%/nacl 0.2% DEXTROSE 5%/NACL 0.225% dextrose 5%/nacl 0.33% dextrose 5%/nacl 0.45% dextrose 5%/nacl 0.9% dextrose 5%/potassium chloride 0.15% DHS SAL DHS TAR diazepam diazepam DIAZEPAM INTENSOL dibucaine dibucaine diclofenac potassium diclofenac sodium diclofenac sodium dr diclofenac sodium er dicloxacillin sodium dicyclomine hcl didanosine diflunisal digitek digoxin dihydroergotamine mesylate DILANTIN DILANTIN INFATABS DILANTIN-125 dilt-cd diltiazem cd DILTIAZEM HCL diltiazem hcl er dilt-xr dimenhydrinate diocto DIPENTUM # de página 78 78 22 78 78 95 107 31 63 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 66 66 17 45 45 118 66 1 95 1 1 14 69 42 1 59 59 28 19 19 19 58 58 59 58 58 24 71 91 Nombre del medicamento diphenhydramine hcl diphenoxylate/atropine DIPHTHERIA/TETANUS TOXOIDS ADSORBED PEDIATRIC dipyridamole disopyramide phosphate disulfiram divalproex sodium divalproex sodium dr divalproex sodium er dml DOCEFREZ DOCETAXEL docqlace docqlace doc-q-lax docu docusate sodium docusate sodium & senna stimulant laxative/stool softener docusil dok donepezil hcl dorzolamide hcl dorzolamide hcl/timolol maleate double antibiotic doxazosin mesylate doxepin hcl DOXIL doxorubicin hcl doxycycline hyclate doxycycline monohydrate DR SMITHS DIAPER driminate DRISDOL DRISTAN SPRAY dronabinol DROXIA ducodyl DUETACT DULERA duloxetine hcl duramorph e.e.s. 400 e.e.s. granules ear health formula ear wax removal drops ear wax remover earwax treatment drops Página 127 de 143 # de página 97 71 90 52 56 5 17 17 17 66 31 31 71 76 76 71 71 76 71 71 20 95 95 9 77 24 31 31 16 16 66 24 115 100 25 30 71 45 97 22 3 15 15 115 96 96 96 Nombre del medicamento easy touch pen needles 31gx5/16" easy touch pen needles/31g x 3/16" econazole nitrate ed a-hist pse EDURANT EFFIENT ELAPRASE ELDEPRYL ELDERTONIC ELELYSO ELIDEL ELIGARD ELIPHOS ELITEK ELIXOPHYLLIN ELLA ELLENCE ELMIRON EMCYT EMEND EMSAM EMTRIVA enalapril maleate enalapril maleate/hydrochlorothiazide ENBREL ENBREL SURECLICK endocet ENGERIX-B enoxaparin sodium enpresse-28 entacapone entecavir ENUCLENE enulose EPIPEN 2-PAK EPIPEN-JR 2-PAK epirubicin hcl epitol EPIVIR EPIVIR HBV eplerenone EPOGEN eprosartan mesylate EPZICOM eql iron supplement therapy ERBITUX ergoloid mesylates ERGOMAR ERIVEDGE # de página 93 93 26 97 42 53 68 36 115 68 66 87 78 30 99 85 31 77 30 25 22 42 55 55 88 88 3 90 49 82 35 40 94 76 99 99 31 19 42 40 60 51 54 42 108 34 20 28 33 Nombre del medicamento errin ERYPED 400 ERY-TAB ERYTHROCIN LACTOBIONATE erythrocin stearate erythromycin erythromycin base erythromycin/benzoyl peroxide escitalopram oxalate esomeprazole sodium ESTRACE estradiol estradiol valerate estropipate ethambutol hcl ethosuximide etidronate disodium etodolac etodolac er ETOPOPHOS etoposide EVISTA EVOTAZ EXCEDRIN EXTRA STRENGTH exel comfort point insulin pen needles 31g x 8mm exemestane EXJADE EX-LAX EX-LAX MAXIMUM STRENGTH eye drops allergy relief FABRAZYME falmina famciclovir famotidine FAMOTIDINE PREMIXED FANAPT FANAPT TITRATION PACK FARESTON FARXIGA FARYDAK FASLODEX FAZACLO felbamate felodipine er fenofibrate fenofibrate micronized fenoprofen calcium fentanyl Página 128 de 143 # de página 85 15 15 15 15 15 15 66 22 77 82 82 82 83 29 17 92 1 1 32 32 85 43 1 93 32 102 71 71 118 68 83 44 75 75 38 38 30 45 118 30 39 18 59 61 61 1 2 Nombre del medicamento Citrato de fentanilo por víatransmucosa oral FEOSOL FERATE fer-iron ferosul ferretts FERROUS FUMARATE FERROUS GLUCONATE ferrous sulfate FETZIMA FETZIMA TITRATION PACK feverall fiber laxative fiber tabs FIBERCON fiber-lax finasteride FIRAZYR FIRMAGON flavoxate hcl flecainide acetate FLEET BISACODYL FLEET LIQUID GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES FLEET OIL FLOVENT DISKUS FLOVENT HFA fluconazole fluconazole in dextrose flucytosine fludarabine phosphate fludrocortisone acetate flunisolide fluocinolone acetonide fluocinonide fluocinonide-e fluorometholone fluorouracil fluorouracil fluoxetine hcl FLUPHENAZINE DECANOATE fluphenazine hcl flurazepam hcl flurbiprofen flurbiprofen sodium flutamide fluticasone propionate fluticasone propionate # de página 3 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 