Scientific Committee for the Symposium: Gema Escobar (President), Carmen Fuentelsaz Gallego, Pilar Córcoles Jiménez, Ana Belén Pérez Jiménez, Mª Dolores Castillo Bueno, Heather Loveday, Miloslav Klugar, Joao Apostolo, Pamela Kirkpatrick. Organizing committee for the Symposium: Esther González (President), Teresa Moreno, Laura Albornos, David López, Marian Cidoncha Moreno, Serafín Fernández Salazar, José Luis Cobo and Kay Cooper. The submission deadline will open the 1st October. Abstracts shall be sent via the submission site before the closing date for all submissions: December 30th 2015 (20:00GMT). We won’t admit abstracts that have not been sent through the site. Se deberá enviar el resumen a través del formulario de envío de resúmenes a partir del 01/10/2015 y antes del 30/12/2015 (20:00 GMT). No se aceptarán resúmenes que no hayan sido enviados a través del mismo. Free registration until full capacity (120 attendees) Inscripción gratuita hasta completar aforo (120 personas) Out of respect for the enviroment throw me into the trash Venue: Salón de actos Ernest Luch. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid JBI European Region Best Practices Symposium 2016 #JBIEU16 GOBIERNO DE ESPAÑA MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD Instituto de Salud Carlos III Centro Colaborador Español del JBI C/ Monforte de Lemos, 5. Pabellón 13 28029 MADRID [email protected] /[email protected] Madrid. Spain 27-28th of April 2016 Steve Hanney Doris Grinspun Emeritus Professor. Health Economics Research Group. Brunel University London. RN, MSN, PhD, LLD(hon), O.ONT. Chief Executive Officer of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). Javier Zamora Zachary Munn Head of the Clinical Biostatistics Unit. Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Madrid. Spain. Senior Lecturer - Queen Mary University London. CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health. Director of Transfer Science. The Joanna Briggs Institute. The University of Adelaide. Wednesday April 27th Thusday April 28th Miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016 Jueves 28 de abril de 2016 9:30h-10:00h Registration 8:30h-9:00h Registration. Registro. Welcome 9:00h-9:15h Welcome. Bienvenida. 10:10h-10:15h Concurrent session 1. Implementation of Best Practices 9:15h-10:00h Plenary session. Implementation of best practices 10:15h-11:30h Registro Bienvenida Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 gr a • • • • • m Mesa de comunicaciones 1. Implentación de buenas prácticas Time for questions/discussion Concurrent session 2. Systematic reviews Mesa de comunicaciones 2. Revisiones sistemática • Student 1 • Student 2 • Student 3 • Student 4 • Student 5 Time for questions/discussion Tiempo de preguntas/discusión 13:45h 15:00h-17:30h tp Café / Póster af 12:15h-13:45h Coffee / Poster view Dr 11:30h ro Tiempo de preguntas/discusión Lunch Almuerzo Methodological Workshop Taller metodológico • Types of systematic reviews • SUMARI Software Note: A methods assessment office will be available for all students from 10:00 to 14:00 (registration is needed and available at Doris Grinspun, Chief Executive Officer. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). Sesión plenaria. Implantación de buenas prácticas 10:00h-10:15h Student oral presentation. Comunicación oral estudiantes. 10:15h-11:15h Concurrent session 1. Methods panel: Implementation. Heather Loveday: Working with people outside. Bridgie Kent: Models. Esther González: Framework. Mesa Comunicación 1. 11:15h 11:45h-12:30h Coffee / Poster view. Café / Póster. Plenary session. Including Observation studies in Systematic Reviews Javier Zamora, Madrid Cochrane Collaboration Centre. 12:30h-12:45h Sesión plenaria. Revisiones Sistemáticas de estudios de observacionales. Student oral presentation. Comunicación oral estudiantes. 12:45h-13:45h Concurrent session 2. Methods panel: Synthesis. 13:45h Judith Carrier: Scoping reviews. Sasja Jul Håkonsen: Diagnosis test reviews. Methods group: Mix Methods review (to be confirmed). Mesa Comunicación 2. Lunch. Almuerzo. 14:45h-15:45h Plenary session. Health Impact Evalutation. 15:45h-16:00h Sesión plenaria. Evaluación de impacto en Salud. Student oral presentation. Comunicación oral estudiantes. 16:00h-17:00h Closing conference: JBI Model and Systematic Reviews. Steve Hanney. Health Economics Research Group (HERG). Zachary Munn. JBI Director of Transfer Science. Conferencia de clausura. Modelo JBI y revisiones sistemáticas.
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