1 SAIB 2015 - Preliminary Program TUESDAY, November 3, 2015 14:00 REGISTRATION 17:00-19:00 ROUND TABLE PLATAFORMAS TECNOLOGICAS (MINCYT): unidades de apoyo a la investigación, al desarrollo y a la innovación tecnológica - Carlos E. A. Cassanello Director General del FONCyT, Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica - Plataforma argentina de Biología Estructural y Metabolómica - Consorcio argentino de Tecnología Genómica - Centro de Estudios Químicos y Biológicos por Espectrometría de Masas - Plataforma de Células Madre reprogramadas humanas - Plataforma de Bioinformática argentina OPENING LECTURE “HECTOR TORRES” LECTURE - Lutz Birnbaumer Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas (IIB-INTECH), Argentina http://irp.nih.gov/pi/lutz-birnbaumer 19:00-20:00 20:30 COCKTAIL WEDNESDAY, November 4, 2015 09:00-11:00 SYMPOSIA Room A CELL BIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM - Rafael Radi Universidad de la República, Uruguay http://www.bioquimica.fmed.edu.uy/Integrantes%20English%20G5.html - Sergio Lavandero Universidad de Chile, Chile http://www.cellsignalinglab.cl/sergio-lavandero.html 2 - George Perry Texas University, San Antonio, USA http://bio.utsa.edu/faculty-staff/dr.-george-perry/ - Gyorgy Hajnoczky Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA http://www.jefferson.edu/university/jmc/departments/pathology/faculty/hajnoczky.html Room B SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION SYMPOSIUM - Gabriela Amodeo FCEN, UBA, Argentina http://www.dbbe.fcen.uba.ar/objetos/lab-de-fisiologia-vegetal-P169.html - Pablo Wappner Instituto Leloir, Argentina http://www.leloir.org.ar/wappner/ - Carla V Finkielstein Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA http://www.faculty.biol.vt.edu/finkielstein/ - To be confirmed 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 COFFEE BREAK PLENARY LECTURE - Thomas Jentsch Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie, Germany http://www.fmp-berlin.info/research/molecular-physiology-and-cell-biology/research-groups/jentsch/homegroup.html 13:00 15:00-16:45 LUNCH ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Room A, Room B and Room C 17:00-18:00 “SOLS” LECTURE - Xosé Bustelo Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC, España http://www.cicancer.org/es/investigador/53/dr-xose-rbustelo 18:00 COFFEE BREAK 18:00-20:30 POSTERS SECTION 3 THURSDAY, November 5, 2015 Room A MICROBIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM - Andrea Smania CIQUIBIC, Córdoba, Argentina http://ciquibic.fcq.unc.edu.ar/integrantes/smania-andrea/ - Claudia Studdert IIB, Mar del Plata, Argentina http://www.iib.org.ar/curriculum.php?id=38 - Carlos Jerez Universidad de Chile, Chile http://www.ciencias.uchile.cl/doctbiolog/carlos_jerez.htm - Sara Soto Universitat de Barcelona, ISGlobal, Spain http://www.isglobal.org/ Room B LIPID SYMPOSIUM - Gabriela A. Salvador INIBIBBB, Bahía Blanca, Argentina http://www.conicet.gov.ar/new_scp/detalle.php?id=20325&datos_academicos=yes - Marcelo D. Costabel IFISUR, Bahía Blanca, Argentina http://www.frbb.utn.edu.ar/comun/cv/cv-marcelo_costabel.pdf - Adrian Salic Harvard Medical School, USA https://salic.med.harvard.edu/ - James Ntambi University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA https://biochem.wisc.edu/faculty/ntambi 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 13:00 15:00-16:45 COFFEE BREAK PLENARY LECTURE - Michael Knop University of Heidelberg, Germany http://www.zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de/knop/ LUNCH ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Room A, Room B and Room C 4 17:00-18:00 “RANWEL CAPUTTO” LECTURE - Armando J. Parodi Instituto Leloir, Argentina http://www.leloir.org.ar/parodi/ 18:00 COFFEE BREAK 18:00-20:30 POSTERS SECTION 20:30 SAIB GENERAL ASSEMBLY FRIDAY, November 6, 2015 Room A TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM - Hugo Luján CEDEI, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina http://ucccor.academia.edu/HugoDanielLujan - Juliana Cassataro IIB-INTECH, Argentina http://www.iib.unsam.edu.ar/web/inmunologia2.php - Uri Saragovi Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Canada https://www.mcgill.ca/pharma/facultystaff/faculty/uri-saragovi - To be confirmed Room B PLANT SYMPOSIUM - Pablo Cerdan Instituto Leloir, Argentina http://www.leloir.org.ar/cerdan/ - Claudia Casalongué Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas, Mar del Plata, Argentina http://www.iib.org.ar/curriculum.php?id=10 - Vanesa Tognetti Central European Institute of Technology, Czech Republic http://www.ceitec.eu/vanesa-beatriz-tognetti-ph-d/u17548 - Bernd Mueller-Roeber Universität Potsdam, Germany http://www.uni-potsdam.de/index.php?id=12402 11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK 5 11:30-12:30 13:00 15:00-16:45 PLENARY LECTURE - Barry Rosen Florida International University, USA http://chemistry.fiu.edu/faculty/barry-rosen/ LUNCH ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Room A, Room B and Room C 17:00-18:00 “EMBO” LECTURE - Chris Bowler Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France http://www.ibens.ens.fr/spip.php?rubrique36&lang=en 18:00 COFFEE BREAK 18:00-20:30 POSTERS SECTION 22:00 CLOSING CEREMONY AND AWARDS CLOSING DINNER
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