22 22 1 119 71 71 71 77 88 87 77 56 71 71 71 97 97 26 26 26 31 79 97 79 79 79 95 31 66 22 36 36 102 1 95 30 79 97 Nombre del medicamento fluvoxamine maleate FOLIC ACID FOLOTYN fondaparinux sodium FORTAZ FORTEO fortical FOSFREE fosinopril sodium fosinopril sodium/hydrochlorothiazide fosphenytoin sodium FOSRENOL FRAGMIN FREAMINE HBC 6.9% FUNGOID TINCTURE furosemide FUSILEV FUZEON FYCOMPA gabapentin GABITRIL galantamine hydrobromide GALZIN GAMASTAN S/D GAMMAGARD LIQUID GAMUNEX-C ganciclovir GARDASIL GARDASIL 9 GAS-X gas-x extra strength gas-x ultra strength gavilyte-c gavilyte-g gavilyte-n/flavor pack GAVISCON GAVISCON EXTRA STRENGTH GAVISCON EXTRA STRENGTH RELIEF FORMULA GEL-KAM gemcitabine hcl gemfibrozil generlac gengraf gentak gentamicin sulfate GENTAMICIN SULFATE/0.9% SODIUM CHLORIDE GENTEAL MILD Página 129 de 143 # de página 22 115 31 49 12 92 92 115 55 55 19 78 49 109 26 60 31 43 16 17 17 20 109 90 90 90 40 90 90 71 71 71 76 76 76 71 71 71 65 31 61 76 89 7 7 7 94 Nombre del medicamento GENTEAL MILD TO MODERATE GENTEAL SEVERE GENTIAN VIOLET GEODON geravim gildess 1.5/30 GILENYA GILOTRIF glatopa GLEEVEC glimepiride glipizide glipizide er glipizide/metformin hcl GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT GLUCOSE glutose 15 glyburide glyburide micronized glyburide/metformin hcl glycerin glycerin adult glycopyrrolate GLYSET gnp 12 hour nasal spray gnp antacid gnp antacid anti-gas gnp antacid extra strength gnp antacid maximum strength gnp antacid ultra strength gnp antibiotic plus pramoxine gnp anti-diarrheal gnp artificial tears gnp bacitracin zinc GNP CALAMINE PHENOLATED gnp caldyphen gnp clotrimazole 3 gnp ear drops gnp ear systems gnp fiber therapy gnp fiber-caps gnp fish oil gnp glycerin adult gnp hydrocortisone gnp hygienic cleansing pads gnp iron gnp k-pec gnp lice treatment # de página 94 94 26 38 115 83 64 31 64 33 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 46 46 46 119 71 69 46 119 71 119 71 119 71 9 72 119 9 66 66 26 96 96 76 119 93 72 79 66 109 72 35 Nombre del medicamento gnp loperamide hcl gnp masanti maximum strength gnp masanti regular strength gnp miconazole 3 gnp miconazole 7 gnp miconazorb af gnp milk of magnesia gnp natural fiber gnp nicotine polacrilex gnp nose drops extra strength gnp one daily mens health/lycopene gnp pediatric electrolyte gnp pink bismuth gnp povidone-iodine gnp senna plus gnp senna-lax gnp soothing bath treatment gnp stomach relief gnp stomach relief maximum strength gnp suphedrin gnp terbinafine hydrochloride gnp therapeutic blue gel gnp therapeutic-m gnp triple antibiotic gnp vitamin a & d gnp vitamin b1 gnp zinc oxide goodsense all día allergy GRALISE GRALISE STARTER granisetron hcl GRANIX griseofulvin microsize griseofulvin ultramicrosize guaifenesin/codeine guanfacine er guanfacine hcl GUANIDINE HCL HALAVEN halobetasol propionate haloperidol haloperidol decanoate haloperidol lactate HAVRIX heartburn relief HECTOROL HEMORRHOIDAL hemorrhoidal hemorrhoidal Página 130 de 143 # de página 72 119 119 26 26 119 76 72 5 100 115 109 72 9 76 72 66 72 72 119 26 66 115 9 66 119 119 97 1 1 25 51 26 26 100 63 53 29 31 79 37 36 37 90 75 92 119 66 72 Nombre del medicamento heparin sodium heparin sodium/d5w heparin sodium/nacl 0.9% hepatamine HERCEPTIN HEXALEN hm acid reducer hm antacid/antigas hm anti-diarrheal hm artificial tears hm bacitracin hm double antibiotic hm earwax removal aid hm fiber HM GLUCOSE hm loperamide hcl hm povidone-iodine hm saline nasal spray hm stomach relief hm triple antibiotic hm triple antibiotic plus maximum strength HUMALOG HUMALOG KWIKPEN HUMALOG MIX 50/50 HUMALOG MIX 50/50 KWIKPEN HUMALOG MIX 75/25 HUMALOG MIX 75/25 KWIKPEN HUMIRA HUMIRA PEN-CROHNS DISEASESTARTER HUMULIN 70/30 HUMULIN 70/30 KWIKPEN HUMULIN N HUMULIN N KWIKPEN HUMULIN R HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) hydralazine hcl hydrisalic hydro skin maximum strength hydrochlorothiazide hydrocodone bitartrate/acetaminophen hydrocodone bitartrate/homatropine methylbromide hydrocodone polistirex/chlorpheniramine polistirex hydrocodone/acetaminophen hydrocortisone