AUG 14, 2015 Gatun Lake levels are so low this year that the view in front of Barro Colorado Island in August is what we usually see in April, at the end of Panama’s dry season. Photo credit: Steve Paton Este año, los niveles del Lago Gatún están tan bajos que esta vista frente a Isla Barro Colorado tomada en agosto, es lo que generalmente se puede observar al final de la estación seca en abril. Dry through July Full story: SEMINARS TUPPER SEMINAR Tue., Aug. 18, 4pm Steve Yanoviak University of Louisville Tupper Auditorium Functional ecology in the forest canopy: connecting lightning, lianas, and ants BAMBI SEMINAR Thu., Aug. 18, 7:15pm Alexander Shenkin University of Oxford Barro Colorado Island Tree Crown Allometries from the Andes to the Amazon Imagen cortesía de: Steve Paton WHAT’S HAPPENING AT STRI? FIELD COURSES and SPECIAL EVENTS University of California, Riverside Tropical Ecology Field Course 26 JULY-22 AUG Contact person: Louis Santiago Golden Frog Festival 14-30 AUG Contact person: Jimena Pitty University of Oregon Marine Biology Field Course 29 AUG -12 SEP Bocas del Toro Marine Station Contact person: Richard Emlet DEPARTURES ARRIVALS Marco Tschapka University of Ulm Ecology and species barriers in emerging viral diseases Barro Colorado Island Areli Benito Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Measuring the seasonal rhythms of leafing, flowering, and fruiting in tropical landscapes using unmanned aerial vehicles and computer vision Barro Colorado Island John Choat James Cook University Mechanisms of speciation in parrotfishes Naos Marine Lab Georgina Davey University of Reading Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project Gamboa Nucharin Songsasen Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Sensory systems of nocturnal and diurnal bees Panama Katharine Milton University of California – Berkeley Vicente Jaramillo Factors Affecting the Population Dynamics of the Barro Colorado Island Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) with special interest in generic diversity and bot fly parasites Alouattamyia (Cuterebra) baeri Barro Colorado Island Emily Smith Effects of hypoxia on the distribution of planktonic larvae in the Tropical Caribbean Bocas del Toro Rachel Collin To Bocas Del Toro For the Marine Invertebrate Larval DNA barcoding Aleksandra Bielnicka To Devon, UK For training at Rothamsted Research Ben Turner To Devon, UK For meetings at Rothamsted Research Hector Guzman To Changuinola, Bocas Del Toro For the trilogy tagging project Mario Bailon To Los Santos For Inventory of secondary forests Samuel Montenegro and Raul Reyes To Cincinnati, OH For training on So-Low equipment at the SO-LOW Equipment Co PUBLICATIONS Gignoux-Wolfsohn, S. A.; Vollmer, S. V. 2015. Identification of Candidate Coral Pathogens on White Band Disease-Infected Staghorn Coral. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134416 Harte, J.; Rominger, A.; Zhang, W. 2015. Integrating macroecological metrics and community taxonomic structure. Ecology Letters. DOI: 10.1111/e12489 Walker, L. M.; Leontyev, D. V.; Stephenson, S. L. 2015. Perichaena longipes, a new myxomycete from the Neotropics. Mycologia. DOI: 10.3852/14-330 Sheehan, M. J.; Botero, C. A.; Hendry, T. A.; Sedio, B. E.; Jandt, J. M.; Weiner, S.; Toth, A. L.; Tibbetts, E. A. 2015. Different axes of environmental variation explain the presence vs. extent of cooperative nest founding associations in Polistes paper wasps. Ecology Letters. DOI: 10.1111/ele.12488 Chaves-Fonnegra, A.; Feldheim, K. A.; Lopez, J. V. 2015. Population structure and dispersal of the coralexcavating sponge Cliona delitrix. Molecular Ecology 24: 1447-1466. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13134 TODAY IS NATIONAL GOLDEN FROG DAY! HOY ES EL DÍA NACIONAL DE LA RANA DORADA #ranaticos Atelopus zeteki Sábado, 15 de agosto 11am–3pm ¡Diversión para toda la familia! Actividades recreativas y didácticas para los asistentes; juegos para niños; intervenciones artísticas; exhibiciones y proyecciones por el Centro de Conservación de Anfibios del Valle (EVACC); venta de comidas y bebidas, diversión para toda la familia y la Rana Dorada en persona! SmithsonianPanama Viernes, 14 de agosto 9am Desfile Civico Organiza el Comité El Valle de Antón PuntaCulebra Información: [email protected] Tel. 212-8793 Stri_panama #ranaticos Atelopus zeteki Calzada de Amador, Panamá Domingo, 16 de agosto 11am–4pm ¡Diversión para toda la familia! Actividades: Conoce a expertos en ranas. Concurso de disfraces: ¡Sé un superhéroe de las ranas por un dia! Exhibición Fabulosas Ranas de Panamá | Pelicula: Mision Critica ¡La Rana Dorada en persona, disfraces, pinta de mascaras, juegos, venta de comidas y bebidas y mas! SmithsonianPanama PuntaCulebra Información: [email protected] Tel. 212-8793 Stri_panama #ranaticos Atelopus zeteki Biomuseo, Calzada de Amador, Panamá Miércoles, 19 de agosto 7–10pm Exhibición de ranas vivas, conoce a expertos en ranas, rifa, Photo Booth y más. SmithsonianPanama PuntaCulebra Información: [email protected] Tel. 212-8793 Stri_panama
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