hydrocortisone butyrate hydrocortisone valerate # de página 49 49 49 109 34 29 119 119 72 119 9 9 96 72 47 72 9 119 72 119 119 48 47 48 48 48 48 89 89 48 48 48 48 48 48 63 66 79 61 3 100 100 3 79 79 79 Nombre del medicamento hydrocortisone/acetic acid hydrocortisone/aloe HYDROGEN PEROXIDE hydromorphone hcl HYDROXOCOBALAMIN hydroxychloroquine sulfate hydroxyurea HYDROXYZINE HCL hydroxyzine pamoate ibandronate sodium IBRANCE ibuprofen ICAPS AREDS FORMULA ICAPS PLUS ICAR ICLUSIG IDAMYCIN PFS idarubicin hcl IFEX ifosfamide ILARIS IMBRUVICA imipenem/cilastatin imipramine hcl imipramine pamoate imiquimod IMITREX IMITREX STATDOSE REFILL IMOVAX RABIES (H.D.C.V.) INCIVEK INCRELEX indapamide indomethacin indomethacin er INFANRIX INFERGEN INLYTA INSTA-GLUCOSE insupen ultrafin 31gx8mm INTELENCE intralipid INTRON A INTRON A W/DILUENT introvale INTUNIV INVANZ INVEGA INVEGA SUSTENNA INVIRASE Página 131 de 143 # de página 96 79 9 4 115 34 31 97 98 92 119 1 115 115 119 33 31 31 29 29 90 33 13 24 24 66 28 28 90 40 80 61 2 2 90 40 33 47 93 42 93 40 40 83 63 13 38 38 43 Nombre del medicamento IONOSOL-B/DEXTROSE 5% IONOSOL-MB/DEXTROSE 5% IPOL INACTIVATED IPV ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide/albuterol sulfate irbesartan irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide irinotecan ISENTRESS ISOLYTE-P/DEXTROSE 5% ISOLYTE-S ISONIAZID ISOPTO TEARS isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide dinitrate er isosorbide mononitrate isosorbide mononitrate er isotonic gentamicin ISTODAX itch relief extra strength ITCH-X itraconazole ivermectin i-vite IXEMPRA KIT IXIARO JAKAFI jantoven JANUVIA JENTADUETO JEVTANA jock itch spray jolivette junel 1.5/30 junel 1/20 junel fe 1.5/30 junel fe 1/20 junel fe 24 KADCYLA KALETRA kao-tin kariva kcl 0.075%/d5w/nacl 0.45% KCL 0.15%/D5W/LR kcl 0.15%/d5w/nacl 0.2% KCL 0.15%/D5W/NACL 0.225% kcl 0.15%/d5w/nacl 0.9% kcl 0.3%/d5w/nacl 0.45% KCL 0.3%/D5W/NACL 0.9% # de página 109 109 90 98 98 54 54 31 42 109 109 29 94 62 62 62 62 7 31 66 66 26 34 115 31 90 33 49 46 46 31 26 85 83 83 83 83 83 34 43 72 83 109 109 109 109 109 110 110 Nombre del medicamento kelnor 1/35 KEPIVANCE KETEK ketoconazole ketoprofen ketoprofen er ketorolac tromethamine ketorolac tromethamine KEYTRUDA KHEDEZLA kids vitamins complete kimidess KINERET kionex klor-con 10 klor-con 8 klor-con m10 klor-con m15 klor-con m20 kls acid reducer maximum strength KOMBIGLYZE XR KONSYL konsyl KONSYL-D KORLYM kp ferrous sulfate KUVAN labetalol hcl lac-dose lac-hydrin five laclotion lactated ringers dextrose 5% viaflex lactated ringers irrigation lactated ringers viaflex lactose fast acting relief LACTRASE lactulose LAMISIL AT LAMISIL AT SPRAY lamivudine lamivudine lamivudine/zidovudine lamotrigine lamotrigine odt LANOXIN LANTUS LANTUS SOLOSTAR larin 1.5/30 latanoprost Página 132 de 143 # de página 83 65 15 26 2 2 2 95 34 22 115 83 89 103 110 110 110 110 110 75 47 69 72 72 81 110 68 57 68 66 66 110 93 110 68 68 76 26 26 40 42 42 18 18 60 48 48 83 93 Nombre del medicamento LATUDA laxative LAZANDA leena leflunomide LENVIMA 10MG DAILY DOSE LENVIMA 14MG DAILY DOSE LENVIMA 20MG DAILY DOSE LENVIMA 24MG DAILY DOSE lessina LETAIRIS letrozole leucovorin calcium LEUKERAN LEUKINE leuprolide acetate levalbuterol hcl LEVAQUIN LEVEMIR LEVEMIR FLEXTOUCH levetiracetam levobunolol hcl levocarnitine levocetirizine dihydrochloride levofloxacin levofloxacin in d5w levoleucovorin calcium levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol levora 0.15/30-28 levorphanol tartrate levothyroxine sodium levoxyl LEXIVA lice killing maximum strength lidocaine lidocaine hcl lidocaine hcl jelly lidocaine viscous lidocaine/prilocaine lidocream LINCOCIN lindane linezolid liothyronine sodium lipodox lipodox 50 liposyn iii liquitears # de página 38 72 4 83 90 33 33 33 33 83 100 32 31 29 51 87 99 15 48 48 16 95 93 98 15 15 32 83 83 83 2 86 86 43 35 5 4 4 4 5 5 9 35 9 86 32 32 93 94 Nombre del medicamento lisinopril lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide lite touch pen needles/31g x 3/16" lithium lithium carbonate lithium carbonate er LITHOBID L-LYSINE ACETATE loestrin 24 fe lohist-dm lomustine loperamide hcl loratadine lorazepam LORAZEPAM INTENSOL losartan potassium losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide LOTEMAX LOTRONEX lovastatin low-ogestrel loxapine succinate lubricating jelly lubrifresh p.m. LUFYLLIN LUMIGAN LUMIZYME LUPRON DEPOT LUPRON DEPOT-PED lutera LYNPARZA LYRICA LYSODREN lyza MAALOX maalox advanced maximum strength maalox max mag-delay MAGNEBIND 300 magnesium magnesium citrate magnesium gluconate magnesium oxide magnesium sulfate MAGONATE malathion maprotiline hcl marlissa MARPLAN Página 133 de 143 # de página 55 55 93 45 45 45 45 119 83 100 29 72 98 45 45 54 54 95 75 61 83 37 77 94 99 93 68 87 87 83 32 17 87 85 72 72 72 110 78 72 76 110 72 110 110 35 21 83 22 Nombre del medicamento MATULANE matzim la meclizine hcl meclofenamate sodium medi-cortisone medroxyprogesterone acetate mefloquine hcl megestrol acetate MEKINIST meloxicam melphalan hydrochloride memantine hcl memantine hcl titration pak MENACTRA m-end dm MENEST MENOMUNE-A/C/Y/W-135 MENVEO meperidine hcl meprobamate MEPRON mercaptopurine meropenem mesalamine mesna MESNEX MESTINON MESTINON TIMESPAN METADATE CD metamucil smooth texture metamucil smooth texture metaproterenol sulfate metformin hcl metformin hcl er METHADONE HCL methadose methazolamide methenamine hippurate methimazole METHITEST methocarbamol methotrexate methotrexate sodium methoxsalen methscopolamine bromide methyclothiazide methyldopa methyldopa/hydrochlorothiazide METHYLDOPATE HCL # de página 29 59 24 2 79 85 34 85 33 2 30 21 21 91 100 83 91 91 4 44 34 31 13 91 32 32 29 29 63 119 72 99 47 47 2 3 95 9 88 82 101 89 89 66 69 61 53 53 53 Nombre del medicamento methylergonovine maleate methylphenidate hcl methylphenidate hcl cd methylphenidate hcl er methylprednisolone methylprednisolone acetate methylprednisolone dose pack methylprednisolone sodiumsuccinate metipranolol metoclopramide hcl metolazone metoprolol succinate er metoprolol tartrate metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide metronidazole metronidazole in nacl 0.79% metronidazole vaginal mexiletine hcl MIACALCIN mi-acid mi-acid maximum strength miconazole miconazole 3 miconazole 3 combo pack miconazole 7 miconazole nitrate micro guard microgestin 1.5/30 microgestin 1/20 microgestin fe microgestin fe 1.5/30 midodrine hcl migergot milk of magnesia milk of magnesia MILK DE MAGNESIA CONCENTRATE minocycline hcl minoxidil mintox mintox maximum strength mintox plus mirtazapine mirtazapine odt misoprostol mitigare mitomycin mitoxantrone hcl mitrazol M-M-R II Página 134 de 143 # de página 93 64 63 64 79 79 79 79 95 72 61 57 57 57 9 9 9 56 92 73 73 27 27 27 27 27 27 84 84 84 84 53 28 73 76 73 16 63 73 73 73 21 21 76 28 32 32 27 90 Nombre del medicamento modafinil mometasone furoate monoject insulin syringe/detach needle/1ml/25g x 5/8" mononessa montelukast sodium morphine sulfate morphine sulfate er moxifloxacin hcl MOZOBIL MUCINEX D MULTAQ MULTI-DELYN/IRON multilex-t&m multiple vitamin mupirocin MURO 128 MUSTARGEN MYCAMINE MYCOBUTIN mycophenolate mofetil MYOFLEX nabumetone nadolol nadolol/bendroflumethiazide nafcillin sodium naftifine hcl NAFTIN NAGLAZYME nalbuphine hcl NALLPEN/DEXTROSE naloxone hcl naltrexone hcl NAMENDA NAMENDA TITRATION PAK naphazoline hcl naproxen naproxen dr naproxen sodium naratriptan hcl nasal spray extra moisturizing 12 hour NATACYN nateglinide natural balance tears natural fiber therapy natural mixed tocopherols natures tears NEBUPENT necon 0.5/35-28 # de página 102 80 93 84 98 4 3 15 110 100 56 115 115 115 9 94 30 27 29 89 119 2 57 57 14 27 27 69 4 14 5 5 21 21 94 2 2 2 28 101 27 47 94 73 115 94 34 84 Nombre del medicamento necon 1/35 necon 10/11-28 necon 7/7/7 nefazodone hcl neomycin sulfate neomycin/bacitracin/polymyxin neomycin/polymyxin b sulfates neomycin/polymyxin/bacitracin/hydrocortis one neomycin/polymyxin/dexamethasone neomycin/polymyxin/gramicidin neomycin/polymyxin/hc neomycin/polymyxin/hydrocortisone neomycin/polymyxin/hydrocortisone NEPHRAMINE NEPHRO-VITE NEULASTA NEUMEGA NEUPOGEN NEUPRO nevirapine nevirapine er NEXAVAR niacin niacin er niacin er NIACIN TR niacinamide niacor nicardipine hcl NICODERM CQ nicorelief NICORETTE NICORETTE MINI NICORETTE STARTER KIT nicotine nicotine polacrilex NICOTINE TRANSDERMAL SYSTEM NICOTROL NS nifedical xl nifedipine er NILANDRON NITRO-DUR nitrofurantoin macrocrystals nitrofurantoin monohydrate NITROGLYCERIN nitroglycerin transdermal NITROSTAT nora-be Página 135 de 143 # de página 84 84 84 21 7 94 8 9 95 94 96 9 96 110 116 51 51 51 35 42 42 33 62 62 116 116 116 62 59 5 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 59 59 30 62 9 9 62 62 63 85 Nombre del medicamento NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO norethindrone norethindrone acetate norethindrone acetate/ethinyl estradiol norlyroc normosol-m in d5w NORMOSOL-R NORMOSOL-R IN D5W nortrel 0.5/35 (28) nortrel 1/35 nortrel 7/7/7 nortriptyline hcl NORVIR novofine 32gx6mm NOVOLIN 70/30 NOVOLIN N NOVOLIN R NOVOLOG NOVOLOG FLEXPEN NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 PREFILLED FLEXPEN NOVOLOG PENFILL NOXAFIL NUEDEXTA nu-iron 150 NULOJIX NULYTELY/FLAVOR PACKS NUPERCAINAL NUTRADERM nutrilipid NUTRISOURCE FIBER NUTROPIN nyamyc nystatin nystatin/triamcinolone nystop OCEAN NASAL SPRAY octreotide acetate ocuvite extra ofloxacin OGESTREL olanzapine olanzapine odt olopatadine hcl OLYSIO omega-3-acid ethyl esters omeprazole ONCASPAR # de página 80 85 85 84 85 110 110 110 84 84 84 24 43 93 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 27 64 110 89 76 66 66 93 76 81 27 27 27 27 101 87 116 15 84 38 38 98 40 62 77 32 Nombre del medicamento ONCOVITE ondansetron hcl ondansetron odt one daily for women ONE-A-DAY WOMENS FORMULA ONFI ONGLYZA OPDIVO oralyte ORAP ORENCIA ORENITRAM organ-i nr orphenadrine citrate orphenadrine citrate er os-cal calcium + d3 oxacillin sodium oxaliplatin oxandrolone oxaprozin oxcarbazepine OXSORALEN OXTELLAR XR oxybutynin chloride oxybutynin chloride er oxycodone hcl oxycodone/acetaminophen oysco d oyster shell/vitamin d pacerone paclitaxel pain relieving rub pamidronate disodium PANCREAZE panoxyl PANRETIN pantoprazole sodium paromomycin sulfate paroxetine hcl paroxetine hcl er PASER PATANOL PAXIL PEDIA-LAX PEDIALYTE pediatric electrolyte pedi-boro soak paks pedi-dri PEDVAX HIB Página 136 de 143 # de página 116 25 25 116 116 17 47 34 110 37 89 100 101 101 101 110 14 32 81 2 19 66 20 77 77 4 4 110 110 56 32 66 92 69 66 34 77 8 23 23 29 95 23 73 110 111 66 27 91 Nombre del medicamento PEGANONE PEGASYS PEGASYS PROCLICK PEGINTRON PEG-INTRON PEG-INTRON REDIPEN penicillin g potassium PENICILLIN G POTASSIUM IN ISO-OSMOTIC DEXTROSE PENICILLIN G PROCAINE PENICILLIN G SODIUM penicillin v potassium PEN-KERA PENTAM 300 pentostatin pentoxifylline er peptic relief PEPTO-BISMOL PEPTO-BISMOL MAX STRENGTH peri-colace periguard periogard PERJETA permethrin perphenazine perphenazine/amitriptyline PETROLATUM PFIZERPEN-G phenadoz phenelzine sulfate phenobarbital PHENYLHISTINE DH PHENYTEK phenytoin phenytoin infatabs phenytoin sodium phenytoin sodium extended PHOS-NAK POWDER CONCENTRATE PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE physiolyte physiosol irrigation PICATO pilocarpine hcl pilocarpine hydrochloride PILOPINE HS pindolol pink bismuth pioglitazone hcl pioglitazone hcl/metformin hcl # de página 20 41 41 41 41 40 14 14 14 14 14 66 34 31 60 73 73 73 76 66 65 34 35 37 24 119 14 24 22 18 101 20 20 20 20 20 111 95 93 93 66 65 65 95 57 73 47 47 Nombre del medicamento piperacillin sodium/tazobactam sodium piroxicam PLASMA-LYTE A PLASMA-LYTE-148 PLASMA-LYTE-56/D5W podofilox polyethylene glycol 3350 polymyxin b sulfate polymyxin b sulfate/trimethoprim sulfate POLY-VI-SOL POLY-VI-SOL/IRON POMALYST portia-28 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE potassium chloride 0.15% /nacl 0.45% viaflex potassium chloride 0.15% d5w/nacl 0.33% potassium chloride 0.15% d5w/nacl 0.45% potassium chloride 0.15%/nacl 0.9% potassium chloride 0.22% d5w/nacl 0.45% POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 0.3%/ NACL 0.9% potassium chloride 0.3%/d5w potassium chloride er potassium chloride sr potassium citrate er POTIGA povidone-iodine PRADAXA pramegel pramipexole dihydrochloride pravastatin sodium prazosin hcl PRED-G PRED-G S.O.P. prednicarbate prednisolone acetate prednisolone sodium phosphate prednisolone sodium phosphate prednisone pregnyl w/diluent benzyl alcohol/nacl PREMARIN PREMASOL PREMPHASE PREMPRO PRENAPLUS prenatabs rx prenatal plus iron preparation h hydrocortisone Página 137 de 143 # de página 14 2 111 111 111 66 76 9 94 116 116 30 84 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 16 9 49 66 35 62 53 95 95 80 95 80 95 80 81 84 112 84 84 116 116 116 80 Nombre del medicamento prevalite previfem PREZCOBIX PREZISTA PRIFTIN PRILOSEC OTC PRIMAQUINE PHOSPHATE primidone PRIMSOL PRISTIQ PROAIR HFA PROAIR RESPICLICK probenecid probenecid/colchicine PROCAINAMIDE HCL PROCALAMINE PROCHLORPERAZINE EDISYLATE prochlorperazine maleate PROCRIT PROCTO-PAK proctosol hc proctozone-hc prodigy insulin mini pen needles/31g x 3/16" prodigy insulin short penneedles/31g x 5/16" PROFERRIN ES progesterone PROGLYCEM PROGRAF PROLASTIN-C PROLEUKIN PROLIA PROMACTA promethazine hcl promethazine vc plain promethegan PROMETRIUM propafenone hcl propranolol hcl propranolol hcl er propranolol/hydrochlorothiazide propylthiouracil PROQUAD PROSHIELD PLUS SKIN PROTECTANT PROSHIELD PROTECTIVE HANDCREAM prosight PROSOL # de página 62 85 43 43 29 77 35 18 10 23 99 99 28 28 56 112 37 37 51 80 80 80 93 93 119 85 47 89 101 32 92 52 24 101 25 85 56 57 57 57 88 91 67 67 116 112 Nombre del medicamento PROTONIX PROTOPIC protriptyline hcl PULMOZYME PURIXAN px iron pyrazinamide pyridostigmine bromide PYRIDOXINE HCL qc 3 día vaginal cream QC CALAMINE qc pink bismuth qc stool softener QUADRACEL quasense QUDEXY XR quetiapine fumarate quinapril hcl quinapril/hydrochlorothiazide QUINIDINE GLUCONATE quinidine gluconate cr quinidine sulfate quinidine sulfate er quinine sulfate ra vitamin e RABAVERT raloxifene hydrochloride ramipril RANEXA ranitidine 75 ranitidine hcl RAPAMUNE REBETOL REBIF REBIF REBIDOSE REBIF REBIDOSE TITRATION PACK REBIF TITRATION PACK RECOMBIVAX HB REFRESH REFRESH CELLUVISC refresh lacri-lube REFRESH LIQUIGEL REFRESH PLUS REFRESH TEARS reguloid RELENZA DISKHALER RELISTOR RELISTOR remedy antifungal Página 138 de 143 # de página 77 67 24 99 31 112 29 29 116 119 67 73 73 91 85 18 38 55 55 56 56 56 56 35 116 91 86 55 60 75 75 89 41 65 64 64 64 91 94 94 94 94 94 94 73 44 73 76 27 Nombre del medicamento REMICADE RENVELA repaglinide RESCRIPTOR reserpine RESTASIS RETROVIR IV INFUSION REVLIMID REXULTI REYATAZ ribasphere ribasphere ribapak ribavirin rifabutin rifampin RIFATER riluzole rimantadine hcl ringers injection ringers irrigation risedronate sodium RISPERDAL CONSTA risperidone risperidone odt RITUXAN rivastigmine tartrate rizatriptan benzoate rizatriptan benzoate odt robitussin maximum strength robitussin peak cold cough+ chest congestion dm ropinirole hcl ROTARIX ROTATEQ roxicet ROZEREM rulox rynex pse SABRIL SAIZEN SAIZEN CLICK.EASY salactic film saline mist saline nasal mist saline nasal spray SANTYL SAPHRIS SARNA SAVELLA # de página 89 78 47 42 53 94 42 30 39 43 41 41 41 29 29 29 64 44 112 93 92 39 39 39 34 21 28 28 101 101 36 91 91 4 102 73 98 18 81 81 67 101 101 101 67 39 67 64 Nombre del medicamento SAVELLA TITRATION PACK sb docusate sodium sb ear wax remover sb lice treatment sb milk of magnesia sb saline nose sb triple antibiotic sea soft nasal mist SEA-CLENS WOUND CLEANSER sebex selegiline hcl SELENIUM selenium sulfide SELZENTRY senexon senna senna lax senna laxative senna plus sennalax-s SENSI-CARE PROTECTIVE BARRIER SENSIPAR SEREVENT DISKUS SEROMYCIN SEROSTIM sertraline hcl sharobel silace sildenafil silphen dm cough silver sulfadiazine SILVERMED SIMULECT simvastatin sirolimus slo-niacin SLOW FE SLOW-MAG sm 3-day vaginal sm acid reducer sm antacid anti-gas sm antacid/antigas sm anti-diarrheal sm antifungal miconazole sm artificial tears sm athletes foot sm ballanced b-100 SM CALAMINE SM CALAMINE PHENOLATED Página 139 de 143 # de página 64 73 96 35 76 101 10 101 67 67 36 112 67 43 74 74 74 74 76 76 67 87 99 29 81 23 85 74 100 101 10 67 90 62 89 116 112 119 27 75 119 119 74 27 94 27 117 67 67 Nombre del medicamento sm calcium antacid sm clotrimazole vaginal sm complete advanced formula sm complete senior formula sm double antibiotic sm fiber sm fiber laxative sm fiber laxative sm first aid antibiotic sm gentle laxative SM GLUCOSE sm hydrocortisone sm miconazole 3 sm miconazole 7 sm milk of magnesia sm nasal decongestant pe sm nasal spray saline sm natural laxative plus stool softener sm nicotine sm nicotine polacrilex sm pain reliever pm extra strength sm pediatric electrolyte sm povidone-iodine sm redness relief sm senna laxative sm stomach relief sm stool softener sm stool softener plus laxative sm triple antibiotic sodium bicarbonate sodium chloride sodium chloride sodium chloride sodium chloride 0.45% viaflex sodium chloride 0.9% sodium fluoride SODIUM LACTATE sodium phenylbutyrate sodium polystyrene sulfonate sodium sulfacetamide SOLTAMOX soluble fiber SOLU-CORTEF SOLU-MEDROL SOMATULINE DEPOT SOMAVERT SORIATANE sorine sotalol hcl # de página 74 27 117 117 10 74 119 76 10 74 47 80 27 27 76 120 101 76 7 7 117 112 10 120 74 74 74 76 10 74 67 94 112 112 112 112 103 69 103 15 30 74 80 80 87 88 67 56 56 Nombre del medicamento sotalol hcl (af) SOVALDI SPIRIVA HANDIHALER SPIRIVA RESPIMAT spironolactone spironolactone/hydrochlorothiazide SPORANOX sprintec 28 SPRYCEL sronyx ssd stagesic STALEVO 100 STALEVO 125 STALEVO 150 STALEVO 200 STALEVO 50 STALEVO 75 stavudine sterile water irrigation STIMATE stimulant laxative STIVARGA stomach relief stomach relief maximum strength stool softener stool softener extra strength stool softener laxative stool softener laxative dc STRATTERA STREPTOMYCIN SULFATE STRIBILD STROMECTOL SUBOXONE SUCRAID sucralfate sulfacetamide sodium sulfacetamide sodium/prednisolone sodium phosphate sulfadiazine SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRI M sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim ds sulfasalazine sulfazine ec sulindac sumatriptan succinate sumatriptan succinate refill summers eve medicated Página 140 de 143 # de página 56 41 98 98 61 61 27 85 33 85 10 4 36 36 36 36 36 36 43 93 81 74 33 74 74 74 74 76 74 64 8 42 34 5 69 76 15 95 15 15 15 91 91 2 28 28 10 Nombre del medicamento SUPRAX sure-fine pen needles 31gx3/16" 5mm sure-fine pen needles 31gx5/16" 8mm surgilube SURMONTIL SUSTIVA SUTENT SWEEN CREAM SWIM EAR SYLATRON SYLVANT SYMBICORT SYMLINPEN 120 SYMLINPEN 60 SYNAGIS SYNAREL SYNERCID SYNRIBO SYNTHROID SYPRINE SYSTANE systane nighttime SYSTANE PRESERVATIVE FREE TABLOID tacrolimus tacrolimus TAFINLAR TALWIN TAMIFLU tamoxifen citrate tamsulosin hcl TANDEM TARCEVA TARGRETIN TASIGNA TASMAR TAVIST ALLERGY TAZORAC taztia xt tears naturale tears naturale forte tears naturale ii tears pure TEFLARO TEGRETOL TEGRETOL-XR TEKTURNA TEKTURNA HCT telmisartan # de página 12 93 93 77 24 42 33 67 96 32 34 97 47 47 90 88 10 32 86 103 94 94 94 31 67 89 33 4 44 30 77 112 33 34 33 35 98 67 59 95 94 94 95 13 20 20 60 60 54 Nombre del medicamento telmisartan/hydrochloroth telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide temazepam tencon TENIVAC terazosin hcl terbinafine hcl terbutaline sulfate terconazole testosterone cypionate testosterone enanthate TETANUS TOXOID ADSORBED TETANUS/DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS-ADSORBED ADULT TEV-TROPIN THALOMID THEO-24 theophylline theophylline cr theophylline er THERA M PLUS thera-derm thera-derm bath oil thera-gesic THERA-M therapeutic formula/hematinics THEREMS-M thiamine hcl thioridazine hcl thiotepa thiothixene thrive THYMOGLOBULIN THYROLAR-1 THYROLAR-1/2 THYROLAR-1/4 THYROLAR-2 THYROLAR-3 tiagabine hydrochloride ticlopidine hcl TIKOSYN TIMENTIN timolol maleate timolol maleate timolol maleate ophthalmic gel forming tinidazole TIVICAY tizanidine hcl TOBI PODHALER Página 141 de 143 # de página 54 54 102 1 91 77 27 99 28 82 82 91 91 81 30 99 100 99 99 117 67 67 67 117 117 117 117 37 30 37 7 90 87 86 86 87 87 18 53 56 14 57 96 95 35 42 40 99 Nombre del medicamento TOBRADEX tobramycin tobramycin sulfate TOBRAMYCIN SULFATE/SODIUM CHLORIDE tobramycin/dexamethasone tolbutamide tolcapone tolmetin sodium tolnaftate tolterodine tartrate tolterodine tartrate er topiramate topiramate er toposar topotecan hcl TORISEL TORSEMIDE tpn electrolytes TRACLEER TRADJENTA tramadol hcl tramadol hydrochloride/acetaminophen trandolapril tranexamic acid TRANSDERM-SCOP TRANS-VER-SAL PEDIAPATCH tranylcypromine sulfate TRAVASOL travel sickness trazodone hcl TREANDA TRECATOR TRELSTAR MIXJECT tretinoin tretinoin triamcinolone acetonide triamcinolone acetonide triamcinolone in orabase triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide triazolam triderm trifluoperazine hcl trifluridine trihexyphenidyl hcl trilyte trimethobenzamide hcl trimethoprim trimipramine maleate # de página 95 99 8 8 95 47 35 2 28 77 77 19 18 32 32 89 60 112 100 47 4 4 55 52 25 67 22 113 25 21 30 29 88 34 67 80 97 65 61 45 80 37 44 35 76 25 10 24 Nombre del medicamento trinessa triple antibiotic triple antibiotic plus tri-previfem TRISENOX tri-sprintec TRIUMEQ trivora-28 TRIXAICIN trixaicin hp TROKENDI XR TROPHAMINE TRUMENBA TRUVADA TUMS E-X 750 TUMS ULTRA 1000 TUSNEL TUSNEL PEDIATRIC TUSNEL-DM PEDIATRIC TWINRIX TYBOST TYGACIL TYKERB TYLENOL ARTHRITIS PAIN TYLENOL EXTRA STRENGTH TYLENOL SORE THROAT DÍATIME TYPHIM VI TYSABRI TYVASO TYZEKA TYZINE PEDIATRIC NASAL DROPS u-cort ulticare short pen needles 31gx8mm ulticare short pen needles ulti-fine iv unithroid ureacin-20 UROCIT-K 10 UROCIT-K 15 UROCIT-K 5 ursodiol UVADEX VAGISTAT-1 vagistat-3 valacyclovir hcl VALCHLOR VALCYTE valganciclovir valproate sodium valproic acid Página 142 de 143 # de página 85 10 10 85 32 85 43 85 120 67 19 113 91 43 74 74 101 101 101 91 43 10 34 1 1 1 91 65 100 40 101 80 93 93 87 67 113 113 113 74 67 28 28 44 30 40 40 18 18 Nombre del medicamento valsartan valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide vancomycin hcl vandazole VAQTA VARIVAX VARIZIG VECTIBIX VELCADE velivet VELVACHOL venlafaxine hcl venlafaxine hcl er VENOFER VENTOLIN HFA verapamil hcl verapamil hcl er verapamil hcl sr VEREGEN VERSACLOZ VIACTIV VICKS VAPORUB VICTRELIS VIDEX PEDIATRIC VIIBRYD VIMPAT VINATE ONE VINBLASTINE SULFATE vincristine sulfate vinorelbine tartrate VIRACEPT VIRAMUNE VIRAMUNE XR VIRAZOLE VIREAD VISTIDE VITAMAX vitamin a vitamin a & d vitamin b-1 vitamin b-12 vitamin b-6 vitamin c vitamin c cr vitamin d-1000 vitamin d3 vitamin d3 400 vitamin e VITAMIN K1 # de página 54 54 10 10 91 91 91 34 32 85 68 23 23 113 99 59 59 59 68 40 120 120 41 43 23 20 117 32 32 32 44 42 42 41 43 40 117 117 68 117 117 117 118 117 118 118 118 118 118 Nombre del medicamento vitamins & minerals VITEKTA vol-tab rx VOLTAREN voriconazole VOTRIENT VP-PNV-DHA VPRIV warfarin sodium WELCHOL WIBI womens daily formula/folic acid/calcium/iron XALKORI XARELTO XARELTO STARTER PACK XENAZINE XGEVA XIFAXAN XOLAIR XOPENEX XOPENEX HFA XTANDI xulane XYLOCAINE-MPF XYREM YERVOY YF-VAX zafirlukast zaleplon ZALTRAP ZANOSAR ZANTAC ZAVESCA zeasorb-af ZELAPAR ZELBORAF ZEMAIRA ZENPEP ZETIA ZIAGEN zidovudine zinc zinc gluconate zinc oxide zinc sulfate ZINC TRACE METAL ZINECARD ziprasidone hcl Página 143 de 143 # de página 118 42 118 68 28 34 118 69 49 62 68 118 34 50 50 64 92 10 101 99 99 30 85 5 102 34 91 98 102 32 30 75 69 28 36 34 101 69 62 43 43 113 101 68 113 120 32 39 Nombre del medicamento ZMAX zoledronic acid ZOLINZA zolpidem tartrate zolpidem tartrate er ZOMETA ZONALON zonisamide ZORBTIVE ZORTRESS ZOSTAVAX ZOSTRIX DIABETIC FOOT PAIN ZOSYN zovia 1/35e zovia 1/50e ZOVIRAX ZUBSOLV ZYDELIG ZYFLO CR ZYKADIA ZYPREXA RELPREVV ZYTIGA ZYVOX # de página 15 92 32 102 102 92 68 17 81 89 91 68 14 85 85 44 5 32 98 32 39 30 10 999 Oakmont Plaza Drive Westmont, IL 60559 Teléfono: 877-941-0482 TTY: 711 http://mmp.illinicare.com PARA PEDIR INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL, llame a Servicios para afiliados al 1-877-941-0482 de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m., siete días a la semana. Usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711. Los fines de semana y feriados federales, se le puede pedir que deje un mensaje. Su llamada será devuelta dentro del próximo día hábil. 00015549, Número de versión 21 Actualizado 10/01/2015 © 2015 IlliniCare HealthPlan. All rights reserved.
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